VE :: Volume #8 三阶首战影之忍者

#691: The fire of Amaterasu is put out

In Akatsuki everyone is not the good stubble, the person who or this organization can enter is not the good person, but inside member to person social ease also even not good, launches attacks the behavior from beforehand Kakuzu to Le Yuan with no reason at all, can look. 晓组织里面的每一个人都不是善茬子,或者说这个组织本来能够进入的人就不是什么好人,而里面成员的对人态度自然也就算不上好,从之前角都无缘无故对乐渊发动攻击的行为,就可以看出来了。 Although named tries to incur, but makes a move not to have slightly allows the hand leeway in fact, makes a move to rush to the Le Yuan life to come. This trying move of method, if attacked Le Yuan strength could not follow to be basically equal dead in vain, who for the Le Yuan tragic death but had guilty. 虽然名为试招,但是事实上出手之间却没有丝毫的留手余地,一出手就是奔着乐渊的性命而来的。这种试招方法,如果被攻击的乐渊实力跟不上的话基本上就等同于白死了,又有谁会为乐渊的惨死而心怀内疚。 Counts has now joined the Akatsuki candidate, no one is a weak one. 细数现在加入过晓组织的人选,就没有一个人是弱者的。 Nagato and founders of Konan these two organizations, Rinnegan that has Uchiha Madara to transplant, is a myth half conceals that solved Amegakure. It seems like the human and animals to be introverted harmlessly as for another Onee-san Konan, is relying on the technique of special Paper Release and kills move of to gather 600 billion Explosive Tag[ Paper Person of God Technique], it can be said that destructive power most astonishing in organization. 长门小南这两个组织的创建者,一个拥有宇智波斑移植的轮回眼,更是一手解决了雨忍村的神话半藏。至于另一个看起来人畜无害又性格内向的御姐小南,更是凭借着特殊的纸遁之术和杀招集合了6000亿张起爆符的[神之纸者之术],可以说是在组织中破坏力最为惊人的一个。 Following Orochimaru, Uchiha Itachi, Deidara, Hoshigaki Kisame wait/etc a series of character which is not shouldering the S level Missing-nin (Rogue Ninja) given name, can say anyone has to compare favorably with Kage's ability of village. 接下来的大蛇丸宇智波鼬迪达拉干柿鬼鲛等等一系列人物哪一个不是背负着S级叛忍的名号,可以说其中的任一个人都有着媲美一村之影的能力 Reason that said that compares favorably with Kage of a village rather than to have, that is because the group of person in dawn have the inevitable weakness, aimed at extremely easily. Has the integrity ability with it opposite major ninja villages Kage relatively speaking, the one-to-one winning percentage is on the contrary bigger. 之所以说是媲美一村之影而不是拥有,那是因为晓之中的这群人自身都有着不可避免的弱点,极易被针对。与之相反的各大忍村的影相对而言有着全面性的能力,一对一的胜率反倒更大。 But Le Yuan looks around own two groups of troops, only thought that the dawn also is really harbors evil intentions to him. Must know in Akatsuki, their organization members are very proud, can form two people one group of teams is because must avoid as a result of the failure that being proud of individual strength causes, can 22 action already be their bottom line. 乐渊看着自己前后的两组人马,只觉得晓还真是对他不怀好意。要知道在晓组织中,他们的组织成员都是非常骄傲的,能够组成两人一组的队伍都是因为要避免由于个人实力的自负而导致的失败,能够两两行动已经是他们的底线了。 But now to deal with a Le Yuan person, Akatsuki sent two teams of troops to come unexpectedly, this has saying that the Le Yuan worth was not general high. This matter already contrast can look, even collects tailed beast, the arrangement of dawn still removes one group of two members merely. But Le Yuan is aiming by two groups of troops now, this is not simple one adds the strength appraisal that 1 obtains. 而现在为了对付乐渊一个人,晓组织竟然派上了两队人马前来,这不得不说乐渊的身价不是一般的高。这种事情已经对比就能看得出来,就算是收集尾兽,晓的安排也仅仅是排除一组两名成员。而乐渊现在被两组人马针对着,这可不是简单的一加一得出的实力评价。 