VE :: Volume #8 三阶首战影之忍者

#667: This is the disparity of endurance( three)

Must say that most surprised, perhaps that must be Uchiha Fugaku. In order to make the fight loss drop to lowly, he chose with the Genjutsu (Illusionary Technique) system enemy, but the coordination of Le Yuan also lets in his heart one happy. However to unearth the Le Yuan innermost feelings, he put forth C level Ninjutsu[ offering sacrifice of falling]. 要说现场最吃惊的一个,那恐怕就要属宇智波富丘了。为了使战斗损失降至最低,他选择了用幻术制敌,而乐渊的配合也让他心中一喜。不过为了挖掘乐渊的内心,他使出了C级忍术[奈落之祀]。 Although the rank of this Genjutsu (Illusionary Technique) is not high, but three tomoe Sharingan ability that coordinates Uchiha Fugaku to display now, can make all move of lifetime unforgettable absolutely. However finally is actually just the opposite, uses/gives technique Uchiha Fugaku suffered the strong reaction of Le Yuan. spiritual awareness impact that Le Yuan erupts, his direct victim, although the Genjutsu (Illusionary Technique) backlash rank is not high, but also made him leave behind drop of tears of blood. 幻术的等级虽然不算高,但是配合宇智波富丘现在展现出来的三勾玉写轮眼的能力,绝对能够令所有中招者毕生难忘。但是结果却恰恰相反,施术的宇智波富丘遭受到了乐渊的强烈反弹。乐渊爆发的灵觉冲击,他可是直接受害者,虽然幻术反噬等级不高,但也让他留下了一滴血泪。 The failure of Genjutsu (Illusionary Technique) makes Uchiha Fugaku believe firmly that Le Yuan was not a simple opponent, the average person decoded Genjutsu (Illusionary Technique) even, but wanted to injure to turn executing Uchiha Fugaku basically impossible of technique, but Le Yuan this unknown person achieved. 幻术的失败让宇智波富丘更加确信乐渊不是个简单的对手,一般人就算破解了幻术,但是想要反过来伤到施术的宇智波富丘基本上不可能,但偏偏乐渊这个名不经传的人做到了。 Genjutsu (Illusionary Technique) is unable to determine that temporarily whether to have the effectiveness to Le Yuan, this Uchiha Fugaku promptly launched the next round attack. Sees only him to be divided into three in the flash, sprinted toward Le Yuan from three different directions, three Uchiha Fugaku are almost difficult minute/share of genuine and fake. 幻术暂时无法确定能否对乐渊产生效用,这宇智波富丘当机立断展开了下一轮攻击。只见他在一瞬间一分为三,从三个不同的方向向着乐渊冲刺了过来,三个宇智波富丘几乎难分真假。 [ Fire Release: Phoenix Sage Fire Technique], saw only three Uchiha Fugaku almost to start exactly the same move at the same time, the innumerable group fireballs thump his final putting out, attacked the track before balsam the fireball of fruit the Le Yuan body covered entirely to just like the class/flow spark rain to crash. [火遁·凤仙火之术],只见三个宇智波富丘几乎是在同一时间发动了一模一样的招数,无数团火球咚他的最终吐出,攻击轨道就像凤仙花的果实的火球将乐渊身前布满犹如流星火雨般坠落。 Looks the fly upon that comes, the right hand of Le Yuan strikes the ground to only have the wall of ten centimeters thick ice crystal to rise straight from the ground fiercely immediately together merely, covers a big region before Le Yuan body. By the wall of transparent ice crystal, Le Yuan can see clearly[ Fire Release: Phoenix Sage Fire Technique] attack track. 看着迎面而来的猛烈攻击,乐渊的右手猛地一击地面顿时一道仅仅只有十厘米厚的冰晶之壁拔地而起,将乐渊身前的一大片区域遮挡住。透过透明的冰晶之壁,乐渊能够清清楚楚见到[火遁·凤仙火之术]的攻击轨道。 duo duo duo......” “咄咄咄……” The innumerable fireball hits on the wall of ice crystal, hide ice crystal of shuriken in fireball simultaneously after running upon depart immediately, shuriken that the innumerable fine irons build inserted in the wall of ice crystal, making Le Yuan this defend to present the innumerable tiny cracks together. 