VY :: Volume #6

#531: Pats broken Sword Pellet

Sky over vast sea level, countless line of sight nearly solidification looks, there has huge incomparable sword light to stagnate void, in that has under fearful mighty energy sword light, about hundred zhang (333 m) mysterious light shadow float, does not see clearly the appearance, but is actually sending out a mysterious strength. 一望无际的海面上空,无数道视线近乎凝固的望过来,那里有着巨大无比的剑光凝滞虚空,而在那具备着可怕威能剑光之下,百丈左右的神秘光影悬浮,看不清楚模样,但却是散发着一股神秘之力。 In light shadow, Zhou Yuan stood high up in the sky, complexion is tranquil, returns safe and sound. 光影之内,周元凌空而立,面色平静,毫发无损。 Entire Heaven and Earth, as if stagnated in this time flickered. 整个天地,仿佛都是在此时凝滞了一瞬。 Then has the dreadful sound with amazement, resounding through continuously. 紧接着,便是有着滔天般的骇然声,此起彼伏的响彻而起。 What is that?!” “那是什么?!” This is what Origin Technique, gives to keep off unexpectedly Demon Sweeping Sword Pellet Technique!” “这是什么源术,竟然将荡魔剑丸术都给挡下来!” How possibly?!” “怎么可能?!” „” “” Various peak disciples in this time thorough loss of self-control, obviously this extremely stirring. 各峰弟子都是在此时彻底的失态,显然这一幕太过的震撼人心。 How they cannot think through, why Zhou Yuan can receive terrifying killing strike that the Baili Che this common 9-layer Heaven strength can cut to kill together continually 他们怎么都想不通,周元凭什么能够接下百里澈这一道连寻常九重天实力都能斩杀的恐怖杀招 That is Demon Sweeping Sword Pellet Technique! 那是荡魔剑丸术啊! One of Blue Profound Seven Techniques, is one of the Sword Peak quality highest Origin Technique! 苍玄七术之一,同时也是剑来峰品质最高的源术之一! This technique displays, should be easily accomplished has destroyed all, can match its reputation, however at present, actually keeps off by mysterious light shadow before the body. 此术施展出来,本该是摧枯拉朽般的摧毁一切,方能匹配它的声名,然而眼下,却是被一道神秘光影挡于身前。 Sword Peak and Saint Origin Peak's disciple, is opening the mouth similarly is looking at this, facial expression again appear(ance) of both sides change, former by liking gradually becomes panic-stricken, but latter and the others, then from alarmed and afraid became vacant. 剑来峰圣源峰的弟子,同样是张大着嘴的望着这一幕,不过双方的神情再度出现了变化,前者由欢喜渐渐的变为惊恐,而后者等人,则是从惊惧变为了茫然。 They do not understand similarly why Zhou Yuan can receive killing strike so to return safe and sound hardly. 他们同样不明白为何周元能够硬接下这般杀招而毫发无损。 Only had Zhou Tai, Lu Yan, the Zhang Yan three people remembered anything, fierce cross-eyed one, in the eye all has to reappear unbelievable, then somewhat difficult muttered: That ray of light shadow is 唯有周泰,吕嫣,张衍三人似是想起了什么,猛的对视一眼,眼中皆是有着难以置信浮现出来,然后有些艰难的喃喃道:“那道光影难道是” Extreme Profound Saint Spirit Technique?!” 太玄圣灵术?!” In the upper air, in the teeth of Baili Che, has the low and deep sound to jump, his face twists, both eyes are nearly red are looking at that appear(ance) in that say/way mysterious light shadow of Zhou Yuan whole body. 高空上,百里澈的牙齿间,有着低沉的声音一个个的蹦了出来,他脸庞扭曲,双目近乎通红般的望着那出现周元周身的那道神秘光影 As Sword Peak's chief, his eyesight nature is higher than the common disciple, when beyond Zhou Yuan body that say/way mysterious light shadow appear(ance), he then recognized it. 身为剑来峰的首席,他的眼力自然比寻常弟子要高,所以当周元身躯外那道神秘光影出现的时候,他便是将其认了出来。 Naturally, only has with is high rank Heaven Origin Technique Extreme Profound Saint Spirit Technique, can resist his Demon Sweeping Sword Pellet Technique. 当然,也唯有同为上品天源术太玄圣灵术,才能够抵挡得住他的荡魔剑丸术 deserves death boy! He how possibly in such a short time cultivate successfully Extreme Profound Saint Spirit Technique?!” Baili Che clenches jaws, in the eye is furious completely. 该死的小子!他怎么可能在这么短的时间中修成太玄圣灵术?!”百里澈咬牙切齿,眼中满是震怒。 This fellow, deciding however also draws support from external force reluctantly cultivate successfully!” “这家伙,定然也是借助外力勉强修成!” Baili Che complexion gloomy, he can display Demon Sweeping Sword Pellet Technique, actually not because of his self-torture, because certain external forces help, therefore he can to congeal have Demon Sweeping Sword Pellet reluctantly. 