VE :: Volume #8 三阶首战影之忍者

#700: Double spirit resonating

Le Yuan made Lü Lingqi replace the body before Genjutsu (Illusionary Technique) indeed is a trick, but was actually not the victory incurs. By the Lü Lingqi strength, even if 100% controlled the body of Le Yuan, the strength that displays still can only be tired out from the press in the hand of Kaguya. 乐渊在中幻术之前令吕绮玲接替身体的确是一个奇招,但却不是胜招。以吕绮玲的实力就算百分百操控了乐渊的身体,发挥出来的实力也只能在辉夜的手中疲于奔命。 This did not say that the Lü Lingqi strength is too bad, on the contrary cultivates in Small World Valhalla this Spiritual Qi threatening place, the Lü Lingqi strength without doubt is in Le Yuan Small World top existence, even if this and Kaguya compares in the difference many, from appearing has been at the condition of passively coming under attack to the present. 这不是说吕绮玲的实力太差,相反在小世界英灵殿这个灵气逼人的地方进行修炼,吕绮玲的实力无疑是乐渊小世界中顶级的存在,不过就算这样和辉夜比较起来还是差上不少,从出现到现在一直处于被动挨打的状态。 The innumerable fist shades flash past, Lü Lingqi erupts the extremely quick speed to dodge to go toward the one side reluctantly, but the flash innumerable attacks fell on the Le Yuan mortal body continuously, the flash hit several to spit blood Lü Lingqi. 无数拳影一闪而过,吕绮玲勉强爆发出极快的速度向着一旁闪躲而去,但是一瞬间无数攻击连续不断地落在了乐渊的肉身上,一瞬间将吕绮玲打得几欲吐血。 „The body of Sir, cannot therefore “大人的身体,绝不能因此” Is under the huge impact Lü Lingqi this matter only to feel all attacks that own sympathize, the Le Yuan body suffers spread to his Soul in this moment. She who crawls reluctantly has not reacted, white hands already covered her neck to raise it. 受到剧烈冲击的吕绮玲此事只觉得自己感同身受,乐渊身体遭受的所有攻击都在这一刻传入到了他的灵魂之中。勉强爬起来的她还没有做出反应,一只玉手已经扣住了她的脖子将其提起来。 Useless, even if you drove this body, the master of this body do not want to restore forever again soberly, falls into him in Tsukuyomi world only to be swallowed by that endless fond dream, but his all will be me finally!” “没用的就算你带动了这具身体,这具身体的主人也永远别想再次恢复清醒,陷入月读世界中的他只会被那无尽的美梦吞噬,而他的一切最终都将属于我!” Because Lü Lingqi was held by Kaguya again, causes to be extracted stamina also to have Spiritual Strength Lü Lingqi to be incapable of operating the body counter-attack radically again, as if her resistance present already to hopeless situation. 由于吕绮玲再一次被辉夜抓住,导致被抽取体力还有精神力量吕绮玲根本无力再一次操纵身体反击,似乎她的反抗到了现在已经到了绝境。 Flip-flop “噼啪” Suddenly is lifting the Kaguya right hand of Lü Lingqi to spread out fiercely, an electric light flashes before, on Kaguya who reveals the scowl on the right hand of Kaguya unceasingly chakra shakes, immediately the electric light of marine product in hand vanishes does not immediately see. 突然正举着吕绮玲辉夜右手猛地被摊开,一阵电光在辉夜的右手上不断闪现,露出怒容的辉夜手上查克拉一震,顿时海产在手上的电光顿时消失不见。 When Kaguya raised the head again she then knows that now control already of Le Yuan body no longer is being Lü Lingqi, but is his original master Le Yuan. Saw only Rinnegan already in Le Yuan eye to eliminate, restores his original appearance. 而当辉夜再一次抬起头的时候她便知道现在控制乐渊躯体的已经不再是吕绮玲,而是他原本的主人乐渊。只见乐渊眼睛之中的轮回眼已经消去,恢复到了他本来的模样。 „Was Tsukuyomi decoded? This is how possible, the world in Tsukuyomi is the absolute pure land that people yearn, how some people might be willing to abandon such world!” 月读被破解了?这怎么可能,月读中的世界是人们向往的绝对净土,怎么可能有人舍得抛弃那样的世界!” Kaguya shouts is asking to Le Yuan, after all Tsukuyomi in some sense is a Kaguya faith. The creation does not have War, not to have the disaster, not to have the suspicion world forever, the extreme faith of after this is Kaguya was betrayed, has. 辉夜嘶吼着向乐渊质问道,毕竟月读某种意义上就是辉夜的一个信念。创造永远没有战争、没有灾难、没有怀疑的世界,这就是辉夜遭到背叛后产生的一个极端信念。 