VE :: Volume #8 三阶首战影之忍者

#684: Eight Inner Gates, the limit of body

Little Lee crawled from the pothole finally steadily, his reaction speed indeed exceeded most Genin, part of Jōnin to be even hard to attain. Was being pounded down the instance of ground by Le Yuan, his brain already reacted, according to the surrounding change and own condition he knows to hit unavoidable, but made the most appropriate circumvention movement in just 1 second. 小李最终还是稳稳地从坑洞中爬了起来,他的反应速度的确是超越了绝大多数的下忍、甚至连一部分上忍都难以企及。在被乐渊砸下地面的瞬间,他的大脑已经做出了反应,根据周围的变化和自身的状态他知道撞击无法避免,而在短短1秒内做出了最恰当的规避动作。 Refueling thick eyebrow, punches that Sound Ninja bastard ruthlessly!” This is the Uzumaki Naruto roaring voice. “加油粗眉毛,狠狠揍那个音忍的混蛋!”这是漩涡鸣人的加油声。 Little Lee what's the matter? If in that situation isn't will be good with Body Replacement Technique? Is also good with the withdrawing technique?” Sakura asked toward nearby watermelon teacher Might Guy. 小李是怎么回事呀?那种情况下如果是用替身术不是会好一点吗?或者用脱身术也行啊?”小樱向着一旁的西瓜头老师迈特凯问道。 But Might Guy also said all of Little Lee this effort talent slowly, even only met Martial Arts, he was still an out-and-out talent. Also because he more definite Little Lee has is as good Neji also has the Uchiha Sasuke talent, will not easily lose this competition. 迈特凯也是将小李这个努力型的人才的一切慢慢坦露,就算是只会体术,他也是一个不折不扣的人才。也正是因为如此他才更加确定小李有着不逊于宁次还有宇智波佐助的天赋,更是不会这么轻易输掉这一场比赛。 Little Lee! Now takes that I permitted your use that move!” 小李!现在把那个拿下来吧,我允许你用处那一招了!” At this time, Might Guy to is shouting with Little Lee that Le Yuan confronted loudly. 就在这个时候,迈特凯对着正在与乐渊对峙的小李大声喊道。 But Little Lee when hearing this stares, later looks own teacher is revealing the pure white front tooth to raise up the greatly female finger, immediately what is understanding of the opposite party says is anything. Immediately responds with the smile to respond, simultaneously looked to the Le Yuan look also no longer is just invincibility, but exchanged the feeling of having victory in the hand. 小李在听到这声时一愣,随后看着自己的老师正对着自己露出洁白的门牙竖起大母手指,立刻会意到对方所说的是什么。立刻报以笑容做出回应,同时看向乐渊的眼神也不再是刚刚的不可战胜,而是换上了胜券在握的之感。 Peng Peng “彭 The first even/including two bangs, Little Lee is tying the arms the both feet large amount of carries a heavy load abandons completely. The giant sound that in one side when the abdomen throws flies to pound to enable Uzumaki Naruto only to sigh that anything is called the anomaly, anything is called from oppressively. 一连两声巨响,小李将双脚上绑着的巨额负重完全抛弃。腹中抛飞到一边时砸出的巨大动静让漩涡鸣人只能感叹什么叫做变态,什么叫做自虐。 Wears carries a heavy load to conduct the Chūnin test like this huge, this is not proud is stupid. But Rock Lee this person has also really worn now, if not permission of Might Guy, perhaps he also really plans to continue. 戴着这样的庞大负重进行中忍考试,这不是自负就是愚蠢。而偏偏李洛克这个人还真就一直戴到现在,如果不是迈特凯的允许,恐怕他还真打算一直这么继续下去。 On, Little Lee( thick eyebrow)!” Might Guy or Uzumaki Naruto, saw that removes the burden Little Lee to feel him to have victory in the hand, Martial Arts that Little Lee under this condition displays absolutely and just being no comparison between them. “上啊,小李(粗眉毛)!”无论是迈特凯还是漩涡鸣人,看到褪去负担的小李都觉得他胜券在握,这种状态下的小李施展的体术绝对和刚刚的不可同日而语。 Yes! Teacher “是!老师 The instance that Little Lee complies with, the under foot steps on fiercely on the wooden floor, the huge explosive force the floor that will be spread by the hardwood will step on the crack in the flash, what this powerful leg strength will also be the pinnacle speed. The Little Lee speed was just over three times, the pinnacle speed caused the air fulmination in the flash, this was the speed exceeds the loud sound that the limit can produce. 