VY :: Volume #10

#937: Division

Heaven and Earth that Abyss of Fallen is at presents a sign of distortion, this formed the boundary of distinguishing right from wrong with Heaven and Earth, but now, that the close boundary, has under the hand/subordinate in Nine Territories Law Domain expert year to year, tearing forcefully a crack. 陨落之渊所在的天地呈现一种扭曲的迹象,这与外界的天地形成了泾渭分明的界限,而如今,那常年封闭的界限,在九域法域强者手下,强行的撕裂开了一道裂缝。 Zhou Yuan is looking at the crack of that tearing, the look was also passed over gently and swiftly wipes the extraordinary splendor, regarding Innate Internal Spirit that in Abyss of Fallen contained, he also has the enormous interest, after all after passing through 9th layer Divine Palace, he must consider to be promoted Heavenly Sun Realm. 周元望着那撕裂的裂缝,眼神也是掠过一抹异彩,对于陨落之渊中所蕴含的先天灵机,他也是有着极大的兴趣,毕竟在贯穿了第九重神府后,他也要考虑晋级天阳境了。 But common Heavenly Sun rank, is naturally impossible to satisfy his appetite. 而寻常的天阳品阶,自然也不可能满足他的胃口。 On void, Zhao Xiansun indifferently said: This rushed to three to close also two small checkpoints, but now, were little significance, therefore and others discussed after me, opened Abyss of Fallen directly.” 虚空上,赵仙隼淡淡的道:“原本这闯三关还有两道小关卡,但如今来看,也没多大的意义了,所以经过我等商议,直接开启了陨落之渊。” Below Zhou Yuan hears this words, curling the lip of slightly, because he felt one type in view of the feeling. 下方的周元听到此话,微微的撇了撇嘴,因为他感觉到了一种针对感。 Passes through in three passes/tests, most difficult is this cuts Nine Dragons, this Sir Zhao Xiansun saw with own eyes that their Heaven Abyss Territory successfully passes, is plans to abbreviate other two passes/tests directly, quite allows them directly to enter is playing, facing powerful enemy? 闯三关之中,最难的便是这斩九龙,这位赵仙隼大人眼见到他们天渊域顺利通过,便是打算直接省略其余两关,好让他们直接进入正戏,面对强敌吗? Really a little impatient wants to see their Heaven Abyss Territory unlucky feeling. 真是有点迫不及待的想要见到他们天渊域倒霉的感觉啊。 Zhou Yuan thoughts rotation, but in the surface actually maintains composure, actually no matter the opposite party intends to see their Heaven Abyss Territory to be hapless, they complete oneself matter to be able, after all can omit another two tests that rushes to three to close, can save some strengths. 周元心思转动,但面上却是不动声色,不管对方究竟是不是有意要见他们天渊域倒霉,他们做好自己的事情便可,毕竟能够省去闯三关的另外两个考验,也能够省下一些力气。 Abyss of Fallen has opened, is regular, you had known, is ready respectively.” Zhao Xiansun said again. 陨落之渊已开,此间规则,想必你们都已经知晓了,各自做好准备吧。”赵仙隼再度道。 His sound falls, under Nine Territories forces is some tumults. 他的声音落下,下方九域人马中便是有些骚动。 In this Abyss of Fallen, once many Law Domain expert die, but when their bodies fall, Law Domain collapses, affects the rule between this place Heaven and Earth, thus formed many phenomenon. 陨落之渊中,曾有诸多法域强者陨落,而他们身陨时,法域崩溃,也是影响到了此地天地间的规则,从而形成了诸多的异象。 Therefore this Abyss of Fallen, formed numerous barrier, these barrier just like become a small space of side, has the mystery respectively. 所以这陨落之渊内部,形成了众多的结界,这些结界宛如是自成一方的小空间,其中各有玄妙。 But in these small spaces, united the Law Domain strength, therefore has massive inspirations born. 而这些小空间内,凝聚了法域的力量,故而有着大量的灵机诞生。 The struggle of Nine Territories Conference, is struggling these small spaces. 九域大会之争,也就是在争这些小空间。 Struggles a small space, the inspiration that territory forces obtain are more, this regarding everyone is a big chance, after all everyone like mad slaughters in this Abyss of Fallen, isn't the behavior, these inspirations? 多争一座小空间,那各域人马所得到的灵机就越多,这对于所有人都是一份大机缘,毕竟所有人拼死拼活的在这陨落之渊中厮杀,所为的,不就是这些灵机吗? But in some risky enormous small spaces, has Innate Internal Spirit born, this place, is these Divine Palace Ranking the lands that must fight for on top supreme talent. 而一些危险性极大的小空间内,更是有着先天灵机诞生,这种地方,就是那些神府榜上的顶尖天骄的必争之地。 Zhou Yuan looks to Lu Xiao and the others, said: We are divided into five teams of forces, by me, Lu Xiao, Han Yuan, Mu Liu, the Ye Bingling five people leads.” 