VE :: Volume #8 三阶首战影之忍者

#699: God Tsukuyomi

A month, Le Yuan does not come under attack purely passively, Le Yuan made him regarding the keen sensation of space and time then understand in very short event from[ Amenominaka] the method in the world that controlled leaving. 一个月,乐渊并非是单纯地被动挨打,乐渊对于时空的敏锐感知令他在很短的事件内便明白了从[天之御中]所操控的世界中离开的方法。 This method also incessantly one type, but each method really must implement the difficulty also is really not general big. 这方法还不止一种,不过每一种方法真要实施起来难度还真不是一般的大。 Simply is also the most direct being separated method, defeats to display master Kaguya of this technique. So long as defeats Kaguya, Amenominaka naturally is at the without owner condition, but regarding on Le Yuan fetter small many, Le Yuan will then naturally have when the time comes broke open this space directly the ability. 最简单也是最直接的脱离方法,击败施展这个术的主人辉夜。只要将辉夜击败,天之御中自然处于无主状态,而对于乐渊的束缚自然会小上许多,到时候乐渊便有了直接破开这个空间的能力。 But very obvious Le Yuan full assurance has not defeated Kaguya, did not propose her ability to exceed Le Yuan comprehensively, the ability that even if she exposes nowadays, still made Le Yuan have the resistance merely, wanted to counter-attack to subdue is actually difficult such as to ascend to heaven. 而很明显乐渊并没有十足的把握击败辉夜,不提她的能力全面超越了乐渊,就算她现如今所展露的能力,也令乐渊仅仅有招架之力,想要反击制胜却是难如登天。 But the remaining one methods are most viable methods that Le Yuan can think, first breaks through to the beginning space of spheres, later easiest to have the relation the space to conduct two breakthroughs by beginning space of spheres with the outside world. 而剩下的一种方法就是乐渊能想到的最具可行性的方法,先突破至始球空间,随后由始球空间这个最容易与外界产生联系的空间进行二次突破。 Places the beginning space of spheres Kaguya to look at the violence to break through to oneself front Le Yuan, in the look brings some surprisedly, but more is actually the anger. This[ Amenominaka] in some sense is the Kaguya absolute domain, like Le Yuan so forcefully in the behavior that in her respective space flees suddenly regarding the provocation of her unsurpassed invincible might. 身处始球空间的辉夜看着暴力突破至自己面前的乐渊,眼神中带着些许惊讶,但是更多的却是愤怒。这[天之御中]某种意义上就是辉夜的绝对领域,像乐渊这般强行在她所属空间内突窜的行为就是对于她无上神威的挑衅。 In the Kaguya eye, penetrates the beginning space of spheres Le Yuan to be seemingly strong, but that flash complexion indeed becomes some pale, wants in[ Amenominaka] in moves, even if were Le Yuan still wasted Strength most probably. 辉夜眼中,突入始球空间的乐渊看似强势无比,但是那一瞬间脸色的确变得些许苍白,想要在[天之御中]里移动纵然是乐渊依然将力量虚耗了大半。 The two breakthroughs in plan are unable to start temporarily, this means that Le Yuan has to temporarily and Kaguya comes on friendly match dragging time. 计划中的二次突破暂时无法启动,这就意味着乐渊不得不暂时和辉夜来上一场友谊赛拖延时间。 At this moment, on blue ray along with right hand shines, Le Yuan starts magic power to spread from the Demon right arm to the whole body, with Devil phantom completely different Devil Form first time front that presented in Kaguya. 这一刻,伴随着右手上蓝色光芒的亮起,乐渊恶魔右臂开始魔力蔓延至全身,和魔人虚影完全不同的魔人形态第一次出现在了辉夜的面前。 Human? Kaguya looks that Le Yuan that inhuman appearance impossible it with human links, and aura that touched on the type to transmit makes Kaguya feel the threat from Le Yuan this faintly. 人类?辉夜看着乐渊那非人的模样怎么也不可能将其与人类联系在一起,并且从乐渊这幅摸样身上传来的气息隐隐令辉夜感受到了威胁。 