VE :: Volume #8 三阶首战影之忍者

#681: favorability, Quest item must have( two)

That, present...... I announced that you passed the first test of Chūnin selection!” “那么,在座的诸位……我宣布你们通过了中忍选拔的第一场考试!” When Morino Ibiki announced 60 people that keeps completely through test, is almost everyone is stunned. After all after they experienced extremely difficult psychological test, under awakens to reply that surely the tenth issue, who once thinks that Morino Ibiki actually told them directly the already entry. 森乃伊比喜宣布留下来的60人全部通过考验的时候,几乎是所有人都是错愕的。毕竟他们经历了极为艰辛的心理考验之后才下定觉醒回答第十道问题,谁曾想森乃伊比喜竟然直接告诉他们已经通关了。 The character is quite fiery impatient Temari the right hand to pound on the table immediately, later stood to get up to head proctor Morino Ibiki to interrogate: Wait, you said that we were all qualified, how you judge, before us nine topic all white Kao? The tenth topic that you said that is also deceives people?” 性格比较火热性急的手鞠当即右手一拍桌子,随后站了起来对着主考官森乃伊比喜质问道:“等等,你说我们全都合格了,你是怎么评判的,我们之前的九道题目全都白考了吗?还有你所说的第十题,难道也是骗人的?” Actually saw after the conclusion test, has brought Morino Ibiki of incomparable deterrent force actually to change resembles now probably personally, on this time face took the genial smile, a point is unable relates him and just interrogation crazy demon together. 却见在结束考试之后,原本一直带着无比威慑力的森乃伊比喜现在却像是变了个人似的,此时的脸上带上了和煦的微笑,一点也无法将他和刚刚的审问狂魔联系到一起。 Naturally is not the casual judgment, this test does not test your theories, test question content senior Chūnin still is very even difficult to make, therefore the true goal is to test your intelligence collection ability, but technique shoddy naturally made a clean sweep completely, remains naturally is elite......” “自然不是随便评判的,这一场的考试并非考验你们的理论,试题内容就算是资深中忍也很难做出,所以真正的目的是考验你们的情报收集能力,不过手法拙劣的自然是全部被扫地出门了,留下来的诸位自然就是其中的精英……” The Morino Ibiki words made one crowd of Genin complexions on the scene better, after all they indeed during this difficult test the method that used ordinary person not to have, naturally far exceeded the person who that group of gave up. 森乃伊比喜的话令在场的一群下忍脸色好了一些,毕竟他们的确是在这一场艰难的考试之中用了常人根本不具备的手段,自然远超那群自己放弃的人。 „......, but most essential naturally is the tenth topic , to continue the courage that completes risk factor extremely high Quest to need as Chūnin continually if no, then he does not match to promote to become Chūnin, but needs to give the teammate when the danger as Chūnin of Captain rank the courage the ability, but that group of eliminated people, including part is a pity really......” “……而最关键的自然就是第十题,作为一名中忍连继续完成危险度极高的任务所需的勇气都没有的话,那么他根本不配晋升成为一名中忍,而作为队长级别的中忍需要在危难之时给予队友勇气的能力,而那群被淘汰的人,其中有一部分甚是可惜……” Morino Ibiki looked at this time meaningfully to the scene absolutely did not have Le Yuan of pressure, but others also naturally followed his vision to look to that Le Yuan. Must say conspicuously, the Le Yuan final several minutes of performance naturally are make everyone hate the tooth to be itchy, after all besides few to the extremely confident person, overwhelming majorities the first time are took the Chūnin test, they who beat a drum at heart were almost misled by Le Yuan gave up the test. 森乃伊比喜这时候意味深长地看向了在场中完全没有压力的乐渊,而其他人也自然顺着他的目光看向了那个乐渊。要说显眼,乐渊最后几分钟的表现自然是令所有人恨得牙痒痒的,毕竟除了极少数对自己极为有信心的人之外,绝大多数都是第一次参加中忍考试,心里直打鼓的他们可是差点就被乐渊蛊惑得放弃了考试。 