VE :: Volume #8 三阶首战影之忍者

#677: The dragon vein, returns to it key( two)

Konoha Hokage office 木叶火影办公室 Was still being wrapped by the innumerable archives as Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato , the moment can not be peaceful. However at this time he actually puts down the thing in hand temporarily, looks that present Le Yuan is listening to his Quest report patiently. 作为四代目火影波风水门依然被数不胜数的文案包裹着,片刻不得安宁。不过此时他却暂时放下手中的事物,看着眼前的乐渊耐心地听着他的任务汇报。 After Le Yuan told probably the picnic deeds the tour of total this Land of Snow reports time, Namikaze Minato already displays to pinch an own forehead headache appearance. Although Le Yuan said very with ease, however looked like Le Yuan in his Hokage actually does a dreadful important matter. 乐渊像是讲述郊游事迹般将这一次的雪之国之行全数汇报完毕之后,波风水门已经表现出捏着自己的眉心一副头痛至极的样子。乐渊虽然说得很轻松,但是在他这个火影看来乐渊却是干下了一件滔天的大事。 Other first did not say, how even if this Kazahana Dotō were not seen by treating of Land of Snow Country Lord Kazahana Sōsetsu again, moreover according to Le Yuan plan that he some treason usurps the throne, some estimate that but all these have not implemented now after all, he is the Land of Snow nobility. However is such a character, now dies in the hand of Le Yuan inexplicably, a gathering up dead bodies person does not have, when perhaps hundred years later no one discovers his corpse. 别的先不说,这风花怒涛就算再怎么不受雪之国国主风花早雪的待见,而且据乐渊所说他又有叛国篡位的打算,但是现在这一切毕竟还是尚未实施的某个预想而已,他本人更是雪之国的王公贵族。但是就是这么一个人物,现在不明不白地死在了乐渊的手中,连个收尸的人都没有,或许等到百年之后都没人发现他的尸体。 Between Land of Fire and Land of Snow are not the attached relations, therefore according to the Konoha consistent attitude will not meddle the Land of Snow housework at will, Le Yuan this action obviously broke Konoha neutrality until now time very much. However is good because of this matter Le Yuan does quite thoroughly, not only has not left behind a living witness, but also including a trace not to stay behind, even that research agency thoroughly destroyed. 火之国雪之国之间并非附属关系,所以依照木叶一贯的态度是不会随意插手雪之国的家务事的,乐渊这一次的举动很明显打破了木叶一直以来的中立态度。不过好在这一件事情乐渊干得比较彻底,不但没有留下一个活口,而且连一丝痕迹都没有留下,连那一处研究机构都彻底摧毁了。 Let alone Le Yuan completed this Quest perfectly time, even in that research institute one regarding the study data of chakra ore and brought. This removed Konoha many key jobs directly, a scrap sample that in addition Le Yuan had, quick can reach the final conclusion. 更何况乐渊完美地完成了这一次的任务,甚至连那个研究所中对于查克拉矿石的研究数据都一并带回来了。这可是直接去除了木叶许多的基本工作,再加上乐渊带回来的一小块样品,很快就能得到最终结论。 If really such as Le Yuan said, this type of ore can defend the energy injury of chakra effectively, Konoha will conduct the diplomatic link with Land of Snow without a doubt, obtains this type of special ore the first sole right. 如果真如乐渊所说,这种矿石能够有效防御查克拉的能量伤害的话,毫无疑问木叶将与雪之国进行外交联系,取得这种特殊矿石的第一手独占权。 But completed Quest Le Yuan also to obtain the first-hand material from Namikaze Minato there finally, after listening to Namikaze Minato recounted that he was stunned. That place Le Yuan that the opposite party said actually should also think, there is lost state Rōran, place that piece has the mysterious Strength dragon vein. 而完成了任务乐渊也终于从波风水门那里得到了第一手的资料,不过在听完了波风水门的述说之后他才愕然。