VY :: Volume #10

#938: Small space

When Zhou Yuan intrudes Abyss of Fallen that flickers, he can feel that all around space starts the radical change, Origin Qi between Heaven and Earth, is becomes quite wild. 周元闯入陨落之渊的那一瞬,他能够感觉到四周的空间开始剧烈的变化,天地间的源气,也是变得极为的狂暴起来。 Heaven and Earth just like inverts here, making person Divine Soul turbulent. 天地犹如是在此处颠倒,令人神魂动荡。 However what is good because of being this situation has not continued is too long, after dozens breaths, Zhou Yuan is felt that the sole was situated in above the land, his vision first takes a fast look around, side strange Heaven and Earth prints in the field of vision. 不过好在的是这种情况并没有持续太久,数十息后,周元便是感觉到脚掌立于了大地之上,他目光第一时间扫视开来,一方陌生的天地印入视野之中。 This is piece of bleak Heaven and Earth, in land, overgrown with weeds, the vitality seems thin. 这是一片荒凉的天地,大地上,杂草丛生,生机显得稀薄。 In the sky has the heavy/thick cloud layer to fill the air, an immeasurably deep feeling, in the land, the giant tearing trace, just like once had expert to conduct the heaven shaking war occasionally obviously here. 天空上有厚重的云层弥漫,给人一种深不可测之感,大地上,偶尔可见巨大的撕裂痕迹,宛如曾经有强者在此进行惊天大战。 Moreover here space also a unstable feeling, once for a while saw that void has the sign of distortion. 而且这里的空间也是给人一种不稳固的感觉,时不时的见到虚空中有着扭曲的迹象。 Zhou Yuan is looking at this bleak Heaven and Earth, then turns around, sees only in its behind, has about 500 form appear(ance) one after another, but this time they, is wear a look of vacant with the alert is looking at this side Heaven and Earth. 周元望着这荒凉天地,然后转过身来,只见得在其身后,有将近五百道身影陆陆续续的出现,而此时的他们,也是面带茫然与戒备的望着这方天地 They are one team of forces that Zhou Yuan leads. 他们是周元所率领的一队人马 In the front of team, besides Yi Qiushui, but also has Wind Pavilion some familiar forms. 在队伍的前方,除了伊秋水外,还有着风阁的一些熟悉身影。 Shang Xiaoling, Ling Feng, Yuan Tiegang... these people Zhou Yuan gathered Wind Pavilion initially personally, now they in Wind Pavilion are also the high Vice Pavilion Lord positions, this distributions, Zhou Yuan also put in them his team of forces. 商小灵,凌峰,袁铁罡...这些人是当初周元亲自招揽进风阁的,如今他们在风阁也是高居副阁主的位置,此次分配人员,周元也是将他们放到了他这队人马中。 Looks at the Zhou Yuan's vision looks like, that Shang Xiaoling and the others all are wear a look of the respectful meaning, after all when present Zhou Yuan, compared with gathered them initially, the position does not know high many. 瞧得周元的目光看来,那商小灵等人皆是面带恭敬之意,毕竟如今的周元,比起当初招揽他们时,地位已经不知道高了多少。 Naturally, this is not only the status, but also has the momentous change of strength. 当然,这不仅仅是身份,还有着实力的巨大变化。 Zhou Yuan, here Heaven and Earth Origin Qi is quite wild.” Yi Qiushui walks up, willow eyebrows slightly pressed somewhat worried said. 周元,这里的天地源气好狂暴。”伊秋水走上前来,柳眉微蹙有些担忧的道 Zhou Yuan nodded, Origin Qi in this Abyss of Fallen is quite wild, to absorb Heaven and Earth Origin Qi, that efficiency will be far lower than Primordial Heaven. 周元点点头,这陨落之渊内的源气极为狂暴,所以如果想要吸收天地源气的话,那种效率将会远低于混元天 This also explained common Divine Palace Realm, cannot spend freely Origin Qi at will, if in Primordial Heaven, wanting Origin Qi that restored itself to consume to need a double-hour, then here, perhaps needed three double-hour at least. 这也就说明寻常神府境,不能随意的挥霍自身源气,如果说在混元天中,想要恢复自身所消耗的源气需要一个时辰的话,那么在这里,恐怕起码需要三个时辰。 This will let the person without doubt, when here fight, becomes timid and hesitant. 这无疑会让得人在此处战斗的时候,变得束手束脚。 