VY :: Volume #6

#530: You have Sword Pellet, I have Saint Spirit!

Recite! 吟! When that silver Sword Pellet howls, among Heaven and Earth Sword Qi wreak havoc, gathered in the Sword Pellet whole body finally directly, short counted breaths, Sword Qi outside Sword Pellet, then achieved several thousand zhang (3.33 m) huge. 当那银色的剑丸呼啸而出时,天地剑气肆虐,最后直接汇聚在了剑丸周身,短短不过数息,剑丸之外的剑气,便是达到了数千丈庞大。 That sword light passing over gently and swiftly horizon, fell just like beyond the Heavens divine sword, place visited, continually void by tearing. 剑光掠过天际,宛如一柄天外神剑落下,所过之处,连虚空都是被生生的撕裂开来。 Even the following sea level, in this time was appear(ance) a huge incomparable fissure, some fell into water beast unlucky, is strangled to death by Sword Qi shortly. 甚至于下面的海面,在此时都是出现了一道巨大无比的裂痕,一些倒霉落入其中的水兽,更是在顷刻间被剑气绞杀。 mighty energy, looks at countless disciple scalp tingles like that. 那般威能,看得无数弟子头皮发麻。 Several thousand zhang (3.33 m) sword light torrent passed over gently and swiftly, points to Zhou Yuan to go. 数千丈的剑光洪流掠过,直指周元而去。 But Sword Peak and Saint Origin Peak that disciple that is fighting sees this, is simultaneously changes color, but the former is likes incomparably, but the latter and the others, are complexion is pale. 而那正在交手的剑来峰圣源峰弟子见到这一幕,皆是齐齐变色,不过前者是欢喜无比,而后者等人,却是面色惨白。 Unexpectedly is Demon Sweeping Sword Pellet Technique!” Zhou Tai, Lu Yan, in Zhang Yan their eyes full is the panic-stricken desire certainly. “竟然是荡魔剑丸术!”周泰,吕嫣,张衍他们眼中满是惊骇欲绝。 Their how didn't expect, Baili Che unexpectedly cultivate successfully Sword Peak's that together Blue Profound Seven Techniques. 他们怎么都没想到,百里澈竟然修成剑来峰的那一道苍玄七术 He becomes Sword Peak chief, but also short several months, how possibly such quickly its cultivate successfully? That how high talent? 要知道,他成为剑来峰首席,不过也才短短数月而已,怎么可能这么快就将其修成?那得多么高的天赋? But Demon Sweeping Sword Pellet Technique, is one of the Blue Profound Seven Techniques, is real high rank Heaven Origin Technique, that quality Origin Technique, even the purple belt disciple, is unattainable. 荡魔剑丸术,位列苍玄七术之一,乃是货真价实的上品天源术,那种品质源术,就算是紫带弟子,都是可望不可及。 Everyone is very clear that rank Origin Technique, has what kind terrifying mighty energy. 所有人都很清楚那种级别的源术,具备着何种恐怖的威能 Do not look that Baili Che has not been considered as at this time true Absolute Beginning Realm 9-layer Heaven , when he displays this Demon Sweeping Sword Pellet Technique, even some background slightly bad 9-layer Heaven, perhaps by his direct sword cutting. 别看百里澈此时还不算是真正的太初境九重天,可当他施展出这荡魔剑丸术时,就算是一些底蕴稍差的九重天,恐怕都会被他直接一剑给斩了。 But even background slightly bad 9-layer Heaven so, let alone Zhou Yuan? 而连底蕴稍差的九重天都如此,更何况周元 That flash, all Saint Origin Peak's disciple hearts fierce raises, if Zhou Yuan were cut origin pond by a Baili Che sword, then this time plan, failed even. 那一瞬间,所有圣源峰的弟子心都猛的提起来,如果周元百里澈一剑斩出源池,那么此次的谋划,也就算是失败了。 Compared with the Saint Origin Peak many disciple this time flurry, that Sword Peak's disciple is the morale inspires greatly, suddenly the offensive is fierce, although the population are few, but also compels to retrocede the Saint Origin Peak disciples again and again. 圣源峰诸多弟子此时的慌乱相比,那剑来峰的弟子则是士气大振,一时间攻势猛烈,虽说人数较少,但也是将圣源峰众弟子逼得连连后退。 The entire situation, as if starts to reverse to go to Sword Peak all of a sudden. 整个局势,似乎一下子就开始对着剑来峰逆转而去。 But in that countless panic-stricken vision, Zhou Yuan is also the look dignified stares at that to tear the silver sword rainbow that Heaven and Earth comes, in that silver Sword Pellet of thumb size, in continuous is emitting swift and fierce incomparable Sword Qi. 