VE :: Volume #8 三阶首战影之忍者

#688: Regards if no fine harvesting of thing( three)

[ Wood Release Secret Technique: Nativity of a World of Trees], on the roof hit in happy one group of people controlled First Hokage Senju Hashirama sudden both hands hand seal releases his signboard Wood Release Ninjutsu. Treats as the origin of life by own chakra, three seconds in the roof then created a dozens meters high giant jungle. [木遁秘术·树界降诞],房顶上打得正欢的一群人中被操控的初代火影千手柱间突然双手结印释放出了他招牌的木遁忍术。以自己的查克拉当作生命之源,在屋顶上三秒钟之间便创造出了一片数十米高的巨大丛林。 Tree arrives at this move to have both the offense and defense to have both, the forest that not only Wood Release composes can keep off the attack of opposite party alone, simultaneously can be surrounded by Ninja of its package just like the jungle of living creature, through the plant the chakra absorption of trapped person, strengthens plant own toughness, making it the incomparable shackles. 树界降临这一招兼具攻守兼备,不但木遁组成的森林可以独挡对方的攻击,同时宛如活物的丛林可以将被其包裹的忍者困住,通过植物将被困者的查克拉吸收,加强植物自身的韧性,使它成为无可比拟的牢笼。 Also is really full of the recollection the master and disciple showdown, third generation and second generation the pair of master and disciple, Orochimaru, Jiraiya and third generation this pair of master and disciple, is really sinful two teams of master and disciple......” “还真是充满回忆的师徒对决,三代目二代目的这一对师徒,大蛇丸自来也三代目这一对师徒,真是罪孽深重的两队师徒啊……” Just obtained Scroll of Seals Le Yuan to look in barrier five people who were thick as thieves to voice such opinions in the stage in distant place, can say that present's competition will be as for the Ninja World war that will happen in the future is the evil that these Konoha Hokage made. 刚刚取得封印之书乐渊在远处的高台上望着结界中正在打得火热的五个人发出了这样的感叹,可以说现在的这一场比试乃至于未来可能发生的忍界大战都是这些木叶火影造下的孽。 When first generation meets the tumultuous times newborn, fell in love to kill with Master Madara for a lifetime. It can be said that final Master Madara has such mentality, must shoulder half of responsibility as Senju Hashirama of his base friend. But the evil that Impure World Senju Tobirama makes are more, now is summoned from Impure World Reincarnation Technique that he creates, but after he estranges the Uchiha Clan policy is to cause, many unfortunate sources. 初代目当初生逢乱世,和斑爷相爱相杀了一辈子。可以说最后的斑爷会有着那样的心态,作为他基友的千手柱间要负起一半的责任。而秽土千手扉间造的孽更多,现在之所以被召唤就是源自于他创造出的秽土转生之术,而他离间宇智波一族的政策更是导致之后诸多不幸的源泉。 But the past indecision of Third Hokage, accomplished the Konoha collapse plan of today's Orochimaru plan. The Fourth Hokage pot did not say that his disciple becomes in the future a long time big BOSS, does that five great nations is to live to want, the moment can not be peaceful. 三代目火影的当年的优柔寡断,造就了今日大蛇丸计划的木叶崩溃计划。四代目火影的锅就不说了,他的一个弟子更是成为了日后很长一段时间里的大BOSS,把五大国搞得那是欲生欲死,片刻不得安宁。 “唰 The body of Le Yuan flashed one presently, already arrived at barrier before the stage several hundred meters away. Although now in barrier three pairs of two wars seem like that is favorable for Orochimaru, but first generation and second generation were weakened not full version itself/Ben that planned incessantly after all, after was familiarized the present this Impure World Condition body by third generation, advantage getting smaller, but Orochimaru is because after consuming massive chakra, is by the condition that Jiraiya suppresses. 