But as protagonist Uzumaki Naruto is the resembles looked that Enemy of the people look at Le Yuan generally, simply has not passed through the brain to ponder that is asking to Le Yuan directly. Interrogated why Le Yuan must say these mourning angry words, making person who participated in second round to take a test hopefully give up. 而作为主角漩涡鸣人更是像看阶级敌人一般看着乐渊,根本没有经过大脑思考便直接对着乐渊发问了。质问乐渊为什么要说那些丧气话,使得原本有希望参加第二轮考试的人自己放弃了。 Must say that regarding the Uzumaki Naruto sense, Le Yuan can only say admires his mentality to loathe his thought. Can not die in the tremendous pressure of Gossip from infancy to maturity and on unfair treatment, Uzumaki Naruto psychological ordinary person cannot measure absolutely, but also a mentality of his muscle accomplished in the future his strength. 要说对于漩涡鸣人的感官,乐渊只能说佩服他的心态厌恶他的思想。能够从小到大都没有死在流言蜚语的巨大压力和不公正对待上,漩涡鸣人的心理绝对不是正常人可以度量的,不过也正是他这种一根筋的心态才造就了未来他的实力。 However imposed Will regarding Uzumaki Naruto that in others 's thought that Le Yuan begs to differ. Not everyone and Uzumaki Naruto has powerful generally external. In some sense if Le Yuan does not meddle, some indeed many people ride the Uzumaki Naruto east wind to enter the next round, but imagines the mortality rate of second test to know, they died to the pit by Uzumaki Naruto. 但是对于漩涡鸣人的那种将自己意志强加于他人的思想,乐渊就不敢苟同了。并不是每一个人都和漩涡鸣人一般有着强力外挂的。某种意义上如果乐渊不插手,的确有不少人乘着漩涡鸣人的东风进入下一轮,但是想象第二场考试的死亡率就知道,他们是被漩涡鸣人给坑死了。 Wants to become Chūnin, the strength almost, experience almost not to relate, the most important thing is as a squad Captain the consciousness of mentality and leader, is basic or maintains a performer to come to understand like that group of people who before withdraw from, simply has not risen the thought to the person of policy-maker level, the person withdraws maintains life is more suitable they. 想要成为中忍,实力差点、经验差点都没有关系,最重要的是作为一名小队队长的心态和领导者的觉悟,像之前退出的那群人就是根本还是保持着一名执行者觉悟,根本没有将思想上升到决策者层次的人,这样的人还是退出保命更适合他们。 Regarding like the monkey in Uzumaki Naruto that in front of oneself continually provoked, lifts oneself right hand that Le Yuan did to aim at his forehead to spring own index finger merely. 对于像个猴子一样在自己面前不断挑衅的漩涡鸣人,乐渊所做的仅仅是抬起了自己右手对准了他的额头弹出了自己的食指。 Thump “咚 Aiya “哎呀 Instance that Le Yuan springs, Uzumaki Naruto seemed like used the finger to shoot the forehead to be the same ruthlessly, both hands held the forehead to squat, the tears could not stop to the outflow. 乐渊弹出的瞬间,漩涡鸣人就像是被人用手指狠狠弹了脑门一般,双手抱着额头蹲了下来,眼泪止不住地向外流。 The instance that Le Yuan begins, Morino Ibiki angry-looking looks at Le Yuan, the sinking sound said: „The Sound Ninja examinee, are you want to violate this custom? This examination place forbids to fight randomly, I have the right to deprive your test qualifications!” 乐渊动手的瞬间,森乃伊比喜一脸怒容的看着乐渊,沉声说道:“音忍考生,你是想要违背这的规矩吗?这个考场禁止乱斗,我有权利取消你的考试资格!” Aiyaya, supervisior Sir your saying may be erroneous! I was just teaching that this does not know the Little Brother who depth, including takes the Chūnin test to bring death consciousness no one who the life bets! I send off some trash ahead of time, even if they take the following test, is not obsolete wastes the time energy of our presenting person, from stepping into the examination place starts everyone is the enemy not?” “哎呀呀,监考官大人你这话可就有失偏颇了!