VE :: Volume #8 三阶首战影之忍者

#689: Annihilation Konoha

Dead Demon Consuming Seal this is theoretically an invincible move of seal technique, from beginning to end recorded only appears in the hands of two people. First, 12 years ago were killed in chaotic that night the hand of Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato in Nine-Tails, during he depends on this move to fall into is crazy the Nine-Tails smooth seal. 尸鬼封尽这是理论上无敌的一招封印术,从始至终有记载的只出现在两个人的手中。其一是十二年前丧生在九尾之乱那一夜中的四代目火影波风水门的手中,他靠着这一招将陷入疯狂之中的九尾顺利封印。 But another person is present Le Yuan front Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen, but after he displays Dead Demon Consuming Seal whether to succeed is an unknown number. Theoretically if Le Yuan does not exist, depends on the assistance of Jiraiya, Orochimaru definitely by the share of complete seal, impossible has the possibility of fleeing. However all things not, if, existence of Le Yuan can be said as all things develop turning points. 而另一个人就是现在乐渊面前的三代目火影猿飞日斩,不过他施展后的尸鬼封尽能否成功就是一个未知之数了。理论上如果乐渊并不存在,靠着自来也的协助,大蛇丸绝对是被完全封印的份,不可能有逃离的可能性。但是万事没有如果,乐渊的存在可以说是一切事物发展的转折点。 Dead Demon Consuming Seal this move is divided into four steps, first caster hand seal summoned one to call it existence of god of death by Uzumaki Clan, caster through signs the contract thus to obtain to display the Dead Demon Consuming Seal ability with it. 尸鬼封尽这一招分为四个步骤,首先施术者结印召唤出一个被漩涡一族称之为死神的存在,施术者通过与之签订契约从而获得施展尸鬼封尽的能力。 The person who theoretically any summoned the god of death was doomed in that moment with the god of death registration contract, but in fact this actually needed a process. 理论上任何一个召唤出死神的人在那一刻注定了与死神签到契约,但是实际上这却需要一个过程。 But this involves the Dead Demon Consuming Seal second step, Soul offers sacrifices. The god of death will read the incantation that an extraordinary person can listen respectfully, this incantation along with reciting forms the special spell in the god of death hand. But the god of death through being printed with the hand of spell passes through the body of caster, thus through this strikes the god of death ability and caster unifies, made caster have the ability of seal truly. 而这就涉及到尸鬼封尽的第二个步骤,灵魂献祭。死神会念出一种非凡人所能聆听的咒文,这个咒文会伴随着吟唱在死神的手中形成特殊的符咒。而死神通过印有符咒的手贯穿施术者的身体,从而通过这一击将死神的能力与施术者结合,真正令施术者拥有封印的能力。 The murder first kills oneself, regardless of displays the Dead Demon Consuming Seal person to have successful finally, progresses to second his already is a deceased person, how long issue the difference can also live. Dead Demon Consuming Seal progressed this already to be irreversible, either oneself died, either towed your opponent dead together. 杀人先杀己,无论施展尸鬼封尽的人最后有没有成功,进展到第二步的他已经是一个死人,区别只是还能活多久的问题。尸鬼封尽进展到了这一步已经不可逆转,要么自己死,要么拖着你的对手一起死。 Afterward is Dead Demon Consuming Seal Stage 3, passes through caster body the hand of god of death to grasp Soul of opponent through god of death that pulls from the body Soul of opposite party. Without a doubt, a god of death claw is dying grasps, besides no one can see with the person who the god of death works out the contract , the fundamental sensation, this grasps therefore is almost unable to dodge. 随后便是尸鬼封尽的第三阶段,通过死神那穿过施术者身体的死神之手抓去对手的灵魂,将对方的灵魂从身体里面扯出。毫无疑问,死神的一爪是绝命的一抓,除了与死神订立契约的人之外根本无人看得到,也根本感知不到,是故这一抓几乎是无法闪避的。 