VE :: Volume #8 三阶首战影之忍者

#682: This is specialized

Successfully is promoted the second round of 60 examinees naturally unable by head proctor Mitarashi Anko several words to be persuaded to quit, signed the life and death shape to participate during the five-day test without exception. 成功晋级到第二轮的60名考生自然不会被主考官御手洗红豆的几句话劝退,无一例外签下了生死状参与到了为期5天的考试之中。 But the entry standard of second test is also simple, so long as achieves two conditions then to calculate that was promoted successfully. The one collects the Scroll of Heaven axis and Scroll of Earth axis simultaneously, its two were one group of three people succeeds brings the scroll to arrive at high tower of death forest central location in 5 days. 而第二场考试的通关标准也非常简单,只要达成两个条件便算晋级成功了。其一就是同时收集到天之卷轴和地之卷轴,其二就是一组三人成功在5天内带着卷轴来到死亡森林中央位置的高塔 Sees Le Yuan to come back, Gionee in the same group carves gathers up, to whisper low voice nearby him: Sir Le Yuan, when we complete Quest of Sir Orochimaru, ambushes Uchiha Sasuke that group? This is Quest that Sir Orochimaru confesses personally......” 见到乐渊回来,同组的金立刻凑上前在他跟前小声地嘀咕道:“乐渊大人,我们什么时候完成大蛇丸大人的任务,狙击宇智波佐助那一组?这可是大蛇丸大人亲自交代的任务……” The gold/metal also pointed out especially this is the order of Orochimaru, but responded her is actually Le Yuan stared ruthlessly. Le Yuan is not the Orochimaru subordinate, if not the Quest existence wizard is willing to come here muddy water, the Le Yuan participation are more, in the future will change is also bigger, this may enter the goal of this world to be incompatible with him. 金还特地指出了这是大蛇丸的命令,不过回应她的却是乐渊的狠狠一瞪眼。乐渊可不是大蛇丸的手下,如果不是任务的存在鬼才愿意来这里趟泥水,乐渊参与地越多,未来改变也就越大,这可和他进入这个世界的目的不符。 Shut up, since you follow now I, defers to my plan to do. The plan of Orochimaru is not your crowd of chop suey can contact the core, you really think that he hopes Uchiha Sasuke does die?” “闭嘴,既然你们现在跟着我,就按照我的计划来做。大蛇丸的计划可不是你们这群杂碎能够接触到核心的,你们真的以为他希望宇智波佐助死吗?” Looks that these two were treated as the fellow who the board game piece actually does not know completely, Le Yuan really does not hope continues rubbish with them. The Sound Ninja squad that Le Yuan is was arranged the No. 23 forest into the mouth, from 12 th that protagonist Uzumaki Naruto is, but is very far. 看着这两个被当作棋子却完全不自知的家伙,乐渊真的不希望继续和他们废话下去。乐渊所在的音忍小队被安排到了第23号森林进入口,距离主角漩涡鸣人所在的12号可是远得很。 July 1 , 3 : 30 pm just crossed, Chūnin takes a test round formally to start second. Monitored an exam Ninja to open the instance of front door in Konoha, Le Yuan brings Kin and Zaku to crash in the death forest instantaneously. 7月1号下午 3 点半刚刚过,中忍考试第二轮正式开始。在木叶监考忍者打开大门的瞬间,乐渊带着金还有萨克瞬间冲进了死亡森林中。 One line of three people of anything have not done, goes forward in the direction of tower of center merely incessantly. Kin and Zaku wanted to inquire that to Le Yuan on the way several times should seek for the prey search scroll, but thinks the person who Le Yuan does not like talking too much closes the mouth to follow on the heels immediately firmly hurries along unceasingly. 一行三人什么都没有做,仅仅是向着中央之塔的方向不断前进。途中金还有萨克数次想要向乐渊询问是不是应该去寻找猎物搜寻卷轴,不过一想到乐渊不喜欢多嘴的人立马牢牢地闭上嘴巴跟在后面不断赶路。 