VE :: Volume #8 三阶首战影之忍者

#665: Fate contest( one)

Uchiha Fugaku, naturally has the strength of haughty entire Uchiha Clan clansman as clan Patriarch him. Wants the entire village to elect fourth generation initially time, Uchiha Clan once wanted to push the high-rank him, but Uchiha Clan of far leave the village child core had not obtained the approvals of other high level, the position of this Hokage then fell in the hand of Namikaze Minato finally. 宇智波富丘,作为一族族长的他自然有着傲世整个宇智波一族族人的实力。想当初整个村子选举四代目的时候,宇智波一族就曾经想要将他推上位,不过一直远离村子核心的宇智波一族并没有得到其他高层的认可,这火影之位最后便落到了波风水门的手中。 Although Uchiha Fugaku fails to be elected, but this still cannot belittle his strength. Experiences him of War baptism absolutely is expert that present Konoha have several, but has in the Le Yuan heart dread, must be Uchiha Fugaku that not to know Mangekyō Sharingan that has probably. 虽然宇智波富丘落选,但这依然不能小觑了他自身的实力。经历过战争洗礼的他绝对是现在木叶村有数的高手,而在乐渊心中有所忌惮的,大概就要属宇智波富丘那不知道存不存在的万花筒写轮眼了。 Mangekyō Sharingan is really BUG, what ability can awaken entirely to depend on individual talent. Although oneself strength is very important, however Mangekyō Sharingan supplementary Ninjutsu several can disregard the rank to pose the threat to Le Yuan. 万花筒写轮眼实在是太BUG,能够觉醒什么样的能力完全取决于个人天赋。虽然自身实力很重要,但是万花筒写轮眼的附带忍术还是有几个能够无视等级对乐渊造成威胁的。 For example the physics destroys it technique[ Amaterasu], Fire Release Ninjutsu of this highest rank, Le Yuan has not grasped even can completely following. But Le Yuan can depend on the ability that cuts tail to seek livehood, the contaminated place will excise to avoid the injury, if not careful incurred also had possibility suffered an unexpected failure. 比如物理破坏之术[天照],这种最高等级的火遁忍术,就算乐渊也没有把握能够完全接下来。而乐渊虽然能够靠着断尾求生的能力,将被沾染的地方切除来来躲避伤害,但是万一不小心中招了也是有可能阴沟里翻船的。 Also for example[ Kotoamatsukami],[ Izanami] these two can change person Ninjutsu of subconscious, if really incurred, Le Yuan that cannot shoulder really may perish in this world, even is hard maintains. 又比如[别天神]、[伊邪那美]这两个能够改变人的潜意识的忍术,万一真中招了,扛不过去的乐渊真有可能就在这个世界沉沦下去,甚至连自我都难以保持。 Therefore when to fighting Mangekyō Sharingan the owner, Le Yuan has to treat carefully. The unknown ability is most fearful, who knows that Mangekyō Sharingan can have Ninjutsu that has not known. 因此对战万花筒写轮眼的拥有者时,乐渊不得不小心对待。未知的能力才是最可怕的,谁知道万花筒写轮眼会不会存在还未知晓的忍术 But when Le Yuan is sizing up Uchiha Fugaku, opposite Uchiha Fugaku is also sizing up Le Yuan. Looks at that face of Le Yuan, has to do quite many he to only have one to feel the resembles as Patriarch and Fourth Hokage. The Le Yuan even/including really looked like, this is not the pure semblance resembles, but the foreheads in every action and every movement has revealed and fourth generation extremely similar look also has the expression. 而就在乐渊打量着宇智波富丘的时候,对面的宇智波富丘同样在打量着乐渊。看着乐渊的那一张脸,作为族长四代目火影打交道颇为多的他只有一个感觉像。乐渊的连实在是太像了,这不是单纯的外表相像,而是在一举一动中眉宇间流露过和四代目极为相似的眼神还有表情。 Body of Le Yuan after multiple transformations already was separated from that appearance relation of originally and Namikaze Minato early, perhaps only then the person of understanding can detect similarity between Le Yuan and Namikaze Minato extremely immediately. 乐渊的身体经过多次蜕变后早已经脱离了原本和波风水门的那外貌联系,或许只有极为了解的人才能在第一时间察觉到乐渊波风水门之间的相似性。 