VE :: Volume #8 三阶首战影之忍者

#676: Ambition of smashing, end Quest( one)

Land of Snow, an exceptionally mysterious state. All year long were been snow-covered, the whole year can see that the day of clear sky is few, this extreme weather accomplished entire Land of Snow unable according to the common place the same as take the crop production as to live. 雪之国,异常神秘的一个国度。终年被冰雪覆盖,全年能够见到天晴的日子屈指可数,这种极端的天气造就了整个雪之国根本无法按照寻常地方一样以种植业为生。 But people who like this are extreme the bad environment survival, are living under the leadership of Land of Snow Country Lord Kazahana Sōsetsu difficultly, but was Country Lord Kazahana Sōsetsu then carried out a plan before several years, as if wanted to improve the entire Land of Snow severe weather at one fell swoop. 而这样极端恶劣的环境生存的人们,在雪之国国主风花早雪的领导之下艰难地活着,而身为国主风花早雪更是在数年前便开展了一个计划,似乎想要一举改善整个雪之国的恶劣天气。 But Kazahana Sōsetsu wants to improve its environment through the technical research, thus improves the plan of livelihood of the people to need to use the enormous fund inevitably. This investment before has not succeeded has not returned, is draws cash to throw away carelessly simply the action. 风花早雪想要通过科技研究改善本国环境,从而改善民生的计划不可避免需要用到极大的资金。这种投入在没有成功之前是没有丝毫回报的,简直就是拿钱打水漂地举动。 But facing Kazahana Sōsetsu this nearly conservative approach, as Brother Country Lord Kazahana Dotō may fully not approve. Kazahana Dotō once left Land of Snow to go out to study Ninjutsu long ago, completing study later to return to Land of Snow is becomes an extreme military force to send the member, all day is thinking how to develop the Land of Snow national strength, making it one and five great nations overawes a side generally the big influence. 而面对风花早雪这种近乎保守的做法,身为国主弟弟的风花怒涛可就完全不赞同了。风花怒涛早年曾经离开雪之国外出学习忍术,学成之后回到雪之国更是成为了一个极端的武力派分子,整日想着的就是如何发展雪之国的国力,使得它成为一个和五大国一般威震一方的大势力。 Therefore the Kazahana Dotō secret after returning to homeland formed an Unit Snow Ninja, used the Land of Snow extreme weather environmental creation special Ice Release that only then can display in Land of Snow. But Kazahana Dotō bit by bit seizes power from his Elder Brother by these subordinates, present Land of Snow power already divides into two, again also no longer complete condition. 为此回国后的风花怒涛秘密组建了一支雪忍,利用雪之国极端的天气环境创造出了只有在雪之国境内才能施展的特殊冰遁。而风花怒涛更是凭借这些部下一点一点地从他哥哥身上夺权,现在的雪之国的权力已经一分为二,再也不复完整的状态。 North Land of Snow the ever-frost mining area of area, here is an entire Land of Snow biggest minerals area. Special chakra ore that entire Land of Snow produces from this mining area, because the bad geographical environment also has the bad weather, making the operation of entire mining area compared with the imagination more troublesome. 雪之国以北地区的永冻矿区,这里是整个雪之国最大的一处矿产地区。整个雪之国出产的特殊查克拉矿石都是来自于这个矿区,不过由于恶劣的地理环境还有糟糕的天气,使得整个矿区的运作比起想象地更加麻烦。 Kazahana Dotō of extreme sensitivity discovered from here chakra ore Strength that subverts the Ninja World cognition, simultaneously this is also because discovered this bred ambition that wanted to capture the position of Land of Snow Country Lord. 极度敏感的风花怒涛正是从这里的查克拉矿石中发现了颠覆忍界认知的力量,同时这也是由于发现了这个才孕育出了想要夺取雪之国国主之位的野心。 