VE :: Volume #8 三阶首战影之忍者

#698: Amenominaka, Kaguya absolute domain

Places the Kaguya domain, although Le Yuan Spatial Displacement can start is not however able to re-enter the outside world from the domain, by his ability can only guarantee oneself move in a space, even wants to conduct to span in five spaces is not a simple matter. 身处辉夜的领域内部,乐渊空间移动虽然能够启动但是根本无法从领域内重回外界,以他的能力仅能保证自己在一个空间里面进行移动,甚至想要在五个空间内进行跨越也不是一件简单的事情。 Sees only with the Kaguya Byakugan fiercely might that Le Yuan confronts full, later Le Yuan in some flash unexpectedly completely completely understood feelings, this purely is not Byakugan the function of perspective/see through human body, even this function direct role on Le Yuan Soul. 只见正与乐渊对峙的辉夜白眼猛地威力全开,随后乐渊在一瞬间竟然有种被完全看透的感觉,这不纯粹是白眼的透视人体的功能,甚至这种作用还是直接作用在乐渊灵魂上。 Although does not know that actually Kaguya is peeping at any thing, but the Le Yuan instinct thought that this is not meddlesome, immediately transferred the arrange/cloth in own mind to get down the innumerable say/way defenses to use barrier Marrow Cleansing Scripture Strength inside and outside. 虽然不知道辉夜究竟在窥视些什么东西,但是乐渊本能地觉得这绝不是什么好事,顿时将洗髓经力量调动起来在自己的脑海中里里外外布下了无数道防御用结界 Makes that flash of defense in Le Yuan, peeping at Kaguya also comes to the end temporarily, but she looked again to the Le Yuan look actually took the complex sentiment, that was one type understands clearly is also unwilling, desolate also brings crazily some...... 乐渊做出防御的那一刹那,辉夜的窥视也暂告一段落,不过她再次望向乐渊的眼神之中却带上了复杂的感情,那是一种了然却又不甘,落寞中又带着些疯狂…… „Your non person of the world, you thinks that I will defeat? By own child seal? Hamura died, the history that you know has changed, I will take back Hagoromo chakra, then brings divine tree and my army recaptures my hometown!” “你非此世之人,你认为我会败?被自己的孩子封印?羽村死了,你所知道的历史已然改变,我将收回羽衣身上的查克拉,然后带着神树和我的军队重新夺回我的故乡!” In the Kaguya this matter's look is crazy, is biased and more is actually resistance to destiny, her Byakugan already had as she said ability that peeps at the will of the people, although Le Yuan responded promptly, but was still known part by Kaguya truth. This so-called truth also merely about the Ninja World history, although is not meaningful regarding Le Yuan, but is actually as good as a depth bomb to Kaguya. 辉夜此事的眼神中是疯狂、是偏执、更多的却是一种对命运的反抗,她的白眼如她所说已经有了窥视人心的能力,虽然乐渊反应及时,但是依然被辉夜知晓了一部分的“真相”。这所谓的真相也仅仅是关于忍界历史的,虽然对于乐渊而言没有什么意义,但是对辉夜来说却不亚于一颗深水炸弹。 Le Yuan also understand Kaguya from these words just made anything, at present what is good was Kaguya simply knows some frames, the concrete flow has not known, therefore Le Yuan and Hagoromo conducted the seal finally time can also play the effect of certain sneak attack. 乐渊同样从这句话中明白辉夜刚刚做了些什么,不过目前还好的是辉夜仅仅是知道了一些框架,具体的流程还不知晓,所以乐渊羽衣最后进行封印的时候还能够起到一定偷袭的效果。 Takes back chakra? You want to make the divine tree again result, you who take the next divine tree fruit even if still felt assurance that cannot win? Actually is your hometown what place?” “收回查克拉?你想要令神树再一次结果,难道说纵然服下一枚神树果实的你依然觉得没有必胜的把握?你的家乡究竟是个什么样的地方?” Le Yuan regarding hometown that Kaguya said is not general being interested, after all according to the Kaguya background came to see compels certainly is not Ninja continent human, although did not have the reproductive isolation with human, but that bloodlines disseminated each Bloodline Limit ethnic group that formed to know that her race was not simple, calls it Naruto World Alien certainly not excessively. 