VE :: Volume #8 三阶首战影之忍者

#683: Invitational meet, Martial Arts showdown

Chūnin took a test the second death forest scroll contest's fifth day to cut off finally, before the night fell, the last team collected the scroll to rush to the tower of center finally. But Le Yuan looks that just arrived sighs with Uzumaki Naruto that one group of schoolmates are greeting again and again, has to say takes protagonist, Uzumaki Naruto one line of lucky attributes absolutely are ultra first-rate. 中忍考试第二场死亡森林卷轴争夺战第五天的时间最终截止,在夜幕降临之前,最后一只队伍终于凑齐了卷轴赶到了中央之塔。而乐渊则是看着那刚刚到来就和一群同学打着招呼的漩涡鸣人连连叹气,不得不说作为主角,漩涡鸣人一行的幸运属性绝对是超一流的。 At least in the Le Yuan three days do not arrive „during strolling hunts and kills had not bumped into them, these have certainly Le Yuan not to use conducts the reason of ultra-large range sweeping full power, however their luck also do not blow. 最起码在乐渊三天不到的“闲逛”猎杀之中一直没有碰上他们,这其中当然有乐渊没有动用全力进行超大范围扫荡的缘故,但是他们的运气同样不是吹的。 The team that however now the tower of this center assembles may with different of storyline, besides Konoha 12 cockroach, then only have the Sand Ninja Gaara three people of groups also to have the Sound Ninja three people of groups that Le Yuan is , the even Kabuto’s team five because two people died, but has to withdraw from the competition. 不过现在这中央之塔集结的队伍可和原本剧情的大不一样,除了木叶十二小强之外,便只剩下沙忍我爱罗的三人组还有乐渊所在的音忍三人组,就连兜所在的队伍都由于两人夭折而不得不退出了比赛。 However this regarding mainly collects the material Yakushi Kabuto to be nothing radically, even if he really and teammate arrived at the tower of center safely, by host who his individuality that still gives up on own initiative, matter is to make him be able according to present such development to withdraw on the contrary smoothly. 不过这对于主要来收集资料的药师兜而言根本算不了什么,就算他真的和队友安然来到了中央之塔,以他的个性那也是主动放弃的主,事情按照现在这样的发展反倒是让他能够顺利脱身而出。 Quick was Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen comes is one crowd of naive Genin told real motive of this Chūnin test, namely demonstrated the national strength to various countries, exposed the military potential of various countries by various village subordinate Ninja Strength. 很快身为三代火影猿飞日斩现身为一群天真的下忍讲述了这一次中忍考试的真实目的,即向各国展示国力,以各村下级忍者力量展露各国的军事潜力。 But without a doubt, most Ninja on the scene belong to Konoha now, without doubt showed that Konoha Genin has a stronger strength, can overcome all difficulties to arrive at this tower is the elite in elite. What is rarer time was this being promoted almost just had/left the Ninja school the rookie, this indicates simply in the future these people will not die are equal to the future Konoha pillar of the state. 而毫无疑问,现在在场的绝大多数忍者属于木叶,无疑证明木叶村下忍有着更强的实力,能够排除万难来到这座塔的全是精英中的精英。更加难得的是这一次的晋级者几乎都是刚刚出忍者学校的新人,这简直预示着未来这些人不夭折就等同于未来的木叶栋梁。 Quick was on Konoha Gekkō Hayate of sickness tuberculosis ghost replaces third generation to go forward to start especially to announce the decision was promoted the budget match rule of match finally, the 1 V 1 single duel, 18 people on the scene must contend 8 people to attend the final final, in other words two participants need to fighting twice. 很快身为病痨鬼的木叶特上月光疾风代替三代目上前开始宣布了决定最终晋级赛的预算赛规则,1V1的单人决斗,在场的18人要角逐出八人参加最后的总决赛,换句话说其中有两名参赛者需要对战两次。 