VE :: Volume #8 三阶首战影之忍者

#693: Some strengths are such willful

The Susanoo third shape, Susanoo of this condition not only had was individual weapon alone, and already equipped the Karasu Tengu armor, Susanoo already in this condition could become an attack and defense body. 须佐能乎第三形态,这个状态的须佐能乎不仅拥有了独属于个人的武器并且已经装备上了乌天狗盔甲,在这个状态下的须佐能乎已经当得上攻防一体。 eyes power and chakra that however Susanoo under this condition needs are not the average person can support, even if the talent like Uchiha Itachi, is under the Mangekyō Sharingan condition puts forth this move merely is to still take the considerably large risk, could insist the fight end was a question mark. 不过这个状态下的须佐能乎所需要的瞳力查克拉绝非普通人能够支持的,所以就算是天才如宇智波鼬,在仅仅是万花筒写轮眼的状态下使出这一招也是冒着相当大的风险,能否坚持到战斗结束都是个问号。 Uchiha Itachi perhaps in the Ninjutsu talent excellent, but is not enough to support him to complete this fight as Uchiha Clan his chakra quantity. In order to repels Le Yuan, now he can do, only then fights a battle to force a quick decision. 宇智波鼬或许在忍术天赋上绝佳,但是作为宇智波一族的他本身的查克拉量并不足以支持他完成这一次的战斗。为了能够将乐渊击退,他现在能做的只有一个速战速决。 Collisions between more than 20 meters high two giants, are the fresh breeze that their hand armbands get up then make to stand to slightly near Hoshigaki Kisame and the others merely cannot come to a stop, but the crushed stone complementary waves that splashes are they are unable to resist directly. 20多米高的两个巨人之间的碰撞,仅仅是他们手臂带起来的劲风便令离得稍近的干柿鬼鲛等人站都站不稳,而溅起的碎石余波更是他们无法正面抵挡的。 Damn, here fight already is not, quickly leaves here that we can involve!” “该死,这里的战斗已经不是我们能够介入的了,赶快离开这里!” Lived about 110 years of Kakuzu to experience richly, violence relocation -type destructive power and fight scene he only has heard in legend level character Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara that time, at all was not the domain that their group of people can achieve. 活了将近百十年的角都经验最丰富,现场这暴力拆迁式的破坏力和战斗场面他只在曾经的传说级人物千手柱间宇智波斑那个时代听说过,根本不是他们这群人能够达到的领域。 fists after fists hit flesh, Mountains Bursting and Ground Splitting 拳拳到肉,山崩地裂 Le Yuan Devil phantom also or is Uchiha Itachi Susanoo, does not have the absolute advantage on fighting with all might of Strength, although Le Yuan on Strength powerful, because in the Devil phantom stability must plan slightly badly, the magic power output of Le Yuan within the body is unable with having Sharingan auxiliary Susanoo places on a par. 无论是乐渊魔人虚影亦或者是宇智波鼬须佐能乎,在力量的拼杀上都不占据绝对的优势,乐渊虽然力量上更强大,但是由于魔人虚影的稳定性上还要稍差一筹,乐渊体内的魔力输出根本无法与有写轮眼辅助的须佐能乎相提并论。 After all Le Yuan Devil phantom merely is Le Yuan regarding the skill that own Strength development creates, has not had the support of any system Strength, although depends on Le Yuan Strength to be able with Susanoo to contend, a side that but suffers a loss after all. 毕竟乐渊魔人虚影仅仅是乐渊对于自身力量开发而创造出来的技能,并没有得到任何系统力量的支持,虽然靠着乐渊自身力量能与须佐能乎一较高下,但终归还是吃亏的一方。 After bang is a fist, Devil phantom hit backward Susanoo backs up several steps, on the Susanoo breastplate presented a fissure. 