VE :: Volume #8 三阶首战影之忍者

#675: Diplomatic note, final Quest( three)

Chases down Konoha Missing-nin (Rogue Ninja) Rokushō Aoi Quest successfully to complete, naturally fell in the hand of Le Yuan as for that Sword of the Thunder God. Regarding this chasing down Quest, defined time merely must bring back to the Rokushō Aoi head/number of people, was neglected as for that Sword of the Thunder God completely generally. 追杀木叶叛忍绿青葵任务顺利完成,至于那柄雷神之剑自然落到了乐渊的手中。对于这一次的追杀任务,仅仅是限定了要带回绿青葵的人头,至于那一柄雷神之剑则被完全被忽视了一般。 In fact Konoha regarding Sword of the Thunder God has not imagined that attaches great importance , the symbolic significance of this sword is more vital than his practical significance. After all once Second Hokage dominated Ninja World weapon along, falling is unattractive in Konoha Missing-nin (Rogue Ninja). 事实上木叶对于雷神之剑也没有想象中的那么重视,这柄剑的象征意义远比他的实际意义更加重要。毕竟是曾经二代目火影叱咤忍界的随身兵器,落在一个木叶叛忍手里总归不好看。 On the contrary this actually does not have a right candidate in entire Konoha the sword, Kakashi suited the use, if his handed down in the family sabreplay in the coordination Sword of the Thunder God can enhance a big truncation the strength absolutely, in addition he is a Lightning Release expert, simply is even more powerful. 相反这把剑其实在整个木叶也没有一个合适的人选,原本卡卡西是适合使用的,他家传的刀术如果配合上雷神之剑绝对能把实力提升一大截,加上他本身又是一个雷遁的达人,简直就是如虎添翼。 However first did not say that as Namikaze Minato of Teacher Kakashi does not hope he walks the shortcut with the aid of Sword of the Thunder God, is Kakashi has no interest in picking up the handed down in the family sabreplay. Although Uchiha Obito of this side world dies thoroughly, but takes to the influence of Kakashi is actually another type, his character not only has not perished, is the preparation goes on living Obito that same place on the contrary, the whole person becomes the hot blooded member to be common. 不过先不说作为卡卡西老师的波风水门并不希望他借助雷神之剑走捷径,便是卡卡西自己也没有兴趣重新拾起家传刀术。虽然这一方世界的宇智波带土死得彻底,不过带给卡卡西的影响却是另一种,他的性格非但没有沉沦,反倒是准备将带土的那一份一起活下去,整个人就成为了热血分子一般。 But with this time Quest, the daily life of Le Yuan also changes. Most times in Konoha, the Quest time were short on the contrary on the contrary relatively speaking much. After all Le Yuan pleasing Quest overwhelming majorities are assassination Quest, at a rate of Le Yuan only then goes fee/spent time, wants to hurry back that is the small matter. 而随着这一次出任务,乐渊的日常生活也随之改变。绝大多数时候都是在木叶之中,相反出任务的时间反倒是相对而言少了不少。毕竟乐渊中意的任务绝大多数都是刺杀型任务,乐渊只有前往的时候费点时间,想要赶回来那是轻轻松松的事情。 In the afterward more than half a year time, Le Yuan in the research, training, guidance and Quest were then passing unceasingly. Hinata gives Le Yuan Hyūga Hiashi from the beginning also did not feel relieved, to the later several examinations will then no longer talk too much from now on, puts in the Le Yuan hand to train Hinata safely. 随后的大半年时间里面,乐渊便在不断地研究、训练、教导、任务之中度过。将雏田交给乐渊日向日足也从一开始的不放心,到之后几次检验过后便不再多嘴,安安心心将雏田放到乐渊手中调教。 Hinata strength progress God Speed, can say before deferred to the Hyūga Clan way to train to compare the speed quickly far more than one time, simply like being reborn general change. But another student Uchiha Itachi, his change is also big, Quest Le Yuan will then discover from now on his already changed. 