VE :: Volume #8 三阶首战影之忍者

#672: Duns? Also many child in such an arrangement( two)

The Hyūga Clan banquet parts on bad terms under the restlessness of Le Yuan, but became Hyūga Hizashi of hero is the reputation suffers a disastrous decline, was struck him who strikes down it can be said that to lose face to lose by Le Yuan to the grandmother family/home, naturally does not have the face to continue to mention the matter of marriage again. 日向一族的宴会就在乐渊的闹腾之下不欢而散,而原本被成为英雄的日向日差更是名声一落千丈,被乐渊一击击倒的他可以说是丢脸丢到姥姥家了,自然没有脸再继续提结亲之事。 But Le Yuan did not say casually, after this matter also really in Namikaze Minato also had Hyūga Hiashi under two people testimony to accept Hyūga Hinata this student officially. However perhaps is really the factor of the world transformation, the Hyūga Hinata character like No. 1 world is completely not timid, at least that really does not have to turn into the cunning and unreasonable Eldest Miss trend when the Le Yuan front. 乐渊也不是随便说说,在这件事情之后还真就在波风水门还有日向日足两人的见证之下正式收下了日向雏田这个学生。不过或许真的是世界变换的因素,日向雏田的性格并不像一号世界那样完全是怯懦,最起码不在乐渊面前时那真的有变成刁蛮大小姐的趋势。 However although said that accepted Hyūga Hinata this student, but she after all is also only the 4-year-old child, really wants to conduct the guidance in entire aspect to her is the unlikely matter, moreover Le Yuan still during the learn/study, want to teach in the Ninja aspect also really somewhat misleads the youth. 不过虽然说收下了日向雏田这个学生,但她毕竟还只是4岁的孩子,真想对她进行全方面的教导是不太可能的事情,况且乐渊自己还在学习之中,想要在忍者方面传授还真有些误人子弟。 Therefore after really accepts Hyūga Hinata, Le Yuan also passed through thought then decided that taught suits the Hyūga Hinata ability strength only. Ninja continent Martial Arts is divided into Strong Fist and Gentle Fist, reason that is divided into hard and soft two Martial Arts , because these two Martial Arts stressed on the destructive power in two aspects. 所以真的收下日向雏田之后,乐渊也是经过了深思熟虑这才决定传授唯一适合日向雏田的能力劲力。忍者大陆体术分为刚拳和柔拳,之所以分为刚柔两种体术,是因为这两种体术侧重于两个方面的破坏力。 Just the fist referred to the upfront destroys by the defense of target, took the big hammer to rap the stone to be the same probably, the hammer was hard, the Strength enough feces to be able the stone to crush enough. This Martial Arts representative is Tsunade also has Might Guy, Tsunade obtains the powerful destructive power through the precise eruption of chakra, but Might Guy stressed on the strength and fast union of human body had the destructive power. 刚拳指在正面破坏被攻击目标的防御,就好像拿大锤子去敲击石头一般,锤子够硬、力量够大便能将石头击碎。这种体术的代表人物就是纲手还有迈特凯,其中纲手是通过查克拉的精确爆发获得强大破坏力,而迈特凯则侧重于人体的力与速的结合产生了破坏力。 But another Gentle Fist grasps in some entire Ninja World actually few people, it does not depend on meets the tough head-on with toughness to break the defense of opposite party, but looks like the excavating tunnel to use internal the channel of demolition generally, infiltrates the opposite party within the body to produce demolition Strength from inside to outside Strength, can thus rout the defensive power strong person with ease. 而另一种柔拳在整个忍界却鲜少有人掌握,它并不是靠着硬碰硬去打破对方的防御,而是像开凿隧道一般采取内部爆破的渠道,将力量打入对方体内产生由内而外的爆破力量,从而能够轻松击溃防御力超强的人。 This Martial Arts representative is Konoha Hyūga Clan, their so-called Gentle Fist are such a method of attack, but they also only then under coordinating the Byakugan ability addition can be effective in the meridians to enemy physical body destroys, otherwise their fists and feet hit in the destructive power that on the human body can have are limited. 这种体术的代表人物就是木叶日向一族,他们所谓的柔拳便是一种这样的攻击方法,不过他们也只有在配合白眼的能力加成下才能有效对敌方肉体中的经脉进行破坏,不然他们的拳脚击中在人体上能够产生的破坏力有限。 