Invitational meet's first, Konoha Uchiha Sasuke VS Otogakure Zaku. 预选赛第一场,木叶宇智波佐助VS音隐萨克 Uchiha Sasuke can also open Sharingan the elite in Uchiha Clan worthily, although lacked clansman's guidance, but still depends on his remarkable talent growth to present this step. In is unable to transfer in the situation of chakra use technique, creates own Martial Arts by flash of intuition[ Lion Combo] strikes down Zaku. 宇智波佐助也不愧是能够开启写轮眼宇智波一族中的精英,虽然缺少了族人的教导,不过依然靠着他那惊人的天分成长到现在这一步。在根本无法调动查克拉使用术的情况下,凭借灵光一闪创造出自己的体术[狮子连弹]将萨克击倒。 Also probably second, Konoha Aburame Shino VS Sunagakure Gaara. These does not even have the suspense, chose on nearby two building observing stages as Aburame Shino of insect directly raised own right hand to give up competing. 也像是第二场,木叶油女志乃VS砂隐我爱罗。这一场甚至毫无悬念,作为虫师的油女志乃直接在一旁的二楼观战台上选择了举起自己的右手放弃比赛。 Shino, takes up your spirit! How can you not compete with automatically give up? Do not lose to the bastard of that panda eye, mounts the stage!” 志乃,拿起你的志气啊!你怎么能还没比试就自动放弃呢?别输给那个熊猫眼的混蛋,上台啊!” Uzumaki Naruto that does not know Gaara that Aburame Shino will soon face has how fearfully, but also encourages Shino to go to compete in the one side. 漩涡鸣人那是根本不知道油女志乃即将面对的我爱罗有多么的可怕,还在一旁鼓励着志乃前去比赛。 However Hinata rampant incomparable Inuzuka Kiba incomparably has approved of the decision of Shino, perhaps in Genin on the scene only then their three fight that has experienced Gaara, that cannot call it the fight simply, should be called to kill by mistreatment. 不过无论是雏田还是一直嚣张无比的犬冢牙都无比赞同志乃的决定,恐怕在场的下忍之中只有他们三个见识过我爱罗的战斗,那简直不能称之为战斗,应该叫做虐杀。 The insect fight of Shino within the body has the restraint effect regarding most Genin on the scene, coordinating the Shino fight intelligence quotient winning percentage is not small, what a pity facing having Gaara of absolute defense, not by the control discomfort that the insect transmits faintly, Shino is really the normal fight cannot achieve continually. 志乃体内的虫子战斗对于在场的绝大多数下忍都有着克制效果,配合志乃的战斗智商胜率都绝不会太小,可惜面对拥有绝对防御的我爱罗,还有虫子隐隐传来的不受控制的不安感,志乃实在是连正常战斗都做不到。 Even of Gaara within the body again how small and weak, regarding the insect is invincible existences, particularly Shino is also only Genin time, this is the winning percentage is 0 fights. 就算我爱罗体内的一尾再怎么弱小,对于虫子而言都是不可战胜的存在,尤其是志乃还只是个下忍的时候,这便更是胜率为0的战斗。 Invitational meet's third, Konoha Hyūga Hinata VS Konoha Hyūga Neji. Is ordinary with the original works, in Hyūga Neji that be relentless destroys under devastation of younger sister hand, Hyūga Hinata several wanted dead, if were not Le Yuan responds with the aid in side, perhaps also really had the kick the bucket incautiously possibility. 预选赛第三场,木叶日向雏田VS木叶日向宁次。和原著一般,在日向宁次那毫不留情的摧妹手的摧残之下,日向雏田几欲死亡,如果不是乐渊在旁报以援手的话,恐怕还真有一不小心嗝屁的可能性。 Invitational meet's fourth, Konoha Uzumaki Naruto VS Konoha Yamanaka Ino. The result is self-evident, the technique of heart turning around Yamanaka Ino grasps is indeed fearful, but Uzumaki Naruto actually does not press the common sense to play a card, goes on stage directly by Multiple Shadow Clone Yamanaka Ino surrounding, making her simply not have the one-to-one uses/gives technique opportunity. 预选赛第四场,木叶漩涡鸣人VS木叶山中井野。