百里澈面色阴沉,他能够施展出“荡魔剑丸术”,其实并非是因他苦修而成,而是因为某些外力所助,所以他才能够勉强凝炼荡魔剑丸 Because of not self-torture, therefore was short of several to segregate the reality, was slightly impractical. 因为并非自身苦修而成,所以就少了几分凝实,略显虚浮。 But looks like in Baili Che, he impossible in this short two moon/month about cultivate successfully Demon Sweeping Sword Pellet Technique, Zhou Yuan to think cultivate successfully Extreme Profound Saint Spirit Technique, that inevitably is also the impossible matter. 而在百里澈看来,连他都不可能在这短短两月左右修成荡魔剑丸术,周元修成太玄圣灵术,那必然也是不可能的事情。 Therefore, Zhou Yuan decided however also drew support from certain external force reasons. 所以,周元定然也是借助了某些外力缘故。 Looked down on you actually!” “倒是小瞧了你!” Baili Che is staring at Zhou Yuan, sneers, after being furious, he also gradually calms down, although Zhou Yuan cultivate successfully Extreme Profound Saint Spirit Technique, but also can only resist his Demon Sweeping Sword Pellet Technique reluctantly. 百里澈凝视着周元,冷笑一声,在震怒过后,他也是渐渐的冷静下来,周元虽然修成了“太玄圣灵术”,但也只能勉强抵御住他的荡魔剑丸术 It seems like under then he needs to stabilize the aspect, waits for an opportunity to look for the opportunity again. 看来接下来他需要稳定下局面,再伺机寻找机会。 At this moment, in the Baili Che heart has not dared to have slight belittling to Zhou Yuan, starts truly treats as the same rank it opponent. 此时此刻,百里澈心中已再不敢对周元有丝毫的小觑,开始真正的将其当做同等级的对手 Above the upper air, the Zhou Yuan vision looked at Baili Che one from afar, resembling saw in his heart the institute is ordinary, immediately the corners of the mouth raise wipe to have the curve of profound meaning. 高空之上,周元目光远远的看了百里澈一眼,似是看出了他心中所想一般,当即嘴角掀起一抹别有深意的弧度。 His raised the head, is staring at that huge incomparable sword light, in that sword light most deep place, visibles faintly silver Sword Pellet Shock, continuous is emitting fearful Sword Qi. 抬起头,凝望着那巨大无比的剑光,在那剑光最深处,隐约可见银色的剑丸震动着,源源不断的喷吐着可怕的剑气 Demon Sweeping Sword Pellet Technique good fierce attacking Origin Technique.” 荡魔剑丸术么好厉害的攻伐源术。” Pitifully, this technique displayed in your hands is really the for no reason shame it.” The Zhou Yuan light sound resounded, spread to the Baili Che ear. “不过可惜,此术在你手中施展出来真是平白的辱了它。”周元淡淡的声音响起,传入了百里澈耳中。 Baili Che hearing this, gets angry immediately smiles extremely, coldly said: boast shamelessly!” 百里澈闻言,顿时怒极而笑,寒声道:“大言不惭!” Zhou Yuan smiles one pale, actually no longer pays attention in him, the intention moves, sees only that to cover the Saint Spirit form beyond body then starts to bloom radiant radiance in this time. 周元淡笑一声,却是不再理会于他,心念一动,只见得那笼罩在身躯之外的圣灵身影便是开始在此时绽放出璀璨的光芒 A mysterious and boundless strength, sends out from Saint Spirit form within the body. 一股神秘而磅礴的力量,从圣灵身影体内散发出来。 That form, although is exceptionally fuzzy, does not see clearly the shape, but instead even more appears mysterious and unfathomable. 那道身影,虽然异常模糊,看不清楚形态,但反而愈发的显得神秘莫测 The Saint spiritual light shadow lifts the palm, sees only its radiance to surge, that radiance palm starts infinite extending, like lightning is going to that great great sword light violently shoots. 灵光影抬起手掌,只见得其光芒涌动,那光芒手掌开始无限般的延伸,闪电般的对着那巨大剑暴射而去。 Scoffs! 嗤啦! The light palm and sword light bump, mysterious strength sending out, sees only sword light unexpectedly in this time rapid dissolution, that several thousand zhang (3.33 m) huge sword light, by that Saint spiritual light shadow palm, tearing. 光掌与剑光相碰,一股神秘之力散发,只见得剑光竟是在此时迅速的溶解开来,那数千丈庞大的剑光,被那圣灵光影的手掌,生生的撕裂开来。 The Baili Che complexion drastic change, didn't expect Saint Spirit phantom is so obviously overbearing, immediately the intention moves, Demon Sweeping Sword Pellet vibrates, emits countless Sword Qi, is only strangling to death to go to that palm, tries to wipe to extinguish it. 