However later Uchiha Fugaku saw also in that ice crystal of Le Yuan under foot, just he looked is clear, Le Yuan used the ice ability, this was classified by him in Ice Release without doubt. This made him think before , some news that obtained, looks that the Le Yuan look after remembering this news changed. 不过随后宇智波富丘又看到了还在乐渊脚下的那点冰晶,刚刚他看得可是非常清楚,乐渊使用了冰的能力,这无疑被他归类于冰遁之中。这不由令他想到之前得到的某个消息,看着乐渊的眼神在想起这则消息后有所改变。 Le Yuan strength already enough brings to the attention of Uchiha Fugaku, but the Ice Release ability is very important weights, must know that Ice Release almost already vanished from Ninja World, but Ice Release is entire Ninja World altogether knows regarding restraint of Water Release user. 乐渊的实力已经足够引起宇智波富丘的重视,而冰遁的能力更是一个非常重要的砝码,要知道冰遁几乎已经忍界消失了,而冰遁对于水遁使用者的克制那是整个忍界所共知的。 Although Uchiha Fugaku does not know that Namikaze Minato thinks, has not integrated in Le Yuan Konoha. However he knows the Le Yuan potential, once Le Yuan really takes root in Konoha, will have possibility Konoha then born very much the third Bloodline Limit large clan dozens years later, will have with the ability that Uchiha and Hyuga will meet as an equal. 宇智波富丘虽然不知道波风水门是这么想的,没有把乐渊纳入木叶之中。但是他知道乐渊的潜质,一旦乐渊真的在木叶扎根,很有可能木叶在几十年后便会诞生出第三个血继界限大族,甚至拥有和宇智波日向分庭抗礼的能力。 You are Mr. Le Yuan, does not know why comes to my clan station to cause trouble, you really think that my Uchiha Clan is so good to bully inadequately?” “想必你就是乐渊先生吧,不知道为何来我族驻地闹事,难道你真的以为我宇智波一族真的那么好欺负不成?” During the Uchiha Fugaku 1-2 words the Le Yuan matter determines the nature directly, as if makes the Uchiha Satoru gang that in advance causes trouble the victim, but had the loss resistance Le Yuan on the contrary is the criminal of harboring ulterior motives, distorted the facts to slide the extreme simply. 宇智波富丘1-2话之间就直接将乐渊的事情定了性,似乎让先行闹事的宇智波悟一伙人成为了受害者,而受到了损失而反抗的乐渊反倒是别有用心的罪人,颠倒黑白简直溜到了极点。 „, Worthily is clan Patriarch, this glib lips are fiercer than the average person. Aren't black and white you of event clear? Actually is who first noisy matter, is who is first aggressive, whole thing I may be that is forced to counter-attack from beginning to end, Uchiha Patriarch do you want to throw my body filthy water?” “切,不愧是一族族长,这嘴皮子都比一般人厉害。事件的黑与白难道你还不清楚吗?究竟是谁先闹的事情,又是谁先咄咄逼人的,整件事情从头到尾我可都是被迫反击的那一个,难道宇智波族长你想要将脏水泼到我的身上吗?” Le Yuan is not a person who is easy to be together, naturally cannot make Uchiha Fugaku display freely, otherwise when the time comes guidance of public opinion he, even if Le Yuan has is still hard to speak understand. 乐渊也不是一个易相处的人,自然不能让宇智波富丘就这么自由发挥,不然到时候舆论导向了他,就算是乐渊有口也难以讲明白 Matter also insufficient understand? How you explained that annoyed the troublesome person's under cruel methods by you to be killed, your victim can bluff and bluster before me on the contrary, you bully my Uchiha Clan no one?” “难道事情还不够明白吗?你怎么解释惹麻烦的人被你下狠手杀了,你这个受害者反倒是能在我面前耀武扬威的,你这是欺我宇智波一族无人吗?” A hand of Uchiha Fugaku points around the fence of collapse also to have that four Konoha garrison team member who pounded upside-down the fence not to know the life and death. Immediately one group of Uchiha clansmen are looking at Le Yuan indignantly, Le Yuan is wronged their not clear beginning to end, however their clansman casualties are actually the solid things. 宇智波富丘的一只手指着一旁倒塌的围墙还有那四个砸倒了围墙不知生死的木叶警备队队员。