VE :: Volume #8 三阶首战影之忍者

#668: Admitted defeat with the method( one)

The fight continues now, how even Uchiha Clan observing again arrogantly, can still be able to see that the present situation is turns toward the Le Yuan direction to be one-sided. 战斗持续到现在,就算是宇智波一族的观战者再怎么自大,也能看得出现在的局势是向着乐渊方向一边倒。 both sides battle until now, although Uchiha Fugaku is the main attack, but Le Yuan has been partial in the defense, however the attack of Uchiha Fugaku has not caused any substantive damage to Le Yuan, was the only attack of Le Yuan makes Uchiha Fugaku eat one to remain silent on the contrary to owe greatly. 双方交战到现在为止,虽然宇智波富丘一直是主攻,而乐渊一直偏向于防守,但是宇智波富丘的攻击没有对乐渊造成任何实质性伤害,反倒是乐渊的唯一一次攻击使得宇智波富丘吃了一个闷声大亏。 The Uchiha Clan person indeed is the arrogance, but this does not represent them is a fool, the arrogance may hoodwink their eyes for a while, however during the unceasing collision of this fight, that arrogance of their heart is also dissipating little, they were treated as a powerhouse until this moment Le Yuan. 宇智波一族的人的确是傲气,但是这不代表他们是傻子,傲气或许会将他们的眼睛蒙蔽一时,但是在这一场战斗的不断碰撞之中,他们心头的那一点傲气也在一点点消散,直到这一刻他们算是把乐渊当作了一个强者。 Uchiha Fugaku has also retained absolutely, was compelled in his eye by Le Yuan as before not regarding the despair of defeat, perhaps his card in a hand in his heart can make him turn defeat into victory, was a noteworthy matter worth only probably, Strength that to probe Le Yuan has hidden him exposes in everyone at present. 宇智波富丘绝对还有所保留,被乐渊逼到了这一步他的眼中依旧没有对于战败的绝望,或许在他心中他的底牌还是能够令他反败为胜,唯一值得注意的一件事大概就是值不值得了,为了试探乐渊把他一直隐藏的力量暴露在所有人的眼前。 Mr. Le Yuan, good skill! You indeed is a laudable opponent, the victory and defeat or not my Uchiha Clan will no longer investigate your beforehand error today! We after all still in Konoha, causing the casualties are not good, might as well take the last move as to limit, how does your my move decide the victory and defeat? A move the duel will end from now on!” 乐渊先生,好本事!你的确是一个值得赞赏的对手,无论今天胜负与否我宇智波一族都将不再追究你之前的过失!我们毕竟还在木叶,造成伤亡就不好了,不如以最后一招为限,你我一招定胜负如何?一招过后决斗结束!” Returned to normal slightly the rapid breath, Uchiha Fugaku was shouting to distant place Le Yuan greatly. Meanwhile his sound also spread to the ear of clansman in this moment, although his matter's words had several points to compromise, but no Uchiha Clan person was dissatisfied. 稍稍平复了急促的呼吸,宇智波富丘对着远处的乐渊大喊道。同时他的声音也在这一刻传入到了族人的耳中,虽然他此事的话带着几分妥协,但是没有一个宇智波一族的人感到不满。 Ninja continent advocates the powerhouse, but Le Yuan displays his tyrannical side now without doubt, Uchiha Satoru looked for the trouble of Le Yuan only to put the blame on before does not keep eyes open him, is Le Yuan until conducts the resistance on the contrary finally is seems has the bearing on the contrary. Uchiha Clan person already changed imperceptibly to many views of Le Yuan, this perhaps is the people of innermost feelings deep-rooted disposition law of the jungle Ninja continent. 忍者大陆崇尚强者,而乐渊现在无疑表现出了他强横的一面,宇智波悟之前找上乐渊的麻烦只能归咎于他不长眼,反倒是乐渊直到最后才进行反抗反倒是显得颇有气度。