乐渊对于辉夜所说的故乡那不是一般的感兴趣,毕竟根据辉夜的背景来看绝逼不是忍者大陆的人类,虽然和人类没有生殖隔离,但是那血脉散播开来形成的各个血继界限族群就知道她的种族绝不简单,称之为火影世界外星人绝不过分。 But may also be called bug character, is actually flees from calamity to arrive at the Ninja continent defeat type character, according to final Boss Kinshiki and Momoshiki ability, is well below to eat chakra fruit Kaguya. If White Zetsu is really army, then the strength is not strongly, cleans up the rank of mixed soldier at most, this might as well Kaguya puts to draw on directly greatly actual. 而就是这么也堪称bug似的的人物,却是逃难来到忍者大陆的战败式人物,根据最后的的波ss金式桃式的能力来看,又远远不如吃了查克拉果实辉夜。如果白绝真的是军队,那么偏偏实力又算不上多强,顶多是清理杂兵的等级,这还不如辉夜直接放个大招来得实际。 The thoughts of woman are not fully correct, are unclear, but already entered the step is goddess Kaguya that is not Le Yuan this just entered the step from the boy is the person of man is understandable, but staked from Kaguya that in his vision, Le Yuan knows that Kaguya will not easily let off him. 女人的心思猜不透、想不明,而已经进阶为女神的辉夜那更不是乐渊这个刚刚从男孩进阶为男人的人可以理解的,不过从辉夜那盯死在他的目光中,乐渊就知道辉夜不会轻易放过了他了。 Le Yuan is the variable, since he appears in Kaguya and the others the surface that moment history turns toward the uncertain direction to go forward, if Le Yuan is willing then to change the history of entire No. 1 world, so long as on the contrary Le Yuan wants, similarly can maintain the historical return battle path in No. 1 world. 乐渊是变数,从他出现在辉夜等人面的那一刻历史就向着不确定的方向前进,如果乐渊舍得便能改变整个一号世界的历史,相反只要乐渊愿意,同样能够维护一号世界的历史回归征途。 But regarding wanting to go against heaven's will changes the life Kaguya, since Le Yuan such character cannot subdue, only then can do naturally killed him, so long as Le Yuan died that the history naturally also to change. 而对于想要逆天改命的辉夜而言,乐渊这样的人物既然不可收服,那么唯一能够做的自然就是杀了他,只要乐渊死了那么历史自然也能改变。 Sees only Kaguya from integrate the lava space again, but lost Le Yuan of Kaguya trail now can only do is as soon as possible the sensation, in Kaguya grasps he enters the lava space, Le Yuan then on her body makes the symbol, what only worry is in this[ Amenominaka] inside light/only depends on the symbol to search for Kaguya as before is a strenuous matter. 只见辉夜再一次从将自身融入熔岩空间,而失去了辉夜踪迹的乐渊现在的唯一能做的就是尽快感知到,早在辉夜抓他进入熔岩空间时,乐渊便在她的身上做下了记号,唯一担心的是在这[天之御中]里面光靠记号搜寻辉夜依旧是个费力的事情。 Five minutes also or ten minutes, the entire lava space does not have other sounds besides the lava that under the Le Yuan body that boils as before. Le Yuan is still at stay still the condition, this time, Le Yuan was detecting that fiercely Kaguya symbol is approaching, but that everywhere aura made Le Yuan definitely unable localization exact location. 五分钟亦或是十分钟,整个熔岩空间除了乐渊身下那依旧沸腾的熔岩之外没有其他的声音。乐渊依旧处于静止不动的状态,就在这个时候,乐渊猛地察觉到辉夜身上的记号在靠近,可是那无处不在的气息令乐渊完全无法定位具体位置 This is...... behind!” “这是……后面!” When Le Yuan completely determination of fix, Kaguya already from Le Yuan behind appears again, and brings the fist of unmatched potential to become the boundless raindrop to be easy unable probably to wield continuously to Le Yuan. 