But catches merely is not successful, this Stage 3 is in entire Dead Demon Consuming Seal the most essential stage. Pulls opponent Soul may not only be the god of death that strives, whether smooth to pull the key also to look at caster own Soul quality opponent soul. 而仅仅抓到还未成功,这第三阶段是整个尸鬼封尽之中最为关键的一个阶段。将对手灵魂扯出力的可不仅仅是死神,能否顺利将对手林混扯出关键还要看施术者自身的灵魂质量。 In the final analysis, Dead Demon Consuming Seal result looks is to fighting both sides the contest of between Soul. But what by chance is Soul of present caster both sides in own in peak condition, Orochimaru already is not the second body, experiences Living Corpse Reincarnation his Soul already is not incomplete, under the incomplete condition Strength reduces greatly. But Third Hokage Soul is complete, but because already stretches out the old age condition, Soul Strength already is the winter, radically draw young and vigorous Orochimaru. 说到底,尸鬼封尽的成功与否看得就是对战双方的灵魂之间的较量。而恰巧的是现在施术者双方的灵魂都不在自己的巅峰状态,大蛇丸已经是第二具身体,经历过一次不尸转生的他灵魂已经不完整,残缺状态下力量大减。而三代目火影灵魂虽然完整,但由于已经伸出老年状态,灵魂力量已经是衰退期,根本平不过年轻力壮的大蛇丸 Although Third Hokage pulls unexpectedly Orochimaru part of Soul, but responded Orochimaru that started and Third Hokage seesaw battle. So long as uses/gives technique Third Hokage chakra has not exhausted, they can maintain the stance of resistance. 虽然三代目火影出其不意将大蛇丸的一部分灵魂扯出来,不过反应过来的大蛇丸开始了和三代目火影的拉锯战。只要施术的三代目火影查克拉没有耗尽,他们就能一直保持着对抗的姿态。 But Orochimaru the situation is not good at this time, was held by Jiraiya kunai in him of conducting the back can only is enduring the pain of body, while is enjoying in the original works his treatment of teacher, looks helplessly Soul was pulled. 大蛇丸此时情况可不好,被自来也苦无捅在背上的他只能一边忍受着身体的痛楚,一边享受着原著之中他老师的待遇,眼睁睁地看着灵魂被扯出。 Old man, you......” “老头子,你……” Looks that iron core wants with the teacher who Orochimaru perishes together, Jiraiya is not able to say at this time disconsolateness, after all their three people many years ago is the intimate master and disciple three people, now is actually in the situation of killing one another, made Jiraiya feel to sob. 看着铁了心想要和大蛇丸同归于尽的老师,自来也此时也是说不出的惆怅,毕竟他们三人多年以前还是亲密无间的师徒三人,现在却到了自相残杀的地步,着实令自来也感到唏嘘。 You should also leave the stage!” “你也该退场了!” The Jiraiya side broadcasts the Le Yuan sound fiercely, Le Yuan this just like the intervention sound to make in the desperate Orochimaru fierce ground reveal happy expression, has not thought completely before his final aid of this time unexpectedly is, continuously alert Le Yuan. 自来也的身旁猛地传来乐渊的声音,乐渊这犹如神助的声音令正在绝望的大蛇丸猛地面露喜色,完全没想到此时的他最后的援手竟然是之前一直戒备的乐渊 But Jiraiya naturally is also one startled, after all Le Yuan although just entered to barrier in displayed the extraordinary ability, since called that defensive power astonishing huge phantom, then did not have the sound again, he also thinks that Le Yuan has been quiet. 自来也自然也是一惊,毕竟乐渊刚刚虽然进入到结界中展现了非凡的能力,但是自从唤出那防御力惊人的巨大虚影之后便再也没有了动静,他还以为乐渊会一直沉寂下去。 After all with strength and attitude that Le Yuan shows, he is not the Orochimaru subordinate is so absolutely simple. Therefore in the Jiraiya heart, Le Yuan this character and Orochimaru who take the form of his disciple are not a heart, therefore vigilance already relaxed imperceptibly much. 毕竟以乐渊表现出来的实力和态度,他绝对不是大蛇丸的部下这么简单。所以在自来也心中,乐渊这个形似他弟子的人物和大蛇丸绝不是一条心的,所以戒心在不知不觉中已经放松了不少。 