小李答应的瞬间,脚下猛地踩在木质地板上,巨大的爆发力将由坚木铺成的地板在一瞬间踩裂,这种强大的腿力还来的是极致的速度。小李的速度是刚刚的三倍以上,极致的速度在一瞬间引起空气爆鸣,这是速度超越了极限才会产生的巨响。 Not numerous and diverse movements, has no fancy style. The Little Lee present forms of combat are only fastidious about to be quick. Quickly to pinnacle vertical leaps, Le Yuan lifted own head following his movement. 没有繁杂的动作,也没有任何花俏的招式。小李现在的战斗方式只讲究一个快。一个快到极致的纵跃,乐渊顺着他的动作抬起了自己的头。 However the Le Yuan speed is fast, the Little Lee speed actually becomes quickly, when the head of Le Yuan is also maintaining uphold, Little Lee actually already arrived at Le Yuan by the unusual speed behind. Is twining the bandage, was trained hard iron fist already that disciplines to be ready toward the waist of Le Yuan to fight with the fists innumerably. 不过乐渊的速度快,小李的速度却变得更快,在乐渊的头还保持着抬起的时候,小李已经凭借超凡的速度来到了乐渊的身后。缠绕着绷带,被无数苦练而磨练出来的铁拳已经蓄势待发向着乐渊的腰间一拳打了过来。 „The waist of man is very precious thing, thick eyebrow!” “男人的腰可是很宝贵的东西,粗眉!” This condensed the Little Lee speed advantage strikes hit that like that has not arrived at as everyone expected, sees only the Le Yuan right hand that is gaining ground to turn toward unknowingly grasps behind, happen to the attack of Little Lee grasping in hand. 这凝聚了小李速度优势的一击并没有如所有人预料到的那般命中,只见抬着头的乐渊右手不知不觉向着身后一抓,正好将小李的攻击给抓在了手中。 I know how the Sir immeasurably deep strength of may be defeated, that thick eyebrow has not experienced to the fearfulness of Sir!” “我就知道,大人深不可测的实力怎么可能会被这么就打败了,那个粗眉还没有见识到大人的可怕!” Stood has worked as the gold/metal of passer-by to look at the eruption not slight worry of Little Lee in two buildings, the Le Yuan powerful early already quarter into her innermost feelings, that is you will never know the limit the powerless feeling. 站在二楼一直当着路人的金看着小李的爆发没有丝毫的担心,乐渊强大已经刻入了她的内心,那是一种你永远不知道极限的无力感。 Rock Lee, due to the system reason is unable fellow of chakra for Ninjutsu or Genjutsu (Illusionary Technique), gradually in horizontal Genin of reporting of Martial Arts above to Chūnin. His Martial Arts strength supports him to promote sufficiently is Chūnin, but now what he lacks is a stage of show/unfolds strength. 李洛克,一个由于体制原因根本无法将查克拉用于忍术或是幻术的家伙,浸淫在体术之道达到中忍之上水平的下忍。他的体术实力足以支持他晋升为中忍,而他现在缺少的正是一个一展实力的舞台。 Quickly, unequalled quick fist. After strikes kept off next, the Little Lee choice unceasingly walks randomly unceasingly shakes the fist, the fist shadow covers Le Yuan, but is resounded through the entire sports field by the sound that intersects sincerely, everyone can through this sound understand attack not effective. 快,无与伦比的快拳。在一击被挡下之后,小李选择不断游走不断挥拳,一记记拳影将乐渊笼罩,但是又是一声声被拳拳相交的声音响彻整个比赛场,所有人都能通过这个声音明白攻击并没有奏效。 The green form and as stable as Mount Tai that Little Lee that walks randomly unceasingly formed the sharp contrast in Le Yuan of sports field center then attack, although the attack of Little Lee has been in the dominant position, perhaps but according to the present situation does not wait for the Little Lee speed to break through the defense of Le Yuan, his stamina will then take the lead to exhaust. 小李那不断游走的绿色身影和稳如泰山在比赛场中央接着攻击的乐渊形成了鲜明的对比,虽然小李的攻击一直处于主导地位,不过按照现在的情况恐怕不等小李的速度突破乐渊的防御,他的体力便会率先耗尽。 Rests you!” “歇歇吧你!” Le Yuan strikes to revolve to kick the hit to move to his behind Little Lee shoulder, immediately Little Lee only felt oneself seem like by hitting of going crazy is been excessively common to dashing, whole person control continuously completely hits all of a sudden on the room wall, fell into. But Little Lee he only felt oneself right arm in the broken below of such offensive, although was also insufficient unable to use, but does not accept treatment possibly really discarding. 