Kaguya vision blurred, her Byakugan lost the Le Yuan trail in this moment unexpectedly. The next second of fist shadow obstructs the day, the fist that brings boundless Strength innumerably covers the Kaguya whole body. 辉夜眼前一花,她的白眼在这一刻竟然失去了乐渊的踪迹。下一秒拳影遮天,无数带着磅礴力量的拳头将辉夜全身笼罩。 [ Rabbit Hair Needle] counter-attack, flash Kaguya that body long white hair is calm in this moment, probably had life welcomed automatically to all directions the Le Yuan shadow. [兔毛针]回击,一瞬间辉夜那笔身体还长的白色头发在这一刻无风自动,像是有了生命似的自动迎向了四面八方乐渊的影子。 The Kaguya hair quantity even exceeded the Le Yuan attack frequency, the flash will try 11 to hit from attack Le Yuan whole body acupoint behind. As the ability of Hyūga Clan Gentle Fist first ancestor, this[ Rabbit Hair Needle] can say that is overbearing compared with Gentle Fist, not only can chakra of seal opposite party within the body even the action one and seal. 辉夜的头发数量甚至超越了乐渊的攻击频率,一瞬间将试图从身后袭击的乐渊周身穴道一一击中。作为日向一族柔拳始祖的能力,这[兔毛针]可以说比起柔拳更加霸道,不仅能够封印对方体内的查克拉甚至连行动力一并封印。 Was not perfect suffers this move of Le Yuan actually to smile, this month of fumble was not white passed/lived, had the estimate regarding Kaguya this move of Attack Power already early. But Kaguya simply has not understood his condition. 不过硬挨了这一招的乐渊却是笑了,这一个多月的摸索也不是白过的,对于辉夜这一招的攻击力已经有了预估。而辉夜则根本没有了解过他的这一身状态。 Sees only Le Yuan that in the body dozens strike not only has not stopped, instead bullies the body to approach with the aid of the stop of Kaguya attack instantaneously, the incomparably fast fist all scolded in this moment on the body of Kaguya. 只见身中数十击的乐渊不但没有停下,反而借助辉夜攻击的停顿瞬间欺身临近,无比迅捷的拳头在这一刻全数落在了辉夜的身上。 Amounts to 128 fists, without and attack fails, the Strength bang that every strikes explodes a hill top sufficiently, but is such attack falls on the body of Kaguya even if actually seems like a water splash not to splash, the change that brings about is only Rinne-Sharingan on Kaguya forehead after the attack of Le Yuan ended flowed off drop of tears of blood. 总计一百二十八拳,没有以及攻击落空的,每一击的力量都足以轰爆一个小山头,但是纵然是这样的攻击落在辉夜的身上却像是一点水花也没有溅起来,唯一带来的变化就是辉夜额头上的轮回写轮眼乐渊的攻击结束之后流下了一滴血泪。 Dōjutsu (Eye Technique)[ Izanagi], only requires the extremely short time, can all unfavorable factors transform including caster was injured and even the death and wait/etc as the dreamland, but favorable factors turned the attack of caster into the reality, freely control illusory with the boundary of reality, to ultimate Genjutsu (Illusionary Technique) that oneself used. 瞳术[伊邪那岐],只需要极短的时间,就可以把包括施术者受伤乃至死亡等等的一切不利因素转化为梦境,而把施术者的攻击等有利因素转变为现实,自由地控制虚幻与现实的界限,对自己使用的究极幻术 This is most primary cause of Le Yuan attack failure, the price that but Kaguya in order to invalid Le Yuan the move of institute pays is also big. At least just that drop of tears of blood were not the white print, but Kaguya lost similarly in three days used this move of ability again. 这就是乐渊攻击失败的最主要原因,不过辉夜为了能够无效化乐渊的这一招所付出的代价也不小。最起码刚刚的那一滴血泪可不是白流的,而辉夜同样在三天之内失去了再一次使用这一招的能力。 However is worth with this move, even if Kaguya took chakra fruit, just the attack of Le Yuan that over a hundred fist was still a threat, Undying Body still is not to her invincible, at least Kaguya did not want own mortal body to turn into the rotten meat, that pain was not a woman is willing to withstand. 