VE :: Volume #8 三阶首战影之忍者

#690: The dawn of advancing on

After Konoha collapse plan, Le Yuan several days then went separate ways with him after the Orochimaru Otogakure lie. Since Quest already completes, hits the person of body idea to collaborate with such a time again, that looks for trouble for oneself in oneself. 木叶崩溃计划之后,乐渊大蛇丸音忍村停驻了几日之后便与他分道扬镳了。既然任务已经完成,再和这么一个时刻打着自己身体主意的人联手,那岂不是在自己给自己找麻烦。 But the most essential point is, Le Yuan when the Otogakure rest already initially completed own suspicion. That Sage Body talent ability seed already that extracted from first generation Soul successfully integrated the body of Karin, and completed in just seven days awakened initially. 而最关键的一点就是,乐渊音忍村休息的时候已经初步完成了自己的猜想。那枚从初代目灵魂中提取的仙人体天赋能力种子已经成功融入了香磷的身体,并且在短短的七天之内完成了初步觉醒。 Le Yuan extraction the type of Soul can say the risk to lowly, was not only fluctuates as for the thought of person the memory and emotion of Soul body gives to reject completely, including possibly to had the influence ability by implantation one and removes. 乐渊的提取的灵魂之种可以说将危险性将至了最低,不但将灵魂体的记忆、情感乃至于人的思维波动全部给剔除了,连可能对被植入者产生影响的能力一并去除。 If relation between Karin and Senju Hashirama probably only then Special Constitution relation between Uzumaki Clan and Senju Clan, therefore Le Yuan one and erased the Senju Hashirama Wood Release ability, for can enhance Karin and this first seeds the success ratio between of fusion as far as possible. 香磷千手柱间之间的联系大概就只有漩涡一族千手一族之间的特殊体质联系,是故乐渊千手柱间木遁能力都一并抹掉了,为的就是能够尽可能提高香磷与这第一枚种子之间的融合的成功率。 But in fact, Karin in the coordination with seeds is indeed good. Although cannot be the peak the Senju Hashirama level, cannot place on a par with Devil Undying Body Resilience that Le Yuan has, Sage Body that but Karin has now is as good in Resilience that the seal Nine-Tails Uzumaki Naruto has. 而事实上,香磷的确与种子之间的配合非常好。虽然没能达到巅峰时期的千手柱间水平,更没能和乐渊拥有的魔人不死身恢复能力相提并论,但是香磷现在拥有的仙人体绝不逊于在封印着九尾漩涡鸣人所拥有的恢复能力 powerful self- Resilience in addition Karin own[ physical ability cure] effect, present Karin is one has without doubt restores in addition the individual cure expert of ultra long standby ability, own survival capability treats the ability the potential to be limitless. 强大的自我恢复能力外加香磷自身的[体能治愈]效果,现在的香磷无疑是一个拥有自我恢复外加超长待机能力的个体治愈专家,无论是自己的生存能力还是治疗能力的潜力都是不可限量的。 For does not waste the Karin talent, the best choice is to make her medical Ninja. After all her own original ability is partial in the assistance, if can learn/study to become outstanding medical Ninja without doubt her talent to display the pinnacle. 为了不浪费香磷的天赋,最好的选择就是让她成为一名医疗忍者。毕竟她自己本来的能力就是偏向于辅助,如果能够学习成为一名优秀的医疗忍者无疑可以将她的天赋发挥到极致。 But must study Medical Ninjutsu naturally to study well, but in Ninja World at present strongest medical Ninja without doubt is Tsunade. The present is Ninja Calendar in mid August 60, three generations died in battle did not have over the past month, but Tsunade has not naturally returned to to become Fifth Hokage with Jiraiya. 而要学医疗忍术自然就要学最好的,而忍界中目前最强的医疗忍者无疑就是纲手。