VE :: Volume #8 三阶首战影之忍者

#666: Genjutsu (Illusionary Technique)? Without the Tsukuyomi rank you are bring about own destruction a tooth( two)

side rich and powerful family Uchiha Clan, it can be said that Ninja Clan of entire Konoha most local tyrant. Although was suppressed under the Second Hokage policy unceasingly, but as founding Konoha has then pivotal powerful Ninja Clan, since many years accumulations have made it the wealthy and powerful family of deserving. 一方豪门宇智波一族,可以说是整个木叶最土豪的一个忍族。虽然在二代目火影的政策之下不断被打压,但是作为创建木叶起便举足轻重的强大忍族,多少年以来的积累让它成为了当之无愧的豪族。 Perhaps 1.002 million to certain Wuming (Nameless) privates can be a big property, so long as becomes Jōnin, in the situation of generally not dying 1.002 million funds are not the difficult matter. But Uchiha Fugaku as clan Patriarch, if really wants to repay a debt for the clansman naturally is not the matter, only 1.002 million want the cash even directly, he can still the direct payment, not have the slight parsimony. 一百万两或许对某些无名小卒而言会是一大笔财产,但是只要成为了上忍,一般不夭折的情况下累计一百万两的资金根本就不是什么难事。而宇智波富丘作为一族族长,如果真想要替族人还债的话自然也不是事,区区一百万两就算是直接要现金,他也能直接支付,根本不会有丝毫的吝啬。 As long of clan, Uchiha Fugaku should not make a move casually, however the Le Yuan status is really somewhat sensitive. Had not actually been detained as Bloodline Limit, even currently also has the people of several roots to stare, this simply is the inconceivable matter. 作为一族之长,宇智波富丘本不应该随便出手,但是乐渊的身份实在是有些敏感。作为一名血继界限者却没有被拘禁,甚至连现在也只是有几个根部的人在盯着,这简直就是不可思议的事情。 Regarding any ninja village, after not own Bloodline Limit owner appears, often waits for his is the strict incomparable surveillance, even makes it vanish immediately, uses all methods to make this Bloodline Limit be able to use for oneself. 对于任何一个忍村而言,不属于自己的血继界限拥有者出现后往往等待他的就是严密无比的监视,甚至在第一时间使其“被消失”,使用一切方法令这种血继界限能够为自己所用。 Uchiha Fugaku somewhat thinks that actually not understand Fourth Hokage regarding existence of Le Yuan thinks, Uzumaki Kushina will come this to explain without doubt Fourth Hokage regards as important regarding Le Yuan very much, but Le Yuan seems like bred now, simply has not entered the Konoha Ninja circle. 宇智波富丘有些想不明白四代目火影对于乐渊的存在究竟是这么想的,漩涡玖辛奈会来此无疑说明四代目火影对于乐渊很看重,但是偏偏乐渊现在又像是被放养,根本没有进入木叶忍者的圈子。 Therefore, in entire Konoha until now regarding the understanding of Le Yuan strength, perhaps also only then receives the letter Namikaze Minato , experienced Le Yuan fight Hyūga Hinata also to have Hyūga Hizashi these three people. 是故,整个木叶中直到现在对于乐渊实力的了解,恐怕也只有接到信件的波风水门,见识过乐渊战斗的日向雏田还有日向日差这三个人了。 Today's fight, is not simply is a 1.002 million wealth launches, what is more important is Uchiha Fugaku wants to understand through this war the ability that Le Yuan is actually useful made Namikaze Minato make such concession. 今天的战斗,并不是简简单单地为一笔一百万两的钱财而展开的,更重要的是宇智波富丘想要通过这一战了解到乐渊究竟有什么用的才能令波风水门做出这样的让步。 From the Uchiha station several kilometers Konoha second training ground, here basically does not have the bystander to enter here as the Uchiha Clan special-purpose training ground, but here is suiting fight between Le Yuan and Uchiha Fugaku. 