VE :: Volume #8 三阶首战影之忍者

#708: The Annihilation moon loses the people

The sky, land and sea have that along with the time lapse Sun that but constantly changes, the world in this moon with the scene of Earth is exactly the same, but made one feel only regret probably was here is really extremely in the peace, then did not have other sounds except for the occasional song of the birds beast roar again. 天空、大地、海洋还有那随时间推移而不断变化的太阳,这月亮内的世界就和地球的景象一模一样,不过唯一令人感到遗憾的大概就是这里实在是太过于安静,除了偶尔的鸟鸣兽吼便再也没有了其他的动静。 Le Yuan of unceasing vanguard in moon also had Hinata to arrive at ruins of recent human activities, covered the thick vine on lithical building to explain this place then already was long ago abandoned. 在月亮内不断前行的乐渊还有雏田来到了最近的一处人类活动的遗址,覆盖着石质建筑物上的厚实藤蔓说明着这个地方在很久以前便已经被遗弃。 „Before here is very long , do some people live? The person of life on moon, was really inconceivable, they now where?” “这里很久以前有人生活吗?生活在月亮上的人,真是太不可思议了,他们现在又在哪里呢?” Hinata tries to find out this already to have the constructions of some desertifications, while has turned the head to say to the Le Yuan inquiry. Perhaps Le Yuan in the Hinata eye is true omniscient, even moon has another world matter to be clear, in this moon the status of resident thinks cannot hide the truth from Le Yuan. 雏田一边摸索着这已经有些许沙化的建筑,一边转过头对着乐渊询问道。或许在雏田眼中乐渊才是真正的无所不知,连月亮内部存在着另一个世界这种事情都清楚,这月亮内居民的身份想必也瞒不过乐渊 What life here is the named Ōtsutsuki Clan special ethnic group, their ancestor named Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo, before are 1000 year, Ninja Master Ancestor Sage of Six Paths blood younger brother. His descendant was divided into two troops, lineage/vein moved on moon to have the most complete inheritance, guaranteed pure of their bloodlines, but the person of another lineage/vein changed external appearances only on Earth unceasingly, finally had invariable given name Hyuga!” “生活在这里的是名为大筒木一族的特殊族群,他们的祖先名为大筒木羽衣,是千年忍者师祖六道仙人的亲弟弟。他的后代分成了两支人马,一脉搬迁到了月亮上有着最完整的传承,保证了他们血脉的纯正性而另一脉的人则是在地球上不断改头换面,最后拥有了一个不变的名号日向!” Le Yuan is also examining this ancient vestige, although does not have the specialized instrument to survey, but according to the manual examination of Le Yuan can also judge that at present this makes building minimum already to have the trace that 1000 year no one moved, this is the most conservative estimate. 乐渊同样在查看着这一座古遗迹,虽然没有专业的仪器进行测量,但是根据乐渊的手动检测也能够判断出目前这做建筑最起码已经有了一千年没人活动的痕迹,这还是最为保守的估计。 Hyuga? Here and our is Hyūga Clan a close relative? This is real, how then they, do arrive on this moon to survive now for what?” 日向?难道这里和我们日向一族是近亲?这是真的,那么他们现在又怎么样了,来到这月亮上生存又是为了什么?” Hinata hears the relation of this Ōtsutsuki Clan and Hyūga Clan, another clan in moon was interested regarding this crowd of clansman of life, simultaneously pair of Byakugan already opens completely, as to search for the Ōtsutsuki Clan trail. 雏田听到这大筒木一族日向一族的联系,对于这群生活在月亮里面的另一族的族人更感兴趣了,同时一双白眼已经完全打开,似乎想要搜寻着大筒木一族的踪迹。 