雏田的实力进步神速,可以说与之前按照日向一族方式训练相比速度快了何止一倍,简直就像脱胎换骨一般的变化。而另一个学生宇智波鼬,他的变化同样不小,一次任务过后乐渊便发现他已经变了。 Reason that said changed, may not just say his vision. But after is one-month Quest comes back, Uchiha Itachi strength or mentality before has a difference. Not only opens Sharingan, even the character ratio thinks that gloomy, depressed that in the heart hidden is not little. 之所以说变了,可不单单说他的目光。而是一次长达一个月的任务回来之后,宇智波鼬无论是实力还是心态都与之前有所差别。不但将写轮眼开启,连性格都比以为阴沉了一些,心中隐藏的郁结可不是一点点。 As the Uchiha Itachi teacher, naturally cannot look that own student perishes to move toward the perdition. Taught a Uchiha Itachi Great Dao principle in the iron fist that using to love, nearly lets after the way of brainwashing he had a brand-new outlook on life, Le Yuan finally satisfied stopped the hand. 作为宇智波鼬的老师,自然不能看着自己的学生就此沉沦走向万劫不复之地。在用爱的铁拳教授了宇智波鼬一顿大道理,近乎以洗脑的方式让他有了一个崭新的人生观之后,乐渊总算是满意地停下了手。 According to the Uchiha Itachi recollection, that day was in his life few first even/including produces had committed suicide the thoughts several times one day, similarly was also one day of few such wish murder. The fist guidance of Le Yuan makes the Itachi lifetime unforgettable, lets the Itachi heartfelt thank, as far as he said later has not gone astray also to be lucky the Le Yuan this teacher's guidance. 宇智波鼬回忆,那一天是他人生之中为数不多一连产生过数次自杀心思的一天,同样也是为数不多那么的想要杀人的一天。乐渊的拳头教导让毕生难忘,同时也让由衷感谢,据他所说之后没有走入歧途还多亏了乐渊这位老师的教导。 But as Le Yuan main Quest, seeks to return to the research of the world also to enter to a bottleneck in now. It is not a problem regarding Spatial Displacement precise control already, wants to use in the actual combat rather than to bully weak one already Spatial Displacement to have an achievement purely. 而作为乐渊最主要的一个任务,寻找返回原本世界的研究现在也进入到一个瓶颈之中。对于空间移动的精确控制已经不成问题,想要将空间移动用到实战之中而非单纯的欺负弱者已经有所成就。 However wants to depend on this to return to the original world to be a major problem, Le Yuan wants to open a space and time crack completely to be possible, but that crack is not lasting. Le Yuan wants to locate in the time that the crack opens to the space looked for a needle in a haystack radically, in time radically without enough time. 但是想要靠着这个回到原本的世界还是一个大问题,乐渊想要打开一条时空裂缝完全可能,但是那条裂缝并不持久。乐渊想要在裂缝打开的时间内定位到原本所处空间根本就是大海捞针,时间上根本来不及。 Therefore research of Le Yuan from original how shifted to open in the research of stability time crevice regarding the direction of precision. 所以乐渊的研究从原本的对于精确度的方向转移到了如何打开稳定时刻裂隙的研究上。 However Fourth Hokage will not make a Le Yuan such big labor force idle, Le Yuan then just complete Quest to rest not for a half moon/month, his sent Anbu to call Le Yuan. 不过四代目火影可不会让乐渊这么一个大劳动力闲置,乐渊这才刚完成一个任务歇下来不过半个月,他这又派暗部乐渊叫了过去。 Le Yuan penetrates from the window directly, this probably is Le Yuan in a bad custom that this world raises. Now enters the room is not familiar with walk the main entrance each time, but chose to turn over/to stand up directly the window, as if this on the contrary was the correct way of passing through the gate. 乐渊直接从窗户突入,这大概是乐渊在这个世界养出来的一个坏习惯。