VE :: Volume #8 三阶首战影之忍者

#716: Fumbled and broken up the show Konoha

The overall operation of No. 1 world, it can be said that conforms to one of the original script development. However this most also compared to No. 2 world, after all before legitimate storyline starts, Le Yuan then actively participated in the advancement of history, nowadays historical development can restore to this level is inevitable Strength of history is also astonishing. 一号世界的整体运行,可以说是最符合原剧本发展的一个。不过这个最也是相对于二号世界而言的,毕竟在正统剧情开始以前,乐渊便主动参与到了历史的进程之中,现如今的历史发展能够恢复到这种水平也算是历史的必然性力量惊人。 How however to restore again, Le Yuan participation is is very partially difficult to change. For example when present Konoha, it originally history in the condition is worse. The Konoha collapse plan period as a result of the liveliness of Le Yuan, not only got rid of damn Third Hokage so to be simple, wrecking extinguished the attack of village also to affect Ninja that united to fight in the village much, they were Konoha backbone Strength, but was a pity unravelled very much under the attack of Le Yuan. 不过再怎么进行恢复,乐渊参与其中的部分还是很难有所改变的。比方说现在的木叶村,它就比原本历史中时的状态更加差。木叶崩溃计划时期由于乐渊的活跃,不仅仅是干掉了本就该死的三代目火影这么简单,一击毁灭村子的攻击同样波及到了不少在村子中戮战的忍者,他们才是木叶的中坚力量,不过很可惜在乐渊的攻击下灰飞烟灭。 But the Konoha bitter experience it can be said that heard that sad, seeing bursts into tears. Several years ago chaotic of Nine-Tails, the Konoha rare native place was invaded, after paying the sacrifice of numerous Ninja death as well as Kage of a village preserved, this first time was Konoha post-war was under the significant attack. 木叶村的遭遇可以说是闻者伤心、见者流泪。十几年前的九尾之乱,木叶少有的本土被入侵,在付出了众多忍者死亡以及一村之影的牺牲后保存了下来,这是木叶村战后第一次遭遇到重大袭击。 Two years ago Sound Ninja invasions, Konoha again stirs Primordial Qi to damage severely by the joint invasion of Sound Ninja and Sand Ninja, this attack command Konoha Ninja Strength drops time again, nearly reduced from the head of Five Great Ninja Villages to Sunagakure this trailing ninja village is a companion. This Konoha according to the incomplete statistics, died in battle Kage of a village in addition more than ten Jōnin time again and about hundred Chūnin, on especially, casualty Genin and civilians are countless. 两年前的音忍入侵,木叶再一次被音忍沙忍的联合入侵搅得元气大伤,这一次的攻击令木叶忍者力量再一次下降,从原本五大忍村之首险些沦落到砂隐村这种排名靠后的忍村为伍。这一次的木叶据不完整统计,再次阵亡了一村之影外加十多位上忍和近百位中忍、特上,死伤其中的下忍和平民更是不计其数。 If above twice also has a fracture merely, had not wanted the Konoha short remaining life. Then eight lifetime's bloody bad luck Konoha these faced time extinguished the disaster of village, merely was seven people, or was one person adds six corpses, then of Konoha Five Great Ninja Villages almost stirred about disintegrates. 如果以上的两次还仅仅是伤筋动骨,没有要了木叶村的老命。那么倒了八辈子血霉木叶村这一次可是面临了灭村之灾,仅仅是七个人,或者算是一人加六尸,便将五大忍村之一的木叶村差点搅合得分崩离析。 Contrasts battle efficiency of both sides, a Pain Six Paths strength of intruder side differs in a big way, the strongest Heavenly Dao discussed the attack defense is as for the destruction method without doubt is peak, with did not understand the person who his ability hit, even if Kage Level met were still hard to take it, in proper B level position. But in other five abilities holds the advantage in some domain, but in the true strength actually difference many, merely are the C level peak in addition little B level special capabilities, if the coordination battles other five people able to display to enter the B level actually initially the strength. 