VY :: Volume #10

#939: Planning

In bleak land. 荒凉的大地上。 Several hundred ray of light shadow low altitude illness/quick plunder, has flown just like the group bird. 数百道光影低空疾掠,宛如群鸟飞过。 Zhou Yuan situated in the frontline of team, his vision just like the falcon to take a fast look around the square land generally , the whole body has Origin Qi to surge, be at defense readiness condition. 周元处于队伍的最前方,他的目光犹如鹰隼一般的扫视着四方大地,同时周身有源气涌动,处于戒备状态之中。 In this Abyss of Fallen, crisis-ridden, the environment is strange, cannot accommodate the slight contempt. 陨落之渊内,危机四伏,环境诡异恶劣,容不得有丝毫的轻视。 However, what making Zhou Yuan slightly somewhat accidental/surprised is, their comes, has not met what unusual change actually, all extremely tranquil. 不过,让得周元稍微有些意外的是,他们这一路而来,倒是并没有遇见什么异常的变化,一切都是极为的平静。 Is small space risk quite low reason that because just started to enter?” In the Zhou Yuan heart hesitates, this is actually impossible, because it is said in entering Abyss of Fallen, these small spaces in transformations, the risk will start become higher and higher. “是因为刚开始进入的小空间危险性都比较低的原因吗?”周元心中沉吟,这倒不是不可能,因为据说在进入陨落之渊内,这些小空间会在一次次的转换中,危险性开始变得越来越高。 In the heart passed over gently and swiftly so the idea, but Zhou Yuan has not actually relieved the alert, these years using all might, has cast his discrete temper, the falling miserably in a very easy task matter, these years he sees is too many, many people are plant directly in his hands. 心中掠过这般想法,但周元却并没有解除戒备,这些年来的摸打滚爬,早就铸就了他那谨慎的性子,阴沟里翻船的事情,这些年他见过太多,其中不乏一些人直接是栽在他的手中。 Therefore this mistake, he does not permit appear(ance) on oneself body. 所以这种错误,他绝不允许出现在自己的身上。 When rapid vanguard, Zhou Yuan also in inducing Origin Qi flow between Heaven and Earth. 而在迅速前行的时候,周元也是在感应着天地间的源气流动 Because the inspirational most exuberant place, inevitably is also the Heaven and Earth Origin Qi most boundless place. 因为灵机最为旺盛的地方,必然也是天地源气最为磅礴之处。 The birth of inspiration, Origin Qi full originally is must an obligato point. 灵机的诞生,源气的充盈本就是其中必不可缺的一环。 Naturally, this did not mean that each Origin Qi rich place has certainly the birth of inspiration, is only that probability, will be bigger than other places. 当然,这并不是说每一处源气浓郁的地方就一定会有着灵机的诞生,只是那种几率,会比其他地方更大一些。 This stick of incense time hurries along, Zhou Yuan also found two Heaven and Earth Origin Qi quite rich places, but regrettably not together inspirational exist(ence)... 这一炷香时间的赶路下来,周元也算是找到了两处天地源气比较浓郁的地方,但令人遗憾的是其中并没有一道灵机的存在... However Zhou Yuan but actually also not disappointed, after all Nine Territories Conference then just started. 不过周元倒也并没有失望,毕竟九域大会这才刚刚开始而已。 In he leads the team to continue to pursue Heaven and Earth Origin Qi when line, his looks at the rearward distant place suddenly, on there void has Origin Qi together to shoot up to the sky, Origin Qi was forming tower-shaped void, after the moment, just now divergence gradually. 在他率领着队伍继续追逐着天地源气而行时,他忽然偏头看向后方远处,那里的虚空上有着一道源气冲天而起,源气在虚空形成了一座塔形,片刻后方才渐渐的散去。 Is the signal that the Xiaoling (Little Spirit) elder sister sends, it seems like they found the space slit that withdraws from.” Yi Qiushui said. “是小灵姐发的信号,看来他们找到退出的空间缝隙了。”伊秋水说道。 Zhou Yuan nodded, in the heart relaxes, the escape route determined, a that actually good news. 周元点点头,心中微松了一口气,后路确定,那倒是一个不错的消息。 Continues to inquire about!” “继续探寻!” His palm wields, the speed speeds up suddenly. 他手掌一挥,速度陡然加快。 