VE :: Volume #8 三阶首战影之忍者

#692: Susa? Susa!

Facing four S level Missing-nin (Rogue Ninja) converging attack, fought for about 30 minutes, until now without receiving a flesh wound, is the present performance then makes Akatsuki four-man team feel thorny merely sufficiently. 面对四名S级叛忍的夹击,战斗了将近30分钟的时间,至今没有受到过一点外伤,仅仅是现在的表现便足以令晓之四人组感到棘手。 Kakuzu the compound attack of five attributes in not being able to hold the Le Yuan situation does not have to affect slightly, but the Hidan curse technique also does not have the place of displaying, after all Le Yuan simply has not given him the opportunity to draw blood. 角都五种属性的复合攻击在抓不住乐渊的情况下没有丝毫作用,而飞段的诅咒术同样无施展之地,毕竟乐渊根本没有给他机会取血。 But the combination of another side Uchiha Itachi and Hoshigaki Kisame facing Le Yuan that the defense must be watertight, similarly felt unable to start. Perhaps since they have become the combination then not to look like a Le Yuan such hard person, now Ninjutsu or Martial Arts cannot suppress Le Yuan, maintains three tomoe Sharingan Uchiha Itachi to look at Le Yuan of not far away not to know that thinks anything. 而另一边的宇智波鼬干柿鬼鲛的组合面对防御得滴水不漏的乐渊,同样感到无从下手。或许在他们成为组合以来便没有像乐渊这么硬的一个人,现在无论是忍术还是体术都根本压制不住乐渊,保持着三勾玉写轮眼宇智波鼬望着不远处的乐渊不知道想些什么。 Kisame, you that technique that uses you most to excel , the present terrain should be very suitable!” 鬼鲛,你用你最擅长的那个术吧,现在的地形应该很适合吧!” About Itachi looked at a present their position, saw only the already of original valley under several people of continual confrontation to get down again hollowly incessantly, looked like a natural dry lake completely. 左右看了一眼现在他们所处的位置,只见原本的谷底在几人的连续交锋之下已经再度凹陷下去了不止一点,完全就像是个天然干涸的湖泊。 After Hoshigaki Kisame hears, smiles, fights he not to enjoy oneself to the full now, thinks that finally has his both hands fast hand seal of opportunity, simultaneously that mouth on shark face roused. 干柿鬼鲛听到后嘿嘿一笑,战斗到现在他还没有尽兴,想到终于有自己用武之地的他双手飞快结印,同时鲨鱼脸上的那张嘴巴鼓了起来。 Water Release explodes the water to clash wave greatly!” 水遁・大爆水冲波!” Hoshigaki Kisame has the person of name of human form tailed beast worthily, perhaps entire Ninja World can put forth the person of this move of Water Release technique is also rare like him unscrupulously. 干柿鬼鲛不愧是有人形尾兽之称的人,恐怕整个忍界能像他这样肆无忌惮使出这一招水遁术的人也非常罕见。 Under this move, submerges the entire basin the water current to spout from the Hoshigaki Kisame mouth sufficiently, the fluent composition several-meter waterwall that the high sea comes also has Kakuzu and Hidan to throw together toward Le Yuan by the dreadful potential. 这一招之下,足以淹没整个盆地的水流从干柿鬼鲛的口中喷出,怒涛般汹涌而来的水流组成一道高达数十米的水墙以滔天之势向着乐渊还有角都飞段扑来。 Damn, Kisame this fellow acted sloppily!” “该死,鬼鲛这个家伙太胡来了!” Kakuzu looks that Hoshigaki Kisame the move of complexion changes, although his self-titled Undying Body, but this is not Undying Body of Hidan such no blind spot, under huge hydraulic pressure his heart, once exploded must die similarly. 角都看着干柿鬼鲛的这一招脸色一变,虽然他自号不死之身,但是这可不是飞段那样的无死点的不死身,在庞大的水压之下他的心脏一旦爆了同样得死。 The heart has scruples Kakuzu no matter also present Le Yuan, the rising with a spring both feet underground covers entirely chakra fiercely, hopes that can avoid this turbulent mighty waves anger to strike. But Hidan does not fear death, but does not want to try to be pressed the muddy flesh by the hydraulic pressure the taste, immediately same chose avoidance with Kakuzu. 