结局不言而喻,山中井野掌握的心转身之术的确可怕,不过漩涡鸣人却根本不按常理出牌,一上场就直接以多重影分身山中井野包围,让她根本没有一对一施术的机会。 Invitational meet's fifth, Konoha Haruno Sakura VS Konoha Rock Lee. Similarly is the one-sided fight, from the beginning is Rock Lee, because does not endure to begin by Haruno Sakura to be attacked one-sided, later after erupting struck Haruno Sakura strikes the dizzy to end the fight. 预选赛第五场,木叶春野樱VS木叶李洛克。同样是一边倒的战斗,一开始是李洛克由于不忍动手被春野樱一边倒地攻击,随后在爆发后一击将春野樱击晕结束了战斗。 Invitational meet's sixth, Konoha Akimichi Chouji VS Sunagakure Kankurō. Also without completely grasps Multi-Size Technique Akimichi Chouji, now takes one move that acts to Kankurō is only[ Human Bullet Tank]. However what Le Yuan wants saying that this move deals with the average person also to create to threaten the effect, but plays smooth Kankurō is not easy-to-use regarding the puppet exceptionally. After Akimichi Chouji transferred the N long time, fainted to cause own failure automatically. 预选赛第六场,木叶秋道丁次VS沙隐勘九郎。还没有完全掌握倍化之术秋道丁次,现在对上勘九郎唯一拿得出手的一招就是[****战车]。不过乐渊想说的是,这一招对付一般人还能造成威吓效果,但是对于傀儡玩得异常溜的勘九郎就根本不好使。在秋道丁次转了N久之后,自动晕倒而导致了自己的失败。 Invitational meet's seventh, Konoha Tenten VS Sunagakure Temari. Finally was also one with the fight that in the original works was almost the same, in the ninja tool offensive was ended in the situation in to subdue|grams by opposite party Wind Release, Tenten nursed hatred to suffer defeat, was struck the dizzy to lose the competition by Temari directly. 预选赛第七场,木叶天天VS沙隐手鞠。总算是又有一场和原著之中相差无几的战斗了,在忍具攻势被对方风遁完克的情况下,天天含恨败北,被手鞠直接击晕输掉了比赛。 Afterward is eighth, Konoha Inuzuka Kiba VS Konoha Nara Shikamaru. When Le Yuan saw such a competition arranges, looked to also in Third Hokage of two buildings. This is to deliver a Otogakure room for promotion surely simply, after knowing Orochimaru will be the Sound Ninja leader will also arrange such competition order, the arrangement of Third Hokage to only have one...... 随后是第八场,木叶犬冢牙VS木叶奈良鹿丸。当乐渊看到这么一个比赛安排的时候,不由看向了还在二楼的三代目火影。这简直就是要送音忍村一个必定的晋级名额,在知道大蛇丸音忍的首领之后还会安排这样的比赛顺序,三代目火影的安排只有一个…… The eighth competition that however is still in progress may can really be called is the model that the Ninja wisdom fights. Shikamaru first was depends on the seasoning temporary to discard the nose of nin-dog Akamaru, later depended on Shadow Imitation Technique control to live in the action of Inuzuka Kiba to strike the dizzy Akamaru, later depended on custom of both sides to vary, simply has not tied up the right leg of kunai to extend directly toward oneself, thus forced to withstand/top Inuzuka Kiba of neck to with kunai admit defeat. 不过还在进行的第八场比赛可就真称得上是忍者智战的典范。鹿丸先是靠着调味料暂时性地废掉了忍犬赤丸的鼻子,随后靠着影子束缚术控制犬冢牙的行动将赤丸击晕,随后靠着双方的习惯不一,直接向着自己根本没有绑着苦无的右腿伸去,从而逼迫拿着苦无顶着脖子的犬冢牙不得不认输。 Invitational meet's ninth, Otogakure Le Yuan VS Otogakure Kin. 预选赛第九场,音忍村乐渊VS音忍村金 After Le Yuan jumps down the field, but also stood in the gold/metal of two buildings raised own right hand timidly, later was saying to Gekkō Hayate of standing ground on the scene: Supervisior Sir, I must forfeit!” Fully realized oneself and gold/metal of Le Yuan power gap simply does not have the courage to dispute, is very afraid oneself not to become and Dosu common skeleton saves, or is the wound leaves the stage with the gold/metal general whole body. 