In the architectural complex in a quite special big project, Le Yuan in the innumerable lithical reliefs stands , in front of a wall that inscribes the huge portrait. Relief already on wall surface as a result of the corrosion of time becomes fuzzy, but that ancient Ninja World writing already becomes the history early, if Le Yuan to not study Space-Time Ninjutsu had understood, perhaps will unable to feel the mind to the writing of this scribblings. 建筑群中一座比较特殊的大型建筑内,在无数石质浮雕之中乐渊站在了其中一幅刻有巨大人像的墙前面。墙面上的浮雕已经由于时间的侵蚀而变得模糊,而那古老的忍界文字更是早已经成为历史,如果乐渊不是为了研究时空忍术有所了解,恐怕也会对这鬼画符的文字摸不着头脑。 What this relief is joined to the writing to tell is Ōtsutsuki Clan migrates to the history of moon, wrapped them to leave behind that clan the vague information on Earth. But repeats a noun that mentioned is Tensei Eye, perhaps others also not clear so-called Tensei Eye was anything, but already used this Strength Le Yuan actually understand that is Tenseigan. 这浮雕配上文字讲述的是大筒木一族迁移到月亮的历史,其中也包裹了他们遗留在地球上的那一族的隐晦信息。而其中重复提到的一个名词就是“天成之眼”,或许别人还不清楚所谓的天成之眼是什么,但是已经使用过这种力量乐渊明白那就是转生眼 According to the writing narrated, Tenseigan was the most powerful quantity of entire moon resident, was they respectfully follows the ancestor to teach to protect final Strength of Ōtsutsuki Kaguya seal. If by some chance really met anyone to attempt to destroy the seal, but their these Ōtsutsuki Hamura later generation are unable to prevent, then Tenseigan was their final straw. 根据文字叙述,转生眼是整个月亮居民的最强力量,也是他们谨遵祖训守护大筒木辉夜封印的最后力量。万一真的遇上了什么人企图破坏封印,而他们这些大筒木羽村的后人又无法阻挡,那么转生眼便是他们最后的一根稻草。 Has Tensei Eye that moves the moon ability, this is Strength that ultimate Byakugan has, was really inconceivable!” “拥有移动月亮能力的天成之眼,这就是终极的白眼所拥有的力量,实在是太不可思议了!” Just understood from Le Yuan here the Tenseigan prestige can Hinata can say was surprised many are too too many, since arriving at moon, her outlook on life was under impact time and time again. Hyūga Clan is not the ordinary Bloodline Limit family, but is Brother Sage of Six Paths descendant Byakugan does not have the Dōjutsu (Eye Technique) of perspective/see through and farsighted ability purely, but possibly the evolution is destroy the Heavens and extinguish the Earth can the Tenseigan predecessor for example, this Moon is actually a giant seal, inside has the people in destruction world sufficiently by the seal 刚刚从乐渊这里了解到转生眼威能的雏田可以说惊讶得太多太多,自从来到月亮之后她的人生观便受到了一次又一次的冲击。日向一族并不是普通的血继界限家族而是六道仙人弟弟的后裔白眼也不是单纯带有透视、远视能力的瞳术,而是可能进化为毁天灭地之能转生眼的前身又比方说,这月球其实是一个巨大的封印,里面有着足以毁灭世界的人被封印 While Hinata was shocked unable to speak, head dizzy time, Le Yuan actually arrived in a corner in this lithical room not making a sound, the squatting down body is trying to find out on the ground. 正当雏田被震撼地说不出话来,脑袋晕晕乎乎的时候,乐渊却是不声不响走到了这石质屋里的一个角落上,蹲下身子在地上摸索着。 The right hand of kāchā Le Yuan a floor pressed, the entire room will present one ruthlessly immediately rumble the vibration, later then saw was away from the ground in Hinata not far away to present a profound place bottom channel. 咔嚓乐渊的右手将其中的一块地板狠狠地压了下去,顿时整个屋子出现一阵轰隆隆的震动,随后便见到距离雏田不远处的地面上出现了一条幽深的地底通道。 After the said/tunnel was opened, Le Yuan Wind Spell infiltrates immediately together. This channel minimum 500 years had not been opened, even if inside passes the Wind System series to be good, Le Yuan cannot guarantee that cannot produce the noxious gas, as after function of Wind Spell, waited for a half hour, the Le Yuan then relieved region under Hinata the said/tunnel. 