The special chakra ore, only in the special ore that the ever-frost mining area can produce. This type of ore and manufactures the Sword of the Thunder God special ore to be different, itself cannot conduct the chakra energy, is unable to achieve using the chakra strengthening forges the product the effect, naturally cannot manufacture the chakra weapon with it. 特殊查克拉矿石,仅在永冻矿区才会出产的特种矿石。这种矿石和制作雷神之剑的特殊矿石不同,本身并不能传导查克拉能量,无法做到利用查克拉强化锻造产物的功效,自然也就不能用它来制造查克拉武器。 However what is happen to opposite, the characteristics of this type of ore can actually absorb chakra to transform, but the energy attacks, such as Fire Release, Lightning Release and Wind Release can conduct the real absorption by it, is unable to remove besides the entity impact of Earth Release and Water Release, other Strength almost can be removed by him most, nearly in the function that Truth-Seeking Ball has. 不过正好相反的是,这种矿石的特性却能够吸收查克拉转换而出的能量性攻击,诸如火遁雷遁风遁都能被它进行有效吸收,除了土遁水遁的实体冲击无法卸去之外,其他力量几乎可以被他卸去大半,近乎于求道玉产生的作用。 Regarding Ninja World Ninja, almost compares to seek ordinary person not to come the big advantage except Ninjutsu them. Even if their physical ability far ultra ordinary person, but does not have Martial Arts that many people can depend on do not excel at to defeat to use Ice Release Kazahana Dotō. 对于忍界忍者而言,除去忍术的他们几乎比起寻常人来没有多大的优势。纵然他们的体能远超常人,但是却没有多少人能够靠着不擅长的体术击败使用冰遁风花怒涛 But discovered this unusual character of ore, Kazahana Dotō assigns/life the person to excavate these ores specially, and integrates in the ore the armor, enabling him to have one set to cause his invincible under the Heavens peerless god armor. 而正是发现了这种奇特的矿石特性,风花怒涛才专门命人发掘这些矿石,并且将矿石融入到铠甲之中,使得他能够拥有一套可以使得他无敌天下的绝世神甲。 The research of chakra armor cannot separate the support in two aspects ; first, has the researcher of research regarding this type of ore, its two are massive ore support experiment tried to find out. Therefore this Kazahana Dotō almost most time will treat in this ever-frost mining area, can say that one day does not complete this chakra armor manufacture, his then one day does not have the peaceful day. 查克拉铠甲的研究分不开两个方面的支持,其一是对于这种矿石有研究的研究者,其二就是大量的矿石支持实验摸索。所以这风花怒涛几乎绝大多数时间都会待在这永冻矿区,可以说一日不将这查克拉铠甲制作完成,他便一日没有安生日子过。 Dr. Amagishi, haven't you research to this ore progressed? Your host this studied already more than one year, but you gave me is a half-finished product, how long do you also want to let me and others?” 天岸博士,你对这矿石的研究还没有进展吗?你主持这研究已经一年多了,但是你给我的还是一个半成品,你还想让我等多久?” Before Kazahana Dotō angry-looking is looking at his body, is looking man who as before the experimental data keeps silent, if were not his side could not find an expert except for the present man again, his possibly already could not bear want to butcher this men who wasted his massive financial resource physical resources. 风花怒涛一脸怒容地望着他身前依旧在看着实验数据而默不作声的男人,如果不是他身边除了眼前的男人再也找不到一个专家的话,他可能已经忍不住想要宰了这个浪费了他大量财力物力的男人了。 Peaceful, the experiment cannot accommodate careless, moreover wasn't I already give you latest experiment achievement? Coordinated that armor is not enough by your strength?” “安静,实验容不得一点马虎,而且我不是已经把最新的实验成果给你了吗?