VY :: Volume #14

#1327: Struggles hard Yuan Quan

golden armor Yuan Quan is situated in the top of Shashan, the wild heaven shaking Origin Qi pressure sweeps away, was almost the lid pressed entire Heaven and Earth. 金甲渊泉立于沙山之顶,狂暴惊天源气威压横扫,几乎是盖压了整个天地 That revealed 8000 hundred million Origin Qi background that making the Zhou Yuan eye hide in beat slightly, opponent of this rank, is really frightening. 那所显露出来的八千亿源气底蕴,让得周元眼皮子都是在微微的跳动,这种级别的对手,实在是让人心惊胆战。 Roar! 吼! Tun Tun erupts the low roar, in the huge body, each piece of scale in glittering golden light, the prestige of innate Saint Beast in eruption strongly, is resisting that terrifying Origin Qi pressure. 吞吞爆发出低吼声,巨大的身躯上,每一片鳞片都是在闪烁金光,先天圣兽之威在竭力的爆发,抵御着那种恐怖的源气威压。 The Tun Tun promote entered shortly after the 8th Rank time, strict, it was the strength of Law Domain first boundary, but innate Saint Beast after all was uncommon, even if facing the Law Domain second boundary, it did not dread, but present Yuan Quan, is actually the Law Domain third boundary! 吞吞晋入八品时间不久,严格来说,它算是法域第一境的实力,但先天圣兽终归是不凡,所以即便是面对着法域第二境,它也毫不忌惮,可眼前的渊泉,却是法域第三境! Moreover the outstanding person in third boundary. 而且还是第三境中的佼佼者。 Therefore, even the Tun Tun so status, facing meantime, is still critical situation. 所以,即便是吞吞这般身份,面对其时,也是如临大敌。 The Zhou Yuan's form also fell on summit of the Shashan, his palm grasped, Heaven Primal Brush flashed before, stimulated to movement Origin Soul without hesitation. 周元的身影也是落在了一座沙山之巅,他手掌一握,天元笔闪现而出,毫不犹豫的催动了“源魂”。 In an instant, Origin Qi and power of Divine Soul are intertwined, finally fused a huge strength, flooded in Zhou Yuan within the body. 霎那间,源气神魂之力交缠,最后融合成了一股更为庞大的力量,充斥于周元体内。 Earth Saint Pattern also in stimulated to movement simultaneously, the time desert vibrates, has the heavy/thick strength deep place to well up arrogantly torrentially, finally pours into the Zhou Yuan's body. 地圣纹也是在同时被催动,顿时间沙漠震动,有厚重的力量自大地深处滔滔涌来,最后灌注进周元的身躯之中。 As Zhou Yuan these many methods display, Origin Qi pressure that then erupts from his within the body, is increasing successively. 随着周元这诸多手段施展开来,那自他体内爆发的源气威压,也是在节节攀升。 Faces Zhou Yuan this heavily to change, that Yuan Quan is complexion is faint, has not appeared extremely amazed, is only nodded, the careless review said: Good, no wonder Chi Liu planted.” 面对着周元重重变化,那渊泉却是面色淡漠,并没有显得太过的惊诧,只是点点头,漫不经心的点评道:“不错,难怪赤鎏栽了。” „But if so, your skin, I decide today exhaustedly!” “但若只是如此的话,今日你这皮,我剥定了!” The instance when the Yuan Quan sound drops, his form disappears to go baseless. 渊泉声音落下的瞬间,他的身影凭空消失而去。 Roar! 吼! Tun Tun sends out roars sternly, huge body fierce leaps, sees only void comes in this time shatter, but its glittering black light giant claw, is being is going to tearing of void heavily directly somewhere. 吞吞发出厉声咆哮,庞大的身躯猛的跃出,只见得虚空都是在此时破碎开来,而它那闪烁黑光巨爪,直接是对着某处虚空重重的撕裂而去。 But in black light giant claw pats next, void turbulent, wipes the golden light eruption. 而就在黑光巨爪拍下时,虚空动荡,一抹金光爆发。 