VE :: Volume #8 三阶首战影之忍者

#670: Takes responsibility, did you ask me to comply?( Three)

Hyūga Clan as entire Konoha , since Senju Clan declining, can only with Ninja Clan that Uchiha Clan resists, after the Second Hokage period then by a Hokage lineage/vein support, with have been diverted Uchiha Clan that powerful Strength. 日向一族作为整个木叶之中,自从千手一族衰亡之后唯一能够与宇智波一族对抗的忍族,从二代目火影时期之后便一直被火影一脉扶持,用以牵制宇智波一族强大力量 But Hyūga Clan before is very long not disappointing, high-yield Bloodline Limit, almost wants is not the bloodlines sparse to and remote clansman, almost can awaken after age 10 one after another Byakugan this ability, may be called the harsh enlarging ones vision condition not know that compared with Uchiha Clan that lowered many. 日向一族从很久以前也没有令人失望,高产的血继界限,几乎只要不是血脉稀疏到及其偏远的族人,几乎都能够在10岁之后陆续觉醒白眼这一能力,比起宇智波一族那堪称苛刻的开眼条件不知道低了多少。 And Hyūga Clan performance can always say fair, has stood this side Hokage firmly, because of so their clan deeply by the favor of all previous Hokage, and becomes in Konoha a pivotal clan. 并且日向一族一直以来的表现都可以说中规中矩,一直坚定地站在火影这一边,也正是因为如此他们一族才深受历代火影的青睐,并且成为木叶中举足轻重的一族。 Hyūga Clan powerful because, besides the Konoha upper-level support, in their clan the special inheritance way consciousness an extremely important reason. In huge Hyūga Clan each generation of few clansmen can become main family, but most clansmen after becoming seal technique that branch family to be ironed named Caged Bird, is depends on this Ninjutsu to isolate the outflow of bloodlines completely. 日向一族的强盛除了由于木叶上层的支持之外,他们一族中特殊的传承方式意识一个极为重要的原因。庞大的日向一族中每一代都只有极少数族人可以成为宗家,而绝大多数的族人在成为分家之后都会被烙下名为“笼中鸟”的封印术,就是靠着这个忍术将血脉的外流完全隔绝。 On Hyuga branch family forehead azure overlapping mark with two reversed direction hook marks, was displayed by Hyuga main family used to limit the Byakugan ability, died the seal that until oneself can vanish ; Also has effect of brain organization can make Hyuga main family depend on itself consciousness to destroy the person of this curse seal, is the Hyuga main family unique curse seal technique. 日向分家额头上青色的交叉印记与两条反方向钩纹,是被日向宗家施展了用以限制白眼能力,直到自身死亡才会消失的封印;同时还具有能让日向宗家依自己意识破坏此咒印之人的大脑组织的效果,为日向宗家特有的咒印术。 This Caged Bird curse seal is seemingly brutal, but actually is also this time has to for it one protective measures. Must know that Bloodline Limit can say regarding any ninja village is extremely precious existence, particularly like Sharingan and Byakugan organ Bloodline Limit owner. 笼中鸟咒印看起来残酷无比,但是却也是这个时代不得不为之的一种保护措施。要知道血继界限可以说对于任何一个忍村而言都是极为宝贵的存在,尤其是像写轮眼白眼这样器官型的血继界限拥有者。 Basically if no technique of Caged Bird, Hyūga Clan lower-level Ninja do not want to feel at ease the village, is almost goes out one to be caught one, after all Byakugan even again how ordinary, has the good strength addition regarding Ninja, this regarding all day Ninja that the life and death paces back and forth is the irresistible seduction. 基本上如果不存在笼中鸟之术的话,日向一族的下层忍者就别想安心出村了,几乎是出去一个被逮一个,毕竟白眼就算再怎么普通,对于一个忍者而言还是有不俗的战力加成的,这对于整日在生死之间徘徊的忍者而言是不可抵挡的诱惑。 Seven day that later Uchiha Fugaku fights, sees only Le Yuan of azure windproof coat out of the window from Hokage Residence office to leap forward fiercely, looks that is also processing Namikaze Minato of archives, Le Yuan is putting out a hand to turn toward him to greet. 