以你的实力配合那件铠甲不也足够了吗?” Dr. Amagishi puts down the experimental data in hand to look that present Kazahana Dotō said lightly, he is repugnant some people in the research to disturb , but initially Kazahana Dotō he invited the resembles seeks divine help to implore urgently generally, that attitude was similar to the grandson. 天岸博士放下手中的实验数据看着眼前的风花怒涛淡淡说道,他可是非常讨厌自己在研究的时候有人打扰,当初风花怒涛将他请来的时候可是像求神一般苦苦哀求,那态度跟个孙子差不多。 Looks that is still at present calm seems like ten thousand years of old tortoise doctor, Kazahana Dotō that said that does not worry to be false. He to position of saliva long time that Land of Snow Country Lord, but wants to catch up with the throne to have the military force support his good-for-nothing Elder Brother, but when the time comes probably must cope with the Ninja blockades from other states. 看着眼前依旧沉稳得像是个万年老乌龟似的博士,风花怒涛那说不着急是假的。他可是对那雪之国国主之位垂涎久矣,而想要将他那窝囊废哥哥赶下王位少不得武力支持,而到时候也许还要对付来自其他国度的忍者阻击。 According to the Kazahana Dotō that Jōnin strength, cannot prevent the attack of elite Jōnin reluctantly. Without the chakra armor as the backing support, his whole life do not want to sit to the Land of Snow Country Lord position in safely. 按照风花怒涛那勉强上忍的实力,根本阻挡不住精英上忍的攻击。如果没有查克拉铠甲作为后盾支持,他这辈子都别想稳稳当当地坐到雪之国国主的位置上。 However he also calculates a little rationally, knows that now also needs the assistance of this Dr. Amagishi, suppresses is inquiring the research results patiently. On him the set of chakra armor, although half-finished product, but the effect is not really weak, general B level following Ninjutsu attacks flood not to have the water splash fundamentally, in addition Land of Snow severe weather most Ninjutsu were limited, currently speaking pours also assembles can use. 不过他还算有点理性,知道现在还需要这天岸博士的协助,强忍着耐心打听着研究成果。他身上的这一套查克拉铠甲虽说是半成品,但是功效着实不弱,一般的B级以下的忍术攻击上去根本泛不起水花,再加上雪之国的恶劣天气绝大多数忍术都受到限制,目前来看倒也凑合着能用。 However under suppresses anger Kazahana Dotō quickly almost that string again collapse open/start in his brain, according to the view of Dr. Amagishi wants to build one set of 100% to defend the armor of Ninjutsu attack to need ten years of event theoretically at least, moreover in the ten years at most can 90% of improvement limiting value. 不过强忍下怒气的风花怒涛很快就差点将他脑中那根弦再次崩开,根据天岸博士的说法想要打造出一套理论上百分百防御忍术攻击的铠甲最起码需要十年的事件,而且这十年最多也只能把提升至极限值的90%。 After all this set of armor impossible completely has the special ore to build, in integrating other minerals will also reduce his Ninjutsu immunity characteristics, but the so-called ten years are to also let Dr. Amagishi experiment the time needed of best alloy formula. 毕竟这套铠甲不可能完完全全有特殊矿石打造,在融入其他矿物的同时也会降低他本身的忍术免疫特性,而所谓的十年也是让天岸博士试验出最佳合金配方的所需时间。 Un? Who, you puts down my ore! That is I wants the ore of experimental!” “嗯?谁,你把我的矿石放下!那可是我要实验用的矿石!” Dr. Amagishi looks up suddenly when to the chakra ore that own today must use, discovered fiercely there already stand does not know the form of man where comes, and takes the examination that precious chakra ore, the chakra ore vanishes in his hands rapidly does not see. 天岸博士突然抬起头看向自己今天要用到的查克拉矿石时,猛地发现那里已经站了一个不知道从哪里来的男子的身影,并且将那珍贵的查克拉矿石拿起来查看,查克拉矿石在他的手中迅速消失不见。 