The golden candelilla just like Gold Dragon roars, is coercing the boundless boundless strength, bumps with that black light giant claw directly hardly. 金色大戟宛如是金龙咆哮,裹挟着磅礴无边之力,直接是与那黑光巨爪硬碰。 Clang! 铛! Has metal against metal sound to resound through, void layer upon layer shatter. 金铁之声响彻而起,虚空层层破碎。 golden halberd is entirely still, reviews the Tun Tun huge body actually to be shaken loudly backs up, on the beast claw, the scale of golden is breaks, the beast blood falls. 金戟纹丝不动,反观吞吞巨大的身躯却是被震得轰然倒退,兽爪上,金色的鳞片都是破碎开来,兽血倾洒。 The severe pain on giant claw transmitting, making Tun Tun angry roar to resound through, in the beast pupil full is the cruel ominous light. 巨爪上传来的剧痛,让得吞吞怒吼响彻,兽瞳之中满是暴戾凶光。 Saint Beast, that also insufficiently is only a domestic animal.” 圣兽,那也不够只是一头畜生而已。” Yuan Quan from treads void, look ridicule looked at one to roar Tun Tun, said lightly: Relax, when I peel that Zhou Yuan skin, your Saint Beast do not want to run, your Saint Beast flesh and blood, I ate.” 渊泉自虚空踏出,眼神讥讽的看了一眼咆哮中的吞吞,淡淡道:“放心,等我将那周元皮剥下来,你这头圣兽也别想跑,你这圣兽血肉,我吃定了。” Buzz! 嗡! Yuan Quan behind, void shatter, sharp incomparable pen tip violently shoots, is coercing the vast strength suddenly, bringing countless to say afterimage, covered the Yuan Quan whole body strategic point. 渊泉身后,虚空的忽然破碎,锋锐无匹的笔尖暴射而出,裹挟着浩瀚之力,带起了无数残影,覆盖渊泉周身要害。 Yuan Quan smiles one pale, in the hand the golden candelilla shakes suddenly, goes to sea just like Gold Dragon, golden light all cuts broken countless afterimage together, finally accurate incomparable cutting on a black brush bristles pen tip, gold and iron resounded through immediately, sparks flying in all directions. 渊泉淡笑一声,手中金色大戟猛然一抖,宛如金龙出海般,一道金光皆是斩破无数残影,最后精准无比的斩在了一处黑色毫毛笔尖上,顿时金铁响彻,火花四溅。 golden halberd cuts, shakes to disperse directly the black pen tip. 金戟斩下,直接是将黑色笔尖震散开来。 However countless black brush bristles powder, actually changes into trillion black light thorns, fills killing intent is covering to go to Yuan Quan again. 不过无数黑色毫毛一散,却是化为亿万黑色光刺,充满杀机的再度对着渊泉覆盖而去。 Carves the insect small technique.” “雕虫小技。” The Yuan Quan sole stamps, void is explodes to break to pieces directly, the strength of tyrannical terrifying erupts, punctures the direct evaporation that countless black brush bristles light. 渊泉脚掌一跺,虚空直接是爆碎开来,强横恐怖的力道喷发,生生的将那无数黑色毫毛光刺直接蒸发。 Minute of mountain gold/metal Zhan!” “分山金斩!” Easily decoded the offensive from that countless brush bristles, Yuan Quan turns around is golden halberd sends out, just like passes through the void golden rainbow light together, is unable fast of imagination, the overhead to cut to the Zhou Yuan anger under. 轻易的破解了来自那无数毫毛的攻势,渊泉转身便是金戟出动,宛如一道贯穿虚空的金色虹光,以无法想象之速,当头对着周元怒斩而下。 That cuts, has not fallen, in the under desert, is appear(ance) a length approximately several thousand li (0.5 km) deep trace. 那一斩,尚未落下,下方沙漠中,已是出现了一道长约数千里的深深痕迹。 golden light cuts, the Zhou Yuan whole body fine hair is but actually vertical, this Yuan Quan seemingly optional cuts, mighty energy that has, actually struck compared with previously that Chi Liu full power must come the terrifying, he felt, this cuts, even sufficiently heavy injury he. 