VE :: Volume #8 三阶首战影之忍者

#678: attractiveness is supreme, leaving the stage Dosu

The shuttle in space and time slit is not the fun matter, frequently is maintaining complete body Devil Form Le Yuan, this can guarantee reluctantly oneself do not lose in thousands of the world, toward inducing No. 1 world goes forward. 时空缝隙中的穿梭可不是什么好玩的事情,时时刻刻维持着完全体魔人形态乐渊,这才能勉强保证自己不在数以万计的世界中迷失,一直向着感应到的一号世界前进。 But in Le Yuan that in the space and time crack goes through does not know completely passing of time, it does not have time concept in the space and time crack. However after Le Yuan touches after untold hardships to the threshold of No. 1 world finally, his direct alignment oneself Cursed Seal of Heaven induced the most intense time point to divide. 而在时空裂缝中穿行的乐渊完全不知道时间的流逝,在时空裂缝中本身就不存在时间这个概念。不过当乐渊历经千辛万苦总算是摸到一号世界的门槛之后,他直接对准了自己身上的天之咒印感应最为强烈的一个时间点劈了下去。 Buzz “嗡 After a time incomparably intense energy hedge, Le Yuan successfully ripped open an opening to enter in the expectation No. 1 world, the way of entering was not attractive. Breaks out the instance of channel, energy backlash of that powerful lets, even if Devil Form Le Yuan received the serious injury. 一次无比强烈的能量对冲之后,乐渊成功撕开了一个口子进入到了期望的一号世界之中,不过进入的方式可不怎么好看。劈开通道的瞬间,那强大的能量反噬让即使是魔人形态乐渊都受到了严重的伤害。 Le Yuan the law of return is not Uchiha Obito[ Limited Tsukuyomi] that type plans the good regular channel, looks like on the contrary in the border rips open an opening arbitrarily, the effect of backlash estimates him is more intense. 乐渊的回归之法可不是宇智波带土的[限定月读]那种规划好的正规通道,反倒是像在国境线上擅自撕开一个裂口,反噬的效果比他预想得还要强烈。 „, Just now comes back to eat the sand, I not in Land of Wind? Waits for...... in the time!” “咳咳,才刚回来就又吃了沙子,我不会还是在风之国境内吧?等等……时间上!” Under Le Yuan restrains by force the vitality that upwells, sized up a all around this vast desert environment to realize immediately oneself are in the endless desert. In entire Ninja continent, having Land of Wind can be such environment. 乐渊强压下上涌的气血,打量了一下四周这一望无际的沙漠环境立马意识到自己正处于无尽的沙漠之中。在整个忍者大陆,只有风之国才会是这样的环境。 Just confirmed that Le Yuan of good location opened own Quest Panel quickly, even if this still on the information by panel had a scare. Before entering the space and time crack, is also left over obviously for 3 months, when these time after then was only left over less than 1 month of time Quest then to start. 刚刚确认好地点的乐渊很快就将自己的任务面板打开,不过即使是这样依然被面板上的信息吓了一跳。才进入时空裂缝前明明还剩下三个月的时间,但是当这一次进入后便只剩下一个月不到的时间任务便开始了。 In Le Yuan also in the space and time crack roams, time already passed unknowingly for 2 months. 乐渊还在时空裂缝中漫游的时候,时间已经不知不觉度过了二个月的时间。 Regarding the present world, Le Yuan is unable 100% definitely to be the original No. 1 world. So long as were not such as No. 2 world general Uncle Snake washes white, then the Konoha collapse plan will be implemented absolutely as usual, but in Quest may not have the stipulation to participate in some specific Konoha collapse plan. 对于现在所处的世界,乐渊无法百分百肯定是不是自己原来的一号世界。但是只要不是如二号世界一般蛇叔洗白了,那么木叶崩溃计划就绝对会照常实施,而任务中可没规定是不是要参与到特定的某个木叶崩溃计划中。 At a rate of Le Yuan, from Land of Wind felt in 1 month Otogakure does not have the issue, but the biggest possibility comes up empty-handed. After all according to the plan of Orochimaru, the board game piece that these participated in the Konoha collapse plan should already turn toward Konoha this organizer to go forward ahead of time. 