This walks is one hour, rushes to the tower of center from the forest, if not Le Yuan to care about the speeds of Kin and Zaku these two fellows feared then to rush very early in the morning, but now traveling schedule more than half blockade who probably and ran into was more unlikely. 这一走便是一个小时,从森林外赶到中央之塔,如果不是乐渊为了顾及金还有萨克这两个家伙的速度恐怕一早便赶到了,不过现在行程过半而且可能遇到的阻击者更是不大可能。 Le Yuan stopped on a lofty tree, but followed Kin and Zaku to take advantage of opportunity on that branch also stops. 乐渊在一棵参天大树上停了下来,而紧随其后的金还有萨克顺势在那根树枝上同样停住了。 „!” Two scrolls that Le Yuan will obtain threw to one side gold/metal, thing that Le Yuan gave let not know Kin and Zaku how to complete stared in a big way the eyeball. “给!”乐渊将自己获得的两份卷轴抛给了一边的金,乐渊给出的东西让根本不知道怎么完成的金还有萨克瞪大了眼珠子。 Then you two Quest are anything do not manage has turned toward the tower of center to go forward, pays attention to avoid Sand Ninja the three people of groups of that back bottle gourd, their extremely dangerous character, do not run away when the time comes cannot escape, I will converge with you in three days, then returns sees!” “接下来你们两个的任务就是什么都不要管一直向着中央之塔前进,注意避开沙忍中的那个背葫芦的三人组,他们可是极度危险人物,到时候别逃都逃不掉,我会在三天之内与你们汇合,那么回见!” Le Yuan may, no matter Kin and Zaku does have what opinion and so on thing, said after should say, moves sideways to leave immediately. He also has the exceptionally important matter to do in this not monitored death forest! 乐渊可不管金还有萨克有没有什么意见之类的东西,说完了该说的话之后立马闪身离开。在这个不受监控的死亡森林里面他可是还有着异常重要的事情要做呢! In the original world altogether has the Group 7 21 people through the second round of test, in addition forfeit Yakushi Kabuto, just right 20 people of third round of competition. But Le Yuan plans to conduct a downsizing for the following competition personnel again. 原本的世界中共有7组21人通过第二轮考试,加上弃权的药师兜,第三轮比试的正好20人。而乐渊打算再次为接下来的比赛人员进行一次瘦身。 The Kusagakure three people of numerous who entered the death forest from the No. 17 gateway, their time conditions may calculate not good. Simply speaking their group of troops piece together radically temporarily, is been different by the Grass Ninja elite who the Orochimaru group extinguishes the replace with another group, this group of main responsible support coordination. 从第17号门户进入死亡森林的草忍村三人众,他们此时的状态可算不上好。简单来说他们这一组人马根本就是临时拼凑起来的,和另一组被大蛇丸团灭替换的草忍精英不同,这一组主要负责的支援配合。 But in which most important naturally had[ physical ability cure] this type only need gnaw to nip special characteristics Ninjutsu Karin that the skin can restore, but has treatment of Karin of this ability in Kusagakure to be not much. 而其中的重中之重自然就是具备了[体能治愈]这种只需啃咬皮肤就能恢复的特质忍术香磷,不过具备这一能力的香磷草忍村中的待遇可不咋样。 During the extreme speed Karin that hurries along already unable to withstand throws down on the ground, but two people who take the lead actually merely are stop to look to abrade Karin of knee indifferently, does not have including the meaning of slightly supporting by the arm, that simply has not been regarded as the person on one's own side to look dull Karin, the live image is looked that cures item. 