对方所说的那个地方乐渊其实也该想到了,那里就是遗失的国度楼兰,那一片有着神秘力量龙脉的地方。 This place had not once become Hokage the institute of Namikaze Minato personally seal, there huge Strength falls to any harboring evil intentions manpower Central Capital is a disaster. If in this world really Strength can help the Le Yuan stable space and time crack, then without a doubt dragon vein Strength is one that was relatively speaking easiest to find. 这个地方正是曾经还未当上火影波风水门亲自封印之所,那里的庞大力量落到任何一个居心不良的人手中都是一种灾难。如果这个世界上真有一种力量能够帮助乐渊稳定时空裂缝,那么毫无疑问龙脉力量便是其中相对而言最容易找到的一种。 Also has many with dragon vein same Strength in this world, tailed beast Strength is one type. But according to Le Yuan estimate all tailed beast in can support at least also wants Nine-Tails even Ten-Tails that the space and time crack strives stably to achieve, the general tailed beast continuous cruise capability is really bad. However according to Le Yuan remains the time, wants to handle this matter in the remaining less than nine months of time, again localization original world with impossible. 和龙脉相同的力量在这个世界上还有不少,尾兽力量就是其中一种。而根据乐渊的估计所有尾兽中能够支持时空裂缝稳定出力的最起码也要九尾甚至十尾才能做到,一般的尾兽续航能力实在是太差。不过根据乐渊的所剩时间来说,想要在剩下的九个月不到的时间内搞定这件事情,再定位原来的世界跟不可能 Is opposite with it, dragon vein Strength that will not move seems has the feasibility. However because Le Yuan did not know Rōran exact location, naturally this place neglecting. 与之相反,不会动的龙脉力量却显得更有可行性。不过由于乐渊原本根本不知道楼兰具体位置,自然而然地将这一处地方给忽略了。 Although Le Yuan said appearance that anything must attempt to go back, but as being together for about a year, but also has the teachers and students the suitable sentiment, Namikaze Minato does not want Le Yuan to make this type nearly in the attempt of impossible. 虽然乐渊一副说什么都要尝试回去的样子,但是作为相处了一年左右,还有着师生之宜的感情,波风水门不太想要乐渊去做这种近乎于不可能的尝试。 Passes through the space and time, this not simple passes through the space to compare. The difficulty coefficient is to grasp Space-Time Ninjutsu over ten times, initially Namikaze Minato when knows that Le Yuan is the Otherworld guest is also shaken unable to speak some little time by this news, later believes under the confirmation of Uncle Snake reluctantly. 穿越时空,这可不是简简单单的穿越空间可以比拟的。难度系数是掌握时空忍术的十倍以上,当初波风水门在知道乐渊异界来客的时候也是被这个消息震得好一会儿说不出话来,随后在蛇叔的确认之下才勉强相信。 But even if Le Yuan really opened the Otherworld front door through the dragon vein, but can return to belong to Le Yuan own world is an issue, moreover how to operate this Strength accurate control time and place is difficult. But incautiously really becomes the outward journey, forever loses in the shackles of space and time. 乐渊纵然真的通过龙脉开启了异界的大门,但是能否回到属于乐渊自己的世界还是个问题,而且如何操纵这股力量精准地控制时间、地点更是难上加难。一不小心可就真成为了单程旅行,永远迷失在时空的牢笼之中。 Regarding detaining of Namikaze Minato , Le Yuan has to reject. Even if Le Yuan really chooses to remain, time not obsolete 9 months that can stay are less, when the time comes are the same the result of being leaves. 对于波风水门的挽留,乐渊是不得不拒绝。就算乐渊真的选择留下来,能够停留的时间也不过时九个月不到而已,到时候一样是离开的结局。 However this Namikaze Minato actually to a Le Yuan paid annual leave, but Le Yuan this departure money also had Hyūga Hinata two people to keep a big ritual to Uchiha Itachi. About two people future plans, Le Yuan already simulated in the mind early were innumerable. 