宇智波富丘一战的七天之后,只见一身青色风衣的乐渊猛地从火影大楼办公室的窗外跃入,看着还在处理着文案的波风水门,乐渊伸手向着他打招呼到。 Special Jōnin Le Yuan comes to report when Fourth-sama does prepare to start?” “特别上忍乐渊前来报道,四代目大人准备什么时候启程?” After hearing shouting of Le Yuan, Namikaze Minato looked up Le Yuan slowly, actually discovered that Le Yuan simply has not put on to him prepares the good Jōnin green waistcoat, wore his clothes on the contrary as before. 在听到乐渊的呼喊之后,波风水门慢慢抬起头看了乐渊,却发现乐渊根本没有穿着给他准备好的上忍绿色马甲,反倒是依旧穿着他的那一身衣服。 Is you, Le Yuan. Haven't you worn the Jōnin uniform/subdue? That is you are promoted specially the proof of Jōnin, only then the Konoha elite can put on!” “是你啊,乐渊。你怎么没穿着上忍制服呢?那可是你晋级特别上忍的证明,可是只有木叶的精英才能穿的哦!” Namikaze Minato told toward Le Yuan special significance that this Jōnin uniform/subdue contains, the design of contained several generations of experience inheritance, a strip say/way that in brief in one clothes includes may be many. 波风水门向着乐渊不由诉说起这套上忍制服所蕴含的特别意义,其中的设计更是包含了数代人的经验传承,总之一套衣服里面含有的条条道道可不少。 However even if Namikaze Minato said multi- Le Yuan does not plan to put on that set again, after all the green waistcoat is really ugly, moreover on the defense effect, on Le Yuan one set equips to explode that wrap/sets to overpower several streets, how possibly to make the wrong choice to wear that ordinary clothes. 不过纵然波风水门说再多乐渊也不打算穿上那一套,毕竟绿色马甲实在是难看,而且就防御效果而言,乐渊身上的一套装备完爆那套制服好几条街,怎么可能买椟还珠穿上那一套普通的衣服。 Talking incessantly likely an old man generally was verbose some little time Namikaze Minato then to think that currently also has the matter to do, immediately no longer continued to recount, took up the Hokage bamboo hat to wear on the contrary in the head, simultaneously arrived at a Le Yuan side hand according to the shoulder of Le Yuan. 唠唠叨叨像个老头一般絮叨了好一会儿的波风水门这才想到现在还有事情要做,随即不再继续述说,反倒是拿起了火影斗笠戴在头上,同时来到乐渊身旁一只手按在了乐渊的肩膀上。 Whiz “嗖 Is completely different from the Spatial Displacement feeling of Le Yuan, the movement of Namikaze Minato is not opens together the space channel with Strength purely, but will calculate a good ready-made channel connection through own chakra, such space channel consumes is smaller and is stabler, it can be said that is most suitable this world use one Space-Time Ninjutsu. 乐渊空间移动感觉完全不同,波风水门的移动并不是单纯地用力量打开一道空间通道,而是通过自己的查克拉将计算好的一条现成通道连接,这样的空间通道消耗更小、更加稳固,可以说是最适合这个世界使用的一种时空忍术 Namikaze Minato also noticed, if had become aware Le Yuan, has turned around to say to nearby Le Yuan with a smile: What kind of, unifies you these days research, what attainment has? Space-Time Ninjutsu is broad and profound, you are young, some are the time studies slowly!” 波风水门也注意到了若有所悟的乐渊,转过身笑着对一旁的乐渊道:“怎么样,结合你所这几日的研究,有没有什么心得呢?时空忍术博大精深,你还年轻,有的是时间慢慢研究!” Namikaze Minato had not thought completely Le Yuan can give his scroll to study in just seven days thoroughly, this time encouragement also has the tone of several points of comfort. 波风水门完全没觉得乐渊能够在短短七天之内就将送给他的卷轴研究透,这次的鼓励还有着几分安慰的语气。 However Le Yuan may not be completely discouraged, even if was unable to achieve mastery through a comprehensive study now, but Le Yuan has the full assurance, gives him again one year, can recover absolutely Flying Thunder God Technique by his ability, moreover perhaps unifies his own ability also to be able through the road that this found. 