地道被打开之后,乐渊随即一道风咒打入其中。这条通道最起码五百年的时间没有被打开了,就算里面的通风系统再好,乐渊也不敢保证不会产生有害气体,随着风咒的作用后等了半个小时,乐渊这才安心地带着雏田下地道。 Tunnel of this hidden to lead to the place does not have the wealth not to have the old book material, even if really has these thing, the 1000 year time still made their being overshadowed value all lose sufficiently. What appears in Le Yuan also has in front of Hinata does not have the tombstone, not to have the tomb of symbol one after another. 这隐藏的地道通向的地方没有金银财宝也没有古籍资料,就算真有这些东西,千年的时光也足以令它们黯然失色价值全失。出现在乐渊还有雏田面前的是一座又一座没有墓碑、没有记号的坟墓。 Entire underground emptily is much bigger, but the sketchy number appeared in Le Yuan two people present graves in the past not under thousand. 整个地下空洞大得惊人,而粗略数过去出现在乐渊两人眼前的坟墓不下于千座。 Saw that this Hinata could not bear cover own mouth, even if saw her of fight still fearing by this. After all is a 14-year-old little miss, appeared in the tomb suddenly was indeed panic-stricken enough. Let alone, here tomb is burying is not an average person, each is to have the Ōtsutsuki Clan bloodline(s) descendant, how the so large-scale tomb can not make one be surprised. 看到这一幕的雏田忍不住捂住了自己的嘴巴,就算是见惯了战斗的她也被这一幕给惊住了。毕竟还是一个14岁的小姑娘,陡然出现在了墓地之中的确有够惊骇的。更何况,这里的墓地埋葬着的也不是普通人,每一个都是有着大筒木一族血统的后裔,如此大规模的墓地怎能不令人感到惊讶。 Be careful, front also has a person!” “小心,前面还有一个人!” In this is, maintained Byakugan detection condition Hinata to put out a hand to aim at the dark region before Le Yuan body fiercely. As Hinata the calls out in alarm, did sway and put on the old person of linen clothes to walk. 就在这是,保持着白眼侦查状态的雏田猛地伸手指向了乐渊身前的黑暗区域。随着雏田的这一声惊呼,一个摇摇晃晃、穿着麻布衣服的老人走了出来。 That moment when he comes, Hinata was frightened again retroceded one step. The eye, the appeared old person eyes position is a black cavity, his eye seemed like dug generally. 当他现身的那一刻,雏田再一次被吓得后退了一步。眼睛,出现的老人眼睛位置是一个黑色的空洞,他的眼睛像是被人挖去了一般。 Byakugan I felt the Byakugan aura 白眼我感觉到了白眼的气息” Spread from this old person's mouth seemed like the sound that the malicious ghost moaned, along with limping step that that next second must fall to the ground, Hinata only thought that to is not human that oneself walked, but was one to her demanding one's life malicious ghost. 从这老人的口中传出了像是恶鬼呻吟的声音,伴随着那下一秒就要倒地的蹒跚步伐,雏田只觉得向自己走来的并非是人类,而是一个向她索命的恶鬼。 But Le Yuan looks silently toward the old person who they walk, just entered underground time Le Yuan then to sweep his existence, but just confirmed that his existence then already concluded does not have the threat. Although this person also has the aura of person, but whole body is only retaining a weak vitality in the body, this vitality let alone fights, perhaps said that Kungfu of several words will then dissipate. 乐渊则默默看着向他们走来的这个老人,刚刚进入地下的时候乐渊便扫到了他的存在,不过刚刚确认他的存在便已经断定不具备威胁。此人虽然还有着人的气息,但是全身上下只在身体里面保留着一股微弱的生命力,这生命力别说战斗,恐怕说几句话的功夫便会消散。 Will not have the mistake, has Byakugan Princess main family, good! Inherits Tensei Eye to complete to Otsutsuki redeems “啊不会有错的,是拥有白眼宗家公主,太好了!