VE :: Volume #8 三阶首战影之忍者

#696: Your soul is my Strength

Just came out from the space and time channel, Le Yuan that ran upon finally Boss Kaguya is also sizing up the surrounding environment. After all even Boss, she must divide the condition finally, Kaguya that Kaguya and already and divine tree that if at least has not fused with divine tree fuse is completely two ranks. 刚刚从时空通道中出来,一头撞上最终波ss辉夜乐渊同时也在打量着周围的环境。毕竟就算是最终波ss,她也是要分状态的,最起码如果说还未与神树融合的辉夜已经神树融合的辉夜完全是两个等级。 When Le Yuan glances Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo and Ōtsutsuki Hamura that these two brothers the side has, then felt relieved temporarily. Was good because of the place that he went to is in the past, rather than future time, otherwise Le Yuan may not only probably also want opponent two virulent divine art great accomplishment protagonist facing Kaguya when the time comes. 而当乐渊瞟到身边存在的大筒木羽衣大筒木羽村这两个兄弟的时候,便暂时放下心来。好在他来到的地方是过去,而非未来的时间段,不然到时候乐渊可不仅仅要面对辉夜还要对手两个充满敌意神功大成主角 You, have not rolled to me!” “你,还不给我滚下来!” Kaguya looks treats as before on oneself, the right hand is blaspheming Le Yuan of body. Le Yuan that at present this just presents has is completely different sees the look of man from her, Le Yuan state of mind and makings were not this antiquity age the person of Ninja continent can compare favorably. 辉夜看着依旧待在自己身上,右手亵渎着自己身体的乐渊。眼前这个刚出现的乐渊有着完全不同于她所见男子的眼神,乐渊精神状态和气质可不是这个上古年代的忍者大陆的人可以媲美的。 How to say again Le Yuan also grows in the modern age, but counted Ninja continent before 1000 year to march into the feudal period is very difficult saying that Le Yuan can despise each person of this time proudly, this was the enormous superiority that the superiority of time brought. 再怎么说乐渊也是在现代成长的,而数千年前的忍者大陆连封建时代有没有步入都很难说,乐渊可以非常自豪地鄙视着这个时代的每一个人,这就是时代的优越性带来的巨大优势。 How however Le Yuan has the superiority again, he also believes if oneself lie on the body of Kaguya again, perhaps waited for him is not being just spiritual attack, but was the attack of that destructive Bloodline Encompassing. 不过乐渊再怎么有优越性,他也相信自己如果再这么趴在辉夜的身上,恐怕等待着他的就不是刚刚的精神攻击了,而是那毁灭性的血继网罗的攻击。 Buzz “嗡 The body of Le Yuan vanishes from the body of Kaguya fiercely, presents time already to arrive at the Hagoromo side again. Looks to gather future Sage of Six Paths of small beard, Le Yuan feels on him that is not weak in Kaguya Strength makes a comparison secretly with, discovered finally oneself absolutely do not have the advantage. 乐渊的身体猛地从辉夜的身上消失,再次出现的时候已经来到了羽衣的身旁。看着蓄有小胡子的未来六道仙人,乐渊感受着他身上那不弱于辉夜力量暗自与自己做对比,最后发现自己完全没有优势。 However Le Yuan also shot a look at Hagoromo, many energy that was places is inserted by own Gungnir in ground Hamura. Looks to suffocate soon kick the bucket Hamura, Le Yuan only thought that just like is struck by clear Heavenly Thunder, the present Hamura situation was really bad not to be bad. 不过乐渊也只是瞥了一眼羽衣,更多的精力那是放在了被自己的永恒之枪插在地上的羽村。看着奄奄一息就快要嗝屁羽村,乐渊只觉得犹如遭到晴天雷击,现在的羽村情况真是糟糕到不能再糟糕了。 