不过这一次波风水门却是给乐渊一个大假,而乐渊此次离去钱可是给宇智波鼬还有日向雏田两人留了一份大礼。关于两人的未来规划,乐渊可是早已经在脑海中模拟了无数次。 Regarding Uchiha Itachi this gifted pupil, Le Yuan will rouse the method of strength of Heaven and Earth to seal into his mind directly. Whether in the future Uchiha Itachi will be able to use Senjutsu Chakra to look at his own good fortune through this learned, after all Le Yuan communicates the method of strength of Heaven and Earth when this world uses also has a disparity, cannot refer to the use completely. 对于宇智波鼬这个天才学生,乐渊直接将勾动天地之力的方法封入了他的脑海之中。未来宇智波鼬能否通过这个学会使用仙术查克拉就看他自己的造化了,毕竟乐渊沟通天地之力的方法在这个世界使用时还有所差距,不能完全参照着使用。 But another student Hyūga Hinata, Le Yuan can her only have ultimate destruction deep meaning Futae no Kiwami. This is grasps according to Le Yuan[ Singularity Burst] deletion transforms the ability that comes, breaks through the vibrational frequency of fist is hit the defense of object surface, enabling the attack of fist the complete hit opposite party body, thus achieves 100% destructive power. 而另一个学生日向雏田,乐渊能给她的只有一份究极的破坏奥义二重之极。这是根据乐渊所掌握的[奇点爆破]删减改造而来的能力,通过拳头的振动频率打破被击中物体表面的防御,使得拳头的攻击能够完完全全命中对方身体内部,从而达到百分之百的破坏力。 Futae no Kiwami could be said as with Gentle Fist completely different one just the fist technique, but actually to conforming to Hinata the entering step route, after all by the control of Hinata to strength, in the future learned move is the successful matter. 二重之极可以说是和柔拳完全不同的一种刚拳技法,不过却对符合雏田的进阶路线,毕竟以雏田对劲力的掌控,未来学会这一招是水到渠成的事情。 Puts behind that Rōran, this once became lively place using dragon vein Strength the exceptionally, with dragon vein Strength was left uncultivated by the seal day after day. Now day Le Yuan is inferior that this local time, here already few trace that sees the human activities. 忘却之都楼兰,这个曾经利用龙脉力量而变得异常繁华的地方,随着龙脉力量被封印而日渐荒废。当今日乐渊不如这个地方时,这里已经鲜少看到人类活动的痕迹。 Without dragon vein Strength, the underground clear spring no longer moistened this stretch of land, the land dry desertification, the vegetation death animal migration, but the generation life in Rōran resident also already of this stretch of area integrated in other clans and tribes. 没有了龙脉的力量,地下清泉不再滋润这一片大地,土地干涸沙化,植被死亡动物迁移,而世代生活在这一片地区的楼兰居民也已经融入到了其他部族之中。 Also is really the bleak place, if not be the necessary wizard will come this type quite a while unable to see half life aura the place, hopes that here can achieve my hopes......” “还真是荒凉的地方,如果不是必要鬼才会来这种半天见不到半个生命气息的地方,希望这里能够达成我之所愿……” Enters from the Land of Fire shuttle to the desert that in this piece and Land of Wind borders on, the Le Yuan already 5 days have not seen other living person. Reason that moved in the desert was so long, on the one hand was because here environment already changed many, had a big change when with Namikaze Minato came initially already ; On the other hand, in this desert wants to determine that in the position indeed was difficult a point, particularly without symbolic vestige. 火之国穿梭进入到这片与风之国接壤的沙漠之中,乐渊已经五天没见到另外的活人了。之所以在沙漠中活动了这么久,一方面是因为这里的环境已经变化许多,与波风水门当初来时已经有了不小的变化;另一方面,这沙漠之中想要确定所在位置的确是难了一点,尤其是在没有标志性遗迹的时候。 