距离宇智波驻地不过数千米的木叶第二训练场,这里作为宇智波一族专用的训练场基本上没有外人会进入这里,而这里正适合乐渊宇智波富丘之间的战斗。 They are distanced 30 meters distance, but in their surrounding hundred meters has not been surrounding existence, in order to lets two people fight everyone to draw back independently. But Uzumaki Kushina that comes to help after seeing Le Yuan accepted on own initiative under the gambling fights, in the mind also remembered oneself husband Namikaze Minato regarding the appraisal of Le Yuan strength, has not continued to look, before if really her, said looks for Uchiha Mikoto directly. 两人之间相距30米的距离,而他们周围百米之内都没有围观着的存在,为了能够让两人放手一战所有人全都退得很远。而前来帮忙的漩涡玖辛奈在见到乐渊主动应承下赌斗之后,脑海中也想起了自己丈夫波风水门对于乐渊实力的评价,也就没有继续看下去,真如她之前所言直接去找宇智波美琴去了。 But Uzumaki Kushina dropped, two Anbu that but comes with her have not departed. Their two are the eyes of Namikaze Minato , simultaneously will carry them of secret order to act in the most crucial time, to guard both sides to have the irreconcilable contradiction. 漩涡玖辛奈虽然放手了,但是跟着她而来的两名暗部可没有离去。他们两个就是波风水门的眼睛,同时身负着密令的他们两个会在最关键的时刻出手,以防双方结下不可调和的矛盾。 Le Yuan, Uchiha Clan and Hokage influence and root four directions all gather in this training ground, but other in line with are wanted to annoy the troublesome psychology by the influence that this farce attracts not to come to surround, but also pays attention to the victory and defeat that this is fighting in the time. 乐渊宇智波一族火影势力、根部四方全都汇聚于这一片训练场,而其他被这场闹剧吸引的势力本着不想要惹麻烦的心理没有前来围观,但是也在时刻关注着这一战的胜负。 A side is Patriarch Uchiha Fugaku of wood industry rich and powerful family, the strength is immeasurably deep, is in Konoha Jōnin the well-known powerhouse ; But the other side is actually the new face, although the Ice Release news was found out by secret inquiry by this group of people, however the Le Yuan strength actually how actually no one knows. 一方是木业豪门的族长宇智波富丘,实力深不可测,是木叶上忍中众所周知的强者;而另一方却是生面孔,虽然冰遁的消息被这群人探知,但是乐渊的实力究竟如何却无一人知晓。 In the Hyuga station, hears the news that Uchiha Fugaku must bet to fight suddenly, Patriarch Hyūga Hiashi also thinks oneself misunderstood. The length of solemn clan fights in the village and an unknown character gambling, this regarding having Hyūga Hiashi of rich and powerful family arrogance cannot imagine, when hears to bet fight of objects is Le Yuan this slightly has the character of hearing, he shouts oneself younger brother Hyūga Hizashi. 日向驻地内,骤然听到宇智波富丘要赌斗的消息,族长日向日足还以为自己听错了。堂堂的一族之长会在村子里面和一个名不见经传的人物赌斗,这对于有着豪门傲气的日向日足来说是不可想象的,但是当听到赌斗对象是乐渊这个略有耳闻的人物时,他不由喊来了自己弟弟日向日差 Sir Patriarch, does not know that you shouted I do have what important matter?” 族长大人,不知您喊我来有何要事?” Sees only has not conducted Quest Hyūga Hizashi not to carry forehead protector, to hide forehead him on covering bird mark put on the white cotton tape. When Hyūga Hiashi salutes the tone has the meaning of being aloof, a point could not look that is sees when own blood elder brother tone. 只见未进行任务日向日差并没有携带护额,但是为了隐藏额头上的笼罩鸟印记的他还是戴上了白色布带。日向日足行礼时语气带着拒人千里之意,一点也看不出来是见到自己亲哥哥时的语气。 