现在是忍历60年8月中旬,三代战死还没过去一个月,而纲手自然还没有随着自来也回归成为五代目火影 If really must put together the speed and eloquence, Le Yuan has absolutely can self-confidently before Tsunade becomes Hokage under makes her comply to receive Karin for the disciple. However this matter Le Yuan also thinks the most wanted terrorist, this world Le Yuan becomes famous after all, the Tsunade present moral integrity had not guaranteed even, is still very difficult to make her to the guidance that Karin conducts to give as much support as possible. 如果真要拼速度和口才的话,乐渊绝对有着自信能够在纲手成为火影之前让她答应下收香磷为弟子。不过这种事情乐渊也只是想一想而已,毕竟这个世界乐渊可是出了名的通缉犯,就算纲手现在的节操没有保证,也很难令她对香磷进行倾囊相授的教导。 After some time being together, this Karin also let loose the alert thoroughly. To her, although heavenly book fairyland spacious a point, a popularity does not have, but also are many fun lifeform( the Black Fire Dragon Cat and demon flood dragon and other Demon World lifeform to sob, was sexually harassed by a little miss is actually not able to counter-attack, too aggrieved), moreover Le Yuan may not have to force her to be gnawed the irritated hands arm by countless people again, she does not need to be worried own which day will die as a result of chakra exhausted. 经过一段时间的相处,这香磷也算是彻底放开了戒备。对于她而言,虽然天书仙境空旷了一点,一点人气也没有,但是却又不少好玩的生物(黑火龙猫、魔蛟等魔界生物抽泣中,被一个小姑娘调戏却无法反击,太憋屈了),而且乐渊可没有强迫她再次被无数人啃咬手臂,她再也不用担心自己哪一天会由于查克拉耗尽而死掉。 Le Yuan that leaves from Land of Rice Fields aimless is completely has not been regarded as the most wanted terrorist oneself, how usually is the life now still as usual, but was put the ventilation by him Karin is is very more curious to all. 田之国漫无目的离开的乐渊那是全然没有把自己当作是一个通缉犯,平日里是怎么生活现在依然照旧,而被他放出来透气的香磷更是对一切都好奇得很。 Two people arrived at Land of Hot Water of Land of Rice Fields neighboring country quickly, here is the entire Ninja continent hot spring are most is also the highest-quality country, simultaneously Land of Hot Water Yugakure also ninja village that a few serves the average person to be Kage of a village. 两人很快就来到了田之国邻国的汤之国,这里是整个忍者大陆温泉最多也是最优质的国家,同时汤之国汤忍村也是少数侍奉普通人为一村之影忍村 The Land of Hot Water peaceful environment made it become the entire Ninja World continent rare Garden of Eden similarly, every year arrived at the person who Land of Hot Water took vacation to be countless, this greatly promoted the economic development of Land of Hot Water. 汤之国的和平环境同样令它成为了整个忍界大陆少有的伊甸园,每年来到汤之国度假的人不计其数,这大大促进了汤之国的经济发展。 qu, is as always repugnant, this peace really disgusting!” “呿,还是一如既往的讨厌啊,这种和平真令人恶心!” Saw only one to carry the giant blood red sickle, to wear the black robe with red clouds man walked when the Land of Hot Water Meigui Street discontented sent out such complaint. 只见一个扛着巨大血红色镰刀、身着黑底红云长袍的男子走在汤之国玫瑰街时不满的发出了这样的抱怨。 Hehe, don't you live in such a disgusting place? Now returned to the hometown not to have other feeling? The leader shouted that we come may not only listen to you to complain, my also bulk bargains wait to do......” “嘿嘿,你不就是生在这么一个令人恶心的地方吗?现在回到故乡难道没有别的感慨了吗?首领喊我们来可不仅仅听你抱怨的,我可是还有一笔大买卖等着做呢……” Sees only another to wear the black robe with red clouds man to say similarly not to worry or care about at all, his eye this matter already fluttered to the distant place, simultaneously in the look is flooding to the hope of money. 