乐渊一击旋转上踢命中在移动到他身后的小李肩膀,登时小李只觉得自己像是被发了疯的打向冲撞过一般,整个人完全控制不住一下子撞在了房间墙壁上,陷入了其中。而小李他只觉得自己的右臂在那样的攻势之下裂了过来,虽然还不至于无法使用,但是不接受治疗可能真的的会废掉。 What's wrong? Is this your full power? If only by doing so, you might as well surrender to admit defeat, my mood says erratically will also give your way out, must pity the life the youngster!” “怎么了?这就是你的全力?如果只有这样,你不如就此投降认输得了,我心情好说不定还会放你一条生路哦,要惜命啊少年!” Le Yuan displays the appearance that an interest lacks, as if lacks regarding the Little Lee attack fundamental interest, probably simply has not used the real skill the appearance. Le Yuan the Uzumaki Naruto that touches the type command to observe really thinks that a fist punches his face, but Le Yuan actually shrugs, this is not he is coquettish, does not use Eight Inner Gates this taboo move Little Lee indeed unable to arouse his interest. 乐渊表现得一副兴致缺缺的样子,似乎对于小李的攻击根本兴致缺缺,好像根本没有动用真本事的样子。乐渊的这幅摸样令观战的漩涡鸣人真想一拳揍上他的脸,不过乐渊对此却耸耸肩,这不是他故作姿态,不动用八门遁甲这种禁忌招数的小李的确引不起他的兴趣。 Hehe, you are very indeed strong, perhaps unexpected, already exceeded presented all Genin, I even thought that you exceeded general Chūnin. However I cannot lose, I will show, my Rock Lee pen anybody will not miss absolutely!” “呵呵,你的确很强,出乎意料的强,恐怕已经超越了在场所有的下忍,我甚至觉得你超越了一般中忍。不过我不能输,我会证明,我李洛克绝对不会笔任何人差!” Gate of Opening, Open!” Eight Inner Gates first gate, relieves the brain territory to limit, to achieve to display 100% body abilities the goal, the excess load consumption body energy increase attacks, fast. Le Yuan thinks so Little Lee to open first gate merely. 开门,开!”八门遁甲第一门,解除脑域限制,以达到发挥出100%的身体能力的目的,超负荷消耗身体能量提升攻、速。乐渊仅仅是这么看着小李打开第一门 But in this flash, the Little Lee speed compared with just rose 30% again, and this speed continually is still rising. Present fight already exceeded the Genin rank, can rely on beyond the Byakugan observation besides Neji, only then Ninja of Jōnin rank can see clearly the fight of this ultra Genin specification. 而在这一瞬间,小李的速度比起刚刚再次上升了30%,并且这速度还在不断上升。现在的战斗已经超越了下忍级别,除了宁次还能凭借白眼观察之外,只有上忍级别的忍者才能看清这一场超下忍规格的战斗。 Fists, two fists and three fists...... Little Lee of unremitting attack is still not able with own fist hit Le Yuan, he of active offense as a result of stamina consumption already to a valve value, his speed to have the trend of drop on the contrary unceasingly. 一拳、两拳、三拳……不断攻击的小李依然无法用自己的拳头命中乐渊,相反不断主动攻击的他由于体力的消耗已经到了一个阀值,他的速度有下降的趋势。 Gate of Healing, Open!” Eight Inner Gates second gate, lifts the stamina weary limit, the weariness that excess load squeezing body energy recovery stamina, counter-balances opens the door the energy consumption speed of brings. 休门,开!”八门遁甲第二门,解除体力疲劳限制,超负荷压榨身体能量恢复体力,抵消开门的能量消耗速度带来的疲劳。 Gate of Life, Open!” Is restoring the stamina instance, Little Lee opened Eight Inner Gates third gate. Further promotes to attack, fast, the body starts the hyperemia becomes red, Eight Inner Gates final Safe Area, the body starts to send out the green energy. 生门,开!”在恢复了体力的瞬间,小李打开了八门遁甲第三门。进一步提升攻、速,身体开始充血变红,八门遁甲最后的安全区,身体开始散发绿色的能量。 Who regardless of this time Little Lee the speed or Strength compared to the normal state was not inferior, even powerful in explosive force. This is on the strength of true especially rank, if not because the limit in ability and experience, present Little Lee on especially is not generally inferior to. 这个时候的小李无论速度还是力量都比起常态的阿凯毫不逊色,甚至在爆发力上更加强大。