Oh, Hizashi haven't I told your many times? No one time, calling my elder brother to be good, but your my two people blood brother, moreover you were the Hinata savior, among us did not need that estranged, heard the aptitude that Neji displayed was good, is interested in reconciling Neji and Hinata......” “唉,日差我不是告诉过你许多次了吗?没有人的时候,叫我兄长就行了,你我二人可是亲兄弟,而且你还是雏田的救命恩人,我们之间根本不需要那么生分,听说宁次表现出来的资质不错,有没有兴趣撮合宁次雏田……” Hyūga Clan Patriarch Hyūga Hiashi regarding own younger brother Hizashi has many have a deficit the feeling, although is brothers but two people is main family another person branch family, enjoyed treatment that is difference between heaven and earth. The determination has the shame to want with this way to return Hyūga Hizashi in younger brother's Hyūga Hiashi unexpectedly, after letting Hizashi son Neji, can enter main family. 日向一族族长日向日足对于自己的弟弟日差可是有着非常多的亏欠感,虽然是兄弟但两人一人是宗家另一人是分家,享受的待遇那可谓是天差地别。自觉有愧于弟弟的日向日足竟然想用这种方式回报日向日差,让日差的儿子宁次以后能够进入宗家 Hyūga Hizashi kneels to sit before own elder brother seems very excited, after all this regarding own son simply is the biggest opportunity, can change his lifetime destiny. However thinks of the Patriarch elder, the Hyūga Hizashi elder brother's proposition is very difficult to realize. 日向日差跪坐在自己的兄长面前显得非常激动,毕竟这对于自己儿子而言简直就是最大的机遇,能够改变他一生的命运。不过一想到族长长老,日向日差自己兄长的提议恐怕很难实现。 After two brothers have chatted, Hyūga Hiashi said today's subject finally. 两兄弟拉过家常之后,日向日足总算是说道了今天的主题。 Younger brother, you should hear Le Yuan this person, he as if must fight with the Uchiha Clan Patriarch ratio today, you thought how long his war can insist?” “弟弟啊,你应该听说过乐渊这个人吧,他今天似乎要和宇智波一族族长比斗,你觉得他这一战能够坚持多久呢?” Hyūga Hiashi has not seen the Le Yuan strength, therefore recognized in his mind Uchiha Fugaku can win, therefore directly asked that Hyūga Hizashi thought how long this issue Le Yuan can insist. 日向日足没有见过乐渊的实力,所以在他的心中还是认定了宇智波富丘能够赢,所以直接问日向日差觉得乐渊能够坚持多久这个问题。 Elder brother, I thought that Le Yuan may not lose. Although Fire Release indeed has the restraint function regarding Ice Release, but that Yuki Clan excels may not only be Ice Release, regarding Water Release and Wind Release similarly is an expert, but that Le Yuan strength cannot be underestimated, he has possibility that can defeat Uchiha Fugaku......” “兄长,我觉得那乐渊不一定会输。虽然火遁对于冰遁的确有着克制作用,但是那水无月一族擅长的可不仅仅是冰遁,对于水遁风遁同样是专家,而那乐渊的实力不容小觑,他有着能够战胜宇智波富丘的可能性……” Like Hyūga Hizashi this pair of brothers discussed like this similarly is conducting in many families, after all this fights establishes in the future the change of Konoha influence very much difficultly. But regarding Yuki Clan that” Le Yuan this has not indicated the potential, all Konoha families are holding the attitude of waiting and seeing, perhaps this combat general makes them set firm resolve directly. 如同日向日差这一对兄弟这样的讨论同样在诸多家族中进行着,毕竟这一战很困难奠定未来木叶势力的变动。而对于乐渊这个未表明的“水无月一族”的潜力,所有木叶家族都对此抱着观望的态度,或许这一战将直接让他们下定决心。 But in which most important appears in the Hokage office, rare has appeared in Third Hokage that home cared for the aged here, at the present old few two Hokage surround in the same place. Sees only Third Hokage to manipulate the crystal ball,[ Telescope Technique] when this Ninjutsu name, Third Hokage reigns monitors entire Konoha with it. 