而在那无数道惊骇的目光中,周元也是眼神凝重的盯着那撕裂天地而来的银色剑虹,在那其中,拇指大小的银色剑丸,在源源不断的喷吐着凌厉无匹的剑气 That and other Sword Qi are swift and fierce and abundant, even his fleshly body small accomplishment, feels the stabbing pain. 那等剑气之凌厉与雄厚,即便是他肉身小成,都是感觉到刺痛。 That feeling makes Zhou Yuan understand, if this sword cuts on his body, even if his Lesser Profound Saint Body stepped into jade skin, perhaps Silver Bone Realm, will be cut to crack as before fleshly body. 那种感觉让得周元明白,如果这一剑是斩在他的身上,即便是他小玄圣体踏入了玉皮,银骨境,恐怕依旧会被斩裂肉身 high rank Heaven Origin Technique, lives up to reputation. 上品天源术,名不虚传。 Zhou Yuan licked the lip, what is unexpected, in his eye, does not have the appear(ance) any color of fear, instead has to wipe to well up blazingly. 周元舔了舔嘴唇,不过出人意料的是,他的眼中,并没有出现任何的畏惧之色,反而是有着一抹炽热涌上来。 Is relying on the excellent Divine Soul sensation, he can detect similarly, Baili Che congeals, but Sword Pellet, although reluctantly forming, but actually appears extremely impractical. 凭借着过人的神魂感知,他同样是能够察觉到,百里澈凝结而出的剑丸,虽说勉强成形,但却显得极为的虚浮。 One type does not depend upon the feeling that the self-torture becomes. 给人一种并非是依靠自身苦修而成的感觉。 Zhou Yuan took a deep breath, both eyes in this time closing slowly. 周元深吸一口气,双目在此时缓缓的闭拢。 The Sword Qi howling sound between Heaven and Earth, was shielded by him all, entire Heaven and Earth as if becomes in this time silent. 天地间的剑气呼啸声,被他尽数的屏蔽,整个天地仿佛都是在此时变得寂静下来。 In sea of qi. 气海之中。 Saint Spirit Seed exuded the shivering sound slightly in this time, finally, violently shoots. 圣灵种子在此时发出了微微的颤抖声,最后咻一声,暴射而出。 Buzz! 嗡! But at this point, Sword Qi passes through, but, several thousand zhang (3.33 m) huge sword rainbow, was appear(ance) sky over Zhou Yuan, then heavily divided to cut, mighty energy, levelled off the mountain range like that sufficiently. 而在此时,剑气贯穿而至,数千丈庞大的剑虹,便是出现在了周元上空,然后重重劈斩而下,那般威能,足以将山脉夷平。 Get lost to me!” Baili Che calling out sound, just like slating resounding through, his look dense/woods cold stares at the Zhou Yuan's form, the corners of the mouth has to wipe to reappear pleased. “给我滚出去!”百里澈的暴喝声,宛如雷鸣般的响彻而起,他眼神森寒的盯着周元的身影,嘴角有着一抹快意浮现出来。 He must use this sword, all arrogance of Zhou Yuan past, thorough destroying before him. 他要用这一剑,将周元以往的所有傲气,在他面前彻彻底底的摧毁。 After looking at that this fellow, but also dares to do intentionally neither arrogant nor servile in his front?! 看那以后,这个家伙,还敢不敢在他的面前故作不卑不亢?! Without that strength, are few in his front puts on airs! 没那实力,就少在他的面前装模作样! Bang! 轰! Huge sword rainbow in this time ruthlessly is cutting to the Zhou Yuan top of the head anger under. 巨大的剑虹在此时狠狠的对着周元头顶怒斩而下。 countless line of sight in this time stubbornly looks. 无数道视线都是在此时死死的看过来。 If not know on each disciple to have the guard mark, no matter what perhaps who believes, next quarter Zhou Yuan, inevitably is a deceased person. 如果不是都知晓每个弟子身上都有护身印记的话,恐怕任谁都认为,下一刻的周元,必然已是一个死人了。 Swift and fierce Sword Qi hiding the sky and covering the earth covers, both eyes that Zhou Yuan that shuts tightly, opens in this time suddenly, in both eyes, has the eye-catching gloss to surge. 凌厉的剑气铺天盖地的笼罩下来,周元那紧闭的双目,也是在此时猛然睁开,双目之中,有着夺目的光泽涌动起来。 His raised the head, looks at the great great sword rainbow that is dropping, the clothes robe by Sword Qi is shaken flap flap makes noise, then his corners of the mouth, are actually raise wipe the cold meaning. 抬起头,望着那落下的巨大剑虹,衣袍被剑气震荡得猎猎作响,然后他的嘴角,却是掀起一抹冷冽之意。 Bang! 轰! In this flash, several thousand zhang (3.33 m) huge sword rainbow, is cuts finally. 就在这一瞬间,数千丈庞大的剑虹,终是斩下。 That flash, indescribable Sword Qi storm wreak havoc comes, that void, even becomes in this time twists, even the line of sight is unable to penetrate. 那一瞬间,无法形容的剑气风暴肆虐开来,那一片的虚空,甚至都是在此时变得扭曲起来,连视线都是无法穿透。 