对比一下双方的战斗力,入侵者一方的佩恩六道实力相差较大,最强的天道论起攻击防御乃至于破坏手段无疑是最为顶尖的,和不了解他能力的人打起来,就算是影级遇上了也难以将其拿下,妥妥的b级中位。而其他五道能力上在某一领域占有优势,但是真正实力却差上许多,仅仅是c级巅峰外加少许b级特殊能力,不过如果配合作战其他五人倒是能够发挥出初入b级的实力。 But Konan of remaining dozen of coordination are one is as good the powerful outputs of Heavenly Dao, is counted the hidden must kill, 3000 hundred million Explosive Tag combinations[ Paper Person of God Technique], the Konan strength can definitely recognize as has in the B level the position, is as for threatening the B level high-rank destructive power. 而剩下打配合的小南则是一个不逊于天道的强力输出,算上隐藏的必杀,3000亿起爆符组合的[神之纸者之术],小南的实力完全可以认作有b级中位,乃至于威胁b级上位的破坏力。 But Konoha of other side, removes has waited to pick fruit Danzō and root, can really take to act truly, participates in Ninja in fight not being many. Tsunade as Kage of a village, the strength of B level low-rank, the techniques of additional over a hundred can achieve the position, what a pity is unable to let loose the fight as Kage of a village, in addition the forms of combat were restrained purely by the oppressive life. 而另一方的木叶村,去掉一直等着摘果实团藏和根部,真正能够拿得出手,参与到战斗中的忍者却着实不多。身为一村之影纲手,b级下位的实力,加上百豪之术能够达到中位,可惜作为一村之影无法放开战斗,加上战斗方式被克制纯粹是被虐的命。 But can at risk of life Pain Six Paths Might Guy and Hyūga Clan elite is not in the village as a result of Quest, as for three minutes of male Kakashi because the asymmetric information is unable to make the effective attack. 而能够拼死佩恩六道迈特凯日向一族的精英偏偏由于出任务而不在村中,至于三分钟男卡卡西则由于信息不对称根本无法做出有效攻击。 Because other previous generation of Ino–Shika–Chō the team all nearly defeat body does not die, remaining Chūnin, on are hard to have mortally injured to mysteriously appearing and disappearing Pain Six Paths especially. Suddenly the entire village flame of war are flying, must be extinguished the rhythm of village by seven people shortly. 其他的上一辈猪鹿蝶则由于队伍不全险些战败身死,剩下的中忍、特上更是难以对神出鬼没的佩恩六道产生致命伤害。一时间整个村子战火纷飞,眼看就要被七个人灭村的节奏。 But as the eldest child in Xiaoming surface, Pain arrives at Konoha is not kills people purely, what are more is catches Nine-Tails Jinchūriki Uzumaki Naruto, in knowing Uzumaki Naruto after Konoha, Pain then plans to give Konoha unforgettable commemorating of source of War. 而作为晓明面上的老大,佩恩来到木叶可不是纯粹是来杀人的,更多的是来捕获九尾人柱力漩涡鸣人,在知道漩涡鸣人不在木叶村之后,佩恩便打算给战争之源的木叶村一个永生难忘的纪念。 Sees only controls the Pain body of repulsion to fly slowly to the upper air, this acting cool way made a person of Konoha side not have the means that the Ninja disadvantage was they almost without the ability of air fight, looks that speed not quick Pain would have no means to take him. 只见操控着斥力的佩恩身体缓缓飞向高空,这一装逼的方式却令木叶一方的人毫无办法,忍者的劣势就是他们几乎没有空战的能力,看着那速度不快的佩恩偏偏就没有办法将其拿下。 With the slow lift-off of Pain, other Six Paths clone or Konan withdrew the Konoha range in this moment, has experience the attack of Konan understand following Pain not to divide the ultra-large range style of enemy and ourselves very much. 