Gungnir was shot from the space and time channel acts, Strength that shakes the Le Yuan right hand then attaches Strength on Gungnir. This Strength made the Gungnir condition in disguised form from the original static transformation Gungnir that to attack, came out from the blue color in other words emptily was as good as a Le Yuan full power to output completely. 永恒之枪从时空通道被弹出手的时候,那股震开乐渊右手的力量便附加在永恒之枪上一股力量。这一股力量变相地令永恒之枪的状态从原本的静止转变为了攻击,换句话说从蓝色空洞出来的永恒之枪完全不亚于乐渊的一次全力输出。 More essential full power output does not lie in the destructive power in surface, but centralized and links up in the destruction of Gungnir Strength two characteristics. This enables the destruction that this attack causes not to have the big injury regarding the entire environment, but hit Hamura that may really be by the rice shoot. 更关键的这一次的全力输出不在于面上的破坏力,而将力量集中于永恒之枪的毁灭和贯通两个特性上。这就使得这次攻击造成的破坏对于整个环境而言没有多大伤害,但是被击中的羽村那可就真是遭了秧。 It is not as good by Hamura that in Sage Body Special Constitution, is facing this to strike completely has not affected, heart was destroyed mostly. This made Hamura that just recovered receive in this moment compared with struck a heavier injury that just Hagoromo received, perhaps also has the Senjutsu Chakra talisman paper remaining Strength reason, caused Hamura not, therefore the earliest possible time died. However the spear's/gun's body brings destruction Strength also in unceasingly the restore of destroying Senjutsu Chakra, the death of Hamura was the inevitable result. 羽村那稍逊于仙人体特殊体质,在面对这一击是全然没有作用,心脏的大部分被摧毁。这使得刚刚痊愈的羽村在这一刻受到了比刚刚羽衣受到的一击更重的伤势,或许还有着仙术查克拉符纸残余力量的缘故,使得羽村没有因此第一时间死亡。但是枪身带着的毁灭力量亦在不断摧毁者仙术查克拉的修复,羽村的死亡是不可避免的结局。 That was sorry, inserts on you this spear/gun is my, this wound to you is really an accident/surprise, I was also wasted here......” “那个抱歉了,插在你身上的这把枪是我的,这伤到你真是个意外,我也是被打飞到这里的……” Regarding the wound to Hamura this matter, Le Yuan also can only respond with regretted. The damage that Gungnir causes even if Le Yuan is not also able to drive out, in some sense Hamura death Le Yuan must take part of responsibility. But during the consideration apologized, Le Yuan thought was actually another issue, Hamura was about to hang, who came seal Kaguya? 对于伤到羽村这件事情,乐渊也只能报以遗憾。永恒之枪造成的伤害纵然是乐渊亦无法驱除,某种意义上羽村的死乐渊必须得负上一部分的责任。而在考虑道歉的同时,乐渊想到的却是另一个问题,羽村快挂了,谁来封印辉夜 Before this Ninja World history starts the most important war, but lacked anyone unable to lack Ōtsutsuki Hamura. Only Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo this future Sage of Six Paths may real hold not live, after all just obtained Rinnegan, to build Immortal Technique Hagoromo to encounter with Kaguya now reluctantly, according to the estimate of Le Yuan, can seal Kaguya be able saying that finally has various coincidences to complete. 忍界历史开始前的最重要一战,可是缺了谁也不能缺少大筒木羽村。单凭大桶木羽衣这个未来的六道仙人可真的hold不住,毕竟刚刚获得轮回眼、修成仙术羽衣现在勉强能够与辉夜交锋,按照乐渊的估计,最后能够封印辉夜可以说有着多方面的巧合才能完成。 First is the boost, what battles with Kaguya is Hagoromo and Hamura these two brothers, these two brothers' Strength are not simple. In strength almost strongest two people besides Kaguya, moreover obtained Senjutsu Chakra this with the aid of nature Strength special chakra, can only not by Kaguya and divine tree influence Strength. 首先是外界助力,与辉夜交战的是羽衣羽村这两兄弟,这两个兄弟的力量可不简单。