VE :: Volume #8 三阶首战影之忍者

#701: Stave domain

Enters Tenseigan Chakra Mode, Le Yuan only felt oneself entered another level regarding the induction of energy in a flash, is actually felt indistinctly by the present that the sensation suppresses as a result of the Kaguya space came from beyond the space belongs to Hagoromo and divine tree chakra. 进入转生眼查克拉模式,乐渊只觉得自己一瞬间对于能量的感应进入到了另一个层次,原本由于辉夜空间而被感知压制的自己现在竟然隐隐约约感觉到了来自于空间之外属于羽衣神树查克拉 However this sensation is fuzzy, after all he now the place is the space of sand, after beginning space of spheres, this sensation will become clear. 不过这种感知非常模糊,毕竟他现在所处的地方是沙之空间,想必到了始球空间之后这种感知会变得更加的清晰。 Strength activates, to should make a settling time, this broken space father does not need!” 力量激活,也到了该做个了结的时候,这破空间老子不待了!” Le Yuan in this[ Amenominaka] over one month, but from just sensation then clear Hagoromo as in with divine tree during Ten-Tails refuses to compromise. Grasped Rinnegan and Sage Body Hagoromo in the final analysis is too young, simply cannot completely grasp regarding own these two Strength, otherwise wanted to suppress Ten-Tails to be a cinch alone. 乐渊在这[天之御中]超过一个月了,不过从刚刚的感知之中便清楚羽衣依旧在和神树所化的十尾僵持之中。说到底掌握了轮回眼仙人体羽衣还是太年轻了,对于自己的这两种力量根本没能完全掌握,不然想要单独压制一个十尾还是不在话下的。 With the aid of Tenseigan Chakra Mode Strength, Le Yuan these enters to beginning space of spheres difficulty that time again is the linear decrease, and could not have used Le Yuan own space Strength. This is Tenseigan Chakra Mode the place of powerful, Tenseigan brings powerful and special space and time ability, with the aid of the Tenseigan Chakra Mode increase in[ Amenominaka] in space free shuttle. 借助转生眼查克拉模式力量,乐渊这一次再度进入到始球空间的难度那可是直线下降并且还根本用不到乐渊自身的空间力量。这就是转生眼查克拉模式强大之处,转生眼自带强大而又特殊的时空能力,借助转生眼查克拉模式的增幅可以在[天之御中]的空间之中自由穿梭。 The Ōtsutsuki Kaguya present condition may really call not good, Le Yuan card in a hand that is one after another, now is to let her this Byakugan true successor experienced even her own not to think of Tenseigan. Completely is as good the Rinnegan power and influence eye regarding that Kaguya always feels that has some anxieties. 大筒木辉夜现在的状态可真称不上好,乐渊的底牌那是一个接一个,现在更是让她这个白眼的真正继承人见识到了连她自己都没有想到过的转生眼。对于那个完全不逊于轮回眼威势的眼睛,辉夜总是感觉有些许的不安。 Actually is Strength of that eyes what? Why, I can feel the threat, as if can compare favorably with my Rinnegan, this is really the Byakugan evolution becomes?” “那双眼的力量究竟是什么?为什么,我能从中感觉到威胁,似乎可以媲美我的轮回眼,这真的是白眼进化而成的吗?” How Kaguya cannot imagine, why a Le Yuan such basis does not have the Ōtsutsuki Clan bloodline(s) person to be able bloodline(s) Strength of her clan to display this step unexpectedly, even exceeded Strength of this first ancestor. 辉夜怎么样也想象不到,为什么乐渊这么一个根本没有大筒木一族血统的人竟然能将她一族的血统力量发挥到这一步,甚至超越了她这个始祖的力量 When Kaguya rests temporarily, Le Yuan actually seemed like wielding not loose resentful soul to appear in her front generally again, looks like the Le Yuan back garden by the space that she controlled at this time on the contrary, definitely is unable to defend the invasion of Le Yuan. 正当辉夜暂时休息之际,乐渊却像是挥之不散的怨魂一般再一次出现在了她的面前,被她操控的空间此时反倒是更像乐渊的后花园,完全无法防御住乐渊的入侵。 Archenemies, absolute archenemy. 大敌,绝对的大敌。 