在极速赶路之中已经承受不了的香磷啪嗒一声摔倒在地上,而走在前面的两人却仅仅是停下来冷眼看着擦伤膝盖的香磷,连丝毫搀扶的意思都没有,那根本没有把香磷当作是自己人看呆,活像是看一件治愈道具 „It is not quick, because if you harm our Chūnin test failure, wants you to be attractive!” On the Grass Ninja minor character A face has the scowl, the appearance that perhaps Karin that receives for a long time weakly bullied, present minor character A simply had not realized that own action had anything not to the place. “还不快起来,如果因为你害得我们中忍考试失败,一定要你好看!”草忍龙套A脸上带着怒容,或许长久以来香磷那一副弱受的模样欺负惯了,现在的龙套A根本没有意识到自己的举动有什么不对地方。 Ok, she does not have except for treating the fart skill, makes her pursue simply slowly, we investigate the surrounding situation. Does she currently have the scroll, others also mood copes with her!” “算了,她除了治疗屁本事没有,干脆让她慢慢追吧,我们还是去探查周围的情况。她现在有没有卷轴,想必别人也心情对付她!” Grass Ninja minor character B suggested that this immediately caused the approval of minor character A. After all he could not endure regarding being in the way Karin, later also no longer managed simply has not protected oneself Karin of strength whether to live in the forest of this crisis on top of crisis, threw down Karin to continue to go forward directly the past. 草忍龙套B如此建议道,这顿时引起了龙套A的赞同。毕竟他对于碍手碍脚的香磷也是忍受不了了,随后也不再管根本没有自保之力的香磷能否在这危机重重的森林中活下来,直接丢下香磷继续前进了过去。 Quite tired, this day I...... wait/etc, their aura how......” “好累,这种日子我……等等,他们两个的气息怎么……” In rest while sighed own destiny erroneous Karin, suddenly stared in a big way the eye. Although does not have the combat capability, her talent perception capability enabled her to grasp named[ Mind's Eye of the Kagura], simply has not told Kusagakure that group of people as her card in a hand. 正在一边休息一边感叹自己命运多舛的香磷,突然瞪大了眼睛。虽然没有战斗能力,不过她的天赋感知能力还是让她掌握了名为[神乐心眼],作为她的底牌根本没有告诉草忍村的那群人。 As the Searching technique of ultra-large range,[ Mind's Eye of the Kagura] can the radius be in ten several kilometers can use the chakra sensation to the unusual action, this was she just grasped this ability not skilled reason, but the bonus was so after Karin was familiar with chakra of Grass Ninja teammate can the long distance know their situations. 作为超大范围的索敌术,[神乐心眼]可以半径为十数公里以内都能用查克拉感知到异常的举动,这还是她刚刚掌握这个能力不熟练的缘故,但饶是如此在香磷熟悉了草忍队友的查克拉之后还是能够长距离了解他们的情况。 After the two leave Karin only has 7 kilometers merely, two people chakra then in the flash weaken directly vanishes, this situation will only appear in the instance that the chakra master died. 但是当那两人离开香磷仅仅只有七公里之后,两人的查克拉便在一瞬间变弱直接消失,这种情况只会出现在查克拉主人死亡的瞬间。 How like this, they such strong after entering the forest such short time were then struck to kill, over the following five days what to do should I?” “怎么会这样,他们这么强在进入森林后这么短时间便被击杀了,接下来的五天我该怎么办?” Karin is scared in this flash immediately, possibility that second of Chūnin test does not have the forfeit, only if treated the foot five days in the death forest, otherwise do not want to go out from this forest. But battle efficiency low Karin must avoid the fierce wild animal now, but must avoid to have malicious his village Ninja, this to her without doubt is a huge test. 香磷在这一瞬间立马就慌了神,中忍考试的第二场可不存在弃权的可能性,除非在死亡森林里面待足五天,不然别想从这个森林里面出去。而战斗力低下的香磷现在既要躲避凶猛野兽,还要躲避带有恶意的他村忍者,这对于她而言无疑是一个巨大的考验。 Escapes, escapes the farther the better, is all refers to Genin by her strength without doubt weakest one, bumps into random one by the oppressive life. Was planning that turned around sneaking off Karin thump to hit on a solid body, sat the ground. 