VE :: Volume #8 三阶首战影之忍者

#694: Sorry, the hand slid

After a Akatsuki not too harmonious contact, in Le Yuan decides Akatsuki the group of madmen to have many to far, after all Akatsuki inside person few normal, wants to communicate is troubles very much. 晓组织一次不算太和谐的接触之后,乐渊是打定主意里晓组织的这群狂人有多远就离多远,毕竟晓组织里面的人就没有几个正常的,想要沟通起来都是麻烦得很。 brocon madman Uchiha Itachi, ultimate personal servant Hoshigaki Kisame, demolishes crazy demon Deidara, puppet false shota Sasori of the Red Sand, worshipping money believer Kakuzu, Evil God deathly loyal Hidan...... 弟控狂人宇智波鼬,终极跟班干柿鬼鲛,爆破狂魔迪达拉,傀儡伪正太赤砂之蝎,拜金教徒角都,邪神死忠飞段…… In brief this dawn Quest that prevents inside fellow is not can exchange normally, particularly said that two arrived at extreme Nagato as god already , the mouth artillery rank of Le Yuan may not have world biological son's Uzumaki Naruto powerful, that did not have the confidence light/only to depend opens mouth can say definitely Nagato. 总而言之这晓阻止里面的家伙都不是啥能够正常交流的任务,尤其是自称为神已经中二到了极点的长门,乐渊的嘴炮等级可没有世界亲儿子的漩涡鸣人强大,那是没有信心光靠一张嘴就能说死长门 In the personalities of various people by Akatsuki, Le Yuan also really feared that one day could not bear killing intent for a while, gave to solve them incautiously, if when the time comes really made Le Yuan play to take off/escape, causing most essential storyline not to have the means to continue, Le Yuan will also really pull out the slap in the face. 晓组织中各人的性格,乐渊还真怕有一天一时没有忍住杀意,一不小心就把他们给解决了,到时候万一真让乐渊玩脱了,导致最关键的剧情没办法延续下去,乐渊还真会抽自己耳光子。 Also had time these with the contact of Akatsuki, Le Yuan following less than half year is to cross cautiously, is not only avoiding the Akatsuki person, similarly and other has a mind to capture Le Yuan ninja village Ninja almost from Konoha to that crowd to evade. But in these days Le Yuan has not stopped, has been treating in Rōran of No. 1 world, for prepares to return through dragon vein Strength to No. 2 world at any time again. 也正是有了这一次和晓组织的接触,乐渊接下来的小半年时间可谓是过得小心翼翼,不仅躲避着晓组织的人,同样对那群来自木叶和其他有心追捕乐渊忍村忍者几乎是避着走。而这段时间里面乐渊可没有停下,一直在一号世界的楼兰待着,为的就是随时准备再次通过龙脉的力量返回到二号世界。 Or is called as the Le Yuan test piece cultivates Karin of object with emphasis, in this less than half year in already was studied an insight by Le Yuan, by and other research of a series of Uzumaki Clan special seal technique to Adamantine Sealing Chains, Le Yuan even has the confidence to be able any to appear in his front tailed beast conducts the perfect seal, but in that enemy present the seal ability of regarding Le Yuan imagination still waits for strengthening. 作为乐渊试验品或是称为重点培育对象的香磷,在这小半年的时间里面已经乐渊研究了个通透,透过对金刚封锁等一系列漩涡一族特殊封印术的研究,乐渊甚至有信心能够将任何出现在他面前的尾兽进行完美封印,不过对于乐渊假想中的那个敌人现在的封印能力还有待加强。 But when Le Yuan is busy at work, Karin has not idled similarly. Although does not have the famous teacher one to one to instruct her, but Le Yuan convenient brings from other person of villages various Ninjutsu scrolls all glance over along with her, particularly Medical Ninjutsu was placed most foundation courses in her front. 而就在乐渊忙活的时候,香磷同样没有闲下来。虽然没有名师一对一地对她进行指导,但是乐渊顺手从其他人村“拿来”的各种忍术卷轴可是全都随她浏览,尤其是医疗忍术更是将绝大多数基础教程摆在了她的面前。 