乐渊的身子一闪一现,恍惚间已经从数百米之外的高台上来到了结界之前。虽然现在结界内三对二的战局看似对大蛇丸有利,但是初代目二代目毕竟是被削弱了不止一筹的不完整版本,在被三代目摸透了现在这秽土状态的身躯之后,优势会越来越小,而大蛇丸更是由于耗费了大量查克拉之后处于被自来也压制的状态。 Le Yuan Quest must guarantee that Orochimaru withdraws from Konoha safe and sound, if really accomplished anything to damage to cause Quest Failure that to be unjust in a big way. 乐渊任务可是要保证大蛇丸是安然无恙地退出木叶,万一真造就了什么损伤导致任务失败那可就冤枉大了。 Is that Sound Ninja, holds him!” “是那个音忍,抓住他!” Le Yuan just fell before barrier, in nearby is paying attention to guard Anbu who in barrier is fighting from encircle Le Yuan instantaneously in all directions. Sound Ninja unites Sand Ninja to invade already to be undeniable, although Le Yuan had not displayed any conspicuous behavior, but just appeared is also considered as the enemy. 乐渊刚刚在结界前落下,正在一旁关注着结界内战斗的暗部护卫瞬间从四面八方将乐渊团团围住。音忍联合沙忍入侵已经不容置疑,虽然乐渊一直没有表现出什么显眼的行为,但刚一出现亦被认为是敌人。 Suddenly takes kunai to draw out the short sword to launch the offensive the Anbu quantity to reach seven people toward Le Yuan, their strengths without doubt are Chūnin are the elite as for on especially, even few person already had the Jōnin strength. If not they do not have the means regarding this barrier, perhaps their even already can seize to arrange barrier Sound Four. 一时间拿着苦无拔出短刀向着乐渊发动攻势的暗部数量多达七人,他们本身的实力无疑是中忍乃至于特上中的精英,甚至个别人已经有了上忍的实力。如果不是他们本身对于这个结界没有办法,或许他们甚至已经可以擒下布置结界音忍四人众 When is observing in barrier the Le Yuan nature of trend this crowd of Anbu disturb to be felt troublesome, one then looks Anbu that fiercely forward he to/clashes does not reveal the anti- look. But maintains the defenseless posture that both hands are dangling until this moment Le Yuan as before, made in one crowd of Anbu hearts secret to Le Yuan felt arrogantly joyful. 正在观察结界内动向的乐渊自然在被这群暗部打扰时觉得麻烦,猛地一回头看着正向他冲来的暗部露出不耐的眼神。而直到这一刻乐渊依旧保持着双手垂下的无防备姿势,令一群暗部心中暗暗对乐渊的自大而感到喜悦。 Gives me to roll!” “给我滚!” How could only several Anbu pose the threat to present Le Yuan, Ninja World continent Anbu is runs the minor character synonym, the background character who which is not used to serve as contrast the expert strength, basically the expert enters the stage, then represented also has several Anbu to unlucky by the second. 区区几个暗部又岂能对现在的乐渊造成威胁,忍界大陆暗部全都是跑龙套的代名词,哪个不是用来衬托牛人实力的背景人物,基本上牛人一出场,便代表着又有几个暗部倒霉得被秒了。 Present seven launch the attack Anbu is also not exceptional to Le Yuan, in the flash that they sprint, on Le Yuan exudes the blue light slightly, the next instantaneous giant orchid evil clutches bring the potential of strong winds is patting fly probably to plunge the Le Yuan seven people to stroke fly. 眼前的这个七个对乐渊发动攻击的暗部同样不例外,在他们冲刺的一瞬间,乐渊身上微微泛起蓝光,下一个瞬间一只巨大的幽兰魔爪带着狂风之势像是拍苍蝇似的将扑向乐渊的七人一击打飞。 How is possible?” “噗怎么可能?” Strength not bad several can also stay the sober condition reluctantly, but may not believe as the Anbu Captain person during flying upside down is looking at gorgeously motionless Le Yuan. He is unable to believe oneself unexpectedly vacillating Le Yuan achieve, is this Genin should have the strength that? 