逃,逃得越远越好,以她的实力无疑是所有参考下忍中最弱的一个,碰上任意一个都是被虐的命。正打算掉转头溜走的香磷咚的一声撞到了一个坚实的身体上,一屁股坐到了地上。 Oh, hurts......” “哎哟,疼疼疼……” The buttocks are attacked fiercely, Karin hurts grimaces at the same time immediately wants to see clearly actually to hit anyone, person who she may not notice to have Jehol to contain chakra is completely approaches. 屁股猛地受袭,香磷疼得呲牙咧嘴的同时立马就想要看清楚究竟自己撞到了谁,她可完全没有注意到有热河蕴含查克拉的人接近啊。 Met again, I take to you to be free!” “再次见面了,我来带给你自由!” Made the Karin lifetime unforgettable sound appear again, she does not know how at this moment should face Le Yuan to be good. In the reaching to the sky ancient forest, the motley light shadow shines on the body of Le Yuan, this command Le Yuan seems like by the light cares. 香磷毕生难忘的声音再一次出现,她此刻根本不知道该怎么面对乐渊才好。高耸入云的古林之中,斑驳的光影照射在乐渊的身上,这一幕令乐渊看起来像是被光所眷顾。 You and you...... I am the Kusagakure person, my impossible follows you to leave......” “你、你……我可是草忍村的人,我不可能就这么跟着你离开的……” Although Karin 100 want at heart, but fully realized she who own status presented hesitation. After all if follows Le Yuan to leave directly, then means that must become Missing-nin (Rogue Ninja), meanwhile must Le Yuan this isotopic Genin to issue a warrant for arrest together. 香磷虽然心里一百个愿意,但是深知自己身份的她还是出现了迟疑。毕竟如果直接跟着乐渊离开的话,便意味着要成为一名叛忍,同时还要让乐渊这个同位下忍的人一起遭受通缉。 Kusagakure even again how small and weak, it after all is complete ninja village. In the Karin mind does not think that Le Yuan can protect their life in chasing down of Kusagakure, Le Yuan he eventually is only Genin. 草忍村就算再怎么弱小,它终归是一个完整的忍村香磷心目中并不怎么认为乐渊能够在草忍村的追杀之中保护住他们两人的性命,乐渊他终究只是个“下忍”而已。 Le Yuan held Karin, looking like hugs the daughter to be the same. Although Karin feels very embarrassed, but also thought that treats in Le Yuan feeling very peacefully, looks like places the peaceful fantasy township to be absolutely ordinary. 乐渊一把将香磷抱了起来,就像是抱自己女儿一般。虽然香磷觉得非常难为情,但是也觉得待在乐渊身边的感觉非常的安宁,就像是身处绝对安宁的幻想乡一般。 Walks!” “走起!” In a flash, Le Yuan Small World covered then to bring her to enter in Karin the heavenly book fairyland. As a temporary hidden point, commodity enough Karin that in the heavenly book fairyland stored up survives last several years, but Le Yuan was makes Karin that immature Mind receive Halley's Comet to hit huge shock of Earth in heavenly book fairyland nearly Gods Strength. 一瞬之间,乐渊小世界香磷笼罩然后带着她进入到了天书仙境之中。作为一个暂时的隐藏点,天书仙境里面储存的物资足够香磷生存上数年了,而乐渊在天书仙境近乎神明力量更是让香磷那幼小的心灵受到了哈雷彗星撞击地球的巨大震撼。 After the second round of test started the third hour, Orochimaru already played jokes upon Naruto in the squad, and successfully gave Uchiha Sasuke to leave behind Cursed Seal of Heaven. But Gaara also successful completed the competition by 93 minutes of ultra exaggerating record. 第二轮考试开始后的第三个小时,大蛇丸已经戏耍了鸣人所在小队并且成功给宇智波佐助留下了天之咒印。而我爱罗也成功以93分钟的超夸张记录完成了比赛。 As for Le Yuan hunts the personnel losses action also to have the harvest greatly, at least he after the scroll gave Kin and Zaku collects a three points of Scroll of Heaven axis Scroll of Earth axis again. And successfully two groups of Konoha Ninja, one group of Amegakure Ninja also two Kusagakure Ninja destroyed to humanity, this means that Le Yuan most reduced the chance of four groups of troops. 