VE :: Volume #8 三阶首战影之忍者

#673: Do the spoils of war turn over to the authorities? I have not seen( one)

Missing-nin (Rogue Ninja) technique, Land of Water Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist. 叛忍技术哪家强,水国雾影七忍刀 In five great nations, can say that ninja village cannot strike one's chest to say does not have Missing-nin (Rogue Ninja) this existence. Even the geographical qualification is most superior, internal request relatively loose Land of Fire Konoha has a substantial number of Missing-nin (Rogue Ninja) to exist, not to mention several other big ninja village. 五大国里面,可以说没有一个忍村是能够拍着胸脯说没有叛忍这种存在的。就算是地理条件最为优越,对内要求相对宽松的火之国木叶村都有着为数不少的叛忍存在,就更别提其他几大忍村了。 But the most serious country, has had civil strife Kirigakure of Land of Water Village of the Bloody Mist period, at that time could be said as nearly the total rebelling and fleeing as Seven Ninja Swordsmen of Kirigakure top strength, but is rebels and flees by Kirigakure Bloodline Limit Ninja that the butcher knife aims at does not know the how much, it can be said that Kirigakure loses the most serious period. 而其中最为严重的一个国家,就是发生过内乱的水之国血雾里时期的雾隐村,当时作为雾隐村顶尖战力的七忍刀可以说是近乎全数叛逃走了,而被屠刀瞄准的雾隐村血继界限忍者更是叛逃得不知几何,可以说是雾隐村损失最为严重的一个时期。 But relatively speaking wanted to rebel and flee in Konoha is really the brain pulled out, although here cannot say that absolutely did not have existence of dark side, but regarding most ordinary Ninja, so long as did not have evil reading, then passed the life absolutely not to have the issue safely. 而相对而言在木叶村想要叛逃的就真的是脑子抽了,这里虽然不能说完全没有黑暗面的存在,但是对于绝大多数普通忍者而言,只要不心生歹念,那么平平安安地度过一生是完全没有问题的。 But before several years, had case of shocking Konoha Ninja rebel. Reason that said shocking, that does not refer to the Ninja strength that rebels and flees being astonishing, the position is prominent, merely is because he rebelled and fled also even, but also carried off in the village important goods. Legendary chakra weapon Sword of the Thunder God that hands down from generation to generation from the Second Hokage average. 而在数年之前,偏偏发生了一例触目惊心的木叶忍者叛逃事件。之所以说触目惊心,那并不是指叛逃的忍者实力多么惊人,地位多么显赫,仅仅是因为他自个叛逃也就算了,还带走了村子里面至关重要的一件物品。从二代目火影手中流传下来的传奇查克拉武器雷神之剑 Sword of the Thunder God, Second Hokage of Konoha Ninja village uses matches the sword personal. Is one of the sharpest ninja tool, has infinite thunder strength. It is not high regarding user's request, so long as the user chakra pours into then can produce the sharp unusual chakra electricity blade, may be called treasure that destroys the hardest defenses. 雷神之剑,木叶忍者村的二代火影所用的贴身配剑。是最锋利的忍具之一,拥有着无穷的雷之力量。对于使用者的要求并不高,只要使用者将查克拉注入其中便能够产生锋利异常的查克拉电刃,堪称无坚不摧的宝物。 However Strength of this chakra weapon receives the user strength has a great influence, coordinated Flying Thunder God Technique in the initial Second Hokage hand naturally is being invincible invincible, but falls in the Missing-nin (Rogue Ninja) Rokushō Aoi hand after now, will have the Rokushō Aoi rise of Chūnin strength at most to especially on level, moreover that type of strength most water. 不过这件查克拉武器的力量受到使用者实力的影响很大,在当初的二代目火影手中配合着飞雷神之术自然是战无不胜攻无不克,不过现在落到了叛忍绿青葵手中之后,也顶多将拥有中忍实力的绿青葵提升至特上的水准,而且还是实力最水的那一种。 