VE :: Volume #8 三阶首战影之忍者

#680: The 9 cheating methods of happy auspicious day( one)

Before and Le Yuan chatted happy Yakushi Kabuto this matter for the first time an numerous cockroach who took the Chūnin test fooled dumbfounded, this was also the relations that Yakushi Kabuto was sure cockroach and the others inexperienced, in addition Yakushi Kabuto was outwardly on Konoha Ninja, was makes one group of cockroach not suspect his sinister intention. 之前与乐渊聊得正欢的药师兜此事将一众第一次参加中忍考试的小强们唬得一愣一愣的,这也是药师兜吃准了小强等人经验不足的关系,再加上药师兜是明面上的木叶忍者,更是令一群小强没有怀疑他的险恶用心。 But is Uzumaki Naruto and the others introduced the information to Yakushi Kabuto that surface , is actually draws the hatred actually the approach, Le Yuan indicated that disdains. After all when this method is mean the effect also really looks does not glance, really wants to solve the words of others to have no need for these methods, only if Uzumaki Naruto explodes plants Strength that uses Nine-Tails, otherwise the Yakushi Kabuto that Jōnin strength to present one crowd of Genin on the scene is really easy. 而对药师兜那表面上在为漩涡鸣人等人介绍信息,实则却是拉仇恨的做法,乐渊表示不屑为之。毕竟这种手段下作之余效果还真看不上眼,真想解决了其他人的话根本用不着这些手段,除非漩涡鸣人爆种使用九尾力量,不然药师兜上忍的实力对如今在场的一群下忍真的是轻而易举。 However in the entire conference site this time participant already basically arrives in full, whole staff 153 people during the observation of Le Yuan, Konoha Ninja occupied the big end of enough 87 people, later is the Sand Ninja 30 people, the Rain Ninja 21 people, Grass Ninja and Waterfall Ninja respectively 6 people, but influence weakest without doubt is Sound Ninja that Le Yuan is, only then only three people including him. 不过整个会场中此时参赛者已经基本上到齐,在乐渊的观察之中全员153人,其中木叶忍者占了大头足足有87人,随后就是沙忍30人,雨忍21人,草忍泷忍各六人,而势力最为薄弱的无疑是乐渊所在的音忍,只有包括他在内的区区三人。 If really major ninja village sticking together diligently, then population many Konoha Ninja have the big advantage without a doubt. Using the person who took the lead to eliminate other Ninja villages was not impossible, after all the second round of test best cooperation time of original works. 如果真的各大忍村抱团努力的话,那么毫无疑问人数最多的木叶忍者有着巨大的优势。运用好了率先淘汰了其他忍者村的人也不是不可能,毕竟原著的第二轮考验可是最好的合作时机。 In Uzumaki Naruto nearly declaring war -type after exposing name, besides capturing a big pile of being hostile attention, there is Le Yuan fetter nature Otogakure Zaku not again and jumped to hit the face of Yakushi Kabuto this person on one's own side generally, later helps Uzumaki Naruto attract some firepower. 漩涡鸣人近乎宣战式的自曝姓名之后,除了吸引了一大堆仇视的目光之外,有了乐渊的束缚自然音忍村萨克不会再和原本一般跳出来打药师兜这个自己人的脸,随后帮助漩涡鸣人吸引部分火力。 In the atmosphere of entire examination place, when under the provocation of Uzumaki Naruto solidifies completely, has been going into hiding observation examinee one appearance of examination official finally flashy. One group of people use Body Flicker Technique together, to exceed the Genin rank the super speed to appear in the dead ahead of examination place. 就在整个考场的气氛在漩涡鸣人的挑衅之下完全凝固的时候,一直隐匿着观察考生的一种考官终于骚包的现身了。一群人一起使用瞬身术,以超越下忍级别的超级速度出现在了考场的正前方。 Snort! Everyone gave me, waits law-abidingly not patiently, restrained your anger, then you possibly did not have that unnecessary energy to ponder these.” “哼!