心有顾忌的角都也不管眼前的乐渊,猛地一跃而起双脚地下布满查克拉,希望能够躲避开这汹涌的波涛怒击。而飞段虽然不怕死,但也不想试试被水压压成肉泥的滋味,随即和角都一样选择了避开。 Oh, the flat land presents such big wave also is really rare, hehe accompanies you to play!” “哇喔,平地出现这么大的浪还真是罕见呢,嘿嘿陪你玩玩!” Le Yuan looks the monstrous waves that the front surface presses not only have not felt fearful, on the contrary the interest in to ran to the direction of rough seas, saw only his foot bottom body to fly gently, immediately the under foot boundless water vapor was congealed by him in this moment, the function of Ice Spell in his hands on the contrary becomes tool that made the toy. 乐渊看着迎面压来的巨浪非但没有觉得可怕,相反兴致冲冲地跑向了大浪的方向,只见他脚一点底身体轻轻飞起,随即脚下无边的水汽在这一刻被他凝结,冰咒的作用在他手里反倒成为了制造玩具的工具。 Is congealed the surfboard that becomes to complete by the cold ice together completely in just one second, but at the same time that finally was bigger much the ocean waves to contact with Le Yuan. 一块完全由寒冰凝结而成的冲浪板在短短一秒之内完成,而与此同时那大得惊人的海浪终于与乐渊接触了。 Haha...... is such wave, has the value of conquering......” “哇哈哈……就是这样的浪,才有征服的价值……” The Le Yuan action looks like in onlooking Kakuzu and Hidan is a lunatic, facing such dreadful monstrous waves, a fate that cannot do well is the tragic death. After all this is typical attack Ninjutsu, specifically is not used to play. 乐渊的举动在旁观的角都飞段看来就是个疯子,面对那样的滔天巨浪,一个搞不好就是惨死的下场。毕竟这可是地地道道的攻击忍术,可不是专门用来游玩的。 But the Le Yuan movement actually subverted everyone's imagination, he takes the ice piece that Ice Spell congeals for the surfboard, the impulse that Wind Spell has is the power supply, in Kisame[ Water Release explodes water greatly to wave] free shuttle, the person who does not know also thinks that this is takes vacation in the seashore. 可是乐渊的动作却颠覆了所有人的想象,他以冰咒凝结的冰块为冲浪板,风咒产生的冲击力为动力源,在鬼鲛的[水遁・大爆水冲波]中自由穿梭,不知道的人还以为这是在海边度假。 Real fucking is rampant, I am not toy that no matter what you play, Water Release Infinite Sharks!” “真TM嚣张,我可不是任你玩耍的玩具,水遁无限鲛!” When the impact of ocean waves in the past, this piece of huge basin already became one huge to the inconceivable lake completely, but this regarding Hoshigaki Kisame without doubt is the best hunting for execution ground. 当海浪的冲击过去,这一片巨大的盆地已经完全变为了一个庞大到不可思议的湖,而这对于干柿鬼鲛而言无疑是最好的猎杀场。 Sees only both hands of Kisame to paste after the water surface, the innumerable shark water ball is centered on Kisame is born, simultaneously just like the real shark is ordinary, seemed like the missile to charge into Le Yuan in the water generally. 只见鬼鲛的双手贴在水面上以后,无数鲨鱼型水弹以鬼鲛为核心诞生,同时一个个宛如真实的鲨鱼一般,在水中像是飞弹一般冲向了乐渊 Although Infinite Sharks is not true infinite, but also absolutely is not the wild talk. So long as is responsible for supplying chakra both hands of Kisame not to leave the lake surface, then these 1000 then can no time limit rebirth start to the enemy attacks endlessly. 无限鲛虽然不是真正的无限,但是也绝对不是妄言。只要负责供给查克拉鬼鲛的双手不离开湖面,那么这1000条便能够无限次重生对敌人发动无休无止地进攻。 Just met the shark to the wave, this luck is really is lucky!” “刚刚冲完浪就遇到鲨鱼,这运气还真是幸运啊!” Le Yuan looks Sword of the Thunder God of own right hand, this sword can say that has nearly fearful strengthened increase ability to the thunder and lightning ability. But as for limit Le Yuan of increase had not actually probed, these happen to tries time actually. 乐渊看着自己右手的雷神之剑,这把剑可以说对雷电能力有着近乎可怕的强化增幅能力。而至于增幅的极限乐渊却一直没有试探出来,这一次倒是正好来试一试。 