VE :: Volume #8 三阶首战影之忍者

#703: Imperial state

In Kaguya move of that moment, intense chakra releases from her body, Le Yuan or Hagoromo have to concentrate on to support stubbornly, this[ Six Paths: Chibaku Tensei] what is most essential is Le Yuan and Hagoromo conducts transportation the strength of Yin-Yang, once the transmission of strength of Yin-Yang presents the interrupt, then the seal is defeated surely. 辉夜中招的那一刻,强烈的查克拉从她的身体中释放出来,无论是乐渊还是羽衣都不得不全神贯注死死撑着,这[六道·地爆天星]最关键的还是乐渊羽衣进行输送的阴阳之力,一旦阴阳之力的传输出现中断,那么封印必定失败。 But in two people the key is core figure Hagoromo of seal, compares is only responsible for transporting the Yin strength Le Yuan, Hagoromo besides the Yang strength that itself needs to transport needs to maintain[ Six Paths: Chibaku Tensei] launch. 而两人中的关键则是封印的核心人物羽衣,相比较只负责输送阴之力的乐渊,羽衣除了本身需要输送的阳之力外更需要维持[六道·地爆天星]的发动。 Because Hagoromo needs to be responsible for two Quest, this cannot divert attention in other. Wants seal Ōtsutsuki Kaguya, can only go into action by the trick, after having had one time by the experience of seal, wants to conduct on the second seal difficult dozens times. 正是由于羽衣需要负责两项任务,这才更加不能分心于其他。想要封印大筒木辉夜,只能够靠奇招出马,有过一次被封印的经验之后再想要进行第二次封印就会难上数十倍。 Therefore is maintaining Hagoromo of seal no not to notice an exceptionally common matter diligently, from the Ōtsutsuki Kaguya sleeves, one group brings the black liquor of weak life aura to fall common merely toward under. 是故正在努力维持封印的羽衣更不没有注意到一件异常不起眼的事情,从大筒木辉夜的衣袖之中,一团非常不起眼仅仅带着微弱的生命气息的黑色液体向着下方落去。 Perhaps because chakra then environment of hedge was complex, even the expert in Hagoromo such sensation is unable exploration, only then has gazed at Le Yuan that Kaguya is changing to discover just that. 或许由于查克拉的对冲似的当时的环境过于复杂,连羽衣这样感知上的好手都无法探秘情况,也只有一直注视着辉夜变化的乐渊才会发现刚刚的那一幕。 Black Zetsu, that will say in the future was the Ōtsutsuki Kaguya third child anomaly was born. Also this fellow caused future a series of tragedy and war, he is the origins of all events. 黑绝,未来那个自称为大筒木辉夜第三子的怪胎就此出生了。也正是这个家伙才导致了未来一系列悲剧和大战的发生,他正是一切事件的起源。 However looks like in Le Yuan, this Black Zetsu is Ōtsutsuki Kaguya third child rather is Ōtsutsuki Kaguya some Will. However unlike Ōtsutsuki Kaguya that Le Yuan sees completely, Black Zetsu the Will merely is not pure consciousness clone, seems like discharged the variation consciousness in outside the body by Ōtsutsuki Kaguya. 不过在乐渊看来,这个黑绝与其说是大筒木辉夜的第三子不如说是大筒木辉夜的某个意志。不过与乐渊所见的大筒木辉夜完全不同,黑绝的这个意志绝不仅仅是单纯的意识分身,反倒像是被大筒木辉夜排出体外的异种意识。 A guess, a bold guess. Actually Black Zetsu this special individual how is born, does not put it is regarded as divine tree by Will under body of birth Kaguya. Initially Kaguya that nearly invincible the body and ability of chakra fruit under Kaguya clothing/taking besides giving, let divine tree and Kaguya relates one, but that communication each other bridge was Black Zetsu. 一个猜测,一个大胆的猜测。黑绝这个特殊个体究竟是如何诞生的,不放将它认作是神树借由辉夜之身诞下的意志。