所有人都给我安分一点,都等得不耐烦了吧,收敛你们的火气吧,接下来你们可能就没有那么多余的精力去思考这些了。” Sees only one to bring the black montera, the right face cross scar also has to delimit about the slash middle-aged man of face to make noise together to drink together. The face that has the terrifying injury brings infinite threatening, Uzumaki Naruto that at least has jumped for joy when seeing this person also peaceful. 只见一个带着黑色布帽,右脸一道十字疤痕还有一道划过左右脸的刀痕中年男子出声喝到。那张有着恐怖伤害的脸带着无穷的威吓,最起码一直活蹦乱跳的漩涡鸣人在见到此人时也不由安静了下来。 I called Morino Ibiki, was the supervisior of Chūnin screening test's first test! How I will happen to announce taking advantage of this rule of this examination place......” “我叫森乃伊比喜,是中忍选拔考试第一场考试的监考官!我正好借此岂会宣布一下这个考场的规则……” With the Morino Ibiki depressed sound, rules were announced that does not permit only in the bored custom that in this test fights to offend somebody. These make an examinee hear drowsily, the following competition rule shakes scattered about one group of people. 随着森乃伊比喜的沉闷声音,一条条规则被宣布了出来,无外乎不准在这个考试中打斗伤人罢了的无聊规矩。这些让一众考生听得昏昏欲睡,不过随之而来的比试规则就将一群人震得七零八落。 According to the arrangement of supervisior on the scene, more than 100 sat in the classroom personally orderly, but was one team of Le Yuan three people are naturally also all hit not to diverge the three places of classroom. 按照在场监考官的安排,一百多个人在教室内有序地坐了下来,而身为一队乐渊三人自然也全都被打散分不到了教室的三个地方。 After receiving examination paper, no matter Le Yuan also these topic can first look. Has saying that this wants to become Chūnin also is really not an easy matter, the first cipher explains, Le Yuan believes that can also explain within certain amount of time by own ability, may be difficult to go bad Le Yuan as for the physical and energy study indefinite quantity analysis of second start, who lets Le Yuan practical ability first-rate, but this theoretical analysis is actually not looks, the third Quest goal psycho-analysis, fourth sneaks the plan estimate...... 在收到卷子之后,乐渊也不管这些题目自己会不会就先看了过去。不得不说这想要成为中忍还真不是件容易的事情,第一道暗号解读,乐渊相信以自己的能力在一定时间内还能解读出来,至于第二道开始的物理兼能量学不定量分析可就把乐渊难坏了,谁让乐渊实践能力一流,但是这理论分析却不是看出来的,第三道任务目标心理分析,第四道潜入方案预想…… In brief is the inconceivable issue, wants to come out by thinking pattern impossible of normal world absolutely baseless, must combine some foundation practices of this world to comprehend. 总而言之全都是不可思议的问题,以正常世界的思考方式绝对不可能凭空想出来的,必须结合这个世界的一些基础实践方能有所领悟。 However Le Yuan is not a clever child, like the way that first female lead Brother Chun this only mental ability writes naturally is impossible. When one group of people comprehend gradually needs to cheat intelligently pass through, in entire examination place all living things hundred condition. 不过乐渊也不是个乖孩子,像第一女主春哥这种单凭自己脑力写出来的方式自然是不可能。而在一群人渐渐领悟需要“聪明地作弊”来过关时,整个考场内可谓众生百态。 The Konoha reconnaissance party, insect master Aburame Shino peeps others' examination paper with the small insect, Inuzuka Kiba puppy Akamaru peeps others' examination paper, but here obedient female Hinata does with Sakura same, simply has not thought that cheats with Byakugan, looks at Le Yuan to sigh this at heart is the clever child sorrowful...... 木叶侦察组,虫师油女志乃用小虫子偷看别人的卷子,犬冢牙小狗赤丸偷看别人的卷子,而这里的乖乖女雏田则是和小樱一样自己做,根本没有想到用白眼作弊,看得乐渊心里默叹这就是乖孩子的悲哀…… Team Asuma depends on Ino body and mind transformation technique to cheat simply, but most people are depends on own special skill by any means possible from the examination place make topic there to get the answer specially. 猪鹿蝶小队就干脆靠着井野一人的身心转换术作弊,而绝大多数人都是靠着自己的特长千方百计地从考场内的专门做题者那里得到答案。 