VE :: Volume #8 三阶首战影之忍者

#704: These year of these person of these matters

Le Yuan leaves from the Six Paths time is not the scheduled No. 2 world that the later earliest possible time goes, but before was the choice returns to No. 1 world to depart in that node, after all this unexpected travel made Le Yuan have a scare, if has not grasped the time really to jump over the critical time point, that may really play sent greatly. 乐渊六道的时代离开之后第一时间前往的并非是预定中的二号世界,而是选择返回了一号世界离去前的那个节点上,毕竟这一次意外的旅行着实让乐渊吓了一跳,而且万一没有把握好时间真将关键时间点跳了过去,那可就真的玩大发了。 When Le Yuan returns in the innumerable space and times to No. 1 world finally, inquired slightly then discovered now in Ninja Calendar in March 61, does not have one month from the time that he left as before. 乐渊在无数的时空中最终返回到一号世界时,稍稍一打听这才发现现在依旧是在忍历61年3月,距离他离开的时间还没有一个月的时间。 Le Yuan this that temporarily relaxes chooses to go to No. 2 world again, count-down according to No. 1 world, if both sides time synchronism, then Le Yuan should be away from left No. 2 world in the past almost 10 months, the considering everything linked for a year not to achieve. No. 2 world should pace back and forth in the Ninja Calendar 54 years theoretically, if Le Yuan wants to seek to Karin makes Tsunade of teacher, then must the world seeks. 暂时松了一口气的乐渊这再一次选择前往二号世界,按照一号世界的时间计算,如果双方时间同步的话,那么乐渊应该距离离开二号世界过去了差不多十个月的时间,满打满算连一年都未达到。二号世界理论上应该在忍历54年徘徊,乐渊如果想要寻找给香磷做老师的纲手,那么必须满世界的去寻找。 This Le Yuan goes to the travel of No. 2 world is bon voyage, has not met the space and time to shake has not had any time point to displace, Le Yuan steadily in the Rōran whereabouts of No. 2 world. 这一次乐渊前往二号世界的旅行是一路平安,既没有遇到时空震也没有发生任何的时间点偏移,乐渊稳稳地在二号世界的楼兰着落了。 Arrives at the later Le Yuan first matter first to inquire the information, after all any world information for first. Did not fear that 10,000 fear the eventuality, really had what important matter not to do Le Yuan anything not to know that then hit. 到达之后乐渊的第一件事就是先打听情报,毕竟任何世界情报为先。正所谓不怕一万就怕万一,真就发生了什么大事别搞得乐渊什么都不知道便一头撞上去。 However as this inquired, Le Yuan that is true was ignorant. The present No. 2 world may no longer be that appearance that Le Yuan knows very well, although Le Yuan calculates very well, thinks how long oneself leave this world actually not, but in fact Le Yuan inquired that under discovered the present time was Ninja Calendar in March 61. Has not misunderstood, with the time synchronism of No. 1 world. 不过随着这一打听,乐渊那是真正的懵了。现在的二号世界可不再是乐渊所熟知的那个样子,虽然乐渊盘算得很好,认为自己离开这个世界其实并未多久,但是实际上乐渊一打听之下才发现现在的时间乃是忍历61年3月。没听错,和一号世界的时间同步了。 Heard here Le Yuan anything not saying that first returned to Rōran of this world, his something must confirm, Le Yuan in No. 1 world treated for 10 months, but No. 2 world actually experienced for 8 years in this short 10 months. 听到这里的乐渊啥也没说先返了这个世界的楼兰,他有些事情必须验证一下,乐渊在一号世界待了十个月的时间,而二号世界却在这短短十个月内经历了八年。 If not Le Yuan in that Six Paths time the fight of two months with Kaguya, then No. 1 world and No. 2 world the ratio of time speed of flow was 1 : 97, actually Le Yuan must confirm this is some constant time speed of flow difference change value. 如果不算乐渊在那六道时代的两个月与辉夜的战斗,那么一号世界和二号世界的时间流速之比达到了一比97,乐渊必须要验证这究竟是恒定的时间流速差还是某种变化值。 In Le Yuan silently when Rōran is doing the research he also since little digestion in the eight years tips, after all 8 years changes many things sufficiently, particularly in this world already had under the situation of many change. 就在乐渊默默在楼兰做着研究的时候他也在一点点消化这8年以来的点点滴滴,毕竟八年的时间足以改变许多的事情,尤其是在这个世界已经发生了众多改变的情况之下。 