随着佩恩的缓慢升空,无论是其他六道分身还是小南都在这一刻撤出了木叶村的范围,有着经验的小南明白接下来佩恩的攻击是不分敌我的超大范围招式。 But on Konoha Hokage Rock, him who hurried back from Moon is just watching this rare good play. 而在木叶火影岩上,刚刚从月球赶回来的他正在看着这一场难得的好戏。 After all of No. 2 world are solved, Le Yuan already returned to this world two months ago early. However Le Yuan may not have to arrive at Konoha fool the pain to wait early, but flew directly to Moon of No. 1 world. 在二号世界的一切解决完毕之后,乐渊已经在两个月前回到了这个世界。不过乐渊可没有早早地来到木叶傻瓜似的苦等,而是直接飞向了一号世界的月球。 already made Le Yuan early time can be said as with guide/raid is hitting dungeon, in moon is known very well by him, Ōtsutsuki Toneri that even if already regained consciousness went forward to disturb, is still unable to prevent him to obtain the hope of giant Tenseigan eyes power. 已经做过一次的乐渊可以说是拿着攻略副本,月亮里面的一切早就被他所熟知,就算已经苏醒的大筒木舍人上前捣乱,依然无法阻止他得到巨型转生眼瞳力的渴望。 Two months, by the Le Yuan strength is unable the eyes power total absorption in giant Tenseigan, to obtain 60% Le Yuan after obtaining the news of ground completely merely has to suspend the matter on Moon. 两个月的时间,以乐渊的实力也无法完全将巨型转生眼里的瞳力全数吸收,仅仅得到60%的乐渊在得到地面的消息后不得不暂停月球上的事情。 However to guarantee Moon calmness and steadiness, Le Yuan also had Hinata to stay there Karin. No mistake, Le Yuan brought Hinata of No. 2 world, this naturally was not Le Yuan eats to support wanted to get rid of the dark samsara beast again, Le Yuan usually in receives Hinata in the heavenly book fairyland is unable to affect No. 1 world, but no over year influence is unable to form the dark samsara beast. 不过为了保证月球内部的安稳,乐渊香磷还有雏田留在了那里。没有错,乐渊将二号世界的雏田带了过来,这自然不是乐渊吃撑了想要再一次干掉黑暗轮回兽,乐渊平日里将雏田收在天书仙境内根本无法影响到一号世界,而没有一年以上的影响根本无法形成黑暗轮回兽。 Hinata can be said as in the Le Yuan plan an exceptionally important part, is Le Yuan in one of the the world's most important attempts. Le Yuan Small World had sneaked across more than ten million people, but that is as a result of the world Annihilation reason, after that Le Yuan has not attempted again one time, is connected including the above Xiaoxue of the world not to have the belt/bring to come out. 雏田可以说是乐渊计划中异常重要的一个部分,也是乐渊在这个世界最重要的尝试之一。乐渊小世界曾经偷渡过上千万人,但那是由于世界破灭的缘故,自那之后乐渊没有再尝试过一次,连上个世界的小雪都没有带出来。 One of reasons is because the Le Yuan intuition told him the Xiaoxue status to be hard to carry over specially, forcefully the smuggling perhap changed ; Second reason are because Le Yuan thought that is very difficult to adapt to the life of Inner World with the Xiaoxue character, most essential Huang Rong looks that does not bring well...... 原因之一是由于乐渊的直觉告诉他小雪身份特殊难以带出,强行偷渡恐防有变;原因之二则是因为乐渊觉得以小雪的性格很难适应里世界的生活,最关键的黄蓉看着不好带…… But this world, Le Yuan obtained two named bewilderedly „the world advancement point the special points, this thing still does not know that has what use, but Le Yuan thought that his opportunity came. 而这一个世界,乐渊莫名其妙地得到了两个名为“世界进程点”的特殊点数,这个玩意至今不知道有何用处,但是乐渊觉得他的机会来了。 