VE :: Volume #8 三阶首战影之忍者

#710: Ninja World accident with coming Quest

Le Yuan also had Hinata the time the village cultivation time indeed to grow a point, besides travelling Ninja World continent for a year, they nearly treated a entire year in Moon. Hinata regarding the Tenseigan eyes power absorption efficiency can say that was above the imagination of Le Yuan. 乐渊还有雏田的这次出村修炼时间的确是长了一点,除了游历忍界大陆的一年之外,他们近乎在月球待了一整年。雏田对于转生眼瞳力的吸收效率可以说超乎了乐渊的想象。 At first Hinata can merely disposable absorbent half person of share eyes power, here half person of complete eyes power that refers to normal grown Hyūga Clan Byakugan having, can absorb so many eyes power already regarding less than 15 years old of Hinata is the good bearing capacity, but then the Hinata absorption efficiency is to make Le Yuan praise to the heavens truly. 起初雏田仅仅是能够一次性吸收半人份的瞳力,这里的半人指的是一个正常成年日向一族白眼所拥有的全部瞳力,对于15岁不到的雏田而言能够吸收这么多的瞳力已经算是不错的承载能力,不过接下来雏田的吸收效率才算真正令乐渊叹为观止。 Absorbed Tenseigan eyes power not to represent Hinata to change into oneself to use him, transported eyes power from Le Yuan to Hinata absorbs this to her own is completely a process, from the beginning Hinata wanted to conduct the next round absorption to pass at least for 3 days. 吸收了转生眼瞳力并不代表着雏田就能够将其化为己用,从乐渊瞳力输送给雏田到她自己完全吸收这是一个过程,一开始雏田想要进行下一轮吸收最起码要度过三天。 However over time, has looked on the Ōtsutsuki Toneri also inconceivable transformation of the beginning Hinata this not awfully behavior to eyes power absorbed regretting, eyes power that after all in this giant Tenseigan contains is his ancestor remains, now is absorbed by Hinata this bystander, how this can not make him feel a pity. 不过随着时间的流逝,一直旁观雏田这不要命行为的大筒木舍人也从一开始的不可思议转变为对瞳力被吸收的惋惜,毕竟这枚巨型转生眼中蕴含的瞳力可是他祖先留下来的,现在就被雏田这个外人吸收了,这怎能不令他感到可惜。 However this being a pity has not continued many days, constantly was absorbed by Hinata along with eyes power, Ōtsutsuki Toneri also becomes more and more numb. He was shocked early this month thoroughly in the seventh moon/month, Hyūga Hinata awakened thoroughly Tenseigan in his front. In that moment that Hinata awakens, Ōtsutsuki Toneri and Le Yuan felt that one side giant Tenseigan is shivering. 不过这种可惜也没有持续多少日子,伴随着瞳力不断被雏田吸取,大筒木舍人也变得越来越麻木。就在第七个月月初他是彻底被震撼到了,日向雏田在他的面前彻底觉醒了转生眼。在雏田觉醒的那一刻,大筒木舍人乐渊都感觉到一旁的巨型转生眼正在颤抖。 Hinata Tenseigan perhaps is because absorbed the giant Tenseigan eyes power reason, her pair of Tenseigan appearance is almost the same as nearby Tenseigan actually. The pure white pupil in addition golden six flowers, have the blood-color six flowers of air/Qi of boundless blood killing compared with Le Yuan that her golden six flower pupils actually seem more elegant. 雏田转生眼或许是因为吸收了巨型转生眼瞳力的缘故,她的这一双转生眼的样子倒是和旁边的转生眼相差无几。纯白的瞳孔外加金色的六花,比起乐渊那带有无边血杀之气的血色六花,她的金色六花瞳孔却显得更加雍容华贵。 Awakening Tenseigan merely is a start, then situation also expected compared with Le Yuan is better, after awakening Tenseigan Hinata regarding the absorbancy of eyes power leapt again, moreover her Tenseigan did not have limit probably is deriving nearby giant Tenseigan eyes power, does not know that was because really Hinata has Byakugan Princess hidden talent, this huge Tenseigan seemed like Hinata birth. 觉醒转生眼仅仅是一个开始,当时的情况比起乐渊预料得还要好,在觉醒了转生眼之后雏田对于瞳力的吸收能力再一次飞跃,而且她的转生眼像是没有极限似的汲取着旁边的巨型转生眼瞳力,也不知是不是真由于雏田有着“白眼姬”的隐藏天赋,这巨大的转生眼就像是为雏田而诞生似的。 Entire one year later, this huge Tenseigan then becomes one only to have the little Strength skulls, most eyes power already entered in Hinata Tenseigan. However present Hinata also extremely in young, after she absorbed so huge eyes power, can transfer little Strength merely, but did not mean that so many Strength all are the white absorptions, at least her already can the freedom makes the switch over between Byakugan and Tenseigan, this can effectively avoid the unnecessary trouble for her. 