VY :: Volume #6

#529: Demon Sweeping Sword Pellet

Clang! 铛! Void above, two ray of light shadow illness/quick plunder, finally sword shadow plunders, with claw hoof collision together that is proliferating the dark golden scales piece, time sparks flying in all directions, wild fluctuation wreak havoc comes, causes the space to shake. 虚空之上,两道光影疾掠而过,最终剑影掠下,与一只遍布着暗金鳞片的爪蹄碰撞在一起,顿时间火花四溅,狂暴的波动肆虐开来,引得空间震荡。 The sharp claw hoof stems from the hardness of imagination, shakes sword shadow directly, but held the sword form also to shoot to draw back, presently comes, precisely Zhao Zhu. 锋利的爪蹄出乎想象的坚硬,直接是震开了剑影,而持剑身影也是倒射而退,现出身来,正是赵烛 But this time he, complexion some are not quite attractive. 而此时的他,面色有些不太好看。 In its front, mysterious dark gold giant beast treads to be spatial and vertical, powerful, the whole body sent out dark golden light Ze, was looking at Zhao Zhu one that Tun Tun that golden beast pupil looked disdainfully, resembled somewhat disdains. 在其前方,神秘的暗金巨兽踏空而立,威风凛凛,浑身散发着暗金光泽,吞吞金色兽瞳睥睨的看了赵烛一眼,似是有些不屑。 Zhao Zhu naturally is also detected that disdaining in Tun Tun beast pupil, in the eye has anger to surge immediately, actually by a domestic animal despising! 赵烛自然也是察觉到吞吞兽瞳中的不屑,当即眼中有着怒意涌动,竟然被一头畜生给鄙夷了! However, although in heart slightly anger, but Zhao Zhu actually has to feel some thorny, because of after previous fight, he understands finally Tun Tun's is fierce. 不过,虽然心中微怒,但赵烛却是不得不感到有些棘手,因为经过先前的交手,他总算是明白了吞吞的厉害。 Latter whole body dark gold beast scale extremely hard, is ordinary just like a mail-armor and helmet, this defense, his Sword Qi, is unable to divide to cut even. 后者浑身的暗金兽鳞极其的坚硬,宛如一层甲胄一般,这种防御,就算是他的剑气,都是无法劈斩开来。 Moreover what is most troublesome, Tun Tun that giant mouth has devouring power, sometimes even can swallow Zhao Zhu sword glow directly, therefore the Zhao Zhu making an effort skills, cannot previously obtain the least bit even the advantage. 而且最麻烦的是,吞吞巨嘴拥有着吞噬之力,有时候甚至能直接将赵烛剑芒吞下,所以即便是赵烛使劲浑身解数,都是未能在先前取得半点的好处。 .” “呼。” Zhao Zhu took a deep breath, actually gradually calms down, he knows, at this time cannot be anxious, can only study Origin Technique by oneself, slowly fights with Tun Tun. 赵烛深吸一口气,倒是渐渐的冷静下来,他知晓,此时不可急,只能凭借自身所学源术,慢慢的与吞吞相斗。 Buzz! 嗡! But in the Zhao Zhu restraining thoughts, prepares the offensive slows down, he suddenly feels among Heaven and Earth to have together the heaven shaking Sword Qi eruption, that said that swift and fierce of Sword Qi, as if can pierce Heaven and Earth. 而就在赵烛收敛心思,准备将攻势减缓时,他忽然感觉到天地间有着一道惊天般的剑气爆发,那道剑气之凌厉,仿佛能够洞穿天地 Zhao Zhu slightly startled, has turned the head, then locked the battlefield of distant place. 赵烛微惊,转过头去,然后便是锁定了远处的一道战场。 There precisely Zhou Yuan and Baili Che are. 那里正是周元百里澈所在。 Junior Brother Baili planned unexpectedly displayed that to incur...” In the Zhao Zhu eye is somewhat surprised, his actually didn't expect, but copes with Zhou Yuan, Baili Che can actually such using full power. 