But now, Le Yuan looked up to be attached to the upper air to hit the both arms to seem like Gods to overlook Deva Path Pain of land generally, Le Yuan only wants saying that acting cool played the fool. The Six Paths Pain move are many, wants to destroy Konoha may choose the way is also many, but the choice Almighty Push repulsion without doubt is the behavior of doing a thankless job. 而现在,乐渊抬起头看着附在高空中撞开自己双臂像是神明一般俯视大地的天道佩恩,乐渊只想说装逼装傻了。六道佩恩的招数很多,想要破坏木叶的可选方式同样不少,而选择神罗天征的斥力无疑是吃力不讨好的行为。 Perhaps function this matter of repulsion are most regarding Konoha is the steamroll advances, wants to depend on this move to kill the average person also to have the possibility, but the inhuman body is very gradually difficult to be effective regarding Ninja that already, moreover has the protection of Slug at this time, the damage that this move can cause is arrives lowly make the blood boil, can only do the relocation work. 斥力的作用此事对于木叶最多就是碾压推进,想要靠着这一招杀死普通人或许还有可能,但是对于忍者已经逐渐非人的身体却很难奏效,况且此时还有着蛞蝓的保护,这一招能够造成的伤害更是低到令人发指,只能做做拆迁工作。 However Deva Path Pain does not know also the person looked probably plays monkey looks at him to attack, still did not have know to gather huge chakra, chakra that his move of institute needs even keeps his main body from caring about other five clone. 不过天道佩恩可不知道还有一个人像是看耍猴似的看他攻击,仍旧毫无所知地聚集着庞大的查克拉,他这一招所需要的查克拉甚至让他的本体无法顾及其他五个分身 Lets the world feeling pain!” “让世界感受痛苦吧!” already is Deva Path Pain of deceased person is not naturally able to know that anything is the pain, on Rinnegan naturally does not have any sentiment, regards the ants to look at Konoha merely probably generally, chakra that at the same time gathers divulges completely, is transformed the repulsion that becomes to be centered on Deva Path Pain by chakra turned toward the under steamroll in the past. 已经是死人的天道佩恩自然无法知道什么是痛苦,轮回眼上自然也不带任何的感情,仅仅像是看待蝼蚁一般望着自己脚下的木叶村,同一时刻聚集完毕的查克拉全部宣泄出去,由查克拉转换而成的斥力以天道佩恩为核心向着下方碾压了过去。 What first suffers a disaster is the Pain entire below street, was still running the civilians of seeking asylum only to see that the memorial arch in high place became the fragment by the steamroll with no reason at all, later is the building starts to collapse from top to bottom, although does not know that this is anything causes, but saw that this person all turns toward the surrounding to run. 最先遭劫的是佩恩整下的街道,原本还在奔跑着避难的平民只能看到高处的牌坊无缘无故被碾压成碎片,随后便是楼房从上而下开始崩坏,虽然不知道这是什么导致的,但是见到这一幕的人无一不向着外围跑去。 However the speed of person how could quick the attack of repulsion, repulsion flash steamroll of dropping from the clouds to ground, presses out more than ten meters body gulfs Heavenly Dao below ground ruthlessly, this did not finish, the repulsion is centered on this gulf is conducting the sweeping away -type impact outward. 但是人的速度又岂能快过斥力的攻击,从天而降的斥力一瞬间碾压到了地面上,狠狠将天道正下方的地面压出一个十多米身深坑,这还不是结束,斥力以这个深坑为中心向外进行着横扫式的冲击。 Blocks the repulsion all buildings, person or the plant total is overthrown, this regarding entire Konoha simply is the disaster, short less than one minute of time, Konoha within more than ten kilometers range by the total crew cuts, had the protection of Tsunade summoned beast Slug even, several thousand people die as before under this struck. 挡住斥力的一切建筑、人或是植物全数被推倒,这对于整个木叶来说简直就是灾难,短短一分钟不到的时间,十几公里范围内的木叶村被全数推平,就算是有纲手通灵兽蛞蝓的保护,依旧有数千人死在了这一击之下。 