金光斩下,周元浑身汗毛倒竖,这渊泉看似随意的一斩,那所具备的威能,却是比此前那赤鎏全力一击还要来得恐怖,他感觉,这一斩,甚至足以重创他。 Great Flame Demon!” 大炎魔!” Zhou Yuan does not dare to neglect, roared, the body inflated suddenly, changes into the flame demon body, the heat wave was billowing. 周元不敢怠慢,一声咆哮,身躯猛然膨胀,化为炎魔身躯,热浪滚滚。 Myriad Whale!” 万鲸!” Simultaneously wields Heaven Primal Brush, within the body all strengths moves all, behind dislodged countless huge ancient whale phantom void, then welcomed. 同时挥动天元笔,体内所有力量尽数而动,身后虚空撞出了无数道巨大的古鲸虚影,然后迎上。 Clang! 铛! The heaven shaking great sound gets up, then follows closely is that nearly terrifying storm that comes, the storm raises everywhere yellow sand in the desert, surroundings that like giant Shashan are directly by levelling off. 惊天巨声响起,紧随而来的便是那近乎恐怖的风暴,风暴在沙漠中掀起漫天黄沙,周围那一座座如巨人般的沙山更是直接被生生的夷平。 Bang! 砰! Zhou Yuan's body violently shoots draws back, the body dashes the air, brought the sonic boom sound, his gripped tightly the Heaven Primal Brush's double palm, the fingers/tiger mouth cracks, the blood was billowing. 周元的身躯暴射而退,身躯撞破空气,带起了音爆声,他那紧握天元笔的双掌,虎口崩裂,鲜血滚滚。 His body is to crash into the desert directly, bang in the great sound, smashed a surrounding area hundred li (0.5 km) deep sand pit in the desert directly. 他的身躯直接是坠入沙漠,轰隆巨声中,直接是在沙漠中砸出了一个方圆百里的深深沙坑。 This first time to bumping, obviously was Yuan Quan got the absolute winning side. 这第一次的对碰,显然是渊泉占据了绝对的上风。 Yuan Quan looks at that to be rumbled to enter Zhou Yuan in sand pit, in the eye ridicules. 渊泉望着那被轰进沙坑中的周元,眼中讥讽更甚。 Bang! 轰! However in the meantime, void shatter, huge shadow jumps out, the deafening beast roar resounds, Tun Tun that is covering the devouring power front sharp claws light, like lightning is grasping to the Yuan Quan back. 不过就在此时,虚空破碎,巨大的阴影窜出,震耳欲聋的兽吼声响起,吞吞那覆盖着吞噬之力的锋利爪光,闪电般的对着渊泉后背抓下。 But that claw light passed over gently and swiftly, Yuan Quan form actually in dissipation gradually. 但那爪光掠过,渊泉的身影却是在渐渐的消散。 Impressively is together afterimage. 赫然是一道残影 A Tun Tun beast pupil startled, fierce low roar makes noise, because of its sensation, that Yuan Quan is going to below Zhou Yuan lightning directly, obviously is plans first to focus on solving Zhou Yuan. 吞吞兽瞳一惊,猛的低吼出声,因为它感知到,那渊泉直接是对着下方的周元闪电而去,显然是打算先集中力量解决掉周元 But the Yuan Quan speed is too fast, almost teleport, directly was appear(ance) in that giant sand pit. 渊泉速度太快,几乎瞬移般,直接是出现在了那巨大的沙坑中。 In his hand golden halberd aims below Zhou Yuan, said with a smile pale: I do not know the courage where you come looks for me.” 他手中金戟指向下方的周元,淡笑道:“我都不知道你哪来的胆子来找我。” When its sound falls, in this giant gulf, has Origin Pattern to reappear suddenly, turnover the Origin Qi fluctuation of terrifying. 当其声落时,这巨大的深坑中,突然有着一道道的源纹浮现出来,吞吐着恐怖的源气波动。 The Yuan Quan brow selects, said: Did "Oh? get down layer upon layer the Origin Pattern trap in this Riboux? ” 渊泉眉头一挑,道:“哦?