现在每次进入屋子都不习惯走正门,而是选择了直接翻身走窗户,似乎这样反倒是进门的正确方式。 „Does fourth generation, what currently have to look for me? I enter the research critical period now, I am a busy person yeah!” 四代目,现在又有什么找上我了?我现在可是进入研究关键期了,我可是个大忙人哎!” Although Le Yuan in the mouth is complaining, but slowed pace before arrived at the fourth generation desk, fights there. As Konoha Ninja, even if the ordinary day and Hokage chatted are not anything, but if Ninja refused under the higher authority Quest of faction to be possible not to chat can smile, but matter, did not determine the nature the matter as the rebels is good. 乐渊虽然口中在抱怨着,但是还是慢步走到了四代目办公桌前战在了那里。作为木叶忍者就算平日和火影说笑也不算什么,但是如果忍者拒绝了上级下派的任务那可就不是说说笑笑就能一笑而过的事情,不把事情定性为叛逆都算是好的。 You have my is person who makes Hokage busy? I envy very much your, recently I was one month have not accompanied Menma, before must know this boy, most stuck my......” “你难道有我这个做火影的人忙吗?我可是很羡慕你的,最近我可是有一个月都没有陪过面麻了,要知道这小子之前可是最黏我的……” Is listening to wrangling of fourth generation, Le Yuan was also calm. But this fourth generation rare looking after the household man, but the village and family similarly important present, he may be placed the village in front. 听着四代目的扯皮,乐渊也算是冷静了下来。这位四代目可是难得的顾家男人,不过村子和家庭同样重要的现在,他可能还要将村子摆在前面。 However after Fourth Hokage talks incessantly, the reward that Le Yuan after hearing him said is not then able under again the rejection this Quest. 不过在四代目火影唠叨完之后,乐渊在听到他所说的奖励之后便再也无法拒绝下这个任务 This Quest is still alone Quest, but is actually not an assassination but is one monitors Quest. The Quest place is one remote to most people listen to not to hear state Land of Snow. 此次任务依然是个单独任务,不过却不是一个刺杀而是一个监视任务任务地点则是一个偏远到绝大多数人听都没有听说过的国度雪之国 The Quest goal, monitors Land of Snow, investigates whether has the special chakra metal that the beforehand some information mentioned. If exists should better be able to take a sample, after returning, submits studies to Konoha, after the best possibility is, Konoha sends people to visit to establish the diplomatic link. 任务目的,对雪之国进行监测,探查是否存在之前某个情报提到的特殊查克拉金属。如果存在最好能够取样,返回后提交给木叶进行研究,最好的可能性就是之后木叶派人进行访问建立外交联系。 This Quest may compared with the assassination fee/spent time many, most critically Land of Snow in remote. Even if Le Yuan with the aid of leaps to a recent space anchor, wants to go that place still to need to be close to half a month time at least, entire Quest luck not good few month perhaps did not complete. 这个任务可比刺杀费时间得多,更关键的是雪之国地处偏远。就算乐渊借助离得最近的一个空间锚进行飞跃,想要到达那个地方也需要最起码接近半个月的时间,整个任务运气不好没有几个月的时间恐怕完成不了。 However even this, Le Yuan is unable to reject. The condition that because Fourth Hokage gives is really appealing, he also calculates that the entire journey pays attention to the research of Le Yuan, the nature understand Le Yuan present bottleneck is anything. But the reward that he gives is a place that is flooding the huge energy, could assist Le Yuan to consolidate the space and time crack. 不过就算这样,乐渊也无法拒绝。因为四代目火影给出的条件实在是吸引人,他也算全程关注乐渊的研究,自然明白乐渊现在的瓶颈是什么。而他给出的奖励就是一处充斥着庞大能量的地方,或许可以协助乐渊将时空裂缝稳固下来。 