Must say matter that Le Yuan inquired, overwhelming majorities were naturally related with this Konoha, after all Le Yuan in longest place that this world treated convenient is Konoha, but acquaintance of Le Yuan in this world also all was the Konoha person. 要说乐渊打听的事情,自然绝大多数都和这木叶村有关,毕竟乐渊在这个世界所待的最长一个地方便是木叶,而乐渊在这个世界的熟人也全都是木叶的人。 First said the environment, entire Ninja World is peace as always, since Third Shinobi World War, all countries then basically cut off the possibility of war, although also presents the small friction once for a while, but no country is willing to start large-scale War. 首先说大环境,整个忍界还是一如既往的和平,自从第三次忍界大战之后所有的国家便基本上断绝了大战的可能性,虽然还时不时出现小摩擦,但是没有一个国家愿意发动大规模战争 But in Le Yuan acquaintance, change biggest must be his student Uchiha Itachi. Naturally said those who change the thumb is two aspects, one is his status, another is his mentality. 乐渊的熟人里面,变化最大的就要属他的一个学生宇智波鼬。当然说变化大指的是两个方面,一个是他的身份,另一个是他的心态。 First is the Uchiha Itachi status, came Le Yuan to leave beforehand Itachi already is the first person of Uchiha Clan younger generation, later becomes youngest Anbu Captain in the Ninja Calendar 55 years. 首先就是宇智波鼬的身份,原本来乐渊离开之前已经宇智波一族年轻一代的第一人,随后在忍历55年成为最年轻的暗部分队长 Before Le Yuan leaves already very sharp Uchiha Clan and contradiction between Konoha high level increasingly is also serious during this period, Itachi not accidental/surprised becomes the two-sided spies. However is worth rejoicing is third generation that this matter's Konoha gradually is not old is in power probably, but is young dynamic Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato takes responsibility. 而在乐渊离开前已经非常尖锐的宇智波一族木叶高层之间的矛盾也在这期间日益严重,其中还是毫无意外的成为了双面间谍。不过值得庆幸的大概就是此事的木叶并非垂垂老矣的三代目掌权,而是年轻富有活力的四代目火影波风水门做主。 Because hierarch different also caused Konoha high level regarding Uchiha Clan the difference of processing mode the plan rebels against, this also caused the Uchiha Itachi destiny also to change. Uchiha Clan was suppressed by the peace, but is responsible for the Uchiha Clan suppression merely is Namikaze Minato and Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Shisui three people. 由于掌权者的不同也导致了木叶高层对于策划反叛的宇智波一族的处理方式的不同,这也导致了宇智波鼬的命运也随之改变。宇智波一族被和平镇压了,而负责将宇智波一族镇压仅仅是波风水门宇智波鼬宇智波止水三个人。 The elite who Uchiha Clan that expert in addition two in Kage Level awakened Mangekyō Sharingan, has the extremely strong restraint three people to face over dozens times of Uchiha Clan elite Ninja even, still by powerful form suppression. Facing the robber unapproachable three people, Uchiha Clan submitted to thoroughly, in the time that at least in Namikaze Minato also reigns rebels cannot happen again. 一个影级中的高手外加两个觉醒了万花筒写轮眼宇智波一族的精英,有着极强克制性的三人就算面对超过数十倍的宇智波一族的精英忍者,也以强而有力的形式镇压。面对强盗无可匹敌的三人,宇智波一族彻底臣服了,最起码在波风水门还在位的时间里叛乱不会再发生。 But assisted Uchiha Itachi of Konoha suppression rebellion naturally unable to be the famous hero, he not only becomes the rebel in clansman eyes also to become the hero who in the village is unable to become famous. Therefore, Uchiha Itachi also has Uchiha Shisui these two after receiving secret Quest from Fourth Hokage vanishes from Konoha. 而协助了木叶镇压叛乱的宇智波鼬自然不会是声名远播的英雄,他不但成为了族人眼中的叛徒也成为了村子里无法扬名的英雄。为此,宇智波鼬还有宇智波止水这两人在接到来自四代目火影的隐秘任务后从木叶村中就此消失。 But Konoha Ninja Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Shisui vanishes to disappear, but from now well-known entire Ninja World special commission army corps dawn, after this quietly birth, but its leader disappears Uchiha Itachi that from Konoha does not see. 