However is good because of the Heaven never seals off all exits, was makes Le Yuan seize an opportunity to seek one finally to make decent the most statue, later was trying to find out half a month later entered the Rōran former home grounds. 不过好在天无绝人之路,总算是让乐渊抓住一个机会寻到了一个风化了大半的石像,随后在摸索了半个月之后进入了楼兰故地。 This Rōran former home grounds handle already to look awful after several years no one early, but Le Yuan was not a cleaning scraps person, the nature regarding once magnificent Rōran not many interests, but turned toward the altar direction that in the map labelled to hurry to directly. 楼兰故地经过数年的无人打理早已经不成样子,而乐渊也不是一个拾荒人,自然对于曾经的辉煌楼兰没有多少兴趣,而是径直向着地图中标注的祭坛方向赶去。 Enters the altar, Le Yuan discovered that belongs to Namikaze Minato special-purpose Flying Thunder God Kunai. But in that specially-made kunai surrounding friend this special seal technique type, has this technique -type assistance to suppress the dragon vein boundless Strength. 一进入祭坛,乐渊就发现那个属于波风水门专用的飞雷神三叉戟苦无。而在那枚特制苦无的周围好友这专门的封印术式,正是有着这术式的辅助才能压制住龙脉的磅礴力量 Very good, the operation does!” “很好,开工搞起!” Le Yuan did not have how much time to waste, if the luck is not good possibly to waste several months of even several years event in the search goal world, Le Yuan may not have that free time to waste time. 乐渊可是没有多少时间在浪费下去了,如果运气不好的话可能会在搜寻目标世界浪费数个月甚至数年的事件,乐渊可没有那个闲工夫去蹉跎。 Looks deeply to insert in ground kunai, Le Yuan on the one hand grasps kunai one to pour into own Strength, simultaneously conducts to relieve the work of seal. As Le Yuan Strength relieves the incantation symbol total on kunai, Le Yuan pulls up from the ground kunai fiercely. 看着深深插在地上的苦无,乐渊一手抓住苦无一手将自己的力量灌入,同时进行解除封印的工作。随着乐渊力量苦无上的咒符全数解除,乐渊猛地将苦无从地上拔起。 Comes well, gives me to get up!” “来得好,给我起!” Le Yuan emits outside the body Tesseract Cube instantaneously, approaches own body as the stopover station this huge dragon vein Strength guidance by Tesseract Cube. Matter had not ended, such huge Strength pours into the body of Le Yuan one time, even if not have the matter Le Yuan to have the danger that the brace will explode temporarily continuously for a long time hence, following will divulge. 乐渊瞬间将宇宙魔方放出体外,由宇宙魔方作为中转站将这庞大的龙脉力量引导向自己的身体。事情还没有结束,这么庞大的力量一次性灌入乐渊的身体,就算暂时没有事情长此以往乐渊还是会有着撑爆的危险,接下来的就是宣泄。 Buzz “嗡 The body of Le Yuan flashes to reach as high as more than 20 meters huge Devil, with the strength growth of Le Yuan, this Devil conventional build is also growing day after day, now maintains Devil regarding Le Yuan at 20 meters class president is one day is not the issue, consumption that but fights was a different matter. 乐渊的身上闪起高达20多米的巨大魔人,随着乐渊的实力增长,这魔人的常规体形也在日渐增长,现在对于乐渊而言将魔人维持在20米级长达一天也不是问题,不过战斗起来的消耗那就是另外一回事了。 However is only Devil phantom is also not enough to divulge all Strength, then opens the space crack. 不过只是魔人虚影还不足以宣泄所有力量,接下来就是打开空间裂缝。 [ Shattering Void Dimension Slash], a blade is broken, the giant space and time crack was opened under Le Yuan the blade, all around all follow to notice the black crack to be inhaled the unknown world. [碎虚次元斩],一刀碎空,巨大的时空裂缝在乐渊的这一刀之下被打开,四周的一切都顺着注意到黑色的裂缝被吸入未知的世界。 