乐渊,在1个月时间内从风之国感到音忍村没有问题,不过最大的可能性就是扑了个空。毕竟按照大蛇丸的计划,那些参与到木叶崩溃计划的棋子应该已经提前向着木叶这个主办方前进了。 Really is the sad life, just came back to start to hurry along!” “真是悲催命,刚刚回来又要开始赶路了!” Quest final destination Konoha, Le Yuan stayed entire one year there, must say familiar, even if between two Konoha has some differences, but has no distinction Konoha has no distinction on the whole regarding Le Yuan and home game. 任务的最终目的地木叶,乐渊可是在那里待了整整一年,要说熟悉就算两个木叶之间有些许不同,但是大体上没什么分别的木叶村对于乐渊而言和主场没有什么分别。 Half a month later, the time arrived at Ninja Calendar in mid June 60. protagonist group of people in 12 cockroach just graduated for 3 months from Ninja academy, Land of Waves event already finally the protagonist gang strength and mentality welcomed the first leap. But main actor Uzumaki Naruto the first time is Strength that erupts Nine-Tails, but male No. 2 Uchiha Sasuke enlarged ones vision taking advantage of this Quest time. 半个月之后,时间来到了忍历60年6月中旬。12小强中的主角一伙人刚刚从忍者学院毕业三个多月的时间,波之国事件已经终了的主角一伙人实力和心态迎来了第一次飞跃。而男一号的漩涡鸣人更是第一次爆发九尾力量,而男二号宇智波佐助更是借着这一次的任务开眼了。 But Le Yuan looks this both familiar and strange Konoha front door is filled with emotion, previous time goes out the status of he by Konoha specially Jōnin. But now he actually has to pick Konoha forehead protector, after all his Konoha on does not have the illegal resident of file in this world especially. 乐渊看着这一座既熟悉又陌生的木叶大门是感慨万千,上一次出去的时候他还是以木叶特别上忍的身份。而现在他却不得不将木叶护额摘下来,毕竟他这个木叶特上在这个世界可是没有档案的黑户。 Un, do you come the Konoha traveling? The elected time also is really fortunately, crossed a half month of Chūnin test to start again, said that did not permit you to stop over the long point also to bump into!” “嗯,你是来木叶旅游的?选的时间还真是凑巧啊,再过半个月中忍考试就要开始了,说不准你逗留长一点还能碰上呢!” Handles the village to register optional Konoha watch-dog Hagane Kotetsu that talks probably for Le Yuan said, Le Yuan was only hehe was also perfunctory. After all but now crucial phase, if said anything to be unnecessary to stare very much easily by Konoha Ninja, when the time comes wanted to act on free will matter that again may not be easy. 乐渊办理进村登录的木叶看门狗钢子铁像是搭话似的随意说道,乐渊对此也只是呵呵地敷衍了一下。毕竟现在可是关键时期,若说出什么多余的话很容易被木叶忍者盯上,到时候再想要自由行动可就不是件容易的事情了。 This time Konoha does not compare commonly, Ninja already from each ninja village arrived at Konoha massively one after another, all after waiting for half a month, Chūnin test that starts. This time Konoha was the powder cask, the little small matter possibly provoded the huge confusion. 此时的木叶村可不比寻常,大量来自各个忍村忍者已经陆续来到了木叶村,全都等待着半月后开始的中忍考试。这个时候的木叶村就是个炸药桶,一点点小事情都可能引发巨大的混乱。 Other ninja village Ninja natures that one crowd enters Konoha during monitoring, but this time enters average person similarly is not comfortable, at least Le Yuan can feel to stare at a line of sight of own Ninja clearly. 一群进入木叶的其他忍村忍者自然在监控之中,而这个时间进入的“普通人”同样不自在,最起码乐渊能够清晰地感受到正在盯着自己的一名忍者的视线。 However was good because of this surveillance passes the half of the day then to have merely laxly, but Le Yuan was strolling in Konoha while this opportunity, after all in Le Yuan Quest also need Konoha by the request of attrition rate, was understood the terrain necessary. 