百里师弟竟然打算施展那一招了…”赵烛眼中有些惊讶,他倒是没想到,只是对付一个周元而已,百里澈却会如此的倾尽全力 However is also good, earlier displays killing strike, routs Zhou Yuan, can have the initiative in the hand. 不过也好,早点施展杀招,将周元击溃,就能够将主动权掌握在手中。 So long as his here constrains Tun Tun, solves Zhou Yuan's Baili Che, can destroy barrier from the outside, rescues other Sword Peak's disciples. 只要他这里拖住吞吞,解决掉周元的百里澈,就能够从外部打碎结界,将其他剑来峰的弟子解救出来。 The Zhao Zhu vision passed over gently and swiftly that form of Baili Che front, in the eye passed over gently and swiftly wipes cold intent. 赵烛目光掠过百里澈前方的那道身影,眼中掠过一抹冷意。 When Baili Che displays this move, there fight, should finish. 百里澈施展出这一招的时候,想必那里的战斗,也就该结束了。 ... Recite! 吟! When that rushes sharp Sword Qi since Baili Che within the body erupts, Zhou Yuan is also detected that thick dangerous aura, figure suddenly/violently to retreat, avoided Sword Qi covered the range dignifiedly, complexion is looking at Baili Che of distant place. 当那澎湃锋利的剑气百里澈体内爆发而出时,周元也是察觉到了浓浓的危险气息,身形暴退,避开了剑气笼罩范围,面色凝重的望着远处的百里澈 This time latter, the whole body is sending out extremely astonishing swift and fierce Sword Qi, even all around space, shivers to reappear many traces. 此时的后者,浑身散发着极为惊人的凌厉剑气,甚至连四周的空间,都是颤抖着浮现出诸多的痕迹。 Obviously, Baili Che is fermenting together out of the ordinary killing strike. 显然,百里澈在酝酿着一道非同凡响的杀招 On the Baili Che face, the blue vein shrugs, seems like quite fierce, Sword Qi since its top of the head ascends, slightly viscous , just like congeals to look at a roughly thumb size gradually unexpectedly silver Sword Pellet... 百里澈的脸庞上,青筋耸动,看上去颇为的狰狞,剑气自其头顶升腾而起,略显粘稠,渐渐的,竟宛如是凝结成看一颗约莫拇指大小的银色剑丸 That silver Sword Pellet, is slightly unreal, the appearance of creakying, will as if be defeated and dispersed momentarily. 那颗银色剑丸,略显虚幻,摇摇欲坠的模样,仿佛随时都会溃散。 Even so, when that silver Sword Pellet forming, among entire Heaven and Earth, seems has the resonant sword cry sound to get up, Sword Qi is dreadful, momentum incomparable astonishment. 但即便如此,当那银色剑丸成形时,整个天地间,仿佛都是有着嘹亮的剑吟声响起,剑气滔天,声势无比的惊人。 That distant place, the vision of various peak disciples, are looking at this that shocks, some people are not strange, immediately even the sound somewhat shivers. 那远处,各峰弟子的目光,都是震撼的望着这一幕,其中一些人对此并不陌生,当即连声音都是有些颤抖起来。 This is... one of the Sword Peak's Blue Profound Seven Techniques...” “这是…剑来峰的苍玄七术之一…” Demon Sweeping Sword Pellet?!” 荡魔剑丸?!” My God, Baili Che unexpectedly such quickly its cultivate successfully?!” “我的天,百里澈竟然这么快就将其修成了?!” ... Beside that origin pond, Headmaster Qing Yang, five Peak Lord as well as many elders, saw this, immediately the look all concentrates. 在那源池之外,青阳掌教,五位峰主以及诸多长老,也都是看见了这一幕,当即眼神皆是一凝。 