Kaguya this is the first time that thought that Le Yuan will become the character who threatens his life sufficiently, before as a result of Kaguya Undying Body and to Le Yuan Strength miscalculation, making her simply not treat the person of Le Yuan identifying rank. 辉夜这是第一次觉得乐渊会成为足以威胁到他生命的人物,之前由于辉夜不死之身和对乐渊力量的错误估计,使得她根本没有将乐渊视为同一等级的人对待。 But Le Yuan that just presented looks in exhaust fumes Kaguya, thinks how actually not only to go out. Although as a result of the factor of history, Le Yuan is unable to start to Kaguya directly, but this does not want to defeat Kaguya on behalf of Le Yuan. 而刚刚出现的乐渊看着正在回气的辉夜,想到却不仅仅是如何出去。虽然由于历史的因素,乐渊无法直接对辉夜下手,但是这不代表乐渊不想将辉夜击败。 Kaguya powerful came from two aspects, on the one hand stemmed from eats her after chakra fruit to have so-called Undying Body, any injury is unable to cause her death, perhaps the seal was to she biggest threat. On the other hand is stems from she strength powerful, Ninja World continent all Bloodline Limit basically can say that from her, but will have Bloodline Encompassing her to be able various Ninjutsu embryonic forms of future Ninja invention invention to pick up conveniently. 辉夜强大来自于两方面,一方面源于吃了查克拉果实后的她拥有所谓的不死之身,任何伤势都无法造成她的死亡,或许封印才是对她最大的威胁。另一方面则是源于她自身实力的强大,忍界大陆所有的血继界限基本上都可以说源自于她,而拥有血继网罗的她更是能将未来忍者发明发明的各种忍术雏形随手拈来。 Le Yuan should rejoice now, Ōtsutsuki Kaguya has not experienced the baptism that in the future Ninjutsu will explode, if were really grasped such as Dust Release and Crystal Release to have by her like this strikes being killed violently ability fancy Ninjutsu, absolutely is much more formidabe than present this minority style Kaguya. 乐渊现在应该庆幸,大筒木辉夜并没有经历未来忍术爆炸的洗礼,万一真被她掌握了诸如尘遁晶遁这样具有一击毙命能力的花式忍术,绝对比现在这个只有少数招式的辉夜难对付得多。 But now Le Yuan wants to explore was actually Kaguya Undying Body to be in what situation, with Devil Undying Body that Le Yuan had same merely is strong Resilience, false Undying Body that the unremitting attack can die as before, real Undying Body that the true attack in any event is unable to eliminate. 而现在乐渊想要探索的就是辉夜不死之身究竟到了何种地步,是和乐渊拥有的魔人不死身一样仅仅是超强的恢复能力,不断攻击依旧会死的伪不死身,还是真正的无论如何攻击都无法消灭的真不死身 As the fable of future war, Le Yuan needs conducts a thorough exploration to the Kaguya strength. 作为未来大战的寓言,乐渊有必要对辉夜的实力进行一个彻底的探索。 Sees only Le Yuan to lift the right hand arm, to is away from oneself also more than 40 meters Kaguya to open the five fingers. 只见乐渊抬起右手臂,对着距离自己还有四十多米的辉夜张开五指。 Universal Pull!” 万象天引!” With Le Yuan this move, a powerful suction is centered on Le Yuan immediately emerges out of thin air, the big of command Strength also decided there Kaguya is attracted by control to Le Yuan. However Kaguya after all is not an average person, is unhurriedly facing such suction, starts to catch up in the reverse direction, is trying the Strength that gets rid of Le Yuan. 随着乐渊这一招,顿时一股强大的吸力以乐渊为中心凭空出现,力量之大令原本还定在那里的辉夜都不受控制地被吸向了乐渊。不过辉夜毕竟不是普通人,面对这样的吸力不慌不忙,开始朝着相反方向发力,试着摆脱乐渊的这股力量 Almighty Push!” 神罗天征!” When the Le Yuan attraction is unable to be effective, Le Yuan lifted own left hand arm, was almost another Strength is starting this to Kaguya that refused to compromise at the same time is a same powerful repulsion, the Strength size overthrows most solid tall buildings sufficiently. 