Sees only the right arm of Le Yuan in Akatsuki four-man team present shelterless became the Devil right arm, real should become his normal state own right arm. Also only then such condition can communicate within the body to belong to Devil thunder and lightning power unscrupulously. 只见乐渊的右臂在晓之四人组的眼前毫无遮掩的变为了魔人右臂,真实来讲应该是将自己的右臂变为了他的正常状态。也只有这样的状态才能肆无忌惮地沟通体内属于魔人雷电之力 little sharks, feels anything is the baptism of thunder and lightning!” 小鲨鱼们,来感受一下什么才是雷电的洗礼吧!” On the Le Yuan right hand arm flashes through is together blue becomes dark the lightning, later fills to input in the Sword of the Thunder God sword hilt fiercely, later inserted the lake surface of own under foot Sword of the Thunder God. 乐渊右手手臂上闪过一道蓝得发黑地闪电,随后猛地灌输入雷神之剑的剑柄中,随后一把将雷神之剑插入了自己的脚下的湖面。 One crowd of S level Missing-nin (Rogue Ninja) which are not the intuition keen generations, even if Kisame is still displaying Ninjutsu, in the flash saw turns toward the black lightning that all around spreads to come from the Le Yuan foot, still feels scalp tingles. 一群S级叛忍哪个不是直觉灵敏之辈,就算是鬼鲛还在施展忍术,在一瞬间见到自乐渊脚底下向着四周扩散而来的黑色闪电时,也是感到一阵头皮发麻。 Although does not know that what might this black lightning has, but the light is that lightning was disclosing unclear then made Kisame flee at the mere distant sight of the destruction sufficiently. Sees only shark water ball that withdraws without enough time in contact was then evaporated instantaneously completely, or the lake water of thunder and lightning place visited was evaporated by Strength of that implication completely. 虽然不知道这黑色闪电有着什么样的威力,但是光是那闪电本身透露着的不详与毁灭便足以令鬼鲛望风而逃。只见那来不及撤去的鲨鱼型水弹在接触的瞬间便被完全蒸发了,或者说雷电所过之处的湖水都被那蕴含的力量完全蒸发。 Kisame also or Uchiha Itachi, undying two people of groups in this moment idea only then a that escapes, the hell of this destructive thunder at all is not the person can resist. 无论是鬼鲛亦或者宇智波鼬,还是不死二人组在这一刻的想法只有一个那就是逃,这种毁灭性的雷之地狱根本不是人能够抵抗的。 Where not the excellent speed can quick the black thunder that the thunder and lightning, on Le Yuan has released even does not come compared with the lightning fast, the speed that but still pen group of people run is faster. 不过人的速度哪能快的过雷电,就算乐渊手上释放的黑雷并不比闪电来得快速,但也笔这群人跑起来的速度更快。 Saw the Le Yuan lightning must catch up with one group of people in dawn time, actually saw that black lightning to vanish in a flash. But Le Yuan also puts aside from the lake surface Sword of the Thunder God at this time, he stares at Sword of the Thunder God in hand to frown. 眼看乐渊的闪电就要追上晓中的一群人的时候,却见那黑色闪电在转瞬之间自己消失了。而乐渊此时亦将雷神之剑从湖面上移开,他盯着手中的雷神之剑直皱眉头。 This Sword of the Thunder God indeed is the rare sharp weapon, but eventually is not the thunder and lightning amplifier, although there is to strengthen the function of Lightning Release, but Le Yuan just which that is what Lightning Release, endures compared with the nature most intrepid crazy thunder obviously. 雷神之剑的确是不可多得的利器,但终究不是个雷电增幅器,虽然有强化雷遁的作用,但是乐渊刚刚的那哪是什么雷遁,明明堪比自然界最为强悍的狂雷。 Therefore Le Yuan puts merely the black thunder is about less than five seconds of time, Le Yuan then already detected sound that Sword of the Thunder God that is unable to withstand the load. If continuing, that is forcefully a also calculated the good sword destroying the fate. 是故乐渊仅仅将黑雷放出来不过五秒钟不到的时间,乐渊便已经察觉到雷神之剑那不堪重负的声音。如果在这么继续下去,那便是硬生生将一柄还算不错的剑给毁了的下场。 