However Le Yuan seemed like denied completely her faith was ordinary, chose by own Will regained consciousness from the Tsukuyomi world, this simply was the impossible matter. 但是乐渊却像是完全否认了她的这个信念一般,凭借自己的意志选择了从月读世界中苏醒,这简直就是不可能的事情。 Absolute pure land? If you accepted over a thousand greatly bald tests, you also! However sober, although easy, but wanted to come out to make me from the Tsukuyomi world spend Kungfu , my body was destroyed by you quickly “绝对净土?如果你接受了上千个大光头的考验,你也可以!不过清醒虽然容易,但是想要从月读世界里面出来着实让我费了一番功夫,我这身体都快被你打坏了” Le Yuan looks under oneself consciousness the body that gradually restores to relax slightly, the injury also calculates in the controllability, if really serious to not being able to suppress strength of that Heavens Punishment may really probably say. 乐渊看着在自己意识之下逐渐修复的躯体稍稍松了一口气,伤势还算在可控之内,万一真的严重到压制不住天谴之力那可就真的要说了。 Le Yuan can come out from god Tsukuyomi, this was also lucky the trial in previous world inside Thousand Buddhas Cave. How although does not have substantively to conduct to the Le Yuan strength to promote, but promoted nearly inhuman situation the Le Yuan consciousness without a doubt. 乐渊能够自己从神月读里面出来,这还多亏了上一个世界里面千佛洞内的试炼。那虽然没有直接性地对乐渊的实力进行如何提升,但是毫无疑问将乐渊的觉悟提升到了近乎非人的地步。 Is pure Genjutsu (Illusionary Technique) world already impossible makes Le Yuan perish, Le Yuan almost in entering god Tsukuyomi is about several days of Kungfu, then already awakens completely, later has then been seeking for road. 仅仅是单纯的幻术世界已经不可能乐渊就此沉沦,乐渊几乎在进入神月读内不过几天的功夫,便已经完全觉醒,之后便是一直在寻找着出来的路。 Looks at opposite expression not too to Kaguya, Le Yuan was to use the space ability somewhat to be helpless now. Lü Lingqi in order to ensure the body of Le Yuan does not receive the damage, but the long-term usage does not know that many time Spatial Displacement, this caused to fall into the uncomfortable place that Le Yuan returned instantaneously. Killed such long time with great difficulty, space Strength that instead will not have lost money supplemented, built on the contrary completely. 看着对面表情不太对的辉夜,乐渊现在是想要使用空间能力都有些无能为力了。吕绮玲为了能够保证乐渊的身体不受到损伤可是连续使用了不知道多少次的空间移动,这就导致乐渊归来的瞬间陷入了尴尬的境地。好不容易熬了这么长的时间,反而没有将亏损的空间力量补充,反倒是全部搭了进去。 With god Tsukuyomi was decoded, Kaguya no longer uses oneself that Rinne-Sharingan Strength, is shifting Le Yuan and her location with the aid of Amenominaka on the contrary unceasingly, uses five different spaces to conduct the long-enduring harassment for Le Yuan. 随着神月读被破解,辉夜不再动用自己那轮回写轮眼力量,反倒是借助天之御中不断转移着乐渊和她的所在地,使用五种不同的空间对乐渊进行持续性的骚扰。 Enchanted Kaguya has entangled Le Yuan not to put, such condition has continued for four hours, finally two people stopped in the space of endless sand. 疯魔的辉夜一直缠着乐渊不放,这样的状态一直持续了四个小时,最后两人在无尽的沙之空间内停了下来。 I said that noisy enough, can't we calm down to chat? Kills, resorts to arms many of spear/gun is not good?” “我说闹够了吧,我们不能静下来聊聊吗?打打杀杀,动刀动枪的多不好?” Truly speaking now Le Yuan most lacks is the time, continuously this and Kaguya entanglement does him not to have the means to restore effectively, according to such speed each ten days of half a month that do not want to sufficiently collect the space energy of leaving. 说实在的乐渊现在最缺少的便是时间,一直这样和辉夜纠缠搞得他都没有办法有效地恢复,按照这样的速度每个十天半个月那是别想凑够离开的空间能量。 Chats? We have nothing to discuss that you must die!” “聊聊?我们之间没什么好谈的,你必须死!” Saw only flutters Kaguya in midair to lift own both hands suddenly, later the space of entire sand started to raise the billowing great waves, two similarly as big raised from the ground as sun-blocking the hand of sand, later seemed like Le Yuan clap about ten gets up. 只见飘在半空中的辉夜突然抬起了自己的双手,随后整个沙之空间开始掀起滚滚浪涛,两只同样大到遮天蔽日的沙之手从地面上升起,随后将乐渊像是拍手般合十起来。 