The Karin talent also worthily is the medical service, even does not have medical Ninja to instruct as the teacher personally, after Le Yuan provides the test piece uninterruptedly, her Medical Ninjutsu strength that is increases day by day, under progressive speed certainly no longer first female lead Haruno Sakura. 香磷的天赋也不愧是医疗向的,就算没有医疗忍者作为老师亲自指导,但是在乐渊不间断提供试验品之后,她的医疗忍术实力那是与日俱增,进步速度绝不再第一女主春野樱之下。 However good talent impossible has also been self-taught, although the foundation part has numerous scroll and Le Yuan this person counselling that roughly understands Medical Expertise, but after Medical Ninjutsu deepens day after day, is not, can only try to find out by own ability Karin that Le Yuan can assist to here, the progressive speed all of a sudden is slow a big truncation. 不过再好的天赋也不可能一直无师自通,虽然基础部分有着众多卷轴和乐渊这个粗通医术的人辅导,但是医疗忍术日渐加深之后就不是乐渊能够协助的了,香磷到这里只能凭借自己的能力进行摸索,进步速度一下子慢下来一大截。 But Le Yuan continues to divorce oneself from reality regarding research also impossible of seal technique, Le Yuan or Karin need a senior teacher now. Taught that the Karin Medical Ninjutsu best candidate without doubt was Tsunade, what a pity Le Yuan now is the First Order issuing a warrant for arrest status, definitely had the absolutely irreconcilable enmity with Tsunade that but Karin was not thinks about it to do obeisance into the Tsunade hanger-on. 乐渊对于封印术的研究也不可能继续闭门造车下去,无论是乐渊还是香磷现在都需要一个资深老师。教导香磷医疗忍术的最好人选无疑是纲手了,可惜乐渊现在是一阶通缉者身份,和纲手那绝对是有不共戴天之仇,而香磷更是想都别想拜入纲手的门下。 But Le Yuan wants to study the seal technique, particularly the Uzumaki Clan unique seal technique is unable to start, extant Uzumaki Clan are few with panda, even if crops up does not have one to be skilled in the seal technique. 乐渊想要学习封印术,尤其是漩涡一族特有的封印术更是无从下手,现存的漩涡一族一个个少得跟个大熊猫似的,即使冒头的也没有一个精通自家封印术的。 No. 1 world had no way to mix thoroughly, but if may be different to No. 2 world that. Tsunade of No. 2 world does not have the enmity with Le Yuan without the injustice, makes Karin do obeisance into her hanger-on with the aid of Le Yuan in the Konoha status hopefully. But Le Yuan wants to study seal technique that is simple, Namikaze Minato and Uzumaki Kushina may also live, these two play the expert of seal technique without doubt. 一号世界是彻底没法混下去了,但是如果到了二号世界那可就不一样了。二号世界的纲手可是和乐渊无冤无仇,借助乐渊木叶的身份还是有希望让香磷拜入她门下的。而乐渊想要学习封印术那更是简单,波风水门漩涡玖辛奈可还活着,这两人无疑是玩封印术的行家。 Karin, you first return to the heavenly book, I must lead you to go to another world, there both of us may not need like east to hide nowadays, to there me is Konoha Jōnin, when the time comes I lead you to glance over well in Konoha!” 香磷,你还是先回到天书之中吧,我要带你去另一个世界,那里我们俩可就不必像现如今这样东躲了,到了那里我可是木叶上忍了哦,到时候我带着你好好在木叶浏览一遍!” Le Yuan was saying in the vision that looks at to Karin has several points to be sorry, although she follows oneself indeed pen original works period to feel better on many, the day of but similarly being of no fixed abode, does not know that such life can cast what trauma to this 13-year-old girl. 乐渊说着看向香磷的目光中有着几分抱歉,虽然她跟着自己的确笔原著时期好过上不少,但是同样还是居无定所的日子,也不知这样的生活会不会给这个刚刚13岁的女孩留下什么心理阴影。 