顿时一群宇智波族人义愤填膺地望着乐渊,乐渊有没有受委屈他们不清楚始末,但是他们的族人伤亡却是实实在在的事情。 They of internal unity in the Uchiha Fugaku words, start to stare at Le Yuan the vision stubbornly, so long as if Uchiha Fugaku orders, they will then begin Le Yuan this person who together disrupts in the clan the station seizes. 对内团结的他们在宇智波富丘的话语中,开始将目光死死地盯着乐渊,似乎只要宇智波富丘一声令下,他们便会一起动手将乐渊这个扰乱族中驻地的人擒下。 Aiyaya, what matter is so lively, can make me also mix?” “哎呀呀,什么事情这么热闹,能让我也来搀和一下吗?” The sudden female voice spread to everyone's ear, saw only from the distant place leaps to Le Yuan also has Uchiha Fugaku red hair female Ninja to appear in everyone's front. 突然一个女声传入了所有人的耳中,只见从远处一跃至乐渊还有宇智波富丘中间红发女忍者出现在了所有人的面前。 Actually sees Uchiha Fugaku after seeing the red hair female endures the look one severe, later the low head picture is greets gently: Hello, Madame Fourth Hokage, does not know that you do come to here to do? Is Fourth-sama and others to process in the clan the event to have what objection regarding me?” 却见宇智波富丘在见到红发女忍后眼神一厉,随后轻轻低下头像是打招呼道:“您好,四代目火影夫人,不知您来这里有何贵干?难道说是四代目大人对于我等处理族内事件有什么异议吗?” Appears in front of Le Yuan and the others is not others, is the Namikaze Minato wife, is this side world protagonist Namikaze Menma mother Uzumaki Kushina. 出现在乐渊等人面前的不是别人,正是波风水门的妻子,也是这一方世界主角波风面麻的母亲漩涡玖辛奈 Uchiha Fugaku does Patriarch this position worthily, has the level in a moment, unknowingly lets Uzumaki Kushina that is at the position that the onset and retreat did not get. If yes, then Namikaze Minato is intends to insert in the Uchiha clan without a doubt the event, definitely will cause the Uchiha Clan indignation ; If said is not, then Uzumaki Kushina did not have the involvement today the excuse of this matter, after all Uchiha Fugaku said is the matter in clan. 宇智波富丘不愧是干族长这一职位的,说话就是有水平,不知不觉就让漩涡玖辛奈那是处在了进退不得的境地。如果说是,那么毫无疑问波风水门是有意插入宇智波族内事件,必然会引起宇智波一族的愤慨;而如果说不是,那么漩涡玖辛奈也就没有了介入今天这件事情的借口,毕竟宇智波富丘都说是族内的事情了。 Actually saw has revealed the lovable small canine tooth to crack into a chuckle, the neighbor for mother's Uzumaki Kushina drop around says with a smile later probably: My this is not and Mikoto wants to discuss the matter about child, but your here seems lively, can make me also chat?” 却见已为人母的漩涡玖辛奈露出了可爱的小虎牙嘻嘻一笑,随后像是邻居串门般笑道:“我这不是和美琴想谈一谈关于孩子的事情嘛,不过你们这里似乎很热闹,能不能让我也聊一聊呢?” But Uzumaki Kushina is not Little Bai Madame Hokage, at least accompanies Namikaze Minato her to have some political smell, but the excuse of choice did not have the words to say. Relations between she and Uchiha Mikoto, naturally know as Mikoto husband's Uchiha Fugaku, now this time also impossible catches up with the reason that Uzumaki Kushina leaves directly. 漩涡玖辛奈也不是小白火影夫人,最起码陪伴着波风水门的她有些许政治嗅觉,而挑选的这个借口也是没话说。她和宇智波美琴之间的关系,作为美琴丈夫的宇智波富丘自然知道,现在这时候也不可能直接赶漩涡玖辛奈离开的理由。 Sees only Uzumaki Kushina to turn around to look at the face of Le Yuan, later before suddenly arrives at the body of Le Yuan, uses a pair of hand to act bashful on the face of Le Yuan unceasingly, later on the mouth is saying unceasingly: Really is the resembles , Minato raises your time I have not believed, never expected that you and his also really several phase splitting shapes, were really interesting......” 