又是一拳之后,魔人虚影须佐能乎打得向后倒退了几步,须佐能乎的胸铠上出现了一道裂痕。 However has the supplement of Uchiha Itachi chakra, this fissure then obtained the restore in just 5 seconds. Fight of both sides was conducted for 5 minutes, their basins then again to undercutting 1 meter. 不过有着宇智波鼬查克拉的补充,这点裂痕在短短5秒之内便得到了修复。双方的战斗不过进行了五分钟的时间,他们所处的盆地便再次向下陷下去了一米。 Yasaka Magatama 八坂之勾玉 Uchiha Itachi taking advantage is also turned toward by the time that Le Yuan repels on own initiative retreats behind, but in Susanoo both hands already condenses except for three tomoe that brings boundless Strength. Oneself will advance beyond the safe distance time, Uchiha Itachi controlled huge Susanoo to throw toward Le Yuan Yasaka Magatama in hand. 宇智波鼬也借着被乐渊击退的时机主动向着身后退去,但是须佐能乎双手之间已经凝聚除了三枚带着磅礴力量勾玉。将自己推到安全距离以外的时候,宇智波鼬操控着巨大的须佐能乎将手中的八坂之勾玉向着乐渊投掷了出去。 Attacks Ninjutsu as the Itachi strongest long-distance range, Yasaka Magatama may not only be flight item. Le Yuan only thought that has the intense threat feeling to tomoe that oneself approach unceasingly, does not immediately dare to pull rank already Devil phantom to keep off this move, pours into own Strength merely again, condenses in the hand of Devil phantom except for one and is full of the space Strength blade. 作为最强的远距离攻击忍术,八坂之勾玉可不仅仅是一个飞行道具而已。乐渊只觉得那不断向自己逼近的勾玉带着强烈的威胁感,随即也不敢托大已经魔人虚影将这一招挡下来,仅仅是再度灌入自己的力量,在魔人虚影的手中凝聚除了一并饱含空间力量的刀。 Flashes past, space disruption...... 一闪而过,空间碎裂…… This is[ Dimension Slash Renbu], just like illusory Yamato Strength to display the limit that , coordinates to brandish cutting that to strike high-speed, not the sturdy space will cut broken. The space of disruption not only can form the attack of space collapse, similarly also defends the shield of opposite party best space. 这就是[次元斩·连舞],将那柄犹如虚幻的阎魔刀力量发挥到极限,配合着高速挥舞的斩击,将原本就不牢靠的空间斩碎。碎裂的空间不仅能形成空间崩坏的攻击,同样也是防御对方最好的空间之盾。 Uchiha Itachi the space hit of Yasaka Magatama and disintegration in one, Strength that the space tore into shreds the Yasaka Magatama destruction, but in destruction Le Yuan from Yasaka Magatama felt that to come from fire of Amaterasu Strength instantaneously again. 宇智波鼬八坂之勾玉与崩碎的空间撞击在了一起,空间撕碎的力量八坂之勾玉破坏,而在破坏的瞬间从八坂之勾玉里面乐渊再一次感受到了那来自于天照之火的力量 Good intention thinks, hidden Amaterasu Strength in tomoe, the attack of this tomoe is unable effective still to conduct even two times to supplement through the fire of Amaterasu, but was detected pitifully as before, moreover was hit back by Le Yuan in the most correct way......” “好心思,将天照力量隐藏于勾玉之中,这样即使勾玉的攻击无法奏效也能通过天照之火进行二次追加,不过可惜依旧被察觉到了,而且被乐渊以最正确的方式进行了回击……” Hides Uchiha Obito that observes to have very high appraisal regarding the Le Yuan strength, but White Zetsu also looks at steadily to stare at Le Yuan that fights bravely. Only has Black Zetsu, since Le Yuan calls Devil phantom, then has been sending out vague murderous aura to the Le Yuan main body. 隐藏起来观战的宇智波带土对于乐渊的实力有着非常高的评价,而白绝同样目不转睛盯着正在奋战的乐渊。