VE :: Volume #8 三阶首战影之忍者

#674: minor character, the lunch receives very delivers

Le Yuan temporarily resided Fuyuno Arae here, but is Fuyuno Arae compared with explains the three days later head of household to Le Yuan to Le Yuan during this period greatly clearly, to guarantee Le Yuan can guarantee absolutely safe helps him obtain the position of head of household. 乐渊冬野荒井这里暂住了下来,而就是在这期间冬野荒井乐渊将三天之后的家主大比向乐渊解释得清清楚楚,就是为了保证乐渊能够万无一失地保证帮助他得到家主之位。 Three days later head of household big ratio, this competition content told two successors very early in the morning. Three days later after high noon, two people must result in as Fuyuno Arae and Fuyuno Kaito of successor conducts a long-distance race simultaneously, but their destinations in Kaigenji ten kilometers away. 三天之后的家主大比,这比赛内容一早就告诉了两位继承者。三天之后的正午之后,作为继承人的冬野荒井冬野海翔两人必须得同时进行一场长跑,而他们的目的地则是在十公里之外的海源寺。 This Kaigenji can say that year to year receives the attendance of Fuyuno family, but has several hundred years ago the one special system fragrant craft of then spreading, can send out an extremely special fragrance by the incenses and candles of their temple support, this is the average person is unable to imitate. Most critically this type of incenses and candles have the effectiveness, after the manufacture is completed only has six hours of retention time, generally only takes this temple to use. 这海源寺可以说常年受到冬野家族的照顾,而其中更是有着自数百年前便流传下来的一种特殊制香工艺,由他们寺院支撑的香烛能够散发出一种极为特殊的香味,这是一般人无法仿制出来的。更为关键的是这种香烛有着时效性,在制作完成后只有六个小时的保存时间,一般仅作为本寺使用。 But needs to go to Kaigenji to obtain this type of specially-made incenses and candles as two people of participant, later returns to arrives in the Fuyuno mansion, who can take the lead to bring back the incenses and candles, and lit before the death old head of household spirit tablet then can inherit the position of head of household. 而作为参赛者的两人需要前往海源寺取得这种特制的香烛,随后重新返回到冬野大宅中,谁能给率先将香烛带回,并且在亡故的老家主灵位前点燃便能继承家主之位。 Originally is this, well the particularity of this type of incenses and candles basically cut off gained the incenses and candles to cheat ahead of time the possibility was right? Moreover that the person in Kaigenji should be absolutely neutral, therefore also impossible harbors in your two people any, therefore your two man-machine meet are coordinated, what rule then also has?” “原来是这样,那么就是说这种香烛的特殊性基本上断绝了提前获取香烛作弊的可能性对吗?而且那海源寺的人应该是绝对中立的,所以也不可能包庇你们两个人中的任何一个,因此你们两人机会是对等的,那么还有什么规则呢?” Le Yuan is listening to Fuyuno Arae recounted, nods secretly. At least from the present rule, basically the place of no careless mistake, the beginnings and end point both places has the watchman, the opportunity that the average person has not cheated. 乐渊听着冬野荒井的述说,暗暗点了点头。最起码从现在的规则来看,基本上没有什么纰漏的地方,起点和终点两个地方都有着看守者,一般人没有作弊的机会。 But in attaching rule, can choose a ministrant as two people of alternative successor respectively, the ministrant will assist two people to complete the competition. But the most important rule was both sides of successor can not die, in other words can not kill another person in the participating process. 