不过用出这一招还是值得的,就算辉夜服下了查克拉果实,刚刚乐渊那上百记拳头的攻击对于她来说依然是个威胁,不死之身也并非无敌,最起码辉夜不想要自己的肉身变成烂肉,那种痛苦可不是一个女人愿意承受的。 The ability of Rinnegan supplementary can make Kaguya fearless most Ninjutsu and energy attacks, simultaneously the might of Immortal Technique attack was also fallen a trough, only has the Martial Arts injury has not changed. 轮回眼附带的能力能够令辉夜无惧绝大多数忍术和能量性攻击,同时仙术攻击的威力也被降到了一个低谷,唯有体术伤害从来没有变过。 Near body of Le Yuan attacked is been invalid, made him fall into a danger, saw only the long hair of Kaguya to seem like the rope to bundle a solidity in this moment Le Yuan generally instantaneously. 乐渊的近身攻击被无效了,同时也令他陷入了一个危险的境地,只见辉夜的长头发在这一刻像是绳索一般瞬间将乐渊捆了个结实。 You, cannot run away!” The face of Kaguya leaves Le Yuan to be near in this moment, looks that finally by Le Yuan that oneself tie, even Kaguya still relaxes. After all one month of confrontation has never had difficult fight. “你,逃不了的!”辉夜的脸在这一刻离得乐渊非常近,看着终于被自己缚住的乐渊,就算是辉夜也松了一口气。毕竟一个月的对峙可是从来没有过的艰辛战斗。 Kaguya does not plan to massacre Le Yuan in vain, in that head of Le Yuan may have the content that made him care about innumerably, although depended on Le Yuan to peep at a point initially defenseless, but the most important information actually cannot see. 辉夜可不打算就这么白白将乐渊杀掉,乐渊的那颗脑袋里面可有着无数令他在意的内容,虽然当初靠着乐渊无防备窥视到了一点,但是最重要的信息却没能看到。 Holds me? Is I holds you to be right!” “抓住我?是我抓住你才对!” Perhaps it seems like holds Le Yuan in Kaguya, means that Le Yuan is at a loss. After all Kaguya continues to extract chakra through the hair from the Le Yuan body, in this situation general Ninja almost does not have the strength of resistance. 或许在辉夜看来抓住乐渊,就意味着乐渊束手无策。毕竟辉夜通过头发持续从乐渊身体中抽取着查克拉,这种情况下一般忍者几乎没有反抗之力。 However Le Yuan is actually not typical Ninja, but this chakra is also only the product of Le Yuan temporary manufacture, Le Yuan basic Strength is present Kaguya is actually not able to vacillate. 不过乐渊却不是个地道的忍者,而这查克拉也只是乐渊临时制造的产物而已,乐渊的根本力量却是现在的辉夜无法动摇的。 Le Yuan tied at the same time, both hands grasped on the hair of Kaguya, at the same time whole body started to send out slightly the blue light. When feels electric charge that in the air that travels, Kaguya then knows that Le Yuan already is fermenting the attack, but left to leave or escape slowly into other spaces seemingly a racket. 乐渊被缚住的同时,双手抓在了辉夜的头发上,与此同时全身上下开始散发出微微蓝光。感受到空气中那游历的电荷时,辉夜便知道乐渊已经在酝酿着攻击,但是无论是抽身离开还是遁入其他空间貌似都慢了一拍。 [ Eighty Gods Vacuum Attack], Kaguya actually seems exceptionally resolute in this moment, not only loosens immediately to the hair of Le Yuan fetter, but also both hands in started this most in a short time might be called break Heaven and Earth struck. [八十神空击],辉夜在这一刻倒是显得异常果决,不但立刻松开对乐渊束缚的头发,而且双手在最短时间内发动了这堪称打破天地的一击。 Regarding Kaguya, she did not count on that can through this strike Le Yuan kills, only needs to waste Le Yuan then, Le Yuan that Kaguya successfully hits, but on Le Yuan that compared favorably with the Tsar Bomb rank the crazy thunder also to trigger sufficiently at the same time on Kaguya. 对于辉夜而言,她并不指望能够通过这一击将乐渊杀死,只需要打飞乐渊即可,辉夜成功击中的乐渊,但是乐渊身上那足以媲美大伊万级别的狂雷也同一时间触发在了辉夜身上。 