继承天成眼完成对大筒木救赎” The vitality already consumption of old person within the body completely, leaves behind such several illegibile words bodies entire to be then weak merely, milky white white ball drills from his mouth together. That is his Soul, the light that as the Soul body sends out is even more bright, the innumerable memories are trying with the light of his Soul in mind that wants to spread to Hinata. 老人体内的生命力已经消耗殆尽,仅仅留下这么几句不清不楚的话便身体整个瘫软下来,一道乳白色的白球从他的口中钻出。那是他的灵魂,随着灵魂体发出的光越发明亮,无数记忆随着他的灵魂之光试着想要传入到雏田的脑海之中。 Calms the mind with rapt attention, defends own Will!” “凝神静心,守住自己的意志!” Regarding this very shallow memory inheritance, Le Yuan is saying to Hinata hastily stood firm the mental method. Immediately soon loses Hinata in intermittent memory to clench the teeth, tries to combine this confusion incomparable memory rearrangement. 对于这种非常粗浅的记忆传承,乐渊连忙对着雏田说出了稳住自己心智的方法。顿时快要迷失在一阵阵记忆中的雏田咬紧牙关,试着将这混乱无比的记忆重新排列组合起来。 But in Hinata falls into the stupor, Le Yuan has not idled. The difference that the present Moon and he understands was really big. To further confirm condition, Le Yuan plans to turn toward the core castle of Moon to set out directly. 而就在雏田陷入昏迷之时,乐渊也没有闲下来。现在的月球和他了解的差别实在是太大了。为了进一步确认状况,乐渊打算直接向着月球的核心城堡进发。 Hinata in the deep sleep, Ōtsutsuki Clan main family undead as if wants to inform Moon Ōtsutsuki Clan history as before to Hinata. But this memory is really huge, even if the Hinata strength is not weak wants to absorb still requires lots of time to reorganize. 雏田依旧在沉睡,大筒木一族宗家亡灵似乎想要将月球大筒木一族的历史全都告知给雏田。而这股记忆实在庞大,就算雏田的实力不弱想要悉数吸收也需要大量的时间整理。 Le Yuan is driving Devil phantom from the in the air landing in the ground, not far away before his body is the core castle of entire Moon, if some entire Moon people will also survive definitely will stay here. 乐渊驾驶着魔人虚影自空中降落在地面上,在他身前不远处便是整个月球的核心城堡,如果说整个月球还有人生存的话必然会留在这里。 That moment that in fact when Le Yuan descends, countless puppet puppet then appeared in his front. These puppet are the Ōtsutsuki Clan servants, is important Strength of maintenance entire castle. 事实上当乐渊降落的那一刻,不计其数的傀儡人偶便出现在了他的面前。这些人偶大筒木一族的仆人,也是维护整个城堡的重要力量 As puppet, they because, although the special design does not need to control specially, but also can only follow already to design the good order action early, but prevents in front of Le Yuan without doubt is because their imprint is prevents any activity in the last-minute order of heart the existence invasion castle. 作为傀儡,他们虽然由于特殊的设计不需要专门的操控,但是也只能遵循着早已经设计好的命令行动,而阻挡在乐渊面前无疑是因为他们烙印在心头的最后命令便是阻止任何活动的存在入侵城堡。 Truly speaking, guards the puppet strength around castle is really weak, had been inferior compared with elite Chūnin, the move that can use is only then two, its one is Martial Arts, its two are the might also calculates the good chakra ball. However only depends on this difference/two kinds to be able with general Chūnin to dispute 12 at most, they can become the protection Strength dependence of castle what are most is their countless quantities. 说实在的,守卫在城堡周围的傀儡实力实在是弱,比起精英中忍都有所不如,能够使用的招数更是只有两个,其一便是体术,其二便是威力还算不俗的查克拉弹。