VE :: Volume #8 三阶首战影之忍者

#679: The say/way of Ninja, scary it say/way( two)

The Sound Ninja three people of groups, strength can only be above-average in this participating Genin, if not progress God Speed protagonist one group, it can be said that is most likely to overthrow to be promoted one group of match. 音忍三人组,本身的实力在这一次参赛的下忍之中只能算中等偏上,如果不算进步神速主角一行人,可以说是最有可能打倒晋级赛的一组。 However even if this is still only the Orochimaru dispensable board game piece, at an appropriate time was discarded is still natural, but now Le Yuan wants a Genin quota to be naturally a cinch. Regarding Orochimaru, the Le Yuan value may that three subordinates not know where high to goes. 不过就算是这样依然只是大蛇丸可有可无的棋子,在适当时候被舍弃也是理所当然的,而现在乐渊想要一个下忍名额自然不在话下。对于大蛇丸而言,乐渊的价值可比自己那三个部下不知道高到哪里去。 But the most important thing is that is also the reason that Orochimaru does not use force is his intuition tells him, the absolute assurance has not left behind Le Yuan. In this missing two years, by him has been thought is test piece Le Yuan already in existence that in grew unknowingly or becomes made him need scruples. 而最重要的一点,也是大蛇丸不使用武力的原因就是他的直觉告诉他,没有绝对的把握留下乐渊。在这失踪的两年时间里面,被他一直认为是试验品的乐渊已经在不知不觉之中成长或者说变为了令他都需要顾忌的存在。 But now and Zaku and Kin of Le Yuan same group is the atmosphere does not dare to breathe one, the power and influence that after all Le Yuan shows does not miss compared with their Sir Orochimaru in many, a more important point is the fellow of finding fault head, but already set the example to them. 而现在和乐渊同一组的萨克和金更是大气不敢喘一个,毕竟乐渊展现出来的威势可是不比他们的大蛇丸大人差上多上,更重要的一点则是挑刺头的家伙可是已经给他们做出了榜样。 Replaces Dosu to enter the Sound Ninja squad later next evening in Le Yuan, is receiving in Le Yuan that Konoha strolls challenge that came from Dosu. But the action that Dosu this overreaches oneself is to cause two people shakes the head in Le Yuan behind personal servant Kin and Zaku secretly, but after all Zaku already has tried the spirit oppression of Le Yuan, that at all is not existence that they of Genin rank can resist. 就在乐渊代替托斯进入音忍小队之后的第二天晚上,正在木叶闲逛的乐渊就受到了来自于托斯的挑战。而托斯这不自量力的举动更是引得更在乐渊身后的跟班金还有萨克两人暗自摇头,毕竟萨克可是已经亲身尝试过乐渊精神压迫,那根本不是下忍级别的他们可以对抗的存在。 But Le Yuan looks Dosu that at present is eager to try, the thought matter may be more than Kin and Zaku. Dosu will come to challenge blindly, at all was not steady he put out the decision without a doubt, was Orochimaru agitates to initiate in behind inevitably. But the goal tests the Le Yuan strength bottom line only, in some sense will be the convenience will also start in the future. 乐渊看着眼前正跃跃欲试的托斯,想到的事情可就远比金还有萨克更多了。托斯会这么盲目地前来挑战,毫无疑问根本不是稳重的他拿出了决定,必然是大蛇丸在后面煽风点火引发的。而目的不外乎试探乐渊的实力底线,某种意义上也是方便日后下手。 How oh you lack self-respect! Ok, you first come with me, here is not the place that begins!” “唉你怎么这么不自爱呢!算了,你先跟我来吧,这里不是动手的地方!” Le Yuan strikes off toward Dosu behind haystack near unintentionally, perhaps others have not noticed, but Le Yuan actually saw a banding clearly user-friendly vision the acoustical shadow of blue small snake, this without a doubt is the Orochimaru informer. 乐渊有意无意地向着托斯身后的草堆边上砍去,或许其他人没有注意到,但是乐渊却清清楚楚地看到了一条带着人性化目光的青蓝色小蛇的声影,这毫无疑问是大蛇丸的耳目。 After Le Yuan has the Sound Ninja three people of groups to arrive at the training ground that Konoha already abandons, Kin and Zaku was understand anything is called finally savage, understand why their Sir Orochimaru will think highly of Le Yuan, making him land to become Captain of their squad. 