VE :: Volume #8 三阶首战影之忍者

#695: Homicide case that the hand triggers slippery

Ninja continent is born in the ninja village system beforehand for a long time in the chaos, cannot set up relatively stable national rule system, was further enlarged in this short life chaotic incomparable time Ninja Strength. 忍者大陆忍村体系诞生以前长时间处于混乱局面,从来没有能够建立起相对稳定的国家统治制度,在这种朝生暮死混乱无比的时代忍者力量被进一步放大。 However before the time traces counts 1000 year, Ninja has not called it the Ninja time, at that time chakra also merely was Strength of god few talents can grasp. But dominant Ninja continent is not several countries that have several, but mysterious female dictatorial rule headed by named Ōtsutsuki Kaguya. 不过时间追溯到数千年以前,忍者还未被称之为忍者的时代,那时候查克拉还仅仅是只有极少数人才能掌握的神之力量。而统治忍者大陆的也不是有数的几个国家,而是以名为大筒木辉夜的神秘女子为首的独裁统治。 Ōtsutsuki Kaguya, no one knows that this person came from where, has hearsay it to drop from the clouds in the moonlit night merely, doubtful female celestial( monster?)”. Also is only one can communicate with divine tree nowadays, and person who obtains Strength from divine tree there. 大筒木辉夜,谁也不知道这人从何而来,仅仅有传闻其于月夜中从天而降,疑似“仙女(妖怪?)”。同时也是现如今唯一一个能够与神树沟通,并且从神树那里得到力量的人。 Mentioned Ōtsutsuki Kaguya, this woman after arriving at Ninja continent all that experienced were the unfortunate accumulation. It flees from calamity doubtful this's renowned young woman, the Strength rank that but itself has far exceeds is also maintaining no military force cultivation condition ordinary human this time. 说起大筒木辉夜,这个女人自降临忍者大陆后所经历的一切便是不幸的累积。本身疑似逃难来此的名媛,但是本身所具备的力量等级远超这个时期还保持着无武力修炼状态的普通人类。 However is such a can look for an out-of-the-way mountain area to develop Strength Daughter of Heaven according to Farming Type protagonist casually, actually in meeting a lord of a small country later direct committee body with him, and also put down to be with on the child for him directly probably. 不过就是这么一个本可以按照种田流主角般随便找个山窝窝发展力量天之女,却在遇到一个小国的国主之后直接委身与他,并且还直接像是放下了一切为他怀上了孩子。 The later all are all unfortunate starts, that Kaguya husband ate moron piece probably, only listened to lead country traitor several words then to chase down also had pregnancy Kaguya, and killed protected Lord maidservant Aino by the body, this action not only made Kaguya was cut off just fresh the love, cut off her to pity regarding one of the continent human. 之后的一切就是一切不幸的开始,那个辉夜的丈夫像是吃了脑残片似的,仅听领国二五仔的几句话便追杀了还有身孕的辉夜,并且杀死了以身护主的侍女爱野,这一举动不仅令辉夜断掉了刚刚生出来的爱,也断绝了她对于这片大陆人类的一丝怜悯。 That night Kaguya become a God, ate up Divine Tree Fruit Kaguya to complete in the flash regarding the suppressions of nearby various countries', becomes the queen of deserving. But all these maintained her two child grown up, Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo and Ōtsutsuki Hamura this two brothers become beside Kaguya only two person who grasped the chakra energy. 这一夜辉夜成神了,吃下了神树之果辉夜在一瞬间完成了对于附近诸国的压制,成为了当之无愧的女王。而这一切保持到了她的两个孩子长大成人,大筒木羽衣大筒木羽村这兄弟俩成为了出辉夜之外仅有的两个掌握查克拉能量的人。 