只见漩涡玖辛奈转过身看着乐渊的这张脸,随后突然来到乐渊的身前用一双手在乐渊的脸上不断地拿捏着,随后嘴上不断说着:“真是像啊,水门提起你的时候我还不相信,没想到你和他还真有几分相像,真是太有趣了……” Had the involvement of Uzumaki Kushina, atmosphere of one group of people are changing gradually. The Uchiha Fugaku nature clear cannot make Uzumaki Kushina mess around again, otherwise this Uchiha Clan can only swallow today owes stuffily. 有了漩涡辛久奈的介入,一群人的氛围在渐渐改变。宇智波富丘自然清楚不能再让漩涡玖辛奈这么瞎闹下去,不然今天这宇智波一族就只能咽下闷亏了。 Mr. Le Yuan, you had not said why wants the next violent treachery, kills the clansmen of my clan, if you do not have the warrant you to accept the penalty of our clan regulations!” 乐渊先生,你还没有说说为什么要下次毒手,将我族的族人杀死,如果你没有正当理由的话你就得接受我们族规的惩罚!” Uchiha Fugaku a few words make the entire event core Le Yuan everyone's focus again, but everyone on the scene perhaps only then Uchiha Itachi this careful child discovered, Le Yuan that belt/bring the right hand of special ring was cancelling a check gently. 宇智波富丘的一句话再一次让整个事件核心的乐渊成为了所有人的焦点,而在场的所有人或许只有宇智波鼬这个心细的孩子发现,乐渊那带着特殊指环的右手轻轻勾了一勾。 After the short three seconds, hit the matter of Uchiha Fugaku face to happen directly. Sees only wall there that not far away collapses to broadcast the sound of rustling sound, later breaks down one, a hand crawled from the stone pile, before that by Le Yuan killing a spoof Konoha garrison team member. 随后在短短三秒之后,直接打宇智波富丘脸的事情发生了。只见不远处倒塌的墙体那里传来悉悉索索的声音,随后“垮啦”一声,一只手从石堆下面爬了起来,那正是之前被乐渊“打死”的一恶搞木叶警备队队员。 Hiss “嘶 After holding breath cold air, everyone on the scene exuded the whoa. 一阵倒吸凉气之后,在场的所有人不由发出了惊叹声。 This, this actually whether human or ghost? Ariyou, are you okay?” “这,这究竟是人是鬼阿亮你没事吧?” Really damn, was hit that ruthlessly, how probably simply not by what wound......” “真是见鬼了,被打得那么狠,怎么像是根本没受什么伤似的……” How lived, that murderer also harmed three human lives!” “一个活了又怎么样,那个杀人凶手可是还害了三条人命呢!” ...... …… The Uchiha Fugaku this matter's face is also pale, he just said that Le Yuan harmed the human life, now that injured party looks like bystander crawled directly from the ground. This is undermining simply, moreover that type that is relentless. 宇智波富丘此事的脸也是铁青的,他刚刚说乐渊害了人命,现在那被害者就直接像没事人似的从地上爬起来了。这简直就是在拆台,而且还是毫不留情的那一种。 But has observed Le Yuan Uchiha Itachi to discover again, when everyone has turned the head, on the face of Le Yuan shows the smile that taunted, but the object of taunt was his father. 而一直观察着乐渊宇智波鼬再一次发现,当所有人都转过头时,乐渊的脸上露出一丝嘲讽的笑容,而嘲讽的对象正是他的父亲 Uchiha Itachi understand Le Yuan of mental maturity dug the pit absolutely, but actually actually not understand Le Yuan how achieved, four people were punched to fly before him obviously ruthlessly, big of Strength crashed the solid wall surface directly, that did not counterfeit absolutely. 心智成熟的宇智波鼬明白乐渊绝对挖好了坑,但是却不明白乐渊究竟是怎么做到的,明明四个人在他面前被狠狠地揍飞了,力量之大更是直接撞毁了坚实的墙面,那绝对不是作假的。 Uchiha Itachi does not know, has an art of attack and defense method to be called Hitting the Cow Behind the Mountain in other world, strongly is not used to injure in these four people of Strength their, many Strength lets their dizziness merely, and holds the wall surface that the pillow cannot cave to be battered to death. 宇智波鼬并不知道,在另外的世界有着一种技击方法叫做隔山打牛,集中在这四人身上的力量并不是用来伤害他们的,更多的力量仅仅是让他们晕眩并且抱枕不会被塌陷的墙面砸死。 As other three deceased person crawls from the ground, that serious face of Uchiha Fugaku became the azure ghost on the difference. The excuse that he finds was all given to open one by Le Yuan not to remain, looked for the Le Yuan stubble the reason not to have in this moment continually. 