But Le Yuan after looking at Kin and Zaku of already discovery secret then no longer paid attention to them, Le Yuan feared that feared they appear directly cause Le Yuan to be implicated accidentally/surprisingly. Understood clearly all Le Yuan as for already, nature impossible studied Uzumaki Naruto such to turn in a blank examination paper to bet the luck. 乐渊在瞄了一眼已经发现秘诀的金还有萨克之后便不再理会他们,乐渊怕就怕他们直接出现意外而导致乐渊被拖累。至于已经洞悉了一切的乐渊,自然不可能学着漩涡鸣人那样交白卷赌运气。 He must make everyone know now, anything is called the fancy cheating law. 他现在就要让所有人知道,什么才叫做花式作弊法。 One of cheating methods: Movement imitation class/flow. By Le Yuan that superior vision, according to the front position the body movement of person exerts pen writing, is completely capable of turning round to carve according to the appearance, this move is nearly same as the duplication function of Sharingan. 作弊方法之一:动作模仿流。以乐渊那超常的视觉,根据前方位置正在奋笔书写的人的身体动作,完全有能力照着模样复刻出来,这一招和写轮眼的复制作用近乎相同。 Second cheating method: Flowing of wind, by the Le Yuan controlling wind ability, the wind is extension of body, can definitely put in the bag the right key by the everywhere wind. 作弊方法之二:风的流动,以乐渊的控风能力,风就是身体的延续,凭借无处不在的风完全能够将正确答案收入囊中。 Third cheating method: spiritual awareness regards the thing, this is also one method of most simple and crude, is nearly same as 360 degrees no dead angle observation of Byakugan, same can peep at all things in this classroom. 作弊方法之三:灵觉视物,这也是最简单粗暴的一种方法,和白眼的360度无死角观察近乎相同,一样能够将这个教室内的所有事物窥视到。 Fourth cheating method: Listens to the sound to write, is similar to Sound Ninja two people methods, but Le Yuan Kobe they are more efficient, the flash let alone is to lock a person, simultaneously right keys under three examination official ambushes disclosed compares can also be completed with ease. 作弊方法之四:听声写字,和音忍两人的方法差不多,不过乐渊科比他们更加高效,一瞬间别说是锁定一个人,同时将三名考官埋伏下的正确答案透露者进行对比也能轻松完成。 Fourth cheating method: Legilimency, directly from random one in the examinee head that on the scene knows the right key reads thing that wants, does at Le Yuan and their power gaps is, no one can detect completely. 作弊方法之四:摄魂念取,直接从在场的任意一个知道正确答案的考生脑袋里面读取想要的东西,以乐渊和他们的实力差距做起来完全是神不知鬼不觉,根本无人可以察觉到。 Fifth cheating method: Outside the body the incarnation, changes to the small insect to help him inspect the entire examination place with the aid of Strength of magic, when the time comes is not the answer is easy as pie. 作弊方法之五:身外化身,借助魔法的力量化作微小的昆虫助他巡视整个考场,到时候还不是什么答案都易如反掌。 Sixth cheating method: Substitutes stealthily, writes according to others' answer compared with Le Yuan, might as well steal the examination paper that others already completes directly, perhaps the average person is unable to achieve this point in many supervisiors at present, however the Le Yuan space ability is not most defensible, not the appreciable ability. 作弊方法之六:移花接木,比起乐渊照着别人的答案去写,不如直接盗取他人已经完成的试卷,或许一般人无法在众多监考官眼前做到这一点,但是乐渊的空间能力却是最不可防御、不可感知的能力。 ...... …… Le Yuan all can change to the cheating sharp weapon from the ability of each World learned during this test, Le Yuan the choice compared with most helpless people may be much bigger. 乐渊从各个世界学会的能力在这一场考试之中皆可以化作作弊利器,比起绝大多数不知所措的人来说乐渊的选择余地可就大得多了。 Compared with laborious stealing, seizes the cheating way of without doubt directly mediating. But seizes to mean the exposition in most people's eyes, but the exposition means was discovered even was sentenced to be eliminated directly. 