VE :: Volume #8 三阶首战影之忍者

#702: In history first Jinchūriki

Hagoromo to fighting Ten-Tails does not have Le Yuan imagines is so easy, at least the tremendous amount difference between chakra causes two people not to have so-called fair to the war. Claw Strength regarding Ten-Tails is destroy the Heavens and extinguish the Earth powerful, but Hagoromo actually centralized massive chakra can cause the damage. 羽衣对战十尾没有乐渊想象中的那么容易,最起码查克拉之间的巨大数量差就导致两人在对战之中根本不存在所谓的公平。对于十尾而言一爪一尾的力量都是毁天灭地强大,而羽衣却得集中大量查克拉才能对其造成伤害。 But Ten-Tails chakra is inexhaustible, because its Special Constitution simply does not have the so-called fatigue, like this close to two months of fight regarding Hagoromo is a suffering, but same does not have the slight difference regarding Ten-Tails with one day. 十尾查克拉可谓是无穷无尽,而且由于它的特殊体质根本没有所谓的疲劳感,这样接近两个月的战斗对于羽衣而言是一种煎熬,而对于十尾却和一天一样没有丝毫的差别。 Hey, Brothers! You continue to fight dead like this, basic and courts death no difference from this monster fight, you are young , to continue to cultivate Immortal Technique with me with concentration, later can certainly defeat it!” “嘿,兄弟!你这样继续战斗下去会死的,和这种怪物战斗根本和找死没有什么区别,你还年轻,和我继续潜心修炼仙术,以后一定能够战胜它!” Lies in Gamamaru of Hagoromo shoulder at this time that is fearful and apprehensive, since this day fight can say that exceeded its imagination completely, Immortal Technique displayed powerful Strength that was inconceivable in the hand of Hagoromo, from the beginning coped with Ten-Tails was beset with problems the present upfront hardly just not weak leeward, Hagoromo is growing at the inconceivable speed. 趴在羽衣肩头的蛤蟆丸此时那是心惊胆战,这段日子以来的战斗可以说完全超越了它的想象,仙术羽衣的手上发挥出了难以想象的强大力量,从一开始对付十尾的捉襟见肘到现在的正面硬刚不弱下风,羽衣正在以不可思议的速度成长。 Frog, the time does not wait for me, moreover I promised another person to help, he is still insisting, how I can admit defeat! Moreover I as if found the method of defeating divine tree......” “蛤蟆,时间可不等我,而且我可是答应了另一个人去帮忙的,他可是还在坚持着,我怎么能就此认输!而且我似乎找到了击败神树的方法……” Hagoromo does not have depressed now as before, the long-time fight made him have also wanted tenacious spirit compared with any Warrior. Ten-Tails Strength is indeed fearful, but did not have the direct operation of Kaguya, what this Ten-Tails are more is depends on the instinct to fight. 羽衣现在依旧没有一丝的沮丧,长久的战斗令他有了比任何战士还要坚韧的精神十尾力量的确可怕,但是没有了辉夜的直接操作,这十尾更多的是靠着本能在战斗。 When Hagoromo also wants to continue to operate Susanoo and Ten-Tails fight, Le Yuan appeared on the shoulder of Susanoo suddenly, Le Yuan just came to discover the position that oneself stood was not quite as if good, immediately conducted the space shift to arrive at the Hagoromo side again. 正当羽衣还想要继续操纵须佐能乎十尾战斗时,乐渊陡然出现在了须佐能乎的肩膀上,乐渊刚刚现身发现自己站的位置似乎不太好,登时再次进行空间转移来到了羽衣的身旁。 For a long time does not see, are you good?” “好久不见,你还好吗?” Le Yuan looks at exhausted that on the Hagoromo face that could not say to know that this was close to two months of fight to him is not the good matter, but Le Yuan has not blamed him and that's the end. After all can constrain Ten-Tails to be even good by the Hagoromo strength, but less than two months of time his strength leap already surpassed the estimate of Le Yuan again. 乐渊看着羽衣脸上那说不出的疲惫就知道这接近两个月的战斗对他而言绝不是什么好事情,不过乐渊也没怎么怪他就是了。毕竟以羽衣的实力能够拖住十尾就算不错了,而两个月不到的时间他的实力再一次飞跃已经超过了乐渊的预计。 You, are you all right? Okaa-sama there......” “你,你没事吗?