VE :: Volume #8 三阶首战影之忍者

#697: Reincarnation Round Dance of demon

Kaguya or Hagoromo their two calmly look at the Le Yuan movement, is quick they then to discover that is the Hamura aura in little to go pale, opposite has significant difference Strength born in the right hand of Le Yuan with Hamura. 无论是辉夜还是羽衣他们两个静静地看着乐渊的动作,很快他们两人便发现那属于羽村的气息正在一点点淡去,相反一股与羽村有着明显差异的力量乐渊的右手诞生。 Sees only Le Yuan right hand original Star Picking Glove in this moment appearance big change of already under forging of magic power, not only whole from original bluish gray transformation for the black and white joint entity, as completion of forging, Strength that from the glove condenses is spreading to the whole body rapidly. 只见乐渊右手原本的摘星手套在这一刻已经魔力的锻造之下模样大变,不但整体从原本的青灰色转变为了黑与白的结合体,而且随着锻造的完成,从手套上凝聚的力量正在迅速蔓延至全身。 The both hands black and white gauntlet/glove, left hand black stripes on white background, right hand white stripes on black background, the kneepad, bracer, shoulder armor and war boots all appeared with the glove of new birth one on the left and other on the right. Demon Equipment of new birth also had the back to wrap the four limbs of Le Yuan, formed a brand-new battle condition. 双手一左一右黑白拳套,左手白底黑纹,右手黑底白纹,还有护膝、护腕、肩甲、战靴全都随着新诞生的手套显现了出来。新诞生的魔具乐渊的四肢还有背部包裹了起来,形成了一副崭新的战斗状态。 You, your eye......” “你,你的眼睛……” That flash when Le Yuan just raised the head, stands in Le Yuan Hagoromo then points at the eye of Le Yuan to shout surprisedly. Le Yuan that being in sharp contrast eye in changes for the Byakugan condition unexpectedly, when with the Hamura use that is exactly the same, this change not only made Hagoromo be surprised, even Kaguya of Byakugan source had doubts. 乐渊刚抬起头的那一瞬间,站在乐渊身旁的羽衣便惊讶地指着乐渊的眼睛喊道。乐渊那双黑白分明的眼睛在不知不觉间竟然变化为了白眼的状态,和羽村使用时那是一模一样,这一变化不仅令羽衣感到意外,连白眼源头的辉夜都疑惑不已。 „, Does this look at the appearance of the world with Byakugan? Also is really a being in sharp contrast world, but the effect is indeed unexpected......” “啧,这就是用白眼看世界的样子吗?还真是一个黑白分明的世界,不过效果的确出人意料……” Le Yuan controlled Byakugan that glove Strength is producing to look to Hagoromo and Kaguya, this feeling was Le Yuan that the command used for the first time is really excited. The Le Yuan decisive complexion that however just raised the head changed, the flash is beaten the black lightning by the eye socket that in the white floods, Le Yuan superimposes the use in the Byakugan condition together except for Thunder Eyes. 乐渊操控着又手套力量产生的白眼看向了羽衣辉夜,这种感觉实在是令第一次使用的乐渊兴奋不已。不过刚刚抬起头的乐渊果断脸色变了,一瞬间原本被白色充斥的眼眶中跳动起一道黑色的闪电,乐渊白眼状态下叠加使用除了雷瞳 In this flash, the propulsion device of Le Yuan back new birth played the role fiercely, Le Yuan is relying on the advancement of explosive force and back of both feet moved dozens meters distance in the short flash, bringing Hagoromo to leave nearby Kaguya instantaneously. 在这一瞬间,乐渊背部新诞生的推进装置猛地发挥作用,乐渊凭借着自己双脚的爆发力和后背的推进在短短一瞬间移动了数十米的距离,带着羽衣瞬间离开了辉夜附近。 In next second that two people leave, big lands including Kaguya behind house was being oppressed disintegrating in the flash by a huge repulsion, all becomes under this Strength especially tiny. 