唯有黑绝,自从乐渊魔人虚影唤出之后便一直对着乐渊本体散发着若有若无的杀气 Black Zetsu, what matter you as if have to hide the truth from me, that Le Yuan outcome what's the matter? Why you will make me coordinate you to kill him initially together, moreover now is Strength of use dawn kills him, he besides coordinating Orochimaru killed Third Hokage, seems not hostile with us!” 黑绝,你似乎有什么事情瞒着我,那个乐渊究竟是怎么回事?为什么你当初会让我配合你一起将其杀死,而且现在更是动用晓的力量来狙杀他,他除了配合大蛇丸杀了三代目火影之外,似乎与我们并非敌对!” Although said that this Black Zetsu is Uchiha Madara sends to coordinate Uchiha Obito, but chuunibyou to later Uchiha Obito is not does not know fool who thinks, his very clear Black Zetsu twice actions have very explicit sense of purpose, but also did not say the truth to oneself, making Uchiha Obito very difficult to achieve entirely believes that Black Zetsu stemmed from the consideration of Eye of the Moon Plan. 虽然说这黑绝宇智波斑派来配合宇智波带土的,但是中二病到了晚期的宇智波带土也绝不是什么都不知道动脑子的傻瓜,他非常清楚黑绝两次的行动有着非常明确的目的性,但是偏偏又不对自己说出真相,令宇智波带土很难做到完全相信黑绝是出于对月之眼计划的考量。 Black Zetsu deeply inspires, temporarily puts aside from the body of Le Yuan the vision, then to the side was looking that said to own Uchiha Obito: His matter I indeed have hidden, is really because his existence extremely in unthinkable, I cannot confirm this news genuine and fake completely......” 黑绝深吸了一口气,暂时将目光从乐渊的身上移开,然后对着身旁正看向自己的宇智波带土说道:“他的事情我的确有所隐藏,实在是由于他的存在太过于匪夷所思,我并不能完全确认这个消息的真假……” Looks that Black Zetsu has to oneself reveals all trends, Uchiha Obito this matter also displays a listening in reverent attention appearance, seemed like him specially is quite interested to the extreme clone regarding Le Yuan this. 看着黑绝有向自己袒露一切的趋势,宇智波带土此事也是表现出了一副洗耳恭听的样子,看起来他对于乐渊这个特殊到了极点的克隆人也是颇为感兴趣。 „Do you know? Who that face of fellow does present a person who I associate to arrive at for the first time is?” “你知道吗?那家伙的那张脸第一次出现我所联想到的一个人是谁呢?” Black Zetsu was saying Le Yuan that aimed at with the Itachi fierce combat, as to know his answer from the Uchiha Obito mouth. 黑绝说着指向了正在与激战的乐渊,似乎想要从宇智波带土的口中知道他的答案。 Fourth Hokage, Namikaze Minato ?” 四代目火影,波风水门?” Uchiha Obito thinks slightly how later said an answer. After all on that face of Le Yuan indeed and Namikaze Minato most looks like, but once also associated Le Yuan with him as Obito of Namikaze Minato disciple to one naturally. 宇智波带土稍稍想了想,随后说出来怎么一个答案。毕竟乐渊的那张脸上的确和波风水门最像,而曾经作为波风水门弟子的带土也理所当然地将乐渊与他联想到了一起。 But Black Zetsu actually shakes the head in this moment, in look as if, because whether this following words will say. Afterward was clashed by the distant place in same place the collision sound influences of two giants', finally sets firm resolve. 黑绝在这一刻却是摇了摇头,眼神中似乎在由于是否该将接下来的话说出口。随后被远处对撞在一起的两个巨人的碰撞声影响,最终下定了决心。 „It is not, that was one already the person who should die, before his active time was to count 1000 year, Sage of Six Paths period. His portrait seal has carved in my mind, he before counting 1000 year overpowered Ten-Tails of rebellion with Sage of Six Paths together, but is different from Sage of Six Paths, his deeds has not spread widely, even soon forgot by everyone.” “不是,那是一个早就应该死去的人,他活跃的时代是数千年以前六道仙人的时期。