当整整一年之后,这巨大转生眼便成为了一个只剩下少许力量的空壳,绝大多数的瞳力已经进入到了雏田转生眼中。不过现在的雏田还太过于年轻,她吸收了如此庞大的瞳力之后仅仅能够调动少许的力量,但是并不是说这么多力量全都是白吸收的,最起码她已经能够自由在白眼转生眼之间做出切换,这能够有效替她避免不必要的麻烦。 When the event of Moon ended, Le Yuan also Ōtsutsuki Toneri putting, but goes to Earth to tie up the person to gouge the eyes for the avoidable later this boy again, Le Yuan thoroughly revised his memory one side, making his outlook on life and values a five good youngster. 而当月球的事件结束,乐渊也将大筒木舍人给放了,不过为了避免以后这小子再去地球绑人挖眼,乐渊将他的记忆彻底修改了一边,让他的人生观、价值观成为了一个五好少年。 When comes when troubles returns easily, has Earth existence on space and time anchor symbol, Le Yuan Spatial Displacement can definitely support him to bring Hinata to return to Earth on, moreover Tenseigan similar bringing of Hinata looks for the long-distance range space transmission, if not she regarding control of this ability is not very good, Le Yuan had really not minded that makes her practice one time. 来时麻烦回时易,有着地球上的时空锚记号的存在,乐渊空间移动完全能够支持他带着雏田返回到地球上,而且雏田转生眼同样自带找远距离空间传送,如果不是她对于这能力的把控不是很好,乐渊还真不介意让她实践一次。 However although comes back easily, however more than one year do not see, entire Ninja World actually already in had startled huge matters quietly. 不过虽然回来得容易,但是一年多时间不见,整个忍界已经在悄然之间发生了一桩桩惊天大事。 Matter must trace Le Yuan to bring Hinata to go to since the third month of Moon, the beginning of matter happened in Land of Lightning Kumogakure. At that time was attacked in Quest as Kumogakure secret weapon Jinchūriki Nii Yugito of Two-Tails Matatabi mystically, attacked Nii Yugito defeat stupor enough lethargic sleep one month then regained consciousness from the stupor. 事情还要追溯到乐渊带着雏田前往月球的第三个月起,事情的起点发生在雷之国云忍村。当时作为云忍村秘密兵器的二尾猫又人柱力二位柚木门在一次任务中神秘遇袭,遭到袭击的二位柚木门战败昏迷足足昏睡了一个月的时间这才从昏迷中苏醒。 If merely is Jinchūriki the attack is also not enough to cause the stir, after all Jinchūriki can display tailed beast many strengths to be related with their ability, although Nii Yugito powerful however is counted Matatabi Strength at most also only then Kage Level crosses the threshold, can only say expert that have several is not invincible. 如果仅仅是人柱力遇袭事件还不足以引起轰动,毕竟人柱力能够发挥尾兽的多少实力和他们自身的能力有关,二位柚木门虽然强大但是算上猫又力量顶多也就只有影级入门,只能说有数的高手却绝非无敌。 However the most essential reason as Jinchūriki key tailed beast after Nii Yugito was defeated vanished. As Jinchūriki, tailed beast was equivalent to that moment of their within the body by the seal the life contacts with it, once tailed beast took out, then announced that his life will soon terminate. 不过最关键的一个原因就是作为人柱力的关键尾兽二位柚木门被击败后消失了。作为人柱力,尾兽被封印于他们体内的那一刻就相当于把生命与之联系,一旦尾兽被取出,那么便宣告他的生命即将完结。 To take out and preserve life this tailed beast in entire Ninja World is the things that impossible completes, special Uzumaki Clan, because their bodies can have the suppression to tailed beast at the same time in a short time undying is well-known, but cannot achieve to extract tailed beast but undying. 想要将尾兽取出又保住性命这在整个忍界都是不可能完成的事情,也只有特殊的漩涡一族由于他们的身体能够对尾兽产生压制的同时短时间内不死而闻名,但也做不到抽出尾兽不死 It can be said that the Two-Tails Matatabi robbed matter triggered the big tumult in Kumogakure, but fourth generation Raikage depended on his prestige temporary to block off the flow of news, the entire village is catching up silently, is searching for the news of raider. 可以说二尾猫又被抢夺的事情在云忍村引发了大骚动,不过四代目雷影靠着他的威信暂时性地封锁了消息,整个村子都在默默发力,搜寻着袭击者的消息。 