The front undying two people of groups have the troops who the rear Strength two people of groups cannot cope with simply, at least present four person already had ability that kills Le Yuan. 前方的不死二人组还有后方的力量二人组都不是简简单单能够对付的人马,最起码现在的四个人已经具备了杀死乐渊的能力。 Most makes is also not present Akatsuki four-man team that Le Yuan cares, but by the intuition discovery of Le Yuan does not exist fifth person and the sixth person, place of that two lines of sight outside battlefield are observing surrounded Le Yuan, that is to giving Le Yuan pressure biggest the character. 最令乐渊在意的还不是眼前的晓之四人组,而是由乐渊的直觉发现的并不存在的第五人和第六人,那两道视线正在战场之外的地方观察着被包围的乐渊,那才是对给乐渊压力最大的人物。 Uchiha Obito also has the hidden certainly? Also is really two cautious fellows, but is not cannot reduce the opponent number......” 宇智波带土还有隐藏的绝吗?还真是两个谨慎的家伙,不过也不是不能减少对手数量……” The eye of Le Yuan looked at itself suddenly behind Uchiha Itachi of position, must say hard to deal with must be Uchiha Itachi their group. Compared with own strength weak area very obvious undying two people of groups, Uchiha Itachi also has Hoshigaki Kisame definitely to be called is Nin, Tai, and Gen full scale development good Ninja. 乐渊的眼睛突然瞄到了自己身后位置的宇智波鼬,要说难缠恐怕就要属宇智波鼬他们这一组的了。比起自身实力短板非常明显的不死二人组,宇智波鼬还有干柿鬼鲛完全可以称得上是忍体幻全面发展的好忍者 Hey, I said that we were also the past not complain recently did not have the enmity, you treated as simply have not seen me, everyone merry gathering and happy parting how?” “喂,我说我们也是往日无怨近日无仇的,你们干脆当作没看见我,大家好聚好散怎么样?” Just assumed an awe-inspiring pose to hit almost half dead Le Yuan admitted defeat suddenly probably saying the undying two people of groups, looks at surrounding in the own side four people. Le Yuan is one worries, if after all will really kill these four people the future development to be possible really is not possible to forecast, particularly the influence of Uchiha Itachi will be biggest. 刚刚发威将不死二人组打得差点半死的乐渊突然像是服软似的说道,看着包围在自己身边的四个人。乐渊是一阵发愁,毕竟如果真干掉这四个人的话未来的发展可真就不可预测了,尤其是宇智波鼬的影响最大。 Un? Your this fellow wants to escape, which is so easy! Does not choose the people who join us to organize to die, you are no exception!” “嗯?你这家伙想逃,哪那么容易!不选择加入我们组织的人都得死,你也不例外!” Hidan already will burn the restore well most probably, to lift up his Triple-Bladed Scythe at this time again, such faded from the memory probably is been just ordinary by a Le Yuan almost second of killing fact, the appearance was very rampant. 飞段已经将灼伤修复地好了大半,此时再度扛起了他那血腥三月镰,那样子像是淡忘了刚刚被乐渊差点秒杀的事实一般,样子别提有多嚣张了。 But the person who understands a side also recognized probably Le Yuan will not become their teammates to be the same, no longer paid attention to the Le Yuan excuse to start to launch the new round attack. 而晓一方的人也像是认定了乐渊不会成为他们的队友一般,不再理会乐渊的说辞开始发动起了新一轮的攻击。 In tandem, Hidan also has Hoshigaki Kisame these two fellows who carry the long weapon led to sprint toward Le Yuan, in two people was at a rate of 0001624063 quicker, between in his hand by the white cloth strip is wrapping the Samehada flash the white cloth strip is punctured, revealed the fierce slaughtering condition. 一前一后,飞段还有干柿鬼鲛这两个扛着长兵器的家伙帅向着乐渊冲刺了过来,两人之中干柿鬼鲛更快,之间他手中被白布条包裹着的鲛肌一瞬间将白布条刺破,露出了狰狞的杀戮状态。 Samehada does not cut the person but truncates the person!” 鲛肌可不是砍人的而是削人的!” As former Kirigakure Seven Ninja Swordsmen Hoshigaki Kisame is the expert who is good at using Samehada such unusual blade class, to use Samehada trained one to be at variance with the conventional sabreplay. 