不过好在这种监视仅仅过去了半天便有所松懈,而乐渊正趁着这个机会在木叶村闲逛了起来,毕竟乐渊任务里面还有一个需要木叶受损率的要求,了解了解地形还是有必要的。 After three days, already completely not monitored Le Yuan arrived at this destination finally time, comes Konoha other countries' Ninja to stay in the hotel that. Although as the Konoha Anbu key surveillance area, however looks like in Le Yuan is actually full of holes, at least the camouflage of Le Yuan had not been discovered completely. 三日后,已经完全不受监控的乐渊终于来到了这一次的目的地,前来木叶的别国忍者下榻的旅馆之中。虽然作为木叶暗部重点监视地区,但是在乐渊看来却是破绽百出,最起码乐渊的伪装就完全没被人发现。 When Le Yuan arrives at the corridors of three buildings following the staircase, he suddenly felt that did not have sound Cursed Seal of Heaven of latter nape of the neck to feel hot suddenly. That feeling looked like saw the family member was common, at the same time the Demon right hand of Le Yuan did not have by the trend that control appeared. 乐渊顺着楼梯来到三楼的走廊时,他突然感到一直没有动静的后脖颈的天之咒印突然发烫起来。那种感觉就像是见到了亲人一般,与此同时乐渊恶魔右手也有不受控制显现的趋势。 Not premature already had Le Yuan of experience to suppress this inexplicable summon compulsory, but following this type regarding the summon of curse seal, the eye of Le Yuan looked at to three buildings some room, that summoned curse seal Will to come from somebody Orochimaru in that room. 不过早已经有过经验的乐渊将这种莫名的召唤强制性镇压了下去,而顺着这种对于咒印的召唤,乐渊的眼睛看向了三楼的某个房间,那召唤咒印意志正是源自于那间屋子中的某个人大蛇丸 In Le Yuan detected Orochimaru while, detected on Le Yuan as Orochimaru of all curse seal imprint that both familiar and strange curse seal aura. Reason that said familiar, that is because on that curse seal brings only to belong to his special chakra, but strangely is because felt from curse seal unexpectedly is Cursed Seal of Heaven, moreover is the perfect edition, but this curse seal at present only then a person, or only then a test piece has. 乐渊察觉到大蛇丸所在的同时,作为所有咒印烙印者的大蛇丸同样察觉到了乐渊身上那既熟悉又陌生的咒印气息。之所以说熟悉,那是因为那咒印上带着只属于他的特殊查克拉,而陌生则是因为从咒印上感觉到的竟然是天之咒印,而且是完善版本的,而这种咒印目前只有一个人,或者说只有一个试验品拥有。 Hiss Orochimaru that long tongue licked on own lip licked, poisonous snake that such live image stared at the prey. “嘶大蛇丸那长长的舌头在自己的嘴唇上舔了又舔,那样子活像一条盯上了猎物的毒蛇。 Zaku, opens the door, please come in our guests!” 萨克,去开门吧,把我们的客人请进来!” Orochimaru this matter is camouflaging Otogakure leading teacher, but his Otogakure comes to take the Chūnin test Zaku and Kin and Dosu. 大蛇丸此事正伪装成音忍村的带队老师,而他的音忍村前来参加中忍考试的正是萨克金还有托斯 Hears Orochimaru to shout oneself open the door, treats as Zaku that the god worships naturally not to dare to have slightly Orochimaru does not hope. Immediately stood to move toward the front door from the chair. Simply had not felt that as Ninja him has the aura of bystander, when he opens the door actually got down jumped. 听到大蛇丸喊自己去开门,将大蛇丸当作神来崇拜的萨克自然是不敢有丝毫的不愿。立刻从椅子上站了起来走向了大门。作为忍者的他根本没有感觉到有外人的气息,但是当他将房门打开时却被下了一跳。 Saw only stirless out of the door this matter already to present one also to want the big form compared with him radically, raised the head Zaku that waited and saw in vision with Le Yuan staggered only thought instantaneously just like the falling hell, that subordinate lifeform could hardly be removed in this moment in his mind facing the fear of top hunting. 