VE :: Volume #8 三阶首战影之忍者

#709: Among reincarnation and Moon Ninja rare treasure

Tenseigan, this thing really must say that usually refers to generation of two different thing in this Moon. But these two goods separately are representing the two ways of evolving Tenseigan, but one of them Le Yuan brings Hinata to come here goal. 转生眼,这玩意真要说在这月球内通常是指代两个不同的东西。而这两件物品分别代表着进化成转生眼的两种方式,而其中之一正是乐渊带着雏田来这里的目的。 One of Tenseigan evolution formulas, Sage Body high-purity Byakugan Hyuga main family female Byakugan. This evolution line in storyline Ōtsutsuki Toneri had the Tenseigan method, he Ōtsutsuki Hamura descendant's bloodlines physique grasped Sage Body through Moon Ninja since the ancient times is maintaining, later with obtained high-purity Byakugan from Hinata younger sister Hyūga Hanabi there, transplanted awakened Tenseigan after some time adaptation success. 转生眼的进化公式之一,仙人体高纯度的白眼日向宗家女的白眼。这条进化路线就是原本剧情大筒木舍人成功拥有转生眼的方法,他通过月忍自古以来保持着的大筒木羽村后裔的血脉体质掌握了仙人体,随后用从雏田的妹妹日向花火那里得到了高纯度的白眼,移植经过一段时间的适应成功觉醒了转生眼 This way awakens Tenseigan is quite relatively speaking simple, naturally this is regarding having Sage Body Ōtsutsuki Toneri. They only needed the sacrifice of another person then to have the world top strength in a short time, might be called the most convenient method of strengthen. 这种方式觉醒转生眼相对而言比较简单,当然这是对于拥有仙人体大筒木舍人而言的。他们只需要另一个人的牺牲便能在短时间内拥有世界顶尖的实力,堪称变强的最便捷方法。 But this method is not applicable to Hinata, regarding Le Yuan is also the weak in weak. Hinata wants to grasp the Sage Body difficulty to be large, that pure by not learning Senjutsu Chakra then can turn immediately, but must raise the body with Senjutsu Chakra accumulated unceasingly, causes the originally and ordinary person does not have the body of difference to transform in the long-time years step by step, Hinata or Le Yuan do not have that time waiting this point probably. 而这一种方法并不适用于雏田,对于乐渊来说也是鸡肋中的鸡肋。雏田想要掌握仙人体难度颇大,那可不是单纯靠学会仙术查克拉便能立马变成的,而是要用仙术查克拉不断蕴养身体,使得原本和常人没有区别的身体在长久的岁月中一步步蜕变,无论是雏田还是乐渊大概都没有那个时间等待这一点。 Moreover this evolution is not without the influence, after Byakugan transplants will have several times of fetal movement. This new student/life Tenseigan fetal movement will cause the influence that the ability of transplanter comes under cannot be restrained, very easy to be seized the opportunity one to kill in the fight. Ōtsutsuki Toneri in original works is for this reason, was seized the opportunity to defeat the merit by protagonist, finally fails when success seemed within reach. 而且这种进化并不是没有影响,在白眼移植之后会有数次胎动。这种新生转生眼的胎动会使得移植者的能力受到不可抑止的影响,很容易在战斗中被抓住机会一回杀。原著中的大筒木舍人就是由于这个原因,被主角抓住机会一击破功,最后功败垂成。 Second Tenseigan evolution formula, Byakugan Byakugan Byakugan heavy ordinary Byakugan mixture. This evolution way also manifests in original plot, that is located in that giant orange yellow eyeball in core castle underground space. Tenseigan that the innumerable Byakugan fusions become does not have the essential difference from the previous type, but it can only be the weapon use in original storyline, cannot transform as somebody's eyes. 转生眼的进化公式之二,白眼白眼白眼重普通白眼的混合体。这种进化方式在原剧情中也有体现,那就是位于核心城堡地下空间内的那颗巨大橙黄色眼球。无数白眼融合而成的转生眼与上一种没有本质区别,不过它在原本的剧情中只能作为武器使用,并未能转化为某个人的眼睛。 