只见另一个同样身着黑底红云长袍的男子满不在意地说道,他的眼睛此事已经飘向了远方,同时眼神中充斥着对金钱的渴望。 If Le Yuan sees these two people certainly to recognize, undying two people of groups in these two dawn, Hidan and Kakuzu. Moreover perhaps listens to the meaning in their words to come this Land of Hot Water goal is not simple. 如果乐渊看见这二人一定能够一眼就认出来,这两人正是晓中的不死二人组,飞段还有角度。而且听他们话中的意思恐怕来这汤之国的目的可不简单。 „, Do not press me with the leader. The leader said the hard to deal with characters need to solve, I will not collaborate with that two fellows, does only person, need our four people to collaborate unexpectedly? Did this also think highly of that fellow?” “切,别拿首领压我。要不是首领说有一个难缠的人物需要解决,我才不会和那两个家伙联手呢,区区一个人,竟然需要我们四人联手?这也太看得起那家伙了吧?” Hidan is brandishing giant scythe in hand, seems unsatisfied regarding arranged some of this leader, or regarding takes lightly itself but is secretly indignant. 飞段挥舞着手中的巨镰,似乎对于这一次首领的安排有些不满意,又或者是对于这么看轻自己而暗自气愤。 Let alone, the opposite party destroyed the most Konoha person after all, is worth arranging, according to the meaning of leader is the preparation invites him to join, but is very difficult to succeed......” “别说了,对方毕竟是毁灭了大半个木叶的人,值得这么安排,按照首领的意思是准备邀请他加入的,不过恐怕很难成功……” The when information of Kakuzu recalled this Quest goal, in the mind recalled to see this news shock initially for the first time. ninja hero Third Hokage dies of its directly, Konoha is because his attack destruction most, although is always obscure, but is not famous already, became famous vibrated entire Ninja World. 角度回忆这一次任务目标的信息,脑海中不由回忆起当初第一次见到这消息时的震撼。忍雄三代目火影直接死于其手,木叶更是由于他的攻击毁灭大半,虽然一直以来默默无闻,但是不出名则已,一出名就震动了整个忍界 Seven days later the Land of Hot Water north mountainous area, here most places have not developed, but is hiding many natural hot springs similarly, is the people in many travelling various countries' the place that likes coming. 七天之后汤之国的以北山区,这里绝大多数地方还没有开发,但是同样隐藏着不少天然的温泉,是许多游历诸国的人最喜欢前来的地方。 Le Yuan from entering Land of Hot Water fifth day then took back in Karin the heavenly book fairyland, for several days with the aid to on Uzumaki Clan seal technique the assistances of the research of her within the body special nature chakra with some Scroll of Seals and decoded, Le Yuan regarding the understanding of seal technique deepened day after day. 乐渊从进入汤之国的第五天便将香磷重新收回了天书仙境之内,这些天借助对与她体内特殊性质查克拉的研究和破解的部分封印之书上的漩涡一族封印术的辅助,乐渊对于封印术的了解日渐加深。 However when he also wants continues intensively to conduct the research, the person who bothers appeared. At first Le Yuan also thinks is Ninja that Konoha sends, but with the counter- investigation of Le Yuan, actually the discovery traces the whereabouts is not others unexpectedly is the dawn. 不过就在他还想要继续深入进行研究的时候,搅局的人出现了。起初乐渊还以为是木叶派出来的忍者,但是随着乐渊的反调查,却发现追查自己行踪的不是别人竟然是晓。 Mentioned the dawn, Le Yuan took the lead to think was enters no reason ambush that Naruto World encountered initially, was sent into exile with no reason at all by big BOSS Uchiha Obito No. 2 world, if were not Le Yuan enough adds on the ability to be uncommon smartly, perhaps already and this world said that bye-bye. 一提到晓,乐渊率先想到了就是自己初入火影世界遭遇的无理由伏击,无缘无故被大BOSS宇智波带土放逐到了二号世界,如果不是乐渊足够机灵加上能力不凡,恐怕早就和这个世界说拜拜了。 