而在附加规则里面,作为备选继承人的两人能够分别选择一个协助者,协助者将辅助两人完成比赛。而其中最为重要的一个规则就是继承人的双方不得死亡,也就是说在参赛过程中不得杀害另一人。 But this place that attached the rule to operate were much many, stipulated merely did not permit to kill another person. But if collaborates with the ministrant, hit directly half dead is unable to continue to compete or another participant surrounds it, such approach is theoretically feasible. 而这一条附加规则可以操纵的地方就多了不少,仅仅是规定不准杀害另一个人。但是如果和协助者联手,将另一名参赛者打得半死无法继续比赛或者直接将其困住,这样的做法理论上是可行的。 When the ministrant is Ninja, in which trick was bigger. If the use changes the ministrant of body technique to pretend the participant to attain the incenses and candles directly, later returns rapidly gives the participant, this is unable then by the genuine and fake situation in also to be feasible. In brief wants to complete the Quest method to be innumerable. 而当协助者是一名忍者的时候,其中的猫腻就更大了。如果使用变身术的协助者直接假冒参赛者拿到香烛,随后迅速返回交给参赛者,这在无法便被真假的情况下也是可行。总而言之想要完成任务的方法数不胜数。 After three days, in Lord dwelling of Fuyuno. Under the testimony of elder in the clan, Fuyuno Arae and Fuyuno Kaito chose their ministrants respectively. Wears Amegakure forehead protector green hair Rokushō Aoi stands when Fuyuno Kaito behind, this matter he despises looks at another side Fuyuno Arae, when saw he has not worn forehead protector Le Yuan behind that sentiment of disdaining is more abundant. 三日之后,冬野家的主宅中。在族中长老的见证之下,冬野荒井冬野海翔各自选择好了他们的协助者。戴着雨忍村护额绿发绿青葵正站在冬野海翔的身后,此事他鄙夷地看着另一边的冬野荒井,当看到他身后没有戴着护额乐渊时那不屑之情更盛。 Although Rokushō Aoi is not sensation Ninja, but mingled among such long Ninja as one, his sensation strength can also achieve the basic induction, is not bad regarding the chakra sensitivity. However he actually only feels chakra that and average person two has not sent from the body of Le Yuan, this explained that Le Yuan he is average person, the warriors who even that crowd cultivates chakra cannot compare. 绿青葵虽然不是什么感知型的忍者,但是作为一名混迹了这么久的忍者,他的感知力也能做到基本的感应,对于查克拉的敏感性也不差。但是他却只从乐渊的身上感受到和普通人没有二致的查克拉,这说明乐渊他就是个“普通人”而已,连那群修炼查克拉的武士都比不上。 Also really had no way out the fellow, it seems like that group of warriors was frightened to fear, this fellow can only ask an average person to help. This time Quest completed to decide, was relaxed and relaxed. 还真是走投无路了的家伙了,看来那群武士被吓怕了,这家伙是只能找来一个普通人来帮忙。这次的任务完成定了,轻松、轻松。 Rokushō Aoi looks the competitor who has not threatened completely, in the heart relaxed. Must say before today, Rokushō Aoi was also worried that can have roams about Ninja and so on fellow to come to bother, but he is felt relieved until this moment. 绿青葵看着完全没有威胁的竞争者,心中不由放松了下来。要说直到今天之前,绿青葵还担心会有流浪忍者之类的家伙前来搅局,但是直到这一刻他才算放下心来。 Head of household will start greatly immediately, here I reiterated that Fuyuno refused to kill one another, this competition should never cause the damage!” “家主大比即将开始,在此我再次重申一遍,冬野家严禁自相残杀,这一次的比试切勿造成伤害!” An old man of Fuyuno goes forward to Fuyuno Arae and Fuyuno Kaito said seriously, later looks two people who nod knocked the gong of competition toward a large-scale copper gong fiercely. 冬野家的一个老者上前对着冬野荒井冬野海翔郑重说道,随后看着点头的两人向着身边的一个大型铜锣猛地敲下了比赛的锣声。 