But Le Yuan also broke through the range within Jiraiya body previous meter taking advantage of this time, simultaneously was about the speed also to cut off the possibility that Jiraiya displayed the Ninjutsu counter-attack extremely, possibility that among them distance already only had the Martial Arts contest. 乐渊也是借着这个时机突破到了自来也身前一米之内的范围,同时极快了速度也断绝了自来也施展忍术反击的可能性,他们之间的距离已经只剩下体术较量的可能性了。 However Jiraiya until now said that the immortal is not boasted, at least he indeed grasped short distance Ninjutsu, moreover is used for the extreme speed defensive counter-attack is also just right. In Le Yuan is close, sees only him to pinch an seal, immediately the long white hair lengthens, forms the lion capitate toward Le Yuan. 不过自来也一直以来自称仙人也不是胡吹的,最起码他的确掌握了一项近距离忍术,而且用来极速防守反击也是恰到好处。就在乐渊接近之际,只见他捏出一个印,顿时长长的白发变长,形成狮子头状向着乐渊袭来。 [ Wild Lion's Mane Technique], this is so far entire Ninja World only has Jiraiya the move of meeting. The Le Yuan speed seemed like helped at this time Jiraiya, Le Yuan seemed like the bird entered bosom runs upon the front now the hair lion. [乱狮子发之术],这是目前为止整个忍界只有自来也才会的招数。乐渊的速度在这个时候反倒像是成全了自来也,乐渊现在像是飞鸟入怀似的撞上了前方了头发狮子。 Hehe !” “嘿嘿,中!” Saw that Le Yuan must be caught by oneself, on the Jiraiya face showed the successful self-satisfied smile. He is really interested in existence of Le Yuan, just during continuously and Orochimaru fought also has to make a veiled attack, tries to obtain the news from Orochimaru there, who once thinks that the Orochimaru rumor tightened very much, simply has not disclosed slightly the useful news. 眼看乐渊就要被自己捕捉住了,自来也脸上露出了成功的得意笑容。他实在是对乐渊的存在感兴趣,刚刚一直和大蛇丸打斗之中也不是没有旁敲侧击,试着从大蛇丸那里得到消息,谁曾想大蛇丸的口风紧得很,根本没有透露出丝毫有用的消息。 However Jiraiya this loses concentration, present Le Yuan actually seems like flash to vanish from surrounding of Wild Lion's Mane Technique fiercely, immediately steals the lion that forms to come up empty-handed. But thinks fiercely Le Yuan that was an excellent likeness extremely the Flying Thunder God Technique moving way, the instinct wants Jiraiya that transferred the hair to turn round to defend to do to know a hand quickly according to his body. 不过自来也这一分神,眼前的乐渊却像是一道闪光猛地从乱狮子发之术的包围中消失,顿时偷下形成的狮子扑了个空。而猛地想到乐渊那极为神似飞雷神之术的移动方式,本能想要调转头发进行回身防御的自来也很快就干知道一只手按在了他的身上。 Along with me walks!” “随我走吧!” Jiraiya has not responded with enough time, then saw the own surrounding scenery is transforming instantaneously, the next second his already appeared beyond Four Violet Flames Formation, but Le Yuan before Jiraiya turned round long-term usage Spatial Displacement, returned to Four Violet Flames Formation again, in this entire formation then was only left over Orochimaru and three generations also to have Le Yuan besides Sound Four he. 自来也还没来得及反应过来,便见到自己周围的景色在瞬间变换,下一秒他已经出现在了四紫炎阵的阵外,而乐渊自来也回身之前连续使用空间移动,再一次回到了四紫炎阵之内,这一下整个阵法内除了四人众之外便只剩下大蛇丸、三代还有乐渊他了。 Looks returns to Le Yuan again, is displaying Dead Demon Consuming Seal Third Hokage already not to have the strength of resistance with effort. 看着再一次回到身旁的乐渊,正在费力施展尸鬼封尽三代目火影已经没有了反抗之力。 „!” “着!” When Le Yuan is close to third generation, a two meters high demon ape drops from the clouds, launched the attack of dropping from the clouds with the aid of the giant trees that first generation summoned. 