But others do not know, Le Yuan has not known dawn present control at all is not Nagato, but is Uchiha Obito this villain who plays shady move. The dawn looks for now is not meddlesome, for this reason Le Yuan arrived at the desolate and uninhabited Land of Hot Water mountainous area directly. 而别人不知道,乐渊难道还不知道晓现在的掌控者根本不是长门,而是宇智波带土这个耍阴招的小人。晓如今找上自己绝不是什么好事,为此乐渊直接来到了渺无人烟的汤之国山区。 In a deathly stillness unmanned mountain valley, Le Yuan stopped the step of advance to await calmly is following to come in oneself behind Akatsuki member, after all has been hiding the style of understanding is not Le Yuan, had a grudge to revenge the resentment to seek vengeance to express initially by the Yin despondance. 在一片死寂无人的山谷,乐渊停下了前进的步伐静待着跟在自己身后的晓组织成员现身,毕竟一直躲着晓走可不是乐渊的风格,有仇报仇有怨报怨才能抒发当初被阴的抑郁。 [ Fire Release: Intelligent Hard Work] [火遁·头刻苦] The people have not come, attack actually already first. The flame tsunami, brings the attack that makes at present all being reduced to ashes raids toward the place that Le Yuan is, as one Fire Release Ninjutsu that Kakuzu most excels, his might is not inferior in the bold fire extinguishes actually. 人还没有现身,攻击却已经先至。火焰海啸,带着令眼前一切化为灰烬的攻击向着乐渊所在的地方袭来,作为角都最擅长的一种火遁忍术,他的威力绝不逊色于豪火灭却。 “噌 The golden ray cuts the sea of fire together, cuts to puncture toward the source of flame the flame of that burning hot. Sees only displays the Fire Release Kakuzu complexion to look ugly own that already was broken open a chest of large hole, just flash his already was destroyed water fire two hearts by the attack of response unexpectedly radically without enough time. 一道金色的光芒划破火海,将那炙热的火焰划破向着火焰的源头刺去。只见施展火遁角都正面色难看地看着自己那已经被破开了一个大洞的胸口,刚刚的一瞬间他竟然已经被根本来不及反应的攻击破坏了一水一火两颗心脏。 As winning over the probe before member, has not thought that simply has not tested the Le Yuan strength bottom line, compensates own two precious high-quality heart on the contrary. 作为拉拢成员前的试探,没想到根本没有试探出乐渊的实力底线,反倒是赔进去了自己的两颗宝贵的优质心脏。 Haha, looks my!” “哈哈,看我的吧!” Compares also has Kakuzu of heart weakness, has more fearful Undying Body Hidan completely not to care just attacked, brandished Triple-Bladed Scythe in hand then to jump to the valley land, with grasping golden Gungnir Le Yuan games to one. 相比较还有着心脏弱点的角都,有着更为可怕的不死之身飞段就全然不在意刚刚的攻击了,挥舞着手中的血腥三月镰便跳向了谷地,与手持金色永恒之枪乐渊到了一起。 However Hidan also can only cheats with Undying Body and incantation technique, he Martial Arts or Ninjutsu are the difference are unable to be pleasant. At least facing Le Yuan this, in martial skill may be called compared with the unparalleled expert, that is looks simply oppressively. 不过飞段也就只能用不死之身和咒术坑人,他本身无论是体术还是忍术都是差得无法入眼。最起码面对乐渊这位在武技方面堪称无双的达人相比,那简直就是自己找虐。 Two people encounter three to put in an appearance, the body of Hidan was held 9 holes with Gungnir by Le Yuan, even in the Hidan hand Triple-Bladed Scythe was flown by the Le Yuan direct gunshot, after Hidan was hit again and again, that does not have the strength of slight counter-attack. 两人交锋不过三个照面,飞段的身上便被乐渊永恒之枪捅出了九个窟窿,连飞段手中血腥三月镰都被乐渊直接一枪击飞,飞段被连连命中之后那是没有丝毫的反击之力。 K-Kakuzu!” 