身为前雾隐七忍刀之一的干柿鬼鲛本身就是善于使用鲛肌这样非正常刀类的达人,为了使用好鲛肌可是训练出了一手异于常规的刀术。 Hoshigaki Kisame that writes from the positio dorsoposterior wields by the lower right toward the waist of Le Yuan Samehada, the speed quick, technique is not 1-2 years can practice. 从背后位置写来的干柿鬼鲛鲛肌由右下方向着乐渊的腰间挥去,速度之快、手法之准绝不是1-2能够练出来的。 But in the instance of Hoshigaki Kisame attack, being unwilling to fall behind Hidan also rises with a spring at the same time, worked as the forehead of Le Yuan to divide Triple-Bladed Scythe in hand by the Mt. Hua Cleaving Force situation. Compares in the posture that the Hoshigaki Kisame offense and defense has both, Hidan movement that may be really full of holes. 而就在干柿鬼鲛进攻的瞬间,不甘落后的飞段也是在同一时间一跃而起,以力劈华山的态势将手中的血腥三月镰当着乐渊的脑门劈了下来。相较于干柿鬼鲛的攻守兼备的姿势,飞段的动作那可真就是破绽百出了。 Clang “锵 The sound that weapons collide, sees only Gungnir in Le Yuan left hand probably to be optional one group, the spear's/gun's body is delimiting a circle toward the one side to unload in the wink of an eye simultaneously to two lethal weapons that he compels. 一声兵戈碰撞的声音,只见乐渊左手中的永恒之枪像是随意一拨,枪身在瞬息之间划出一个圆将同时向他逼来的两把致命武器向着一旁卸开。 “滋滋滋 In next second, Hoshigaki Kisame or Hidan look bitterly and astringently later no matter also Le Yuan, grabs own weapon toward to retreat hastily behind. Saw only in just flash, their chest already had/left a slash, at the same time scratched to not have intense feeling paralysis. 就在下一秒,无论是干柿鬼鲛还是飞段都面露苦涩随后也不管乐渊,连忙抓着自己的武器向着身后退去。只见在刚刚的一瞬间,他们的胸口已经多出了一条刀痕,与此同时被划伤的不为还带着强烈的麻痹感。 „Is that...... Sword of the Thunder God? Did not say that already was destroyed?” “那是……雷神之剑?不是说已经被毁了吗?” Hoshigaki Kisame after drawing back next, looks in the Le Yuan hand to bloom the hilt of blue light blade twittering saying that after all this once was in the treasured sword that in the Second Hokage hand blossoms in radiant splendor, moreover Hoshigaki Kisame is the person of love blade, has naturally understood Sword of the Thunder God. 干柿鬼鲛在退下之后,望着乐渊手中正绽放着蓝色光刃的刀柄呢喃道,毕竟这是曾在二代目火影手中大放异彩的宝刀,而且干柿鬼鲛本身又是个爱刀的人,自然有了解过雷神之剑 Snort!, You use your body to examine!” “哼!是不是真的,你们用自己的身体来检验一下吧!” The thoughts that temporarily does not plan to sneak off Le Yuan that also holds is fighting toward Hidan also to have Hoshigaki Kisame to start fiercely attacking. Now Uchiha Itachi and Kakuzu has not joined the war, Le Yuan some are the opportunity these two killing. 暂时不打算就此溜走的乐渊也是抱着一战的心思向着飞段还有干柿鬼鲛发动了猛攻。现在宇智波鼬和角度还没有加入战局,乐渊有的是机会将这两人给干掉。 Suddenly the collision sound of sword and spear sword halberd continuously continuously, during Le Yuan or Hoshigaki Kisame also or were Hidan fall into the intense cold weapons to encounter. Now regardless of their three people which cannot easily relax own both hands, otherwise a stagnant attack will then be injured by the sword and spear of coming slightly. 一时间连续不断的刀枪剑戟的碰撞声此起彼伏,无论是乐渊还是干柿鬼鲛亦或者是飞段都陷入了激烈的冷兵器交锋之中。现在他们三人无论哪一个都不能轻易放松自己的双手,不然稍一停滞攻击便会被迎面而来的刀枪所伤。 However the manpower exhausts, this very intensive confrontation also impossible works never-ending, in three people takes the lead unable to insist what is Martial Arts weakest Hidan. Sees only along with Hidan brandishes the Triple-Bladed Scythe movement slightly one slowly, made to maintain high-speed attack Le Yuan to find the flaw, the Sword of the Thunder God sword of right hand an arm of Hidan cutting off, later took advantage of opportunity a foot to trample it to the war zone. 