实力不差的几个还能勉强保持着清醒的状态,而其中一个作为暗部分队长的人更是不可置信地在倒飞的同时望着巍然不动的乐渊。他根本无法相信自己竟然连动摇一下乐渊都做到,这还是一个下忍应该有的实力吗? But in barrier, already is repeatedly clear Third Hokage already that First Hokage or some Second Hokage body spot defeats, two people already nearly Undying Body under Impure World Reincarnation condition, only if depends on the seal technique to be able them to rout. But can have one move that the seal technique of effect only has that him not to use in so the attack of intensity to two people. 结界内,已经多次将初代火影或是二代火影身体某个部位击破的三代目火影已经非常清楚,秽土转生状态下的两人已经近乎不死之身,除非是靠着封印术才能将他们击溃。而能够在如此强度的攻击中对两人产生效果的封印术唯有那个他一直不愿意使用的一招。 First-sama, Second-sama please forgive me!” 初代目大人,二代目大人请原谅我!” already is determined to solve Third Hokage of mistake the past violated with own death, after depending on own summoned beast ape demon drove back two first generation of Hokage, the flash through Shadow Clone Technique is divided into three, flash already many chakra were divided into three by the average. 已经下定决心用自己的死来解决自己过去犯下的错误的三代目火影,靠着自己的通灵兽猿魔逼退两位先代火影之后,一瞬间通过影分身之术将自己一分为三,一瞬间原本已经不多的查克拉被平均分成了三份。 While Third Hokage prepares to have Snake → Boar → Ram → Rabbit → Dog → Rat → Bird → Horse → Snake these nine seal time, the war changes suddenly, between driven back Impure World Senju Hashirama behind the blue light suddenly appears together. 正当三代目火影准备结出“巳-亥-未-卯-戌-子-酉-午-巳”这九个印的时候,战局突变,之间被逼退的秽土千手柱间的身后一道蓝光突然出现。 This to Third Hokage is impressive, the ray when this is only has Le Yuan space shift can present. Really in breaths, Le Yuan emerges out of thin air in Impure World Senju Hashirama behind, while Third Hokage also in hand seal, Le Yuan actually in Impure World Senju Hashirama this is unable to respond be at the puppet condition, the right hand turned into a terrifying Demon arm claw to grasp to Impure World Senju Hashirama. 这一幕对三代目火影来说是印象深刻,这是唯有乐渊施展空间转移时才会出现的光芒。果然在一息之间,乐渊凭空出现在秽土千手柱间的身后,正当三代目火影还在结印的时候,乐渊却在秽土千手柱间这个处于傀儡状态无从反应之际,右手变成恐怖的恶魔手臂一爪抓向了秽土千手柱间 By Impure World Senju Hashirama that the Demon right arm stabs immediately there, not only has not conducted the resistance as if to become the person who will not move completely to be the same. 恶魔右臂刺中的秽土千手柱间登时顿在了那里,不但没有进行反抗似乎成了一个完全不会动的人一般。 already cannot regard as not to have the thing by another puppet Impure World Senju Tobirama of Orochimaru control consciousness Le Yuan at this time, probably received the stimulation to be the same, put forth one move in front of Le Yuan simply not to Third Hokage has used the style. 已经大蛇丸操控意识的另一名傀儡秽土千手扉间此时可不能将乐渊视作无物,像是受到了刺激一般,在乐渊面前使出了一招根本没有对三代火影用过的招式。 This move of Le Yuan very ripe learns, in the two years he is studying this technique crazily. But the founder of Impure World Senju Tobirama this technique, the silver light flashes, is lifting kunai Impure World Senju Tobirama and Le Yuan wrong body. 这一招乐渊非常熟悉,这两年他可是疯狂地在研究这个术。而秽土千手扉间正是这个术的创始人,银光一闪,举着苦无秽土千手扉间乐渊错身而过。 “啪嗒 Saw only also maintains both hands to grip the kunai Dash Thorn condition Impure World Senju Tobirama lower part already to be crushed completely, loses him of lower part only to fall down weak. 