无数的火球撞击在冰晶之壁上,同时隐藏在火球之中的手里剑在撞上冰晶后立刻飞出,无数精铁打造的手里剑嵌入了冰晶之壁中,令乐渊的这一道防御出现了无数细小的裂纹。 Quite fierce, that is Ice Release in legend, is the boy Bloodline Limit? No wonder is so rampant!” “好厉害,那就是传说中的冰遁,那小子是血继界限者?难怪这么嚣张!” Rampant anything, trivial Ice Release, compares our Sharingan to be inadequate, our Uchiha will be the strongest clan, Sir Patriarch will not lose!” “嚣张些什么,区区的冰遁而已,难道还比得过我们的写轮眼不成,我们宇智波是最强一族,族长大人是不会输的!” Yes, Sir Patriarch is only the probe, a while wants him to be attractive!” “就是,族长大人只是试探而已,一会儿要他好看!” ...... …… Compared with the clansman who the one side clamored, Uchiha Itachi this 8 -year-old Genin has the completely different views. As father Uchiha Fugaku of key offensive player the already use except for Shadow Clone Technique and Phoenix Sage Fire Technique two moves, Attack Power under 22 union naturally is not the common move can compare now. 比起一旁叫嚣的族人,宇智波鼬这个年仅八岁多的下忍却有着完全不同的看法。作为主攻手的父亲宇智波富丘现在已经使用除了影分身术凤仙火之术两招,两两结合之下的攻击力自然不是寻常招数能比的。 A lot of fireballs can pierce most defenses absolutely, however the Phoenix Sage Fire Technique fireball looks like meets nemesis, hits the 30% of effect of flame demolition and ignition after wall of ice crystal on low compared with the normal condition to continue. 大量的火球绝对能够洞穿绝大多数防御,但是凤仙火之术的火球就像是遇到克星般,撞到冰晶之壁后的火焰爆破、灼烧的效果比起正常情况低上30%不止。 But the kunai of hidden when fireball seems like that will soon destroy the wall of ice crystal, but soon is actually often destroying the ice wall the successor is incapable, Le Yuan the wall of ice crystal seems like the sigh wall is not possible to destroy, Le Yuan puts forth Ice Release simply is Fire Release Ninjutsu nemesis. 而隐藏在火球中的苦无看似即将破坏冰晶之壁,但是却每每在快要破坏冰壁时后继无力,乐渊的冰晶之壁像是叹息墙般不可摧毁,乐渊使出的“冰遁”简直就是火遁忍术克星 Sees only Fire Release covers the ice wall completely at the same time, launched the offensive in which Uchiha Fugaku to leap in the midair fiercely, a scroll in hand pulled open fiercely, innumerable kunai and shuriken appeared suddenly conveniently, just like both hands of no shadow to wield along with Uchiha Fugaku that fiercely, innumerable kunai and shuriken shot fully toward the Le Yuan location. 只见火遁完全笼罩冰壁的同时,发动攻势的其中一个宇智波富丘猛地跃到了半空之中,手中的一个卷轴猛地拉开,随手无数苦无手里剑从中突现,伴随着宇智波富丘那犹如无影手的双手猛地挥动,无数的苦无手里剑向着乐渊所在地铺天盖地地射来。 A side is the dead ahead innumerable fireball attacks, a side the ninja tool rain of top of the head. If Le Yuan must make a choice, actually first Gu Shenqian the attack first to process head attack. 一方是正前方无数的火球攻击,一方是来自头顶的忍具之雨。乐渊如果必须做出一个选择,究竟是先顾身前的攻击还是先处理头上的攻击。 Troublesome fellow, goes!” “麻烦的家伙,去!” The right hand supported the place Le Yuan also to press own left hand in this moment in the ground, immediately the ice wall flashed before together, simultaneously composed a blocking in the Le Yuan above ice ledge. Without the attack of accidental/surprised Uchiha Fugaku will end in failure again. 右手撑地的乐渊在这一刻将自己的左手也按在了地面上,顿时又是一道冰壁闪现,同时组成了一道遮挡在乐渊正上方的冰棚。如果没有意外宇智波富丘的攻击将再次宣告失败。 