至于乐渊的猎捕减员行动也是大有收获,最起码他在将卷轴给了金还有萨克之后又再一次收集到了三分天之卷轴一份地之卷轴。并且成功将两组木叶忍者,一组雨忍村忍者还有两名草忍村忍者给人道毁灭了,这就意味着乐渊最多消减了四组人马的出线机会。 However does not know that is the Le Yuan luck is too bad, or is 12 cockroach's luck is good, Le Yuan simply has not run upon the squad that this Konoha 12 cockroach is on the way of seeking. 不过也不知道是不是乐渊的运气太差,又或者是十二小强的运气太好,乐渊在寻找途中根本没有撞上这木叶十二小强所在的小队。 Really is rampant enough, aren't you that Otogakure fellow? Dares a person go it alone unexpectedly, you display very rampantly in the first test!” “还真是有够嚣张的,你不就是那个音忍村的家伙吗?竟然敢一个人单独行动,你在第一场考试中表现得很嚣张啊!” In the curtain of night, Le Yuan already lit the bonfire, is cooking grilled fish, bear's paws and rabbit meat and other death forest unique game, has not hidden the bonfire completely the intention. This nature brought in conducted the action following the flame Ninja, but the first person that hit was the Amegakure three people of groups. 夜幕中,乐渊已经点燃了篝火,正在烹制着烤鱼、熊掌以及兔肉等死亡森林特有的野味,完全没有隐藏篝火的意图。这自然而言引来了顺着火光进行行动的忍者,而一头撞上来的第一人就是雨忍村三人组。 Calculates that was killed one group of Rain Ninja by Gaara, Le Yuan got rid of one group of Rain Ninja during the daytime, now appears is Amegakure final one group of troops. Also does not know that Le Yuan is inborn has a grudge with Pain, Ninja that in his village comes out could ruin completely in the hand of Le Yuan. 算算被我爱罗干掉了一组雨忍,还有乐渊白天干掉了一组雨忍,现在出现的便是雨忍村最后的一组人马。也不知道乐渊是不是天生和佩恩有仇,他村子里出来的忍者可能要完全葬送在乐渊的手中了。 The sound that first even/including falls to the ground twice passes through, along with the fragrance of nearby barbecue, the bonfire of this beat appears such bewitching. Is also standing only in the Rain Ninja this matter hand the gold/metal grabs an umbrella handle of break, ninja tool umbrella that his is proud puts in an appearance then cuts off by Le Yuan, but his teammate paid the price of life. 一连两次倒地的声音穿过,伴随着一旁烤肉的香味,这跳动的篝火显得那么的妖异。唯一还站着的雨忍此事手上金抓着一个断裂的伞柄,他那引以为傲的忍具雨伞一个照面便被乐渊斩断,而他的队友更是付出了生命的代价。 the one called Chikaya( daytime Rain Ninja group team leaders), known thing are not many. Does not know that you can give me pleasantly surprised?” 那个叫近谷的(白天的雨忍小组领队),知道的东西不多。不知道你能不能给我一点惊喜呢?” The hand of Le Yuan then holds up this only remaining Rain Ninja quickly high, card his neck at the same time bit by bit extracts the related Amegakure information from his mind. 乐渊的手很快便将这唯一剩下的雨忍高高举起,卡着他脖子的同时一点一点从他的脑海中提取有关雨忍村的情报。 “啪 The Rain Ninja minor character face fell on the ground, his already did not have the corpse of being angry gradually becomes cold. But Le Yuan flings the flame to fall on three Rain Ninja on the scene corpse conveniently together, this information gains time less optimistic. These three people of ranks worthily are most preliminary Genin, only some life trivial things, link a Six Paths Nagato news not to have radically. 雨忍龙套脸落在了地上,他已经全无生气的尸体渐渐变冷。而乐渊随手甩出一道火焰落在在场三名雨忍的尸体上,这一次的情报获取还是不容乐观。这三人的等级不愧是最低级的下忍,只有些生活琐碎的事情,根本连一点六道长门的消息都没有。
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