How could the general thunder and lightning poses the threat to Kaguya, but how if this thunder and lightning does contain the natural energy? At least to Le Yuan, this struck to reassign in his body about 90% magic power, struck him also to relieve own Devil Form from now on. 一般的雷电岂能对辉夜造成威胁,但如果这雷电蕴含着自然能量又如何?最起码对乐渊而言,这一击抽调了他身体内将近90%的魔力,一击过后他也不得不解除了自身的魔人形态 But the non- condition in not far away cannot with simple described distressedly, even if although strikes to fly Le Yuan, but thunder and lightning its locking. Although Kaguya used Truth-Seeking Ball to form the absolute defense of alternative the complete package, but struck unable 100% to defend facing the Le Yuan full power. 而不远处的非也状态可不能用简单的狼狈来形容,虽然即使将乐渊击飞,但是雷电还是将其锁定。虽然辉夜使用求道玉将自己完全包裹形成了另类的绝对防御,但是面对乐渊的全力一击还是没能百分百防御下来。 Kaguya covered in First Layer Truth-Seeking Ball already of body surface is ruined almost, but Kaguya that spacious white robe was also destroyed the beggar attire by the thunder and lightning, the Rabbit Goddess Kaguya direct dew point. 辉夜覆盖在体表的一层求道玉已经被毁掉了七七八八,而辉夜那一身宽大的白袍同样被雷电毁成了乞丐装,卯之女神辉夜直接露点了。 However Kaguya is Kaguya, with performance of common woman is completely different, completely does not have the awkwardness of dew point. The Kungfu again splendid attire that waves merely is then arrogant. 不过辉夜就是辉夜,和一般女人的表现那是完全不一样,全然没有露点的尴尬。仅仅是一挥手的功夫便再一次盛装凌人。 Must say that the Kaguya ability in this time indeed is one certainly, this time may not have existence of technique after all now, may not carry forward chakra Strength as one group of people of Ninja World first ancestor. Therefore although the Kaguya ability is strong, but comes and goes is that several moves of talent abilities. 要说辉夜的能力在这个时代的确是一绝,毕竟现在这个时代可没有术的存在,作为忍界鼻祖的一群人可还没有将查克拉力量发扬光大。是故辉夜的能力虽强,但是来来去去都是那几招天赋能力。 However even if merely is not many moves, is still much stronger. Each move is a limit, at least faces[ Eighty Gods Vacuum Attack] such Martial Arts, Le Yuan thinks also a hard anti- move. 不过纵然仅仅是不多的招数,却依然是强得一塌糊涂。每一招都是一个极限,最起码面对[八十神空击]这样的体术,乐渊想到的也只有硬抗一招。 But Kaguya wants to defeat Le Yuan, meeting the tough head-on with toughness the already proof effect is unsatisfactory, one month cannot take style full of Le Yuan, but Kaguya aware already cannot drag again, she deeply knew true understanding to be solved divine tree by oneself eldest son Hagoromo, when the time comes he and Le Yuan were really hard to cope jointly. 辉夜想要击败乐渊,硬碰硬已经证明效果不佳,一个月的时间还是没能拿下招式百出的乐渊,而辉夜自觉已经不能再拖下去了,她深深知道真让自己大儿子羽衣解决了神树,到时候他与乐渊联手就真的难以对付了。 Read hence, Kaguya looked up the Le Yuan look was changing, saw only Rinne-Sharingan on her forehead to rotate in this moment, made restored while is waiting and seeing Le Yuan had the inexplicable chill in the air. 一念至此,辉夜抬起头望着乐渊的眼神都变了,只见她额头上的轮回写轮眼在这一刻转动起来,令正一边恢复一边观望着的乐渊产生了莫名的寒意。 Genjutsu (Illusionary Technique), only then Genjutsu (Illusionary Technique) is thing that Le Yuan has feared. However pure Genjutsu (Illusionary Technique) exists in name only under Le Yuan Spiritual Force, but high-grade Genjutsu (Illusionary Technique) wants steamroll Le Yuan also to be very few from the rank. At least pure Tsukuyomi is very difficult to achieve, but if said that is Tsukuyomi that Kaguya puts forth can how? 幻术,只有幻术才是乐渊一直惧怕的东西。但是单纯的幻术乐渊精神力之下形同虚设,而高等级的幻术想要从等级上碾压乐渊却又少之又少。