只见还保持着双手握住苦无突刺状态的秽土千手扉间的下半身已经完全被击碎,失去了下半身的他只能无力地摔倒在地。 [ Flying Thunder God Slash Technique], as Impure World Senju Tobirama trump card indeed is one quickly to Dash Thorn of limit, but as the Flying Thunder God Technique variant style, it has the time difference the issue. From the escaping stylish space, to suddenly appears conducts Dash Thorn to have the flaw regarding Le Yuan. [飞雷神斩杀术],作为秽土千手扉间的杀手锏的确是一记快到极限的突刺,但是作为飞雷神之术的变种招式,它还是存在着时间差的问题。从遁入时空间,到突然出现进行突刺之间对于乐渊而言还是存在着破绽。 In this milliseconds, then already enough Le Yuan responded that and carries out the effective attack. However the surprise attack of Impure World Senju Tobirama can only be a small interlude, Impure World Senju Hashirama in his present hand is the present most essential character. 就是在这千分之一秒之间,便已经足够乐渊反应过来并进行有效打击。不过秽土千手扉间的突袭只能算是个小插曲,他现在手中的秽土千手柱间才是现在最关键的人物。 Sees only along with the Demon right arm of Le Yuan passes through into beginning generation in within the body, initially generation of body surface have not presented any scar. The hand of Le Yuan integrated probably beginning in generation of bodies, along with the operation of Le Yuan right hand, the skin on Impure World Senju Hashirama face started to present the soil texture skins of peelings. 只见伴随着乐渊恶魔右臂贯穿入初代的体内,初代的体表并没有出现任何的伤痕。乐渊的手像是融入到了初代的身体之中,伴随着乐渊右手的操作,秽土千手柱间脸上的皮肤开始出现一块块剥离的土质皮肤。 Opens “开 The Demon right arm of Le Yuan extracts from the body of Impure World Senju Hashirama fiercely, sees only one group of fog shape light groups that braves the orchid ray were grasped by Le Yuan in the hand. In the one side probably looked at dumbfounded Third Hokage to suddenly resound what , Shun to launch the attack to Le Yuan. 乐渊恶魔右臂猛地从秽土千手柱间的身体中抽出,只见一团冒着幽兰光芒的雾状光团被乐渊握在手中。在一旁看得正愣神三代目火影像是突然响起了什么,瞬间对着乐渊发动了攻击。 Lets loose First-sama!” “放开初代目大人!” Sees only a roaring fire dragon to spout from the Third Hokage mouth, simultaneously two shadow clone come toward Le Yuan one on the left and other on the right again, in the hand the ape demon melted As-You-Will Cudgel to aim at Le Yuan to accept after checking compared with a stick pounds down. 只见一条咆哮的火龙从三代目火影的口中喷出,同时一左一右两个影分身向着乐渊重来,手中猿魔所化如意棒更是对准了乐渊点收比一棒砸下。 thing in Le Yuan hand is not other, is Impure World Senju Hashirama Soul. But Le Yuan the move presses the bottom the ability[ Devil Armament], Le Yuan wanted beginning generation of Soul of as the trial manufacturing Soul body use of first Devil Armament. 乐渊手中的东西不是其他,正是秽土千手柱间灵魂。而乐渊的这一招正是压箱底的能力[魔人武装],原本乐渊想要将初代的灵魂作为首件魔人武装的试制品灵魂体使用的。 However after Le Yuan takes out then dropped this plan naturally, not for other this beginning the generation of Soul bodies of were really bad. Most reaches the B level low-rank peak on the energy rank the appearance, at all is not full version first generation Soul. 不过在乐渊取出之后便自然而然将这个计划放弃了,不为别的这初代的灵魂体实在是太差了。就能量等级而已最多达到B级下位巅峰的样子,根本不是完整版初代目灵魂 By Devil Weapon that the Soul system of this appearance makes, even if manufactures successfully, is still only a careless low-grade weapon, basic impossible catches up with the step that Le Yuan goes forward, will waste a quota on the contrary. 