In the final analysis Tenseigan of this way is not necessarily able to surpass the first evolution way by the potential and limit, but must actually just evolve Tenseigan powerful that becomes is too more than by the might, this after all is tens of thousands of mature Byakugan eyes power, many defeat Byakugan of Ōtsutsuki Clan main family, really must say that this is strongest Tenseigan nowadays. 说到底这种方式的转生眼论潜力和极限未必能够超过第一种进化方式,但是要论威力却比刚刚进化而成的转生眼强大太多了,这毕竟是成千上万的成熟白眼累计的瞳力,其中不乏战败的大筒木一族宗家白眼,真要说这才是现如今最强的转生眼 However becomes also eyes power, defeat also eyes power. So huge eyes power let alone transplants to the ordinary human body, even under Ōtsutsuki Hamura of strongest condition comes still not necessarily to be able its safe and secure to hold, mostly is also eyes power rampage is as for exploding the fate of body. 不过成也瞳力,败也瞳力。如此庞大的瞳力别说移植到普通人体内,就算是最强状态的大筒木羽村过来也不见得能够将其平安容纳下,多半也是瞳力暴走乃至于爆体的下场。 Also, this huge Tenseigan also can only be buried as a deterrent weapon for this reason in the Moon deep place. After Le Yuan brings Hinata was arriving at the empty castle interior, the castle of nobody left is peaceful will scare to death. 也正是由于这个原因,这颗巨大的转生眼也只能作为一种威慑性武器被埋没在了月球深处。当乐渊带着雏田来到了空荡荡的城堡内部后,空无一人的城堡安静得会把人吓死。 already accepted Otsutsuki main family memory Hinata to take a walk in the castle blurry, quick then in she had not detected in the situation of brought Le Yuan to enter secret passage. 已经接受了大筒木宗家记忆的雏田迷迷糊糊地在城堡内走动着,很快便在她自己都没有察觉到的情况下带着乐渊进入了一条密道 But the secret passage end, middle open territory Fangzheng is Worship the huge Tenseigan altar. The entire Ōtsutsuki Clan most important goods are at Le Yuan also to have the Hinata front, but arrived here Le Yuan also to have Hinata not to know that in being away from they straightly 500 meters another secret room, it became in the dormancy warehouse between reincarnations by Ōtsutsuki Clan, a young man of grey hair woke up. 密道的尽头,中间的空旷地方正是供奉着巨大转生眼的祭坛。整个大筒木一族最为重要的物品便处在乐渊还有雏田的面前,而到达了此处的乐渊还有雏田并不知道就在距离他们直线500米的另一处密室内,其被大筒木一族成为转生之间的休眠仓内,一个灰白头发的年轻男子从中醒来。 Un? Some unexpectedly people entered the restricted area, is who?” “嗯?竟然有人进入了禁地,是谁?” Closing one's eyes Ōtsutsuki Toneri opens the eye slowly, in his pain a stretch of cavity. As the Sage Body owner, Toneri is not perfect, he as descendant of branch family not only does not have high-purity Byakugan, even the ordinary eye cannot have. 闭着眼睛的大筒木舍人缓缓睁开眼睛,他的痛苦中一片空洞。作为仙人体的拥有者,舍人并非完美无缺的,他作为分家的后裔不但没有高纯度白眼,甚至连普通的眼睛也未能拥有。 The Le Yuan beforehand sensation and has the mistake, in then castle indeed besides the puppet did not have lifeform that again can move. Ōtsutsuki Toneri situated in the close dormancy warehouse, suppressed and deceased person general existence of own physiological activity absolutely completely, fundamentally let Le Yuan the person who it treated as did not have. 乐渊之前的感知并有错误,当时的城堡内的确是除了傀儡之外再无能够活动的生物。大筒木舍人位于绝对封闭的休眠仓,将自身的生理活动完全压制到了和死人一般的存在,从根本上让乐渊将其当作了不存在的人。 The Moon Ninja development of this world can be said as a roughness, from starting the prosperity to 1000 year beforehand main family with branch family War, prevailing for a time Moon Ninja almost destroyed in that civil war thoroughly. 这个世界的月忍发展可以说是一片坎坷,从开始的繁荣到了一千年以前的宗家与分家战争,盛极一时的月忍几乎在那一场内战中彻底毁灭。 