不过乐渊可完全不气馁,就算现在还无法融会贯通,但是乐渊有十足的把握,再给他一年的时间,以他的能力绝对能将飞雷神之术复原出来,而且结合他自己的能力或许还能通过这个找到回去的路。 However present Le Yuan lifted the head, just Namikaze Minato led him to shift the inhabit region Hyūga Clan Patriarch mansion of Konoha another large clan from Hokage Residence directly. 不过现在的乐渊抬起了头,刚刚波风水门可是带着他直接从火影大楼转移到了木叶村另一个大族的聚居地日向一族族长大宅。 Hyūga Hinata tied up event already to be solved in one month, Konoha or Cloud Ninja this matter is not willing to make war directly. Konoha has not prepared War, after all fights later Konoha fully not to restore, develops again cannot flatter ; But the Cloud Ninja situation is also similar, in the situation that in the public opinion and military do not get the advantage develops rashly, is easy to make the peripheral country go to enter. 日向雏田被绑事件在一个月内已经得到了解决,无论是木叶还是云忍此事都不愿意直接开战。木叶是没有准备好战争,毕竟大战之后的木叶还没有完全恢复,再一次开展根本就讨不了好;而云忍的情况也差不多,在舆论和兵力都不占优势的情况下贸然开展,容易让周边的国家趁虚而入。 Therefore both sides also compare the restraint two big ninja village, after Cloud Ninja paid part of prices of successfully announced misunderstanding relieves, Cloud Ninja tied up one group of Cloud Ninja elites will bring to go back to conduct punishment, but Konoha also obtained many advantage taking this opportunity, both sides obtained wish thing, but War also subsided finally. 所以双方还比较克制的两大忍村,在云忍付出了一部分的代价之后成功宣告了“误会”解除,云忍将被缚的一群云忍精英带了回去进行“惩处”,而木叶也借着这个机会得到了不少好处,双方都得到了想要的东西,而战争也最终平息了。 Can in spite of being very busy attend the Hyuga banquet as Fourth Hokage of village head, this was showing without doubt the relations of Hokage and Hyūga Clan are intimate, was seeing with own eyes Hyūga Hiashi that fourth generation comes is smiles to blossom, goes out personally welcomes the arrival of Fourth Hokage. 作为一村之长的四代目火影能够在百忙之中参加日向的宴会,这无疑是在证明火影日向一族的关系亲密无间,眼见着四代目前来的日向日足那是笑开了花,亲自出门迎接四代目火影的到来。 But Le Yuan this attire special Ninja naturally is also conspicuous, moreover can follow Fourth Hokage to come to feast is explained without doubt the Le Yuan status is not simple, recombination Le Yuan appearance quick Hyūga Hiashi knew the Le Yuan status. 乐渊这个衣着特异的忍者自然也是显眼的很,而且能够跟着四代目火影前来赴宴无疑是说明乐渊的身份不简单,再结合乐渊的外貌很快日向日足就知道了乐渊的身份。 Fourth-sama can come, time was really you honor my humble home, Cloud Ninja these ate one to owe greatly looks like will not have what movement in a short time again, but had what illegal action even if again, our Hyūga Clan will not forgive them!” 四代目大人能够前来,真是蓬荜生辉,云忍这一次吃了一个大亏看来短时间内是不会再有什么动作了,不过纵然再有什么不轨之举,我们日向一族也决不会原谅他们!” Hyūga Hiashi displays Hyūga Clan momentarily is the Konoha shed one's blood and lay down one's life appearance, but Le Yuan also can only express in one side hehe. Can Heyi Village live and die together, Le Yuan believes that entire Hyūga Clan exists, but to that time, Hyūga Clan will really spell to leave behind the escape route for a oneself clan absolutely full power, after all the bloodlines inheritance is the matter that their impossible forgets. 日向日足表现出一副日向一族随时为木叶抛头颅洒热血的样子,不过乐渊在一旁也只能表示呵呵了。能够和一村同生共死的,乐渊相信整个日向一族存在着,但是真到了那种时候,日向一族绝对会拼上全力为自己一族留下后路,毕竟血脉传承是他们不可能忘记的事情。 