Several hundred ray of light shades plunder to empty, so ten after roughly several minutes, Zhou Yuan arrived at the third Heaven and Earth Origin Qi rich place finally. 数百道光影掠空而过,如此约莫十数分钟后,周元终于是来到了第三处天地源气浓郁之地。 When he arrived here, eye immediately one bright. 而当他来到此处时,眼睛顿时一亮。 That is one stands erect ten thousand ancient measure of length giant mountain near abyss, this giant mountain with other places bleak different, in that mountain, is the shade is unexpectedly green, is sending out the full of vitality, in the shade, indistinct can also see many gloss circulations, quite marvelous. 那是一座矗立在深渊边的万仞巨山,这座巨山与其他地方的荒凉不同,那大山中,竟是绿荫葱郁,散发着勃勃生机,绿荫之中,隐约还能够见到诸多光泽流转,颇为的奇妙。 This place must have the inspirational birth!” “此地必有灵机诞生!” In Zhou Yuan heart joyful, but he does not have first to walk into the mountain, but made a hand signal of alert, the Divine Soul sensation spreads, is inducing sound carefully. 周元心中欣喜,但他并没有第一时间进山,而是打了一个戒备的手势,神魂感知蔓延,仔细的感应着其中的动静。 After long time, the sensation takes back, all not exceptionally. 半晌后,感知收回,一切没有异常。 Zhou Yuan then felt relieved thoroughly, the figure takes the lead to plunder, appear(ance) in that mountain. 周元这才彻底放下心来,身形率先掠出,出现在了那座大山之中。 His foot stepped on an old tree towering to the skies, the vision was locking in the big tree branch, there has the light luminous spot to float, just like glow. 他脚踩着一颗参天古树,目光锁定了大树主干之中,那里有着淡淡的光点漂浮出来,宛如萤火。 In the Zhou Yuan's sensation, can actually detect, aura that is hard to state clearly together, circles in the tree trunk. 周元的感知中,却是能够察觉到,一道难以言明的气息,盘旋在树干内。 The Zhou Yuan sole stamps gently, sees only the big tree to start to crack from the top of the tree directly. 周元脚掌轻轻一跺,只见得大树直接是从树顶开始崩裂。 Whoosh! 咻! As the big tree jumps broken, suddenly has a ray of light class/flow from the illness/quick shoots, just like arrow arrow. 随着大树蹦碎,忽然有着一道光流自其中疾射而出,宛如箭矢。 Zhou Yuan is prepared early, bent/tune palm grasps, Origin Qi then fluid lives in that ray of light together, float slowly front. 周元却是早有准备,曲掌一抓,一道源气便是将那道光流控住,慢慢的漂浮到了面前。 The vision looks, sees only that ray of light class/flow to present the light transparent color, including many luminous spot embellishments in broken bits, are ordinary just like the broken drill, its whole presents the qi stream shape that one type is unable to state clearly, but its, just like having liquid flows, an extremely wonderful feeling. 目光看去,只见得那道光流呈现淡淡的透明色彩,其中有诸多细碎的光点点缀,宛如碎钻一般,它整体呈现一种无法言明的气流状,可其内部,却是宛如有着液体流淌,给人一种极为神妙的感觉。 Zhou Yuan grips this wisp of wonderful qi stream, that flash he can feel that within the body Divine Palace sent out a slight vibration. 周元握住这一缕神妙的气流,那一瞬间他能够感觉到体内神府发出了一种细微的震动。 That is earnestly seeking. 那是一种渴求。 „Is this inspiration?” In the Zhou Yuan eye has a curiosity, can make Divine Palace so change, obviously this thing should be the so-called inspiration in that hearsay. “这就是灵机吗?”周元眼中有着一丝好奇,能够让神府这般异动,显然此物应该就是那传闻之中的所谓灵机。 This inspiration, is Heaven and Earth Origin Qi as strong as pinnacle, then coordinates many harsh conditions, will just now be born, is the Heaven and Earth nature lives. 这种灵机,乃是天地源气浓烈到一种极致,然后再配合诸多苛刻的条件,方才会诞生而出,算是天地自然所生。 A wisp of inspiration in the Zhou Yuan's fingertip winding, flows, just like having some intelligence. 一缕灵机在周元的指尖缠绕,流淌,宛如具备着某种灵性。 Zhou Yuan held appreciatively, then raised the head, seeing only this time more than 300 team member is the look blazing is looking at him, an impatient appearance. 