他的画像一直印刻在我的脑海之中,也正是他在数千年前与六道仙人一起制服了暴动的十尾,不过和六道仙人不同,他的事迹并没有广为流传,甚至被所有人都快要遗忘了。” Uchiha Obito by the words that Black Zetsu said shaking, the character of Sage of Six Paths period, this simply was fossil general unusual. But later Obito quickly the guess of Black Zetsu, if overruling, before counting 1000 year, really exists thinks the character, how also to live now, even if were Sage of Six Paths actually still passes away, had with impossible exactly old monster that counted 1000 year. 宇智波带土黑绝所说的话给震了一下,六道仙人时期的人物,这简直就是和化石一般的稀奇。而随后带土很快就将黑绝的猜测给否决了,数千年前如果真存在这么以为人物的话,又如何活到现在,纵然是六道仙人却依然老死,跟不可能有活了数千年的老怪物。 impossible, the birth of Le Yuan your I should be clear, before he is not 1000 year, that person who you said that he is just born in the clone body of Orochimaru laboratory, this point impossible counterfeits is right!” 不可能,乐渊的诞生你我都应该清楚,他可不是千年前你所说的那个人,他只不过是诞生于大蛇丸实验室的克隆体而已,这一点不可能作假才对!” The Le Yuan material in Uchiha Obito and front at all is not the secret, the time and various types of data information of birth is looked by two people certainly, how regardless to see that and that person before 1000 year cannot pull the same place. 乐渊的资料在宇智波带土和绝面前根本不是秘密,诞生的时间和各种数据资料可是被两人都看过,无论怎么看都和千年前的那个人扯不到一起。 I also think that the ability when this Le Yuan exposes are getting more and more, I actually have to suspect again, actually he was the initial that person, their appearances and abilities were really extremely in similar......” “我也是这么认为的,但是当这个乐渊暴露出来的能力越来越多的时候,我却不得不再一次怀疑,他究竟是不是当初的那个人,他们的容貌、能力实在是太过于相似了……” With the Black Zetsu words, suddenly their two and treated as the background wall White Zetsu to fall into silent, this matter was really unthinkable, went beyond their understanding category radically. 伴随着黑绝的话,一时间他们两个和当作背景墙的白绝全都陷入了沉默,这种事情实在是匪夷所思,根本超越了他们的理解范畴。 Fighting Le Yuan does not know completely, Black Zetsu this Boss has also seen another him secretly unexpectedly, does not know that own future experience is really unthinkable, will change him regarding the cognition of Hokage history. 正在战斗的乐渊完全不知道,黑绝这个幕后波ss竟然还见过另一个他,更不知道自己的将来经历着实匪夷所思,甚至将一改他对于火影历史的认知。 During the present fight also fell into was at a stalemate, the original basin extended downward in the unceasing fight, but refused to compromise regarding Le Yuan for him is favorable, after all wanted the soldier not to see the blade to end the fight, regarding stamina better him was the optimization. 现在的战斗也陷入了僵持之中,原本的盆地更是在不断战斗中更加向下延伸下去,不过对于乐渊而言僵持对他有利,毕竟想要兵不见刃地结束战斗,对于体力更好的他而言是最佳选择。 Regarding Uchiha Itachi, to him is also uncomfortable with the fight of Le Yuan. After all the attack of Le Yuan is not Ninjutsu, this made Yata no Kagami in his hand not have the opportunity, but pure Susanoo fought hand-to-hand suffers a loss, the chakra quantity itself/Ben was weak he is dragged into the disadvantageous fight by Le Yuan completely. 对于宇智波鼬而言,和乐渊的战斗同样对他而言非常难受。毕竟乐渊的攻击可不是忍术,这令他手中的八咫镜没有了用武之地,而单纯的须佐之男肉搏更是吃亏,查克拉量本就是弱势的他完全被乐渊拉入了不利的战斗。 