Snort, this Demon Sweeping Sword Pellet, illusory is not steady, obviously is forcefully, does not depend upon accumulated to raise, looks at this appearance, was directed seem like forcefully.” The Peak Lord Lianyi beautiful pupil is staring at that silver Sword Pellet, suddenly sneers, intent has referred to looked at Peak Lord Ling Jun one. “哼,这颗荡魔剑丸,虚幻不稳,显然是强行而成,并非是依靠自身蕴养,看这模样,倒像是被人强行指点。”涟漪峰主美眸凝视着那颗银色剑丸,忽的冷笑一声,意有所指的看了灵均峰主一眼。 Peak Lord Ling Jun is unemotional, said: „The Baili Che talent is not low, although contactsDemon Sweeping Sword Pellet Technique merely several months, but has some comprehensions, now concentrates reluctantly Sword Pellet, is not strange, Peak Lord Lianyi may probably make slanderous accusations against others not. ” 灵均峰主面无表情,道:“百里澈天赋不低,虽然接触“荡魔剑丸术”仅仅数月,但却自有一些领悟,如今勉强凝出剑丸,并不奇怪,涟漪峰主可莫要含血喷人。” „, You yourself clearest.” Say/Way that Peak Lord Lianyi disdains. “是不是,你自己最清楚。”涟漪峰主不屑的道。 Two people unexpected being in sharp opposition, Headmaster Qing Yang they also can only shake the head as before, slightly feels reluctantly. 两人依旧是不出意外的针锋相对,青阳掌教他们也只能摇摇头,略感无奈。 Not far away, Shen Taiyuan and Elder Lu Song are the whole face are bitter and astringent, before Zhou Yuan and Yao Yao used the method, surrounded Sword Peak all disciples, made them pleasantly surprised actually, then, their Saint Origin Peak and Sword Peak's strength, was achieved balanced. 不远处,沈太渊吕松长老则是满脸苦涩,之前周元夭夭施展手段,困住了剑来峰所有弟子,倒是让得他们惊喜了一阵,如此一来,他们圣源峰剑来峰的实力,算是达到了平衡。 But who can think, that Baili Che, can actually one of the cultivate successfully Blue Profound Seven Techniques Demon Sweeping Sword Pellet Technique! 但谁能想到,那百里澈,竟然能够修成苍玄七术之一的“荡魔剑丸术”! Although Sword Pellet initially becomes, extremely impractical, but the good and evil is also high rank Heaven Origin Technique, mighty energy only has the terrifying two characters to describe. 虽然剑丸初成,极为的虚浮,但好歹也是上品天源术,威能唯有恐怖二字方能形容。 This technique, the people of some true Absolute Beginning Realm 9-layer Heaven strengths, do not dare the firmly resists point even. 此术一出,就算是一些真正的太初境九重天实力的人,都不敢硬憾锋芒。 Lu Song looked at Shen Taiyuan one, sighed: They can achieve this step, is very good.” 吕松看了沈太渊一眼,叹道:“他们能做到这一步,已经很不错了。” Shen Taiyuan silent, said: I did not blame them, instead thought was I ability is insufficient, otherwise, does not need to make two children sustain this pressure.” 沈太渊沉默了一下,道:“我并非是责怪他们,反而是觉得是我自身能力不够,不然的话,也不必让两个孩子去承担这种压力。” Although now he is Saint Origin Peak generation of Peak Lord, but by having strength, actually becomes true Peak Lord unqualified, with other Peak Lord equalities. 虽然如今他是圣源峰峰主,但论起实力,却还是不够资格成为真正的峰主,与其他峰主平等。 In Blue Profound Sect, only has to step into Nascent Origin Realm, is truly has the qualifications to become Peak Lord, but especially Peak Lord Ling Jun and the others, are in Nascent Origin Realm top, even they, are start to open Law Domain, although Law Domain still not perfection, but also is far from common Nascent Origin Realm may compare. 