With the Dr. Amagishi angry roaring sound, spirit incorrect Kazahana Dotō this matter has also seen clearly the situation in not far away, but is different from the Dr. Amagishi emphasis, his eyes saw Konoha forehead protector on Le Yuan forehead. 伴随着天岸博士的怒吼声,一直精神不对的风花怒涛此事也看清楚不远处的情况,不过和天岸博士的关注点不同,他一眼看到了乐渊额头上的木叶护额 Konoha Ninja? Nadare, Fubuki, Mizore killed him!” 木叶忍者雪崩,吹雪、冻雨杀了他!” With the Kazahana Dotō sound, jumped out the forms of three subordinates from him behind. As Kazahana Dotō careful cultivation three Snow Ninja, these three people of strengths all above Chūnin. But in the Land of Snow special location environment, three people of strengths presses up to especially. 伴随着风花怒涛的声音,从他身后窜出了三名部下的身影。作为风花怒涛精心栽培的三名雪忍,这三人的实力全都在中忍之上。而在雪之国的特殊场地环境下,三人的实力直逼特上。 [ Ice Release: Swallow Snow Storm], turns into the dart shape to attack the enemy the snow. [冰遁·燕吹雪],把雪变成飞镖状攻击敌人。 [ Ice Release: Icicle], the summon icicle hits the enemy. [冰遁·冰柱],召唤冰柱撞击敌人。 [ Ice Release: Tearing Dragon Fierce Tiger], turns into the shape of fierce tiger the surrounding snow with chakra and charges into the enemy. [冰遁·破龙猛虎],用查克拉把周围的雪变成猛虎的形态并冲向敌人。 Three people of three moves, almost in surrounded all round Le Yuan from the different positions. Three attacks seem like a prisoner's cage generally Le Yuan in dire straits there, was hit by this attack in the Kazahana Dotō eye, without Le Yuan of chakra armor almost died. 三人三招,几乎是在先后之间从不同的方位将乐渊团团包围住。三道攻击像是一个囚笼一般将乐渊困死在那里,在风花怒涛眼中被这道攻击击中,没有查克拉铠甲的乐渊几乎死定了。 “啊 A pitiful yell sound resounds in the laboratory, but after Kazahana Dotō hears this pitiful yell, somewhat is stunned. The direction that this sound conveys is not Le Yuan in the position, but launches the attack Fuyukuma Mizore. 一声惨叫声在实验室内响起,不过风花怒涛听到这声惨叫之后却不免有些错愕。这声音传来的方向不是乐渊所在位置,而是发动攻击的冬熊冻雨 Saw only one to be passed through the body of Fuyukuma Mizore by blood who the blood wrapped completely, calculates appearance that a big Fuyukuma Mizore this matter body hunchbacked live image old age old man, no longer that was actually indomitable spirit again. 只见一只被鲜血包裹的血手完全穿过了冬熊冻雨的身体,原本还算高大的冬熊冻雨此事却身子伛偻活像个垂暮的老头,再也不复那顶天立地的模样。 Degree of hardness is ordinary, compares no advantage with the ordinary fine iron. Facing Martial Arts Ninja is a trash!” “硬度一般,和普通精铁相比没什么优势。面对体术忍者就是个渣渣啊!” Le Yuan penetrates the right hand of Fuyukuma Mizore body to come out that all of a sudden, simultaneously made such comment. Fuyukuma Mizore chakra armor already was pierced by a Le Yuan fist, but Fuyukuma Mizore that the front drops down is survey item is not in his opinion worth mentioning generally. 乐渊一下子将那穿透过冬熊冻雨身体的右手罢了出来,同时发出了这样的评论。冬熊冻雨身上的查克拉铠甲已经乐渊一拳洞穿,而面前倒下的冬熊冻雨在他看来就是测量的道具一般根本不值一提。 Mizore! Ice Release: Ice Prison Technique!” 冻雨!冰遁·冰牢之术!” Rōga Nadare is takes the lead to respond, hand seal completes in just one second, immediately raised to ice Pillar General Le Yuan from Le Yuan all around to wrap innumerably completely, simultaneously iced to send out the scary cold air firmly, as if can freeze to death in several minutes thoroughly. 狼牙雪崩是率先反应过来的,在短短一秒内结印完成,登时从乐渊四周升起无数冰柱将乐渊完全包裹了进去,同时冰牢散发出骇人的寒气,似乎能在数分钟之内将人彻底冻死。 