只见根本毫无动静的门外此事已经出现了一个比他还要高大的身影,抬起头观望的萨克在与乐渊的目光交错的瞬间只觉得犹如身坠地狱,那种下级生物面对顶级猎食者的恐惧在这一刻在他的脑海中挥之不去。 Orochimaru in inside?” 大蛇丸在里面?” Le Yuan looked that had not looked Zaku that already soon could not speak, but looks that transmitted the Orochimaru aura in the room to ask. 乐渊看都没看已经快要说不出话来的萨克,而是看着那传来大蛇丸气息的屋内问去。 You, you dare saying that the given name of Sir, you look......” “你,你敢直呼,大人的名讳,你找……” Zaku that does not dare to speak, disclosed that after hearing to Le Yuan that sound in regarding disdaining of Orochimaru, does not know comes surging that to raise the head since the interrogation immediately from there Le Yuan. 原本不敢说话的萨克,一听乐渊那声音中透露出对于大蛇丸的不屑,顿时不知道从那里而来的涌起抬起头质问起乐渊来。 spirit pressure Le Yuan emits oneself not many imposing manners to add on the increase on spirit merely, immediately also dares to stare at Le Yuan Zaku to open the eye immediately but actually. Even Zaku spirit has not responded, however his physical body is keener, chose under the imposing manner attack of Le Yuan dropped down this best evasion mode. 精神威压乐渊仅仅放出自身不多的气势加上精神上的增幅,顿时原本还敢盯着乐渊萨克顿时睁着眼睛倒了下去。就算萨克精神没有反应过来,但是他的肉体却更加敏锐,在乐渊的气势攻击之下选择了倒下这个最好的规避方式。 When Le Yuan walks into the indoor quietly, hears the Zaku dropping down sound Kin and Dosu already to take the kunai alert is visiting him, killing intent in look treats as the enemy to regard Le Yuan completely. 乐渊悄无声息地走入室内时,听到萨克倒下声音的金还有托斯已经拿着苦无戒备地看着走进来的他,眼神中的杀意完全是把乐渊当作敌人看待。 You, you Zaku how?” “你,你把萨克怎么了?” The whole body is entangling the bandage, is only left over left eye reveal to look at Le Yuan outside Dosu anxiously. Opens the door from Zaku Le Yuan intrudes is about several seconds, Zaku even responding had not been solved then, this enemy is not simple. 浑身缠着绷带,只剩下一只左眼露在外面的托斯紧张地看着乐渊。从萨克开门到乐渊闯入不过几秒钟的时间,萨克甚至连反应都没有便被解决了,这种敌人可不简单。 Orochimaru, doesn't plan to come out? Also or you really hope that I did kill your subordinate?” 大蛇丸,还是不打算出来吗?亦或者你真的希望我杀了你的部下呢?” Although Le Yuan to Orochimaru of room was saying, but is in fact actually searching for possibly Sound Ninja of hidden. Although the Konoha collapse plan has not been implemented thoroughly, but how Le Yuan does not believe that Orochimaru meets does not give to bring his elite subordinate Sound Four, after all that is the Otogakure rare elite, particularly in they use in the curse seal situation. 乐渊虽然是对着内屋的大蛇丸说的,但是实际上却在搜寻着可能隐藏的音忍。虽然木叶崩溃计划还没有彻底实施,但是乐渊怎么都不相信大蛇丸会不把他的精英部下音忍四人众给带来,毕竟那可是音忍村少有的精英,尤其是在他们动用咒印的情况下。 However in fact this Orochimaru has not really brought, Otogakure most Ninja are also standby, Orochimaru also taking advantage of leading the Ninja status sneaks in advance. 不过事实上这大蛇丸还真没有带来,音忍村的绝大多数忍者还处于待命状态,大蛇丸也只是借着带队忍者的身份先行潜入。 Le Yuan they do not pay attention to Kin and Dosu, but cannot disregard Le Yuan that rushes on behalf of Kin and Dosu thoroughly. They are wanting with own action maintains Otogakure and Orochimaru dignity the attack the time, suddenly the Orochimaru sound spread to their ears. 乐渊不把金还有托斯两人放在眼里,但是不代表金还有托斯能够彻底无视闯进来的乐渊。他们两人正想要用自己的行动维护音忍村大蛇丸的威严而进攻的时候,突然大蛇丸的声音传入到了他们的耳中。 