Konoha that reconstructs again by crew cut . Moreover the earthquake that causes compared with the Le Yuan attack is thorough. Perhaps if Konoha produced the village spirit has been pulling the neck of Deva Path Pain and Le Yuan interrogated loudly, actually it where offended two unlucky stars, was destroyed one time also insufficiently, was destroyed continuously twice, which Five Great Ninja Villages had to have Konoha is so unlucky. 重建起来的木叶村再一次被推平,而且比起乐渊攻击引起的地震还要彻底。如果木叶村产生村灵的话恐怕早就扯着天道佩恩乐渊的脖子大声质问了,它究竟是从哪里得罪了两位灾星,被毁灭一次还不够,连续被毁灭了两次,五大忍村有哪一个有木叶这么倒霉的。 But stands Le Yuan on Konoha Hokage Rock can be said as most relaxed one, although this move[ Super: Almighty Push] might is tyrannical, but with has not affected the place that he fights. Moreover now this time was he carries out the Quest good time, regarding abnormal condition Nagato,[ Super: Almighty Push] was a burden, not only will extract massive stamina as well as chakra of his within the body, even his life span because this will strike, but greatly reduced. 而站在木叶火影岩上的乐渊可以说是最轻松的一个,虽然这一招[超·神罗天征]威力强横,但是跟没有波及到他所战的地方。而且现在这个时候正是他执行任务的好时机,对于非正常状态的长门而言,[超·神罗天征]就是个负担,不但会抽取他体内的大量体力以及查克拉,甚至连他的寿命都会由于这一击而大大减少。 But the most important point is, this time Deva Path Pain already entered the feeble time, not only Almighty Push Strength already is unable to use temporarily, even other five strengths reduce greatly, the overall level dropped incessantly a level. 而最重要的一点就是,此时的天道佩恩已经进入了衰弱期,不但神罗天征力量已经暂时无法使用,连其他五道都实力大减,整体水平下降了不止一个层次。 Le Yuan wants to capture Rinnegan, then present Deva Path Pain Rinnegan is the Quest request? Le Yuan is unknown temporarily, although the long-distance transmission Pain chakra Le Yuan can the clear sensation, but wants to draw support from this main body that traces Nagato also by far insufficient. 乐渊想要夺取轮回眼,那么眼前的天道佩恩轮回眼算不算是任务要求呢?乐渊暂时不得而知,虽然远程传输到佩恩身上的查克拉乐渊能够清晰感知到,但是想要借助这个追踪到长门的本体还远远不够。 The best method seizes next Six Paths clone directly, seeks for the main body with the aid of him as the signal receiver the position. But the Le Yuan waiting another important reason is to still wait for original protagonist Uzumaki Naruto arrives, is quite interested in his within the body Yang Nine-Tails chakra. If can catch the whole lot in a dragnet, is the best choice. 最好的方法就是直接擒下一个六道分身,借助他作为信号接收器寻找本体的方位。而乐渊等待至今另一个重要的原因就是等待原主角漩涡鸣人登场,对于他体内阳九尾查克拉颇为感兴趣。如果能够一网打尽,是最好的选择。 After all although present Uzumaki Naruto compares for two years ago progressed much, but without grasping Nine-Tails chakra him as before is only the fellow of half bucket of water, only but must be worried is his within the body seal technique, can break through that First Layer seal regarding Le Yuan is a test. 毕竟现在的漩涡鸣人虽然比起两年前长进了不少,但是没有掌握九尾查克拉的他依旧只是个半桶水的家伙,不过唯一要担心的就是他体内的封印术式,能否突破那一层的封印对于乐渊而言是一个考验。 In the sky, consumed the Deva Path Pain bodies of massive chakra to creaky, little fell floating, bottom of another side destroyed Konoha big hole, Uzumaki Naruto that special chakra response appeared. 天空中,消耗了大量查克拉天道佩恩身体摇摇欲坠,正一点点飘然落下,另一边被毁灭的木叶大坑底部,漩涡鸣人那特殊的查克拉反应出现在了其中。 ... ... ... ...
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