我只不过是在教导这个不知深浅的小弟弟而已,连把性命赌上的觉悟都没有的人来参加中忍考试就是送死!我不过是将一些垃圾提前送走而已,他们就算是参加接下来的考试,也不过时浪费我们在座人的时间精力而已,从踏入考场开始所有人都是敌人不是吗?” Le Yuan words quickly one group of vengeful people splitting up, they indeed are not completely the friends, wanting to become Chūnin them indeed to step on the all people on the scene corpse to climb upwardly, with its is worried about others, might as well want to eliminate some talents to increase own promotion rate/lead, compares the Le Yuan approach instead to serve their benefits with Uzumaki Naruto. 乐渊的话很快就将一群同仇敌忾的人给分化了过来,他们的确不完全是朋友,想要成为中忍的他们的确要踩着在场诸人的尸体向上攀登,与其担心别人,不如想要多淘汰一些人才能增加自己的晋升率,与漩涡鸣人相比乐渊的做法反而是更加符合他们的利益。 In the entire examination place falls into silent, Le Yuan transferred the head to look unintentionally to out of the window, but Morino Ibiki similarly noticed out of the window to hide that person. 就在整个考场内陷入沉默的时候,乐渊有意无意地转过脑袋看向了窗外,而森乃伊比喜同样注意到了窗外隐藏着的那个人。 Konoha specially Jōnin Mitarashi Anko, in this character and Uzumaki Naruto have the woman who puts together directly broken the window to enter, wants to give to take a test a pleasant surprise with an extremely entirely white sweet way. However experienced people this matter that Uzumaki Naruto and Le Yuan confronted seems does not have spirit very much, but had the change to the Konoha Ninja sense again, was really people are a reflection of their environment, the Konoha mental illness child is happy. 木叶特别上忍御手洗红豆,这个性格上和漩涡鸣人有得一拼的女人直接破窗而入,用一种极为傻白甜的方式想要给考试们一个惊喜。不过经历了漩涡鸣人乐渊对峙的众人此事显得很没有精神,只是再一次对木叶忍者感官有了变化,真是一方水土一方人,木叶神经病儿童欢乐多。 The appearance is good, as specially the Jōnin her stature is first-rate, is a 85 points of big beautiful woman. However considered again the Mitarashi Anko that far-fetched character and study plays one set of snake from Orochimaru that but must fall one point minute/share to her, finally considered that on her uniform/subdue seduction of one set of fishing net, appraises 82 points finally, can be a high-quality beautiful woman. 容貌上佳,身为特别上忍的她身材更是一流,是一个85分的大美女。不过再考虑到御手洗红豆那不靠谱的性格和学自大蛇丸那玩蛇的一套,还要给她降一点分,最后再考虑到她身上的一套渔网衣的制服诱惑,最终评价82分,算得上是一名优质美女。 Le Yuan is sizing up Mitarashi Anko at the same time neglected her skill automatically, after all the skill good also to contrast again was looking that the strength of her present insufficiently looks radically. 乐渊打量着御手洗红豆的同时自动忽略了她的身手,毕竟身手再好也是要对比着看的,她现在的这点实力根本不够看。 „, No one manages you, Anko!” “切,没人理你啊,红豆!” As Morino Ibiki this matter of colleague hides, in hangs behind the theater curtain in examination place with Mitarashi Anko together, looked his appearance also regarding Mitarashi Anko does the strange ability quite some helpless. 作为同僚的森乃伊比喜此事躲在与御手洗红豆一起挂进考场内的幕布后面,看他的样子也是对于御手洗红豆的搞怪能力颇有一些无奈。 But Mitarashi Anko naturally also detected the different kind atmosphere in present examination place, suppressed to awkwardly exploding POSS, has turned the head to say to Morino Ibiki: 60 people? The careless elimination rate, it seems like you depended simply, this did not conform to your status!” 御手洗红豆自然也察觉到了现在考场内的别样氛围,强忍着尴尬到爆的POSS,转过头对着森乃伊比喜说道:“60个人?马马虎虎的淘汰率,看来你还是靠得太简单了,这可不符合你的身份啊!” Mitarashi Anko finger/refers naturally is Morino Ibiki that Konoha Anbu interrogates and tortures the section Captain status, if really wants to eliminate more people, can reduce to below 20 people by the Morino Ibiki strength the entry population at least. 