乐渊跳下场之后,还站在二楼的金唯唯诺诺地举起了自己的右手,随后对着站在场地上的月光疾风说道:“监考官大人,我要弃权!”深知自己与乐渊实力差距的金根本没有胆子较量,深怕自己变得和托斯一般尸骨无存,亦或者和金一般浑身是伤地退场。 Le Yuan not again rebound two buildings, but arrives at a wall of building step by step by there, looks up is looking to own Third Hokage. In the Third Hokage look has the recollection, going into seriously none. 乐渊没有重新跳回二楼,而是一步步走到一楼的墙壁边上靠在那里,抬起头望着正看向自己的三代目火影三代目火影的眼神之中有着回忆,更有一丝深究的精光。 Clearly, from the Le Yuan facial features, Third Hokage saw a point anything, but does not know he who truth can only continue remains silent. Quick final to fighting the list appeared, but finally actually and Le Yuan estimates has a difference. 很明显,从乐渊的面容之中,三代目火影看出了一点什么,不过不知道真相的他只能继续保持沉默。很快最后的对战名单出现了,不过结果却和乐渊估量的有所差别。 Last in the list indeed has his name, but was a pity very much to the goal of war not Gaara that is he anticipates, Rock Lee that on the contrary had not paid attention. 最后一场的名单之中的确有着他的名字,不过很可惜对战的目标不是他所期待的我爱罗,相反是一直没留意的李洛克 Rock Lee leaps to the location in instantaneously, later the right hand is putting out a hand to Le Yuan a finger/refers, on the face shows the expression that is hard to take excitedly: This is the choice of youth! Ha makes us come one not to keep the regrettable fight, sways this hot blooded youth!” 李洛克瞬间跃至场地上,随后右手对着乐渊伸手一指,脸上露出兴奋难耐的表情道:“这就是青春的选择!哈让我们来一场不留遗憾的战斗,挥洒这热血的青春!” Said well, Li! This is the hot blooded youth story of man, after the competition, we gather round Konoha to stand upside down to walk together 5, runs toward the setting sun together!” “说得好,李!这才是男子汉的热血青春物语,比赛后我们一起围着木叶村倒立行走五圈,一起向着夕阳奔跑吧!” But stood also seems like Chuunibyou Sickness in two buildings Might Guy of thick eyebrows generally, is saying to listen to and mental illness not two kinds spoken language to Little Lee in the average person. 而站在二楼的粗浓眉的迈特凯也像是中二病犯了一般,对着小李说出了在普通人听来和神经病没有两样的言语。 Le Yuan looks that seems like outbreak general Rock Lee master and disciple two not to have the method, gradually stepped onto the sports field. After Le Yuan takes place, in the auditoriums of two buildings Uzumaki Naruto is shouting to refuel for Rock Lee. 乐渊看着像是发病一般的李洛克师徒俩没有法子,缓步走上了比赛场。当乐渊就位之后,二楼的观众席上漩涡鸣人正扯着嗓子替李洛克加油。 Thick eyebrow, you must win this pretentious fellow, but do not lose!” “粗眉毛,你一定要赢这个装模作样的家伙,可千万别输了!” Rock Lee is giving the thumbs-up to Uzumaki Naruto, simultaneously in the left eye ratio the eye opens to reveal the white tooth to smile brightly. Such looks at the Uzumaki Naruto chill of cheering, one group of cockroach are becoming exceptionally awkward, to have such companion is embarrassed. 李洛克对着漩涡鸣人竖起了大拇指,同时左眼比上又眼睁开露出洁白的牙齿灿烂一笑。那样子看得正在助威的漩涡鸣人一阵恶寒,连带着一群小强都变得异常尴尬,为有这样的同伴而不好意思。 The competition from the beginning, Rock Lee changes his funny appearance, erupted the far ultra Genin speed extreme speed to be close to Le Yuan in the flash, simultaneously is also rising with a spring from the Le Yuan five meters places swayed from side to side own, with the aid of the powerful waist strength displays Konoha Style Martial Arts[ Leaf Whirlwind]. 