乐渊带着音忍三人组来到木叶一处已经废弃的训练场后,金还有萨克总算是明白了什么叫做凶残,也明白了为什么他们的大蛇丸大人会这么器重乐渊,让他空降成为他们三人小队的队长 Le Yuan and Dosu confrontation, only then five minutes, but is in the main attack position is Dosu, in his hand for opponent sense of hearing paralysis[ Resonating Echo Drill] has attacked Le Yuan, simultaneously Explosive Tag and kunai launch the attack uninterruptedly. 乐渊托斯交锋只有五分钟的时间,而其中占据主攻地位的一直都是托斯,他手中的用于麻痹对手听觉的[响鸣穿]一直对乐渊进行攻击,同时起爆符苦无更是不间断地发动攻击。 However even during such intense attack, still has not caused any damage to Le Yuan. Le Yuan depends was seemingly simple Step Method then dodges most attacks merely, and only at competition finally conducted a counter-attack. 但是就算在这么密集的攻击之中,依然没有对乐渊造成任何的伤害。乐渊靠的仅仅是看起来简单至极的步法便闪躲过去了绝大多数攻击,并且只在比试的最后进行了一次反击。 No mistake, Le Yuan ended the entire fight to use to attack merely one time. Time-consuming is 1/1000 of entire duel time, but is in three people strongest Dosu then by ten meters of Le Yuan from exceeding strikes the fist, erased from this world thoroughly. 没有错,乐渊解决整个战斗仅仅是用了一次攻击。耗时是整个决斗时间的千分之一不到,而一直是三人中最强的托斯便被乐渊距离超过十米的一击拳头,给彻底从这个世界上抹除了。 When Le Yuan conclusion fight, that has gone into hiding in the line of sight of one side summoned snake also one and vanishes. Has monitored own informer regarding this, Le Yuan simply does not have to kill, after all wish makes Orochimaru feel at ease temporarily, does not expose anything is not the realistic matter. 而当乐渊结束战斗之时,那一直隐匿于一侧的通灵蛇的视线也一并消失。对于这个一直监视着自己的耳目,乐渊根本没有进行狙杀,毕竟想要让大蛇丸暂时安心下来,不暴露点什么是不现实的事情。 Ninja Calendar on July 1 , 60, regarding being at Land of Fire Konoha, now this time already was the first month of summer. However what is more important is one year a Chūnin test must hold in Konoha of head of this Five Great Ninja Villages, this Chūnin test attracted participated from major ninja village over a hundred Genin. 忍历60年7月1日,对于处在火之国木叶而言,现在这个时间已经是初夏了。不过更重要的是一年一届的中忍考试要在这五大忍村之首的木叶举行,这一次中忍考试可是吸引了来自各大忍村上百名下忍参赛。 But Le Yuan brought another two Sound Ninja to go to this Chūnin to take a test first registration place to breed the innumerable Konoha Ninja Ninja school. 乐渊带着另两名音忍前往了这一次中忍考试第一场的报名地点孕育了无数木叶忍者忍者学校。 According to the strip of Chūnin test, will recommend the Genin threesome that the table delivers before 4 : 00 pm on the 1st, then can gain the qualifications of taking this Chūnin test. 按照中忍考试的条则,在1号下午 4 点之前将推荐表上交的下忍三人小组,便能够获取参加这一次中忍考试的资格。 But Otogakure that Le Yuan joins temporarily can be said as the exceptional case in exceptional case, as a result of the particularity of village, without the special Ninja school, naturally would have no to graduate to become the Genin opportunity. However is good because of this promotes the Chūnin way to be the same with other ninja village, therefore Le Yuan then can before the test starts substitutes for the already radical evaporation Dosu. 乐渊暂时加入的音忍村可以说是特例中的特例,由于村子的特殊性,并没有专门的忍者学校,自然也就没有毕业成为下忍的机遇。不过好在这晋升中忍的方式还是和其他忍村一般,所以乐渊这才能在考试开始前替下已经彻底蒸发的托斯 Arrives at Konoha Le Yuan to experience Konoha 12 cockroach who already grew into initially while this opportunity early, has saying that they were too tender, was bigger than Neji three people of groups protagonist also or wisdom superman Shikamaru is very shy, Strength experienced on is not worth mentioning. 早早来到木叶乐渊趁此机会见识到了已经初长成的木叶十二小强,不得不说他们还是太嫩了,无论是比主角大一届的宁次三人组亦或者智慧超人的鹿丸都还青涩得很,无论是力量还是经验上都根本不值一提。 《Naruto》 of this type of scene edition also really makes Le Yuan somewhat one's blood bubbles up to the brim, after all participation feeling may compared with being away from a large screen personally comes excitingly. 这种现场版本的《火影忍者》还真让乐渊有些热血沸腾,毕竟亲自参与其中的感觉可比隔着一个大屏幕来得更加激动人心。 