Actually sees the Uchiha Fugaku Sharingan tomoe rotation that drops from the midair, obviously displayed the pinnacle Sharingan, simultaneously his both hands finger seemed like operating anything, in innumerable ninja tool that in the air danced in the air, in which started the curvilinear motion, launched another round attack from the inconceivable angle toward Le Yuan. 却见正从半空中落下的宇智波富丘写轮眼勾玉转动,明显将写轮眼发挥到了极致,同时他的双手手指像是在操纵着什么,空中飞舞的无数忍具之中,其中的一些开始曲线运动,以不可思议的角度向着乐渊发动了又一轮的攻击。 [ Sharingan Windmill Triple Blade], this is ninja tool technique that nearly only then Uchiha Clan can use, and must awaken the Sharingan elite to be able completely to grasp. Must match the vision coordination of Uchiha Clan unique ninja tool operation technique and Sharingan, can achieve the unexpected two attacks truly. [写轮眼操风车·三之大刀],这是近乎只有宇智波一族才能使用的忍具术,并且还得是觉醒了写轮眼的精英才能完全掌握。必须搭配着宇智波一族特有的忍具操纵术和写轮眼的视力配合,才能真正做到出其不意的二次攻击。 Saw only to avoid defense ninja tool to fly toward Le Yuan that already completely has not guarded against completely, so long as Le Yuan also withstood/top the defense of wall of ice crystal then not to evade this danger inevitably struck. 只见完全躲避了防御的忍具向着已经全然没有防备的乐渊飞了过去,只要乐渊还顶着冰晶之壁的防御便必然躲不过这危险的一击。 duo duo duo......” “咄咄咄……” kunai also had shuriken deeply to inject in the ground, the Le Yuan form disappears in instantaneous already that they were close to does not see, but lost one of the Le Yuan support wall of ice crystal to be routed in the fireball attack completely, but Uchiha Fugaku did not have the slight happiness, because he lost the Le Yuan trace. 苦无还有手里剑深深地射入了地面内,乐渊的身影在它们接近的瞬间已经消失不见,而失去了乐渊支持的冰晶之壁一在火球攻击中被完全击溃,但是宇智波富丘却没有丝毫的高兴,因为他失去了乐渊的踪影。 On the insight, Sharingan naturally cannot compare Byakugan of Konoha another rich and powerful family. However does not seek ordinary person to compare favorably, particularly three tomoe Sharingan seeing clearly ability, even if could not compare Byakugan of perspective/see through unable to miss many, but even if was this, Uchiha Fugaku he had not noticed how Le Yuan is vanished from just attack does not see. 论洞察力,写轮眼自然比不上木叶另一豪门的白眼。但是也绝不是寻常人所能媲美的,尤其是三勾玉写轮眼的洞察能力,就算比不上透视的白眼也差不了多少,但纵然是这样,宇智波富丘他也没有看到乐渊是如何从刚刚的攻击中消失不见的。 Uchiha Fugaku already does not have the time to ponder that this matter, soon detected as Ninja him own behind heard air-splitting the sound. 宇智波富丘已经没有时间去思考这一件事情了,作为忍者的他很快就察觉到自己的身后传来了破空声。 Un “嗯 Forces to discover in Uchiha Fugaku that half in the air turns around suddenly, lost Le Yuan already of trail to appear in oneself imperceptibly behind, and a bottom-up below divided leg already to divide toward him, the face that having the attack of potential of Mt. Hua Cleaving Force to make Uchiha Fugaku that Chang Tai-shan collapse in before is without turning a hair to have the change finally. 勉强在半空中转过身来的宇智波富丘猛然发现,失去踪迹的乐渊在不知不觉中却已经出现在了自己身后,并且一记自上而下的下劈腿已经向着他劈来,带着力劈华山之势的攻击让宇智波富丘那张泰山崩于前而面不改色的脸终于有了变化。 Both hands intersect on the head, Uchiha Fugaku that already is unable to dodge met this leg hardly. However after the contact, Uchiha Fugaku regretted. 双手交叉于脑袋上,已经无法闪躲的宇智波富丘硬接了这一腿。不过在接触之后,宇智波富丘就后悔了。 