这是真正的特上级别的实力,如果不是由于能力和经验上的限制,现在的小李对上一般特上也绝不逊色。 However forgave opens third gate, Little Lee is unable to conduct the steamroll by this to the pinnacle skill to Le Yuan as before quickly. The fight, the unceasing fight, Little Lee is breaking through in the fight to own limit unceasingly, third gate wins, he never imagined to open oneself fourth gate. 不过饶是打开了第三门,小李依旧无法凭借这快到极致的身手对乐渊进行碾压。战斗,不断的战斗,小李在战斗中正不断突破至自己的极限,第三门不了,他想都没想开启了自己的第四门 Gate of Pain, Open!” Further promotes to attack, fast, the body starts to present the damage, on this time Little Lee already presented the skin breakage, this already is not he can the domain of carrying/sustaining. 伤门,开!”进一步提升攻、速,身体开始出现损伤,这时候的小李身上已经出现了皮肤破裂,这已经不是他能够承载的领域。 However such condition indeed strong fearfulness, when this flash he moves the speed of having causes the air to shake sufficiently, this was not the pure airing, but is approaching Strength that speed of sound threshold can produce truly instantaneously. If not chakra that on him erupts counter-balances the air wave that some airings produced, perhaps then this training ground opens by the speed that he moved sufficiently. 不过这样的状态的确强的可怕,在这一瞬间他移动时产生的速度足以引起空气震,这不是单纯的气爆了,而是真正在瞬间逼近音速这个门槛才会产生的力量。如果不是他身上爆发的查克拉抵消了一部分气爆产生的气浪,恐怕凭借他移动的速度便足以将这个训练场拆了。 In person eyes that in an numerous observe, started the attacks of four Little Lee to be finally effective. The rout of body of Le Yuan in the Little Lee unceasing chain blows, the body is flying independently gradually little to the midair, must lose the strength of resistance shortly. 在一众观战的人眼中,开启了四门的小李的攻击终于奏效了。乐渊的身体正在小李不断的连击之中放手渐渐溃败,身子更是一点点飞向半空之中,眼看就要失去抵抗之力了。 Le Yuan seems like a rubber ball to be hit by Little Lee in the midair not to land generally unceasingly, but Le Yuan also arrived at the critical point in midair at this time. Is falling returns to Little Lee this matter muscle already of ground to draw, Eight Inner Gates that erupts unceasingly is compelling him to a dead end. 乐渊像是个皮球一般在半空中不断被小李打来打去就是不着陆,而乐渊此时也来到了半空中的临界点。正落回地面的小李此事身上的肌肉已经拉上,不断爆发的八门遁甲正把他逼向一条绝路。 Gate of Limit, Open!” Eight Inner Gates fifth gate, this is also the limit that present Little Lee can withstand. But drives the air to tilt the ground at his speed in the movement sufficiently, even the non- active offense, light/only can still become the mobilized disaster by the movement. 杜门,开!”八门遁甲第五门,这也是现在的小李所能承受的极限。而以他速度足以在移动的时候带动空气掀动地面,就算不主动攻击,光靠移动也能成为移动性的灾难。 Le Yuan maintains is hit by Little Lee as before can only fly face up to the posture of upper air, but Little Lee actually drags already to be inferior that the body of self-destroying stage was launching the final attack to Le Yuan, vertical leapt arrived at Le Yuan in the air of above, is lifting up high the hand of iron fist and in dispersing the bandage is indicating that he wanted to use[ Reverse Lotus] as Finishing Move. 乐渊依旧保持着被小李打得只能仰面飞向高空的姿势,而小李却拖着已经不如自灭阶段的身体对着乐渊发动了最后的攻击,一个纵跃来到了乐渊的正上方的空中,高举着的铁拳和散开的手中绷带正预示着他想要动用[里莲华]作为终结技 [ Reverse Lotus], an opponent bumps the high-speed continuous attack that cannot bump into, even can step on the air to fly round in the space, last hits toward the place the opponent back of the head. Put simply is a continuum limit technique, bases on the limiting velocity attack under Eight Inner Gates condition. [里莲华],一种对手碰都碰不到的高速连续攻击,甚至可以踩着空气在天上飞来飞去,最后一下将对手后脑勺朝地打去。简单而言就是一种连续极限技,是基于八门遁甲状态下的极限速度攻击。 