Sir, you looked that we continue......” “大人,你看我们是不是继续……” Just arrived at the gold/metal of two buildings to look that from the first floor one crowd encircled in gathering together after Genin, was saying to Le Yuan hastily. Takes the Chūnin test the place is Room 301, but now this two buildings appear 301 room without doubt is fake goods, but besides a handful real ability limited fellows, most people holds the shape of watching the fun to surround here. 刚刚从一楼来到二楼的金看着一群围在聚在一起的下忍之后,连忙对着自己身旁的乐渊说道。参加中忍考试的地点乃是301室,而现在这个二楼出现的“301”室无疑是一个西贝货,不过除了一小撮真的能力有限的家伙之外,绝大多数人还是抱着看热闹的形态围观在这里。 Le Yuan looks at the chakra aura that on that house number plate not minces to shake the head, without Genin that paying attention obviously to prompt, even if comes to take the test still to deliver the head/number of people the goods, how after all the Ninja minimum power of observation cannot mix continually in this dangerous world. 乐渊看着那门牌上毫不掩饰的查克拉气息不由摇了摇头,没有注意到这么明显提示的下忍就算是前来参加考试也只是送人头的货色,毕竟忍者连最起码的观察力都没有又怎么能在这个危险的世界中混下去。 Le Yuan looks fox whisker fool and iceberg that facial paralysis and double personality pink hair this protagonist three people of groups after downstairs comes up, then without continued to stay the meaning that now also joins in the fun somewhat loses face. 乐渊看着正从楼下上来的狐须笨蛋、冰山面瘫、二重人格粉毛主角三人组之后,便没有了继续停留的意思,现在还去凑热闹就有些跌份了。 Walks! Here has no lively to look, after all here is Konoha, calm and steady!” “走!这里没什么热闹可看的了,毕竟这里是木叶村,安稳一点!” Hears the Le Yuan words, the gold/metal by scared out of one's wits Zaku in the many words, was not followed to turn toward the destination to walk in Le Yuan calmly and steadily behind. However before entering Room 301, takes a itself/Ben lazy **** the novel looks at Konoha hedgehog that looks at steadily appeared in Le Yuan at present. 听到乐渊的话,无论是金还是被吓破胆的萨克都不在多话,安安稳稳地跟在乐渊身后向着目的地走去。不过在进入301室之前,一个慵懒地拿着一本****小说看得目不转睛的木叶刺猬头出现在了乐渊的眼前。 Copy Ninja Hatake Kakashi, this also calculates that one of the Le Yuan acquaintances, familiar is actually Hatake Kakashi of another world. In another world, Kakashi have not perished to present this appearance, on the contrary may Le Yuan deal with the hot blooded two people of groups that Might Guy compose a lot, although the characters changed, but the strengths have not fallen, on the contrary compares to the present Kakashi that has no time to let. 拷贝忍者旗木卡卡西,这也算乐渊的熟人之一,不过熟悉的却是另一个世界的旗木卡卡西。在另一个世界,卡卡西可没有沉沦到现在这幅样子,相反和迈特凯组成的热血二人组可没少跟乐渊打交道,虽然性格变了但是实力可没有落下,相反比起现在的卡卡西那是不遑多让。 Un?” “嗯?” Is looking that the novel Kakashi also felt vision that came from Le Yuan, but after raising the head, has not actually seen Le Yuan just that recollection look. But did not know that Le Yuan he stayed a while on the face of Le Yuan merely, after all Le Yuan that makes him have a familiarity with his teacher Namikaze Minato somewhat similar face. 正在看着小说的卡卡西也感受到了来自于乐渊的目光,不过抬起头后却没有看到乐渊刚刚那回忆的眼神。而根本不认识乐渊的他仅仅是在乐渊的脸上停留了一会儿,毕竟乐渊那张与他老师波风水门有几分相似的脸还是让他产生一丝熟悉感。 Do not look, our battlefields in front, have not annoyed to me later troublesome!” “别看了,我们的战场还在前面,待会儿可别给我惹麻烦!” Le Yuan looked at one toward own left rear Zaku, in two people with the Zaku temperament is most hot tempered is also easiest to annoy troublesome one. But Zaku regarding Le Yuan looked that feels discomfort to own look, he but who the strength could not speak also can only nod. 乐渊向着自己左后方的萨克看了一眼,两人之中以萨克的脾气最为暴躁也是最容易惹出麻烦的一个。而萨克虽然对于乐渊看向自己的眼神感到不舒服,但是实力说不上话的他也只能点点头。 