周元把玩了一下,然后抬起头,只见得此时三百多名队员都是眼神炽热的望着他,一副迫不及待的模样。 Zhou Yuan smiles, he knows that this inspiration has the strong attraction regarding others, this is their future shock Heavenly Sun Realm chance, their most people's goal, but steps into Heavenly Sun Realm, as for is what kind rank Heavenly Sun, truly speaking, they do not have the too big request, because the ordinary person does not have the qualifications to have that ambition... 周元笑了笑,他知道这种灵机对于其他人而言具备着多大的吸引力,这是他们未来冲击天阳境的机缘,他们大多数人的目标,只是踏入天阳境,至于是何种品阶天阳,说实在的,他们没有太大的要求,因为一般的人没有资格去拥有那种野心... Prepares to unearth, all obtained inspirations first integration gets up, later to contribute to assign.” He waves. “准备挖掘吧,一切所得的灵机先统合起来,之后以贡献分配。”他挥了挥手。 Hears his sound, more than 300 team member burst into the cheers immediately, then is the ordered dispersion in this mountain, starts to search for the inspiration of hidden everywhere. 听到他的声音,三百多名队员顿时爆发出欢呼声,然后便是有序的分散于这座大山之中,开始四处的搜寻着隐藏的灵机。 These inspirations, some exist(ence) in trees, some hideaways in rock and place bottom. 那些灵机,有些存在于树木之中,有些隐藏于岩石与地底之内。 To catch, must quarry a mountain to divide. 想要捕捉,就得开山劈地。 hōng hōng! 轰轰 Therefore, the entire mountain becomes in this time lively, the old tree towering to the skies was divided to cut to break, the rock was destroyed, the land was ripped open by Origin Qi... 于是,整座大山都是在此时变得热闹起来,参天古树被劈斩而断,岩石被打碎,大地被源气撕开... Zhou Yuan is built in the summit, he is looking at this chaotic one, is somewhat helpless shaking the head, they, but looks like one flock of locusts, knows the destruction... 周元立于山顶上,他望着这混乱的一幕,也是有些无奈的摇摇头,他们这些人,可真是像一群蝗虫,就知道破坏... Regarding these inspirations of this place, Zhou Yuan has no interest too big actually, because he has a bigger ambition, he wants, is rarer than the ordinary inspiration and precious Innate Internal Spirit. 对于此地的这些灵机,周元倒是没有太大的兴趣,因为他拥有着更大的野心,他想要的,是比普通灵机更为稀罕与珍贵的先天灵机 However wants to obtain Innate Internal Spirit, is actually not front these small spaces can be born. 不过想要获得先天灵机,却不是前面这些小空间能够诞生的。 But Zhou Yuan is not anxious, because of Nine Territories Conference, this just started. 周元不急,因为九域大会,这才刚开始。 . 呼。 Zhou Yuan deep attracted this to fill the ancient and wild air, then the eye shut, awaits calmly the people to catch. 周元深深的吸了一口这弥漫着古老与狂暴的空气,然后眼目微闭,静待着众人捕捉完毕。 The time passes, quick was stick of incense in the past. 时间流逝,很快便是一炷香过去。 However, in the meantime, that eye slightly close Zhou Yuan opens the eye suddenly, that look instantaneously becomes swift and fierce, he is looking at the northwest distant place, there, transmitted some Origin Qi to vibrate. 不过,就在此时,那眼目微闭的周元忽然睁开眼睛,那眼神瞬间就变得凌厉起来,他望着西北的远方,在那里,传来了一些源气震动。 Whoosh! Whoosh! 咻!咻! But in the Zhou Yuan's gaze, distant place horizon quick appear(ance) ten several forms. 而在周元的注视中,远处天际很快的出现了十数道身影。 These ten several form somewhat distressed anxieties plunder, in their rear areas, has eight forms to be in hot pursuit, vigorous tyrannical Origin Qi erupts from their within the body. 这十数道身影有些狼狈的急掠,在他们的后方,有着八道身影紧追不舍,雄浑强横的源气从他们的体内爆发出来。 Front pursued ten several people, is scouting that previously Zhou Yuan sent out. 前面被追击的十数人,是先前周元所派出的斥候。 Bang! 轰! When these scout to here illness/quick is plundering, but also unceasing shoots up to the sky Origin Qi, explodes, forms the caution. 这些斥候在对着这边疾掠时,还不断的将源气冲天而起,爆炸开来,形成警示。 That has the signal that the enemy attacks! 