木叶忍者宇智波鼬宇智波止水消失不见了,而从此以后闻名整个忍界的特殊佣兵团晓,在这之后悄然诞生,而它的领导者正是从木叶消失不见的宇智波鼬 Uchiha Itachi becomes a free mercenary, this becomes the best choice to a certain extent to him, does not use the battle of between worry in the village and clansman can internal fight village reduce and solve similarly in invisible. 宇智波鼬成为了一名自由佣兵,这某种程度上对于他来说成为了最好的选择,既不用烦恼于村子和族人之间的厮杀同样能将村子的内斗化解于无形。 Before Konoha, Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen death, but actually does not die in the hand of Orochimaru, but dies of the old wound recrudescence. Once dominated Ninja World more than ten years of Ninja regarding this, any ninja village expressed regretted, after all this was an once legend, but is unable to resist the corrosion of time eventually. 木叶村三代目火影猿飞日斩逝世,不过却不是死在大蛇丸的手上,而是死于旧伤复发。对于这位曾经雄霸忍界十多年的忍者,无论是哪一个忍村都对此表达了惋惜,毕竟这是一个曾经的传说,但是终究无法抵御时间的侵蚀。 A year ago Konoha Chūnin test similarly is colorful, did not have the disturbance of Konoha collapse plan, the entire Chūnin test seems steadier. But in Genin that shows talent for the first time has Le Yuan has not thought of the character. 一年前的木叶中忍考试同样是精彩纷呈,没有了木叶崩溃计划的干扰,整个中忍考试显得更加平稳。而其中崭露头角的下忍中更有乐渊从来没有想到过的人物。 Hyūga Hinata, Le Yuan this second student besides Itachi, the time of guidance short less than one year, however her growth actually exceeded the imagination of Le Yuan completely. A year ago Chūnin test, is not only successfully promoted is Chūnin, and had the Konoha new generation 12 cockroach's first person of trends faintly, this simply is the unimaginable transformation. 日向雏田,乐渊这个除了之外的第二个学生,教导的时间更是只有短短的一年不到,但是她的成长却完全超越了乐渊的想象。一年前的中忍考试,不但成功晋级为中忍,并且隐隐有了木叶新一代十二小强第一人的趋势,这简直就是不可想象的转变。 Konoha Byakugan Princess and Ninja World Star of Tomorrow such name falls on the body of Hyūga Hinata looks like the normal matter simply. Truly speaking, after Le Yuan initially the training program and growth plan established, has not thought that Hinata can grow until now this step, but looks like Hinata nowadays not only will plan to complete very well, but also superior growth. 木叶白眼姬”、“忍界明日之星”这样的称呼落在日向雏田的身上简直就像是再正常不过的事情。说实在的,乐渊当初将训练计划和成长规划设定好之后也没有想到雏田可以成长到如今这一步,但现如今看来雏田不仅将计划完成得很好,而且还超常成长了。 In brief 12 cockroach of this world grew to have some changes for various reasons, but did not matter compared to this quite peaceful world, after all the world growth pressures of no world many accidents were completely different. 总而言之这个世界的十二小强由于种种原因成长出现了些许变化,不过相对于这个较为和平的世界而言都无所谓了,毕竟没有一号世界诸多变故的世界成长压力可是完全不同的。 Absolute destruction Martial Arts Futae no Kiwami, on the body of Hinata blossoms in radiant splendor 8 years later finally, in Chūnin test Neji [Revolving Heaven] or Gaara the defense of sand by this move of radical destruction. Can say only after one Chūnin takes a test, the Hyūga Clan reputation spread over entire Ninja World again, even crushed Uchiha Clan until now. 绝对的破坏体术二重之极,在经过八年之后终于在雏田的身上大放异彩,中忍考试中无论是宁次[回天]还是我爱罗的砂之防御都被这一招彻底破坏。可以说只一次中忍考试之后,日向一族的名头再一次传遍了整个忍界,甚至压倒了一直以来的宇智波一族 The Hokage's son Namikaze Menma strength is fair, after not having Nine-Tails this external, although has training and mother of Uzumaki Kushina father Namikaze Minato regarding the development of Uzumaki Clan physique, but can only can be the new generation first line character as before, but is unable to become top expert that deserves truly. 