周元看向吕霄等人,道:“我们分为五队人马,由我,吕霄,韩渊,木柳,叶冰凌五人带队。” When all forces enters Abyss of Fallen that flickers, will start unceasingly was transmitted randomly enters many small spaces, but generally speaking, in a small space transmits the team that enters more, explained that the risk of this small space is bigger, the inspiration is born also has the possibility more, is stronger. 当各方人马进入陨落之渊的那一瞬,就会开始不断的被随机传送进入诸多小空间,而一般来说,一座小空间内传送进入的队伍越多,就说明这座小空间的危险性越大,所诞生的灵机也有可能更多,更强。 This mechanism causes Nine Territories forces to fan out in several groups, this can compete for most small spaces in the quickest time, most inspirations! 这种机制就导致九域人马必须兵分多路,这样才能够在最快的时间中争夺到最多的小空间,最多的灵机! Naturally, this dividing forces also non- capable person counts extremely scarcely, otherwise meets the large units of several other territories, that cannot fight for mostly. 当然,这种分兵也不能人数太过的稀少,不然遇见其他几域的大部队,那多半是争抢不过的。 But according to the past convention, various territory divisions, each team of population roughly in 400 to 700, this is the most suitable range. 而按照以往的惯例,各域分队,每队人数都约莫在四百到七百之间,这是最为适合的范围。 Heaven Abyss Territory this time only two thousand forces, therefore Zhou Yuan fans out in five groups, various lead(er) about 400 people. 天渊域此次仅有两千人马,所以周元兵分五路,各领四百人左右。 Other eight territories, forces are more, perhaps population many Myriad Ancestors Territory, want the soldier to divide ten teams and even more, will make them from the beginning have the advantage without doubt. 其他八域,人马更多,其中人数最多的万祖域,恐怕要兵分十支队伍甚至更多,在无疑会令得他们在一开始的时候就占据优势。 Because of Nine Territories Conference final ranking, the inspirational quantity to obtaining defines. 因为九域大会最终的排名,就以获得的灵机数量来定义。 Zhou Yuan wants to branch out more teams actually, but in such strength scattered situation, will only cause all teams to be given to eat, will not bring the big harvest, fanning out in five groups, was almost their limits. 周元倒是想要分出更多的队伍,但那样力量分散的情况下,只会导致所有队伍都被人给吃了,并不会带来多大的收获,兵分五路,几乎是他们的极限了。 Zhou Yuan grasps radiance scroll, that enters the Abyss of Fallen certificate, his palm Origin Qi pours into, immediately in scroll has the countless luminous spot to erupt, these luminous spots flutter, finally fell on the bodies of Heaven Abyss Territory two thousand forces. 周元手持光芒卷轴,那是进入陨落之渊的凭证,他手掌源气灌入其中,顿时卷轴内有无数光点爆发而出,这些光点飘荡,最后落在了天渊域两千人马的身上。 These mark each ones induce quite, if meets the danger of life, can its shatter.” “这些印记各自好生感应,若是遇见生命之危的话,可以将其破碎。” Zhou Yuan is staring at the people, slowly said: „, Inspiration, although is good, but must show off power not greedily, guaranteeing the life is most important.” 周元盯着众人,缓缓的道:“诸位,灵机虽好,但也莫要贪心逞强,保得性命才是最重要的。” Once the shatter mark, his oneself will be spread Abyss of Fallen, in other words lost the qualifications, therefore some people are always unwilling, finally but that pays, is actually the life. 一旦破碎印记,其本人就会被传出陨落之渊,也就是说失去了资格,所以一些人总是不甘心,可那最终所付出的,却是自身性命。 On this Nine Territories Conference, for the struggle of inspiration, some people cannot being forgiving easily. 在这九域大会上,为了灵机之争,可不会有人会轻易的留情。 People hearing this, is silently nods. 众人闻言,皆是默默点头 On void, Zhao Xiansun shot a look at scroll certificate in the Zhou Yuan hand, in the eye passed over gently and swiftly wipes surprised look, but quick was restrained, the eye hung down, the light sound resounded through again: All forces, if prepares appropriately, the preparation enters.” 虚空上,赵仙隼瞥了一眼周元手中的卷轴凭证,眼中掠过一抹异色,不过很快就被收敛了下去,眼目低垂,淡淡的声音再度响彻:“各方人马若是准备妥当,就准备进入吧。” Bang! 轰! The instance when his sound falls, sees only that Myriad Ancestors Territory's Zhao Mushen to take the lead violently shoots, in its behind, Myriad Ancestors Territory's forces enormous and powerful following closely on, is ordinary just like the locust transit, the momentum is scary. 当他声落的瞬间,只见得那万祖域的赵牧神率先暴射而出,在其身后,万祖域的人马浩浩荡荡的紧随而上,宛如蝗虫过境一般,声势骇人。 Several thousand forces, break in that crack, under flashes, then vanishes does not see, just like is swallowed by the space huge mouth instantaneously. 