在两人离开的下一秒,包括辉夜身后的房屋在内的一大片土地在一瞬间被一股巨大的斥力压迫着分崩离析,所有的一切在这一股力量下变得尤为渺小。 Not Hamura he......” “不羽村他……” In this moment is looked by Hagoromo that Le Yuan carries by the Hamura body of Kaguya Strength thorough destruction, exuded the unwilling roaring sound. He knows that at this moment cannot preserve own younger brother unexpectedly, even his corpse cannot preserve. 乐渊扛着走的羽衣在这一刻看着被辉夜力量彻底毁灭的羽村身体,发出了不甘的咆哮声。他知道这一刻竟然也没能保住自己的弟弟,连他的尸体都未能保住。 Looks Hagoromo that dies by heartbreak, Le Yuan raises hand not to know to him the flesh when attains, is comforting to say to him later: Relax, has your Rinnegan to exist, wants to rescue your younger brother is not impossible, what now is most essential is how to defeat Kaguya, otherwise our two possibilities also meet on the step the Hamura dead end!” 看着伤心欲绝的羽衣,乐渊对他扬了扬手中不知何时拿到的血肉,随后对着他安慰道:“放心,有你的轮回眼存在,想要救回你弟弟也不是不可能,现在最关键的是怎样将辉夜击败,不然的话我们两个可能也会步上羽村的末路!” Le Yuan was saying puts down Hagoromo, later belongs to the Hamura flesh to accept that. But Impure World Reincarnation Outer Path: Samsara of Heavenly Life Technique the standard Hokage type resurrecting flow, Le Yuan believes so long as when the time comes operates appropriately can inevitably its resurrecting, according to resurrecting flow all naturally can induct the right track. 乐渊说着放下羽衣,随后将那属于羽村的血肉收下。秽土转生外道轮回天生之术可是标准的火影式复活流程,乐渊相信到时候只要操作得当必然能够将其复活,按照复活流程一切自然能够导入正轨。 But Hagoromo also according to taking the grief and indignation in heart nods, immediately among Rinnegan Strength full , Shun huge chakra packages two people, belonged to Hagoromo bright blue complete body Susanoo to come. 羽衣同样是按拿下心中的悲愤点了点头,随即轮回眼力量全开,瞬间一股庞大的查克拉将两人包裹起来,属于羽衣的亮蓝色完全体须佐能乎现身了。 What kind of, had the plan that Kaguya defeated?” “怎么样,有将辉夜击败的计划了吗?” Stands in the Susanoo head gem shape core, Le Yuan is asking to Hagoromo. While Kaguya starts the surprise attack suddenly, Ten-Tails of distant place turns toward them to raid simultaneously, such terrifying big mouth that as regards as opens, gigantic Tailed Beast Ball congealed. 站在须佐之男头部的宝石状核心内,乐渊对着身旁的羽衣问道。就在辉夜突然发动奇袭的同时,远处的十尾同时向着他们所在袭来,随着视为的那样恐怖大嘴张开,一颗硕大的尾兽玉凝结了起来。 Chī “嗤 Tailed Beast Ball that Hagoromo controlled Susanoo to display just like the cuhap to cut the move of will fly to divide into two, separates Tailed Beast Ball to scratch the body of Susanoo to fly to his behind mountain range. 羽衣操控着须佐能乎施展了犹如居合斩的招数将飞来的尾兽玉一分为二,断开了尾兽玉擦着须佐能乎的身体飞向了他身后的山脉。 With one of the bang, cut open Tailed Beast Ball sent out the explosion that was inconceivable, the flash covered the mountain range of distant place, immediately all of mountain range surface changed into the flying ash in this round of Tailed Beast Ball. 随着轰的一声,被切开的尾兽玉发出了难以想象的爆炸,一瞬间将远处的山脉笼罩,顿时一座山脉地表的一切都在这一发尾兽玉之中化为了飞灰。 I suppress divine tree, are you capable of diverting mother?” “我去压制神树,你有能力牵制住母亲吗?” Hagoromo asked that he also knew nothing about the Le Yuan ability, besides knowing Le Yuan as if can use younger brother's Byakugan, other all were the unknown numbers. 羽衣不由问道,对于乐渊的能力他还一无所知,除了知道乐渊似乎能够使用出弟弟的白眼之外,其他的一切全都是未知之数。 