宇智波一族的人在不知不觉中已经改变了对乐渊的不少看法,这或许就是忍者大陆之民内心根深蒂固的心性弱肉强食。 Regarding the proposition of Uchiha Fugaku, Le Yuan nods. They fought present already to play very much intensely, moreover after commencing of action Le Yuan then felt to have Strength to their fight monitoring, Le Yuan is recalling slightly then knows that decided from Fourth Hokage, can the Uchiha Clan training ground separated the spatial surveillance perhaps that peeping technique that also only then Hokage grasps. 对于宇智波富丘的提议,乐渊点了点头。他们战斗到现在已经打得很激烈了,而且从战斗开始后乐渊便感受到有一股力量在对他们的战斗监控,乐渊只是稍稍回忆便知道定是来自于四代目火影的,能够对宇智波一族训练场隔空监视的恐怕也只有火影掌握的那种偷窥之术。 Sees Le Yuan to agree that oneself the proposition, Uchiha Fugaku also relaxes. Since Le Yuan complied with his proposition, that also explained that basically accepted the idea of peace talks, does not want to continue to do in a big way the matter. Moreover Uchiha Fugaku chakra already is no longer in peak condition, will continue to fight only to be consumed in vain by Le Yuan that monster stamina. 见到乐渊同意自己了提议,宇智波富丘也是松了一口气。乐渊既然答应了他的提议,那也就说明是基本上接受了和谈的想法,不想把事情继续搞大。而且宇智波富丘查克拉已经不复巅峰状态,继续斗下去只会白白被乐渊那怪物似的体力耗死。 Sees only both hands of Uchiha Fugaku in this moment rapid hand seal, both hands have to spend in just 3 seconds on the difference, afterimage of that both hands made the Uchiha clansman who an numerous looked on dumbfounded. Simultaneously made them be curious, actually their Patriarch wanted to display what Ninjutsu, seeming like was so unexpectedly complex. 只见宇智波富丘的双手在这一刻飞速结印,在短短3秒之内双手就差结出花来,那双手的残影令一众旁观的宇智波族人目瞪口呆。同时令他们一个个心生好奇,究竟他们的族长想要施展什么样的忍术,看起来竟然如此复杂。 But Uchiha Itachi the young double pupil was also staring at own father that year, as practices present Itachi under the Uchiha Fugaku guidance, has not experienced father to use this move, what although can see to use from the hand seal order is Fire Release Ninjutsu, but actually is what kind of Ninjutsu to be actually unknown. 宇智波鼬那年幼的的双瞳也是盯着自己的父亲,作为在宇智波富丘教导下修行到现在的,可从来没有见识过自己父亲使用过这一招,虽然能够从结印顺序上看出用的是火遁忍术,但究竟是怎么样的忍术却不得而知。 But Itachi looked in this time to another side Le Yuan, does not know that others noticed, since Le Yuan has displayed Ice Release to never have result any seal, as if all styles are no print Ninjutsu, does not need the unnecessary movement completely, ordinary person could not look how he thinks. 在此时又看向了另一边的乐渊,不知道其他人有没有注意到,乐渊施展“冰遁”以来可是从来没有结果任何印,仿佛所有的招式都是无印忍术般,完全不需要多余的动作,常人根本看不出来他是怎么想的。 However the present fight may be unable to allow Itachi to continue to think deeply, two world final showdowns must start. Saw only already crazy hand seal Uchiha Fugaku also to start the final offensive, saw only puts out several fire dragons from his mouth, these fire dragons recognized probably Le Yuan, charged into Le Yuan at the inconceivable speed, as if wanted Le Yuan burning down completely. 不过现在的战斗可容不得继续深思,两人间最后的对决就要开始了。只见已经疯狂结印宇智波富丘也开始了最后的攻势,只见从他的口中吐出数条火龙,这些火龙像是认定了乐渊似的,以不可思议之速度冲向乐渊,似乎想要将乐渊焚烧殆尽。 [ Fire Release: Dragon Flame Release Song Technique], this move it can be said that strengthens the version[ Fire Release: Great Dragon Fire Technique], is entire Uchiha Clan rare several high-level Fire Release Ninjutsu, on the might and usability without doubt is in all population being able to stand in line number. [火遁·龙炎放歌之术],这一招可以说是加强版的[火遁·豪龙火之术],也是整个宇智波一族少有的几个高级火遁忍术,就威力和实用性而言无疑是所有人数中排得上号的。 Has the fire dragon of capability of position to bridge over hundred meters distance from charge into Le Yuan in one night in all directions, regardless of Le Yuan retreats to that side, they can in most in a short time the Le Yuan blockade. Simultaneously Uchiha Fugaku is also operating Ninjutsu carefully, once Le Yuan cannot support him to call a halt, but otherwise really not good confessed to the clansman and Hokage. 有着定位能力的火龙在一夕之间跨过百米的距离从四面八方冲向乐渊,无论乐渊向那一方进行退守,它们都能在最短时间内将乐渊封锁。同时宇智波富丘也在小心操纵着忍术,一旦乐渊支持不住他就得停手,不然可真就不好向族人和火影交代了。 Actually sees Le Yuan when the fire dragon that in facing from surrounds in all directions does not draw back instead enters, a fire dragon before toward own then rushes over. Immediately the fire dragon and Le Yuan hit in one, the flame of fire dragon became the human form flame Le Yuan instantaneously, simultaneously several other fire dragons also hit later. 却见乐渊在面对从四面八方围拢的火龙时不退反进,向着自己身前的一条火龙便冲了过去。顿时火龙和乐渊一头撞在了一起,火龙之焰瞬间将乐渊变为了人形火焰,同时其他的几条火龙也是随后撞了上去。 With covering the flame domain about 50 meters range, almost all people think that Le Yuan pulls rank suffers the evil consequence dead, who once thinks that sudden Uchiha clansman shouts one, making everyone look at stood there maintains Ninjutsu Uchiha Fugaku. 伴随着笼罩将近五十米范围的火焰领域,几乎所有人都以为乐渊托大遭受恶果而死,谁曾想突然一个宇智波族人大喊一声,令所有人都将目光投向了站在那里维持忍术宇智波富丘 P-Patriarch behind!” 族、族长身后!” What behind...... that is, how possibly?” “什么身后……那,那是,怎么可能?” Damn, he passed, was this speed also too god, Body Flicker Technique that depended on? However does Body Flicker Technique also on dozens meters range, how possibly move there in the flash?” “真见鬼了,他是怎么过去的,这速度也太神了吧,难道是靠的瞬身术?不过瞬身术也就几十米范围而已,怎么可能在一瞬间移动到那里?” ...... …… Sees only Uchiha Fugaku behind, Le Yuan already seemed like the appearance of bystander there , in his hand is taking ground Uchiha Fugaku to fling kunai, withstood/top with it on the neck of Uchiha Fugaku, so long as Uchiha Fugaku will have the slight sound then to be scratched by this kunai. 只见宇智波富丘的身后,乐渊已经像是个没事人似的出现在了那里,同时他的手中正拿着地上宇智波富丘甩下了一柄苦无,用它顶在宇智波富丘的脖子上,只要宇智波富丘有丝毫的动静便会被这柄苦无划伤。 What's wrong, Uchiha Patriarch? How this gambling fought time is I won, can give me that money?” “如何,宇智波族长?这一次的赌斗算是我赢了怎么样,能不能将那钱给我?” Le Yuan is still keeping thinking about that indemnity until now at this time, this cannot blame him. Three years are not open for business, are open for business to eat for three years. Although Le Yuan does not dislike sells the dessert and so on, but he does not come to this world to develop cooking skill after all, impossible places to make money own center of gravity on. 乐渊直到现在这时候还在惦记着那赔款,这也不能怪他。正所谓三年不开张,开张吃三年。乐渊虽然不反感贩卖点心之类的,但是他毕竟不是来这个世界拓展厨艺的,不可能将自己的重心放在赚钱上。 