Karin naturally does not have the objection, mixed such a long time to be possible compared with on good not to know many times with Le Yuan in Kusagakure initially. Does not need to be gnawed to nip by the strange person to treat the wound, can obtain most first-rate Ninjutsu, Le Yuan besides requesting her follows, given thing was Karin formerly unthinkable thing, high-quality food, pretty clothes and precious perfume...... 香磷自然是对此没有异议,跟着乐渊混了这么长时间可比当初在草忍村的时候好上不知道多少倍。再也不用被陌生的人啃咬治伤,更是能够获得最一流忍术,乐渊除了要求她跟随之外,给予的东西更是香磷从前想都不敢想的东西,优质的食物、漂亮的衣服、名贵的香水…… Even if Le Yuan has not requested Karin to give loyalty to it, in Karin follows shortly after Le Yuan regards the object who Le Yuan on already followed lifelong. Can say, so long as Le Yuan does not devastate Karin from the body and mind, then Karin without doubt is Le Yuan unshakeable deathly loyal. 就算乐渊从来没有要求香磷对其效忠,但是在香磷跟随乐渊后不久就已经乐渊当成了终身追随的对象。可以说只要乐渊不从身心摧残香磷,那么香磷无疑就是乐渊不可动摇的死忠 Le Yuan is walked randomly by the desert deep place that the sandstorm packages in this, quick arrived at that in already familiar incomparable the Rōran vestige in half year, following did not have the trail that others entered, Le Yuan to arrive for a long time by the dragon vein altar of seal above. 乐渊在这被风沙包裹的沙漠深处游走,很快就来到了那在这半年中已经熟悉无比的楼兰遗迹内,顺着许久没有其他人进入的小径,乐渊来到了被封印的龙脉祭坛之上。 Initially Le Yuan supposed the entering step product of space anchor in dragon vein there of No. 2 world, spanned the space and time boundary sufficiently the space and time anchor. Le Yuan half year time besides studying seal technique, more time conduct the resonance from No. 1 world dragon vein here with the dragon vein space and time anchor of No. 2 world, since try to establish Le Yuan of one through both sides dragon vein Strength by the stable space and time channel that controls, can make Le Yuan travel between two world freely. 当初乐渊可是在二号世界的龙脉那里设下了空间锚的进阶产物,足以跨越时空界限的时空锚。乐渊这半年的时间除了研究封印术之外,更多的时间就是从一号世界龙脉这里与二号世界的龙脉时空锚进行共鸣,试着通过双方龙脉的力量建立起一条被乐渊所操控的稳定时空通道,能够令乐渊自由往返于两个世界之间。 Although the idea of Le Yuan is good, but wanted to establish the stable transfer passage on the time short a point, Le Yuan established an explicit channel the two sides world merely, was actually need more time maintains the improvement as for the stable and safe feasible channel. 乐渊的想法虽好,但是想要建立稳固的传送通道就时间而言还是短了一点,乐渊仅仅是将两边的世界建立起了一条明确的通道,至于稳固而安全的可行通道却是需要更多的时间去维护改善。 When the hand of Le Yuan untied a seal kunai of seal dragon vein, immediately dragon vein Strength divulges from the altar, galloping dragon vein Strength wreaks havoc in this moment in the entire underground space, one just like the sound that really dragon roared to resound through the entire Rōran historical site with this dragon vein Strength intermittently. 乐渊的手将封印龙脉的苦无解开了一点封印之时,顿时龙脉的力量从祭坛上宣泄而出,奔腾的龙脉力量在这一刻肆虐在整个地下空间,一阵阵犹如真龙咆哮的声音随着这一阵龙脉力量响彻整个楼兰古迹。 This dragon vein Strength was also too excited a point, seems livelier compared with common time Strength, is this normal phenomenon? How to feel that this travel variable are many!” “这龙脉力量也太兴奋了一点吧,比起寻常时候力量显得更加活泼,这是正常现象吗?怎么感觉这次旅行变数不少啊!” Le Yuan looks at dragon vein Strength that divulges from the altar, somehow an unclear feeling well ups, after he has inspected the situation in all around as well as altar actually cannot discover any deficiency. 乐渊看着从祭坛内宣泄出来的龙脉力量,不知怎的一股不详的感觉涌上心头,不过当他检查过四周以及祭坛的情况后却又没能发现任何的不妥之处。 