母亲大人那里难道……” Looks at the Le Yuan safe and sound appearance before oneself, but the condition of body lends the Hamura chakra aura always, Hagoromo the mind is shaking immediately. After all Le Yuan can rush to side him, to explain Kaguya already by him...... 看着乐渊安然无恙的出现在自己面前,而身体的状态更是无时无刻不散发着羽村查克拉气息,羽衣顿时心神震荡。毕竟乐渊能够赶到他身边,岂不是说明辉夜已经被他…… Le Yuan saw that the Hagoromo dumbfounded appearance knows he thought the branch, waved to deny again and again. 乐渊看到羽衣愣神的样子就知道他想岔了,连连挥手否认。 Without, Kaguya Undying Body is so can it be that easy to solve, perhaps also needs you to use Rinnegan deep meaning Chibaku Tensei (Planetary Devastation), when the time comes needs strength of assistance my Yin, your I can jointly surely its complete seal, but before again, needs to enhance a rank your strength again, this technique gives you!” “没有没有,辉夜不死之身岂是那么容易解决的,恐怕还需要你用轮回眼的奥义地爆天星,到时候需要我的阴之力协助,你我联手定能将其完全封印,不过再次之前需要将你的实力再次提升一个等级,这个术给你!” Le Yuan is thinking remembers some technique passed to Hagoromo, but the receive Hagoromo of that technique memory was looking at the Le Yuan shock. 乐渊想着将自己记忆中的某个术传给了羽衣,而接收到了那个术记忆的羽衣更是望着乐渊震惊不已。 Le Yuan may not have the time to pay attention also in shocking Hagoromo, he is understand anything is called the time not to wait for the person. According to the Kaguya restoration speed, if two people no longer pick up the action speed to be possible really to return to two pairs of two aspects again. 乐渊可没有时间理会还在震惊的羽衣,他可是明白什么叫做时间不等人。按照辉夜的恢复速度,如果两人不再加快点行动速度可真的要再一次回到二对二的局面之中。 Sage Art: Gate of the Great God!” 仙法·明神门!” Hagoromo when obtaining this move used immediately, immediately giant Torii of dropping from the clouds the Ten-Tails tail body blockade of rebellion, but Le Yuan this matter also took advantage of opportunity to fall on the body of Ten-Tails, Tenseigan Strength started in this moment full power. 羽衣在得到这一招时立马就使用了出来,顿时一个个从天而降的巨大鸟居将暴动的十尾尾巴身躯封锁,而乐渊此事也顺势落在了十尾的身体上,转生眼力量在这一刻全力发动。 The chakra absorption technique, must contact the absorption of body compared with the copper armor that Orochimaru transforms, what Le Yuan grasps is powerful. Does not need to contact completely, to speed up absorption rate Le Yuan, but adventure near body. 查克拉吸收术,比起大蛇丸改造出来的赤铜铠必须接触身体的吸收,乐渊所掌握的可是更加强大。完全不需要接触,不过为了加快吸收速度乐渊可是冒险近身。 Immediately Ten-Tails that wild and powerful chakra drilled into the body of Le Yuan instantaneously, this powerful chakra takes to Le Yuan powerful chakra and is not enough to make Le Yuan surprised, truly the one who makes Le Yuan care is this chakra, although wild, but to Le Yuan within the body the strength of Heavens Punishment has some slight neutralization, although the effect is few, but has certain restriction ability without doubt. 顿时十尾那狂暴而又强大查克拉瞬间钻入了乐渊的身体,这种强大查克拉带给乐渊强大查克拉并不足以令乐渊惊讶,真正让乐渊在意的是这种查克拉虽然狂暴但是却对乐渊体内的天谴之力有着某种轻微的缓解作用,虽然效果很少,但无疑是有着一定制约能力的。 But Le Yuan may be unable to attend to these now, immediately inhales huge chakra in within the body to change into this moment the chains that has the blue ray innumerably further ties up Ten-Tails. 乐渊现在可顾不上这些,顿时吸入体内的庞大查克拉在这一刻化为无数带着蓝色光芒的锁链将十尾进一步捆绑起来。 But while Ten-Tails encounters the restriction, Hagoromo acted again. Although his chakra is good, but cannot be many. But after all is the Kaguya descendant, oneself physique enables him to have far ultra later generation Ninja chakra. 