当初辉夜服下的查克拉果实除了给予辉夜那近乎无敌的身体和能力之外,更让神树将自己和辉夜联系到了一起,而那个沟通彼此的桥梁便是黑绝 The appearance of Black Zetsu is not accidental/surprised, the matter that but already arranges early, Kaguya will be ahead of time the birth of Black Zetsu by the seal merely. This makes Black Zetsu to existence of this unknown liquids be born nowadays, will not simply have the slight Strength partner body besides extremely weak vitality. 黑绝的出现绝不是意外,而是早已经安排好的事情,辉夜会被封印仅仅是将黑绝的诞生提前了而已。这使得黑绝才会以现如今这一摊未知液体的存在诞生,除了极为微弱的生命力之外根本没有丝毫的力量伴身。 Chī “嗤 Black Zetsu just fell to the ground, was planning that looks up own that in name( is also he thinks unilaterally) mother, then saw that Le Yuan looks down its just in time. But the under hand of Le Yuan trembles, kunai that brings destructive thunder light hit the Black Zetsu location. 黑绝刚刚落地,正打算抬起头看着自己那名义上(也是他单方面认为)的母亲,便见到乐渊正巧低下头看着它的那一幕。而乐渊的手一颤之下,一枚带着毁灭性雷光苦无命中了黑绝的所在地。 Black Zetsu escaped, exceptionally escaped distressedly. It even can feel Le Yuan in attacking its moment look brings is not killing intent, but is a silent taunt, has not as if cared regarding existence of Black Zetsu completely, probably thinks that Black Zetsu is baser and lower compared with the pebble of roadside. 黑绝逃了,异常狼狈地逃跑了。它甚至能够感受到乐渊在攻击它的那一刻眼神中带着的不是杀意,而是一种无声的嘲讽,对于黑绝的存在似乎完全没有在意,像是认为黑绝比起路边的小石子更加卑微。 Perhaps Le Yuan had not realized, the behavior that own seems like retaliation just will also be entering this world to encounter the sneak attack to set the foreshadowing for him in the future, Le Yuan by Black Zetsu to chasing down of mad dog, in some sense also came from in today strikes. 或许乐渊还没有意识到,自己的这个像是报复似的行为也正为他未来刚刚进入这个世界就遭遇偷袭埋下伏笔,乐渊会被黑绝向疯狗似的追杀,某种意义上也源自于今日的一击。 The Black Zetsu consciousness of just being born was small and weak, was incapable of conducting any plan radically. He can only depend on ability undying that carries from Kaguya there to kill the time only, plans resurrecting of Kaguya with nearly infinite time. 刚刚诞生的黑绝意识还非常弱小,根本无力进行任何的谋划。他只能靠着唯一从辉夜那里携带的本领不死熬时间,用近乎无限的时间谋划辉夜的复活。 As gazes after Moon formally to enter the cislunar orbit, indicates that the absolute rule of Kaguya eventually ended, entire Ninja World continent welcomed the new chapter. 随着目送月球正式进入地月轨道,也预示着辉夜的绝对统治终于结束了,整个忍界大陆迎来了新的篇章。 But ended the prolonged fight, Le Yuan had not finished in Quest of this time. The history that day after day collapses has not returned normally, at least until now till Le Yuan Quest in Quest goal vanished just stopped, has not restored to the original appearance. 而结束了旷日持久的战斗,乐渊在这个时代的任务还没有结束。日渐崩坏的历史还没有回归正常,最起码直到现在为止乐渊任务目标上的任务消失才刚刚停止,至今没有恢复到原来的面貌。 In other words, Le Yuan wants to leave this time also to need to continue to try hard. But is only and this time has happening together is the death of Hamura. This tragic figure dies under the hand of Le Yuan slid, any cat and dog that this cannot kill casually, future Hyūga Clan and will protect Moon seal the resident of moon/month to be the Hamura descendant. 换句话说,乐渊想要离开这个时代还需要继续努力。而唯一和这个时代产生交集的就是羽村之死。这个悲剧人物死在了乐渊的手滑之下,这可不是随便能杀的阿猫阿狗,未来的日向一族和守护月球封印的月之居民可都是羽村的后代。 