Zhou Yuan hesitated, the intention moved, then derived Origin Qi to enter within the body among Heaven and Earth, since he stimulated to movement Ancestral Dragon Scripture, within the body has the flood dragon long roar sound indistinctly, vibrated the meridians. 周元沉吟了一下,心念一动,便是自天地间汲取了一道源气进入体内,紧接着他催动起祖龙经,体内隐约有着蛟龙长吟声响起,震动经脉。 After several breaths, that wild Heaven and Earth Origin Qi was built up to melt together, changes into wisp of pure Heavenly Flood Dragon Qi, floods into Divine Palace. 数息后,那一道狂暴的天地源气就被炼化开来,化为一缕精纯的天蛟气,涌入神府之内。 The Zhou Yuan brow selects slightly, is somewhat surprised, because he discovered Ancestral Dragon Scripture refining up the time and has no increase that. 周元眉头微微一挑,有些惊讶,因为他发现祖龙经的炼化时间并没有任何的增加。 This is because Ancestral Dragon Scripture is too overbearing, does not place the meaning in eye that in this place Heaven and Earth Origin Qi contains wild? 这是因为祖龙经太霸道,根本不将此地天地源气中所蕴含的那一丝狂暴放在眼中的意思吗? In the Zhou Yuan eye has a happy expression to emerge, this to him, after all is a good news. 周元眼中有着一丝喜色涌现出来,这对于他而言,总归算是一个不错的消息。 At least, in this Abyss of Fallen, he has the unique advantage. 最起码的,在这陨落之渊中,他有着一点独特的优势。 Zhou Yuan temporary presses to get down joyfully, then looks to front that several hundred forms that this good news to bring, said: We had entered Abyss of Fallen, Nine Territories Conference from this time, is the real start.” 周元暂时的将这个好消息带来的欣喜按下去,然后看向面前那数百道身影,道:“我们已经进入了陨落之渊,九域大会从此时起,已经算是真正的开始了。” Perhaps in another of this small space, has another wave of forces to enter, if meets, will wait for our is intense battle.” “或许在这座小空间的另外一处,也有着另外一波人马进入,如果相遇的话,等待我们的将会是激烈的厮杀。” A several hundred people of peace, complexion is actually especially, they are very with deep veneration clear, present Nine Territories, Heaven Abyss Territory is weakest. 数百人一片安静,面色却是格外的肃然,他们很清楚,如今的九域,天渊域最弱。 But what is good because of being, Nine Territories forces branched out many teams, so long as they do not meet the main force teams of other eight territories, under Zhou Yuan's leads, they will pour as if not necessarily weakly in the opposite party. 但好在的是,九域人马分出了许多的队伍,只要他们不是遇见其他八域的主力队伍,在周元的率领下,他们倒似乎不见得就会弱于对方。 Moreover, perhaps this side small space on their teams? 而且,说不定这方小空间就他们这支队伍呢? This is not the impossible matter, in Abyss of Fallen the small space many, even if Nine Territories swamped into several tens of thousands people, when does not transform the space each time can meet. 这也不是不可能的事情,陨落之渊内小空间诸多,即便九域涌入了数万人,但也不是每次转换空间时都能遇见的。 However their ideas, as Zhou Yuan of leader actually cannot have, he must prepare completely safe, immediately he looks to Shang Xiaoling, said: Xiaoling (Little Spirit), you lead 20 people of some slits that seeks for this small space are , after finding, issue the signal notice.” 不过他们这种想法,身为领头人的周元却是不能有,他必须做好万全的准备,当即他看向商小灵,道:“小灵,你率领二十人找寻这座小空间的一些缝隙所在,找到后发信号通知。” These space slits, are withdraw from this small space the way, so long as goes out from there, will be transmitted to other small spaces again. 那些空间缝隙,是退出这座小空间的路径,只要从那里出去,就会再度被传送到其他的小空间。 Naturally, if met the powerful enemy, that is also an escape route. 当然,如果遇见了强敌,那也是一条退路。 Shang Xiaoling hearing this, is nodded, then without delay, is leading more than 20 person rapid going far away. 商小灵闻言,也是点点头,然后二话不说,领着二十多人迅速的远去。 Ling Feng, you lead 80 people, as scouting, looks around, inquired about whether in this small space has other team exist(ence).” His vision looks to a complexion ice cold man. 