However the bonus is so, Rokushō Aoi captures his Konoha Ninja to be dangerous regarding overwhelming majorities, after all the threat of Sword of the Thunder God is really a difficult problem that common Ninja is unable to span. Ordinary Ninjutsu will even be broken by a Sword of the Thunder God sword, is unable to cause the damage to Rokushō Aoi. 不过饶是如此,绿青葵对于绝大多数追捕他的木叶忍者而言还是非常危险,毕竟雷神之剑的威胁实在是寻常忍者无法跨越的一个难题。普通忍术甚至会被雷神之剑一剑破开,根本无法对绿青葵造成伤害。 But accepted Le Yuan that captures Rokushō Aoi Quest actually then already seven days ago embarks from the Land of Fire Konoha Ninja village, southwest direction Land of Rivers toward Land of Fire sets out. According to the Quest information, Chūnin Rokushō Aoi that rebels and flees from Konoha after becoming Amegakure Jōnin has then been avoiding the Konoha Anbu pursuit range, oneself are careful, very clear take Sword of the Thunder God is really being irritant, therefore Konoha has not had the opportunity since for several years his killed. 而接受了追捕绿青葵任务乐渊却是在七天之前便已经火之国木叶忍者村出发,一路向着火之国西南方向的川之国进发。根据任务情报,从木叶叛逃的中忍绿青葵在成为雨隐村上忍之后便一直躲避着木叶暗部的追击范围,自身非常小心,很清楚自己拿着雷神之剑实在是招人恨,所以数年以来木叶都没有机会将他斩杀 But in few days ago, the Konoha intelligence agency found an opportunity finally. Has withdrawn time in Amegakure nearby Rokushō Aoi these left Amegakure finally, sets out toward the Land of Rivers area, as if must go to Amegakure to conduct some Quest. 而就在前些日子,木叶的情报机构总算是找到了一个机会。一直龟缩在雨隐村附近的绿青葵这一次总算是离开了雨隐村,向着川之国地区进发,似乎要前往雨隐村进行某项任务 But entered to Land of Rivers domain Le Yuan in seven days also started to the search of goal character, this Rokushō Aoi other skill not, but regarded as important regarding own life, entered the clue after Land of Rivers is really few. 而在七天之内进入到川之国领域的乐渊也开始了对目标人物的搜索,这绿青葵别的本事没有但是对于自己性命可是非常看重,进入川之国后的线索实在是很少。 Land of Rivers, although said that is an independent nation, but as Land of Wind and Land of Fire intermediate area, this country can say, once enters War period day that not to feel better. 川之国,虽然说是一个独立国家,但是作为风之国火之国的缓冲地带,这个国家可以说一旦进入战争时期日子那就非常不好过。 Moreover this Land of Rivers does not have existence of ninja village, therefore as a Strength relatively speaking weak country, becomes numerous Ninja to establish the good place of secret base. But the when person in this country needs to use Ninja Strength, often will conduct the Quest issue to Land of Rivers all around Sunagakure, Konoha and Amegakure. 而且这川之国本身并没有忍村的存在,所以身为一个力量相对而言较弱的国家,成为了众多忍者建立秘密基地的好地方。而这个国家的人需要动用忍者力量时,往往就会向川之国四周砂隐村木叶村雨隐村进行任务发布。 Quick, Le Yuan then from search to the information arrived at the Land of Rivers thousand households of areas along the way, here all around goes around a mountain, in remote, if not a local special product special plant manufactures the rations pill best auxiliary, perhaps here can also be a wilderness. 很快,乐渊便从搜索到的信息之中沿途来到了川之国千户地区,这里四周环山,地处偏僻,如果不是本地特产一种特殊植物是制作兵粮丸最好的辅助品,恐怕这里还会是一片荒野。 Is entering thousand households of areas shortly, Le Yuan inquired the news about Rokushō Aoi. Has to say thousand households of areas, although seals up, but seals up also has the close advantage, that is any news in this place is not the secret, how external Rokushō Aoi will hide even will again still expose rapidly. 