However while Little Lee from in the air falls, when shakes the fist charges into the Le Yuan preparation to start this final attack, he fiercely noticed was actually being hit on the Le Yuan face that is incapable of revolting against show the smile by oneself, what kind of smile that is, seeing his Little Lee only to feel oneself as if saw in the flash the death is smiling toward him. 不过正当小李自空中落下,挥拳冲向乐渊准备开始这最后的攻击时,他猛地看到正被自己打得无力反抗的乐渊脸上却露出了笑容,那是一种怎样的笑容,看见他小李只觉得自己在一瞬间似乎见到了死亡在朝着他微笑。 How however since the attack already starts to be able easily to stop, even if the Little Lee intuition is reminding him to run away unceasingly quickly, however present he was already stakes everything on a single throw of the dice is using the life to spell, his self-respect did not allow oneself gave up. 不过攻击既然已经开始又怎么能轻易停下,就算小李的直觉在不断提醒他赶快逃走,但是现在的他可是已经孤注一掷在用命来拼了,他的自尊绝不容许自己这么放弃。 chakra already that Little Lee one crowd has the incomparable violence was close to Le Yuan, soon is close to the Le Yuan flash, nearly all looks that this person stares, particularly is launching the attack Little Lee. 小李的一群带着无比暴力的查克拉已经接近了乐渊,就在快要接近乐渊的一刹那,近乎所有看着这一幕的人都一愣,尤其是正发动攻击的小李 Le Yuan such baseless from Little Lee at present vanishes does not see, is not Body Replacement Technique is not the clone technique, but is main body solid disappearance. The person who only then observes can see, Le Yuan in the instantaneous blue light of disappearance lightened now Little Lee in midair behind. 乐渊就这么凭空从小李的眼前消失不见,不是替身术也不是什么分身术,而是本体实实在在的消失。而只有观战的人才能看到,乐渊在消失的瞬间蓝光一闪出现在了半空中的小李身后。 [ Flying Thunder God Technique], Third Hokage on the scene also has Kakashi, or was Might Guy these three experiences fourth generation this move of person almost to regard this move Le Yuan Spatial Displacement truly subconsciously, simultaneously the Le Yuan form in their superposes at present with the Namikaze Minato form in this moment. [飞雷神之术],在场的三代目火影还有卡卡西,亦或者是迈特凯这三个真正见识过四代目这一招的人几乎下意识地把乐渊空间移动当成了这一招,同时乐渊的身影在这一刻在他们的眼前与波风水门的身影重合起来。 First no matter Third Hokage and vibration of Kakashi innermost feelings, but is not wonderful as the Might Guy secretly thought of Teacher Little Lee. What if Le Yuan use is really[ Flying Thunder God Technique], helping present Little Lee probably without a doubt absolutely, this is not he can contend now. 先不管三代目火影卡卡西内心的震动,但是作为小李老师的迈特凯却暗道不妙。如果乐渊使用的真是[飞雷神之术],帮忙毫无疑问现在的小李绝对要遭,这绝不是他现在能抗衡的。 Just wants to shout in Might Guy makes noise, for the Little Lee forfeit time, Le Yuan attack actually already arrived. 就在迈特凯刚想喊出声,替小李弃权的时候,乐渊的攻击却已经降临了。 [ Rain Regret Cloud Sorrow], Le Yuan right hand flash according to the waist of Little Lee. In that flash, Little Lee only felt own blood from top to bottom as if stopped generally, but as a result of Eight Inner Gates, but also seems like in this moment in whole body wild mobile chakra by the flame that ten thousand years freezes to extinguish coldly vanishes gradually, later the consciousness of Little Lee vanishes instantaneously does not see. [雨恨云愁],乐渊的右手一瞬间按在了小李的腰间。在那一瞬间,小李只觉得自己浑身上下的血液都似乎停止了一般,而由于八门遁甲而在全身上下狂暴流动的查克拉在这一刻也像是被万年寒冰冻灭的火焰般渐渐消失,随后小李的意识瞬间消失不见。 Thump “咚 With landing of Le Yuan, wrapped the Little Lee giant iceberg to fall on the floor together completely simultaneously, the floor entire was pounded the crack, but wrapped the Little Lee ice piece is being entire falls into the ground. 随着乐渊的落地,一块完全包裹着小李的巨大冰山同时落在了地板上,地板被整个砸裂,而包裹着小李的冰块更是整个陷入地面。 Victory and victor were Otogakure Le Yuan Gekkō Hayate gawked for 56 seconds, later inspected the Little Lee condition to call loudly. “胜、胜利者是音隐乐渊月光疾风愣了五六秒钟,之后检查了小李的状态高声喊道。
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