According to the development, the two brothers of life under Kaguya inherited from predicessors is impossible has revolted against mother's rule. However all turning points is a woman, will be elder brother's Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo is also future Sage of Six Paths, because the death of person of loving, had the question to the own mother's brutal rule for the first time. 原本按照发展,一直生活在辉夜余荫之下的兄弟俩是不可能反抗自己母亲的统治。不过一切的转折点还是一个女人,身为兄长的大筒木羽衣也就是未来的六道仙人因为自己所爱之人的死亡,第一次对自己母亲的残酷统治产生了质疑。 One has two, after does not trust at first flame that ignites, this feeling greatly has the trend that the spark can set the prairie afire, but had the direction of Toad Clan to make Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo start to grasp gradually overthrows mother Ōtsutsuki Kaguya rule sufficiently Strength. 有一就有二,从最初不信任的火苗燃起之后,这种感觉大有星星之火可以燎原的趋势,而有了蛤蟆一族的指引使得大筒木羽衣渐渐开始掌握足以推翻自己母亲大筒木辉夜统治的力量 But hears own younger brother to suppress after mother in deep place Land of Toads Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo the rebellion country comes back to lose the contact, again cannot attend to further studies immortal chakra Strength, chose chatted with own mother during this time well. 而就在深处蛤蟆国大筒木羽衣听闻自己的弟弟在母亲镇压叛乱国回来失去联系后,再也顾不得进一步研究仙人查克拉力量,选择了在此之际与自己的母亲好好聊一聊。 However was too young Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo has to step onto finally with a road that oneself mother resisted, but stood before him the first enemy is not other, was already by Kaguya control Ōtsutsuki Hamura, his blood younger brother. 不过还是太年轻的大筒木羽衣最终不得不走上了与自己母亲对抗的一条路,而站在他面前的第一个敌人不是其他,正是已经辉夜操控的大筒木羽村,他的亲弟弟。 Outside two brothers project from the indoor, but their mother Kaguya looks at one indifferently. Perhaps regarding Kaguya, this is also she regarding a oneself two children's test, or is to an own eldest son's probe, only needs Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo to lower the head to ask her, according to the Kaguya character forgives own child is not impossible. 两兄弟从室内打到室外,而他们的母亲辉夜则是冷眼看着一幕。或许对于辉夜而言,这也正是她对于自己两个孩子的一次考验,或者说是对自己长子的一次试探,只需要大筒木羽衣低下头来求她,按照辉夜的性格原谅自己的孩子也不是不可能 However Kaguya underestimated in the final analysis own eldest son, underestimated his and this mother equally inherent focus. Byakugan that second son Hamura has is easy by the Byakugan control of highest rank Kaguya has, particularly after was defeated by Kaguya uses/gives technique operates is so. 不过辉夜说到底还是低估了自己的长子,低估了他那和自己这个母亲一样与生俱来的执着。次子羽村所拥有的白眼非常容易被辉夜拥有的最高等级的白眼掌控,尤其是在被辉夜击败后施术操纵之后更是如此。 By Hagoromo nowadays ability, simply has not created numerous Ninjutsu him simply not to have that experience to decode this control. Heart ruthless Hagoromo chose primitively is also most likely the broken move of way, that struck to kill his younger brother Hamura, with awakened Hamura. 凭借羽衣现如今的能力,根本没有创造出众多忍术的他根本没有那个经验破解这种操控。心一狠的羽衣选择了最为原始也是可能性最大的破招方式,那就是将他的弟弟羽村击杀,用死来唤醒羽村 Chī “嗤 When flashes the right hand of thunder and lightning to pass through that flash of Hamura chest, controlled Hamura finally is separated from the operated condition, but in being separated from Hamura after control does not have the request first to treat the wound or interrogated own injured issue, on the contrary takes the lead to own Elder Brother Hagoromo sound apology. 