最起码单纯的月读很难做到,但是如果说是辉夜使出的月读又会如何? [ Infinite Tsukuyomi], this move of Genjutsu (Illusionary Technique) ability that can be said as Kaguya displays the pinnacle the ability, can affect entire Ninja World ultimate Genjutsu (Illusionary Technique) of person simultaneously, was known as perfect Genjutsu (Illusionary Technique) that move of person have not sobered. [无限月读],这一招可以说是将辉夜幻术能力发挥到极致的能力,能够同时影响整个忍界的人的究极幻术,号称中招的人没有一个自己清醒过来的完美幻术 However in this Genjutsu (Illusionary Technique) of wide scope, even if falls to Le Yuan on, under the effect quickly wanes Le Yuan also to stop at nothing, but Kaguya actually put forth to Le Yuan[ Tsukuyomi] another usage [ God: Tsukuyomi]. 不过这中大范围的幻术纵然落到乐渊身上,效果骤减之下乐渊也无所顾忌,而辉夜却对乐渊使出了[月读]的另一种用法[神·月读]。 So-called God: Tsukuyomi bases on ordinary Mangekyō Sharingan Genjutsu (Illusionary Technique) Tsukuyomi, this is Genjutsu (Illusionary Technique) Infinite Tsukuyomi of highest rank Kaguya Rinne-Sharingan has to Genjutsu (Illusionary Technique) that a person is releasing to produce. 所谓神·月读是基于普通万花筒写轮眼幻术月读而言的,这是将辉夜轮回写轮眼所具备的最高等级的幻术无限月读对着一个人释放而产生的幻术 Genjutsu (Illusionary Technique) Strength function that was dispersed on a person, this luxury enjoyment feared this also to have a Le Yuan person to have the good fortune. 被分散过来的幻术力量作用在一个人身上,这种豪华享受恐怕这也是有乐渊一个人有福气了。 However when really Le Yuan eye already presents the Rinnegan trace from the Thunder Eyes Byakugan condition, this is the true condition awfully. 不过真当乐渊的眼睛已经雷瞳白眼的状态中出现轮回眼痕迹的时候,这才是真正的要命的状态。 Facing this huge to irresistible Genjutsu (Illusionary Technique) Strength, one second of Le Yuan that good enough to make one feel proud spirit merely resistance, was swallowed by Genjutsu (Illusionary Technique) completely, the body in that flash fell into standby. 面对这庞大到无可抵抗的幻术力量,乐渊那足以自豪的精神仅仅抵抗的一秒,便被幻术完全吞噬,身体在那一瞬间陷入了待机之中。 While released[ God: Tsukuyomi] Kaguya that latter rests temporarily raised the head, the eye actually contracted fiercely, sees only Le Yuan this matter that already dropped down to be little from the ground to crawl, the eyes presented by control condition him can actually act automatically. 正当释放了[神·月读]后暂时休息的辉夜抬起头来的时候,眼睛却猛地收缩,只见原本已经倒下的乐渊此事却一点点从地上爬了起来,双眼还是呈现被控制状态的他竟然能够自动行动。 „The body of Sir Le Yuan is protected by me, valkyrie nearly waits in the long Lü Lingqi ginseng/partake!” 乐渊大人的身体由我来守护,瓦尔基里近侍长吕绮玲参上!” , not only after seeing only Le Yuan crawls , the makings changed, change that the way of even speaking had. Now is controlling Le Yuan this body is not others Lü Lingqi, Le Yuan before[ God: Tsukuyomi] hits completely successfully left behind the subsequent hand finally, opened the Small World channel to put own trusted subordinate. 只见乐渊爬起来之后不但气质发生了改变,连说话的方式都出现的变化。现在操控着乐渊这具身体的不是别人正是吕绮玲,乐渊在被[神·月读]完全击中以前总算是成功留下了后手,打开了小世界的通道将自己的亲信放了出来。 But the goal that Lü Lingqi comes out does not defeat Kaguya, although she controls the body of Le Yuan to display Le Yuan 70% Strength, but this made her protect oneself in front of Kaguya cannot achieve, can do only in a big way then supported Le Yuan to pass Genjutsu (Illusionary Technique) as far as possible. 吕绮玲出来的目的可不是击败辉夜,虽然她操控乐渊的身体能够发挥出乐渊70%的力量,但这令她在辉夜面前自保都做不到,唯一能够做大的便是尽可能地撑到乐渊度过幻术 ... ...
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