Almost in the flash, stands, in Fuyuno Kaito Rokushō Aoi entrained the Fuyuno Kaito collar then to flee from the room immediately, the body changed to a shadow to vanish in the Fuyuno mansion. 几乎是在一瞬间,站在冬野海翔身边的绿青葵拽着冬野海翔的衣领便立马从屋内窜了出去,身子化作一道黑影消失在了冬野大宅之中。 Very runs quickly, can maintain life worthily present Missing-nin (Rogue Ninja) by the Chūnin strength......” “跑得挺快的嘛,不愧是能够凭借中忍实力保命到现在的叛忍……” Le Yuan looks the form that Rokushō Aoi goes far away was still sighing leisurely and carefree, but nearby Fuyuno Arae already was much more anxious. If did not dread that the Le Yuan strength, he feared already to shout loudly to Le Yuan. 乐渊看着绿青葵远去的身影还在悠闲地感叹,而一旁的冬野荒井已经急得不得了了。如果不是忌惮乐渊的实力,他恐怕已经对着乐渊大喊大叫了。 Le Yuan looks at Fuyuno Arae that wants to say does not dare saying that smiled lightly, later also no longer continues to provoke him, similarly grasped his collar to start hurrying along. Really wants the specific speed, even on Rokushō Aoi quick ten times, Le Yuan still has the confidence to catch up with him. 乐渊看了一眼想说又不敢说的冬野荒井,淡淡地笑了出来,随后也不再继续撩拨他,同样抓起他的衣领开始了赶路。真要比速度,就算是绿青葵快上十倍,乐渊也有信心赶上他。 The speed that Le Yuan sticks out suddenly made to be yelled by Fuyuno Arae that he grabbed, if were not Le Yuan shielded for him near the strong winds of body, perhaps such under already made him suffocate the stupor rapidly. 乐渊暴起的速度令被他抓着的冬野荒井哇哇大叫,如果不是乐渊替他屏蔽了临身的狂风,恐怕这样的急速之下已经令他窒息昏迷了。 Rokushō Aoi that is less than 3 seconds of time, before Le Yuan then already brings Fuyuno Arae is catching up, left they. However simply has not made them respond at a rate of Le Yuan, the whole person brings Fuyuno Arae to change to no shadow wind to pass through from their two people. 仅仅是三秒钟不到的时间,乐渊便已经带着冬野荒井赶上了之前离开的绿青葵他们俩。不过乐渊根本没有让他们两个反应过来,整个人带着冬野荒井化作一阵无影的风从他们两人身旁经过。 After one minute, ten kilometers distance already handled completely. This time Fuyuno Arae is conducting the status to confirm in Kaigenji, the abbot / abbess in Kaigenji was inquiring certain things that only then Fuyuno Arae knows. 一分钟后,原本十公里的路程已经完全搞定。此时的冬野荒井正在海源寺内进行着身份确认,海源寺的住持正在询问着只有冬野荒井才知道的某些事情。 After a half minute of dialogue, the Fuyuno Arae status was confirmed completely. This let also tie tight heartstrings Fuyuno Arae to relax immediately, until now he rejoices oneself had the Le Yuan help, otherwise perhaps has given up admitting defeat. 半分钟的对话之后,冬野荒井的身份被完全确认。这顿时让原本还紧绷着心弦的冬野荒井放松了下来,直到现在他才庆幸自己有了乐渊帮忙,不然的话恐怕早就放弃认输了。 Attained incenses and candles Fuyuno Arae to return to the Le Yuan side, now does not dare to have any complaint the lives and properties in Le Yuan Fuyuno Arae now again. 拿到了香烛的冬野荒井回到了乐渊的身旁,现在把身家性命系于乐渊冬野荒井现在可是不敢再有任何的抱怨。 OK, attains thing we to go back! Came to spend selected Kungfu, but went back to be easier!” “OK,拿到东西我们就回去吧!过来费了点功夫,不过回去可就容易多了!” Le Yuan holds the Fuyuno Arae collar in this moment, the next quarter sees only a blue light gate to appear before their bodies suddenly, Le Yuan may, no matter Fuyuno Arae that soon swallows the mouth of apple, carried him then to break in the light gate. 乐渊在这一刻重新抓住冬野荒井的衣领,下一刻在他们的身前只见一个蓝色的光门陡然出现,乐渊可不管冬野荒井那张得快要吞下苹果的嘴巴,一把拎着他便冲入了光门。 