比起辛辛苦苦的盗取,强抢无疑是更加直接了断的作弊方式。而在绝大多数人的眼中强抢意味着暴露,而暴露则意味着被发现甚至直接被判出局。 But in the Le Yuan hand has a not discovered seizing type cheats, is in his all cheating ways most overbearing one. 乐渊手中却有着一种不被发现的强抢式作弊,也是他所有作弊方式中最霸道的一种。 Is bored Le Yuan looked on a wall the wall clock to show that already most time, the finger knocked the desktop fiercely, the ripple that immediately ordinary person could not see together aimed at all around to proliferate following Le Yuan. 正无聊着的乐渊看了一眼墙上挂钟显示那已经过了大半的时间,手指猛地一敲桌面,顿时一道常人根本见不到的波纹顺着乐渊手指向四周扩散出去。 [ The strength of the world spreads]...... [世界之力扩散完毕]…… [ The foundation world covers to complete]...... [基础世界覆盖完成]…… [ The world domain analysis is completed]...... [世界领域解析完成]…… [ The world domain covers to be completed finally]! [世界领域最终覆盖完成]! In this flash, Le Yuan domain entire classroom complete coverage, if Le Yuan is willing even to be able Strength in instantaneous inspiring classroom range everyone on the scene to execute completely, when the time comes perhaps this Chūnin test must die without a sickness. 在这一瞬间,乐渊的领域将整个教室完全覆盖,如果乐渊愿意甚至能够在瞬间引动教室范围内的力量将在场的所有人全部格杀,到时候恐怕这个中忍考试就要无疾而终了。 However Le Yuan covers the goal of entire classroom the Small World projection not for pure slaughtering, the domain that this Small World projection forms completely for some skill that to strengthen Le Yuan then uses. 不过乐渊小世界投影笼罩整个教室的目的可不是为了单纯的杀戮,这小世界投影形成的领域完全是为了强化乐渊接下来使用的某个技能而已。 Thunder Eyes opens 雷瞳 Because one side Warriors Orochi World Heavenly Thunder fills the body to produce Thunder and Lightning Eyes already and[ Bullet Time] the ability unifies, the super speed in a flash having even can make the surrounding all seem like with the movement is static. This move is similar to Dante's Quicksilver Style, but actually is also only the shrinkage version, must be able to achieve so the effect under the invigoration effect of domain. 由于无双世界天雷灌体而产生一边的雷电之瞳已经和[子弹时间]的能力结合起来,一瞬间产生的超级速度甚至可以让周围的一切看起来和动作静止一般。这一招和但丁的水银风格相似,但是却也只是个缩水版,必须在领域的强化作用下才能达到如此效果。 Le Yuan looks in the flash already nearly static silent world, he stood from oneself seat, later sighed the pen with the right hand of setting pen to paper got up his form to change to such as the light general speed later immediately, is shuttling back and forth in the entire classroom. 乐渊看着在一瞬间已经近乎静止无声的世界,他从自己的座位上站了起来,随后拿着笔的右手将笔叹了起来随后他的身影顿时化作如光一般的速度,在整个教室内穿梭着。 Un, you are the examinee undercover of Konoha arrangement, this examination paper gave you also to have nothing to use, to turn over to me!” “嗯,你就是个木叶安排的考生卧底,这卷子给你也没啥用,归我了!” Le Yuan looks that takes the examinee pattern plate to sit in the first row of somebody says, directly before his body took up to change to own name the examination paper. Afterward before the original examination paper perhaps puts his body, then in his examination paper writes the acting young two characters. 乐渊看着作为考生模版而坐在第一排的某人如是说道,直接从他的身前将卷子拿起改成了自己的名字。随后又将自己原本的恐怕卷子放到他的身前然后在他的卷子上写着装嫩两个字。 Handled own examination paper, Le Yuan may not have, therefore contact ability. On the contrary sized up on body of one group of main characters generally, started his startling heaven and earth, ghosts and gods weeping painting later. 搞定了自己的卷子,乐渊可没有因此接触能力。相反在一群主要人物的身上打量了一般,随后开始了他那惊天地泣鬼神的画作。 