而其中的重中之重则出现在火影办公室,难得一直在家养老的三代目火影出现在了这里,而今一老一少两位火影围拢在一起。只见三代目火影摆弄着水晶球,[望远镜之术]正是这个忍术的名字,三代目火影在位时就是用它监视整个木叶村的。 Third-sama, when you teach this move to me, without this supervises the entire village is very really strenuous!” 三代大人,您什么时候把这一招传授给我,没有这个监察起整个村子真的很费力!” Looks at third generation to manipulate this Ninjutsu, Namikaze Minato only thought that somewhat envies. After all although he depends on Flying Thunder God Technique also to search entire Konoha rapidly, but does not have this move of convenient after all. 看着三代目摆弄这个忍术,波风水门只觉得有些羡慕。毕竟他虽然靠着飞雷神之术也能迅速查遍整个木叶,但毕竟没有这一招方便。 "Minato, you are young, wants I to pass to Jiraiya that fellow initially time, he may not have to irritate me, is actually thinking steals with this move......, therefore I thought it is necessary before teaching your move, has a test period to you...... ” “水门啊,你还年轻,想当初我传给自来也那家伙的时候,他可没把我气死,竟然想着用这一招去偷……咳咳,所以呢我觉得有必要在传授你这一招前,对你有一个考验期……” Namikaze Minato listened to three generations of words only to feel the full heavy line, let alone he simply with the Jiraiya same fondness, has not been family's Uzumaki Kushina did not only handle, is using this move to peep to bring about own destruction? 波风水门听了三代的话只觉得满头黑线,别说他根本没有和自来也一样的癖好,光是家里的漩涡玖辛奈就搞不定了,在用这一招去偷窥岂不是自寻死路? When Namikaze Minato looks again to the crystal ball, this fight just started. 波风水门再一次看向水晶球的时候,这一场的战斗才刚刚开始。 Facing Le Yuan Uchiha Fugaku does not know when already revealed their Uchiha Clan signboard ability Sharingan, in blood red pupil three tomoe already Le Yuan locking. Le Yuan seemed like did not care completely with Uchiha Fugaku blood-color Sharingan looked at each other, surrounded one group of people responded with the ridicule that despised to Le Yuan all. 面对乐渊宇智波富丘不知何时已经露出了他们宇智波一族的招牌能力写轮眼,血红的瞳孔之中三枚勾玉已经乐渊锁定。乐渊像是完全不在意似的与宇智波富丘的血色写轮眼对视了,围观的一群人无不对乐渊报以鄙夷的嘲笑。 So long as entire Ninja World had heard Sharingan, who does not know that resists looks straight ahead Sharingan that the Sharingan person most abstains. 整个忍界只要听说过写轮眼的,谁不知道对抗写轮眼的人最忌讳的就是直视写轮眼 One to one must escape it, a two pairs of rear area.” This is most people faces the Sharingan approach, the Genjutsu (Illusionary Technique) ability that Sharingan has is really thorny, if itself Genjutsu (Illusionary Technique) incorrect person, only then played jokes upon share. “一对一必逃之,二对一袭后方。”这就是绝大多数人面对写轮眼的做法,写轮眼具备的幻术能力实在是棘手,如果本身幻术不行的人只有被戏耍的份。 With Le Yuan of Uchiha Fugaku looking at each other , only then that sees from the eye of that pair of blood-color unclear Strength that has the hatred, perhaps Sharingan of low rank could not have felt, but to three tomoe above time, can feel this Strength surely. 正与宇智波富丘对视的乐渊,从那一双血色之眼中看出的只有一股带有恨意的不详力量,或许低级别的写轮眼还感觉不出来,但是到了三勾玉以上的时候,必定能够从中感觉到这股力量 When Le Yuan looked at each other for one second, sees only Uchiha Fugaku Sharingan three tomoe to revolve immediately, Le Yuan only thought that special Strength is invading his mind instantaneously, tries to disrupt Le Yuan spirit. 而正当乐渊对视了一秒时,只见宇智波富丘写轮眼三勾玉顿时旋转起来,乐渊只觉得一股特殊的力量在瞬间侵入他的脑海,试着将乐渊精神扰乱。 