I try, although may not defeat Kaguya, but she wants to kill me is not that easy matter, hopes that you can end the fight as soon as possible!” “我试试,虽然不一定能够击败辉夜,但是她想要杀死我也不是那么容易的事情,希望你能尽快解决战斗吧!” After Le Yuan looks at Demon Equipment that just succeeded in obtaining said, may be a Byakugan ability is not so only simple by Demon Equipment of Hamura Soul forging, could meet as an equal to Kaguya directly also perhaps. 乐渊看了一眼刚刚到手的魔具后说道,由羽村灵魂锻造的魔具可不仅仅是一个白眼能力这么简单,或许能够直接与辉夜分庭抗礼也说不定。 Reincarnation Round Dance( gauntlet/glove Demon Equipment) 转生轮舞(拳套型魔具) Rank: A 等级:a Attack Power: Strong 攻击力:强 Defensive power: Strong 防御力:强 Attribute: Byakugan has 360 degrees no dead angle perspective/see through, as well as can the strong farsighted ability, go a step further evolution is?? 属性:白眼拥有360度无死角的透视,以及超强的远视能力,可进一步进化为?? The special steel products of Bloody Blast special Strength breeding, can combine with the host, cause to become tenacious, when attack can emit the powerful impulse. 血色冲击特殊力量孕育的特种钢材,能够与宿主合二为一,使得变得强韧,攻击时可以放出强大的冲击力。 Supplementary skill: Blood Cohesion through gathering the strength infiltrates the opposite party within the body to have two demolitions to injure Strength, according to gathering the strength decides to hurt the multiple. 附带技能:血之凝聚通过蓄力将力量打入对方体内产生二次爆破伤害,根据蓄力决定伤害倍数。 Hidden Skill energy: Reincarnation Mode 隐藏技能:转生模式 Note: Integrates Ōtsutsuki Hamura complete Soul breeding by Star Picking Glove, but the special demon attire, carries Ōtsutsuki Hamura remembers completely and potential Strength, has the inconceivable effect. 备注:由摘星手套融入大筒木羽村完整灵魂孕育而出的特殊魔装,载有大筒木羽村的全部记忆与潜在力量,有着不可思议之功效。 Without a doubt, choice of Le Yuan not wrong, Demon Equipment that is similar to the Gilgamesh effect was born, moreover integrates in which Hamura Strength completely, can say that fully conforms to the anticipation of Le Yuan. 毫无疑问,乐渊的选择并没有错,一件类似于吉尔伽美什功效的魔具诞生了,而且完全将羽村力量融入其中,可以说完全符合乐渊的期待。 Le Yuan was saying steps forward from Susanoo forehead gem position one, later before the body falls body surface layer flood blue color magic power, in the Hagoromo vision, can call it trumpet the giant of Susanoo appearance born later, sees only Le Yuan to inspire the Devil behind armor wing, immediately huge air current promoter Devil phantom flew toward the Kaguya locale. 乐渊说着从须佐能乎的眉心宝石位置一部跨出,随后在身子落下前身体表层泛起一阵蓝色魔力,随后在羽衣的目光之中,一个可以称之为小号的须佐能乎模样的巨人诞生了,只见乐渊一振魔人身后的甲翅,顿时一股巨大的气流推动者魔人虚影向着辉夜所在处飞了过去。 Unusual person, unusual move, unusual Strength......” “奇特的人,奇特的招数,还有奇特的力量……” Hagoromo learned Immortal Technique worthily and is grasping the Rinnegan person, naturally can see Le Yuan Devil phantom, although is an excellent likeness Susanoo however is not the similar ability, can only say that between both has the enormous similarity, but has the essential difference. 羽衣不愧是学会了仙术和掌握着轮回眼的人,自然看得出乐渊魔人虚影虽然神似须佐能乎但是并非同样的能力,只能说两者之间有着极大的相似性,但是却有着本质性的区别。 Looked at flying away Le Yuan, Hagoromo placed on rampage divine tree own spirit immediately again, divine tree of Ten-Tails pattern was really discomforting, even if Hagoromo Rinnegan also does not dare to despise its existence in the body now. 