苍玄宗,唯有踏入源婴境,才算真正有资格成为峰主,而特别是灵均峰主等人,更是源婴境中最顶尖者,甚至他们,已是开始开辟法域,虽然法域尚不圆满,但也远非寻常源婴境可比。 But Shen Taiyuan now is only Heavenly Sun Realm, still also has the distance from Nascent Origin Realm, let alone with Peak Lord Ling Jun compared with them? 沈太渊如今还只是天阳境,距离源婴境尚还有着距离,更何况跟灵均峰主他们相比? If Shen Taiyuan he also stepped into Nascent Origin Realm, even if that Peak Lord Ling Jun is unpleasing to the eyes Saint Origin Peak, does not dare such excess. 如果沈太渊他也是踏入了源婴境,那么就算是灵均峰主看不顺眼圣源峰,也是不敢如此的过分。 Lu Song is also silent, must sigh one lightly, in this world, in sect, still needs the sufficient strength even, can have the right to speak. 吕松也是沉默下来,只得轻叹一声,这个世间上,就算是在宗门内,也是需要足够的实力,才能够拥有着话语权。 At present, can only hope that Zhou Yuan can insist, at least, our Saint Origin Peak losses, must make his Sword Peak lose some even!” “眼下,只能希望周元能够多坚持一下了,最起码,就算我们圣源峰,也得让他剑来峰多损失一些!” ... buzz! 嗡嗡 In countless shocking vision in that Heaven and Earth, silver Sword Pellet slowly falls from the Baili Che crown of the head, finally float in it at present. 在那天地无数道震撼的目光中,银色的剑丸缓缓的自百里澈天灵盖落下,最后漂浮在了其眼前。 Sword Pellet vibrates slightly, is releasing terrifying Sword Qi, is tearing void. 剑丸微微震动,释放着恐怖的剑气,撕裂着虚空。 The face of Baili Che is somewhat pale, but look actually extremely stimulated, his vision shifts to front Zhou Yuan, the corners of the mouth has the dense curve to raise. 百里澈的面庞有些苍白,但眼神却是极其的亢奋,他的目光转向前方的周元,嘴角有着森然弧度掀起来。 Chief Zhou Yuan, this is the first time that I used this technique, can defeat on this , was really your being honored.” 周元首席,这是我第一次施展出此术,能够败在这上面,也真算是你的荣幸了。” Baili Che does not want obviously again and Zhou Yuan dogfight gets down, displays strongest killing strike directly. 百里澈显然是不想再和周元缠斗下去,直接是施展出了最强的杀招 The Zhou Yuan look is dignified, obviously also guessed correctly the Baili Che so killing strike origin. 周元眼神凝重,显然也是猜出了百里澈这般杀招的来历。 Can have momentum so, besides that Sword Peak's one of seven techniques, what can also be?! 能够有这般声势的,除了那剑来峰的七术之一外,还能是什么?! The one who lets his some amazed is, his didn't expect, this can Baili Che, why in such a short time, give cultivate successfully this technique? 只是,让他有些惊异的是,他没想到,这百里澈,为何能够在这么短的时间中,将此术给修成 Baili Che is silent Zhou Yuan's, obviously treated as alarmed and afraid, his pleased smiles, then the look is vicious, stretches out the finger, to Sword Pellet, gently a point. 百里澈周元的沉默,显然是当做了惊惧,他快意的一笑,然后眼神凶狠下来,伸出手指,对着剑丸,轻轻一点。 Baili Che that ice-cold sound, also resounds. 百里澈那冰冷的声音,也是随之响起。 Now knows that feared? What a pity, late!” “现在知道怕了?可惜,晚了!” Demon Sweeping Sword Pellet... goes!” 荡魔剑丸…去!” That flickers, heaven shaking moves the sword cry sound, resounds through. 那一瞬,惊天动地般的剑吟声,响彻而起。 Sword Qi wreak havoc Heaven and Earth. 剑气肆虐天地
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