So-called Gentle Fist, its effect and Martial Combat System Hitting the Cow Behind the Mountain is quite similar, main art regarding grasping in within the body Strength, causes them is not only the function in the hit object surface, more tasteful regarding the transporting of energy. 所谓的柔拳,它的效果和武斗系隔山打牛颇为相似,主要讲究的就是对于体内力量的掌握,使得他们不仅仅是作用在命中物体表面上,更加讲究对于能量的搬运。 Although Le Yuan manufactured the Hinata entering step route, however grasping of young Hinata more need foundation, starts Le Yuan training that by her present physical quality directly is catching up with the reincarnation. 乐渊虽然制作好了雏田的进阶路线,但是年幼的雏田更多的需要基础的掌握,以她现在的身体素质直接开始乐渊的训练那是赶着投胎。 Is glancing through Le Yuan of space deep meaning scroll to look up oneself are still stroking Hinata of wooden stake at present, showed the gratified smile. This Hinata must say the talent, although cannot say that is the posture of having god-given wisdom, the root bone is not the so-called rareness, the body does not have the Nine-Tails like this external strength, but has Le Yuan appreciation special characteristics to be obedient. 正在翻阅着空间奥义卷轴的乐渊抬起头看了看自己眼前还在击打木桩的雏田,不由露出了欣慰的笑容。这雏田要说天赋虽不能说是天纵之姿,根骨也不是所谓的百年不遇,身上更没有九尾这样的外挂之力,但是却有着乐渊非常欣赏的一个特质听话。 Le Yuan makes Hinata feel at ease to practice boxing, she then practices stark naked, will not be thinking being loaf completely, can say that carried out the instruction of Le Yuan completely. Has such will, coordinates counselling of Le Yuan again, did not say that lets Hinata 6 years old Genin, 8 years old Chūnin, 10 years old Jōnin, 12 years old of direct Kage Level goes against heaven's will......, but makes her have a solid foundation, later can follow in storyline that eruption -type Strength growth to be possible, after all she has Byakugan this external existence. 乐渊雏田安心去练拳,她便一丝不挂地去练习,完全不会想着偷懒,可以说把乐渊的指示完全贯彻执行了。有着这样的毅力,再配合乐渊的辅导,不说让雏田六岁下忍,八岁中忍,十岁上忍,12岁直接影级逆天……但是让她有一个坚实的基础,以后跟得上原本剧情中那爆发式的力量增长还是可能的,毕竟她有着白眼这个外挂的存在。 A day of training will soon end, but has pressed Le Yuan arrangement training Hinata is being sweat profusely lies on the ground could not get up again, the Le Yuan training quantity can say that touched her limit level completely, not only did not overdraw the body of Hinata, the goal that and can play the limit exercise, it can be said that killed two birds with one stone. 一天的训练即将结束,而一直按着乐渊安排训练的雏田更是香汗淋漓趴在地上再也起不来了,乐渊的训练量可以说完全摸到了她的极限水准,既不透支雏田的身体,又能起到极限锻炼的目的,可以说是一举两得。 However matter of this day may not end, since starts to train, a matter that every day must handle must start. Le Yuan lies low Hinata on the chair, later both hands in her arm and thigh have nearby the important muscle of body to use True Qi to unblock, this is very important Quest. 不过这一天的事情可还没有结束,自从开始训练起,每日必做的一件事情又要开始了。乐渊雏田平躺在椅子上,随后双手在她手臂、大腿还有身体的重要肌肉附近用真气进行疏导,这可是一件非常重要的任务 Can say , if no Le Yuan so to conduct the recuperation to comb to the body of Hinata in the early time, according to Hinata present training, does not have/leave six months, perhaps she must turn into a muscle loli, that picture beautiful results in not exercising forbearance person to look straight ahead. 可以说如果没有乐渊这般在早期对雏田的身体进行调养梳理,按照雏田现在的训练量,不出半年时间,恐怕她就要变成一个肌肉萝莉了,那幅画面美得不忍让人直视。 This is any that females who conduct the physical body exercise may not dodge, is actually chooses the strengthen at the same time becomes the muscle female man, the choice gives up choosing a new exercise path. 这就是任何一个进行肉体锻炼的女性都不可规避的一项,究竟是选择变强的同时成为肌肉女汉子,还是选择放弃去选一条新的锻炼道路。 Receives one week of disciple later, Le Yuan faces the economic crisis again, but he also has a foreign loan not to go to ask. Therefore in surveillance the vision of root member that pain in the ass, Le Yuan stepped into the Uchiha Clan station again, and dunned to clan Patriarch Uchiha Fugaku directly. 