当闪着雷电的右手贯穿羽村胸口的那一刹那,被操控的羽村终于从被操纵的状态中脱离,而在脱离操控之后的羽村没有要求先治伤或是质问自己受伤的问题,相反率先对着自己的哥哥羽衣道声歉。 Sorry, Elder brother! I......” “对不起,兄长!我……” Looks that this flows out the apology to oneself, was operated to feel that for oneself the younger brother of regret, Ōtsutsuki Hamura flowed out in his life again the rare tears. The incomparable grief made his Sharingan evolve again, becomes Rinnegan of highest rank. 看着这个对自己流出歉意,为自己被操纵而感到懊悔的弟弟,大筒木羽村再一次流出了他一生中难得的眼泪。无比的伤痛令他的写轮眼再一次进化,一跃成为了最高等级的轮回眼 Onlooking Kaguya has been seeing Hamura was punctured that flash of chest is also startled fiercely, even if her already says the aggressive statement to recycle chakra of child within the body, but really must see own child soon dies, is unable to get over an emotion as mother's her as before, the pain that long since forgets well ups again. 一直旁观的辉夜在看到羽村被打穿胸口的那一刹那也是猛地一怔,就算她已经放出狠话要回收自己孩子体内的查克拉,但是真得看到自己的孩子快要死的时候,作为母亲的她依旧无法释怀,久已忘记的痛苦再一次涌上心头。 However was elder brother's Hagoromo really does not want to kill oneself younger brother, after seeing the younger brother asked the control finally, Hagoromo immediately the chest caused heavy losses his keep flat on the ground, pulled out Land of Toads supreme treasure from own bosom later, talisman paper that filled Senjutsu Chakra. 不过身为兄长的羽衣可不是真的想要杀了自己弟弟,在看到弟弟终于拜托了操控之后,羽衣立马将胸口被重创的他平放在地上,随后从自己的怀中掏出了蛤蟆国至宝,一张充满了仙术查克拉符纸 As this Senjutsu Chakra talisman paper was pasted on the body of Hamura, that Strength chakra followed talisman paper to flow in the body of Hamura extremely vital immediately, in just ten seconds was duplicate/restores Hamura that broken body Body Cultivation. 随着这张仙术查克拉符纸被贴在羽村的身上,那极富生机力量查克拉顿时顺着符纸流到了羽村的身体内,在短短十秒钟的时间内便将羽村那残破的身体修复完整。 Although oneself second son was rescued, but Kaguya is angry while joyful, own eldest son Hagoromo according to having not asked her who she estimates like that on the contrary also depends on own action to further resist with it, as if plans to resist. 虽然自己的次子被救回来了,但是辉夜却在喜悦的同时感到愤怒,自己的长子羽衣并没有按照她预想的那般来求她,相反还靠着自己的行动进一步与之对抗,似乎打算对抗到底。 How in this just like the betrayed feeling can not make a mother feel that disappointed, is distressed. With the Kaguya anger, the distant place takes root in divine tree also probably angry Kaguya of land starts the rebellion to get up generally, the earthquake centered on divine tree made Hamura and Hagoromo these two brothers has almost not come to a stop. 这中犹如被背叛的感觉怎么能不令一个母亲感到失望、感到痛心。随着辉夜的愤怒,远处扎根于大地的神树也像是愤怒的辉夜一般开始暴动起来,以神树为核心的地震令羽村羽衣这两兄弟差点没有站稳。 Elder brother, you look at divine tree!” “兄长,你看神树!” Has Byakugan Hamura to point at divine tree of distant place hastily, with his one finger/refers, Hagoromo discovered that divine tree seemed like the foot to stand from the ground unexpectedly steadily generally, but that was divine tree of trees also started the radical change in a short time, as if becomes some living creature. 