以这个样子的灵魂体制作出来的魔人武器就算是制作成功了,也只是一件马马虎虎的下品武器而已,根本不可能追上乐渊前进的步伐,反倒是会浪费一个名额。 The flame of calcine Soul, extracts the Soul body...... the elimination irrelevant memory and emotion branch...... to take out the Wood Release Ninjutsu branch...... to retain the type of talent Sage Body...... 灵魂之焰煅烧,萃取灵魂体……去除无关记忆、情感分支……取出木遁忍术分支……保留天赋仙人体之种…… Le Yuan opens Devil phantom directly, withstood/top the attack of Third Hokage to start the adaptation process to the Soul body of Impure World Senju Hashirama actually uninhibitedly. 乐渊直接开启魔人虚影,硬是顶着三代目火影的攻击旁若无人地对着秽土千手柱间灵魂体开始了修改工作。 After Soul of this world dies, will go to Elysium (Bliss Pure Land), only some minority methods can call Soul. But even if Impure World Reincarnation, the Soul body that can call is also incomplete, perhaps only then coordinates Samsara of Heavenly Life Technique to bring back to the world a ghost truly. 这个世界的灵魂死后会前往极乐净土,唯有少数方法可以将灵魂唤回。而纵然是秽土转生,能够叫回来的灵魂体亦是残缺的,恐怕只有配合轮回天生之术才能真正将一个亡魂带回人间。 But Le Yuan through[ Devil Armament] the Demon ability that this skill awakens to the Soul body further education trim that was just taking, although Le Yuan does not prepare to use as a Devil Weapon core with it, but this does not represent it not to have the slight function. 乐渊正是通过[魔人武装]这个技能觉醒的恶魔能力对着刚刚拿到手的灵魂体进修修剪,虽然乐渊不准备用它作为一个魔人武器的核心来使用,但是这不代表它没有丝毫的作用。 Le Yuan is absolutely possible to remove the unnecessary part completely, retains an ability seed merely, buries in it somebody's body, perhaps this can become the way of another strengthened skill also perhaps. 乐渊完全有可能将其不必要的部分完全去除,仅仅保留一项能力种子,将它埋入某人的身体里面,或许这能够成为另外一项强化技能的方式也说不定。 But the attack of third generation is completely fruitless, restored Impure World Senju Tobirama of body to transfer the spear head not to have the moral integrity to start again to sneak attack Third Hokage. Suddenly was hit Third Hokage that retreats in defeat again and again, can only cope at present own teacher with single-hearted devotion. 三代目的攻击全然无果,重新恢复好身体的秽土千手扉间再次调转枪头无节操地开始偷袭起了三代目火影。一时间被打得节节败退的三代目火影,只能专心对付起了眼前自己的老师。 Completes to receive the merit, can help the person awaken Sage Body the type of Soul, but was very seemingly nitpicking, the words success ratio in the person on one's own side matching highest should be Karin, who lets Senju Clan and Uzumaki Clan is a cousin, the Karin physique can be said as most agrees with the Sage Body physique.” “完成收功,一个能够帮人觉醒仙人体灵魂之种,不过貌似很挑剔了,自己人中匹配的话成功率最高的应该是香磷,谁让千手一族漩涡一族是表亲,香磷的体质可以说是最契合仙人体的体质。” Just received Soul, Le Yuan was almost then scared by present one. Never expected that he just opened a while small difference, the aspect then almost crashed. Impure World Senju Tobirama already was held by Third Hokage shadow clone, is using Dead Demon Consuming Seal to conduct the seal. 刚刚将灵魂之中收起来,乐渊便被眼前的一幕给差点吓坏了。没想到他刚刚开了一会儿小差,局面便差点崩盘。秽土千手扉间已经三代目火影的影分身抓住,正在用尸鬼封尽进行封印呢。 But another side Orochimaru similarly by Third Hokage and Jiraiya compelled the dead end jointly. Dead Demon Consuming Seal prelude already starts, Orochimaru Soul body already stared. 而另一边大蛇丸同样被三代目火影自来也的联手逼到了绝路。尸鬼封尽的前奏已经开始,大蛇丸灵魂已经被盯上了。
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