Looks at exceptionally hard to deal with Le Yuan, Uchiha Itachi control Susanoo is actually tracing his hand to the liquor bottle gourd of waist, this movement seemingly did not have the slight significance to make the security heart of Le Yuan enhance the extreme. 看着异常难缠的乐渊,宇智波鼬操控的须佐之男却是在将他的手摸向了腰间的酒葫芦,这个动作看起来没有丝毫的意义却令乐渊的警戒心提高到了极点。 Uchiha Itachi may also the type be compelled the hopeless situation, his Susanoo can be said as in everyone card in a hand most. Yata no Kagami and Totsuka no Tsurugi which is rare Spirit Tool, is card in a hand awfully. 宇智波鼬可还么样被逼到绝境,他的须佐能乎可以说是所有人中底牌最多的一个。八尺镜十拳剑哪一个都是难得一遇的灵器,更是要命的底牌。 Once excelled at Totsuka no Tsurugi of seal stabs, Le Yuan cannot guarantee whether oneself can resist this move, perhaps this move of ultimate objective regarding Uchiha Itachi can be to act Uchiha Madara Masked Man Obito also perhaps. 一旦被擅长于封印的十拳剑刺中,乐渊也不敢保证自己能否抵挡得住这一招,或许对于宇智波鼬而言这一招的最终目标会是一直扮演着宇智波斑面具男带土也说不定。 If the fight with Le Yuan does not refuse to compromise, perhaps Uchiha Itachi will not use the move that hidden in any event. But Le Yuan does not have the plan personally the mood that tries to incur, today's fight already was enough, Uchiha Itachi and the others went back also to make other person of understand Le Yuan not be the affable objects. 如果不是与乐渊的战斗僵持不下,宇智波鼬恐怕无论如何都不会使用出隐藏的这一招。而乐渊同样没有打算亲自试招的心情,今天的战斗已经足够了,想必宇智波鼬等人回去也会令其他人明白乐渊绝不是好惹的对象。 The instance that Uchiha Itachi shoves open, Le Yuan gave up with the idea that it continues to fight, the body blue light surges, immediately him vanishes by the blue light is wrapping in the Uchiha Itachi front. 宇智波鼬推开的瞬间,乐渊放弃了与之继续战斗的想法,身上蓝光涌起,顿时被蓝光包裹着的他消失在了宇智波鼬的面前。 This is, left?” “这是,离开了?” Not is only Uchiha Itachi, even hidden in one side Uchiha Obito that and the others continue to observe is also startled similarly. After all so far Le Yuan is getting the advantage, but Uchiha Itachi already, because the mass consumptions of chakra have the trend of not being able to insist. 不仅仅是宇智波鼬,连隐藏在一侧继续观察的宇智波带土等人同样也吃了一惊。毕竟到目前为止乐渊还是占着优势的,宇智波鼬可是已经由于查克拉的大量消耗有坚持不下去的趋势。 But Le Yuan actually seems like a bystander still to insist generally now, so long as ordinary person understand continued to hit is Le Yuan killed Uchiha Itachi absolutely hopefully. As to of although Uchiha Itachi fighting detected that Le Yuan already leaves, but discretely after searching for the peripheral situation relieved Susanoo. 乐渊却像是个没事人一般依然坚持到现在,只要是正常人明白继续打下去绝对是乐渊有希望杀了宇智波鼬。作为对战者之一的宇智波鼬虽然察觉到乐渊已经离开,但是谨慎地还是在搜寻了周边的情况之后才解除了须佐能乎 Today's fights the result quickly then in member sharing by dawn, Le Yuan powerful is to make one crowd consider oneself as high S level Missing-nin (Rogue Ninja) first time thought of having may not the enemy, listed as the object who Le Yuan cannot be provoked at will simultaneously faintly. 今天的一战结果很快便被晓内的成员共享,乐渊的强悍更是让一群自视过高的s级叛忍第一次产生了不可敌的念头,同时隐隐将乐渊列为不可随意招惹的对象。 ... ...
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