Pain, rare pain. Uchiha Fugaku even felt that already bone split of own both arms under this foot, Strength of this foot made Uchiha Fugaku think of Martial Arts Ninja, perhaps also only then the elites in minority Martial Arts Ninja can erupt so strongly struck. 痛,超乎寻常的痛。宇智波富丘甚至感觉自己的双臂在这一脚之下已经骨裂了,这一脚的力量宇智波富丘想到了体术忍者,恐怕也只有少数体术忍者中的精英才能爆发出如此强劲的一击。 Misjudged, Uchiha Fugaku thinks that Le Yuan can be with his general Ninjutsu Ninja, after all Yuki Clan is not well-known by Martial Arts, has not actually thought that Le Yuan departed from the norm grasped such strong Martial Arts. 失算了,宇智波富丘原以为乐渊会是一个和他一般的忍术忍者,毕竟水无月一族并不以体术闻名,却没想到乐渊一反常态地掌握了如此之强的体术 After a foot, keeps off meteor that this move of Uchiha Fugaku crashes probably, crashes in the land in 1 second instantaneously. Crash Uchiha Fugaku pounded ruthlessly in the ground in training ground, in an instant pounded a gigantic pothole. 一脚之后,挡下这一招的宇智波富丘像是坠落的流星,在1秒内瞬间坠落于大地。坠落的宇智波富丘狠狠地砸在了训练场的地面上,转眼间砸出了一个硕大的坑洞。 After the mist and dust diverges, all Uchiha clansmen then discovered that their respected Patriarch already lay down in the pothole quite a while did not have the sound. 烟尘散去之后,所有的宇智波族人便发现他们敬爱的族长已经躺在了坑洞里面半天没有动静。 Patriarch, won't he have the matter?” 族长,他不会有事吧?” impossible, Patriarch will not have the matter!” 不可能的,族长不会有事!” Dream, is certainly having a dream, how will Patriarch be defeated by a boy?” “梦,一定是在做梦,族长怎么会被一个小子击败?” Ha, false, certainly is Genjutsu (Illusionary Technique)......” “哈哈哈,假的,一定是幻术……” ...... …… But another side, through[ Telescope Technique] watches fourth generation and third generation that these competes with time two people actually just strikes to be startled dumbfoundedly. 而另一边,通过[望远镜之术]观看这一次比试的四代目三代目两人却是被刚刚的一击惊得目瞪口呆。 The tobacco pipe in third generation mouth fell on the table actually did not know, from just observation, third generation only thought Le Yuan becomes the Martial Arts expert of human form beast of prey probably. 三代目口中的烟斗落在了桌子上却不自知,从刚刚的观察之中,三代目只觉得乐渊像是成为了人形猛兽的体术专家。 This, does Yuki Clan excel at Martial Arts?” third generation has transferred the stiff head, asked to Fourth Hokage. “这,水无月一族擅长体术吗?”三代目转过僵硬的脑袋,向身旁的四代目火影问道。 Hehe, does not know, but in each clan always some peculiar geniuses, this Le Yuan perhaps is one of the peculiar geniuses also perhaps!” “呵呵,不知道,不过每一族里面总有些许怪才,这乐渊也许就是怪才之一也说不定呢!” Fourth Hokage has not said definitely the words, after all spreads in news outside Yuki Clan absolutely not to have such Martial Arts strength. Only conceivable is this is Le Yuan own training achievement , there is nothing to do with the family talent. 四代目火影也没有把话说死,毕竟流传在外的消息中水无月一族绝对没有这样的体术实力。唯一可以想象的就是这全是乐渊自己的训练成果,与家族天赋无关。 Is staring in the pothole is lying down in the Fourth Hokage sudden eye of Uchiha Fugaku to flash through together none, later probably knows saying with a smile that anything resemble: Then had a look at the Le Yuan power of observation, the fight between Ninja was not fully correct the result forever......” 正盯着坑洞内躺着的宇智波富丘四代目火影突然眼中闪过一道精光,随后像是知道了些什么似的笑道:“接下来就看看乐渊的观察力了,忍者间的战斗可是永远也猜不透结果的……” Actually after seeing strikes shoots down Le Yuan that falls Uchiha Fugaku safely returns to the ground, gradually moves toward the place that Uchiha Fugaku lay down, when only has 2 meters from the opposite party merely Le Yuan stopped the footsteps. 