The strength to Le Yuan this situation, often the intuition can show many thing. Danger that some have not detected through intuition sensation, therefore Le Yuan will follow own intuition management generally. 实力到了乐渊这一地步,往往直觉能够说明许多东西。有些还没有察觉到的危险会通过直觉感知到,所以乐渊一般都会遵循自己的直觉办事。 However today this matter somewhat is bewildered, perhaps although the intuition told Le Yuan to have the matter to happen, but actually by Le Yuan Strength is actually not able sensation matter to him to be good or bad. 不过今天这事却有些莫名其妙,虽然直觉告诉乐渊有事情恐怕要发生,但是凭借乐渊力量却无法感知这事情对于他而言究竟是好还是坏。 However even if had a premonition that has the matter to happen, but own intuition is not warned after all directly oneself have the dangerous production, therefore Le Yuan chose continued to open the space and time gate. After seeing only Le Yuan of Devil phantom complete package strikes Shattering Void Dimension Slash, the front door of that link another world opens. 不过就算预感到有事情要发生,但是毕竟自己的直觉并非直接警告自己有危险产生,所以乐渊选择了继续开启时空门。只见被魔人虚影完全包裹的乐渊一击碎虚次元斩之后,那联通另一个世界的大门就此打开。 Le Yuan advanced to step by step by the blue front door that he opens, his front leg just strided in has not waited for him to close oneself behind space gate, then detected that strange space Strength shuttles back and forth in the space and time channel in this moment. 乐渊一步步迈向了被他打开的蓝色大门,他前脚刚刚跨入其中还没等他关闭自己身后的空间门,便察觉到一股诡异的空间力量在这一刻在时空通道中穿梭起来。 That feeling is ordinary with the earthquake, one vibration that but actually affects in the space and time channel. Le Yuan space and time shakes then the already fixed good route that happened to be disrupted in this moment in this instantaneously certainly, the space and time channel that at the same time vibrates is guiding an unknown space and time Le Yuan. 那种感觉就和地震一般,不过却是在时空通道中影响的一种震动。乐渊在这“时空震”发生的瞬间便绝得自己原本已经固定好的路线在这一刻被打乱,与此同时震动的时空通道正把乐渊导向一个未知的时空。 I depend, goes against me!” “我靠,给我顶回去!” Oneself must deviate the route shortly, does not know that which space and time must flutter to went, the Le Yuan doom is stabilizing Devil phantom and shake wave in space and time channel resists. However although stabilized own body, but that voluminous space and time shakes is actually not able to stop as before. 眼看自己就要偏离航道,不知道要飘到哪一个时空里去了,乐渊死命地稳定着魔人虚影与时空通道中的震荡波进行对抗。不过虽然稳定了自己的身体,但是那股浩如烟海的时空震却依旧无法停止。 Actually until Le Yuan understand own intuition was just reminding anything to oneself at this moment, this bewildered space and time shakes indeed is the fortune and misfortune unknown, a point that but is certain only shook by this time spatially is also not enough to kill Le Yuan, a point that Le Yuan needs to be worried about was only do not wander about destitute to a bad space and time. 直到这一刻乐渊明白刚刚自己的直觉究竟向自己提醒着什么,这种莫名其妙的时空震的确是祸福未知,不过唯一可以肯定的一点就是凭借这时空震还不足以将乐渊杀死,乐渊唯一需要担心的一点就是千万不要流落到一个糟糕的时空中。 In space and time channel years difficult knowledge, Le Yuan flutters is unable to know actually oneself passed how long, simultaneously Le Yuan during this long drift is unable the locale of accurate sensation to No. 1 world and No. 2 world, turbulent Le Yuan has wanted accurately to locate is too difficultly is too difficult. 