When Le Yuan follows after Fourth Hokage enters the mansion behind, immediately exclaims in surprise by this Hyūga Clan mansion luxurious degree. Although Uchiha Clan is also the rich and powerful family, but has been suppressed causes them not is very wealthy, but this Hyūga Clan may be different, propped up they are completely the local tyrants in local tyrant. 乐渊跟在四代目火影身后进入大宅之后,立刻被这日向一族的豪宅奢华程度所惊叹。宇智波一族虽然也是豪门,但是被一直打压导致他们也不算特别富裕,但这日向一族可就不同了,被扶植的他们完全是土豪中的土豪。 As clan Patriarch Hyūga Hiashi after many people all arrive in full is one fervently expresses views, was recounting Cloud Ninja numerous crimes, daughter Hyūga Hinata that is taken prisoner pitiful no use, that sings in good voice and with feeling told also really somewhat the talent of orator. 作为一族族长日向日足在众多人全都到齐后便是一番慷慨陈词,述说着云忍的累累罪行,还有自己那被掳走的女儿日向雏田的可怜无助,那声情并茂的诉说还真有几分演说家的天赋。 However when that Little Hinata was brought later Le Yuan at present one brightly, today's Hinata is not the distressed appearance that was taken prisoner initially, has dressed up carefully she worthily is the Hyūga Clan princess, even after having 4 years old can still show her to be grown several points of elegant demeanor, only what is a pity is her present expression somewhat is dreary no spirit. 不过当那小雏田被带出来之后乐渊眼前一亮,今天的雏田可不是当初那个被掳走的狼狈模样,精心打扮过的她不愧是日向一族的公主,就算只有四岁依然能够展现出她成年后的几分风采,唯一可惜的是她现在的表情有些阴郁没什么精神 However when Hyūga Hinata arrives at side Hyūga Hiashi raised the head the look suddenly one brightly, she in the crowd looks to arrive in Namikaze Minato behind Le Yuan. These days do not see see Le Yuan suddenly her are happy, if not the place and time is not now right, perhaps with that late same will crawl to the shoulder of Le Yuan that rich security sense on. 不过当日向雏田来到了日向日足身旁抬起头时眼神突然一亮,她在人群之中一眼就看到了站在波风水门身后的乐渊。这几日不见骤然见到乐渊她那是喜形于色,如果现在不是地方、时间不对,恐怕又会和那一晚一样爬到乐渊那富有安全感的肩上。 But the Hyūga Hiashi words have not said, after saying the Cloud Ninja atrocity, his thread of conversation revolution mentioned his younger brother Hyūga Hizashi, said the space to have his younger brother directly underground does not have, is the Ninja World model is simply ordinary, this lets after hearing of Le Yuan this litigant that is dumbfounded. 日向日足的话还没有说完,不过在说完云忍的暴行之后,他话锋一转说起了他的弟弟日向日差,直接把他那弟弟说得天上有地下无,简直就是忍界楷模一般伟大,这让乐渊这个当事人之一听得那是目瞪口呆。 But stands is hears to be red in the face in Hyūga Hiashi Hyūga Hinata, her father this saying in front of true heroic Le Yuan said that simply is the biggest joke, even this daughter hears to blush for him. 而站在日向日足身旁的日向雏田更是听得面红耳赤,她父亲这话在真正的英雄乐渊面前说简直就是最大的笑话,连她这个女儿听得都为他脸红。 But Fourth Hokage similarly so, from interrogating and torturing of Cloud Ninja in his already obtained initially that night's all things early, what nature understand strives to be biggest is not Hyūga Hizashi, but in oneself behind Le Yuan. Although does not facilitate during as Hokage him removes the Hyūga Hiashi stage, but cut the appraisal of Hyūga Hiashi in the heart , a face worried that looked at Le Yuan. 四代目火影同样如此,从对云忍的拷问之中他早已经得到了当初那一夜的所有事情,自然明白出力最大的绝不是日向日差而是在自己身后的乐渊。