就在乐渊引力无法奏效的时候,乐渊抬起了自己的左手臂,几乎是在同一时刻另一股力量对着正僵持的辉夜发动了这是一股同样强大的斥力,力量大小足以推翻最为结实的高楼大厦。 This attraction repels two completely opposite Strength naturally is the effect of Tenseigan supplementary, but usage-style that in the original works Nagato when compared with the Rinnegan uses, Le Yuan can flexibly this suction and repulsion changed to the attack completely. 这一吸引一排斥两股完全相反的力量自然是转生眼附带的功效,而比起原著中长门所使用的轮回眼时的使用方式,乐渊可以灵活地将这吸力和斥力完全化作了攻击。 Same carves two completely opposite Strength functions on the same object, that absolutely is a disastrous destruction. This wants two palms to extrude to a balloon one on the left and other on the right, only then balloon of Strength of random side to the injury imposing manner that creates is limited, but two hands can actually cause the unequalled damage with joint forces. 同一刻两种完全相反的力量作用在同一个物体上,那绝对是一种灾难性的破坏。这就想一左一右两只手掌正对着一个气球挤压,只有其中任意一方的力量对气球造成的伤害气势都是有限的,但是两只手合力却能造成无与伦比的伤害。 But facing Le Yuan such offensive, Kaguya actually chose a matter merely, that is depends on the mortal body Strength to resist hardly. 而面对乐渊这样的攻势,辉夜却仅仅选择了一件事情,那就是靠着肉身的力量硬抗。 When two Strength of Le Yuan release dissipate gradually, even if Le Yuan this has to affirm a matter to own body exceptionally self-confident person at this time, that was Kaguya she also is really not an earthman, two under mountain Jibao a combined action of Strength, made on the Kaguya forehead emit several sweat to come out sufficiently merely, did not have the fist of Le Yuan to come on the contrary in a big way by the threat. 而当乐渊释放的两股力量渐渐消散,纵然是乐渊这个对自己身体异常自信的人此时都不得不肯定一件事情,那就是辉夜她还真就不是地球人了,两股足以将一座山挤爆的力量的共同作用下,仅仅令辉夜额头上冒出几滴汗水出来,论威胁反倒是没有乐渊的拳头来得大。 While Kaguya is resisting two Strength, the Le Yuan right hand concentrated side all Truth-Seeking Ball, immediately innumerable Truth-Seeking Ball are centered on a bull's-eye extreme speed of Le Yuan control to revolve, the chakra storm flashes before the tearing space under the dual function of Truth-Seeking Ball faintly the power and influence. 就在辉夜抵挡着两股力量的同时,乐渊右手集中了身边所有的求道玉,顿时无数求道玉乐渊掌控的一点风暴眼为核心极速旋转,查克拉风暴在求道玉的双重作用之下隐隐闪现出撕裂空间的威势。 Reincarnation Mode Hidden Skill[ Silver Wheel Reincarnation Explosion] the destruction that operates Truth-Seeking Ball revolving to have the huge angular force that opposes the enemy starts through Hamura special chakra to strike. Strikes facing this unprecedented Annihilation, just resisted two Strength Kaguya already unable to dodge. 转生模式隐藏技[银轮转生爆],通过羽村的特殊查克拉操纵求道玉旋转带起的巨大旋转力对敌发动的毁灭一击。面对这史无前例的破灭一击,刚刚抵御了两股力量辉夜已经无法闪避。 Sees only in nearly instantaneous short time, Kaguya started inconceivable revolving, but her chakra packages it with revolving completely, formed nearly golden light ball in the flash. This move is how similar to Hyūga Clan [Revolving Heaven] that Le Yuan sees, the move that but is displayed by Kaguya the power and influence or the defensive power go far beyond Hyūga Clan [Revolving Heaven] without doubt. 只见在近乎瞬间的短暂时间中,辉夜开始了不可思议的旋转,而她身上的查克拉随着旋转将其完全包裹,在一瞬间形成了近乎金色的光球。