收徒的一个星期之后,乐渊再次面对经济危机,不过他可是还有着一笔外债没有去讨。所以在监视的根部成员那蛋疼的目光之中,乐渊再一次踏入到了宇智波一族的驻地,并且直接向一族族长宇智波富丘去讨债了。 When facing Le Yuan that kills suddenly, Uchiha Fugaku actually displays calm, already waits for probably early Le Yuan are many general, not only serves tea waits, but also already will prepare the good 1.002 million indemnities to give with early. 面对突然杀到的乐渊,宇智波富丘却表现得非常淡定,像是早已经等待乐渊多时一般,不但奉茶以待,还将早已经准备好的一百万两的赔偿金给拿了出来。 1.002 million, this is money that ordinary household several lifetime cannot all spend. It can be said that at any time is a great sum of money that any ninja village is unable to neglect, but Uchiha Fugaku can depending on his one's effort takes without use family Strength, fully explained that has the thick family property as Patriarch him. 一百万两,这是普通家庭几辈子都花不完的钱。可以说在任何时候都是任何忍村都无法忽视的一笔巨款,而宇智波富丘能够凭他一己之力在不动用家族力量的情况下拿出来,足以说明作为族长的他有多厚的家底。 When Le Yuan looked that Uchiha Fugaku such smoothly this compared with the great sum of money takes is also somewhat accidental/surprised, after all these money are not the gale blow, so long as is the head normal person after meeting Le Yuan this takes by force probably the indemnity the association's toward discounting and so on matter, does not wrinkle to such brow, endures compared with the rare animal simply. 乐渊宇智波富丘这么顺利地将这比巨款拿出来的时候也是有些意外,毕竟这些钱也不是大风吹来的,只要是个脑袋正常的人在遇到乐渊这像是打劫似的赔款后总会向着打个折之类事情,向这样眉头都不皱一下,简直堪比稀有动物。 However Uchiha Fugaku can coordinate absolutely not to have the reason, at least the performance of Le Yuan is worth him doing that. First did not say that Uchiha Fugaku tries the Le Yuan skill personally, had a quite basic understanding regarding the Le Yuan strength, then before Le Yuan the brain Hyūga Clan matter, Uchiha Fugaku understood several matters of strategy. 不过宇智波富丘能够这么配合也不是完全没有原因的,最起码乐渊的表现值得他这么做。先不说宇智波富丘亲手试了试乐渊的身手,对于乐渊的实力有了一个较为基本的了解,再通过乐渊之前大脑日向一族的事情,宇智波富丘就从中了解到了几个重要事项。 The one is Le Yuan is not a loner, at least Fourth Hokage that nearly the action of ignores when Hyūga Clan was explaining Le Yuan is not ordinary, its two were Le Yuan swept the face of opposite party at the Hyūga Clan banquet directly, although later was the Hyūga Clan Main Family's Young Lady teacher, but very obviously he attitude regarding Hyūga Hinata and Hyūga Clan cannot be generally spoken. 其一就是乐渊可不是孤家寡人,最起码四代目火影那在日向一族时近乎放任的举动就说明着乐渊绝不普通,其二就是乐渊直接在日向一族宴会上扫了对方的面子,之后虽然做了日向一族宗家大小姐的老师,但是很明显他对于日向雏田日向一族的态度不能一概而论。 According to the idea of Uchiha Fugaku, the enemy of enemy, even if not the friend is not an enemy, therefore in line with the idea of converting an enemy into a friend, he wants through today's matter and Le Yuan obtains a tie. 根据宇智波富丘的想法,敌人的敌人就算不是朋友也绝不是敌人,所以本着化敌为友的想法,他想要通过今天的事情与乐渊取得一个纽带。 Clatter, clatter, clatter......” “嗒,嗒,嗒……” The finger of Le Yuan is rapping in this plank ground unceasingly, this sound let just enter Uchiha Itachi in room to be on nettles, shouted after his father he came, a series of things make him eyes cannot take it all, cannot believe simply said what this saying was father. 乐渊的手指在这木板地面上不断敲击着,这声音让刚刚进入屋内的宇智波鼬忐忑不安,从他父亲喊他进来之后,一系列的事情就让他目不暇接,简直不敢相信说这话的是自己父亲 Le Yuan sized up from Uchiha Itachi the vision over and over, although this Itachi is also only a 8-year-old child, his actually already that but already graduates from the Ninja school can brilliantly complete Quest, besides with the coordination of teammate unsatisfactory, his Quest finish rate is exceptionally splendid. 乐渊将目光从宇智波鼬身上打量了再三,虽然这个还只是个8岁的孩子,但是已经忍者学校毕业的他却已经能够非常出色地完成任务,除了和队友的配合不尽人意之外,他的任务完成率异常出色。 