Without a doubt, main family from the strength has been suppressing the development of branch family, when War starts few thinks that branch family to win the victory. However branch family actually to close right up against appear Byakugan to mix Tenseigan this trick, turns around the situation thoroughly. 毫无疑问,从实力上来看宗家一直压制着分家的发展,所以战争开始时几乎没有人会认为分家能够赢得胜利。但是分家却靠着现出白眼混合成转生眼这一奇招,将战局彻底扭转。 Tenseigan Strength is fatal regarding main family, the birth of Tenseigan will also prosper incomparably branch family to drag into the abyss of destruction. War final, Otsutsuki branch family to destroy main family completely, but to win put in branch family of massive sacrifice only to be left over kitten 2-3 similarly, but Ōtsutsuki Clan after this was feeble day after day. 转生眼力量对于宗家而言是致命的,不过转生眼的诞生也将繁荣无比的分家拉入了毁灭的深渊。战争的最后,大筒木分家将宗家完全毁灭,而为了获得胜利而付出大量牺牲的分家同样只剩下小猫2-3只,而从这以后大筒木一族就日渐衰弱。 But really was only left over his one-man army to Ōtsutsuki Toneri this area, even his father because dies young has not left behind anything to him. But Ōtsutsuki Toneri under this situation only has to enter among the reincarnations to downplay own loneliness. 而到了大筒木舍人这一带就真的只剩下他一个光杆司令,连他的父亲都因为早逝没有给他留下什么。而这种情况下的大筒木舍人唯有进入转生之间才能淡化自己的孤独感。 According to original storyline, Ōtsutsuki Toneri is impossible regains consciousness quickly. So long as the seal of Moon has not presented anything to change or is the Tenseigan seal no one invades, he possibly really must rest for dozens years is as for is longer. 按照原本的剧情,大筒木舍人不可能这么快苏醒的。只要月球的封印没有出现什么变化或者是转生眼的封印地没有人入侵,他可能真的要一睡数十年乃至于更久。 In original storyline Toneri will appear in Earth, to a great extent awakens Rinnegan to be related with Uchiha Madara. After Uchiha Madara has Rinnegan, summoned the past in Demonic Statue of the Outer Path of Moon the seal, this accident aroused deep place Moon the vigilance of Ōtsutsuki Clan immediately. 原本的剧情舍人会出现在地球,很大程度上和宇智波斑觉醒轮回眼有关。宇智波斑拥有轮回眼之后将封印于月球的外道魔像召唤了过去,这种变故立马引起了深处月球的大筒木一族的警觉。 However because the hidden of Uchiha Madara caused Ōtsutsuki Clan unable to find Demonic Statue of the Outer Path, has not had what too big matter in that later Ninja World, this matter was also desalinated gradually, until Fourth Shinobi World War, Demonic Statue of the Outer Path turned into Ten-Tails thoroughly noisily to be big matter. 不过由于宇智波斑的隐藏导致大筒木一族根本无法找到外道魔像,况且在那之后的忍界还没有发生什么太大的事情,这件事情也就渐渐被淡化,直到第四次忍界大战,外道魔像变成了十尾才把事情彻底闹大了。 Le Yuan close to huge Tenseigan looks at such a big thing merely silently, has not been extracting inside eyes power anxiously. But Hinata is just the opposite, a hand could not bear extend to touch on huge Tenseigan. 接近巨大转生眼乐渊仅仅是默默看着这么一个大玩意,并没有急着抽取里面的瞳力。而雏田则是恰恰相反,一只手忍不住伸出来摸在了巨大转生眼上。 Bang “嘭” The Hinata next second was shot, Le Yuan moves her in the flash that the Hinata ball flew behind, both hands built on her both arms reduced and solved that huge tension for her. 雏田下一秒被弹了出去,乐渊雏田弹飞的一瞬间移动到了她的身后,双手搭在了她的双臂上替她化解了那巨大的弹力。 Careful, this thing does not have Ōtsutsuki Clan bloodline(s) to counter-attack and absorb chakra automatically, although Hyūga Clan is the Ōtsutsuki Clan relative, but still waves a repel, when I study!” “小心一点,这东西没有大筒木一族血统是会自动反击和吸取查克拉的,日向一族虽然算是大筒木一族的亲戚,但是依然挥手道排斥,等我研究一下!” Must say the research, actually also has nothing to study. If Le Yuan really uses Reincarnation Round Dance Strength to be able immunity huge Tenseigan for his repel, but changes to the sensation of body part of Demon Equipment glove Reincarnation Round Dance through already, although Le Yuan can absorb this eyes power, however the consciousness of glove responded that this is not most suitable absorption eyes power, although has the similarity with Hamura of another world, but cannot be the same person. 