拥有白眼羽村连忙指着远处的神树,随着他的一指,羽衣发现那神树竟然像是长了脚一般从地上站了起来,而那原本是树木的神树也在短时间内开始了剧烈的变化,似乎成为了某种活物。 The great change of environment may not only be these, in the meantime divine tree direction opposite one side, blue empty production that just like the water surface ripple, it has ten meters diameter fully, is not only Kaguya, even opened Rinnegan Hagoromo not to detect this phenomenon. 环境的巨变可不仅仅是这些,就在此时神树方向了相反一面,一个犹如水面波纹的蓝色空洞产生,它足有十米长的直径,不仅仅是辉夜,连开启了轮回眼羽衣都没有察觉到这一异象。 “噌 Suddenly golden the ray in that blue cavity appears suddenly together, as the penetration emptied Dongjing to non-stop fly to the Kaguya three people of not far away. This golden ray speed strange quick. Even has to exceed speed light/only greatly, in the Kaguya three people still in confrontation, this golden light cuts the expansive sky together fiercely, unlucky Hamura will nail tight in the ground. 突然在那蓝色空洞中一道金色的光芒从中突现,随着穿透空洞径直飞向了不远处的辉夜三人。这金色光芒的速度奇快。甚至大有超越光的速度,就在辉夜三人还在对峙的时候,这一道金光猛地划破长空,将倒霉的羽村钉死在了地面上。 Hamura this unlucky child, was just punctured the chest by own elder brother, but that is to save him, moreover there is Senjutsu Chakra talisman paper to save him. However when this time his was nailed tight again in the ground, but is not lucky. 羽村这个倒霉孩子,刚刚被自己的兄长打穿胸口,不过那是为了救他,而且还有仙术查克拉符纸救他。不过这一次当他被再一次钉死在地面上的时候,可就没有那么幸运了。 This sudden accident made Kaguya and Hagoromo similarly is surprised, when they look are sewn in ground Hamura, discovered that his already was dodged the golden long spear/gun of electric light to pass through by a , but the most heart of Hamura this was also struck completely destroys, during this time Hamura already fell into was blurred. 这突然的变故同样令辉夜羽衣感到意外,当他们看着被钉在地上的羽村时,发现他的身上已经被一柄闪着电光的金色长枪贯穿,而羽村的大半个心脏也被这一击完全摧毁,此时的羽村已经陷入了迷离之中。 „, Elder brother, I......” “咳咳,兄长,我……” Oneself also collapse Hamura also to shout to be unjust quickly at heart, actually his is incurs whom to annoy, within one day was in a state of twice being on the verge of death, felt the vitality Hamura that drained to seem like ordinary person to start to mention the last words generally. 自己也快陷入崩溃的羽村也在心里大喊冤枉,他这究竟是招谁惹谁了,一天之内陷入了两次濒死状态,感受着生命力正在流失的羽村像是个正常人一般开始说起了遗言。 However the accident begins, when everyone thinks matter already finished temporarily, in that blue cavity departs a shadow again, the speed of shadow is discontented, perhaps only seemed a little inferior compared with just golden long spear/gun. 不过变故再起,就在所有人都以为事情已经暂时结束的时候,那个蓝色空洞中再次飞出一道黑影,黑影的速度不满,比起刚刚的金色长枪或许只逊一筹。 The speed of shadow is quick, but the path of advance is made on the scene also to stand two people are caught off guard. 黑影的速度很快,而前进的轨迹更是令在场还站着的两个人措手不及。 Bang “嘭 After a crashing collision, Hagoromo and Hamura also or knocked down Kaguya was shocked. 一声激烈的碰撞之后,无论是羽衣羽村亦或者是被撞倒的辉夜都愣住了。 The blue cavity after spouting the shadow completed own Quest to be common probably, vanished without the trace automatically, could not find the least bit trail again. But that spouted shadow is not others, just broke open the space-time point Le Yuan. 蓝色空洞在喷出黑影之后像是完成了自己的任务一般,自动消失无踪,再也找不到半点踪迹。