在这里布下了层层源纹陷阱?” Throw straw against the wind.” “螳臂挡车罢了。” In the Yuan Quan eye ridiculed jeers , the next quarter, blazing with the strength of extremely coldly fusing, took its body as the source suddenly, loudly eruption. 渊泉眼中讥嘲更甚,下一刻,有一股炽热与极寒融合的力量,猛然以其身躯为源点,轰然爆发。 Bang! Bang! 砰!砰! The sand pit was swept away again, the expansion, just like formed the abyss oceanic trench of being too deep to see the bottom. 沙坑再度被横扫,扩张,犹如是形成了深不见底的深渊海沟。 But these Origin Pattern traps, are directly such as the overwhelmingly superior force are been more common by that strength, mopping up all goes. 而那些源纹陷阱,更是直接被那股力量如秋风扫落叶一般,尽数的扫灭而去。 Zhou Yuan was previously relying on the Origin Pattern trap, Yin Chi Liu, latter heavy injury, but is used to cope with Yuan Quan now again, actually by latter mopping up easily, thus it can be seen the disparity between both are what kind of huge. 此前周元便是凭借着源纹陷阱,阴了赤鎏一手,将后者重创,可如今再用来对付渊泉,却是被后者轻易的扫灭,由此可见两者之间的差距是何等的庞大。 Broke many Origin Pattern traps, in the Yuan Quan eye has ice-cold killing intent to pass over gently and swiftly, next one flickered, he no longer gave below Zhou Yuan any reaction time, in the hand golden halberd was breaks directly void, in a flash, golden light roared, if quickly pierced the Zhou Yuan's body like lightning, it nail firmly in desert deep place. 震碎诸多源纹陷阱,渊泉眼中有冰冷杀意掠过,下一瞬,他不再给下方周元任何的反应时间,手中金戟直接是震碎虚空而出,弹指间,金光咆哮,快若闪电般的洞穿了周元的身躯,将其牢牢的钉在了沙漠深处。 The entire desert, as if vibrated in this time. 整座沙漠,仿佛都是在此时震动了一下。 Also thinks that you can bring some pleasure to me...” Yuan Quan unemotional is looking at that by the form that golden halberd passes through, somewhat disappointed shaking the head. “还以为你能给我带来一些乐子呢...”渊泉面无表情的望着那被金戟贯穿的身影,有些失望的摇了摇头。 „, Solved earlier, avoid also wastes the time.” “也罢,早点解决了,也省得浪费时间。” He stretches out the palm, on desire the golden halberd recaption. 他伸出手掌,就欲将金戟取回。 However, in this flickers, his pupil suddenly shrinks slightly, because he saw, was sewn by golden halberd in Zhou Yuan of desert deep place, the whole body skin changed into the silver suddenly, silver Zhou Yuan lifted the palm, next one flickered, in the sleeve robe had seven-colored radiance glittering. 不过,也就是在这一瞬,他瞳孔忽的微微一缩,因为他见到,那被金戟钉在沙漠深处的周元,浑身的皮肤突然化为了银色,银化的周元抬起手掌,下一瞬,袖袍中有七彩光芒闪烁 The sword cry sound, resounds loudly. 剑吟声,轰然响起。 Buzz! 嗡! As sword cry resounds, but also has seven-colored sword light. 随着剑吟响起的,还有着一道道七彩剑光 That flickers, the light of seven-colored, covered this piece of horizon, that sharp aura soars to the heavens, directly Nine Heavens Yunxiao (cloud firmament) separate all. 那一瞬,七彩之光,覆盖了这片天际,那股锋锐之气冲天,直接是将九天云霄尽数的割裂。 But meanwhile, seems whispers to resound. 而同时,似有低语响起。 Seven-colored Heaven Slashing Sword Light, nine swords return to the birth family.” 七彩斩天剑光,九剑归宗。” seven-colored sword light points to Yuan Quan air-splitting, one after another, has reached the pinnacle nine numbers impressively! 七彩剑光破空直指渊泉,一道接一道,赫然已达极致九之数! Inundates Sky Sword to howl to resound, such as the startling thunderclap moves rolling. 漫天剑啸响起,如惊雷滚滚而动。
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