要说研究,其实也没什么好研究的。乐渊如果真使用转生轮舞力量能够免疫巨大转生眼对他的排斥,不过通过已经化作自己身体一部分的魔具手套转生轮舞的感知,虽然乐渊能够将这股瞳力吸收,但是手套的意识反应这不是最适合吸收的瞳力,虽然和另一个世界的羽村存在着相似性,但是不能算是同一个人。 If huge Tenseigan eyes power of No. 1 world and No. 2 world is equal, but Le Yuan after absorbing No. 1 world can display 100% Tenseigan Strength, then after reluctant absorbed eyes power of this world , can actually display 90% merely. 如果说一号世界和二号世界的巨大转生眼瞳力相等,但是乐渊在吸收一号世界后能将转生眼力量发挥出十成,那么勉强吸收了这个世界的瞳力后却仅仅能够发挥出90%。 Who!” “谁!” Is inspecting eyes power Le Yuan to shout to the entrance fiercely, Hinata looks with the Le Yuan vision, discovered that thin white hair youth walks into the hole gradually. 正在检查着瞳力乐渊猛地对着入口处喊道,雏田随着乐渊的目光望去,发现一个偏瘦削的白发青年缓步走入洞内。 Snort! Invades my clan heavily, the person who should call to account is I am right? Attempts to steal my clan heavy treasure, kills without the amnesty!” “哼!入侵我族重地,应该责问的人是我才对吧?企图盗取我族重宝,杀无赦!” Sees only shadows immediately from Ōtsutsuki Toneri behind turns toward Le Yuan to fly, these and outside the puppet by the castle of Le Yuan solution were been exactly the same. 只见一个个黑影顿时从大筒木舍人的身后向着乐渊飞来,这些正是和被乐渊解决的城堡外傀儡一模一样。 Looks Hinata that is eager to try, Le Yuan is nodding to her. Sees Le Yuan to agree, Hinata immediately flying, chakra gathering in her both hands. Double holds two become four, four become eight, will change to the wall to raid the puppet to her to block in just one second together entirely. 看着跃跃欲试的雏田,乐渊对着她点点头。见到乐渊首肯,雏田当即飞身而出,查克拉汇聚于她的双手。双掌二化四、四化八,在短短一秒内化作一道墙壁将向她袭来傀儡统统挡住。 Le Yuan simply has not paid attention to fight between Hinata and Toneri, although two people play quite splendidly, but the level cannot make Le Yuan feel that has the implication. A side is the student of Le Yuan careful training, the other side is actually most time in otaku of deep sleep, although in talent Toneri relatively speaking even better, but the war actually in leans toward Hinata little. 乐渊根本没有理会雏田舍人之间的战斗,两人虽然打得颇为精彩,但是层次根本未能让乐渊感到有借鉴意义。一方是乐渊精心调教的学生,另一方却是大多数时间在沉睡的宅男,虽然天赋上舍人相对而言更胜一筹,但是战局却在一点点向雏田倾斜。 After ten minutes, by Hinata was knocked down before Toneri was being bundled body that delivered to Le Yuan. But Toneri that is captured actually stares at Hinata not to put stubbornly, although the eye could not see, but has Sage Body Toneri actually to be able by own sensation to regard the thing, naturally can also know that Hinata is the Hyūga Clan person, and in Byakugan the purity is close to the strange species of first ancestor extremely high. 十分钟之后,被雏田击倒在地的舍人被捆着送到了乐渊的身前。而被擒的舍人却是死死地盯着雏田不放,虽然眼睛看不到,但是有着仙人体舍人却能够凭借自己的感知视物,自然也能知道雏田日向一族的人,并且白眼中纯度极高接近始祖的稀有种。 Looks that a paramorph is Ōtsutsuki Toneri that killed does not say, Le Yuan was also being disinclined manages him. After the preliminary observation, Le Yuan concluded that this is not eyes power that most suitable he to use, perhaps if returns to No. 1 world to obtain there eyes power also almost, now this agrees with Hinata on the contrary. However if really fills here eyes power to Hinata Byakugan in one time, is to make her commit suicide. 