First was blank examination paper Uzumaki Naruto, Le Yuan scratched a mini Nine-Tailed Fox fox reverse side his examination paper. But marked a sunflower in his Hinata examination paper. 首先是白卷的漩涡鸣人,乐渊在他的卷子反面划伤了一只迷你的九尾狐狸。而在他身旁的雏田卷子上则是画上了一朵向日葵。 Then but is the Sakura double headed snake, Inuzuka Kiba dog, Aburame Shino rhinoceros beetle, Uchiha Sasuke black rabbit, Rock Lee green hair turtle...... 接下来但就是小樱的双头蛇,犬冢牙的哈皮狗,油女志乃的独角仙,宇智波佐助的黑兔子,李洛克绿毛龟…… In brief the entire examination place could call in the number person examination paper to leave behind the Le Yuan writings, looks at own work Le Yuan slowly sense of achievement. However when sees to sit at the same time the stay still supervisior, the pen on Le Yuan brandished again. 总而言之整个考场叫得上号的人卷子上都留下了乐渊的大作,看着自己的作品乐渊慢慢地成就感。不过当看到坐在一边静止不动的监考官时,乐渊手上的笔再次挥舞了起来。 „......” “啪嗒……” All regained the condition of movement again, but Le Yuan also put down the pen in hand to wait for the end of test silently. These cheats to take a test his is plays quite happily, although mingles among one crowd of young Genin trims the sense of achievement, but thinks this group of future elites were all played by oneself, immediately feels the sense of achievement increase. 所有的一切再一次恢复了运动的状态,而乐渊也放下了手中的笔默默等待着考试的结束。这一场作弊考试他那是玩得相当愉快,虽然混迹在一群十几岁的下忍中间略微降低成就感,但是一想到这群未来精英全都被自己耍了一顿,顿时觉得成就感增幅。 The first round of test last topic, is interrogated and tortured the Grandmaster to one crowd of Genin by Morino Ibiki this suffers at heart. 第一轮考试最后一题,由森乃伊比喜这个拷问大师对一群下忍进行心里折磨。 When Genin cannot bear the pressure departs, as protagonist Uzumaki Naruto erupts. 当一个个下忍都忍不住压力离去的时候,作为主角漩涡鸣人爆发了。 Had the words to speak frankly is my Nindō drives the heart of innumerable indecision immediately, Le Yuan actually frowned when hearing, everyone who now keeps counted slightly many, he does not want to compete with a mixed fish arena. 一句有话直说就是我的忍道顿时激励了无数犹豫不决者的心,乐渊却是在听到时皱了眉头,现在留下来的人人数略多,他可不想和杂鱼一个竞技场比试。 Hey, lowest ranking do not speak one's mind! Having self-knowledge may ignorantly be much better, you are lowest ranking in school, is naturally willing to bet with Genin for a lifetime, but do you want to tow one group of people to go to work as Genin for a lifetime? Do not treat as everyone with your same lowest ranking!” “喂,吊尾车别自说自话!有自知之明可比无知好得多,你是学校里的吊尾车,自然甘愿用一辈子下忍去赌,但你想拖着一群人一辈子去当一个下忍吗?可别把所有人都当作和你一样的吊尾车啊!” In the Le Yuan sound brings misleading Strength, one group of people who immediately just decided firmly the talented person vacillated immediately, after Le Yuan pointed out Uzumaki Naruto lowest ranking status, some are unwilling when forever Genin was very afraid the person of failure to raise the hand again. 乐渊的声音中带着一种蛊惑的力量,顿时原本刚刚坚定下决心的一群人顿时又才子动摇了过来,当乐渊点明了漩涡鸣人吊尾车身份之后,有些不甘心永远当下忍深怕失败的人再一次举起了手。 Uzumaki Naruto in Le Yuan said that he is the lowest ranking time difference point throws and Le Yuan hits, but makes him not dare in pressure of one group of supervisiors to move well at will. 漩涡鸣人则是在乐渊说他是吊尾车时差点扑上来和乐渊打,不过好在一群监考官的压力让他不敢随意动弹。 When Morino Ibiki announced test finally, the entire examination place only has 60 people. Also must be short of 18 people compared with the original works, Genin on the scene only has Group 20 troops. 森乃伊比喜宣布考试终了的时候,整个考场只剩下60人。比起原著还要少去18个人,在场的下忍只剩下20组人马。
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