角、角都!” Hidan indeed does not fear death, but this does not represent him not to have the sensation of pain. After Le Yuan Gungnir stabs, Hidan only thought that flashes before a special energy from the spear head has seemed like can the stabbing pain his Soul be ordinary, he was does not want to suffer the spear/gun. 飞段的确是不怕死,但这不代表他没有痛觉。被乐渊永恒之枪刺中后,飞段只觉得从枪头闪现过的一丝特殊能量像是能够刺痛他的灵魂一般,他是一刻也不想挨枪了。 [ Fire Release: Phoenix Sage Flower Nail Crimson], in the next second that Hidan called for help. The innumerable groups seemed like the fireball of balsam seed also to have Hidan two people to cover Le Yuan, caster seemed like does not care about the Hidan life to use to two people completely generally is unable not to attack. [火遁·凤仙花爪红],就在飞段呼救的下一秒。无数团像是凤仙花种子的火球将乐渊还有飞段两人笼罩了起来,施术者像是完全不在意飞段性命一般对着两人使用了无法别攻击。 „, But is also not one is really good to be familiar with, but also really could not look after you grow up, will have such irritable character, Itachi!” “啧,还真不是一个好习惯啊,还真是看不出来你长大后会有这样别扭的性格,!” Le Yuan almost depended on Spatial Displacement to shift the safe place in the flame before the body, he looks that slowly Uchiha Itachi that walked from another side mountain top says, was not only Uchiha Itachi came, his top personal servant Hoshigaki Kisame. 乐渊几乎是在火焰临身之前靠着空间移动转移到了安全的地方,他看着慢慢从另一侧的山头走出来的宇智波鼬如是说道,不仅仅是宇智波鼬来了,还有他的头号跟班干柿鬼鲛 But another side, after Le Yuan was driven back, the skin was soon burnt to become black coal Hidan by the flame by Kakuzu's Earth Grudge Fear from the ground drawing the treatment. Even if with Hidan that loquacious character, after was hit by Phoenix Sage Fire still quite a while shouted that does not make noise, can only accept the treatment passively. 而另一边,乐渊被逼退之后,皮肤被火焰烧得快要成黑炭的飞段正被角度的地怨虞从地上拉起来救治。就算是以飞段那嘴碎的性格,在被凤仙火击中后也是半天喊不出声来,只能被动地接受救治。 Le Yuan, I bring the invitation of our organization now, are you willing to join us to understand? Becoming you who Konoha issues a warrant for arrest the important criminal, joining to us is you best choice.” 乐渊,我现在带来我们组织的邀请,你是否愿意加入我们晓呢?成为木叶通缉要犯的你,加入到我们才是你最好的选择。” Regarding Le Yuan just to own words, Uchiha Itachi had no complexion to transform, probably simply has not heard general, treated as the psychological disturbance the Le Yuan words purely. 对于乐渊刚刚对自己的话,宇智波鼬没有任何脸色变换,像是根本没有听到一般,纯粹是把乐渊的话当作了心理干扰。 Joins the dawn? That is not equal to the meat dumpling beating a dog, Le Yuan can feel to come from Uchiha Obito very much explicitly, or mentioned from Black Zetsu that deep evil intention, Le Yuan, although does not know that had anything, but also clear converted an enemy into a friend with their impossible absolutely. 加入晓?那不是等于肉包子打狗,乐渊可以很明确地感受到来自于宇智波带土,或者说来自于黑绝那深深的恶意,乐渊虽然不知道发生了什么,但也清楚和他们绝对不可能化敌为友。 Was sorry, I have also thought the relaxed comfortable life, as for joining you? Lets me and one crowd of Missing-nin (Rogue Ninja) gay, making in you beautiful woman invite me also almost, has many as for your four rolls far!” “抱歉了,我还想过轻松自在的生活呢,至于加入你们?难道让我和一群叛忍搞基,让你们中的美女来邀请我还差不多,至于你们四个有多远滚多远!” Le Yuan catches up with fly is waving probably to four people, but this movement lit without doubt to the signal of war. 乐渊像是赶苍蝇似的对着四人挥手,而这一动作无疑是点燃了对战的信号。
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