御手洗红豆指的自然是森乃伊比喜木叶暗部拷问部队长的身份,如果真的想要淘汰更多的人,凭借森乃伊比喜的实力最起码也可以将通关人数减至20人以下。 Haha, this examinee is very strong......” “哈哈,这一届的考生可是很强的……” Morino Ibiki had not said, after all this is not the torture cell, these examinees are not the criminals, really must act seriously will not create the permanent shadow to their psychology unavoidably, but when the time comes is not the simple diplomatic issue can solve. 森乃伊比喜没有多说,毕竟这不是拷问室,这些考生也不是犯人,真要动真格的难免不会对他们的心理造成永久性阴影,到时候可就不是简简单单的外交问题能够解决的了。 „, How ok...... looks at me the population reduction of this group of examinees to half below!” “切,行啦吧……看我怎么把这群考生的人数减少至一半以下!” The Anko words make some sensitive students tremble, reduce to half of one to mean that at least has ten groups of people to be eliminated, this time elimination rate slightly is high. 红豆的话让一些敏感的学生心里一颤,减至一半一下就意味着最起码有十组人要被淘汰,这一次的淘汰率略高。 Was left over in 60 people, Konoha Ninja remaining 30 people, Sand Ninja remaining 9 people, Rain Ninja remaining 9 people, Grass Ninja remaining 6 people, Waterfall, Sound two ninja village respective remaining 3 people. 剩下了60人中,木叶忍者剩下30人,沙忍剩下九人,雨忍剩下九人,草忍剩下六人,泷、音两个忍村各自剩下三人。 Shortly after Le Yuan and the others left, is looking into scenery of out of the window Morino Ibiki to hear the laughter that oneself behind subordinate hears cannot stop from the window suddenly. When he is pale the face is taking off own clothes, sees only in the back of clothes to draw a big end of orangutan. Not is only he, behind all supervisiors has the animal portraits of different style. 就在乐渊等人离开后不久,正从窗子眺望窗外之景的森乃伊比喜突然听到自己身后的部下传来止不住的笑声。当他铁青着脸脱下自己的衣服时,只见衣服的背面上正画着一只大头猩猩。不仅仅是他,所有的监考官背后都有着不同样式的动物画像。 But looked at everyone examination paper Morino Ibiki is most shocking, behind that everyone examination paper stemmed from same person's marking of hand not to seek ordinary person to do. 而看了所有人考卷的森乃伊比喜才是最震惊的一个,那每人卷子后面出自同一人之手的标识可不是寻常人做得出来的。 Konoha worthily is the organizer, a side influence on war the participant quantity of half the sky. As Mitarashi Anko guides, the group arrived at the remote Konoha training ground No. 43 entrance across Konoha. 木叶不愧是主办方,一方势力就战局了半边天的参赛者数量。而随着御手洗红豆带路,一行人穿过木叶村来到了偏僻的木叶训练场43号入口处。 Perhaps others have not noticed, but Le Yuan actually noticed rear Grass Ninja three people of group already in made a fraudulent switch. Orochimaru already when goes to the second examination place, seized the chance to mix in the examinee team. 或许别人没有注意到,但是乐渊却留意到了最后面的草忍三人组已经在不知不觉之间被掉了包。大蛇丸已经在前往第二考场的时候,趁机混入了考生队伍。 The second round of test may not only examine by writing again, but is takes one crowd of Genin to slaughter the fight clearly Arena. Before everyone takes the test must sign the life and death shape, later enters nearby seal in the hut to receive own scroll, only then the teams of collection simultaneous/uniform Heaven and Earth two scrolls can through this second test. 第二轮的考试可不仅仅再是笔试了,而是真真切切要一群下忍进行厮杀搏斗的角斗场。在所有人参加考试之前都得签下生死状,随后进入一旁密封的小屋内领取自己的卷轴,只有集齐天地两份卷轴的队伍才能通过这第二场考试。 Also is really lucky, the Scroll of Heaven axis I like, this thing is taken care by me, can't you two yo the opinion?” “还真是幸运啊,天之卷轴我喜欢,这个东西就由我保管吧,你们两个不会哟意见吧?” Le Yuan received the scroll, simply has not turned the head to look at the face of nearby Kin and Zaku, inquired at will. 