这一招和乐渊所见的日向一族[回天]何其相似,不过由辉夜施展的这一招无论是威势还是防御力无疑远远超过日向一族[回天] One move is the absolute destruction, another move is defends absolutely absolutely, that moment that two styles that the offense and defense has both collide was doomed is the undying continuous result. Completely is displayed the defense of approximate [Revolving Heaven] unable to block Le Yuan by Kaguya to display[ Silver Wheel Reincarnation Explosion], this move of angular force Strength under Truth-Seeking Ball was to enlarge the inconceivable situation. 一招是绝对的破坏,另一招则是攻守兼备的绝对绝对防御,两个招式碰撞的那一刻就注定了是不死不休的结局。由辉夜施展出来近似[回天]的防御还是没能完全挡住乐渊施展的[银轮转生爆],这一招旋转力下的求道玉力量为放大到了不可思议的地步。 If Le Yuan places the outside world now, this move hits on the ground has not exposed Earth, at least infiltrates the center of the earth is not the impossible matter. [Revolving Heaven] can indeed separate world most attacks, Truth-Seeking Ball this approximate physical property injury but exceeded the attack of physical injury, originally is also hard to penetrate this defense, obtains to penetrate this defense under angular force buff of extreme speed Strength. 如果乐渊现在身处外界,这一招打在地上不说穿过地球,最起码打入地心不是不可能的事情。[回天]的确能够弹开世间绝大多数的攻击,求道玉这种近似物理性伤害但又超越了物理伤害的攻击,本来也难以击穿这防御,不过在极速的旋转力加持之下获得穿透这防御的力量 Was penetrated Kaguya of body by Truth-Seeking Ball, at this time seemed like can say miserably. Has not expected high-speed and penetrating power that Le Yuan this move of institute has completely, making her in absorb this attack in a hurry completely. After that defeats she defends, charges into her Truth-Seeking Ball to cause that her body was harmed is unable to estimate. 求道玉击穿了身体的辉夜,此时看起来可以说非常地惨。完全没有料到乐渊这一招所具备的高速性和穿透力,让她在仓促之间完全吸收了这一次的攻击。那击破她防御后冲向她的求道玉使得她的身体受到了无法估量的伤害。 During 60% of body in this strikes is destroyed thoroughly, Kaguya temporary lost with the ability that Le Yuan resists. However even if disabled Kaguya, Le Yuan not the ability that it defeats thoroughly. Sees is only hit remnant Kaguya to restore in the by naked eye visible efficiency, but her aura tiny bit drop, as if the condition of whole person had not been fixed generally. 身体的60%在这一击之中被彻底毁灭,辉夜暂时性地失去了与乐渊对抗的能力。不过纵然是残废的辉夜,乐渊也没有将其彻底击败的能力。只见被打残的辉夜在以肉眼可视的效率恢复着,而她身上的气息没有一丝一毫的下降,仿佛整个人的状态都被固定了一般。 But this confirmed guess of Le Yuan, has not exceeded a Kaguya boundary strength, basic impossible cancels from physical general it completely. To defeat her nowadays only means or the seal . Moreover the seal technique that wants seal Kaguya to need was unable to cause the ordinary goods , without the ultra S level seal technique not to be successful its seal. 而这更加证实了乐渊的猜测,没有超越辉夜一个境界的实力,根本不可能从物理上将其完全抹去。想要击败她现今的唯一办法还是封印,而且想要封印辉夜所需的封印术还不能使普通货色,没有超s级封印术根本别想将其封印成功。 Was supposing the seal technique that Le Yuan grasps nowadays, the Five Elements seal, the Four Forms seal and Eight Trigrams (gossip) seal kind of quite high-level seal technique puts the Kaguya front insufficiently to look nowadays completely. But simulation Uzumaki Clan[ Adamantine Sealing Chains] ability, although can tie tailed beast however and Kaguya compares to miss planned. 估摸着乐渊现如今掌握的封印术,五行封印、四象封印、八卦封印这类比较高级的封印术现如今放到辉夜的面前完全不够看。