Before Le Yuan arrives at 301, opens the front door. Immediately in the gate transmits fiery aura, this is not the relations of temperature, blazing feeling that but the pure vision has. The time that although the Le Yuan three people come is not late, however actually already before them came many Genin. 乐渊来到301门前,一把将大门推开。顿时门内传来一阵火热的气息,这不是气温的关系,而是纯粹目光产生的炽热感。虽然乐渊三人来的时间不算晚,但是在他们之前却已经来了不少的下忍 The Le Yuan belt/bring leader the two was sitting in a remote place, after all this is not the animation, difficult to protect will not have any unexpected situation . Therefore the Le Yuan preparation before the test starts makes up a class to two people well, to guard these two to hold back to him. 乐渊带头领着其他两人在偏僻的一个地方坐了下来,毕竟这可不是动画,难保不会产生什么意外情况。所以乐渊准备在考试开始前给两人好好补上一课,以防这两人给他扯后腿。 Listened, once came across the issue that anything could not solve not to say to me casually gave up anything. In brief you could not solve, gave me to manage, so long as you supported to be finally good to me, but this test you......” “听好了,一旦遇到什么解决不了的问题可别给我随便说放弃什么的。总而言之你们解决不了的,交给我来办,你们只要给我撑到最后就行了,而这次的考试你们……” While Le Yuan attended class to Kin and Zaku, his eye glanced on a person. That is also in this group of people knows that only his real status, is more than two years has not seen Le Yuan to plan immediately greeted. 正当乐渊金还有萨克上课的时候,他的眼睛不由瞟到了一个人身上。那也是这群人中唯一知道他真实身份的一个,不过两年多没见乐渊当即打算去打个招呼。 Yo, for a long time does not see, recently may be good!” “哟,好久不见,近日可好!” The body of Le Yuan has shuttled back and forth innumerable Ninja, probably a spirit arrived at white hair youth generally behind, the right hand patted fiercely in his conducting the back. 乐渊的身子穿梭过无数忍者,像是个幽灵一般来到了一个白发青年的身后,右手猛地拍在了他的背上。 The patted person got down one to retreat fiercely backward, when saw to pat his person was Le Yuan, his eye reveals almost saw the ghost expression. But person Yakushi Kabuto that Le Yuan greeted, initially saw to lie down Le Yuan the person in nutrient tank with Orochimaru. 被拍的人下了一条猛地向后退去,当看到拍他的人是乐渊时,他的眼睛露出了差点见到鬼的表情。而乐渊打招呼的人正是药师兜,当初和大蛇丸一起见到躺在营养槽内的乐渊的人。 Yakushi Kabuto is not the general impression is profound regarding Le Yuan, after all initially Orochimaru, because the Le Yuan missing matter is not the common fire is big. That is also Yakushi Kabuto few anger of Orochimaru seeing, the one who made Yakushi Kabuto accidental/surprised was Le Yuan head Sound Ninja forehead protector. 药师兜对于乐渊可不是一般的印象深刻,毕竟当初大蛇丸由于乐渊失踪的事情可不是一般的火大。那也是药师兜为数不多从大蛇丸身上见到的怒火,更令药师兜意外的是乐渊头上的音忍护额 Hehe, we seem like first meeting, do we know?” “呵呵,我们似乎是第一次见面,我们认识吗?” Yakushi Kabuto also worthily is the specialized spy, although is very surprised regarding the appearance of Le Yuan, but concealed own expression quickly. Could not see that had seen the Le Yuan appearance, just surprised was frightened completely. 药师兜也不愧是专业的间谍,虽然对于乐渊的出现很惊讶,但是很快掩饰了自己的表情。根本看不出是曾经见过乐渊的样子,刚刚的惊讶完全是被吓出来的。 „, You forgot you also to lead me to play in Konoha few days ago, didn't you treat? Not, Yakushi Kabuto?” “啊,你忘了你前些日子还带我在木叶玩过,你不还请客了吗?不是吗,药师兜?” When Le Yuan shouted Yakushi Kabuto name, opposite Yakushi Kabuto hides in the eyeglasses following look one coldly, later is quick hidden again. After that also shows the smile, probably just thinks the appearance and Le Yuan that hit to call. 乐渊喊出药师兜名字的时候,对面药师兜藏在眼镜后面的眼神一冽,随后很快再次隐藏。其后亦露出微笑,像是刚刚想起来的样子和乐渊打起招呼来。 However quick protagonist one line of that chirp the noise breaks by the winding two people empty, but as senior Yakushi Kabuto started to endure to know the card with his set to be scary. 不过很快主角一行人那叽叽喳喳的吵闹声将两人的虚以委蛇打断,而身为“前辈”的药师兜开始用他那一套忍识卡唬人了。
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