乐渊将卷轴收了起来,根本没有转过头看一旁的金还有萨克的脸,就这么随意地询问道。 Naturally, is taken care of that to be absolutely safe by you!” Where Kin and Zaku dares to have what opinion, repeatedly nod said. “自然,由您保管那才是万无一失的!”金和萨克哪敢有什么意见,连连点头道。 Le Yuan patted ruthlessly in two people conducting the back, after leaving behind two space anchor marks, then turns around to turn toward other groups to walk. Compared with the average person, he is quite interested here certain people. 乐渊在两人的背上狠狠拍了一下,留下两个空间锚印记后这才转身向着其他小组走去。比起一般人,他可是对这里的某些人颇为感兴趣。 Karin, this at present the Kusagakure Genin little miss is a very rare character, at present entire Ninja World is extremely scarce Uzumaki Clan descendant. Perhaps Kusagakure only notices her cure ability, but neglected Uzumaki Clan importantly is not other, but is their clan special seal ability[ Adamantine Sealing Chains]. 香燐,这个目前还是草忍村下忍的小姑娘可是个非常难得的人物,目前整个忍界都是极为稀少的漩涡一族的后裔。或许草忍村只注意到她身上那治愈能力,而忽视了漩涡一族最重要的不是其他,而是他们一族特殊的封印能力[金刚封锁]。 “啪 The first even/including two sounds get up, two Grass Ninja minor character have not responded, then thought own latter nape of the neck position was patted, later they then hear one to make them almost explode with rage have the fear sound. 一连两声响起,两名草忍龙套还没有反应过来,便觉得自己的后脖颈位置被人拍了一下,随后他们便听到一声让他们差点气炸还有恐惧的声音。 If this is in the examination place, your already died!” “如果这是在考场内,你们已经死了!” Le Yuan simply had not looked that these two strengths are low, specially rampant throwing street minor character, but arrived at one side timid Karin front direction in her forehead. 乐渊根本没看这两个实力低得要死,偏偏还特别嚣张的扑街龙套,而是走到了一旁怯懦的香磷面前一指点在了她的眉心。 Warming Mist!” 暖雾!” Karin only felt own whole body is warm, the wound that later on oneself that was nipped was cured under this warm air current little, the entire portrait was to integrate one such as in April in the warm current of spring breeze, this perhaps was she one warmest moment. 香磷只觉得自己全身暖暖的,随后自己身上那被咬出来的伤口在这阵暖暖的气流之下一点点被治愈,整个人像是融入到了一股如四月春风的暖流之中,这或许是她一声最为温暖的一刻。 Cures, Le Yuan has not spoken a few words, turns around then walks toward own team, but Karin actually already silently every little bit record of Le Yuan in heart. Although does not know the Le Yuan name, but Le Yuan is actually takes to her the most profound memory one. 治愈完毕,乐渊没有多说一句话,掉头便向着自己的队伍走去,而香磷已经默默将乐渊的一点一滴记录在心。虽然不知道乐渊的姓名,但是乐渊却是带给她最深刻记忆的一个。 But transfers excessive Le Yuan actually to voice the smile that the Grass Ninja three people of groups had not seen, he is not fun or brushes Karin favorability to go purely, just hit that two Grass Ninja minor character at the same time, Le Yuan already stole something and substituted something else to do their Scroll of Earth axes. 而调转过头的乐渊却发出了草忍三人组没有看见的笑容,他可不纯粹是好玩或是刷香磷好感度才去的,刚刚打那两名草忍龙套的同时,乐渊已经偷龙转凤将他们的地之卷轴搞到手了。 The second test before entering the death forest then already started, just one crowd of Genin have not noticed. As for Karin, after entering to death forest, some are the time looks for her, after all she hidden the seal ability in bloodlines is not the general importance. 第二场考试早在进入死亡森林之前便已经开始,只不过一群下忍还没有注意到而已。至于香磷,进入到死亡森林之后有的是时间找她,毕竟她所隐藏在血脉中的封印能力可不是一般的重要。
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