百里澈面色剧变,显然没想到圣灵虚影如此霸道,当即心念一动,荡魔剑丸震动,喷吐出无数剑气,对着那光掌绞杀而去,试图将其抹灭。 buzz! 嗡嗡 However sword light howls to go, does not have the too major role, beside light cover, light halo unceasing reappearing, is resisting countless Sword Qi, directly soars that dreadful Sword Qi center silver Sword Pellet to go. 然而剑光呼啸而去,却是没有太大的作用,光罩之外,光圈不断的浮现,抵御着无数剑气,直奔那滔天剑气最中心的银色剑丸而去。 Good guts!” “好胆!” Baili Che also discovered the Zhou Yuan's intention, shouted angrily to make noise immediately, but that light/only held the place visited, easily accomplished dissolved Sword Qi, pouring was also somewhat makes him alarmed and afraid, a consideration, can only clench teeth slightly, stimulates to movement Sword Pellet violently shoots to draw back, must drill into his within the body. 百里澈也是发现了周元的意图,当即怒喝出声,但那光掌所过之处,摧枯拉朽般的溶解剑气,倒也是让得他有些惊惧,微微一思虑,只能一咬牙,催动着剑丸暴射而退,要钻入他体内。 Buzz! 嗡! However, in that flickers, Saint Spirit phantom that beyond Zhou Yuan body Sword Pellet violently shoots draws back also vanished in suddenly same place. 不过,就在剑丸暴射而退的那一瞬,周元身躯之外的圣灵虚影也是突然消失在了原地。 Shuā! 唰! When it comes again, directly was appear(ance) in the silver Sword Pellet flying upside down direction, another light palm stretched out, inflated suddenly, just like mountain peak general great hand fishing ruthlessly, one then grasped Demon Sweeping Sword Pellet in the palm. 当其再度现身时,直接是出现在了银色剑丸倒飞的方向,另外一只光掌伸出,猛然膨胀,宛如山峰一般的巨手狠狠的捞下,一把便是将荡魔剑丸抓在了掌中。 Lets loose to me!” The Baili Che startled anger makes noise, quickly stimulates to movement Demon Sweeping Sword Pellet to erupt dreadful Sword Qi, attempts Saint Spirit phantom tearing. “给我放开!”百里澈惊怒出声,急忙催动荡魔剑丸爆发出滔天剑气,试图将圣灵虚影撕裂。 However Saint Spirit phantom within the body, unceasing has the boundless strength to surge, is going to the palm suppression, wipes to extinguish that torrential Sword Qi. 不过圣灵虚影体内,不断的有着磅礴之力涌动出来,对着掌心镇压而去,将那滔滔剑气抹灭。 Zhou Yuan of distant place, the figure moves, appear(ance) above the Saint Spirit phantom shoulder, his vision tranquil is looking at not far away complexion pale Baili Che. 远处的周元,身形一动,出现在了圣灵虚影肩膀之上,他的目光平静的望着不远处面色铁青的百里澈 Lets loose to me Sword Pellet!” The Baili Che anger shouted. “把剑丸给我放开!”百里澈怒喝道。 The Zhou Yuan corners of the mouth raise wipe the ridicule, the sole stamp, the crown of the head place has golden Origin Qi to shoot up to the sky, finally fell into Saint Spirit phantom within the body. 周元嘴角掀起一抹讥讽,脚掌一跺,天灵盖处有着金色源气冲天而起,最后落入了圣灵虚影体内。 Fierce Demon Sweeping Sword Pellet Technique, in your hands, is actually cultivation so cannot withstand like that impractically, said your shame this technique, but also was not really false!” Meanwhile, his sound, resounds through. “那般厉害的荡魔剑丸术,在你手中,却是修炼得如此虚浮不堪,说你辱了此术,还真是不假!”与此同时,他的声音,响彻而起。 Obtained the Zhou Yuan Origin Qi support, Saint Spirit phantom both light palms are suddenly huge, finally resembles exudes the sound of howling, double palm suddenly ruthlessly to patting together. 得到了周元源气的支撑,圣灵虚影两只光掌都是猛然巨大化,最后似是发出嘶啸之声,双掌猛然狠狠的对拍在一起 Bang! 轰! Fearful strength storm wreak havoc comes, space in this time sharp shake. 可怕的力量风暴肆虐开来,空间都是在此时剧烈的震荡。 Kacha! 咔嚓! But that countless line of sight, actually panic-stricken is staring at that Saint Spirit phantom light palm to the patting place, sees only there, silver Sword Pellet creakies, has the close crack to reappear unexpectedly, finally in that panic-stricken desire vision certainly, explodes 而那无数道视线,却是惊骇的盯着那圣灵虚影光掌对拍处,只见得那里,银色剑丸摇摇欲坠,竟是有着细密的裂纹浮现出来,最后更是在那一道道惊骇欲绝的目光中,爆炸开来 He unexpectedly was directly Baili Che Sword Pellet patting broken! 他竟是直接将百里澈剑丸给拍碎了!
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