正进入千户地区没多久,乐渊就打听到了关于绿青葵的消息。不得不说千户地区虽然封闭,但是封闭也有封闭的好处,那就是任何的消息在这个地方都不是隐秘,外来的绿青葵就算是再怎么隐藏也会迅速暴露。 Half a month ago, thousand households of local biggest landlord Fuyuno old head of household Fuyuno Sora died a violent death. But the position of this head of household actually cannot be inherited, is childless as head of household's Fuyuno Sora, is he has two younger brothers on the contrary, these two can be said as, for the position of this head of household attacks brutally. 在半个月之前,千户地区最大的地主冬野的老家主冬野青空暴毙。而这家主之位却迟迟未能被继承,作为家主的冬野青空膝下无子,反倒是他有着两个弟弟,这两人可以说是为了这个家主之位大打出手。 The Fuyuno Arae method as Second Brother is good, has not weak armed Strength in the local area, although that group of warriors hand/subordinate are not Ninja, but many people are also having the Ninja method, he can dominate in thousand households of areas came from in warrior Strength hand/subordinate. 身为二哥的冬野荒井手段不俗,在本地有着一支不弱的武装力量,手下的那群武士虽然不是忍者,但是也有不少人掌握着忍者的手段,他在千户地区可以称霸正是源自于手下的这一支武士力量 But may not have that capital to raise so many warriors as Third brother's Fuyuno Kaito, therefore was suppressed by Second Brother Fuyuno Arae from the beginning must not gasp for breath, but all these were Amegakure Jōnin Rokushō Aoi arrived actually reverse in the flash after four days ago. 而作为三弟的冬野海翔可就没有那个资本养这么多的武士了,所以一开始就被二哥冬野荒井压制得喘不过气,不过这一切在四天之前身为雨忍村上忍绿青葵到来之后却在一瞬间反转了。 Rokushō Aoi the Jōnin indeed is the water incurable, but resists one crowd to use chakra warrior that not to show weakness, thunder divine sword of divine weapon sharp weapon in the big show/unfolds invincible might, the blade of any warrior is just liking the scrap copper and iron with that moment that it resists at this moment, is unable to resist with it, often touches then already to cut off by it under. 绿青葵的这个上忍的确是水得不可救药,但是对抗一群堪堪使用查克拉的武士那是毫不示弱,神兵利器的雷神剑更是在此刻大展神威,无论是哪一个武士的刀在与之对抗的那一刻都犹如废铜烂铁,根本无法与之对抗,往往一触之下便已经被其斩断。 Could be said as Second Brother's Fuyuno Arae in these days worried that white the hair, as selecting head of household's day also had is less than three days, but wanted to invite the words of foreign aid he which ninja village went to require half a month time to travel at least, in time radically without enough time. 作为二哥的冬野荒井可以说是在这几天愁白了头发,作为选取家主的日子还有不到三天,而想要请外援的话他无论是前往哪一个忍村都最起码需要半个月的时间往返,时间上根本来不及。 Oh did really make the third child capture the position of this head of household? Is really unwilling, I painstakingly plan for many years, the owner so influence, dies from illness on Big Brother with great difficulty now accidentally/surprisingly, really makes the third child succeed to the throne, hadn't this family property been walked the Righteous Path fellow to waste all one's money by his?” “唉难道真的让老三把这家主之位夺取了?真是不甘心,我苦心经营多年,好不容易才拥有者如此势力,现在又恰逢大哥意外病故,真让老三继位,这家底还不被他这不走正道的家伙败光?” Sits Fuyuno Arae before own mansion garden is sighing woefully unceasingly, his is simply has not thought that has had no three drops of Fuyuno Kaito of great achievement unexpectedly after Big Brother dies exceptionally chose decidedly moved the reinforcement to Amegakure, and has not thought that so-called Ninja unexpectedly powerful such, under his hand subordinate that was the strength of least bit resistance does not have. 