Is stable the space and time crack through the exterior energy, Le Yuan also has to attempt, several huge energy storages that what a pity Le Yuan carries regarding the space and time crack of this world the nature is not very good, is unable to achieve for a long time the solidification. 通过外部能源将时空裂缝稳固,乐渊也不是没有尝试过,可惜乐渊携带的几个庞大能量源对于这个世界的时空裂缝的相性都不是很好,无法做到长时间地固化。 Le Yuan that prepares to go far this time had not forgotten existences of oneself also two students, directly after two training programs gave them, Le Yuan then again walked out of the Konoha front door, about one year of event, Le Yuan passes in and out from this leaf of Konoha front door a lot, with defending Hagane Kotetsu and Kamizuki Izumo of front door, but already very ripe learned. 准备好出远门的乐渊这次可没忘了自己还有两个学生的存在,直接将两份训练计划给了他们之后,乐渊便再一次跨出了木叶的大门,在将近一年的事件里面,乐渊可是没少从这一扇木叶大门中进出,与守大门的钢子铁神月出云可是已经非常熟悉了。 After two people greet, Le Yuan then nonstop toward Land of Fire north the direction hurries, is shuttling back and forth after the space anchor that Quest left behind several times through already all the way early fast, was long the incomparable road to reduce incessantly a tiny bit this. 向着两人打了个招呼之后,乐渊便马不停蹄地向着火之国以北方向赶去,一路上通过早已经经过数次任务留下的空间锚快速穿梭着,将这原本漫长无比的路缩小了不止一星半点。 After Le Yuan is riding only the ocean-going ship to Land of Snow, this road already walked most probably, remaining was only left over went to the Land of Snow evidence collection to return later, should be the simple matter if nothing unexpected happens. 乐渊乘着唯一一艘通往雪之国的海轮之后,这一条路已经走完了大半,剩下的便只剩下了去雪之国取证随后返回,如无意外应该是再简单不过的事情。 However the Land of Snow situation may in some event with Le Yuan mind relate. The relations of present age Land of Snow Country Lord and his younger brother Kazahana Dotō are not good, but Kazahana Dotō formed an Unit Snow Ninja in Land of Snow, is meeting as an equal to Land of Snow Country Lord. 不过雪之国的情况可和乐渊脑海中的某个事件联系了起来。当代雪之国国主和他的弟弟风花怒涛的关系可不好,而风花怒涛更是自行在雪之国组建了一支雪忍,正和雪之国国主分庭抗礼中。 movie version branch 《Naruto the Movie: Ninja Clash in the Land of Snow》 seems like already to start to ferment, what pitifully is the Le Yuan No. 2 world is unable to trigger Quest, otherwise this perhaps is a big harvest. 剧场版的支线《雪姬忍法帖》似乎已经开始酝酿,不过可惜的是乐渊所处的二号世界根本无法触发任务,不然这或许又是一个不小的收获。 In Le Yuan enters shortly after Land of Snow within the boundaries, has rescued not to have Quest Panel of sound to have the sound finally, brings is actually not the good news, is similar to ultimatum general Quest on the contrary prompts 就在乐渊进入雪之国境内后不久,一直救救没有动静的任务面板终于有了动静,不过带来的却不是什么好消息,反倒是类似于最后通牒一般的任务提示 Quest Scene: fiction and magic scenario 任务场景:架空魔幻场景 Quest World Strength: C A level 任务世界强度:CA级 Quest Difficulty: C level 任务难度:C级 Quest Modus: Slaughters explores 任务形式:杀戮探索 Main Quest 1: Konoha collapse( times from the bottom for 270 days) 主线任务一:木叶崩坏(倒数计时270天) Quest Description: the Ninja world is not you dies is he perishes, as you of Orochimaru subordinate eliminates Konoha is not natural. When the Konoha collapse plan is conducted, every time kills Genin that an official acknowledged to obtain points 1000, every time killed Chūnin to obtain points 5000, every time killed Jōnin to obtain the attribute to select * 1, every time killed a shadow to draw * 1. Orochimaru moves out, Third Hokage has not died, Konoha had not been achieved 45% by the attrition rate, above three random have not achieved , then Quest Failure, forces to withdraw from this world 任务描述:忍者的世界不是你死就是他亡,身为大蛇丸部下的你消灭木叶不是理所当然的吗。