就在乐渊接近三代目的时候,一只两米多高的魔猿从天而降,借助初代目召唤出来的巨大树木发动了从天而降的攻击。 Gives me to roll!” “给我滚!” Le Yuan really does not want to pay attention to this with the third generation same already old demon ape, has turned around a Rasengan impact of zero distance to return to Summoning Realm it, this Rasengan makes Jiraiya know that in what this world besides deceased fourth generation and he himself, such Rasengan expert, this strikes already to be deep unexpectedly the conciseness of Rasengan. 乐渊实在是不想理会这个和三代目一样已经年迈的魔猿,转过身一记零距离的螺旋丸冲击将它送回了通灵界,这一记螺旋丸自来也知道什么这个世上除了已故的四代目和他自己之外,竟然还有这样的搓丸子达人,这一击已经深得螺旋丸的精要。 „, The young people, why you must stand that side Orochimaru, you obviously are not an evil person, when the invitational meet and official match, you kept the hand, why actually invests his camp now......” “咳咳,年轻人,你为何要站在大蛇丸那一边,你明明并非恶人,在预选赛和正式赛的时候,你都留手了,为什么现在却又投入了他的阵营……” already lost third generation of aid, at this time has to play the sentimental sign, as to make Le Yuan this him unable to find out the characters of camp to stand Konoha this side. Although the Third Hokage speech level is a little indeed bad, the words that but he spoke are indeed thought-provoking, after all Le Yuan indeed kept the hand to 12 strong fights. 已经失去了援手的三代目,此时不得不打出感情牌,似乎想要令乐渊这个他摸不清阵营的人物站到木叶这一边来。虽然三代目火影的演讲水平的确有点差,但是他说的话的确令人深思,毕竟乐渊的确对十二强的战斗中留手了。 Hehe, do you also want to win over my person to the present by the spoken language? You do not know that who he is, he is I, as soon as begins with one's own hands to make. In this world the most perfect individual, uses your respected fourth generation as the main source, increased Uchiha Clan bloodline(s), finally in the complete body that in several thousand individuals stores goods only, this is the Le Yuan true colors, how he possibly joins to your there! Quickly, killed this old man for me!” “嘿嘿,你到现在还想凭借言语拉拢我的人?你根本不知道他是谁,他可是我一手创造出来的。是这个世上最完美的个体,以你们那位敬爱的四代目为蓝本,添加了宇智波一族血统,最后在数千个个体中唯一存货下来的完全体,这就是乐渊的真面目,他怎么可能加入到你们那里!快,替我杀了这个老头子!” The Orochimaru this matter's condition is not good, to resist Dead Demon Consuming Seal Strength full power, he has not said that now will increase for one point to oppress to oneself, if has slightly laxly then by the fate of seal. 大蛇丸此事的状态也不好,为了全力抵抗尸鬼封尽力量,他现在没多说一句都会对自己加大一分压迫,如果稍有松懈便是被封印的下场。 Was sorry, third generation, to you ended, your time already finished!” “抱歉了,三代目,到了你落幕的时候了,你的时代已经结束!” Le Yuan flashed the Demon right hand of blue glow to prick the body of third generation in the flash, simultaneously a claw only grabbed Orochimaru Soul body the hand of god of death to grasp that. This god of death after all is not true lifeform, he must obey oneself rule management. 乐渊闪着蓝芒的恶魔右手在一瞬间刺入了三代目的身体,同时一爪将那只抓着大蛇丸灵魂体的死神之手抓断。这个死神终归并非一个真正的生命体,他要遵照着自己的规则办事。 But Le Yuan intended to interrupt the Dead Demon Consuming Seal ceremony, although was contrary to his rule, but he actually cannot rob to belong to Orochimaru that part of Soul from the hand of Le Yuan. But lost the fetter of Dead Demon Consuming Seal, Orochimaru Soul returned to his body in the flash, at this moment the lifetime was unforgettable, that type was pinched the feeling in hand not to feel better by the god of death. 乐渊出手打断了尸鬼封尽的仪式虽然有违他的规则,但是他却也不能从乐渊的手中抢夺属于大蛇丸的那一部分灵魂。而失去了尸鬼封尽的束缚,大蛇丸灵魂在一瞬间回到了他的身体内,这一刻毕生难忘,那种被死神捏在手上的感觉并不好过。 