Uchiha Patriarch, you want to make me instruct practicing of Itachi, as if I have nothing to instruct his, Ninjutsu has your Uchiha Clan background not to lack completely, as for Genjutsu (Illusionary Technique) my is blurry, only then Martial Arts is good, but won't you always plan to train Martial Arts Ninja Itachi? That also was really wasted his talent......” 宇智波族长,你想让我指导的修行,似乎我也没什么好指导他的,忍术有着你们宇智波一族底蕴完全不缺,至于幻术我那更是迷迷糊糊,只有一个体术还算不错,但是你们总不会打算将培养成一个体术忍者吧?那还真是浪费了他的天赋……” Different with Hyūga Hinata, already cannot have to fix own development direction in Itachi basically already of Chūnin strength, so long as awakened Sharingan that Jōnin to be just round the corner simply. Uchiha Clan is basically primarily enduring to develop imaginary, but these two aspects consult Le Yuan with it, might as well according to an experience of their clan develops, Le Yuan instead possible to lead into the wrong road him. 日向雏田不同,已经有着不下于中忍实力的基本上已经固定了自己的发展方向,只要觉醒了写轮眼上忍简直就是指日可待了。宇智波一族基本上都是以忍幻发展为主,而这两方面与其请教乐渊,还不如根据他们一族的经验来发展,乐渊反而可能将他带入歧途。 Mr. Le Yuan, the Itachi talent I know, making him act according to the Uchiha Clan predecessor to experience routinely studies defined on the contrary his development, I want certainly to make him take a brand-new path by your strength, but also please must accept my son Itachi!” 乐渊先生,的天赋我知道,让他按部就班地根据宇智波一族的前人经验学习反倒是限定了他的发展,我想以你的实力一定能够让他迈出一条崭新的道路,还请您务必要收下犬子!” Uchiha Fugaku displays very sincerely, in some sense he is not only wants Le Yuan to teach Itachi, but also wants through the teacher student relationship and Hokage of Itachi and Le Yuan relates, gradually improves their Uchiha Clan marginalization the present situation. 宇智波富丘表现得非常诚恳,某种意义上他不仅仅是想要乐渊教导,还想要通过乐渊的师生关系与火影联系上,逐渐改善他们宇智波一族边缘化的现况。 How even Le Yuan does not want again, but there is that 1.002 million received the hanger-on as the communication Uchiha Itachi reluctantly. However with arranges the training compared with completely hand in hand Hyūga Hinata, training of Le Yuan to Uchiha Itachi is actually another scene. 就算乐渊再怎么不愿意,不过有了那一百万两作为沟通还是“勉强”将宇智波鼬收入了门下。不过和完全手把手安排训练的日向雏田相比,乐渊宇智波鼬的训练却又是另一番情景。 Itachi Ninjutsu and Genjutsu (Illusionary Technique) do not need Le Yuan many to interfere, but Martial Arts Le Yuan is also directs to him merely slightly, after all the Uchiha Itachi energy and talent did not concentrate in Martial Arts, how Le Yuan even again diligently is still the wasted effort, therefore Le Yuan now most is the Itachi sparring partner, lets his experience to the war is richer, can study to achieve mastery through a comprehensive study oneself. 忍术幻术无需乐渊多加干涉,而体术乐渊也仅仅是对他稍加指点,毕竟宇智波鼬的精力和天赋本就不专注于体术上,乐渊就算再怎么努力也是事倍功半,所以乐渊现在最多的就是和陪练,让他的对战经验更加丰富,能够将自己所学融会贯通。 Regarding the Uchiha Itachi future, Le Yuan has had an idea actually. However is also too early regarding present Uchiha Itachi, after at least Itachi had three tomoe Sharingan , Le Yuan is almost anticipating his final achievement by that time. 对于宇智波鼬的未来,乐渊倒是有过一个想法。不过对于现在的宇智波鼬而言还为时尚早,最起码等到拥有了三勾玉写轮眼之后还差不多,到那个时候乐渊期待着他的最终成就。 However even if the teacher, Le Yuan has not been idling as before, he must look for the person of path, seemingly has been relaxed in this world comfortable, learned thing are really still many, but simply does not have in the Quest situation the final income to be anxious. 不过就算当老师,乐渊依旧没有闲着,他可是要找寻回去道路的人,一直在这个世界看似轻松自在,学到的东西也着实不少,但是根本没有任务的情况下最终收益却令人担忧。 But Fourth Hokage appointed Quest one month later to Le Yuan finally, after Le Yuan became on Konoha first time Quest to come especially finally, moreover was only simplest direct Quest to pursue Missing-nin (Rogue Ninja) Rokushō Aoi. 四代目火影在一个月后终于向乐渊指派了任务,乐渊成为木叶特上之后的首次任务终于来了,而且还只最为简单直接的一个任务追击叛忍绿青葵
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