木叶崩溃计划进行时,每杀死一名官方承认的下忍获得积分1000,每杀死一名中忍获得积分5000,每杀死一名上忍获得属性点,每杀死一名影抽奖。大蛇丸全身而退,三代目火影未死,木叶受损率未达到45%,以上三条任意一条未达到则任务失败,从本世界强制退出 Main Quest 2??? 主线任务二??? Optional Quest one: Ninja autobiography 可选任务一:忍者自传 Quest Description: Joins to five great nation random ninja village, according to the rank localization final reward, becomes Genin to be rewarding to select * 1, becomes the Chūnin reward attribute to select * 2, draws * 1, becomes the Jōnin reward attribute to select * 3, draws * 2, becomes Kage of a village, the reward attribute selects * 5, draws * 3., if obtains the Five Great Ninja Villages Missing-nin (Rogue Ninja) status, then the attribute point deducts the * 5 point. 任务描述:加入到五大国任意一个忍村之中,根据级别定位最后的奖励,成为下忍属奖励性点,成为中忍奖励属性点,抽奖,成为上忍奖励属性点,抽奖,成为一村之影,奖励属性点,抽奖若获得五大忍村叛忍身份,则属性点扣除点。 Optional Quest two?? 可选任务二?? Sees Main Quest at the same time, Le Yuan can only criticize a pit father not to have the limit. impossible that the Konoha collapse plan takes for granted appears in the Le Yuan No. 2 world, if Le Yuan is unable to return to the original No. 1 world, then wants not to need to think that Quest Failure decided. 看到主线任务的同时,乐渊只能暗骂一句坑爹无极限。木叶崩溃计划想当然的不可能出现在乐渊所处的二号世界之中,而如果乐渊无法返回到原本的一号世界,那么想都不用想任务失败定了。 Even all defer to the original storyline development, how Orochimaru will lose the both arms to see that does not move out, three generations of bodies die this error is not actually big, however the loss of Konoha cannot reach 45% levels absolutely. So long as random has not achieved, Le Yuan then meets Quest Failure. 就算一切还是按照原来的剧情发展,大蛇丸会失去双臂怎么看都不是全身而退,三代身死这点误差倒是不大,但是木叶的损失绝对达不到45%的水平。只要任意一条没达到,乐渊便会任务失败 But the most essential content is the time, according to No. 1 world time, from Konoha collapse plan also less than 9 months of time, but can actually Le Yuan return to No. 1 world then to become this Quest key in 9 months time. 而最为关键的一个内容则是时间,按照一号世界所处时间来看,距离木叶崩溃计划还有九个月不到的时间,而乐渊究竟能不能在9个月时间内返回一号世界便成为了这一次的任务关键。 What is good because was Le Yuan because had not felt at ease whatever the circumstances to No. 2 world, regarding returning the research has been continuing, therefore wanted to make the last step breakthrough should in the final 9 months is not a problem. 好在的是乐渊没有因为到了二号世界而随遇而安,对于返回的研究一直在继续,所以想要在最后的九个月时间内做出最后一步的突破应该不成问题。 In brief Le Yuan has not so far made the branch the matter, perhaps otherwise simply does not have the time to give the Le Yuan waste at the Quest compact degree. Le Yuan may not achieve in the ultimate objective of this world, in the time progresses before that last, Le Yuan absolutely cannot be kicked this world. 总而言之乐渊到目前为止都还没有做岔了事情,不然的话以任务的紧凑程度恐怕根本没有时间给乐渊浪费。乐渊在这个世界的终极目标可还没有达成,在时间进展到那最后一步前,乐渊绝对不能被踢出这个世界。 With regarding the thinking of Quest, Le Yuan arrived at Land of Snow royal capital city. 伴随着对于任务的思索,乐渊来到了雪之国王都城市
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