看了一眼飞离的乐渊,羽衣顿时将自己的精神再次放在了暴走神树身上,十尾模式的神树实在是令人不安,纵然羽衣现在轮回眼在身亦不敢轻视它的存在。 Le Yuan then arrived at Kaguya quickly, only then hundred meters place , to continue to advance only to fall into the Kaguya domain. Le Yuan that just stopped is lifts a hand blade, the Devil phantom giant blade air/Qi delimits the spatial expansive sky, destructive Strength tore the sky and land, any kept off in this as well as beforehand existence totally destroys. 乐渊很快便来到了辉夜只有百米的地方,继续向前进只会落入到辉夜的领域之中。刚刚停下的乐渊便是抬手一刀,魔人虚影巨大的刀气划空长空,毁灭性的力量撕裂了天空与大地,将任何挡在这以及之前的存在全部摧毁。 But a blade that looks at this terrifying, Kaguya actually opened own both arms merely, the entire portrait is to hug this giant blade air/Qi to be the same. During the gaze of Le Yuan, the body of Kaguya integrated into the world to enter in a black hole probably generally in a flash, as the last eye of Kaguya vanished, her existence seemed like cancelled general. 而看着这恐怖的一刀,辉夜却仅仅是张开了自己的双臂,整个人像是要拥抱这巨大的刀气一般。在乐渊的注视之中,辉夜的身体像是融入了世界一般在转瞬之间进入一个黑色孔洞内,随着辉夜的最后一只眼睛消失,她的存在像是被抹去一般。 But a Le Yuan blade has also been delimiting from her original position without a doubt, that terrifying strikes simply has not caused any damage to Kaguya. 乐渊的一刀也毫无疑问地从她原本的位置所在划过,那恐怖的一击根本没有对辉夜造成任何的伤害。 [ Amenominaka], is claimed as weaves the space freely, after the first ancestor enlarges ones vision the strength of magical powers. It can be said that in entire Naruto World, the pinnacle performance of Space-Time Ninjutsu, can oneself are at shifts the world and surrounding person who in the flash to other spaces, the space that can move includes, lava, ice, high-gravity, sand, acid and other spaces, these five spaces are also direct with the beginning space of spheres. [天之御中],被评价为“自由自在地编织出空间,始祖开眼后的神通之力”。可以说是整个火影世界中,时空忍术的极致表现,能够在一瞬间将自身所在的世界及周围的人转移到其他空间,可以移动的空间包括,熔岩、冰、超重力、砂、酸等空间,这五个空间又与始球空间直接相连。 Kaguya of owner space can avoid any attack theoretically, simultaneously can only to the inhaled enemy launches the destructive attack with the aid of these by the space that she controls, was dragged into the person in that world free, the life and death basically then no longer is them. 拥有者空间的辉夜理论上可以躲避任何的攻击,同时能够借助这些只被她掌控的空间对被吸入的敌人发动毁灭性的攻击,招摇被拉入那个世界的人,生死基本上便不再属于他们自己。 Where, disappearance will Kaguya where appear? Used without a doubt[ Amenominaka] Kaguya her tactical rules drag into the opponent own space, this then can eliminate the opponent absolutely safe there, but does not need to be worried by the possibility of running away. 哪里,消失的辉夜会从哪里出现?毫无疑问使用了[天之御中]的辉夜她的战法就是将对手拉入自己的空间中,这样便能万无一失地将对手消灭在那里,而不用担心被逃走的可能性。 Observes this all around Le Yuan only to wait for the appearance of Kaguya through the Byakugan ability, is unable to enter about him who the Amenominaka control world knows nothing about on own initiative, moreover Le Yuan does not plan to enter harebrainedly, Le Yuan even thinks that Amenominaka is the Kaguya domain also perhaps. 通过白眼能力观察这四周乐渊只能等待着辉夜的出现,对于天之御中操控世界一无所知的他根本无法主动进入其中,而且乐渊也不打算冒冒失失进入其中,乐渊甚至认为天之御中就是辉夜的领域也说不定。 