VE :: Volume #8 三阶首战影之忍者

#669: Achieves the long-cherished wish, the secret technique succeeds in obtaining( two)

As before that quite spacious Hokage office, when with comes previous time compares that several hideaways without a trace in nearby Anbu early already, was Fourth Hokage then wields very early in the morning drew back them, what replaces it is eyeglasses old man Third Hokage that is holding in the mouth the tobacco pipe. 依旧还是那个颇为宽敞的火影办公室,不过和上一次来时相比那几个隐藏于一旁的暗部已经无影无踪,想必是四代目火影一早便挥退了他们,取而代之的是一个叼着烟斗的眼镜老者三代目火影 Was staring by two big Hokage, perhaps the average person has frightened the urine. But the character who Le Yuan this made the heavenshaking noise actually seems like a bystander to be common, brings blushing after several points of liquor besides the face on, the whole person that is must have tranquilly tranquilly. 被两大火影盯着,恐怕一般人早就吓尿了。而乐渊这个闹出了震天动静的人物却像是个没事人一般,除了脸上带着几分酒后的红晕之外,整个人那是要有多平静就有多平静。 Fourth-sama does not see for a long time, but recently good? Here thinks that was Third Hokage, Ninja World ninja hero, was really the elegant demeanor as before!” 四代目大人许久不见,近来可好?这边这位想必就是三代目火影,忍界忍雄了,果然是风采依旧啊!” Looks Le Yuan originally ripe is greeting with them, Fourth Hokage appears somewhat does not know whether to laugh or cry. Perhaps Le Yuan does not know noise that he just made big, however in the entire Konoha Ninja circle absolutely is a big sound, moreover may be known by the secret agent who each village ambushes very much, does not know when will then be delivered to the shadow hand of each village. 看着乐渊自来熟的和他们打着招呼,四代目火影显得有些哭笑不得。或许乐渊不知道他刚刚闹出的动静有多大,但是在整个木叶忍者圈子绝对是不小的动静,而且很有可能被各个村子埋伏的密探知晓,不知什么时候便会被送到各个村子的影手中。 But stands in Fourth Hokage Third Hokage, calmly is actually sizing up this Le Yuan, he has inquired from Fourth Hokage here was clear, Le Yuan introduced from his favorite disciple Orochimaru there, was only obtains the approval of Orochimaru to prove the Le Yuan strength sufficiently. 而站在四代目火影身旁的三代目火影,却在静静地打量这乐渊,他可是早就从四代目火影这里打听清楚了,乐渊正是从他的得意弟子大蛇丸那里介绍来的,光是得到大蛇丸的认可就足以证明乐渊的实力了。 Looks with Fourth Hokage quite several phase splitting analogy Le Yuan, Third Hokage does not seem like person who completely has worked as Hokage, on the contrary seems like a neighbor grandfather to ask to Le Yuan with a laugh: Orochimaru recently how? His Otogakure should develop also well, can the burden of Kage of a village be heavy?” 看着与四代目火影颇有几分相似性的乐渊,三代目火影完全不像是个当过火影的人,相反像是一个邻家老爷爷般笑呵呵地向乐渊问道:“大蛇丸最近怎么样?他的音忍村应该发展得还不错吧,一村之影的负担会不会非常重呢?” This seems like father to inquire question that own son develops recently, if appears in No. 1 world almost unimaginable. However in No. 2 world of this peace and development, is actually the common matter, perhaps the average person does not know, but almost all influences treat as small-sized Konoha to treat Otogakure, this seemingly separated two ninja village wear pants radically. 这像是父亲询问自己儿子近来发展的问话,如果出现在一号世界几乎不可想象。不过在这个和平发展的二号世界里面,却是再寻常不过的事情,一般人或许不知道,但是几乎所有势力都把音忍村当作一个小号的木叶村对待,这看似分开的两个忍村根本就是穿一条裤子的。 „It is naturally good, development steadiness of as always Otogakure, the entire village develops healthily......” “自然很好,音忍村的发展一如既往的平稳,整个村子发展得非常健康……” Since Third Hokage has a mind to understand that some Otogakure situations, the Le Yuan also nature told itself Third Hokage at the Otogakure experience little, Le Yuan this does not seem like called the Hokage office to question completely, chats on the contrary likely. 既然三代目火影有心想要多了解一些音忍村的情况,乐渊也自然把自己在音忍村的所见所闻一点点告诉了三代目火影,乐渊这完全不像是被叫到火影办公室问话的,反倒是像来拉家常的。 However after Le Yuan stated that has been observing calmly Fourth Hokage was actually the complexion one cold, this changed by Le Yuan is looked in the eye, the nature understand true question must start, he but who the custom attacked the problem one manifestation at a time can also have a look at the Fourth Hokage treatment method. 不过当乐渊陈述完毕之后,一直静观着的四代目火影却是脸色一凛,这变化被乐渊看在眼中,自然明白真正的问话就要开始了,不过习惯见招拆招的他也能看看四代目火影的处理方法。 Le Yuan, you may know that actually you make the big trouble today, provokes to Uchiha Clan at will, if results in the loss of conflict Konoha to be immeasurable, in addition you and fight between Uchiha Fugaku Patriarch, but incautiously was one person died in battle, then to entire Konoha was a disaster......” 乐渊,你可知道你今天究竟惹来了多大的麻烦,随意向宇智波一族挑衅,万一引发出争端木叶的损失不可计量,再加上你与宇智波富丘族长间的战斗,一不小心可就是一人战死,那对整个木叶而言才是一场灾难……” Fourth Hokage is scolding the trouble that Le Yuan is making today endlessly, but Le Yuan is also the left ear enters the right ear to leave in most situations, this words were not obsolete saying that let alone today's loss is also within the control of Fourth Hokage, has not caused what irretrievable losses. 四代目火影在喋喋不休地数落着乐渊今天惹下的麻烦,而乐渊在大多数情况下也是左耳朵进右耳朵出,这种话也不过时说说而已,何况今天的损失也算是在四代目火影的掌控之内,并没有造成什么不可挽回的损失。 „...... Haven't you engaged in introspection? Why looks for the trouble of Uchiha Clan with no reason at all, you really felt don't oneself fear the retaliation of Uchiha Clan completely?” “……你难道就没有反省一下吗?为什么无缘无故去找宇智波一族的麻烦,你难道真的是觉得自己完全不怕宇智波一族的报复吗?” Fourth Hokage has the feeling of expecting too much, the Le Yuan already of strength and potential basically in a today's war reveals without doubt,( appearance that so young 20 do not arrive at), so the talent( defeated established Jōnin Uchiha Fugaku), even if has not arrived at Kage Level is still similar, if trains well, is completely capable of being regarded as next generation Kage to train. 四代目火影颇有恨铁不成钢之感,乐渊的实力和潜力在今天的一战中基本上已经表露无疑,如此年轻(20不到的样子),如此才情(战胜了老牌上忍宇智波富丘),就算是没到影级之列也差不多了,如果好好调教一下,完全有能力当作是下一代的影来培养。 This cannot all blame me, I was only gain the living expenses, who made me be only a vagrant in Konoha, did not make money I to be possible really to go begging to get by. I do not think, who makes somebody not be willing to teach me?” “这也不能全怪我,我只是去赚生活费了而已,谁让我在木叶只是一个无业游民呢,不去赚点钱我可真的要去乞讨度日了。我原本也不想的,谁让某人一直不愿意教我呢?” Le Yuan this saying meaning of nearby Third Hokage in complaint can hear continually, let alone as of Fourth Hokage litigants. Initially received in that letter/believes from Orochimaru, Orochimaru only had four characters to arrange regarding the arranged summary of Le Yuan. 