不过人力有穷尽,这种高强度的对峙也不可能永无休止地进行下去,三人中率先坚持不住的是体术最弱的飞段。只见伴随着飞段挥舞血腥三月镰动作的稍一迟缓,令一直保持着高速攻击的乐渊找到了破绽,右手的雷神之剑一剑将飞段的一只胳膊给砍断了,随后顺势一脚将其踹离了战区。 coughs!” “噗啊咳!” Le Yuan that is not general, was being trampled in the distant place that flies did not have Uchiha Itachi and Kakuzu of sound to begin instantaneously. 乐渊的那一脚可不是一般的中,在被踹飞的瞬间一直在远处没有动静的宇智波鼬还有角度动手了。 [ Lightning Release: False Darkness], collected the shape thunder to change the sharp electricity spear/gun to puncture toward the Le Yuan heart position from the Kakuzu back Earth Grudge Fear mask together, the lightning lively expansive sky of flying made Le Yuan even be able to smell the air scorched smell. [雷遁·伪暗],从角都背后的地怨虞面具中一道收束状雷变化成锐利电枪向着乐渊的心脏位置刺了过来,飞逝的闪电活泼长空令乐渊甚至能闻到空气被烧焦的气味。 But Hoshigaki Kisame was also seizes the chance to jump to leave side Le Yuan, saw only from Hoshigaki Kisame behind the direction, came from blocked the Le Yuan escape route the Phoenix Sage Fire attack of Uchiha Itachi. 干柿鬼鲛也是趁机纵身离开了乐渊身边,只见从干柿鬼鲛身后方向,来自于宇智波鼬凤仙火攻击紧接着堵住了乐渊的退路。 After first lightning the flame, in the sky also has Hoshigaki Kisame to be in the way. 前闪电后火焰,天空之中还有干柿鬼鲛挡路。 Chī “嗤 The lightning or the flame cannot block the action of Le Yuan, was the time that the eye winked, Le Yuan then passes through hundred meters distance to flicker the body to arrive at behind Kakuzu merely. Also is one also has Dash Thorn very quickly, the Sword of the Thunder God electricity blade pricked in Kakuzu's body to explode to the thorn his third water attribute heart. 无论是闪电还是火焰都没有能够拦住乐渊的行动,仅仅是眼睛一眨的时间,乐渊便穿过了百米的距离瞬身来到了角度的身后。又是一记又快有很的突刺,雷神之剑的电刃刺入了角度的身体内将他的第三颗水属性心脏给刺爆了。 Pricks that moment of Kakuzu body Sword of the Thunder God in Le Yuan, Earth Grudge Fear in Kakuzu body no longer is also silent, immediately before Le Yuan has not pulled out the sword with enough time, both hands of Kakuzu were separated from the body to start tentacle heavy blows with the aid in within the body Earth Grudge Fear Strength to Le Yuan. 就在乐渊雷神之剑刺入角都身体的那一刻,角都身体中的地怨虞也不再沉默,顿时在乐渊还没来得及抽出剑之前,角都的双手借助体内地怨虞力量脱离身体对乐渊发动了一记触手重拳。 Immediately the chest of Le Yuan felt like only hit to stepping on generally, is striked to fly 30 meters to continue fiercely, delimited a 20-meter long mark on the ground. 顿时乐渊的胸口只感觉像是被打向踩过一般,猛地被打飞了30米不止,在地上划出一道长达20米的烙印 although this punch from Kakuzu endures compared with the strange strength fist of Tsunade, but already will experience Le Yuan powerful Akatsuki four-man team at the same time not to think early this can defeat it, at the same time has only had move of Uchiha Itachi in this flash fiercely a blink, immediately Mangekyō Sharingan opened. 虽然角度的这一拳堪比纲手的怪力拳,但是早已经见识过乐渊强悍一面的晓之四人组可不会以为这就能将其击败,一边只出过一招的宇智波鼬在这一瞬间猛地一眨眼,登时万花筒写轮眼打开了。 Amaterasu!” 天照!” In the Mangekyō Sharingan secret technique is called the ability of strongest physical attack, at this moment showed in everyone's front. Saw only the Uchiha Itachi line of sight the touching place to produce one group of black flame, this black flame covered to think at the extremely quick speed place that Le Yuan fell to the ground. 万花筒写轮眼秘术之中被称为最强物理攻击的能力,这一刻展现在了所有人的面前。只见宇智波鼬视线所触及处产生了一团黑色的火焰,这黑色火焰以极快的速度覆盖想乐渊倒地的地方。 