火影之子波风面麻的实力中规中矩,没有了九尾这个外挂之后,虽然有着父亲波风水门的调教和母亲漩涡玖辛奈对于漩涡族体质的开发,但是依旧只能算得上新一代第一线人物,而无法真正成为当之无愧的顶尖高手 But original male No. 2 Uchiha Sasuke is real changing, as a result of departure of elder brother Uchiha Itachi, his character had the irreversible change. From until now pursues the Uchiha Itachi situation to grasp then becomes a thorough playboy, even if such change is Uchiha Fugaku has not expected. 而原本的男二号宇智波佐助则是真正的变了个样,由于兄长宇智波鼬的离去,他的性格出现了不可逆转的变化。从一直以来追逐宇智波鼬的情况抓便成为了一个彻底的花花公子,这样的变化纵然是宇智波富丘都没有预料到的。 If the transformation of Uchiha Sasuke were above the imagination of Le Yuan, then other 12 cockroach's changes more or less made Le Yuan be able to accept slightly. For example no longer becomes starry eyed Haruno Sakura, interrogates and tortures especially adept Yamanaka Ino regarding Mind. The Non-Combat condition falls the intelligence quotient talent Nara Shikamaru, Akimichi Clan of non- mainstream successor others Akimichi Chouji. 如果说宇智波佐助的转变超乎了乐渊的想象,那么其他十二小强的变化或多或少令乐渊稍稍能够接受。比方说变得不再那么花痴的春野樱,对于心灵拷问尤为拿手的山中井野非战斗状态掉智商的天才奈良鹿丸,还有非主流的秋道一族传人秋道丁次 Transforms as for the taijutsu expert Guy three people of squads similarly greatly, because personality becomes no longer that hot blooded, causing Little Lee to be skilled in besides Martial Arts had the fondness of underwear thief in the amateur time unexpectedly, Hyūga Neji was because the father reason became is especially warm to Hyūga Hinata, simply was Hyūga Hinata number-one loyal fan, Tenten is because the family fortune declined the bankruptcy to become in 12 cockroach to cross most laborious one...... 至于体术达人凯的三人小队转变同样巨大,由于阿凯的性格变得不再那么热血,导致小李除了体术精通之外竟在业余时候有了内衣小偷的癖好,日向宁次更是由于自己父亲的缘故变得对日向雏田尤为热情,简直就是日向雏田的头号铁粉,天天则是由于家道中落破产成为了十二小强中过得最辛苦的一个…… Although the change of Konoha is big, but the good news also to have. The return of two of the Sannin Jiraiya and Tsunade made Konoha that third generation died become powerful. Was started a medical reform by the Konoha medical service part of Tsunade reorganization, this spreads the entire Ninja World major event. 虽然木叶村的变化非常大,但是好消息也不是没有。三忍之二自来也纲手的回归令三代目死亡的木叶村变得更加强大。由纲手重组的木叶医疗部分掀起了一阵医疗改革,这是遍及整个忍界的头等大事。 But Le Yuan also had some results in the research of Rōran dragon vein in one month, perhaps because of Le Yuan No. 1 the relations of the world and No. 2 world connection, two world has is close to ten years misses, but time already of two world tend to the synchronization now. 乐渊楼兰龙脉的研究也在一个月内有了些许的结果,或许是因为乐渊将一号世界和二号世界连接的关系,原本两个世界有着接近十年的时间差,但是现在两个世界的时间已经趋向于同步。 Le Yuan stayed in No. 2 world half a month later, the time of No. 1 world also passed half a month similarly. This regarding has travelled Le Yuan of two world perhaps is a good deed, after all later really must hurry back to No. 1 world not to need by some chance to consider the time issue. 乐渊在二号世界待了半个月之后,一号世界的时间同样也才过了半个月而已。这对于一直往返于两个世界的乐渊而言或许是一个好事,毕竟以后万一真要赶回一号世界不需要考虑时间问题了。 Arrives at this Quest World already lasted 2 years, how long Le Yuan but can also continue to stay to be unknown. However according to the present condition, has treated to Fourth Shinobi World War finished is not a problem, but has puzzled Le Yuan the strength of Heavens Punishment also to be solved in Fourth Shinobi World War. 来到这个任务世界已经长达2年,还能继续停留多久乐渊不得而知。不过按照现在的状态来看,一直待到第四次忍界大战结束不成问题,而一直困扰着乐渊天谴之力也将于第四次忍界大战中得到解决。 To obtain the system dominates the Fourth Shinobi World War strength, Le Yuan[ Reincarnation Round Dance] Strength must fully restore, but eyes power that the Hamura descendant of Moon gathers is the best tonic. 而为了获得制霸第四次忍界大战的实力,乐渊的[转生轮舞]力量必须完全恢复,而月球的羽村后裔聚集的瞳力则是最好的补品。 ... ...
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