However although stopped the attack, however the hell of just thunder was not completely is not studious, a big stretch of lake district that at least Kisame manufactured was thoroughly destroyed, one group of people returned to the ground again. 不过虽然停止了攻击,但是刚刚的雷之地狱也不是全然无用功,最起码鬼鲛制作出来的一大片湖区被彻底摧毁了,一群人再一次回到了地面上。 Itachi-san, it seems like our these also really met the monster time, Martial Arts and Ninjutsu are impregnable powerful, destroyed the Konoha person worthily!” 鼬先生,看来我们这一次还真是遇上了怪物啊,体术忍术都是无懈可击的强大,不愧是摧毁了木叶的人啊!” Hoshigaki Kisame also lifted up Samehada at this time, if his chakra in the disagreement/not with Samehada fit condition is not inestimable in the true sense. Meeting Le Yuan this similarly is the person of ultra specification strength, his move absolutely does not have the advantage. 干柿鬼鲛此时也是重新扛起了鲛肌,如果在不和鲛肌合体的状态下他的查克拉也不是真正意义上的不可估计。遇上乐渊这样同样是超规格实力的人,他的招数完全没有优势可言。 You shove open, this fellow deals with by me!” “你们都推开,这个家伙由我来对付!” Saw only three tomoe in Uchiha Itachi eye to transfer, stopped the movement with Le Yuan that it looked at each other fiercely, the whole person looked like dumbfounded generally. 只见宇智波鼬眼中的三勾玉转了起来,与之对视的乐渊猛地停下了动作,整个人就像是呆住了一般。 „, Originally this bastard also has the weakness? Originally is the Genjutsu (Illusionary Technique) idiot?” “切,原来这混蛋也是有弱点的吗?原来是幻术白痴吗?” Hidan looks that Le Yuan that seems like displayed Genjutsu (Illusionary Technique) that surrounds by Uchiha Itachi Sharingan, somewhat took in the hand Triple-Bladed Scythe to walk in the Le Yuan direction excitedly. 飞段看着像是被宇智波鼬写轮眼施展的幻术困住的乐渊,有些兴奋地拿着手中血腥三月镰向着乐渊方向走了过去。 Hehe, this is not ordinary Genjutsu (Illusionary Technique), the Sharingan Genjutsu (Illusionary Technique) average person can compare can it be that but Genjutsu (Illusionary Technique) indeed copes with his good way!” “嘿嘿,这可不是普通的幻术,写轮眼幻术又岂是普通人可以比拟的,不过幻术的确是对付他的好办法!” Kakuzu looks that in Le Yuan move of the also said that but is not everyone can practice the Uchiha Itachi so situation Genjutsu (Illusionary Technique). 角都看着乐渊中招的这一幕也是如此说道,不过也不是每一个人都能将幻术练到宇智波鼬这般地步。 However when Hidan is close to the Le Yuan also two meters, Uchiha is the sudden body in a flash, is actually approaching Le Yuan Hidan to shout to already later fiercely extremely: Idiot, he does not have the technique!” 不过就在飞段接近乐渊还有两米的时候,宇智波却是突然身子一晃,随后猛地对着已经极为靠近乐渊飞段喊道:“白痴,他没中术!” Not? Le Yuan just chatted a while with Uchiha in Genjutsu (Illusionary Technique) well, contest Le Yuan in this spirit level never squints anybody. However woke up for the present this time was just good, Le Yuan to Hidan that did not have the preparation was a spear pierces. 没中?乐渊刚刚与宇智波可是在幻术之中好好聊了一会儿,这种精神层面上的较量乐渊从来不觑任何人。不过为了现在这个时候醒来刚刚好,乐渊对着没有准备的飞段便是一枪刺去。 Gungnir pierced the right chest of Hidan, as Le Yuan holds up Gungnir, the Hidan whole person was jumped high, probably a toy was hung by Le Yuan on Gungnir generally conveniently. 永恒之枪刺穿了飞段的右胸,随着乐渊举起永恒之枪,飞段整个人被高高跳起,像是个玩具一般被乐渊随手挂在永恒之枪上。 Bastard, is very sore, I must give to Sir Evil God you! Hiss “混蛋,很疼啊,我一定要将你献给邪神大人!嘶 Was stabbed by Gungnir, Hidan only thought that just like suffers in the world the happiest penalty, perhaps regarding his evil God Cult disciple, will receive Gungnir such Divine Tool attack to suffer the injury of far ultra ordinary person like this. 永恒之枪刺中,飞段只觉得犹如遭受世上最痛快的刑罚,或许对于他这样的邪神教徒而言,受到永恒之枪这样的神器袭击将会遭受到远超常人的伤害。 