Fuyuno Arae only felt oneself flash past at present, the ray of bright being able to open eyes is flooding his eye together. When his eyes restore the light again, the present scenery makes him exclaim, god eyes already no longer is the square in temple, but in his Fuyuno old dwelling, one crowd of clansman correct uses looked the inconceivable scenery the vision visits him. 冬野荒井只觉得自己眼前一闪而过,一道亮的睁不开眼的光芒充斥着他的眼睛。当他的双眼再一次恢复光明的时候,眼前之景却令他惊叹不已,神眼已经不再是寺庙的广场,而是在他冬野老宅之中,身旁一群族人正用看不可思议之景的目光看着他。 This, was my comes back? How possibly......” “这,我这是回来了?怎么可能……” This Fuyuno Arae will have such astonished feeling no wonder that entire Ninja World knows space Ninjutsu is also very few, can attempt is miserable. 这也无怪乎冬野荒井会产生这样惊愕之感,整个忍界知道空间忍术的也是少之又少,能够亲身尝试的更是少得可怜。 „, Burns incense! The position of head of household may wait for you! I go to meet one to be able now another fellow!” “诺,去上香吧!那家主之位可就在等着你呢!我现在去会一会另一个家伙!” Also no longer continued to pay attention Le Yuan to the present also in stunned Fuyuno Arae, but is the body vanishes from the mansion again, when reappears before already returned to Kaigenji, again. already has been to place a time, Le Yuan will not forget to carve again the space anchor. If were is not unable to use the space anchor initially due to health reasons, he now possibly not[ Limited Tsukuyomi] was stranded in this world. 乐渊到了现在也不再继续理会还在错愕的冬野荒井,而是身子再一次从大宅中消失,重新出现时已经再一次回到了海源寺之前。已经到过一次的地方,乐渊可不会再次遗忘将空间锚刻下。如果当初不是由于身体原因无法使用空间锚,他现在可能也不会被[限定月读]困在这个世界。 After five minutes, Rokushō Aoi and Fuyuno Kaito of long in coming before the waiting of Le Yuan two people arrived at Kaigenji finally. Although the Rokushō Aoi speed is not slow, is sails upstream in Ninja absolutely, what a pity he faces is excels at the speed compared with him Le Yuan. 五分钟之后,就在乐渊的等待之中姗姗来迟的绿青葵冬野海翔两人总算是来到了海源寺之前。虽然绿青葵的速度不算慢,在忍者之中绝对算是中上水准,可惜他面对的是比他更擅长速度的乐渊 You, you are how possible......” “你,你怎么可能……” When Rokushō Aoi brings the instance that Fuyuno Kaito is falling to the ground, Rokushō Aoi also saw clearly stood in his front Le Yuan. He puts down among , Shun Poisonous Senbon Ninja Umbrella in hand to hold up to point at Le Yuan Fuyuno Kaito. 绿青葵带着冬野海翔落地的瞬间,绿青葵也看清楚了站在他面前的乐渊。他一把将冬野海翔放下,瞬间将手中的毒千本忍伞举起指着乐渊 „, You also come to really be slow! Amegakure Jōnin Rokushō Aoi, no! Should say that original Konoha Missing-nin (Rogue Ninja) Rokushō Aoi is right, you make me good!” “啧啧,你来得还真是慢呢!雨忍村上忍绿青葵,不!应该说原木叶叛忍绿青葵才对,你可是让我好等!” Le Yuan put in forehead protector own forehead slowly, but this slow is also opposite to he himself. In the eye of Rokushō Aoi, Le Yuan then treated Konoha forehead protector in the flash on the forehead, but the Le Yuan status was makes him stunned. 乐渊慢慢悠悠将护额戴上了自己的脑门上,不过这个慢也是相对他自己而言的。在绿青葵的眼中,乐渊在一瞬之间便将木叶护额待在了脑门上,而乐渊的身份更是令他错愕不已。 Damn, Ninja Art: Senbon Shower!” “该死,忍法·雨露千本!” After stunned, Rokushō Aoi uses Poisonous Senbon Ninja Umbrella in hand to aim at Le Yuan in the flash, the poisonous needle rain that one heads on intermittently shot toward Le Yuan. As Amegakure Rokushō Aoi, can say that was all connected Amegakure half conceals the skill of poison. 