而就在十尾遭到制约的同时,羽衣再一次行动了。他本身的查克拉虽然不错,但是并不能算是很多。但毕竟是辉夜的后代,自身体质使得他能够拥有远超后世忍者查克拉 Chibaku Tensei (Planetary Devastation)!” 地爆天星!” With Hagoromo this move of putting forth, is centered on the Ten-Tails all around innumerable sea water to ascend immediately, continent of sea deep place this was being struck to haunch up, innumerable crushed stones Ten-Tails First Layer level package. But Le Yuan looks at already to fall into tight encirclement Ten-Tails, Spatial Displacement leaves from its side. 随着羽衣这一招的使出,顿时以十尾为核心四周无数海水升腾而起,连带着海洋深处的大陆都被这一击拱起,无数的碎石将十尾一层层包裹。而乐渊看着已经陷入重围的十尾,一个空间移动从它的身边离开。 Roar roar roar......” “吼吼吼……” Facing the move of Hagoromo use, although Ten-Tails revolts furiously. However in first even/including Sage Art: Gate of the Great God With Adamantine Sealing Chains These two moves of Ten-Tails already lost offensive, although at this time worked loose two type seal techniques, but is close to complete facing already Chibaku Tensei (Planetary Devastation) Is actually unable to save the situation. 面对羽衣使用的这一招,虽然十尾奋力反抗。但是一连中了【仙法·明神门】和【金刚封锁】这两招的十尾已经失去了先手,此时虽然挣脱了两式封印术,但是面对已经接近完成的【地爆天星】却是回天乏力。 When a giant stone ball close to dozens kilometers diameter drifts after the midair, the resistance of Ten-Tails vanishes finally, but Chibaku Tensei (Planetary Devastation) also announced that finally the seal is successful. 当一颗接近数十公里直径的巨大石球飘浮在半空之后,十尾的反抗最终消失而地爆天星也终于宣告封印成功。 However completed to the Ten-Tails seal merely is the first step of goal, regarding having Rinnegan Hagoromo, absorbed Ten-Tails Strength in oneself strengthens own Strength this is the second start. 不过完成了对十尾的封印仅仅是目的的第一步,对于拥有了轮回眼羽衣而言,将十尾力量汲取于自身强化自己的力量这才是第二步的开始。 Jinchūriki, Ten-Tails Jinchūriki, Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo is first Jinchūriki in the true sense. Although Ōtsutsuki Kaguya has the bystander the relations that with divine tree Ten-Tails is hard to verify, but does not have being in one in the true sense eventually. 人柱力,十尾人柱力,大筒木羽衣才是真正意义上的第一个人柱力大筒木辉夜虽然和神树十尾之间有着外人难以探明的关系,但是终究没有真正意义上的合为一体。 With belonging to Ten-Tails chakra was absorbed by Hagoromo completely, Hagoromo then had the later generation Sage of Six Paths imposing manner, chakra or Sage Body, have the potential of reaching the sky in a single bound under the assistance of Ten-Tails chakra greatly. 伴随着属于十尾查克拉完全被羽衣吸收,羽衣这才有了后世六道仙人的气势,无论是查克拉还是仙人体,在十尾查克拉的协助之下大有一步登天之势。 But completed this step two people not to stand still, returned to continent from the sea again, returned to initially and Kaguya makes war the place that. 而完成了这一步的两人没有停歇,再一次从海上回到了大陆内,回到了当初和辉夜开战的地方。 Three days later, where is sitting cross-legged to elaborate Hagoromo of say/way of chakra to stand from the ground fiercely, at the same time Le Yuan also felt that to be the Kaguya chakra aura. The next second two people from disappear simultaneously same place, skices to go toward the Kaguya locale. 三天之后,正盘坐在哪里论述查克拉之道的羽衣猛地从地上站了起来,与此同时乐渊也感受到了那属于辉夜查克拉气息。下一秒两人同时从原地消失,向着辉夜所在处疾行而去。 „Did here, vanish? My divine tree, Hagoromo also has that different world, hateful......” “这里,消失了?我的神树,羽衣还有那个异世人,可恶……” Just restored Kaguya that ten thousand bodies returned immediately the sensation existence of Ten-Tails, but remaining aura already cleared, how main body already the summon to Kaguya was possibly produced the response by the seal in Ten-Tails of Hagoromo within the body. 