乐渊这话中的抱怨之意连一旁的三代目火影都听得出来,更何况作为当事人之一的四代目火影。当初收到那封来自大蛇丸的信中,大蛇丸对于乐渊的安排总结只有四个字“自行安排”。 already becomes Orochimaru of bystander simply not to have the ability to force to request to take Kage of a village Namikaze Minato instruction Le Yuan[ Flying Thunder God Technique], no matter in emotion could not find any reason in the principle, making Namikaze Minato teach to Le Yuan this bystander Konoha secret inheritance. 已经成为外人的大蛇丸根本没有能力去强迫要求作为一村之影波风水门传授乐渊[飞雷神之术],不管是于情于理都找不到任何的理由,令波风水门传授给乐渊这个外人木叶村不传之秘 After Le Yuan is admitted to Konoha, Fourth Hokage has bred him, and tries to search the clear Le Yuan actual situation through the daily surveillance. But this searches is entire one month of event, but Namikaze Minato also understood that very much idea of Le Yuan, dried in the sun is one month, whom this puts is not uncomfortable. 所以当乐渊住进木叶村之后,四代目火影就一直将他放养,并且通过日常的监视试图探清乐渊的虚实。而这一探就是整整一个月的事件,而波风水门也很理解乐渊的想法,被人一晾就是一个月时间,这放谁心里都不舒服。 Good, today also time. Le Yuan, I, and asked that your, are you willing to join Konoha?” “好,今日也正是时候。乐渊,我且问你一句,你愿意加入木叶吗?” Sees only the Fourth Hokage look all of a sudden becomes serious incomparable, after all this matter is not relaxed, how after relating, Le Yuan in Konoha from the issue of place. No matter how Le Yuan thinks, he now is only Konoha temporarily residing, is unable to be admitted by Konoha completely. 只见四代目火影的眼神一下子变得严肃无比,毕竟这件事情可不轻松,关系到之后乐渊木叶村如何自处的问题。不管乐渊是怎么想的,他现在只是木叶村的暂住者,根本无法被木叶村完全接纳。 Joins Konoha? Becoming Konoha Ninja?” “加入木叶?成为木叶忍者?” Le Yuan asked Fourth Hokage, after all joined Konoha this convention is really big, no limit was not good to open the mouth. But facing the Le Yuan question, Fourth Hokage chose the nod. 乐渊反问四代目火影,毕竟加入木叶这个框框实在是太大了,没有一点限制根本不好开口。而面对乐渊的反问,四代目火影选择了点头。 Does not have the issue, but also is only I in the status in this world, you should know that my after all day is to leave, this Konoha Ninja status impossible fetters me for a lifetime!” “没问题,不过也只是我在这个世界的身份而已,你应该知道我总归有一天是要离开的,这木叶忍者的身份不可能束缚我一辈子吧!” Regarding joining Konoha, Le Yuan has no question. After all he is not the person of this world either one influence, therefore has no burden issue, joining Konoha is also because here has Namikaze Minato . 对于加入木叶村,乐渊没什么疑问。毕竟他可不是这个世界任何一方势力的人,所以根本没有什么负担问题,加入木叶也不过是因为这里有着波风水门而已。 In the meantime Namikaze Minato is nodding to nearby Third Hokage, later Third Hokage was understanding from nearby cabinet immediately takes out Konoha forehead protector to hand in the Le Yuan hand. 就在此时波风水门对着一旁的三代目火影点了点头,随后三代目火影随即会意从一旁的柜子中取出一个木叶护额递到了乐渊手中。 Good, starting today you are Konoha one, Space-Time Ninjutsu that you want I will also teach to you, but you whether to learn me not to make the safeguard. But if you dare to betray Konoha, Konoha strangles to death you surely, where regardless of you escape to......” “好,从今天起你就是木叶村的一员,你想要的时空忍术我也会传授给你,但是你能否学会我不做保障。