但是只靠这两样顶多能和一般的中忍较量一二,它们能够成为城堡的守护力量依靠的最多的还是他们那数之不尽的数量。 The battle is about 5 minutes, poured puppet number already on Le Yuan Devil phantom exceeded 300, this puppet ability already on the number exceeded Sasori of the Red Sand Performance of a Hundred Puppets without doubt. 交战不过五分钟的时间,倒在乐渊魔人虚影手上的傀儡数量已经超越了三百,就数目而言这傀儡能力无疑已经超越了赤砂之蝎百机操演 Perhaps more hits a stronger puppet to be different compared with Sasori of the Red Sand Performance of a Hundred Puppets that type, this crowd pours the puppet strength on Le Yuan is mostly same, does not have strong existence not to have weak existence, their coordination made Le Yuan slightly somewhat thorny actually. 或许比起赤砂之蝎百机操演那种越打越强的傀儡不同,这群倒在乐渊手上的傀儡实力大多相同,既没有超强的存在也没有偏弱的存在,不过它们的配合倒是令乐渊稍稍有些棘手。 The innumerable chakra balls release from the hand of puppet, because even if the reason of intensity hits does not explode Le Yuan Devil phantom, but has come under attack passively is not the Le Yuan character, moreover this group of puppets have to kill the unceasing momentum greatly. 无数枚查克拉弹自傀儡的手中释放出,就算由于强度的原因打不爆乐渊魔人虚影,但是这么一直被动挨打也不是乐渊的性格,况且这群傀儡大有杀不绝的势头。 The wind, raises in this moment from the Devil phantom surroundings just like the strong winds of mist of hell. This crowd of puppet other abilities of do not have, really wants disgusting person actually full powerful. At least Le Yuan when cannot let loose the hand, wants to solve them really is not easy one time. 风,宛如地狱之岚的狂风在这一刻自魔人虚影的周围升起。这群傀儡别的能力没有,真要恶心人倒是十足的强大。最起码乐渊在放不开手的时候,想要一次性解决掉他们还真不容易。 But the puppet body of light quality gave Le Yuan to cope with their opportunities, exceeded 4 levels of tornado Le Yuan all around, therefore the puppet volume flew in the sky entirely, even if the present wind power an automobile can be blown to fly, this group of puppets did not have a person of same size to be heavy let alone. 而轻质的傀儡身体给了乐渊对付他们的机会,超越了四级龙卷风乐渊四周的所以傀儡统统卷飞到了天空上,现在的风力就算是一辆汽车都能被吹飞,更何况这群傀儡还没有一个同等大小的人重。 One group of puppets were blown the sky then became without the root of duckweed, both hands of Le Yuan gather ten slowly. But that group of puppets were also gathered by the wind pressure of powerful little, the innumerable puppets were extruded to exude ka ka the sound together, but this sound sees trivial in the strong winds. 一群傀儡被吹上了天空便成为了无萍之根,乐渊的双手慢慢合十。而那群傀儡同样在一点点被强大的风压聚拢,无数的傀儡被挤压到一起发出咔咔的响声,不过这点声音在狂风之中显得微不足道。 As Le Yuan both hands close up gradually, in the sky that the giant sphere that gets together by the innumerable puppets is also contracting little, when both hands of Le Yuan close up completely, that diameter reduced original half in 50 meters giant sphere unexpectedly. 随着乐渊双手渐渐合拢,天空中那由无数傀儡聚合成的巨大圆球也在一点点收缩,当乐渊的双手完全合拢的时候,那原本直径在50米的巨大圆球竟然缩小到了原本的一半。 , when Le Yuan solves that moment of enemy, Hinata as if also had the trend of awakens. That flash when Hinata opens eyes, the Le Yuan sound spread to her ear. “唔”当乐渊解决掉敌人的那一刻,身边的雏田似乎也有了苏醒的趋势。当雏田睁开眼的那一刹那,乐渊的声音传入到了她的耳中。 Finally awoke, Sleeping Beauty? We were already reach the destination!” To be continued. “终于醒了吗,睡公主?我们可是已经到达目的地了哦!”未完待续。 ... ...
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