却见一击将宇智波富丘击落的乐渊安然落回到地面之后,一步步走向了宇智波富丘所躺的地方,在距离对方仅仅只有二米之时乐渊停下了脚步。 Deluge of Ice Stone, Le Yuan condenses the innumerable cold ice stones to drop from the clouds baseless, the body of Uchiha Fugaku pounding covered with blood, Uchiha Fugaku of tragic death changes to the light smoke to diverge together, but the place that he is at had/left already activated Explosive Tag. 冰石乱坠,乐渊凭空凝聚无数寒冷的冰石从天而降,将宇智波富丘的身体给砸得血肉模糊,不过惨死的宇智波富丘化作一道轻烟散去,而他所在的地方则多出了一枚已经被激活的起爆符 The Explosive Tag might was naturally needless to say much, even Le Yuan by, 2 meters distance is still unsafe. The body of Le Yuan changes to the shadow to leave, but this just started. 起爆符的威力自然不用多说,就算乐渊没有挨着,二米的距离依然不保险。乐渊的身体化作黑影就要离开,但是这才是刚刚开始。 Then actually after seeing that substitute person disappears, does not know that Uchiha Fugaku of trace comes again, and comes is the startled Heaven and Earth big move. 却见那替身消失后便不知所踪的宇智波富丘再次现身,并且一现身就是惊天地的大招。 [ Fire Release: Great Fire Annihilation], this move is in Fire Release few high-level Ninjutsu. Consumed 20 elites to use Water Release in the Uchiha Madara hand to keep off together reluctantly, it may be said that was overbearing Ninjutsu. [火遁·豪火灭却],这一招可谓是火遁中为数不多的高级忍术。在宇智波斑手中耗费了20名精英一起使用水遁才勉强挡下,可谓是霸道至极的忍术 However powerful is never the technique, but is uses/gives technique the person. When Uchiha Fugaku puts forth this move full power, is actually only large-scale flame of 10 meters range rank. However the bonus is so, that has the fatal aura the superhigh temperature fireball that the steel melts sufficiently toward Le Yuan. 不过强大的从来不是术,而是施术的人。当宇智波富丘全力使出这一招的时候,却只是一个十米范围级别的大型火焰。不过饶是如此,那足以将钢铁融化的超高温火球还是带着致命的气息向着乐渊袭来。 This is not Ninjutsu that Great Fireball Technique that type moistens also to live,[ Fire Release: Great Fire Annihilation] after hitting the result can only by one, that dies. 这可不是豪火球之术那种沾着还能活下来的忍术,被[火遁·豪火灭却]击中后的结果只能由一个,那就是死。 After putting forth this move, means that this weaponry bets the fight of already evolutions to become the life and death to fight. 使出这一招之后,意味着这一仗赌斗已经演变成为了生死斗。 Is 10 meters many covering range hard to guard? Perhaps impossible regarding ordinary person responded and dodges in the so short event, but Le Yuan was what average person. These 10 meters distances merely is a right leg tread eruption, was separated from the attack under gust. 十米多的笼罩范围难以防范吗?或许对于常人而言不可能在如此短的事件之内反应并闪躲过去,但乐渊哪是什么普通人。这十米的距离仅仅是右腿蹬地一个爆发,便在一阵风之下脱离了攻击。 Vast momentum[ Fire Release: Great Fire Annihilation] has not taken to the Le Yuan slight injury, on the contrary made Uchiha Fugaku consume big chakra. Uchiha Clan is never famous at the chakra quantity, has opened Sharingan to use Ninjutsu the consumption of Uchiha Fugaku is also big. 声势浩大的[火遁·豪火灭却]没有带给乐渊丝毫的伤害,相反让宇智波富丘消耗了不小的查克拉宇智波一族从来不以查克拉量著称,一直开着写轮眼使用忍术宇智波富丘的消耗也不小。 After attack failure, Uchiha Fugaku already somewhat slight asthma, but Le Yuan actually before competition completely does not have the difference/two kinds. 攻击失败后,宇智波富丘已经有些轻微的气喘,而乐渊却与比试之前全然没有两样。
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