刚刚修复万身体归来的辉夜在第一时间感知了十尾的存在,不过残余气息都已经散尽,本体已经被封印在羽衣体内的十尾怎么可能对辉夜的呼唤产生回应。 Okaa-sama, you receive the hand now also with enough time! I believe that you can certainly feel the love again, the hatred are unable to be lasting, only has the love to solve world all conflicts......” 母亲大人,您现在收手还来得及!我相信您一定能够再一次感受到爱,憎恨是无法持久的,唯有爱才能解决世间的一切争端……” Looks to reappear mother, Hagoromo this big loyal son started the persuasion of taking great pains, hopes that can the soldier not see the blade to defuse this crisis time. However how according to the Kaguya character so is also easy to give up, Hagoromo also seized she most important divine tree let alone. 看着重新出现的母亲,羽衣这个大孝子开始了不厌其烦的劝说,希望能够兵不见刃地化解这一次的危机。不过按照辉夜的性格又岂会这么容易放弃,更何况羽衣还夺走了她最为重要的神树 Kaguya with their fights from the beginning is the difference of ideology, wants conciliatory basic impossible, only if their some submits to the other side, but Hagoromo or Kaguya are not the people who will easily change the faith. 辉夜与他们的战斗从一开始就是意识形态的分歧,想要和解基本不可能,除非他们双方的某一个向另一方屈服,不过无论是羽衣还是辉夜都不是个会轻易改变自己信念的人。 Possibility that fight of both sides simply has not mediated, but in fact is this time Kaguya already no longer holds the advantage. Beside Undying Body that except that she has, contrasts Strength Le Yuan this side definitely to be able it to suppress. 双方的战斗根本没有调解的可能性,而事实上就是此时的辉夜已经不再占有优势。除了她所拥有的不死之身之外,对比力量乐渊这一方完全能够将其压制住。 The resistance of Kaguya is not worth mentioning regarding Strength that Le Yuan and Hagoromo join up, only needs to be worried actually during will be Kaguya revolts to cause what kind of damage, will injure regarding Hagoromo drops to lowly instead is the greatest victory. 辉夜的反抗对于乐渊羽衣联合起来的力量而言不值一提,唯一需要担心的就是辉夜反抗之中究竟会造成怎样的伤害,对于羽衣而言将伤害降至最低反而是最大的胜利。 Infinite Tsukuyomi Invalid, regarding grasping Tenseigan Le Yuan and Rinnegan Hagoromo, although this Infinite Tsukuyomi Strength powerful, but is unable to penetrate two people eyes power defenses eventually. 无限月读】无效,对于掌握了转生眼乐渊轮回眼羽衣而言,这无限月读力量虽然强大,但是终究无法穿透两人的瞳力防御。 Amenominaka Invalid, Le Yuan or Hagoromo under nowadays condition are having the strong perception capability, Kaguya wanted to depend on this lukewarm way to drag into the space already to be no longer possible two people. 天之御中】无效,无论是乐渊还是羽衣都在现如今的状态下有了超强的感知能力,辉夜想要靠这种温吞的方式将两人拉入空间内已经不再可能。 Rabbit Hair Needle, Eighty Gods Vacuum Attack Like this near body attack same impossible poses the fatal threat to two people, but release All-Killing Ash Bones Like this lethal move does not conform to Kaguya to capture the chakra goal, only big move Expansive Truth-Seeking Ball The attack speed is too slow, can only be used to destroy the defense, wants to catch the high-speed motion two people almost impossible. 兔毛针】、【八十神空击】这样的近身攻击同样不可能对两人造成致命威胁,而释放【共杀灰骨】这样的致死招数也不符合辉夜夺取查克拉的目的,唯一的大招【膨胀求道玉】攻击速度太慢,只能用来毁灭防御,想要捕捉高速移动的两人几乎不可能 Roar “吼 As in the Kaguya mouth gives out beastly nature angry roaring, the Kaguya body starts to increase slowly, in a short time alarms reached the huge altitude that and Ten-Tails placed on a par, compared to nine big tailed beast to be bigger much rabbits. 随着辉夜的口中发出兽性的怒吼,辉夜的身躯开始慢慢变大,在短时间内惊扰达到了和十尾相提并论的巨大高度,一只比起九大尾兽大得多的兔子。 This is Kaguya Tailed Beast Transformation, is she eats up Strength that chakra fruit trades. Kaguya under this shape is close to tailed beast infinitely, but compared with common tailed beast, her wisdom without doubt is a powerful weapon. 