坐在自己大宅庭院前的冬野荒井不断地哀叹着,他那是根本没有想到原本一直没什么大作为的三滴冬野海翔竟然在大哥死后异常决然地选择了到雨隐村搬救兵,而且更是没想到所谓的忍者竟然这么的强大,他手底下的部下那是半点抵抗之力都没有。 “啪 The hand of Fuyuno Arae raps fiercely on the floor, seems like not convinced oneself to admit defeat. However simply has not won he of opportunity seemingly also only to bow the head to admit defeat, three days later head of household big ratio is not he can win. 冬野荒井的手猛地敲击在地板上,看起来非常地不服气自己就这么认输。不过根本没有取胜之机的他貌似也只能俯首认输,三天之后的家主大比根本不是他能赢的。 Yo, don't you want to win? Or your did already give up?” “哟,你不想赢吗?或者说你已经放弃了?” Fuyuno Arae that is sighing with sadness secretly hears a young male voice to transmit from own above roof fiercely, when he raised the head actually wants to see clearly is who to speak, only felt before own body , the strong winds writings, his eye as if could not open suddenly, when the wind diverges the later Le Yuan form to appear in him gradually at present. 正暗自悲叹的冬野荒井猛地听到一声年轻的男声从自己的正上方的屋顶上传来,正当他抬起头想要看清究竟是谁讲话时,只感觉自己身前陡然狂风大作,他的眼睛似乎都睁不开了,当风渐渐散去之后乐渊的身影出现在了他的眼前。 You, who are you? Dares to go into my mansion, actually do you intend what for?” “你,你是何人?胆敢闯入我的府邸,你究竟意欲何为?” Looks under Le Yuan that comes to this manner suddenly, Fuyuno Arae restrains by force anxiety in the heart, exhibits one to be calm the appearance to ask. 看着以这种方式陡然现身的乐渊,冬野荒井强压下自己心中的不安,摆出一副处变不惊地样子质问道。 Who am I? This is unimportant, more importantly I can help you, under your hand no one that Ninja of energy opposite party opposite party not? If I can help you solve him!” “我是谁?这不重要,重要的是我可以帮你,你手底下没人能对方对方的那个忍者不是吗?如果我能帮你解决他呢!” Le Yuan was saying the thumb of right hand, was referring to head forehead protector. Immediately opposite Fuyuno Arae responded immediately this is only then Ninja can have thing that but where on the Le Yuan that forehead protector design seemingly has seen. 乐渊说着右手的大拇指,对着自己头上的护额指了指。顿时对面的冬野荒井立马反应过来这是只有忍者才会有的东西,而乐渊头上的那个护额的款式貌似在什么地方看到过。 Helps me? You can help me defeat third child that fellow, his powerful, the flash routs under my hand person, dies seven wounded, are you really capable of beating him?” “帮我?你难道能够帮我打败老三手下的那个家伙,他可是非常强大的,一瞬间将我手底下的人击溃,一死七伤,你真的有能力击败他吗?” This also really not strange Fuyuno Arae, the big fellow regarding most people defeats the small physique, old is defeated young, this is all average person inherent concepts. It is not able to see among when Ninja Fuyuno Arae of strong and weak disparity sees the Little Bai face appearance Le Yuan, naturally thought that wants to resist Rokushō Aoi to be difficult. 这也实在不怪冬野荒井,对于绝大多数人而言大块头打败小块头,年长的打败年轻的,这是所有普通人固有的观念。根本无法看出忍者间强弱差距的冬野荒井看到小白脸模样的乐渊时,自然觉得想要对抗绿青葵困难无比。 „Don't you believe me? Has a look at this......” “你不信我?看看这这个……” Looks the appearance that Fuyuno Arae that does not trust extremely, Le Yuan has not continued anything. After all said again of pleasant to hear is also only false, seeing is believing, making Fuyuno Arae see his strength can a better discussion. 