The basic principle of Genjutsu (Illusionary Technique), is caster disrupts spirit and chakra of opposite party with own chakra, to achieve to control the illusion that opponent five senses thus forms unable to be separated from. In person who metropolis/can theoretically so long as has the consciousness move, but wants the broken move to have two to pass through. 幻术的基本原理,是施术者用自己的查克拉扰乱对方的精神查克拉,以达到操控对手五感从而形成无法脱离的幻境。理论上只要拥有意识的人都会中招,而想要破招则有两个途经。 First, with the great quantity chakra impact, two was resumed the normal flow by own chakra. The former is disturbs five senses enemy chakra through the magnanimous chakra direct pursuit ; The latter is returns to normal as a result of opposite party Genjutsu (Illusionary Technique), but chaotic five senses. 一是用巨量的查克拉冲击,二则是让自己的查克拉恢复正常流动。前者是通过海量的查克拉直接驱逐干扰自身五感的敌方查克拉;后者是平复由于对方幻术而混乱的五感 But after Le Yuan body Genjutsu (Illusionary Technique), only feels Uchiha Fugaku chakra, in led into him one blood-color wilderness instantaneously, but the surroundings are the corpse mountain blood sea, Le Yuan are all covered in the endless terrifying slaughtering aura. 乐渊身中幻术后只觉得宇智波富丘查克拉在瞬间将他带入了一片血色荒原之中,而周围全是尸山血海,乐渊被笼罩在无尽的恐怖的杀戮气息之中。 Entertains experience infinite killing karma Devil with the corpse mountain blood sea, this without doubt is the most worst idea. This corpse mountain blood sea in some sense takes to Le Yuan is not frightened, but is the incomparable kindness, he himself is source of the biggest slaughtering. 用尸山血海招待一个经历无穷杀业魔人,这无疑是一个最糟糕的主意。这尸山血海某种意义上带给乐渊的不是恐惧,而是无比的亲切,他自己才是最大的杀戮之源。 Sees only the skeleton in ground to crawl little, probably ghost demanding one's life bit by bit crawls to Le Yuan, the inexhaustible skeleton stands up, perhaps all around simply did not have the trail that the least bit fled, the average person to be frightened by here half dead. 只见地面上的尸骸一点点爬起来,像是冤魂索命似的向乐渊一点一点爬过来,无穷无尽的尸骸站起,四周根本没有半点逃离的踪迹,普通人恐怕早就被这里吓得半死了。 Genjutsu (Illusionary Technique)? Too tender, broken!” 幻术?太嫩了,破!” Le Yuan may not have the time and these illusions gets down, an own spiritual awareness contraction, stimulates by the bombs -type eruption merely slightly later immediately, immediately that covers in his surrounding blood-color illusory image vanishes completely does not see. 乐渊可没有时间和这些幻象都下去,仅仅是将自己的灵觉稍一收缩,随后立刻以爆弹式的爆发激发了出去,顿时那笼罩在他周围的血色幻影全部消失不见。 But the outside world, looking at each other of Le Yuan and Uchiha Fugaku merely was one second. Le Yuan has withdrawn from the illusion, but the Uchiha Clan person discovered that in their Patriarch Sharingan already left behind drop of tears of blood. 而外界,乐渊宇智波富丘的对视仅仅是过了一秒。乐渊已然从幻觉中脱身而出,而宇智波一族的人就发现他们族长写轮眼之中已经留下了一滴血泪。 Hiss did Patriarch suffer a loss in that boy hand? Cannot!” “嘶难道说族长在那小子手里吃亏了?不会吧!” Sharingan Genjutsu (Illusionary Technique) could not have taken that boy, this impossible?” “难道写轮眼幻术还拿不下那小子,这不可能啊?” Patriarch refuels, making that boy taste fierce of our Uchiha Clan!” 族长加油,让那小子尝尝我们宇智波一族的厉害!” ...... …… The scene is the public sentiment is roused to action, but only Uchiha Fugaku knows that perhaps Le Yuan knows them is nastier. 现场是群情激奋,但是只有宇智波富丘知道乐渊或许比他们知道的更加难以对付。
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