乐渊完全确定位置时,辉夜已然从乐渊的身后再度出现,并且带着无可匹敌之势的拳头像是成为了磅礴的雨滴易啊不能连续不断地挥向乐渊 Puts together the fist, come!” “拼拳头,来啊!” Facing Kaguya transnormal Martial Arts[ Eighty Gods Vacuum Attack] continuous fist, Le Yuan Devil phantom does not dodge does not hide similarly by the brutal iron fist counter-attack, suddenly blue fist and Kaguya that double belting the double fist of milky white chakra is colliding. 面对辉夜超常规体术[八十神空击]接连不断的拳头,乐渊身上的魔人虚影不闪不躲同样以无情的铁拳回击,一时间蓝色的拳头和辉夜的那一双带着乳白色查克拉的双拳碰撞到了一起。 Fist to bumping the sound has covered lava space all, but Le Yuan controls Devil phantom to attack unceasingly, but the innermost feelings in deeply are Kaguya Strength feel surprised. Kaguya indeed is not by the woman who Martial Arts grows perceptibly, Strength that even if he still has surpassed everyone. 拳头对碰的声音盖过了熔岩空间的一切,而乐渊虽然操控着魔人虚影不断进攻,但是内心却在深深为辉夜力量感到惊讶。辉夜的确不是个以体术见长的女人,但是就算是如此他所拥有的力量也超过了所有人。 Le Yuan Strength absolutely is powerful to the inconceivable situation, particularly after putting on Devil phantom is so. By this fist, Le Yuan believes that destroys a mountain range is not the issue, but is actually collapsing facing Kaguya that pair of lush white hands Le Yuan Devil phantom unceasingly. 乐渊力量绝对是强大到不可思议的地步,尤其是在套上了魔人虚影之后更是如此。凭借这拳头,乐渊相信毁灭一座山脉也不是问题,但是面对辉夜那双芊芊玉手乐渊魔人虚影却在不断崩溃。 Kaguya big of Strength does not seem like a woman, is on the contrary more fearful than Hulk (movie version) of Strength limit eruption condition, is relying on[ Eighty Gods Vacuum Attack] instantaneously Devil phantom tearing of Le Yuan. 辉夜力量之大根本不像是个女人,反倒是比力量极限爆发状态的绿巨人(电影版)更加可怕,凭借着[八十神空击]瞬间将乐渊魔人虚影撕裂。 Secret technique[ All-Killing Ash Bones] 秘术[共杀灰骨] Kaguya on the Devil phantom flash of defeating Le Yuan covering, on the lifted palm stretched out a gray bone, this is ultimate destruction Ninjutsu. Any in the person by this grey spur gradually will be been bad from the wound place, just like curse general terrifying Strength. 辉夜在击破乐渊身上覆盖的魔人虚影的一瞬间,抬起的手掌上伸出了一段灰色的骨头,这正是究极的破坏忍术。任何被这灰骨刺中的人都会从伤口处逐渐本坏,犹如诅咒一般的恐怖力量 This destructive Strength hits a target the body of Le Yuan, let alone Le Yuan currently has limit Devil Undying Body, even the genuine complete body does not dare saying that not dreads eats up this move hardly, but undying. 这种破坏性力量射中乐渊的身体,别说乐渊现在有限制的魔人不死身,就算是真正的完全体也不敢说毫无畏惧地硬吃下这一招而不死 Thunder Eyes superimposes Byakugan, the critical time Le Yuan visual ability rescued his life. What the eye under dual overlay condition takes to Le Yuan is the unprecedented limiting velocity, facing grey bone that came from out of the blue, Le Yuan in this state can have enough time to dodge. 雷瞳叠加白眼,危急时刻乐渊的视觉能力救了他一命。双重叠加状态下的眼睛带给乐渊的是前所未有的极限速度,面对破空而来的灰骨,在这种状态下的乐渊能够有足够的时间进行闪避。 But the long-term usage Kaguya of high-intensity secret technique also hidden went to the body temporarily, entered the beginning space of spheres to restore to consume oversized chakra again, Kaguya infinite chakra also has the limit, her body cannot such as Nine-Tails continue the supplies huge chakra that like that supported her secret technique. But Le Yuan must regroup after a defeat while these days, not only need Devil phantom that restores to be hit to explode, must unearth Demon Equipment[ Reincarnation Round Dance] potential capability and exploration[ Amenominaka] several spaces. 而连续使用了高强度秘术的辉夜也暂时隐去了身体,再一次进入到了始球空间恢复消耗过大的查克拉,辉夜的无限查克拉也是有着极限的,她的身体并不能够如九尾那般持续供给支撑她秘术的庞大查克拉。