Ok, you two had a look at the Zaku situation, here I processed!” “好了,你们两个去看看萨克的情况吧,这里我来处理!” Sees only Orochimaru that comes to suddenly to place the body of Le Yuan the vision completely, in the look first is shocking, later was being flooded by blazing completely. Even passed for two years, Orochimaru still had not forgotten that Le Yuan this missing test piece, must know initially he treated as his unique masterpiece to treat Le Yuan, after particularly Le Yuan is missing days, his temperament is not the general badness. 只见突然现身的大蛇丸将目光完全放在了乐渊的身上,眼神中先是震惊,随后完全被炽热所充斥着。就算过去了两年的时间,大蛇丸依然没有忘记乐渊这个失踪的试验品,要知道当初他可是把乐渊当作他绝无仅有的杰作对待的,尤其是当乐渊失踪后的一段日子,他的脾气可不是一般的恶劣。 It seems like you pass in the two years well, but you can look for me, this also really surprised me, if I have not remembered incorrectly, initially gave your memory should not be incomplete! Actually initially to have what, why do you come today?” “看来你这两年过得不错,不过你能自己来找我,这还真令我意外,如果我没有记错,当初给你的记忆应该不完全吧!当初究竟发生了些什么,你今天又是为何而来?” Regarding Le Yuan that comes to suddenly, although Orochimaru was happy, but also has to have the alert. The time that after all Le Yuan has was really skillful, when he will soon conduct the Konoha collapse plan appeared, in addition initially Le Yuan vanished inexplicably, under many questionable points made Orochimaru quite be interested in the experience of Le Yuan. 对于突然现身的乐渊,大蛇丸虽然高兴,但是也不是没有产生戒备。毕竟乐渊出现的时机实在是太巧了,在他即将进行木叶崩溃计划的时候出现,加上当初乐渊又不明不白地消失,诸多疑点之下让大蛇丸对于乐渊的经历颇为感兴趣。 Is help merely, your does plan not to need the foreign aid? I am interested in this Chūnin test especially, can make me join this revelry?” “仅仅是来帮你一个忙而已,你的那个计划难道不需要外援吗?我可是对这一次的中忍考试格外感兴趣,能让我加入这一场狂欢吗?” Le Yuan one step goes forward, immediately scary imposing manner compelled toward present Orochimaru, but Orochimaru is also refusing to admit being inferior has the strong killing intent imposing manner to start with Le Yuan to fight relative. Unlike No. 2 world Uncle Snake, Uncle Snake pays great attention to own evolution, but this Orochimaru has the research to the technique, making Le Yuan confront merely a while in the imposing manner then his steamroll in the past. 乐渊一步上前,顿时身上的骇人气势向着眼前的大蛇丸逼了过去,而大蛇丸也是不甘示弱带着浓重杀意的气势开始与乐渊争锋相对。与二号世界的的蛇叔不同,蛇叔注重自身的进化,而这个大蛇丸却对术更加有研究,使得乐渊在气势上仅仅是对峙了一会儿便将他碾压了过去。 The imposing manner is not equal to the strength, but Orochimaru actually after Le Yuan demonstrated that astonishing imposing manner ceases all activities, chose naturally drew back one step. But as a result of joining of Le Yuan, in Sound Ninja three people of group must withdraw naturally, but this withdrawal by Dosu that the bandage packages. 气势不等于实力,不过大蛇丸却在乐渊展示那惊人的气势之后偃旗息鼓,自然而然地选择了退一步。而由于乐渊的加入,音忍三人组中的一员自然而然要退出,而这个退出者正是被绷带包裹的托斯 Why to make me withdraw, must draw back is the strength weakest gold/metal is also right!” “凭什么让我退出,要退也是实力最弱的金才对!” Dosu points in the team only Female Ninja Kin to ask. 托斯一手指着队中唯一的女忍者金质问道。 Why? Because you ugly, affects my my mood!” “为什么?因为你长得丑,影响我我心情!” After Le Yuan such a few words, then decided the team lineup, before the Chūnin test starts Otogakure three people of group changes for Le Yuan, Kin, Zaku. 乐渊这么一句话之后便将队伍阵容定了下来,在中忍考试开始前音忍村三人组变更为了乐渊、金、萨克
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