看着一副像是打死都不说的大筒木舍人,乐渊也是懒得理他。经过初步的观察,乐渊断定这并非是最适合他使用的瞳力,如果回到一号世界或许得到那里的瞳力还差不多,现在这个反倒是与雏田更加契合。不过如果真将这里的瞳力一次性灌到雏田白眼中,就是让她自杀。 If wants to make Hinata absorb here eyes power well, at least requires over a half year even longer time, measures eyes power pours into to Hinata Byakugan in little in turn, making her be able to adapt to the evolution of this eye little. 如果想要更好地令雏田吸收这里的瞳力,最起码需要半年以上甚至更久的时间,一点点分批量将瞳力注入到雏田白眼内,令她能够一点点适应这种眼睛的进化。 However to determine the most suitable level, Le Yuan decides to come the first attempt immediately. But Hinata are unable to contact giant Tenseigan, only has through Le Yuan absorbs eyes power to transmit later to the Hinata method conducts, although the process is troublesome, so long as passed the initial period then to be able this problem solve. 不过为了确定最适合的水平,乐渊决定当即就来第一次尝试。而雏田自己根本无法接触到巨型转生眼,唯有通过乐渊吸取瞳力随后转交给雏田的方法进行,虽然过程麻烦,但是只要度过最初的时期便能将这个问题解决。 Le Yuan is close to Tenseigan slowly, but was being bundled Toneri actually disdain cold -ly snorted and said: Trivial bystander also dares to bribe the heavy treasure of my clan, is really the chop suey of acting recklessly!” 乐渊慢慢接近转生眼,而被捆着的舍人却是不屑地冷哼道:“区区外人也敢染指我族的重宝,真是不知死活的杂碎!” Bystander, I and Hamura relation may imagine you are more profound than!” “外人,我和羽村的联系可比你想象地更加深刻!” Sees only the Le Yuan right hand blue light to bloom, later the eye of Le Yuan in the astonishment of Hinata and Toneri also turned into the Byakugan condition. However even if such Toneri still does not think that Le Yuan can through the defense of giant Tenseigan, this Tenseigan only recognize a person of their clan, even if Le Yuan does not know how to become Byakugan still to give up any idea to work. 只见乐渊的右手蓝光绽放,随后在雏田舍人的惊愕中乐渊的眼睛也变成了白眼的状态。不过即使是这样舍人依然不认为乐渊能够通过巨型转生眼的防御,这枚转生眼可是只认他们一族的人,就算是乐渊不知如何变为了白眼也休想得逞。 When the right hand and instance of giant Tenseigan of contact Le Yuan, Le Yuan had not estimated with such as Toneri was separated like that automatically, had not been absorbed chakra, but was good unimpeded this/should to penetrate Tenseigan. 乐渊的右手与巨型转生眼接触的瞬间,乐渊并没与如舍人预想到的那般被自动弹开,也没有被吸取查克拉,而是好无阻该地穿透了转生眼 In Toneri that soon in the black to become Tan complexion, Le Yuan successfully raised half person of share Byakugan eyes power, later takes the memory with the aid of Demon Equipment Reincarnation Round Dance of right hand, is transporting to Hinata Byakugan little slowly. 舍人那快要黑成碳的脸色之中,乐渊成功提起了半人份的白眼瞳力,随后借助右手的魔具转生轮舞作为存储器,一点点对着雏田白眼慢慢输送。 This first attempt exceptionally important, after grasping absorption, the later absorption will be simpler. According to the estimate of Le Yuan, this giant Tenseigan Hinata only needs to absorb about 1/4 then to make her complete the transformation of eye sufficiently, but this must make the actual adjustment according to the Hinata potential, eyes power that potential more Hinata can absorb are more, that later she benefits are also naturally more. To be continued. 这第一次尝试异常重要,把握好了吸收的量之后,以后的吸收就会简单许多。根据乐渊的估算,这颗巨型的转生眼雏田只需要吸收四分之一左右便足以令她完成眼睛的蜕变,不过这还要根据雏田的潜力来进行实际调整,潜力越雏田能够吸收的瞳力越多,以后她得到的好处自然也就越多。未完待续。 ... ...
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