错愕之后,绿青葵在一瞬间使用自己手中的毒千本忍伞对准乐渊,一阵阵扑面而来的毒针雨向着乐渊射了过来。作为雨忍村一员的绿青葵,可以说一脉相承了雨忍村半藏的毒的本事。 When exudes the green light poisonous needle was actually just flying is common, Le Yuan wields the gale that brings to waste all poisonous needles conveniently immediately. Needle weapon anything is good, was too light, was easy to be intervened by external factor. 泛着绿光的毒针却刚刚飞到一般时,乐渊的随手一挥带起的强风顿时将所有的毒针打飞。针这种武器什么都好,就是太轻了,容易受到外在因素的干扰。 But sees with own eyes Rokushō Aoi of own move failure, wants to draw out the thunder divine sword sword hilt from own monster monkey naturally. However he just reached oneself right hand behind, on the face the stunned color is more obvious, his touched actually touched spatial. 而眼见自己招数失败的绿青葵,自然而然地想要从自己妖猴将雷神剑的剑柄拔出。不过他刚刚将自己的右手伸向身后,脸上错愕之色更加明显,他这一摸却摸了一个空。 „, Is this Second Hokage Sword of the Thunder God? Also is really thing that enough dazzles, falling in your hands also is really clear pearl covered in dust, what a pity!” “啧啧,这就是二代目火影雷神之剑?还真是够炫的东西,落在你手里还真是明珠蒙尘,可惜了!” When Rokushō Aoi raised the head again, sees only Le Yuan one to take Sword of the Thunder God to make the appraisal. But the content of appraisal made Rokushō Aoi hear to probably spit blood. This Sword of the Thunder God is his treasure, now in an instant falls in the hand of Le Yuan, now must receive despising of Le Yuan, ratio this mindless matter? 绿青葵再次抬起头的时候,只见乐渊正一手拿着雷神之剑正在作着评价。而评价的内容令绿青葵听得欲要吐血。这雷神之剑可是他的宝贝,现在转眼间落在乐渊的手中,现在还要受到乐渊的鄙夷,还有比这更加不讲理的事情吗? However in the final analysis Rokushō Aoi is also a thief, Le Yuan him who Sword of the Thunder God takes is then treating as a deceased person to come to see instantaneously. Missing-nin (Rogue Ninja) does not need to talk too much, the Le Yuan body changes to the flowing light to vanish in the Rokushō Aoi field of vision instantaneously, thunder light flashes, Rokushō Aoi only sees flashes through that extremely familiar Sword of the Thunder God flash at present. 不过说到底绿青葵也不过是个小偷而已,乐渊在将雷神之剑拿到手的瞬间便把他当作一个死人来看。一个叛忍根本无需多言,乐渊身子化作流光瞬间消失在绿青葵的视野中,雷光一闪,绿青葵只看到眼前闪过那极为熟悉的雷神之剑的闪光。 However accompanies that thunder light to flash has the blue ray, and is getting more and more near. Rokushō Aoi only felt in own necks hurts, later the field of vision of whole person is getting higher and higher, finally he saw oneself body unexpectedly, but looked upwardly actually discovered that does not have the body of head. 不过伴那雷光一闪却带着蓝色的光芒,并且越来越近。绿青葵只觉得自己脖间一疼,随后整个人的视野越来越高,最后他竟然看到了自己的身体,不过向上看去却发现那是自己没有脑袋的身体。 Falls in the Rokushō Aoi head of ground then fell into eternal slumber quickly, but already arrived at Rokushō Aoi behind Le Yuan to look at the body of Rokushō Aoi to take back Sword of the Thunder God. 落在地上的绿青葵脑袋很快便陷入了永恒的沉眠之中,而已经来到绿青葵身后的乐渊看了眼绿青葵的身体将雷神之剑收回。 Afterward pulls out a scroll, later the Rokushō Aoi head seal. As recycling the preparation of Missing-nin (Rogue Ninja), his head is most essential thing. 随后掏出一张卷轴,随后将绿青葵的脑袋封印了进去。作为回收叛忍的准备,他的脑袋才是最关键的东西
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