虽然作为火影的他不方便当中拆日向日足的台,但还是在心中降低了日向日足的评价,同时也一脸担忧地看了一眼乐渊 However was good because of the Le Yuan facial expression has displayed tranquilly, as if not care about own merit to be occupied by Hyūga Hizashi very much completely, Namikaze Minato that relaxed slightly took a fresh look to front Hyūga Hiashi. 不过好在乐渊的面部表情一直表现得很平静,似乎完全不在意自己的功劳被日向日差占了过去,稍稍松口气的波风水门重新看向了前面的日向日足 Everyone, Hyūga Hizashi is my clan rare elite, but he contributes to this great merit now, his child Neji is also my clan rare talent, small age already can enlarge ones vision, this is also few in my clan history, today I want to let daughter Hinata and Neji engagement, if Hyūga Neji really can mature in the future, their unions must be my clans magnificent......” “各位,日向日差乃是我族少有的精英,而他更是现在又立此大功,他之子宁次亦是我族少有的天才,小小年纪已经能够开眼,这在我族历史上也是屈指可数的,今日我想让小女雏田宁次定亲,若是将来日向宁次真的能够成才,他们两人的结合必是我族的辉煌……” Le Yuan may not care about in the Hyūga Hiashi mouth to say anything at this time completely, what he pays attention time is the response of this event protagonist Hyūga Hinata. When hearing matter of engagement, in Hyūga Hinata lowering the head eye is not willing to flash past, both hands closely grab oneself clothes, was covered by dispirited air/Qi from top to bottom. 乐渊此时可完全不在意日向日足口中说了些什么,他关注的是这一次的事件主角日向雏田的反应。在听闻订婚的事情时,日向雏田低下头眼中的不愿意一闪而过,双手紧紧地抓着自己的衣角,浑身上下都被一阵颓唐之气所笼罩。 The Naruto World person naturally cannot common sense it, even if Hyūga Hinata is also only a 4-year-old child, her still already preliminary understand the so-called engagement is anything, similarly understand really set by some chance, later relations between she and Hyūga Neji can turn into what appearance, but she will hesitate and not hope because of this, she does not think that oneself destiny was set in these words. 火影世界的人自然不可以常理度之,就算日向雏田还只是一个4岁的孩子,她也已经初步明白了所谓的订婚是什么,同样明白万一真定下了,以后她和日向宁次之间的关系会变成什么样子,但正因为如此她才会迟疑、不愿,她不想自己的命运在这几句话之间被定下。 Saw the Hyūga Hinata appearance, Le Yuan cannot help but stepped forward a half step forward. While Le Yuan wants to step forward the second time, Namikaze Minato before his body blocked it, and with the sound that only then two people can hear said. 看到日向雏田的样子,乐渊不由自主向前跨出了一小步。正当乐渊想要跨出第二步的时候,他身前的波风水门将其拦了下来,并且用只有两人听得到的声音说道。 Do not overdo it, here, but Hyuga mansion!” “别乱来,这里可是日向大宅!” Her destiny does not have somebody to decide that this is her life!” “她的命运可不是有某个人决定的,这是她的一生!” Le Yuan said these words merely, later in Namikaze Minato in one step across his stop, the body arrived at the Hyūga Hiashi front in one startled instantaneously. 乐渊仅仅是说出了这一句话,随后在波风水门的愕然之中一步穿过他的阻拦,身子在一步之间瞬间来到了日向日足的面前。 This was the Le Yuan these days research results, Step Method[ so close, yet worlds apart]. A space, among chatting horizon, it can be said that the short distance dodges the strong skill that and transfers, is not the ordinary movement can compare favorably. 这就是乐渊这些日子的研究成果,步法[咫尺天涯]。一步一空间,谈笑天涯间,可以说是短距离闪避、挪移的超强技能,绝不是什么普通的身法可以媲美的。 When this move not only almost hid the Le Yuan space Strength use Strength fluctuation, but also grasps millimeter-scale regarding the operation of movement, can say, once locked the possibility that the place had the error to be extremely low. 这一招不但几乎隐藏了乐渊空间力量使用时的力量波动,而且对于移动的操纵更是把握到了毫米级,可以说一旦锁定了地点出现误差的可能性极低。
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