This time will begin to make money , is really because does not facilitate to begin, otherwise Le Yuan looked for a place to change into the money of this world his innumerable gold early, why so to make the present to be troublesome. 这次会动手赚钱,也实在是因为不方便动手,不然乐渊老早就找个地方将他那无数黄金换成这个世界的钱了,何必闹得现在这般麻烦。 But Uchiha Fugaku this matter was also stunned of face, the Le Yuan moving way really looks like a person, Spatial Displacement Ninja World only this our only shop, only has Ninjutsu that Fourth Hokage can have now. 宇智波富丘此事也是一脸的错愕,乐渊的移动方式实在是太像一个人了,空间移动当今忍界只此一家别无分店,唯有四代目火影才能拥有的忍术 Uchiha Fugaku has thought Le Yuan erupts many methods of resisting his Fire Release, use the Ice Release secret technique for example, or direct Martial Arts dodges, but to the present like this not only avoids easily, the method of but also in the flash him counterattacking, simply is inconceivable. 宇智波富丘曾经想过乐渊爆发许多种对抗他火遁的方法,比方说使用冰遁秘术,又或者直接体术闪躲过去,但是向现在这样不但轻而易举地躲开,而且还在一瞬之间将他反制的手段,简直是不可思议。 How however even if Uchiha Fugaku cannot believe again, this matter is feeling in the necks that icy cold kunai, still has to acknowledge oneself indeed defeated on Le Yuan. 不过就算宇智波富丘再怎么不敢相信,此事感受着脖间那冰凉的苦无,也不得不承认自己的确是败在了乐渊手上。 Flying Thunder God Technique?” This not strange Uchiha Fugaku will have such suspicion, after all this Space-Time Ninjutsu only then this most famous, is unknown as for other Space-Time Ninjutsu radically. 飞雷神之术?”这也不怪宇智波富丘会有这样的猜想,毕竟这时空忍术就只有这个最出名,至于其他的时空忍术根本不得而知。 Who knows? You consider are, how many hasn't missed to prepare when to give money in any case? I depended on this to eat meal......” “谁知道?你当是就是,反正也没差多少准备好什么时候给钱了吗?我可是就靠这个吃饭了……” Le Yuan this saying naturally is an exaggerating view, must really say that is poor cannot eat meal, when really Le Yuan space backpack inside inventory is false, how regardless of Fourth Hokage thinks, impossible makes Le Yuan really starve to death in Konoha. 乐渊这话自然是一种夸张的说法,要真说穷得吃不上饭,真当乐渊空间背包里面的存货是假的,而且无论四代目火影是怎么想的,都不可能乐渊真饿死在木叶 I admit defeat, this competition was you won, but this money must wait for several days. Although my Uchiha Clan does not miss these money, but wants to come out also to need some arrangements its turnover, if you really have the food and lodging issue, my Uchiha Clan can welcome a guest greets!” “我认输,这场比赛是你胜了,不过这钱还需等待数日。我宇智波一族虽然不差这些钱,但是想要将它周转出来还需一些安排,如果你真的有吃住问题,我宇智波一族可以扫榻迎接!” By this moment, Uchiha Fugaku that chose admitting defeat neatly. chakra almost empty he did not have the strength to go to and Le Yuan again competed with, moreover must say as a clan Patriarch minimum integrity, how otherwise later to lead own clansman. 到了这一刻,宇智波富丘那是干脆利落地选择了认输。查克拉几近耗空的他也没有力气再去和乐渊比试了,而且作为一族族长最起码的诚信还是要讲的,不然以后怎么领导自己的族人。 But Le Yuan may not have that plan really to live in Uchiha Clan to go, first did not say definitely one group of disease of jealousy families to be safe, was only fourth generation idea at heart eats a pot on enough Le Yuan, after all Le Yuan something request now, but with Uchiha Clan really stirred about goes to this not to add to stop up to Fourth Hokage to a camp? 