随着其他三个“死人”从地上爬起来,宇智波富丘的那一张严肃的脸就差变成青鬼了。他找的理由被乐渊全都给拆得一丝不剩,连找乐渊茬的理由都在这一刻都没有了。 After confirming that four people really do not have the matter, one group of people looked at the Le Yuan look are changing. Causes such destruction is not indeed easy, but wants the guarantor after such destruction not injured is not easier, the Le Yuan strength indeed is above their imagination. 当确认那四人真的没有事情之后,一群人望着乐渊的眼神都变了。造成那样的破坏的确不容易,但是想要在那样的破坏后保证人不受伤更不容易,乐渊的实力的确超乎他们的想象。 While Uchiha Fugaku planned to announce the event to end directly, everyone went various home of respectively planned to end this matter times, Le Yuan actually did not plan to understand, Uchiha Clan satisfied, hatred/enemy can/but but who the Le Yuan destroyed car(riage) extinguished the food has not settled. 正当宇智波富丘打算直接宣告事件结束,所有人各回各家打算终结此事的时候,乐渊却不打算就此了解,宇智波一族是满意了,但是乐渊被毁车灭食的仇可还没有了结。 Wait, my destroyed thing anyone of you gave to tie, 1.002 million, do not want to repudiate a debt!” “等等,我这被毁的东西你们谁给结了,一百万两,可别想赖账啊!” Stood wants to knock the Le Yuan head in Le Yuan Uzumaki Kushina this matter some, the matter that already subsided obviously, Le Yuan also thinks continued to do the matter to come, wasn't this pure looking for trouble? 站在乐渊身旁的漩涡玖辛奈此事都有些想敲乐渊脑袋了,明明已经平息下来的事情,乐渊偏偏还想呀继续搞出事情来,这不是纯粹的没事找事吗? 1.002 million? You went mad because of poverty, your car(riage) thing fine expensive/noble is also unworthy again 1.002 million, you want to blackmail to think that insanely is?” “一百万两?你是不是穷疯了,你那一车东西再精贵也不值一百万两,你想讹人想疯了是不是?” Uchiha Satoru that is says immediately, this 1.002 million may be Le Yuan wants to him, if really carried out, he lost everything does not want to pay off this compared with the debt. This matter said that what his impossible acknowledged that therefore he calls now lively. 宇智波悟那是当即开口说道,这一百万两可就是乐渊向他要的,如果真落实了,他砸锅卖铁也别想还清这比债务了。这事情说什么他都不可能承认,所以现在他叫得最欢实。 thing that I make is this price, what precious material it cannot use, not stemming from the hand of which Grandmaster, but merely was this value that I made personally, was it valuable because of me, what issue has?” “我做的东西就是这个价,它既用不到什么名贵的材料,也不是出于哪位大师的手,不过仅仅是我亲手做的这就值了,它因我而值钱,有什么问题吗?” Le Yuan disdain flung Uchiha Satoru Byakugan, later looks at Uchiha Fugaku saying: Sir Patriarch you no matter the manages, one and receive this debt, how saying that is also your clansman not?” 乐渊不屑地甩了宇智波悟一个白眼,随后看着宇智波富丘道:“族长大人你难道不管管,一并把这个债务接下,怎么说也是你的族人不是吗?” „Is your life worth 1.002 million?” Uchiha Fugaku asked. “你的一条命值不值一百万两?”宇智波富丘问道。 Value, too the value, how do you want to use my life to repay a debt?” Le Yuan looked that quite does not care to the Uchiha Fugaku look, but in the eye pupil disclosed that several segregate heavily. “值,太值了,你想怎么用我的命还债呢?”乐渊看向宇智波富丘的眼神颇为不在意,不过眼眸内却透露出几分凝重。 Powerhouse to revere, the winner is the king. A war decides the universe, I won you, this sum of money writes off!” Uchiha Fugaku said. “强者为尊,胜者为王。一战定乾坤,我赢了你,这笔钱一笔勾销!”宇智波富丘说道。 Good, you said! I won, your 1 million assigned!” “好,你说的!我赢了,你这一百万是给定了!” Le Yuan and Uchiha Fugaku fought starts in this case. 乐渊宇智波富丘的一战就在这种情况下开始了。
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