而乐渊也要趁着这段时间重整旗鼓,不但要恢复被打爆的魔人虚影,更要挖掘魔具[转生轮舞]的潜在能力和探索[天之御中]的数个空间。 During fighting this moment fell into was deeply worried, Kaguya is unable to conduct fatally to Le Yuan strikes, Le Yuan is unable to leave behind Kaguya similarly. both sides in[ Amenominaka] in the world probes unceasingly, encounters unceasingly, for can the opposite party, therefore the card in a hand 11 know very well. 战斗到了这一刻陷入了焦灼之中,辉夜无法对乐渊进行致命一击,乐渊同样无法留下辉夜。双方在[天之御中]的世界里面不断试探,不断交锋,为的的就是能够将对方的所以底牌一一熟知。 The lava world transforms the frost world. 熔岩世界转换冰霜世界。 Is completely different from the lava world of burning hot, in the frost world Le Yuan, although can fight conscientiously, but Kaguya can actually altogether melt with the world of ice completely, the entire hominization as the world of ice, conducts unceasing hunt by the strength and potential to Le Yuan. 和炙热的熔岩世界完全不同,在冰霜世界中乐渊虽然能够脚踏实地地进行战斗,但是辉夜却能完全与冰之世界共融,整个人化身为冰之世界,以力与势对乐渊进行不断的追捕。 Le Yuan is fighting with Kaguya in the frost world, is rather fighting with the world. However is good because of the ice is the Kaguya weapon, Le Yuan is also not only good at with the Water Immortal Technique person, although cannot reverse primary and secondary, but can resist regarding the attack of Kaguya. 乐渊在冰霜世界中与其说是在和辉夜战斗,不如说是在与世界战斗。不过好在冰不仅仅是辉夜的武器,乐渊自身同样是善于用水系仙法的人,虽不能逆转主次,但是对于辉夜的攻击还是能够抵抗的。 The frost world transforms the high-gravity world. 冰霜世界转换超重力世界。 This world is Le Yuan quite hits a good fortune bitter world without doubt, always makes Le Yuan understand that finally in that high-gravity the so-called carrying a heavy load training is a trash, this entire aspect conducts the heavy pressure on the body surface and internal organs always the world is true awfully. 这个世界无疑是乐渊打得比较幸苦的一个世界,无时无刻不在那超重力总算让乐渊了解到所谓的负重训练都是个渣渣,这种全方面无时无刻不对体表、内脏进行重压的世界才是真正的要命。 Especially when Kaguya seems like already took the lead to be familiar with this high-gravity attack, by All-Killing Ash Bones this must kill the style, Le Yuan several times encountered the dangerous situation, if did not close right up against the super speed that eyes power brought to save a life, perhaps this high-gravity world was Le Yuan the institute of being buried. 尤其是在辉夜像是已经率先熟悉了这个超重力攻击的时候,凭借共杀灰骨这个必杀招式,乐渊数次遭遇险情,如果不是靠着瞳力带来的超级速度才救回自己一条命,恐怕这超重力世界就是乐渊的葬身之所。 However also has the fault in such world, at least Le Yuan are extremely good regarding the compatibility of such high-gravity environment, felt that after adapting to such circumstances the body ability had the trend of further strengthen. 不过在这样的世界也不是没有坏处,最起码乐渊自己对于这样的超重力环境的适应性极佳,感觉在适应了这样的环境之后身体能力有进一步变强的趋势。 The following two big world acids and sands on the contrary are not anything, wanted to depend on the acid to kill Le Yuan when really Le Yuan will not fly, but wanted dead of thirst Le Yuan in the world of sand is the impossible matter. But Le Yuan supplies entire world, moreover to Le Yuan this strength rank also significantly reduces regarding the demand of water, basic impossible consumes own opportunity to Kaguya. 接下来的两大世界酸和沙反倒是不算什么,想要靠酸杀了乐渊真当乐渊不会飞,而想要在沙之世界渴死乐渊更是不可能的事情。乐渊的补给可是整整一个世界,况且到了乐渊这个实力等级的对于水的需求也是大幅度降低,根本不可能辉夜耗死自己的机会。 