实力上几乎是除了辉夜以外最强的两个人,而且更是获得了仙术查克拉这个借助自然力量的特殊型查克拉,能够唯一不受辉夜神树影响的力量 divine tree since has taken root in Ninja continent, is deriving the natural energy in land unceasingly, in some sense Ten-Tails Strength and Senjutsu Chakra are the same ranks. Had the Land of Toads help two brothers to have resistance Strength. 神树自从扎根忍者大陆以来,不断汲取着大地之中的自然能量,某种意义上十尾力量仙术查克拉是同一等级的。正是有了蛤蟆国的帮助两兄弟才有了对抗的力量 But a more essential point on Kaguya, Kaguya, although has unapproachable Strength, but she really must say that the fight experience are really miserable. Usually when suppresses the treason sweeps away completely with that inconceivable Strength, how does not need to exercise itself to control that Strength completely, without with the experience that the opponent of same rank fights, this will cause in the fight the market to have the helpless situation. 而更关键的一点在辉夜身上,辉夜本身虽然有着无可匹敌的力量,但是她真要说起来战斗经验真的少得可怜。平日镇压叛国时完全是用那不可思议的力量横扫过去,完全不需要锻炼自己如何掌控那股力量,更加没有与同一级别的对手战斗的经验,这就造成了战斗中市场会出现不知所措的情况。 That, the brothers you were also about to hang, but also there is a wish that what has not ended? At least before I was killed, I will complete your wish for you!” “那个,兄弟你也快挂了,还有什么未完的心愿吗?最起码在我被干掉之前,我会替你完成你的心愿!” Le Yuan was saying looks up Kaguya that already set out, perhaps she also detected own second son that the feeble aura, after standing up day after day, does not have first to choose the attack, in opposite pair of light Byakugan has not disclosed other sentiments completely. 乐渊说着抬起头看了一眼已经起身的辉夜,她或许也察觉到自己次子那日渐衰弱的气息,站起身来之后也没有第一时间选择进攻,相反一双平淡至极的白眼之中完全没有透露出其他的感情。 Hears the Le Yuan words, the sadness that Hamura will not soon have died completely, probably completely understood the life and death is ordinary, perhaps was really one day faces directly the death to make his already completely understand all twice. Sees only Hamura the head not to look at own mother Kaguya, regarding Hamura this person who has the moderate love mother sickness fears also only then own mother who he is in suspense. 听到乐渊的话,羽村完全没有即将死亡的哀伤,像是看透了生死一般,或许真的是一天两次直面死亡令他已经看透一切。只见羽村别过脑袋望着自己的母亲辉夜,对于羽村这个有着中度恋母症的人来说恐怕他放心不下的也就只有自己的母亲。 „, Please certain...... help my elder brother block Okaa-sama...... she should not like this......” “咳咳,请你一定……帮我兄长拦住母亲大人……她不应该这样的……” Le Yuan looks Hamura that the aura gets down gradually feebly, thinks suddenly probably what both hands grasp, in also inserted on Hamura Gungnir. 乐渊看着气息渐渐衰弱下去的羽村,突然像是想到了什么双手抓在了还插在羽村身上的永恒之枪上。 Before you die, whether to lend me your Strength, perhaps the following fight must use your Strength!” “在你死之前,能否将你的力量借予我,接下来的战斗恐怕必须要用到你的力量!” Le Yuan is staring at ground Hamura stubbornly, wants to get rid of Ōtsutsuki Kaguya to look like already in Le Yuan is the impossible matter. Because in just several minutes, Le Yuan has then swept own Quest column, till just Quest already that already completes starts to dissipate, this situation also has met at present one time, the influence when that is the time paradox starts to produce has, the new history will cover the old history, at least Le Yuan now the world is the upstream in No. 1 world, not being able to allow Le Yuan to act unreasonably. 