而模拟漩涡一族的[金刚封锁]能力,虽然能够缚住尾兽但是和辉夜比较起来还是差了一筹。 But such as[ Phantom Dragons Nine Consuming Seals] like this aims at the tailed beast S level seal technique, Le Yuan actually did not understand, only has Dead Demon Consuming Seal in the S level seal technique of hand only. 而诸如[幻龙九封尽]这样针对尾兽的s级封印术,乐渊却又根本不了解,唯一在手的s级封印术只有一个尸鬼封尽 However uses Dead Demon Consuming Seal is the gambling, bets to be able with own life seal Kaguya. In having situation of better choice, Le Yuan was the brain pulls out will use this to draw on to cope with Kaguya. Whether Dead Demon Consuming Seal can succeed is an issue, regarding Kaguya this woman who ate chakra fruit, her spirit soul power quantity whether also already completed the evolution, exceeded the understanding of human. If was really the inhuman degree, even Le Yuan still is very difficult to extract it completely, instead will fall short to court destruction. 不过使用尸鬼封尽就是赌,用自己的命去赌能够封印辉夜。在拥有更好选择的情况下,乐渊是脑子抽了才会去用这一招来对付辉夜。况且尸鬼封尽能否成功还是个问题,对于辉夜这个吃了查克拉果实的女人,她的灵魂力量是否也已经完成了进化,超越了人类的理解。如果真的的达到了非人的程度,就算是乐渊恐怕也很难将其完全抽出,反而会功亏一篑自取灭亡。 But Le Yuan displays[ Silver Wheel Reincarnation Explosion] after penetrating Kaguya, early may not have, therefore stops, hit in created the unprecedented stir in the world of this ice, as this vibrated Le Yuan only to feel Kaguya regarding the control of this space also one weak. 乐渊施展的[银轮转生爆]早击穿了辉夜之后可没有因此停下,撞击在在这冰之世界中引起了前所未有的震动,随着这震动乐渊只觉得辉夜对于这个空间的掌控随之一弱。 Opens!” “开!” Le Yuan the Truth-Seeking Ball incarnation is a sword, later aimed at the space most weakness is a sword chops, Le Yuan Space Force successfully cut into the spatial point following the sword of Truth-Seeking Ball. 乐渊求道玉化身为剑,随后对准了空间最为薄弱之处便是一剑劈下,乐渊空间之力顺着求道玉之剑成功切入了空间点。 Clang “锵 Space shatter command restoring Kaguya reveals the terrifying vision that wants to kill people, Le Yuan that but her present condition is also actually incapable of preventing to leave, can only wish one could to gaze after Le Yuan to leave her world the look that Le Yuan is cut to pieces with that. 空间的破碎令正在恢复的辉夜露出欲要杀人的恐怖目光,不过她现在的状态却也无力阻止想要离开的乐渊,只能用那恨不得将乐渊千刀万剐的眼神目送着乐渊离开她的世界。 When Le Yuan goes out from the space, pleasant was not the scenery of once simple mountain village, but sores everywhere. This land seems like by the innumerable meteorite plows general, is the bumpy giant drainage ditch, as for aura of survivor is miserable, the scattered survivor is living in this shatter land carelessly. 乐渊从空间中走出,入眼的不是曾经的朴实山村之景,而是满目的疮痍。这大地像是被无数陨石犁过地一般,全都是坑坑洼洼的巨大沟渠,至于生还者的气息那是少得可怜,只有零零散散的生还者在这破碎的大地上苟且活着。 But in the Le Yuan sensation, this Hagoromo already and Ten-Tails projected on the Ninja continent eastmost, in sea that in the future Land of Water is, two people fights also can only be able to reduce to slightly the damage there. 而在乐渊的感知之中,这羽衣已经十尾打到了忍者大陆的最东面,未来水之国所在的大海上,两人的战斗也只能在那里才能将损伤减轻到最小。 Buzz “嗡 Used Spatial Displacement Le Yuan to locate quickly Hagoromo chakra, took him to arrive in the battlefield that battled as the transmission point. 使用了空间移动乐渊很快定位住了羽衣查克拉,以他为传送点来到了正在激战的战场之中。 ... ...
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