Buzz “嗡” In control Kaguya body of hand-toughening regime, is flying away from the midair later fiercely, later then sees gigantic hand-toughening regime in just one second completely collapse leisurely/scatter. But the sand that scatters in all directions will form everywhere desert all around to cover suddenly, but these will unable to affect to have Byakugan Kaguya. 正在控制着沙手的辉夜身子一顿,随后猛地从半空中飞走,随后便见到硕大的沙手在短短一秒钟内完全崩散。而四散开的沙子一时间形成漫天沙幕将周遭的一切笼罩,不过这些根本影响不到有着白眼辉夜 During her Byakugan observation, Le Yuan situated in sand midpoint position flutters in the midair, the body is ascending unexpectedly completely unusual chakra, that chakra master is not other, son Hamura that her died. 在她的白眼观察之中,位于沙子正中央位置的乐渊飘在半空中,身上竟在升腾起了一股完全异样的查克拉,那一股查克拉的主人不是其他,正是她那死去的儿子羽村 Hamura, what is really you?” 羽村,真的的是你吗?” already saw the Ōtsutsuki Hamura death with own eyes Kaguya, naturally cannot be mistaken that was own son resurrected, but this huge to inconceivable also wanted powerful chakra to make her see another possibility compared with normal Hamura. 已经亲眼见到大筒木羽村死亡的辉夜,自然不会误以为那是自己的儿子复活了,不过这庞大到不可思议比起正常的羽村还要强大查克拉却让她看到了另外一种可能性。 Was sorry Hamura, but must trouble your dead, lends me your potential Strength!” “抱歉了羽村,还要麻烦你这亡者,将你的潜在力量借给我吧!” Ōtsutsuki Hamura lingers in the life and death boundary, he who entered into the death became nowadays Demon Equipment Reincarnation Round Dance by Le Yuan casting. However in the ordinary circumstances he is in Demon Equipment the deep sleep, but nowadays under the initiative activation of Le Yuan, Soul of deep sleep is integrating the body of Le Yuan with its source Strength through Demon Equipment. 大桶木羽村徘徊在生与死的边界上,原本迈入死亡的他被乐渊熔铸成为了现如今的魔具转生轮舞。不过一般情况下他都处于魔具内沉睡,而现如今在乐渊的主动激活之下,沉睡的灵魂与其本源力量正在通过魔具融入到乐渊的身体内部。 That eye is “那双眼睛是” Was wrapped whole body Le Yuan to raise the head by blue chakra slowly, but his pair was not Byakugan is not the special eye of Thunder Eyes also exposes in Kaguya at present. In the pure white pupil presented the blood-color six flower symbols, Kaguya did not know Strength of this eye, but can also its inevitably this Byakugan have the inseparable relation by own pair of Byakugan understand. 被蓝色查克拉包裹全身乐渊缓缓抬起头,而他那双既不是白眼也不是雷瞳的特殊眼睛也暴露在了辉夜的眼前。纯白的瞳孔中出现了血色六花型标志,辉夜并不知晓这双眼睛的力量,但是亦能透过自己的这双白眼明白它必然这白眼有着密不可分的联系。 Tenseigan, this evolution condition nearly harsh eye was awakened by Le Yuan thoroughly. According to the original setting, forming Tenseigan must satisfy one in two condition. First, massive Byakugan fuse, superimposes these Byakugan eyes power unceasingly, uses to the inconceivable quantity transformation that huge completes from the quantitative change to the qualitative change. The two are the clansman of Moon Ōtsutsuki Hamura bloodlines obtains to keep ground Byakugan of Hyūga Clan patriarchal clan, both unify to be able triggering to awaken Tenseigan. 转生眼,这双进化条件近乎苛刻的眼睛被乐渊彻底唤醒。按照原本的设定,形成转生眼必须要满足两种条件中的一种。其一是大量白眼进行融合,将这些白眼瞳力不断叠加,使用庞大到不可思议的数量完成从量变到质变的转换。其二就是月球大筒木羽村血脉的族人获得留在地面上的日向一族宗族的白眼,两者结合才能触发式觉醒转生眼 But looks like these two ways to depute the bloodlines in Le Yuan in the final analysis, ancestor Ōtsutsuki Hamura before toward 1000 year approaches as far as possible. Is absolutely same in Ōtsutsuki Clan of Moon lineage/vein with Hyūga Clan even Uchiha one group as the life, in the time bloodlines degeneration of 1000 year. 而在乐渊看来这两种方式说到底就是为了提纯血脉,尽可能向着千年前的祖先大筒木羽村靠近。作为生活在月球一脉的大筒木一族绝对和日向一族甚至宇智波一组一样,在千年的时间血脉退化了。 Theoretically each people of these three clans have the possibility become like Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo and Ōtsutsuki Hamura the character, how regardless of after all the bloodlines dilute to the situation, they are the same ancestor Ōtsutsuki Kaguya descendants, this point are the indisputable facts. 