乐渊死死地盯着地上的羽村,想要干掉大桶木辉夜乐渊看来已经不可能的事情。因为就在刚刚的几分钟之内,乐渊便扫过了自己的任务栏,直到刚刚为止已经完成的任务已经开始消散,这种情况眼前也遇到过一次,那是时间悖论开始产生时产生的影响,新的历史会覆盖旧的历史,最起码乐渊现在所处的世界是一号世界的上游,容不得乐渊乱来。 According to Le Yuan historical situation of No. 1 world understanding, Kaguya without a doubt by seal, will otherwise not produce Black Zetsu this oaf to come. If Le Yuan adopts the violence to collapse now, after killing Kaguya that without a doubt all history all rewrite. 按照乐渊在一号世界了解的历史情况来看,辉夜毫无疑问是被封印了,不然也不会产生黑绝这个畸形儿来。如果乐渊现在采取暴力破局,干掉了辉夜那么毫无疑问之后的一切历史全都改写。 But the consequence that the history rewrites is Le Yuan is reversed completely, formerly did all was denied, even appeared in existence that this time Le Yuan must be eliminated. 而历史改写的后果就是乐渊的一切全部被反转,从前所做的全都被否定,甚至连出现在这个时间点的乐渊自己都是要被清除的存在。 In order to be not eliminated, the choice of Le Yuan only has one, that completes he historical mission for Hamura, is accompanying Hagoromo the Kaguya thorough seal. However seal Kaguya that move[ Six Paths: Chibaku Tensei], but only then two bodies have the person cooperation of strength of Yin-Yang to complete, Le Yuan does not have this thing now. 为了能够不被清除,乐渊的选择只剩下一个,那就是替羽村完成他历史上的使命,陪着羽衣辉夜彻底封印。不过封印辉夜的那一招[六道·地爆天星]可是只有两个身具阴阳之力的人合作才能完成,乐渊现在可不具备这个玩意。 But the strength of Yin-Yang is to complete this last move must Strength, Le Yuan has to do everything possible to obtain this Strength from the body of Hamura for this reason, but a method that Le Yuan can think of only through[ Devil Armament] absorbs from the body of Hamura directly. 而偏偏阴阳之力是完成这最后一招必须的力量,为此乐渊不得不想方设法从羽村的身上得到这个力量,而乐渊唯一能够想到的一个方法那就是通过[魔人武装]直接从羽村的身体上摄取。 Hears the request of Le Yuan, Kaguya or Hagoromo shifted the body of Le Yuan the vision in the flash, regarding with the strength that Le Yuan said that they highly cares. 听到乐渊的请求,无论是辉夜还是羽衣都是在一瞬间将目光转移到了乐渊的身上,对于乐渊所说的借力他们俩都是非常在意。 Haha, you want, although takes away...... only asks you to be able before Okaa-sama makes the huge mistake prevents her, hopes that you can achieve, thank......” “哈哈,你想要尽管拿去……只求你能够在母亲大人犯下大错之前阻止她,希望你能够做到,谢谢……” Hamura said that closed own eye, the time not many that he remains until this moment, the next second may swallow the final one breath. 羽村说完闭上了自己的眼睛,直到这一刻他所剩的时间无多,可能下一秒就会咽下最后一口气。 The Le Yuan left hand is grasping the Gungnir spear's/gun's body, after the right hand change is the Demon right arm, pressed on the body of Hamura. 乐渊左手握着永恒之枪的枪身,右手变化为恶魔右臂之后按在了羽村的身体上。 Scoffed at the right hand of Le Yuan to insert the chest of Hamura, the right arm sent out the orchid color ray. “嗤乐渊的右手插入了羽村的胸口,右臂散发出幽兰色的光芒。 Your , when Le Yuan begins, Hagoromo treads fiercely one step, looks Le Yuan that hits a person when he is down struck him really unable to bear want to begin, but followed closely him to feel oneself younger brother's Strength. “你”在乐渊动手的时候,羽衣猛地踏出一步,看着乐渊那落井下石的一击他实在是忍不住想要动手了,但是紧随着他感受到了自己弟弟的力量 Sees only Le Yuan to extract from the chest of Hamura the right hand slowly, the light group that one group has some blue light appeared in the right hand of Le Yuan. But Hagoromo felt oneself younger brother's aura immediately, that inside has younger brother's memory and Strength even is Soul. 