时空通道中岁月难知,乐渊在其中飘荡根本无从知道自己究竟过去了多长时间,同时在这漫长的漂流之中乐渊也无法准确感知到一号世界和二号世界的所在处,一直动荡的乐渊想要准确定位实在是太难太难。 However at this time shook spatially is not also inexhaustible, after experiencing did not know how much time, Le Yuan felt the space and time that oneself face shakes Strength already to weaken, long-term stays the Devil phantom condition also to make the Le Yuan condition unsatisfactory, was separated from this time spatial channel urgently needed. 不过这时空震也并非无穷无尽,在经历了不知多少时间之后,乐渊感觉到自己面临的时空震力量已经有所衰减,不过长时间的保持魔人虚影状态也令乐渊的状态不尽人意,急需从这时空通道中脱离而出。 Space and time weak point, I need to stroke break that point, temporary was separated from this time spatial channel, words that otherwise is unable to restore effectively possibly really by dire straits here......” “时空薄弱点,我需要一击打破那个点,从这时空通道中暂时性地脱离,不然一直无法有效恢复的话可能真被困死在这里……” Le Yuan wants to regain own condition, the best method is to depend on the energy recovery skill of Tesseract Cube bringing without doubt. However because Tesseract Cube own space charge effect and space and time channel refute, is unable to display effectively, therefore remaining can only take a drug to make up by Le Yuan, but this method most does not have the efficiency without doubt. 乐渊想要恢复自己的状态,最好的方法无疑是靠着宇宙魔方自带的能量恢复技能。不过由于宇宙魔方自身的空间效果与时空通道驳斥,根本无法有效施展,所以剩下的只能由乐渊吃药来补,不过这种方法无疑是最没有效率的。 Therefore Le Yuan has to choose while also the able time breaks through directly, sees only maintains in the Le Yuan hand of Devil phantom to present Gungnir, simultaneously depends on regarding the keen sensation of space and time is searching for a all around weakest space-time point immediately. 因此乐渊不得不选择趁着还有能力的时候正面突围,只见保持魔人虚影乐渊手中出现永恒之枪,同时靠着对于时空的敏锐感知立刻搜寻着四周最为薄弱的一个时空点。 Suddenly looked continually to a direction, there is having a Le Yuan extremely familiar space-time point, when was not Le Yuan comes in that entrance, but without doubt was No. a 1 world recent point that was away from itself to be. 突然了的连望向了一个方向,那里正有一个乐渊极为熟悉的时空点,虽然并非乐渊进来时的那个入口,但无疑是距离自己原本所在的一号世界最近的一点。 Before Le Yuan arrived at that time the spatial point, filled to pour into Gungnir to follow that Strength to conduct Dash Thorn fiercely. 乐渊来到那时空点之前,将力量灌注入永恒之枪内顺着那一点猛地进行突刺 Golden long spear/gun lively space, cuts the space and time channel except for the fissure that is not willing to have together high, but Le Yuan also flushed while the flash that the space and time channel opened fiercely. 金色的长枪活泼了空间,将时空通道高划破除了一道根本不肯产生的裂痕,而乐渊也趁着时空通道打开的一瞬间猛地冲了出来。 Stepped forward the instance of channel in Le Yuan, Le Yuan feels an evil intention from space and time channel, that was cuts the retaliation of space and time channel regarding Le Yuan. Sees only the exit of space and time channel to erupt Strength fiercely, penetrated the protection of Devil phantom in the short flash. 就在乐渊跨出通道的瞬间,乐渊就感受到了一股来自时空通道的恶意,那是对于乐渊划破时空通道的报复。只见时空通道的出口处猛地爆发出一股力量,在短短一瞬间穿透了魔人虚影的保护。 Clang “锵 The Le Yuan spear's/gun's body welcomed, immediately under that Strength interception, what a pity Le Yuan grasped the hand of Gungnir also to be shaken tingles with numbness, Gungnir let go. 乐渊枪身迎上,顿时将那股力量拦截下,可惜乐渊握着永恒之枪的手也被震得发麻,永恒之枪脱手而出。 ... ...
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