理论上这三族的每一个人都有着可能性成为像大筒木羽衣大筒木羽村这样的人物,毕竟无论血脉稀释到如何地步,他们都是同一个祖先大筒木辉夜的子孙,这一点是不容改变的事实。 But Le Yuan wants to activate Tenseigan to have a biggest advantage, that is the source of his foundation Strength is in history first Tenseigan owner Ōtsutsuki Hamura. But present Hamura has not achieved the future strongest condition, this point Le Yuan can make up with own Strength exactly. 乐渊想要激活转生眼有着最大的一个优势,那就是他的基础力量之源就是史上第一个转生眼的拥有者大筒木羽村。而现在的羽村还未达到未来的最强状态,这一点乐渊恰恰能够用自己的力量进行弥补。 Stimulates to belong to Hamura Strength by Le Yuan Strength, but in fact after Le Yuan pours into own Strength to Reincarnation Round Dance completely, and awakens Hamura Soul, Hidden Skill can Reincarnation Mode awaken. 乐渊力量来激发属于羽村力量,而事实上在乐渊将自己的力量完全注入到转生轮舞并且将羽村灵魂唤醒之后,隐藏技转生模式就此觉醒。 This is so-called Tenseigan Chakra Mode, but also is really the inconceivable condition, is this Truth-Seeking Ball?” “这就是所谓的转生眼查克拉模式,还真是不可思议的状态,这是求道玉?” Feels the brand-new condition, Le Yuan was only thinking that the present body condition is not absolutely worse than Devil Form, because the source of Strength is undertaken by Reincarnation Round Dance, Le Yuan felt , if willing to be able long time to maintain, only need be worried is the damage that Hamura in Demon Equipment can therefore receive cannot be repaired. 感受着全新的状态,乐渊只觉得现在的身体状态绝对不比魔人形态差,而且由于力量之源是由转生轮舞承担,乐渊觉得如果愿意可以长时间维持下去,唯一要担心的就是魔具中的羽村会不会因此受到不可修复的损伤。 Plays!” “来玩玩吧!” A Le Yuan thought revolution, the side departs innumerable Truth-Seeking Ball immediately. Black Truth-Seeking Ball disperses the innumerable small raindrop immediately greatly seems like that the volume was reduced, but the might may not necessarily reduce. 乐渊意念一转,顿时身边飞出无数求道玉。黑色的求道玉顿时分散成无数小雨滴大看似体积被减小了的,但是威力可不见得就此减小。 The innumerable black raindrop accelerated to exceed the speed of sound in just one second, immediately the destructive power of small raindrop outraced the bullet, even also had no time to let compared with the shell. Moreover the speed quick small size Truth-Seeking Ball raindrop may be more difficult than to dodge the ordinary attack. 无数黑色雨滴在短短一秒内加速超过了音速,登时一个个小雨滴的破坏力超越了子弹,甚至比起炮弹也不遑多让。而且速度快体积小的求道玉雨滴可比普通的攻击更难闪躲。 Facing such attack, even Kaguya still becomes exceptionally distressed. The attack of this Truth-Seeking Ball does not compare other, Kaguya can disregard other attack however this Truth-Seeking Ball unable to eliminate. 面对这样的攻击,即使是辉夜也变得异常狼狈。这求道玉的攻击可不比其他,辉夜能够无视其他的攻击但是这求道玉可是消除不了的。 Let alone under this powerful acceleration, could not be hit in being intimate heavy blows by this Truth-Seeking Ball raindrop, but now to Kaguya raindrop far more than a lot of drops. 更何况在这强大的加速度之下,被这求道玉的雨滴击中不下于挨上一记重拳,而现在向辉夜袭来的雨滴何止千百滴。 Ding “叮叮叮” Before seeing only the body of Kaguya, covered the First Layer black shield, this was similarly with the absolute defense that Truth-Seeking Ball composed. However under the attack of Le Yuan, the this layer defense seems in imminent danger. 只见辉夜的身前笼罩起了一层黑色的盾牌,这正是同样用求道玉组成的绝对防御。不过在乐渊的攻击之下,这一层防御显得岌岌可危。 When the Le Yuan Truth-Seeking Ball raindrop ends completely, this leaf of Skjold already becomes tattered and torn. However Le Yuan does not have the slight joy, this Kaguya already escaped early into other spaces with the aid of the opportunity of this Truth-Seeking Ball defense. To be continued. 乐渊求道玉雨滴完全落幕之时,这一扇已经变得千疮百孔。不过乐渊却没有丝毫的喜悦,这辉夜已经借助这求道玉防御的机会遁入了其他空间。未完待续。 ... ...
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