比赛一开始,李洛克一改他那搞笑的样子,在一瞬间爆发出了远超下忍的速度极速接近乐渊,同时在距离乐渊还有五米的地方一跃而起扭动自己的要不,借助强大的腰力施展出了木叶流体术[木叶旋风]。 [ Leaf Whirlwind], is a rotation upside kicks in the final analysis. However in Konoha Style Strong Fist successor others in the hand of Rock Lee, this strikes after erupting chakra can become powerful that kicks the stone pieces strikes. [木叶旋风],说到底就是一记回转上段踢。不过在木叶流刚拳传人李洛克的手上,这一击在爆发查克拉之后能够成为踢碎石块的强大一击。 Does well, thick eyebrow!” “干得好,粗眉毛!” Even if Uzumaki Naruto does not know that this[ Leaf Whirlwind] the mystery that hidden, however after seeing the attack of Rock Lee cannot bear clap the hands and shout praise. 漩涡鸣人就算不知道这[木叶旋风]中隐藏的奥妙,但是在看到李洛克的攻击后也是忍不住拍手叫好。 However quick everyone was stunned, saw only Rock Lee strikes the upside to kick is quick and kicks anxiously to the Le Yuan head place, the average person was kicked is dies absolutely. Even if Ninja this were kicked, does not drop a moderate cerebral concussion to be light. 不过很快所有人都愕然,只见李洛克的一击上段踢又快又急地踢向了乐渊的脑袋处,一般人被踢中绝对是死定了。就算是忍者被这一脚踢中,不落下个中度脑震荡都是轻的。 Is good, but the speed also had the Strength difference. The young people, you will not concentrate on to rub to rub, you are young, must control!” “准度不错,不过速度还有力量差了点。年轻人,你不会把精力都放到撸啊撸了吧,你还年轻,要节制一点啊!” Facing teasing of Le Yuan, Rock Lee, although does not know the profound meaning of implication but also knows that is not the word of praise, immediately in landing wants to put forth one move instantaneously[ Shadow of the Dancing Leaf], stretches the legs to kick to strike the chin of Le Yuan upwardly, kicks Le Yuan floats spatially. 面对乐渊的调笑,李洛克虽然不知道其中蕴含的深意但也知道绝不是什么好话,顿时在落地的瞬间就想要使出一招[影舞叶],向上蹬腿踢击乐渊的下巴,将乐渊踢得浮空。 However his struck just conducted to half of places, his tip of the toe then has to stop. Before seeing only the right palm of Le Yuan placed own body, that seems like with the average person two kinds meat palm has not kept off that sufficiently to kick the foot of strong gale. 不过他的这一击刚刚进行到一半的地方,他的脚尖便不得不停了下来。只见乐渊的右手掌放在了自己的身前,正是那看起来和普通人没有两样的肉掌挡下了那足以踢断烈风的一脚。 Leg merit is good, but the style was too obvious, boy!” “腿功不错,不过招式太明显了,小子!” Le Yuan changes the palm is the claw, while blocking Rock Lee[ Shadow of the Dancing Leaf] holds his right calf stubbornly. Feels Rock Lee that oneself are captured to feel to immediately, but he soon did not have the time to think these. 乐渊变掌为爪,在挡住李洛克[影舞叶]的同时将他的右小腿给死死抓住。感受到自己被擒的李洛克当即觉得要遭,不过他很快就没有时间想这些了。 Sees only Le Yuan after a hand catches Rock Lee, the whole person engine case brandishes big windmill, jumps to leap at the same time passes on instantaneously dozens Rock Lee. Even the huge centrifugal force makes Rock Lee that receives trains huge still think that the disgusting suspect vomits. 只见乐渊在一只手擒住李洛克之后,整个人机箱是抡大风车似的,纵身一跃的同时将李洛克瞬间传上来数十圈。巨大的离心力让就算受过庞大训练的李洛克也觉得恶心犯呕。 Goes to “去 Le Yuan while arriving at critical altitude fiercely transferring similar Rock Lee fiercely throws, immediately Rock Lee looked like pounding of shell to approach the ground. 乐渊在到达临界高度的同时猛地将转得差不多的李洛克猛地掷出去,顿时李洛克就像是一枚炮弹似的砸向了地面。 After a loud sound, the wooden floor was pounded a giant pothole. 一声巨响过后,木质地板被砸出了一个巨大的坑洞。
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