那是有敌来袭的信号! In the mountain the people of more than 300 capture inspirations are also detected that here signal, ceased the action in shouting out of Captain immediately, then forms shoot up to the sky. 大山中三百多名捕捉灵机的人也是察觉到了这边的信号,当即在各位队长的呼喝中停止了行动,然后一道道身影冲天而起。 „Do some people attack?” Yi Qiushui arrives at side Zhou Yuan rapidly, charming face dignified asking. “有人来袭?”伊秋水迅速来到周元身旁,俏脸凝重的问道。 Zhou Yuan nodded, both eyes narrow the eyes: Does not know that actually to meet the team of which territory?” 周元点点头,双目微眯:“只是不知道究竟是碰见了哪一域的队伍?” Their strength very powerful!” Yi Qiushui distant is looking, suddenly charming face changes, because she sees, the enemy of that pursuit is about eight people, but actually forcibly ten several them scouts to pursue running. “他们实力好强!”伊秋水远远的望着,忽然俏脸微变,因为她见到,那追击的敌人不过八人而已,但却硬生生的将他们这边十数名斥候追着跑。 Scouting that their here sends, elite! 要知道,他们这边派出去的斥候,也都是精锐了! Bang! 轰! But when them looks at, enemy within the body Origin Qi of that eight pursuit rises suddenly suddenly, the speed also speeds up instantaneously, next one flickers, said that the Origin Qi torrent direct wild incomparable bang to scouted situated in several that finally put. 而就在他们这边看着的时候,那八名追击的敌人体内源气忽然暴涨,速度也是瞬间加快,下一瞬,道道源气洪流直接狂暴无匹的轰向了位于最后放的几位斥候。 The offensive of opposite party is fierce, eye looks at that is located in rear scouting to be hit. 对方的攻势凶猛凌厉,眼看着那位于后方的斥候就要被击中。 In here Heaven Abyss Territory forces, exuded some screams. 这边的天渊域人马中,发出了一些惊呼声。 Bang! 轰隆! However in that flickers, together fuzzy shadow baseless appear(ance) on void, the sleeve robe wields, has the azure-golden Origin Qi bolt of white silk to sweep away, directly is forcibly that eight people of swift and fierce Origin Qi offensive, rumbles instantaneously crushes. 不过就在那一瞬,一道模糊的黑影凭空出现在了虚空上,袖袍一挥,有着青金色源气匹练横扫而出,直接是硬生生的将那八人的凌厉源气攻势,瞬间轰得粉碎。 Chief Pavilion Lord formidable!” 总阁主威武!” In the mountain, more than 300 Heaven Abyss Territory's members burst into the cheers. 大山中,三百多名天渊域的成员爆发出欢呼声。 Person who that acts, naturally is Zhou Yuan. 那出手的人,自然便是周元 He is situated in void, is looking at the enemy of that eight pursuit, said: ” The team of which territory are you? Who is Captain? ” 他立于虚空,望着那八名追击的敌人,道:”你们是哪域的队伍?队长是何人?” That eight Divine Palace Realm late stage looked at Zhou Yuan one, on the face appeared to wipe the color of faint smile: „Do you really want to know?” 那八名神府境后期看了周元一眼,脸庞上浮现出一抹似笑非笑之色:“你真想知道?” Zhou Yuan both eyes narrow the eyes. 周元双目微眯起来。 That eight Divine Palace Realm late stage lead one person of head, smiles lightly, said: We are the Myriad Ancestors Territory's teams, our Captain... hehe, said that is also your being honored.” 那八名神府境后期领首的一人,淡淡一笑,道:“我们是万祖域的队伍,我们的队长...呵呵,说起来,也算是你们的荣幸。” Our Captain, he called Zhao Mushen.” Their look ponders is staring at Zhou Yuan. “我们队长,他叫赵牧神。”他们眼神玩味的盯着周元 Such remarks, in the mountain more than 300 Heaven Abyss Territory team member, complexion instantaneously becomes pale. 此言一出,大山内三百多名天渊域队员,面色瞬间变得惨白起来。 Zhou Yuan's eye pupil, shrinks in this time suddenly. 周元的眼瞳,也是在此时猛然一缩。 Myriad Ancestors Territory? Zhao Mushen?! 万祖域赵牧神?! They enter Abyss of Fallen first, met Zhao Mushen directly?! 他们进入陨落之渊的第一回,就直接碰见了赵牧神?! At this moment, Zhou Yuan is not feels what bad luck, but smelled a flavor of named plot keenly. 这一刻,周元不是感觉到什么倒霉,而是敏锐的嗅到了一种名为阴谋的味道。 He, was possibly planned! 他,可能被人算计了!
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