Austere wind howls!” “肃风啸!” Rōga Nadare only felt own status sends out to just like the aura of great antiquity beast of prey, but his actually already makes any resistance without enough time, later he then detects oneself, or the position was hit. 狼牙雪崩只觉得自己身份散发出犹如洪荒猛兽的气息,但是他却已经来不及做出任何抵抗,随后他便察觉到自己的要不位置被击中了。 But Le Yuan of fist hit target actually frowns, what on his fist are more is the fist surface brings Wind System Strength, but that Strength after hitting the chakra armor was absorbed 30% to continue suddenly, but is unable to absorb because completely Le Yuan Strength is too high, surpassed its reason of absorption digestion efficiency. 而一拳命中目标的乐渊却皱起了眉头,他的这一拳上更多的是拳头表面带着的风系力量,不过那股力量在撞击到查克拉铠甲后在一刹那间被吸收了30%不止,而之所以无法完全吸收还是因为乐渊力量过高,超过了它的吸收消化效率的缘故。 This chakra ore indeed has the place of its marvelousness, if really can utilize it on battlesuit, indeed plants the good material. 查克拉矿石的确有它的奇妙之处,如果真的能够将它运用于战衣上,的确是一种上好的材料。 But absorbs 30% Strength armor is not naturally able to prevent the Le Yuan bang merely to kill, Rōga Nadare died on a Le Yuan that seemingly optional fist similarly. 而仅仅吸收30%力量的铠甲自然无法阻挡乐渊的轰杀,狼牙雪崩同样死在了乐渊那看似随意的一拳上。 Degree of hardness and physical of defensive power and energy defensive power Le Yuan to half-finished product armor conducted the examination, but this already enough makes Le Yuan understand its part of performance. However looked at only female Ninja Kakuyoku Fubuki that already was frightened to fall face down, Le Yuan hits a sound to refer to merely. 乐渊对半成品铠甲的硬度、物理防御力、能量防御力进行了检测,不过这已经足够让乐渊了解它的一部分性能。不过看了看已经被吓趴下的唯一一名女忍者鹤翼吹雪,乐渊仅仅是打了个响指。 Vanishes!” “消失吧!” In Kazahana Dotō that panic-stricken vision, Kakuyoku Fubuki seems like by the invisible sharp blade is cut to pieces general, the flash was only then left over searched the bloodstain to fall in the ground, her already was cancelled from this world completely. 风花怒涛那惊骇的目光之中,鹤翼吹雪像是被无形的利刃千刀万剐一般,一瞬间便只剩下了一探血渍落在了地面上,她已经从这个世界上被完全抹去了。 “啊啊啊 Probably already by Kazahana Dotō that the technique of Le Yuan that terrifying frightens, does not attend to Dr. Amagishi that not far away has not evacuated, immediately in the entire laboratory was attacked to cover. The innumerable ice puncture from the ground ceiling raises, in flash the Kazahana Dotō present all destruction completely. 像是已经乐渊那恐怖的手法吓到的风花怒涛,根本不顾不远处还没有撤离的天岸博士,顿时整个实验室内都被攻击笼罩。无数冰刺从地上天花板上升起,在一瞬间将风花怒涛眼前的一切破坏殆尽。 " 哈 干掉 了 吗? " …… Looked by he himself completely frozen laboratory, in the Kazahana Dotō look is revealed one to hesitate rarely, this was he rarely to own strength was not self-confident. 望着被他自己完全冰封的实验室,风花怒涛眼神中难得地露出了一丝迟疑,这是他难得地对自己实力的不自信。 Naturally does not have, rests to me!” “自然没有,给我睡吧!” Among two people the power gap is really big, Kazahana Dotō almost did not have the strength of slight resistance then to be struck the dizzy by Le Yuan. But Le Yuan also displayed Legilimency to him unrestrained/no trace of politeness, extracts the memory in his mind completely, but the distribution of chakra ore was known by Le Yuan in this moment similarly. 两人之间实力差距甚大,风花怒涛几乎是没有丝毫抵抗之力便被乐渊击晕了。而乐渊也毫不客气地对他施展了摄魂念取,将他脑海中的记忆全部提取,而查克拉矿石的分布同样在这一刻被乐渊知晓了。
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