而那个被喷出的黑影不是别人,正是刚刚破开时空点的乐渊 However his present condition does not know how should alien, his at present is a beautiful appearance, although has some spunks to enable this face to seem like not quite friendly, but does not damage at present the makings of this beautiful woman. 不过他现在的状态也不知该如何星人,他的眼前是一张绝美的容颜,虽然带着些许怒意使得这张脸看起来不太友好,但丝毫不损眼前这位美女的气质。 However Le Yuan may not have the time to appreciate the beautiful woman, at present this beautiful woman has pair of Byakugan, Rinne-Sharingan on in addition forehead, this appearance made Le Yuan think of name Kaguya of person instantaneously. 不过乐渊可没有时间来欣赏美女,眼前这美女可是有着一双白眼,外加额头上的轮回写轮眼,这副模样令乐渊瞬间想到了一个人的名字辉夜 This was proper final big BOSS, from the underground station ready actually fuck this type just ran upon finally BOSS is what rhythm, couldn't the heaven tolerate to Le Yuan? 这就是妥妥的最终大BOSS,尼玛这种刚刚从地铁站走出来就撞上最终BOSS究竟是什么节奏,难道说老天都对乐渊看不过眼了吗? Hi that this merely is an accident/surprise, do you believe?” “嗨那个,这仅仅是个意外,你信吗?” The pressure that Le Yuan faces is not general big, he overthrows finally BOSS now directly, although this is not his original intention, this process is also only an accident/surprise, but this cannot deny his present movement. 乐渊面对的压力可不是一般的大,他现在可是直接推倒了最终BOSS,虽然这不是他的本意,这个过程也只是个意外而已,但是这不能否认他现在的动作。 Kaguya pushed over by Le Yuan on the ground, two people look at the opposite party face-to-face, perhaps Le Yuan thought that merely is awkward, but regarding as Kaguya of queen this has never had blaspheming, but the person who blasphemes the god faces, only then died. 辉夜乐渊按倒在地上,两人面对面看着对方,乐渊或许觉得仅仅是尴尬,而对于身为女王的辉夜而言这是从未有过的亵渎,而渎神的人面临的只有死亡。 Sees only Kaguya Byakugan to stare fiercely, unusual Spiritual Strength sprays from her Byakugan directly, charged into Le Yuan by the completely invisible condition. 只见辉夜白眼猛地一瞪,一道奇特的精神力量直接从她的白眼中喷射而出,以完全不可视的状态冲向了乐渊 Buzz “嗡 Felt Le Yuan of crisis to open Thunder Eyes instantaneously, depended on speeds up not knowing that many time of speeds, Le Yuan rapid pressed the head downward, tries to depend on the speed to avoid the attack of this spirit. 感受到危机的乐渊在瞬间开启了雷瞳,靠着加快了不知多少倍的速度,乐渊迅速将脑袋向下按,试着靠着速度躲避过这精神的攻击。 However this evades makes Kaguya that ten thousand years of invariable face again Yanhong (bright red), this does not shame the anger, more gives the air/Qi regarding Le Yuan impolite action again and again. 不过这一避却令辉夜那万年不变的脸再一次嫣红,这不是羞怒,更多是对于乐渊一而再再而三的无礼之举给气的。 Le Yuan to just avoid that strikes, the right hand was climbing up Kaguya taboo peak unknowingly, simultaneously that low head depended, Hagoromo and Hamura that this made the onlooking was looks to stay thoroughly, the chest that even Hamura are bleeding forgot paying attention. 乐渊为了躲避刚刚的那一击,右手在不知不觉攀上了辉夜的禁忌高峰,同时那低下的脑袋更是靠了上去,这一幕令旁观的羽衣羽村那是彻底看呆了,连羽村自己正在流血的胸口都忘了理会。 Blasphemed the matter of Rabbit Goddess this nearly treason and heresy, appeared in this moment one after another, this impact made two people fill in the heart to the curiosity of Le Yuan. 亵渎卯之女神这种近乎大逆不道的事情,在这一刻接连出现,这种冲击令两人都在心中充满了对乐渊的好奇。
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