But has Le Yuan actually sitting at ease in a fishing boat despite storms that Devil phantom protects oneself, depends on technique to stabilize this space and time crack, while is feeling the aura of other world in the endless space and time crack, tries to seek for own that world. 而有着魔人虚影护身的乐渊稳坐钓鱼台,一边靠着术式将这个时空裂缝稳定下来,一边在无尽的时空裂缝中感受着其他世界的气息,试图寻找着属于自己的那个世界。 But this looks is enough four months, during this, dragon vein Strength has been divulging, but Le Yuan also maintains the Devil phantom condition four months not to stop. If not dragon vein Strength supplements Strength for him unceasingly, perhaps this condition already drains his body early more than once. 而这一找便是足足四个月,这期间龙脉力量一直宣泄着,而乐渊也维持着魔人虚影状态四个月没有停止。如果不是龙脉力量不断为他补充力量,恐怕这种状态早已经将他的身体抽干不止一次。 coordinates, coordinates, coordinates...... damn, this world was really many, how should the localization coordinates, impossible make me look for a needle in a haystack seeks, certainly where had neglected......” “坐标,坐标,坐标……该死,这世界实在是太多了,该怎么定位坐标,不可能让我大海捞针地寻找,一定有什么地方忽略了……” Even if by Le Yuan Will, after four months seeks uninterruptedly is still the wholeheartedly exhausted, feels some agitated. Between he and No. 1 world seems to have no relation place, he just woke up then to be exiled this No. 2 world from the lethargic sleep by Uchiha Obito directly, even the clothes have not put on with enough time. 就算是以乐渊意志,在经过四个月的不间断寻找之后也是全身心地疲惫,不由感到些许烦躁。他和一号世界之间似乎根本没有什么联系的地方,他刚刚从昏睡中醒来便被宇智波带土直接流放到这个二号世界,连衣服都没来得及穿。 While Le Yuan recalls itself also to have what thing omits the time unceasingly, suddenly after Le Yuan traced itself nape of the neck, there was one by thing Cursed Seal of Heaven that he almost forgot. This thing now purely is a sign, simply does not have the mark unique Strength addition, until now Le Yuan regards the air him, but now this thing is a liberator. 正当乐渊不断回忆自己还有什么东西遗漏的时候,突然乐渊摸到了自己后脖颈,那里正是一个被他差点遗忘的东西天之咒印。这玩意现在纯粹就是一个标志,根本没有印记特有的力量加成,一直以来乐渊都把他当成空气,但是现在这玩意就是救星。 Actually the system why adds the thing of this pure ornaments various on his body, is not because this thing is also he and No. 1 world's only relation? This is arrives at the thing of No. 2 world with Le Yuan from No. 1 world only, Le Yuan whether to go back to depend entirely on it. 系统究竟为何将这个纯摆设的玩意加诸在他的身上,可不就是因为这玩意也是他和一号世界唯一的联系吗?这是唯一随着乐渊从一号世界来到二号世界的玩意,乐渊能否回去全靠它了。 Le Yuan fills to pour into this to just like in own Will empty shell Cursed Seal of Heaven, next second of Cursed Seal of Heaven starts to follow the resonance of space and time crack in All Heavens and Myriad Realms, but Le Yuan also follows it to seek for own root in ten thousand boundary/world. 乐渊将自己的意志灌注入这个犹如空壳般的天之咒印中,下一秒天之咒印开始顺着时空裂缝在诸天万界中共鸣着,而乐渊也顺着它在万界中寻找着自己的根源。 Found! Walks!” “找到了!走!” Also is 1 month later, Le Yuan finally found that and his curse seal sends out the world of pinnacle resonance. No longer a Le Yuan Shun of stay Tesseract Cube the dragon vein Strength total absorption that this already dries up gradually, later entered in the space and time crack speedily. 又是一个月之后,乐渊终于找到了那个和他的咒印发出极致共鸣的世界。不再逗留的乐渊一把顺过宇宙魔方将这已经渐渐枯竭的龙脉力量全数吸收,随后一溜烟进入到了时空裂缝中。
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