The Byakugan insight is without a doubt, that 360 degrees no dead angle passes/tests scratched basically cut off the sneak attacked possibility, but Le Yuan forgot a point especially important information. That is Kaguya Byakugan is all Byakugan first ancestors, the Hamura Byakugan potential perhaps is not without a doubt weaker than her, before has not become Tenseigan will receive the suppression of Kaguya Byakugan. 白眼的洞察力是毋庸置疑的,那种360度的无死角关擦基本上断绝了被偷袭的可能性,但是乐渊忘记了一点尤为重要的信息。那就是辉夜白眼是所有白眼的始祖,毫无疑问羽村白眼潜力或许不比她弱,但是在未成为转生眼之前都将受到辉夜白眼的压制。 Kaguya in Quietus in Le Yuan behind opened an opening, but separates two spaces with Kaguya Le Yuan, even if Kaguya already comes is actually not able similarly the sensation to existence of opposite party, this is the disparity between Byakugan ranks. 辉夜无声无息之间在乐渊的身后打开了一道口子,而和辉夜分隔两个空间的乐渊就算辉夜已经现身却同样无法感知到对方的存在,这就是白眼等级之间的差距。 As Le Yuan consciousness is hoodwinked, a snow white hand stretches out quietly, reached the shoulder of Le Yuan under the Le Yuan completely not sleep/felt slowly. 随着乐渊意识被蒙蔽,一只雪白的手悄然伸出,在乐渊全然无觉之下慢慢伸向了乐渊的肩膀。 Smell that the flavor, the female is in sole possession. This perhaps is after Kaguya puts out a hand simply does not have to notice smell that oneself send out, or Le Yuan keen sense of smell computation, Le Yuan while not smelling the Kaguya aura wants to turn around fiercely, what a pity Kaguya speed with quickly almost before Le Yuan takes action then already held Le Yuan. 味道,女性独有的气味。这或许是当辉夜伸出手后根本没有留意到自己散发的气味,亦或者并没有将乐渊敏锐的嗅觉计算在内,乐渊在闻到辉夜气息的同时猛地想要转身,可惜辉夜的速度跟快几乎在乐渊采取行动之前便已经抓住了乐渊 The Le Yuan flash vanishes from the world does not see, when appears again already appeared in the lava space, Le Yuan Devil phantom only thought that immediately is unable flight, the body unable to stop to falling. 乐渊一瞬间从世界上消失不见,当再一次出现时已经出现在了熔岩空间,乐渊魔人虚影只觉得顿时无法飞行,身子止不住地向下坠去。 Le Yuan under is place awfully, all braves the magma pool of qipao. Drifts Kaguya in midair Le Yuan that looks at to fall, as if wants Scenario that looked at Le Yuan dead impatiently. 乐渊的正下方可是要命的地方,全都是冒着旗袍的岩浆池子。飘浮在半空之中的辉夜正望着坠下的乐渊,似乎迫不及待想要看乐渊死去的场景 The domain, however domain Strength, Kaguya this type forbids the Le Yuan flight ability without a doubt directly Strength is not a common move, Le Yuan basic does not have other sensations besides the space again, this suppressed ability absolutely is the domain without doubt. 领域,毫无疑问但是领域的力量,辉夜这种直接禁止乐渊飞行能力的的力量绝不是寻常招数,乐渊根本除了空间之外再无其他的感知,这种压制能力绝对是领域无疑。 But[ Amenominaka] five spaces were the Kaguya domain without a doubt, Kaguya could also convince regarding the absolute controls of these five spaces, but understand actually cannot decode these five spaces on behalf of Le Yuan immediately. 而[天之御中]的五个空间毫无疑问就是属于辉夜的领域,辉夜对于这五个空间的绝对掌控也就说得通了,但是明白却不代表乐渊能够立刻将这五个空间破解。 Now only Le Yuan can do is prevents itself to enter to the magma swimming, with the shield of strength of Small World, Le Yuan stopped the potential of oneself crash finally, just started with the 1 v 1 fight of Kaguya. 乐渊现在唯一能做的就是阻止自己进入到岩浆游泳,随着小世界之力的屏蔽,乐渊总算是止住了自己坠落之势,和辉夜的1v1战斗才刚刚开始。 ... ...
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