Really wanted to be thorough, then regarding the entire Ninja World history without doubt was the huge impact. A matter that therefore Le Yuan then must handle is resurrecting Ōtsutsuki Hamura, but this heavy responsibility only Le Yuan person may be unable to do, the key of event but also on Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo. 真要彻底死了,那么对于整个忍界历史而言无疑是巨大的冲击。是故乐渊接下来要做的一件事情就是复活大筒木羽村,而这项重任单凭乐渊一个人可做不出来,事件的关键但还在大筒木羽衣身上。 Rinnegan, accurate is Rinnegan some ability Samsara of Heavenly Life Technique. This is entire Naruto World can no side effect resurrect only Ninjutsu of some character, here no side effect will refer to the resurrected person will not have any influence. 轮回眼,准确来说是轮回眼的某个能力轮回天生之术。这是整个火影忍者世界唯一能够无副作用复活某个人物的忍术,这里的无副作用是指被复活的人不会产生任何的影响。 In some sense this Ninjutsu price is not the general heaviness, uses this technique to have Rinnegan, but meets the requirement only then is only left over Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo. But if caster wants to resurrect somebody to have the body of this person, in other words Soul impossible of resurgent survives baseless, without his complete body is unable to resurrect thoroughly. 某种意义上这个忍术的代价也不是一般的重,施展这个术必须拥有轮回眼,而唯一符合要求的便只剩下大筒木羽衣。而施术者若想复活某个人则必须拥有此人的躯体,换句话说复活者的灵魂不可能凭空生存,没有他完整的身体根本无法彻底复活。 Samsara of Heavenly Life Technique not depending on the technique of empty-handed visit person, once body already of resurgent rotten is as for Diffindo, even if this move may be called the masterstroke/divine skill unable its resurrecting. This merely is taboo Ninjutsu, is not the big resurrecting technique that is used by the god. 轮回天生之术并非是凭空造人之术,所以一旦复活者的躯体已经腐烂乃至于四分五裂,纵然这一招堪称神技也无法将其复活。这仅仅是禁忌忍术而已,并非是由神所施展的大复活术。 But Hagoromo body already was thoroughly destroyed, but attained his body flesh in Le Yuan well smartly, by these flesh Le Yuan can definitely with[ Impure World Reincarnation] comes out him cleverly, resurrects with the aid of the body of Impure World Reincarnation, this has had the successful case. 羽衣的躯体已经被彻底摧毁,不过好在乐渊机灵拿到了他的身体血肉,凭借这些血肉乐渊完全能够用[秽土转生]将他通灵出来,借助秽土转生的身体进行复活,这可是有过成功案例的。 However even if solved the problem of Hagoromo body, successfully uses this technique also to have two key aspects. One of them lies in Le Yuan, resurrecting needs Soul, but Hamura Soul had been used to fill in a supplement magic glove by Le Yuan[ Reincarnation Round Dance], wanting Hamura to resurrect must give up already making good Demon Equipment by Le Yuan, even if Demon Equipment had not destroyed finally thoroughly, but after losing Hamura Soul, whether to restore is an issue. 不过纵然解决了羽衣身体的问题,成功施展这个术还有两个关键因素。其中之一在于乐渊,复活需要灵魂,而羽村灵魂早就被乐渊用来填补魔具手套[转生轮舞],想要羽村复活就必须由乐渊放弃已经制造好的魔具,就算最后魔具没有彻底毁了,但是失去了羽村灵魂之后还能否恢复都是个问题。 Le Yuan can agree for Quest, but the price that another side Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo pays is also big. The descendant as Kaguya, the superior unprecedented integration Rinnegan, Sage Body and divine tree Strength first person, he has the ability of eternal life theoretically. 乐渊这边为了任务可以同意,而另一边大筒木羽衣付出的代价也不小。身为辉夜的后代,优势史无前例统合了轮回眼仙人体神树力量的第一人,理论上他有着永生的能力。 