Misfortune never singly comes, when the Cloud Ninja secret investigation Land of Earth Iwagakure Jinchūriki Rōshi was attacked by unclear personnel similarly, is similar to a on person Yugito situation, attacked Rōshi lost Four-Tails Son Gokū similarly, the only good news was Rōshi preserved a oneself life. 祸不单行,就在云忍们秘密调查的时候土之国岩隐村人柱力老紫同样遭到了不明人员的袭击,和上一个人柚木门的情况非常相似,被袭击的老紫同样失去了四尾孙悟空,唯一的好消息就是老紫保住了自己一条命。 One two have three, the following Jinchūriki that encountered the violent treachery, first was Five-Tails Kokuō, was one's turn Six-Tails Saiken, later even Seven-Tails Chōmei was attacked. This crowd looks like very troublesome character not to have resistivity in major ninja village probably, in hand that fell on the raider. 有一有二就有三,接下来的人柱力那是一个个遭到了毒手,先是五尾穆王,紧接着又轮到了六尾犀犬,随后连七尾重明都遭到了袭击。这一群在各大忍村看来非常麻烦的人物像是没有抵抗力似的,一个个倒在了袭击者的手上。 When major ninja village responded, they discovered that originally one and vanished in as if continually Three-Tails Isobu of wild condition without the trace, entire Ninja World has not been attacked then was only left over Kumogakure Eight-Tails Gyūki, Sunagakure One-Tail Shukaku, as well as Konoha Nine-Tails Kurama. 当各大忍村反应过来的时候,他们才发现原来在不知不觉间似乎连野生状态的三尾矶抚都一并消失无踪,整个忍界还没有遭到袭击的便只剩下云忍村八尾牛鬼,砂隐村一尾守鹤,以及木叶九尾九喇嘛 Initiates six tail Beast God secret of Ninja World war to be missing sufficiently, but several big ninja village do not have the clue to the raider until now, actually even the raider is male is female, is a person is an organization behavior is not clear, can only wait for that attacks next time passively. 足以引发忍界大战的六只尾兽神秘失踪,而几大忍村直到现在还对袭击者全无线索,连袭击者究竟是男是女,是一个人还是一个组织所为都不清楚,只能够被动地等待下一次袭击的发生。 Now regarding following three Jinchūriki, three big ninja village it can be said that bets the dignity of village to make the most comprehensive protection. These three Jinchūriki leave always in the strictest protection, let alone is the village, including acts Anbu accompanying of some villages in the village. 现在对于接下来的三个人柱力,三大忍村可以说是赌上了村子的尊严做出了最为全面的守护。这三名人柱力无时无刻不出在最为严密的保护中,别说是出村子,连在村子里面行动都有各村的暗部随行。 However as attacked several Jinchūriki gradually revive, the true colors of raider also disclosed finally. According to Two-Tails Jinchūriki Yugito, Four-Tails Jinchūriki Rōshi and Five-Tails Jinchūriki Han that three people of recollections already regains consciousness, major ninja village draw a conclusion, attacking this crowd of Jinchūriki is not an organization, merely is a person. 不过随着被袭击的几个人柱力逐渐苏醒过来,袭击者的真面目也终于披露了出来。根据已经苏醒的二尾人柱力柚木门四尾人柱力老子五尾人柱力汉三人的回忆,各大忍村得出一个结论,袭击这群人柱力并非是一个组织,仅仅是一个人而已。 According to three people of recollections, they carry out Quest on the way are attracted by a shadow, later met a black robe person who brings the vortex mask. That black robe portrait does not fear their Ninjutsu completely, in a short time displayed Five Elements Release Technique, not only chakra was much bigger even faintly is that influential the ability their within the body tailed beast chakra operated. 据三人的回忆,他们都是在执行任务的途中被一道黑影所吸引,随后遇见了一名带着漩涡型面具的黑袍人。那名黑袍人像是完全不惧他们的忍术似的,在短时间内施展出了五行遁术,不仅查克拉大得惊人甚至隐隐有影响他们体内尾兽查克拉运行的能力。 Although the mask person packages completely in the black robe, but according to three people of recollection this person of ages should not be big, height in one meter six over appearance. Really must say that the words of what characteristics, that is his goal is the revenge, disclosed the tone words that from the mask person, he as if wanted to collect tailed beast Strength to take revenge to somebody. 虽然面具人完全包裹在黑袍之中,但是根据三人的回忆此人年龄应该不会太大,身高在一米六出头的样子。真要说有什么特点的话,那就是他的目的是复仇,从面具人透露的口气话语来看,他似乎想要收集尾兽力量向某个人复仇。 