但如果你胆敢背叛木叶,木叶定将你绞杀,无论你逃到何方……” Le Yuan anything did not say that wore this Konoha forehead protector in the head, but just wore good him to think of a very important issue immediately. He not regular Ninja that comes out from Ninja academy, how his rank should calculate, total impossible makes his one be as good Hokage expert returns the kind to Genin that first-level above. 乐渊啥也不说将这木叶护额戴在了头上,不过刚刚佩戴好的他随即想到了一个很重要的问题。他可不是从忍者学院里面出来的正规忍者,他的级别该怎么算,总不可能让他一个不逊于火影高手还归类到下忍那一级上面吧。 „, That Sir Fourth Hokage, I calculate that now that Jōnin Chūnin, you assurance won't always arrange to Genin in? If so, I may be unable to bear, you looked that my strength is not weak, cannot be ordinary with one group of little rascal again badly!” “咳咳,那个四代目火影大人,我现在算那个上忍呢还是中忍,你总不会把握安排到下忍里面吧?如果真是那样,我可受不了,你看我的实力也不弱,再差也不能和一群小鬼一般吧!” Looks that Le Yuan urgently was inquiring own rank, Namikaze Minato also smiles to grin, sees only him to put out a document, above is even Le Yuan looks unexpectedly says the accurate file, inside content Le Yuan his own. 看着乐渊这么急地询问着自己的等级,波风水门也是笑得咧开嘴来,只见他拿出一份文件,上面竟然是一份连乐渊看得都直呼精准的档案,里面的内容正是乐渊他自己的。 Originally this Namikaze Minato already arranged early all, Le Yuan now is honorable Konoha specially Jōnin, this was the reason that because the Le Yuan small achievement has not entered has suppressed, what otherwise proper was Konoha Jōnin. 原来这波风水门已经将一切都安排好了,乐渊现在就是一名光荣的木叶特别上忍,这还是由于乐渊寸功未入的原因有所压制,不然妥妥的是一名木叶上忍 After all the Le Yuan score and strength, defeat the Uchiha Fugaku matter, even to press unable to press, if by the Uchiha Clan person is known beats their Patriarch person is Genin and Chūnin, unavoidably will not be considered as will intend to disparage their Uchiha Clan. 毕竟乐渊的战绩和实力可是实打实的,击败宇智波富丘的事情就算是想压也压不下去,要是被宇智波一族的人知道击败他们族长的人还是一个下忍中忍,难免不会被认为是有意贬低他们宇智波一族 After integrating the Konoha establishment, Namikaze Minato has not gone back on word will quickly cultivation[ Flying Thunder God Technique] gave Le Yuan concisely, although concise, but is not the Ninjutsu cultivation method, but is the piles of experimental data classes information. Above narrated all previous thorough study the research and understanding of the space and time, according to the view of Namikaze Minato is if unable from this above to understand that the Space-Time Ninjutsu essence, is unable to complete following practicing. 在纳入木叶编制之后,波风水门也没有食言很快就将修炼[飞雷神之术]的精要给了乐渊,不过虽说是精要但也不是什么忍术修炼方法,而是一堆堆的实验数据类的信息。上面叙述了所有历代研习者对时空的研究和理解,按照波风水门的说法就是如果无法从这上面理解时空忍术的本质,就无法完成下面的修行。 [ Flying Thunder God Technique] worthily is ultra-high difficulty Ninjutsu, indeed is not the average person can use. This Space-Time Ninjutsu may be different from Obito talent space technique [Kamui], [Kamui] only needs to depend on Sharingan to use freely, but[ Flying Thunder God Technique] the use along with the enormous risk, is not very easy dead for the profound attainments on this Ninjutsu. [飞雷神之术]不愧是超高难度的忍术,的确不是一般人可以用出来的。这门时空忍术可不同于带土的天赋空间术[神威],[神威]只需要靠着写轮眼就能自如使用,而[飞雷神之术]的使用可是伴随着极大的风险,没有即为高深的造诣很容易死在这个忍术上。 