这就是辉夜尾兽化,也是她吃下查克拉果实换回来的力量。这种形态下的辉夜无限接近于尾兽,不过比起寻常尾兽,她的智慧无疑是一种强大的武器。 Under the giant palm, the land was shattered, river diversion. This is Tailed Beast Transformation Kaguya huge Strength, but Kaguya that goes crazy may be unreasonable, condenses huge Tailed Beast Ball that becomes to be released by her innumerably unceasingly, the already broken incomparable world is a field littered with corpses. 巨掌麾下,大地破碎,河流改道。这就是尾兽化辉夜的庞大力量,而发狂的辉夜可不讲道理,无数凝聚而成的巨大尾兽玉被她不断释放,原本已经残破无比的世界更是尸横遍野。 Hagoromo, I first got up, the attention coordinates me!” 羽衣,我先上了,注意配合我!” The Le Yuan use space ability arrived under the body of tailed beast Kaguya instantaneously, Devil phantom that later for a long time has not seen comes suddenly, perhaps had the assistance of Tenseigan Chakra Mode, the Le Yuan Devil intensity reached the complete body Susanoo level. 乐渊动用空间能力瞬间来到了尾兽辉夜的身下,随后许久没见的魔人虚影陡然现身,或许是有了转生眼查克拉模式的协助,乐渊魔人强度达到了完全体须佐能乎的水平。 Giving me is chaotic!” “给我乱!” Devil phantom both hands according to the body of tailed beast Kaguya, Devil phantom change to the ability amplifier to further enlarge the Tenseigan absorption chakra ability at the same time, immediately is condensing Tailed Beast Ball Kaguya to feel weak, but also vanishes in condensation Tailed Beast Ball immediately. 魔人虚影双手按在尾兽辉夜的身上,同一时刻魔人虚影化作能力放大器将转生眼的吸取查克拉能力进一步放大,顿时正在凝聚尾兽玉辉夜感觉一阵虚弱,还在凝聚的尾兽玉顿时消失。 Flies! Gentle Fist Art 256 palms!” “飞吧!柔拳法・二百五十六掌!” Le Yuan Kaguya of weak will hold up to throw fiercely to the midair, later the hand of Devil phantom changed into Kaguya of hundreds and thousands of afterimage in toward sky to select the past immediately. ≧ miào ≧ bi ≧ gé ≧ 乐渊将虚弱化的辉夜猛地举起抛向半空,随后魔人虚影的手顿时化为成百上千道残影向着天空中的辉夜点了过去。≧miào≧bi≧gé≧ duo duo duo, Le Yuan the Gentle Fist exceeded the Hyūga Clan limit, the chakra penetration entered Kaguya within the body to block her already void chakra immediately again, immediately originally huge tailed beast Kaguya in the little reduced to human form. 咄咄咄,乐渊的这柔拳超越了日向一族的极限,查克拉穿透进入到了辉夜的体内顿时将她已经空虚的查克拉再一次封锁,顿时原本庞大的尾兽辉夜在一点点缩小成人形。 On together!” “一起上!” Did not need Le Yuan saying that Hagoromo also knows this was the best time of seal, two people arrived at side almost weak Kaguya immediately one on the left and other on the right. 根本不用乐渊多说,羽衣也知道这就是封印的最好时机,两人顿时一左一右来到了几近虚弱的辉夜身旁。 Two people hands pressed together in the shoulder of Kaguya, simultaneously the strength of total Yin-Yang poured into to the body of Kaguya. 两人的手一起按在了辉夜的肩头,同时阴阳之力全数注入到辉夜的身体内。 Six Paths: Chibaku Tensei!” 六道·地爆天星!” Most was also the final seal technique function on the body of Kaguya, Strength that immediately Kaguya definitely is unable to revolt against her western-style clothes where, the stone in land flew into the midair to be centered on Kaguya gathered, short a half hour of enough over a hundred kilometers direct giant stone ball drifted in the sky fluttered to Earth later little, finally fluttered to the touchdown outer orbit. 最强也是最终的封印术作用在了辉夜的身上,顿时一股辉夜完全无法反抗的力量将她西服在哪里,大地上的石块一个个飞入半空以辉夜为核心聚拢起来,短短半个小时的时间一个足足上百公里直接巨大石球飘浮在了天空中随后一点点飘离地球,最后向着地外轨道飘去。 Moon, first time appeared in Ninja World continent historical. 月亮,第一次出现在了忍界大陆的历史上。
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