However if really wants resurrecting Hamura, displaying Samsara of Heavenly Life Technique needs to consume his life. Theoretically basically trades the life by the vitality of average person by the life, even if resurrects a weak person also to need to die merely to receive in exchange. But the Hagoromo strength decided he not such dying easily, but will still make his Primordial Qi damage severely, later perhaps dies easily early. 不过如果真想要复活羽村,施展轮回天生之术需要消耗他的生命。理论上以普通人的生命力基本上就是以命换命,就算仅仅复活一个比自己弱的人同样需要以死来换取。而羽衣的实力决定了他不会这么轻易的死去,但是依然会让他元气大伤,以后恐怕容易早死。 But after experiencing personally the fight of mother seal, Hagoromo can say that regards as important regarding the family member, let alone is consumes a vitality to resurrect regarding own younger brother, even if is only left over one year of life still to refuse to balk. 而经历了亲手将自己母亲封印的战斗之后,羽衣可以说对于亲人更加看重,对于自己的弟弟别说是消耗一点生命力来复活,就算只剩下一年的生命也在所不惜。 An equipment of A Level is destroyed by Le Yuan personally, this will trade to do is Le Yuan should still usually love dearly even, but Le Yuan does not have to choose now. Even now does not destroy, Le Yuan do not want this A Level equipment to leave, imperial state later Le Yuan existed with the past is incompatible, then natural impossible appeared here, in other words this A Level[ Reincarnation Round Dance] also impossible appeared. 一件a级的装备由乐渊亲手破坏,这换做是平时就算是乐渊也会心疼不已,但是乐渊现在是没得选择。就算现在不毁灭,乐渊也别想带着这件a级装备离开,历史修正之后乐渊存在与过去不符,那么自然不可能出现在这里,换句话说这a级的[转生轮舞]也不可能出现。 In brief, this potentially promising A Level equipment was impossible continues to retain. A matter that Le Yuan can expect is only retains as far as possible the essence, even Strength sharp drop, so long as holds the potential that grows stronger again, Le Yuan did not mind that calls the roll of officers and assign them tasks it to train. 总而言之,这件潜力无穷的a级装备是不可能继续保留了。乐渊唯一能够期待的一件事情就是尽可能将精华保留下来,就算力量大幅度下降,但是只要保有再一次变强的潜力,乐渊不介意一点点将其培养回来。 As Le Yuan liberates from the right hand glove the Soul body of Hamura cautiously, the treasure equipment that Le Yuan succeeds in obtaining newly degrades inevitably. From original A Level, fell the b- level directly, although compared with original C level Star Picking Glove in many, but was the might falls after all. 随着乐渊小心翼翼地将羽村灵魂体从右手手套解放,乐渊新到手的宝贝装备不可避免地降了级。从原本的a级,直接掉到了b-水准,虽然比起原本的c级摘星手套强上不少,但终归是威力直降。 New[ Reincarnation Round Dance] retained the Byakugan ability merely, all vanishes as for Bloody Blast, Blood Cohesion as well as Reincarnation Mode these three big abilities does not see, even the Byakugan ability and summit period had the large scale weaken. 新的[转生轮舞]仅仅是保留了白眼的能力,至于血色冲击血之凝聚以及转生模式这三项大能力全都消失不见,甚至连白眼的能力都和颠峰时期有了大幅度的衰减。 However also retained an only good news in a big pile of bad news, that is although the rank falls down, because held the Hamura Soul two months, this[ Reincarnation Round Dance] all recorded the Hamura ability and source, if later can supplement with common origin Strength, then can also restore its original might again. 不过在一大堆坏消息之中还保留了一个唯一的好消息,那就是虽然级别掉了下去,但是由于容纳了羽村灵魂两个月的时间,这[转生轮舞]将羽村的能力以及本源全都记录了下来,如果以后能够用同源的力量进行补充,那么还能够再一次恢复它的本来威力。 