凌峰,你率领八十人,作为斥候,四处搜寻,探寻这座小空间内是否有其他的队伍存在。”他目光又是看向一名面色凌冽的男子。 The latter receives an order, is the rapid belt/bring person goes. 后者领命,也是迅速带人而去。 As for remaining forces, along with me seeks for in this space the inspirational most exuberant place.” The Zhou Yuan vision looks to the remaining more than 300 people, the look is also becomes sharp, said: In Abyss of Fallen, crisis-ridden, not only has the powerful enemy to watch for in secret, but also has various potential threats, therefore everyone must obey the order, if, because cause the team to lose crudely, I decide however punish mercilessly!” “至于剩下的人马,就随我去找寻这座空间内灵机最为旺盛之处。”周元目光看向剩下的三百多人,眼神也是变得锐利起来,道:“陨落之渊内,危机四伏,不仅有着强敌暗中窥伺,而且还有各种潜在威胁,所以所有人务必听从命令,若是谁因为自身鲁莽引得队伍损失,我定然严惩不贷!” Hears Zhou Yuan that severe sound, everyone is the heart one cold, respectful sound should drink: Yes!” 听到周元那严厉的声音,所有人都是心头一凛,恭声应喝:“是!” After striking one, Zhou Yuan is also nodded, said: Set off! 敲打了一番后,周元也是点点头,道:“出发! His form lead low altitude plunders, in its behind, 300 forms follows closely, but. 他身影率先低空掠出,在其身后,三百多道身影紧随而至。 ... ... When Zhou Yuan is leading three hundred forces starts to sweep this small space, in another corner/horn place of small space, several hundred forms , is situated in under mountain foot. 而当周元率领着三百人马开始扫荡这座小空间的时候,在小空间的另外一角处,数百道身影,也是立于一座山脚之下。 These people all wear the Black & Yellow clothes robe, has the Origin Qi fluctuation of formidable to emerge from top to bottom, imposing manner is swift and fierce and tyrannical, understanding at a glance the dawn is elite, these people, are completely Divine Palace Realm late stage expert! 这些人皆是身披玄黄衣袍,浑身上下有着强大源气波动涌现,气势凌厉而强横,一看就知晓是精锐,这些人,全部都是神府境后期强者 But at this time, these are unruly elite forces, actually is the facial features respectful is looking on the front mountain top, there has the slender tall and straight form to cross the hands behind the back to stand together, his look is faint, pressure that made the person palpitation slowly sent out from its within the body, causing below several hundred forms was to all feel the greatest pressure. 而此时,这些本是桀骜不驯的精锐人马,却皆是面容恭敬的望着前方山头上,那里有着一道修长挺拔的身影负手而立,他神色淡漠,一股令人心悸的威压缓缓的从其体内散发出来,引得下方数百道身影皆是感觉到莫大的压力。 Because of that form, the King in precisely this Primordial Heaven Divine Palace Realm, Zhao Mushen! 因为那道身影,正是混元天神府境中的王者,赵牧神 Who can think, Zhou Yuan they are entering the Abyss of Fallen first round, met strongest opponent... 谁能想到,周元他们在进入陨落之渊的第一轮,就遇见了最强的对手... Zhao Mushen raises head the thick cloud layer that looks at void on is tumbling, talked to oneself in a soft voice: Zhao Junior Master, you do not need to come such a... Zhou Yuan, being worth putting the thoughts?” 赵牧神仰头望着虚空上翻滚的厚厚云层,轻声自语:“赵师叔,你没有必要来这么一手的...一个周元而已,值得你这么花心思么?” He, shook the head, said: Ok, since came to come, that first completed Great Venerable mission, was in any case convenient.” 他顿了顿,摇摇头,道:“算了,既然来都来了,那就先将大尊任务完成吧,反正也只是顺手而已。” His vision transfers, looks several hundred forms that under is setting up, the light sound resounds through. 他的目光转下,望着下方所立的数百道身影,淡淡的声音响彻起来。 Goes, that team that will enter this side small space looks, then... extinguished them.” “去吧,将进入这方小空间的那支队伍找出来,然后...灭了他们。” Bang! 轰! Next flickers, several hundred forms shoot up to the sky, have murderous aura the ascension. 下一瞬,数百道身影冲天而起,有杀气升腾。 :.: :。:
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