Then Itachi, makes me have a look at your real strength, otherwise your several may probably stay behind thoroughly!” “那么,就让我看看你真实的实力吧,不然的话你们几个可就得彻底留下了!” During the speeches, the body of Le Yuan sends out naked eye obvious blue color magic fluctuation, regarding Hidan and the others naturally its induction and special chakra. However even if special, can be the naked eye visible degree is still a fierce explanation. 说话间,乐渊的身上散发出肉眼可见的蓝色魔力波动,对于飞段等人而言自然而然地将其归纳与一种特殊的查克拉。不过就算是特殊的,能够达到肉眼可视的程度也是一种一场厉害的说明。 Can compare favorably with the Susanoo third shape Devil phantom to appear in everyone's front, but responded biggest must be Uchiha Itachi. Le Yuan the move was really and his card in a hand Susanoo looked like, formed the condition that the pattern finalized finally is exactly the same. 一个可以媲美须佐能乎第三形态的魔人虚影出现在了所有人的面前,而其中反应最大的就要属宇智波鼬了。乐渊的这一招实在是和他的底牌须佐能乎太像了,无论是形成模式还是最终定型的状态都是一模一样。 You, are really the biggest variable, then makes me have a look at you whether has Strength of change world......” “你,果然是最大的变数,那么就让我看看你是否有改变世界的力量……” Uchiha Itachi also no longer conceals in this moment, the body condition made him unable to control hundred meters big complete body Susanoo, to resist Le Yuan Devil phantom, the third shape already foot. 宇智波鼬在这一刻也不再隐瞒,身体状态令他无法掌控百米之大的完全体须佐能乎,但是为了对抗乐渊魔人虚影,第三形态已经足矣。 This moment when Uchiha Itachi Susanoo presents, Hoshigaki Kisame or Hidan and Kakuzu become the supporting role. 宇智波鼬须佐能乎出现的这一刻,无论是干柿鬼鲛还是飞段角都都成为了配角。 Susanoo VS Devil phantom, the showdown between huge puppet just started. 须佐能乎VS魔人虚影,巨大人偶间的对决才刚刚开始。 „, But also is really unexpected one, Uchiha Itachi hidden secret skill Susanoo of Mangekyō Sharingan was not surprised, when another actually can also display named Le Yuan compares favorably with Susanoo Strength, should say that worthily is the variable?” “啧啧,还真是意想不到的一幕啊,宇智波鼬一直隐藏的万花筒写轮眼的秘技须佐能乎并不感到意外,但是另一个叫做乐渊却也能施展时媲美须佐能乎力量,该说不愧是变数吗?” Is going into hiding in Uchiha Obito of distant place looks at of present saying that only then Mangekyō Sharingan he is unable to display this might infinite one move, copes with Uchiha Itachi time difficult to protect to have the accident/surprise, therefore saw Uchiha Itachi uses this move of time is especially earnest. 正隐匿于远处的宇智波带土望着现在的这一幕说道,只有一只万花筒写轮眼的他根本无法施展这威力无穷的一招,对付宇智波鼬的时候难保会出现意外,所以看到宇智波鼬使用这一招的时候格外认真。 Do not forget this fellow to add on your Uchiha Clan bloodline(s) by Orochimaru, can use such move not accidental/surprised, don't you make a move? Now coordinates Uchiha Itachi to solve this variable best opportunity!” “你可别忘了这家伙可是被大蛇丸加上了你们宇智波一族血统,能够使用出如此的招数并不令人意外,你不出手吗?现在配合宇智波鼬可是解决这个变数最好的机会!” Black White Zetsu fit condition Black Zetsu of right half part was saying to Uchiha Obito, although does not know why he seemingly regarding killing Le Yuan this matter craves. 白绝合体状态中的右半部分的黑绝对着宇智波带土说道,虽然不知道为什么他貌似对于杀乐渊这件事非常地热衷。 Does not use, he seemingly has no interest in major ninja village, may not pose the threat to us, even if I make a move is still very difficult him to remain, perhaps his Space-Time Ninjutsu already was on a par with initial Namikaze Minato , these is regarded as the collection material time!” “不用,他貌似对于各大忍村没有兴趣,不一定会对我们造成威胁,而且就算我出手也很难将他留下来,他的时空忍术或许已经与当初的波风水门不相伯仲了,这一次就当做是收集资料吧!” With the Uchiha Obito decision, two people in hidden looked again to Le Yuan and Uchiha Itachi in showdown. 随着宇智波带土的拍板,隐藏的两个人再一次望向了对决中的乐渊宇智波鼬
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