The first use of Samsara of Heavenly Life Technique is future Sage of Six Paths resurrects his younger brother, was good because of the time of Hamura death does not calculate that particularly was long, after this Hagoromo completely its resurrecting , the vitality exhausted 40% merely, making relatively mature Hagoromo this matter seem experienced. 轮回天生之术的第一次使用就是未来的六道仙人复活他的弟弟,好在羽村死亡的时间不算是特别长,这一次羽衣完全将其复活后生命力仅仅是耗去了40%,使得原本就比较成熟的羽衣此事更加显得老成。 That moment when Hamura resurrects, Le Yuan routinely opens own Quest Panel examination this time condition, finally made him feel at ease much, Quest of already half collapse regained the original condition finally, simultaneously was uniform prompts. Le Yuan made such a big move in the past, naturally also triggered Hidden Quest. 而当羽村复活的那一刻,乐渊习惯性地打开自己的任务面板查看此时的状态,结果令他心安了不少,原本已经半崩溃的任务总算恢复到了原本的状态,同时系统一个提示来了。乐渊在过去弄出了这么一个大动静,自然也触发了一个隐藏任务 timeline change that B Hidden Main Quest no one knows b隐藏主线任务无人知晓的时间线变动 Quest Description: In the past, the road that now, in the future, you will pass through will then be the history 任务描述:过去,现在,未来,你走过的路便是历史 Quest request: The development of maintenance current world history 任务要求:维护当前世界历史的发展 Quest Reward: Legend * 1 , a world advancement 0.1, Experience Point 100 任务奖励:传说度*1,a世界进程点1,经验值100 Before legend this thing Le Yuan, already had 6 points, this besides to settles accounts the addition finally, is the experience that speeds up Adventure Rank to gain. Still do not know as for other abilities, but according to this entire Inner World rare degree, effect certainly not merely these two. 传说度这玩意乐渊之前已经有了六点,这除了对最终结算加成以外,就是加快冒险等级获取的经验。至于其他的能力犹未可知,不过按照这在整个里世界的稀有程度来看,功效绝不仅仅这两项而已。 Is Le Yuan had not heard as for new term world advancement that another presents thing, does not know as for its ability completely, Le Yuan this matter definitely is unable to conduct any operation to it, when seem to probably wait till the return can confirm. 至于另一个出现的新名词世界进程点则是乐渊从来没有听说过的东西,至于它的能力更是完全不知晓,乐渊此事完全无法对它进行任何操作,看起来必须等到回归之际才能进行确认。 But later all of this time become almost the same as the history, Hamura this moderate love mother sickness patient observed the situation to choose went to Moon to the protection of seal. But another side Hagoromo prepares to visit entire Ninja continent, regarding, because he and his mother fights the destroyed world restores. 而之后这个时代的一切就变得和历史相差无几,羽村这个中度恋母症患者环视选择了前往月球进行对封印的守护。而另一边羽衣则准备环游整个忍者大陆,对于由于他和他母亲战斗而被破坏的世界进行修复。 Was anything has not made, anything not to say as for Le Yuan then before two people vanished again. Historical already is stable, if Le Yuan talked too much to cause the history to change that to call true bad again. 至于乐渊则是什么也没有做、什么也没有说便从两人身前再一次消失。历史已经稳定,如果乐渊多嘴导致历史再一次变动那才叫真正的糟糕。 But Le Yuan arrived at the Land of Wind dragon vein location of this time quietly, although has not discovered the dragon vein Strength, but Le Yuan actually starts to control Strength to open the space and time familiar and easy again the front door. 乐渊悄无声息地来来到了这个时代的风之国龙脉所在地,虽然还没有发现龙脉的力量,但是乐渊却轻车熟路地开始操控着一股力量再一次打开时空的大门。 ... ...
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