乐渊可没有那个打算真的住到宇智波一族去,先不说住到一群红眼病家族安不安全,光是四代目心里的想法就足够乐渊吃一壶的,毕竟乐渊现在有事请求,而和宇智波一族的真搅合到一个阵营去这不是给四代目火影添堵吗? Fight already terminates, Le Yuan was said after Uchiha Fugaku merely three days came, later was then about to leave this place is apt to get into trouble. Le Yuan that however is about to leave saw is looking at his Uchiha Itachi dull. 战斗已经完结,乐渊仅仅是对宇智波富丘说了一句三日后再来,随后便准备离开这个是非之地。不过正准备离开的乐渊看到了正呆呆地看着他的宇智波鼬 As if thinks anything's Le Yuan suddenly appears before the body of Uchiha Itachi, nearby Uchiha clansman had a scare by the Le Yuan action, is quite calm Uchiha Itachi is in the eye flashes through the accident/surprise on the contrary merely, the whole person on the contrary is one that in everyone most relaxes. 似乎想到了什么的乐渊突然出现在宇智波鼬的身前,一旁的宇智波族人被乐渊的举动吓了一大跳,反倒是比较沉稳的宇智波鼬仅仅是眼中闪过意外,整个人反倒是所有人中最为放松的一个。 „, Many thing are beaten today, this gives your gift, help thank you, young Sir!” “诺,今天不少东西都被打烂了,这算是送你的礼物,谢谢你的帮忙了,小大人!” Entire Uchiha Clan, must say that Le Yuan now is quite good to that sense, that is Le Yuan at present this 8-year-old child. Le Yuan pulled out a small burden stopper to his hand in conveniently, no matter also Uchiha Itachi is willing to accept the body to vanish from everyone immediately. 整个宇智波一族,要说乐渊现在对那个感官比较好,那就要数乐渊眼前这个8岁的孩子。乐渊随手掏出了一个小包袱塞到了他的手上,也不管宇智波鼬愿不愿意接受身子随即从所有人面前消失。 Fires off Le Yuan to be possible not to return to the Konoha apartment immediately, took for quite a while to earn a money person to go to the small tavern on the contrary, later is drinking to eat the side dish with money that oneself transferred laboriously easely, simultaneously mind lieutenant general's today's fight reviewed one side, is summarizing the success and failure. 打完一架的乐渊可没有立刻回到木叶的公寓,反倒是拿着半天赚得钱一个人前往了小酒馆,随后用自己辛苦转来的钱悠悠然地喝着酒吃起了小菜,同时脑海中将今天的战斗回顾了一边,总结着得失。 When Le Yuan eats in the enthusiasm, his suddenly presented two Anbu that behind brings the fox mask, Le Yuan seems like has not noticed them to continue completely generally eats while drinks. 就在乐渊吃到兴头上的时候,他的身后突然出现了两个带着狐狸面具的暗部,乐渊像是完全没注意到他们一般继续边吃边喝。 Fourth-sama must see you, but also please follow me!” 四代目大人要见你,还请跟我走一趟!” Saw only broadcasts a young woman sound from left that Anbu mouth, Le Yuan looks up her one eyes to place on the table money reluctantly directly, later followed closely these two Anbu to leave the small tavern. 只见从左边那个暗部口中传来一个年轻女性的声音,乐渊抬起头看了她一眼无奈地直接将钱放在桌上,随后紧随着这两名暗部离开了小酒馆。 Fourth Hokage looks for itself, Le Yuan this is the matter that early morning knows, the noise that after all he makes today perhaps how long does not need then to spread over the entire Konoha Ninja circle. Solemn Uchiha Clan Patriarch defeats, perhaps many influences look forward to disseminate this news, after all Uchiha Clan was hated is not a day two days of things. 四代目火影找上自己,乐渊这是一早就知道的事情,毕竟他今天闹出的动静恐怕无需多长时间便能传遍整个木叶忍者圈子。堂堂宇智波一族族长战败,恐怕许多的势力都巴不得将这消息散播出去,毕竟宇智波一族遭人恨也不是一天两天的事情了。
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