只见乐渊慢慢将右手从羽村的胸口抽出,一团带着些许蓝光的光团出现在了乐渊的右手之中。而羽衣在第一时间从中感受到了自己弟弟的气息,那里面有着自己弟弟的记忆、力量甚至是灵魂 [ Devil Armament] first step takes a life extract soul to be completed, wants to extract Soul to kill besides Le Yuan had better be able obtain the Soul sleeve entire coordination, otherwise causes the Soul body of extraction to have the slight defect very much difficultly, finally affects the final rank of Devil Armament. [魔人武装]第一步杀生抽魂完成,想要抽取灵魂除了乐渊自己杀以外最好能够得到灵魂体完全的配合,不然很困难造成抽取的灵魂体产生瑕疵,最终影响魔人武装的最终等级。 [ Devil Armament] second inject soul, but completes these step first to need Le Yuan to designate a good Soul carrier, in other words designated that an equipment re-equips. But on Le Yuan all equipment that is worth as the carrier are not really many. [魔人武装]第二步注魂,而完成这一步首先需要乐渊选定一个好的灵魂载体,也就是说选定一件装备进行改装。而乐渊身上所有值得作为载体的装备着实不多。 Non-Combat of Legendary Kitchenware this crowd of C levels equips to be eliminated, Divine Tool that Le Yuan impossible that prepares food kills people, moreover such words are really the biggest waste, Legendary Kitchenware has not been used to fight. 传说中的厨具这一群c级的非战斗装备全体出局,乐渊不可能那做饭的神器来杀人,而且那样的话实在是最大的浪费,传说中的厨具没有一件是用来战斗的。 Huang Rong is in love with( pendant D) to take the carrier as an extremely exquisite thing also to be appropriate, but the rank somewhat wasted Strength of Hamura Soul body somewhat low, moreover as pair of pendant, the independent employment is inappropriate. 黄蓉的爱恋(吊坠d)作为一件极为小巧的事物作为载体原本也蛮合适的,但是等级偏低有些浪费了羽村灵魂体的力量,况且作为一对的吊坠,单独使用也不合适。 Dragon Ring removes similarly, the nature disagreed on the achievement assists casting item and Hamura Soul. With it same also has Gungnir, Xuanyuan Sword and golden cudgel is also not inappropriate, no is Hamura is symmetric. 龙指环同样排除,原本就作为辅助施法道具羽村灵魂的相性更加不和。与之相同的还有永恒之枪轩辕剑、金箍棒同样不合适,没有一件是和羽村相称的。 Thinks it over, Le Yuan looked to Star Picking Glove of oneself right hand. As having ancestor Soul union of feeling thin Star Picking Glove with excelling at Fist Arts Hyūga Clan, possibly in a big way displays the Hamura spirit soul power quantity one way, only minor defect in something otherwise perfect was the rank of Star Picking Glove lowered a point probably slightly, achieved C merely, compared possibly especially to suffer a loss with Le Yuan other weapons. 想来想去,乐渊看向了自己右手的摘星手套。作为存在感稀薄的摘星手套与擅长拳法的日向一族的祖先灵魂结合,可能是最大发挥出羽村魂力量的一种方式,唯一美中不足的大概就是摘星手套的等级稍微低了一点,仅仅达到c而已,和乐渊的其他武器比较起来可能就尤为吃亏了。 As Le Yuan pours into Star Picking Glove the Soul body of Hamura,[ Devil Armament] last step also starts synchronously. 随着乐渊羽村灵魂体注入摘星手套,[魔人武装]的最后一步也同步开始。 magic power of Le Yuan whole body filled to pour into Star Picking Glove in this moment total, at the same time last[ Devil smelted] started, uses Le Yuan magic power fuses together Hamura Soul and Le Yuan Star Picking Glove in this moment as the invisible flame, making them Le Yuan unique Devil Armament. 乐渊全身的魔力在这一刻全数灌注入了摘星手套中,于此同时最后一步[魔人熔炼]就此开始,以乐渊魔力为无形火焰将羽村灵魂乐渊摘星手套在这一刻融为一体,让他们成为乐渊独一无二的魔人武装 ... ...
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