数千人马,冲入那裂缝之中,一闪之下,便是消失不见,犹如是被空间巨口瞬间吞噬。 The Myriad Ancestors Territory's sound, tears tranquility immediately, several other territories are also leave, Origin Qi between entire Heaven and Earth wells up in this time radical turning. 万祖域的动静,立刻是撕裂了此间的平静,其他几域也是动身而起,整个天地间的源气都是在此时剧烈的翻涌起来。 Walks!” “走!” Zhou Yuan is also one drinks lightly, figure violently shoots. 周元也是一声轻喝,身形暴射而出。 Lu Xiao and the others followed closely on. 吕霄等人紧随而上。 Two thousand forces plunder to empty, finally was also invests in that crack, vanished instantaneously does not see. 两千人马掠空而过,最终也是投入到了那一道裂缝之中,瞬间消失不见。 As Nine Territories forces enters Abyss of Fallen all, among this place Heaven and Earth is to also become to be peaceful. 随着九域人马尽数进入陨落之渊,此地天地间也是变得安静下来。 The Zhao Xiansun happy expression, said wear a look of: „, Nine Territories Conference radical opening, I and others then in this time, quite waiting.” 赵仙隼面带笑意,道:“诸位,九域大会彻底开启,我等便在此时,好生等待吧。” His voice falls, sees only its sleeve robe to wield, among Heaven and Earth has the billowing Origin Qi gathering to come, formed one on void unexpectedly gradually like compass light shadow, in Narro plate mirror surface, presented many tiny luminous spots at this time. 他声音落下,只见得其袖袍一挥,天地间有滚滚源气汇聚而来,竟是在虚空上渐渐的形成了一座如罗盘般的光影,那罗盘镜面上,此时呈现出了诸多细小的光点。 These luminous spots, have the color to be different respectively, are representing Nine Territories forces. 那些光点,各有颜色不同,代表着九域人马 Although they are unable to disturb operation in that Abyss of Fallen, but these certificates are Nine Territories Law Domain expert refine jointly, therefore can also roughly induce to some changes. 虽说他们无法干扰那陨落之渊内的运行,但那些凭证乃是九域法域强者联手炼制,所以也是能够大致的感应到其中的一些变化。 Other Law Domain expert are also flies high to sit cross-legged, Origin Qi changes into celebrating cloud under their bodies, Heaven and Earth Origin Qi gathers in the whole body, as if has many phenomenon births, wonderful exceptionally. 其他法域强者也是凌空盘坐下来,源气在他们的身下化为一朵朵庆云,天地源气在周身汇聚,仿佛是有着诸多异象诞生,神妙异常。 Really is very curious, this time Nine Territories Conference, takes the lead to be eliminated up, is actually which territory?” Zhao Xiansun chuckle, Chi Jing of vision passing over gently and swiftly not far away with no trace, the corners of the mouth have curve raising that gently wipes to be as deep as a well. “真是很好奇,此次的九域大会,率先被淘汰光的,究竟是哪一域呢?”赵仙隼轻笑一声,目光不着痕迹的掠过不远处的郗菁,嘴角有着一抹高深莫测的弧度轻轻的掀起。 ... ... But in the die city of that distant place, the countless vision is looking in the sky the completely empty light microscope, is somewhat regrettable took back the vision, they know, then has the fight in Abyss of Fallen, is the true splendor. 而在那更远处的陨落城内,无数目光望着天空上空空如也的光镜,也是有些遗憾的收回了目光,他们知道,接下来发生在陨落之渊内的战斗,才是真正的精彩。 That is true Nine Territories Conference! 那才是真正的九域大会 But is actually not able to feast one's eyes on. 只不过却无法一饱眼福了。 But doesn't matter, when that final result comes out, all can cause boiling as before. 但没关系,当那最后的结果出来时,一切依旧是能够引起沸腾 Therefore, in this die city, countless people starts to guess that this Nine Territories Conference final ranking, but unsurprisingly, Myriad Ancestors Territory and Zhao Mushen top the list, Wu Yao, Su Youwei next best... 于是,在这陨落城内,无数人开始猜测此次九域大会最终的排名,而不出意外,万祖域赵牧神名列榜首,武瑶,苏幼微次之... As for Zhou Yuan and Heaven Abyss Territory, is still is in that nobody will ask unexpected winner. 至于周元天渊域,依旧是处于那种无人问津的冷门之中。 Obviously, even if there are shocking accomplishments that cuts Nine Dragons, but overwhelming majority people, as before do not hold a favorable view on Zhou Yuan and Heaven Abyss Territory, opponent that after all... this time they are going to face, is the true eight territories! 显然,即便是有了斩九龙的惊艳战绩,但绝大部分的人,依旧对周元天渊域并不看好,毕竟...此次他们将要面对的对手,是真正的八域! Recommendation metropolis big god old uses/gives new book: 推荐都市大神老施新书:
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