Just returned to Konoha Le Yuan also to obtain this news, in initially after hearing to the news of mask person he even thinks that this is Uchiha Obito does the ghost, but later then his cleaning brain outside. After all Demonic Statue of the Outer Path of this world treats well in Moon, this explained all Uchiha Madara already was thorough, such being the case Uchiha Obito also impossible played dead to shun the world safe and sound. 刚刚回到木叶乐渊同样得到了这消息,在初一听到面具人的这个消息时他甚至以为这是宇智波带土搞得鬼,不过随后便不由将其扫除脑外。毕竟这个世界的外道魔像可是好好地待在月球,这无不说明宇智波斑已经彻底死了,既然如此宇智波带土不可能安然无恙地假死避世。 Ruled out this world Uchiha Obito possibility, Le Yuan focused in Uchiha Obito of another world. After all such bewildered character impossible comes suddenly. But its characteristics, Uchiha Obito of actually another world can achieve. After all must say the possibility, has him of space Sharingan ability to have this ability and opportunity arrives at this world. 排除了这个世界宇智波带土的可能性,乐渊将目光放在了另一个世界的宇智波带土身上。毕竟这么一个莫名其妙的人物不可能突然现身。而其身上的特征,倒是另一个世界的宇智波带土能够做到的。毕竟要说可能性,有着空间写轮眼能力的他有这能力和机会来到这个世界。 In Le Yuan of Konoha standby is knowing quickly anything is called the misfortune never singly comes, Quest of system delivers, but is actually punishes Quest 正在木叶待命的乐渊很快就知道什么叫做祸不单行,系统的任务送上门来了,不过却是个惩罚任务 the B world punishes Quest rebellion the darkness of world b世界惩罚任务暴动的世界之暗 Quest Description: Because your private behavior caused two world to produce overlapping, causing the individual to have the dislocation to receive the pinnacle the dark influence, the mutation is affecting some individual spirit 任务描述:由于你的私人行为导致两个世界产生了交叉,导致个体产生了错位受到极致之暗的影响,异变正在影响某个个体的精神 Quest request: Before this/should individual kills "oneself" completely, defeats the darkness, eliminates the pinnacle the dark influence( Konoha was achieved 20% Quest Failure by attrition rate) 任务要求:在该个体完全杀死“自己”之前,将黑暗击败,清除极致之暗的影响(木叶受损率达到20%则任务失败) Quest Reward: the B world advancement 0.1, Experience Point 100, Quest Failure destroys on above a player C level to equip randomly 任务奖励:b世界进程点1,经验值100,任务失败随机破坏玩家身上的一件c级以上装备 This Quest sudden appears gives Le Yuan many prompts actually, particularly before the recombination , the tailed beast hunted situation of obtaining, Le Yuan thinks some movie version storyline as if the present situation is similar. 这个任务的突然出现倒是给乐渊不少的提示,尤其是再结合之前得到的尾兽被狩猎的情况,乐渊想到了某个剧场版剧情似乎和现在的情况非常相似。 The road of Ninja, Limited Tsukuyomi Uzumaki Naruto had also once come across the similar issue. Arrived at Naruto and Sakura of Limited Tsukuyomi world replaced in that world, what displaced was Tsukuyomi Sakura went to Naruto their world, but Tsukuyomi Menma( Naruto in the name of Tsukuyomi world) had not been pushed to another world. 忍者之路,中了限定月读漩涡鸣人也曾遇到过相似的问题。来到限定月读世界的鸣人小樱代替了那个世界的自己,不过取而代之的是月读小樱去了鸣人他们的世界,而月读面麻(鸣人月读世界的名字)则没有被挤到另一个世界去。 On the contrary the Menma not only character big change raised directly swept across the entire Ninja World tide, even Jiraiya was killed. 相反面麻不但性格大变更是直接掀起了席卷整个忍界浪潮,甚至连自来也都被干掉了。 If two world are unable to have the same each one body, then Le Yuan without a doubt is unique existence, but was kept Konoha Karin is not uncertain by Le Yuan. Although this world has not seen Karin, who knows that which horn corner she will be living. 如果说两个世界无法存在同一个个体,那么乐渊毫无疑问是独一无二的存在,而被乐渊留在木叶香磷却不一定了。虽然这个世界并没有见到过香磷,但是谁又知道她会在哪个犄角旮旯生活着。 If that mask person is really Karin of No. 2 world, then in Quest mentioned without a doubt kills the "oneself" finger/refers young personal servant No. 1 Karin that is Le Yuan. 如果那个面具人真是二号世界的香磷,那么毫无疑问任务中提到了杀死“自己”指的就是乐渊的小跟班一号香磷了。 ... ...
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