Below sea level, was raised the difficult situation, the tide folds, is going to the distant place rolling, the momentum is scary. 下方的海面上,也是被掀起惊涛骇浪,浪潮叠起,对着远处滚滚而去,声势骇人。 The power and influence of that sword, looks at countless disciple scalp tingles, this is the Sword Peak chief disciple strength, is really much more intrepid. 那一剑的威势,看得无数弟子头皮发麻,这就是剑来峰首席弟子的实力么,果然强悍得让人恐惧。 That Zhou Yuan, feared that was kicked origin pond directly?” Has the disciple to say after a sigh. “那周元,怕是直接被踢出源池了吧?”有着弟子感叹道。 Was cut by the upfront, even if some 9-layer Heaven full power cannot shoulder, let alone he?” “被正面斩中,就算是一些九重天全力都扛不住,更何况他?” This Zhou Yuan can compel to display Demon Sweeping Sword Pellet Baili Che, is very fierce, but was a pity, the chess misses one “这周元能够将百里澈逼到施展出荡魔剑丸了,已经算是非常厉害了,只是可惜,棋差一着” „” “” Many disciples regret to sigh. 诸多弟子惋惜感叹。 Baili Che is also cold snort/hum one, some face hiddens in the shade, because he has never thought that to defeat Zhou Yuan, he must display Demon Sweeping Sword Pellet Technique unexpectedly. 百里澈也是冷哼一声,面庞有些阴翳,因为他从未想过,为了打败一个周元,他竟然要施展荡魔剑丸术 But, was your being honored.” “不过,也算是你的荣幸了。” He sneers, raised the head, looks distortion space place that is restoring gradually. 他冷笑一声,抬起头,望着那渐渐恢复的扭曲空间处。 Then next flickers, on his face sneers is solidification gradually. 然后下一瞬,他脸庞上冷笑便是渐渐的凝固。 Whish! 哗! Meanwhile, among Heaven and Earth, has the dreadful panic-stricken sound to get up suddenly, that countless vision, nearly the delay looks at that distortion space to restore to locate. 与此同时,天地之间,忽有滔天般的惊骇声响起,那无数道目光,近乎呆滞般的望着那扭曲空间恢复处。 Sees only there, several thousand zhang (3.33 m) huge sword rainbow maintains the stance of cutting as before. 只见得那里,数千丈庞大的剑虹依旧保持着斩下的姿态。 But makes people feel what is panic-stricken, under that sword rainbow, Zhou Yuan is still built on void above, is entirely still, such as the people do not want to be kicked origin pond directly. 但让人感到惊骇的是,在那剑虹之下,周元依旧是立于虚空之上,纹丝不动,并没有如众人所想直接被踢出了源池 But in his above, has roughly hundred zhang (333 m) mysterious light shadow to reappear together, light shadow covers the Zhou Yuan's body is one of them, then its both arms overlapping, resists in the above. 而在他的上方,有着一道约莫百丈的神秘光影浮现,光影周元的身躯笼罩在其中,然后它双臂交叉,抵御在上方。 The point of that sword rainbow, then in this time, kept off beside that mysterious light shadow both arms, is unable the little advance slightly! 那剑虹之尖,便在此时,被挡在那神秘光影双臂之外,无法寸进丝毫! Demon Sweeping Sword Pellet Technique, in this time, kept off unexpectedly! 荡魔剑丸术,竟然是在此时,被挡下来了! The countless disciple is dumbfounded. 无数弟子目瞪口呆。 These morale inspired, the Sword Peak disciple who speeds up the offensive greatly, was complexion with astonishment stopped. 那些原本士气大振,加快攻势的剑来峰弟子,也是面色惊愕的停了下来。 Zhou Tai, Lu Yan, Zhang Yan and the others similarly are looks at that to return safe and sound to be built on void Zhou Yuan. 周泰,吕嫣,张衍等人同样是愣愣的望着那毫发无损立于虚空的周元 don't said is they, even outside origin pond, Headmaster Qing Yang as well as several Peak Lord, startled well makes noise in this time, facial features amazed, they look at each other one, been able to bear say/way: That ray of light shadow 莫说是他们,就算是在源池外,青阳掌教以及几位峰主,都是在此时惊咦出声,面容惊异,他们对视一眼,忍不住的道:“那道光影” Is Extreme Profound Saint Spirit Technique!” “是太玄圣灵术!” Changing countenance that somewhat Headmaster Qing Yang cannot bear. 青阳掌教忍不住的有些动容。 „Did this little fellow, give cultivate successfully Extreme Profound Saint Spirit Technique unexpectedly?!” “这个小家伙,竟然将太玄圣灵术修成了?!” But in not far away, Shen Taiyuan and Elder Lu Song, is the mouth little opening, in both eyes, full is unbelievable and vibration. 而在不远处,沈太渊吕松长老,也是嘴巴一点点的张大起来,双目之中,满是难以置信与震动。
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