Confrontation between Le Yuan and Kaguya passed for a month, Hagoromo and Ten-Tails fight result Le Yuan is unknown, only hope is the opposite party ends the fight a bit faster. This month of Le Yuan does not know how to live through, three times were started by the Kaguya hair[ Rabbit Hair Needle] hits, under the body sealed condition almost the body dies. Is good can also summon Black Fire Dragon Cat to protect the body because of Le Yuan, supported the body restoration reluctantly. 乐渊辉夜之间的对峙过去了一个月的时间,外界羽衣十尾的战斗结果乐渊不得而知,唯一希望的就是对方快点解决战斗。这一个月的时间乐渊都不知道怎么熬过来的,三次被辉夜头发发动的[兔毛针]击中,身体被封的状态下差点身死。好在乐渊还能召唤黑火龙猫护体,勉强撑到了身体恢复。 But more miserable situation probably if[ All-Killing Ash Bones] several times of sneak attacks, hits the thigh one time, hits the arm one time. Facing just like the virus corrodes the grey bone attack of body, only then cuts tail to seek livehood, cut off corroded body part that Le Yuan can achieve directly, is good because, although Devil Undying Body was restricted, but is not too big regarding the influence of limbs regeneration, Le Yuan depended on reluctantly resolute is the temporariness went through the difficulty finally. 而更惨的情况大概就要是被[共杀灰骨]的数次偷袭,一次击中大腿,一次击中胳膊。面对犹如病毒般侵蚀自己身体的灰骨攻击,乐渊能够做到的就只有断尾求生,直接斩断了被侵蚀的身体部分,好在虽然魔人不死身受到了限制,但是对于肢体再生的影响不算太大,乐渊勉强靠着果决总算是暂时性度过了难关。 Compared with Kaguya, Le Yuan in[ Amenominaka] inside disadvantage is too big, even if insufficient to be killed by mistreatment, but will get down unable to escape the killed destiny continuously for a long time hence eventually. 比起辉夜,乐渊在[天之御中]里面的劣势太大,就算不至于被虐杀,但是长此以往下去终究逃不过被杀的命运。 Was stranded in[ Amenominaka] in 43 rd day, is sitting cross-legged Le Yuan in the world of ice and snow to open own eye fiercely. According to the beforehand confrontation and exploration, Le Yuan already left behind the space anchor in the lavas, ice, the high-gravity, sand and acid five world respectively, although cannot say that travels between these five world freely, but barrier already of breakthrough these five spaces are not a problem forcefully, simultaneously regarding the beginning space of spheres that Kaguya is, having Kaguya is not cannot invade as the mark similarly, Le Yuan breaking through time at present. 被困在[天之御中]内的第43天,正盘坐在冰天雪地内的乐渊猛地睁开了自己的眼睛。按照之前的交锋和探索,乐渊已经分别在熔岩、冰、超重力、砂、酸五个世界留下了空间锚,虽不能说自由往返这五个世界,但是强行突破这五个空间的隔阂已经不成问题,同时对于辉夜所在的始球空间,有了辉夜作为标记同样不是不能入侵,乐渊的破关时机就在眼前。 Is restoring chakra Kaguya not to expect in the beginning space of spheres completely, Le Yuan while dealing with her attacks unexpectedly already to try to find out her domain, now is to invade her most core reverse the beginning space of spheres. 正在始球空间恢复查克拉辉夜完全没有料到,乐渊在应对她攻击的同时竟然已经将她的领域摸索了遍,现在更是想要反向入侵到她最为核心的始球空间。 Buzz “嗡 Resting Kaguya detected fiercely Le Yuan situated in frost world had the movement, his body vanished from the frost world, but this did not have over the past one second, next she then discovered instantaneously Le Yuan appeared in her front unexpectedly. 正在休息的辉夜猛地察觉到位于冰霜世界的乐渊有了移动,他的身体从冰霜世界中消失了,而这还没有过去一秒的时间,下一个瞬间她便发现乐渊竟然出现在了她的面前。 Game ended, we start the last round!” “游戏结束了,我们开始最后一轮吧!” Right hand of Le Yuan[ Reincarnation Round Dance] sent out incomparably dazzling blue-green ray in this moment stand. 乐渊的右手[转生轮舞]在这一刻站发出了无比耀眼的青绿色光芒。 ... ...
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