Without a doubt, grasped[ Flying Thunder God Technique] the expert on Namikaze Minato already existing space. How regarding to open the space, how to use the space to open the where convenient, as well as how to guarantee one safe shuttle already in the space had the extremely deep attainments. 毫无疑问,掌握了[飞雷神之术]的波风水门已经算得上是空间上的专家。对于如何打开空间、如何用空间打开合适的地点、以及如何保证自身在空间中安全穿梭已经有了极为深的造诣。 Space Ninjutsu is dangerous, that is the different space that because opens is not a normal space, not very specialized knowledge and ability or the rich experience absolutely opened different space swallowing the trash do not remain, is unable to serve the purpose that the space shifts through the different space. 空间忍术之所以危险,那就是因为打开的异空间可不是一个正常的空间,没有非常专业的知识和能力或者丰富的经验绝对被打开的异空间给吞得渣渣都不剩,根本无法通过异空间达到空间转移的目的。 But Namikaze Minato to Le Yuan these scrolls, is some of his also Second Hokage regarding the understanding of space, can say that these words average people do not want to grasp Space-Time Ninjutsu smoothly. 波风水门乐渊的这些卷轴里面,正是他还有二代目火影对于空间的理解,可以说没有这些的话一般人根本别想顺利掌握时空忍术 Le Yuan regarding the learn/study of space is also first two big, after all the space is really abstruse unpredictable, even if the average person looks that the scroll do not want to understand. But Le Yuan has an advantage that ordinary person does not have finally, others are do not understand the space to try to complete space Ninjutsu from the theory, but Le Yuan knew space ability reversing verification these spatial theories, can say a big shortcut compared with ordinary person. 乐渊对于空间的学习也是一个头两个大,毕竟空间实在是深奥难测,一般人就算看着卷轴也别想看懂。而乐渊总算有着常人所没有的一个优势,别人是是根本不懂空间才从理论试着完成空间忍术,而乐渊是掌握了空间能力反向验证这些空间理论,比起常人来说可以说有了一大捷径。 Space principle that the average people are unable to cross the threshold, is actually the already most body strides in the gate regarding Le Yuan early, now only misses these theories to improve him regarding the understanding of space. 一般人根本无法入门的空间原理,对于乐渊而言却是早已经大半个身子跨入门中,现在只差这些理论来完善他对于空间的理解。 Suddenly Le Yuan desire strongly is absorbing a vast amount of knowledge,[ Flying Thunder God Technique] technique already regarding Le Yuan is insignificant, is these Namikaze Minato and attainment of Second Hokage Senju Tobirama is on the contrary more important. 一时间乐渊如饥似渴地吸收着大量的知识,[飞雷神之术]的术式对于乐渊而言已经无足轻重,反倒是这些波风水门二代目火影千手扉间的心得更为重要。 However Le Yuan impossible the dwelling is also studying the scroll content forever at home, but he now already becomes Konoha Ninja, present he must obey at any time from the order of Hokage. 不过乐渊不可能永远宅在家里研究着卷轴内容,他现在可是已经成为了一个木叶忍者,现在的他可得随时听从来自于火影的命令。 Look just in several days he then received Fourth Hokage message, requesting him to go the Hokage Residence report. 这不,刚过了没几天他便收到了四代目火影的一则讯息,要求他前去火影大楼报道。 Hyūga Clan gives a banquet, rescue of celebrate Hyūga Hinata, and some as if celebrations must announce, but as rescues the Hyūga Hinata person truly, fourth generation as to bring Le Yuan to attend this banquet. 日向一族设宴,庆祝日向雏田的获救,并且似乎有喜事要宣布,而作为真正营救日向雏田的人,四代目似乎想要带乐渊出席这场宴会。
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