But killed Third Hokage, Orochimaru only felt from unprecedented void. But used huge chakra Orochimaru unable to fight one after another, he was also shouting a sound said to some Sound Four Le Yuan: Everyone retreats!” 而杀完了三代目火影,大蛇丸只感觉从所未有的空虚。而接连使用了庞大查克拉大蛇丸也根本不能在斗下去了,他对着四人众还有乐渊喊了一声道:“所有人撤退!” It looks like in Orochimaru, in the entire invasion plan this important test piece besides Sound Four such elite and Le Yuan, the board game piece that others can discard momentarily. So long as they can escape, how others are completely not in his consideration range. 大蛇丸看来,整个入侵计划中除了四人众这样的精英和乐渊这个重要实验品之外,其他人都是随时可以丢弃的棋子。只要他们能够逃脱,其他人如何全然不在他的考虑范围内。 With the aid of the assistance of Sound Four, Orochimaru saved skin the Konoha pursuit range, but Le Yuan has not actually departed along with them. Main Quest 1 has not completed until this moment one, although present Konoha was destroyed very seriously, but destroyed 20%. 借助四人众的协助,大蛇丸安然逃脱了木叶的追击范围,而乐渊却没有随他们离去。主线任务一直到这一刻还有一条没完成,现在的木叶虽然被毁得很严重,但是才破坏了20%不到。 In an eye of numerous Konoha Ninja, Le Yuan this person who killed Third Hokage not only has not escaped, but also more rises to be higher, finally arrived in a Konoha 3000 meters upper air. 在一众木叶忍者的眼中,乐渊这个杀害了三代目火影的人不仅没有逃跑,而且还越升越高,最后来到了木叶3000米的高空之中。 The lock-on target...... strives to adjust...... the attacking mode localization...... 目标锁定……出力调整……攻击模式定位…… Passes through!” “贯穿!” Le Yuan the moment is never controlling Gungnir Strength carefully, Le Yuan in midair completely do not have scruples to have disturbances of other Konoha Ninja. Bit by bit is adjusting in the hand the Gungnir Strength size. 乐渊从未有一刻这么小心谨慎地操控着永恒之枪力量,半空中的乐渊完全不要顾忌有其他木叶忍者的打扰。一点一点调整着手中永恒之枪力量大小。 After gathering the strength completes, links up the Heaven and Earth golden energy column to fall together in Konoha fell the west place, the golden energy column falls has not formed after the ground outward to defeating the proliferation, instead drilled into the ground. 在蓄力完成之后,一道贯通天地的金色能量柱落在了木叶村落内以西的地方,金色能量柱落在地面上之后没有形成向外的冲击破扩散,反而是钻入了地面内。 Le Yuan the destructive power that the strikes is not the Gungnir energy, but causes in Earth Vein with the aid of the impact of Gungnir the rebellion of energy. After seeing only Gungnir injects to the ground , for 10 minutes, one covers the Konoha range surrounding area ten li (0.5 km) earthquake eruption. 乐渊的这一击的破坏力并非永恒之枪的能量本身,而是借助永恒之枪的冲击引起地脉中能量的暴动。只见永恒之枪射入到地面后十分钟之后,一场笼罩木叶范围方圆十里的大地震爆发。 The earthquake destroys the Konoha 70% houses in short a half hour, because Sound Ninja also has the relations of Sand Ninja invasion, gathers the Konoha civilians in refuge shelter has not received many on the contrary injury. But Konoha is biggest is also the most famous construction, Hokage Rock actually under this struck collapsing most probably. 地震在短短半个小时内将木叶70%的房屋摧毁,不过由于音忍还有沙忍入侵的关系,聚集在避难所的木叶平民反倒是没有受到多少的伤害。而木叶最大也是最出名的建筑,火影岩却在这一击之下被震塌了大半。 Konoha original 20% receive the attrition rate to soar, after the earthquake ended went to 67% situations. But Le Yuan this is also depends on this to strike, becomes Konoha is as for five great nation well-known ultra S level most wanted terrorists. 木叶原本的20%受损率直线上升,在地震结束后达到了67%的地步。而乐渊这也是靠着这一击,成为了木叶乃至于五大国闻名的超S级通缉犯。
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