Gruff goods, give you share feast!” “憨货,给你份大餐!” Le Yuan transforms around in the flash becomes the institute of strength of covering Small World, later will be before the flash in the heavenly book fairyland Black Fire Dragon Cat of deep sleep summoned own body instantaneously, by its just like a big body of wall for oneself to keep off the attack of Amaterasu. 乐渊在一瞬间将自己周围转化成为了小世界之力笼罩之所,随后在一瞬间将处于天书仙境中沉睡的黑火龙猫瞬间召唤到了自己的身前,以它那犹如一堵墙的高大身子替自己挡下了天照的攻击。 What?” “什么?” Looks that also just like summoned beast was summoned Black Fire Dragon Cat before Le Yuan body generally instantaneously, Uchiha Itachi surprised is incapable of changing the route that Amaterasu goes forward, helpless can only control Amaterasu package Black Fire Dragon Cat all round. 看着犹如通灵兽一般被瞬间召唤到乐渊身前的黑火龙猫,宇智波鼬吃惊的同时也无力在改变天照前进的路线,无奈只能控制天照黑火龙猫团团包裹了起来。 squeak squeak roar “吱吱吼 Perhaps the fire of this Amaterasu regarding others is thing awfully, Black Fire Dragon Cat that but is wrapped now by the flame actually meets the glutton common eyes of feast to shine probably. Saw only Black Fire of Black Fire Dragon Cat body surface seems like ignited suddenly thoroughly generally, the flash and Amaterasu flame blended. 或许这天照之火对于其他人而言是要命的东西,但是现在被火焰包裹住的黑火龙猫却像是遇见大餐的吃货一般双眼放光。只见黑火龙猫体表的黑火一时间像是被彻底引燃了一般,一瞬间与天照的火焰交融到了一起。 But this action made to operate Amaterasu Uchiha Itachi to stare the big eye immediately fiercely, in his sensation, Amaterasu in little is losing the contact with him, this situation since he grasped Amaterasu then not to happen. 而这一举动登时令操纵着天照宇智波鼬猛地瞪大眼睛,在他的感知之中,天照正在一点点与他失去联系,这种情况从他掌握天照起便从来也没有发生过。 Belch “嗝 Comes from Black Fire Dragon Cat is one minute, the fire of Amaterasu that wreaks havoc was then absorbed completely. But Black Fire Dragon Cat was more like ate to the full hit a belch, this action looked like in Uchiha Itachi without doubt is a serious provocation. 黑火龙猫现身不过是一分钟的时间,那肆虐的天照之火便被完全吸收。而黑火龙猫更像是吃饱了似的打了一个嗝,这一举动在宇智波鼬看来无疑就是一次严重的挑衅。 But Le Yuan after was successfully dodging the attack of Amaterasu, received Black Fire Dragon Cat immediately. After all maintained the Small World domain, although and is insufficient to make him take off/escape the strength, but similarly is a big burden. 乐渊在成功规避了天照的攻击之后,立马将黑火龙猫重新收了回去。毕竟维持了小世界领域虽然并不至于令他脱力,但是同样是个不小的负担。 But in the Amaterasu completely swallowed instance, Uchiha Itachi pain is covering own right eye, there is having tears of blood together to flow out. The Dōjutsu (Eye Technique) broken backlash function on his body, this command body condition not good Itachi the body in a flash, original Mangekyō Sharingan also returned to the three tomoe condition in this moment immediately temporarily. 而在天照被完全吞噬的瞬间,宇智波鼬痛苦的捂着自己的右眼,那里正有一道血泪流出。瞳术被破的反噬作用在了他的身上,这令原本身体状态就不好的顿时身子一晃,原本的万花筒写轮眼在这一刻也暂时回到了三勾玉的状态。 both sides battled for 20 minutes, Hidan break the arm again, the heart of Kakuzu are destroyed three, Hoshigaki Kisame, although has not been injured, but the small achievement has not seen, but Uchiha Itachi was Dōjutsu (Eye Technique) is broken suffered backlash. 双方交战20分钟,飞段再一次断臂,角都的心脏被破坏了三颗,干柿鬼鲛虽然没有受伤但也寸功未见,而宇智波鼬更是瞳术被破遭受到了反噬。 The most essential point is Le Yuan already has not flowed out a bloodstain until now, had not been damaged by abrasion the external skin, although was hit a fist but to look like a bystander to be the same radically. 最关键的一点就是乐渊直到现在已经没有流出一点血迹,更没有被擦破表皮,虽然被打了一拳但根本就像是个没事人一般。
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