看着冬野荒井那极为不信任的样子,乐渊也没有继续多说什么。毕竟说得再好听也只是假大空,正所谓眼见为实,让冬野荒井见一见他的实力才能更好的商谈。 Sees only Le Yuan to lift the hand to garden in big stretch of open area, Fuyuno Arae was feeling strange the Le Yuan preparation lets he looks at anything the time, saw only the index finger of Le Yuan to make a movement in a flash. Afterward Fuyuno Arae then discovered that in own garden had the astonishing large explosion, one diameter ten meters and most deep places achieve five meters big hole to appear instantaneously, that entire Fuyuno Arae mansion can feel obviously to shake in a flash. 只见乐渊抬起手对着庭院中的一大片空地,冬野荒井正奇怪乐渊准备让他看些什么的时候,只见乐渊的食指做出了一个弹指的动作。随后冬野荒井便发现自己的庭院中发生了惊人的大爆炸,一个直径十米、最深处达到五米的大坑瞬间出现,那一瞬间整个冬野荒井的府邸都能感受到明显地一震。 This, this is anything......” “这,这是什么……” Fuyuno Arae has not thought completely the excellent attack can create so fearful one, if the Le Yuan target is not a ground, but is a person, perhaps that person will then unravel in the flash, can stay behind the trace to be discussed. 冬野荒井完全没有想过人的攻击能够造成如此可怕的一幕,如果乐渊的攻击目标不是地面而是一个人的话,恐怕那个人在一瞬间便会灰飞烟灭,能不能留下痕迹都有待商榷。 Most critically, Le Yuan made a movement in a flash merely. Actually this is many of Le Yuan complete strength is also an issue, however without a doubt is the Le Yuan strength displays compared with Rokushō Aoi absolutely fearfully. 更为关键的是,乐渊仅仅是做了一个弹指的动作。这究竟是乐渊全部实力的多少也是个问题,但是毫无疑问的就是乐渊的实力绝对比绿青葵表现得更加可怕。 Good, good...... this Sir Ninja you to be really willing to help me? So long as you can help me capture the position of head of household, I must the generous gift wait!” “好,好……这位忍者大人您真的愿意帮我?只要你能帮我夺得家主之位,我必厚礼以待!” Fuyuno Arae this matter that is almost cannot speak excitedly, in order to ensure Le Yuan is willing to help him full power, he then promised the generous reward immediately, hopes that can boss around completely Le Yuan taking advantage of this. 冬野荒井此事那是激动地差点说不出话来,为了能够确保乐渊肯全力帮助他,他立马便许下了厚报,希望能够借此将乐渊完全笼络下来。 But Le Yuan actually smiled in this time, what generous reward he may not care. However relative, did not advocate regarding Konoha Ninja this gaining extra income village, after all this is really contrary to the image of village. 乐渊却在此时笑了出来,什么厚报他可不在意。不过相对的,对于木叶忍者这种赚外快村子可不提倡,毕竟这实在是有违村子的形象。 But Le Yuan really wants to make money not to lack his money, is Le Yuan has very strong interest regarding this thousand households of area the thing of special product on the contrary, Le Yuan wants the way that chooses to do business to want from becoming the Fuyuno Arae hand after head of household purchases a lot of this end product plants, best is the adult plant seed can also attain. 乐渊真想赚钱也不缺他这点钱,反倒是乐渊对于这个千户地区的特产之物是有着非常浓厚的兴趣,乐渊想要选择以做买卖的方式想要从当上家主后的冬野荒井手中购买大量这种成品植物,最好是植株种子也能拿到些。 But Fuyuno Arae was also prepares to bleed, after he heard the quantity that the Le Yuan preparation bought clenched teeth to say the price of 30% discount to accept the request of Le Yuan. So long as Le Yuan can push his high-rank, then the final suburbs result is then completed at the 30% discount. 冬野荒井也是准备出血了,他听到乐渊准备买下的量之后咬牙说出了七折的价格答应了乐渊的要求。只要乐渊能够推他上位,那么最后的城郊结果便以七折完成。
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