VY :: Volume #14

#1328: Saint candle Law Domain

Buzz! 嗡! The sword howl floods Heaven and Earth, nine seven-colored sword light shoot up to the sky, sharp aura that erupts in an instant, just like can cut the crack vault of heaven. 剑啸声充斥天地,九道七彩剑光冲天而起,那刹那间所爆发的锋锐之气,犹如是能够斩裂天穹。 This seven-colored sword light naturally is Seven-colored Heaven Slashing Sword Light that Zhou Yuan cultivates! 七彩剑光自然便是周元所修的七彩斩天剑光 However past he, is unable to achieve nine sword light simultaneously out, is naturally hard to play pinnacle this Origin Technique might together. 不过以往的他,始终无法做到九道剑光齐出,自然也难以将这一道源术的威力发挥到极致 But along with closing up over the previous two years, now, this Seven-colored Heaven Slashing Sword Light, can reveal finally toweringly. 但伴随着此前两年的闭关,如今,这七彩斩天剑光,终是能够显露峥嵘。 Nine seven-colored sword light air-splitting, in that howls, sword light unexpectedly is gradually melts, is faint, just like formed a seven-colored crystal stone long sword, that seven-colored crystal sword is unable fast of imagination, coercing unable sharp of imagination, a breath, sword light is not appear(ance) in front of Yuan Quan, suddenly violently thrust under. 九道七彩剑光破空,在那呼啸之间,剑光竟是渐渐的相融,隐隐间,犹如是形成了一柄七彩晶石般的长剑,那七彩晶剑以无法想象之速,裹挟无法想象之锐,一个呼吸都未过,剑光已是出现在了渊泉面前,猛然暴刺而下。 Sudden swift and fierce counter-attack, making that Yuan Quan both eyes narrow the eyes, sharpness that headed on, was makes in his eye first time appear(ance) amazed. 突如其来的凌厉反扑,让得那渊泉双目都是微眯了一下,那扑面而来的锋锐,也是令得他眼中首次的出现了一点惊诧。 This Origin Technique, by having mighty energy but actually, but this destroying the hardest defenses sharpness, is actually quite astonishing. 这道源术,论起威能倒还算好,可这种无坚不摧的锋锐,却是相当惊人。 Yuan Quan vision glittering, that covers the double palm of golden armor to close up suddenly, vast Origin Qi sweeps across to come, the strength between double palms, pushes ten thousand li (0.5 km) mountain for the flat land sufficiently. 渊泉目光闪烁,那覆盖着金甲的双掌猛然合拢,浩瀚源气席卷而来,双掌之间的力量,足以将万里山岳都是推为平地。 seven-colored crystal sword that violently thrust comes, is just closes up to suppress by that golden armor double palm suddenly, gathers just like two stars. 暴刺而来的七彩晶剑,则是刚好被那金甲双掌猛然合拢压住,宛如两颗星辰汇聚。 Two strengths in the crazy hedge, seven-colored crystal sword advancement slowly, the sharp sword are cutting sharp void, tries to run out of the blockade of Yuan Quan double palm, pierces its body. 两股力量在疯狂的对冲,七彩晶剑缓缓的推进,锋利的剑尖切割着虚空,试图冲出渊泉双掌的封锁,洞穿其身躯。 But it looked down on Yuan Quan that terrifying Origin Qi background after all. 但它终归还是小瞧了渊泉那恐怖的源气底蕴 Both's deadlock, the time that continues ten several breaths, when that seven-colored crystal sword sword edge touches Yuan Quan body golden armor, together slight sword mark appear(ance), but at the same time, the Yuan Quan complexion indifferent double palm gathers suddenly, that gathered the Zhou Yuan full power seven-colored crystal sword, then must break by the pressure. 两者的僵持,持续了十数息的时间,就在那七彩晶剑剑锋触碰到渊泉身上金甲的时候,一道细微的剑痕出现,但与此同时,渊泉面色冷漠的猛然双掌一合,那汇聚了周元全力七彩晶剑,便是被其生生的压得破碎开来。 This Origin Technique is together good, some good points.” “这一道源术不错,有些可取之处。” „Is this you counter-attack that thinks of every means to erupt? Truly speaking, this disappoints me somewhat.” Yuan Quan looks in the palms to change into the countless seven-colored luminous spot the crystal sword, smiles lightly. “不过这就是你费尽心机爆发的反扑吗?说实在的,这让我有些失望呢。”渊泉望着掌心间化为无数七彩光点的晶剑,淡淡一笑。 However, when his saying just fell, its behind void suddenly quietly breaks, seven-colored radiance violently shoots, astonishing fast broke by one type together suddenly void, points to Yuan Quan! 不过,就当他这话刚落的时候,其身后的虚空忽然悄然的破碎开来,一道七彩光华陡然暴射而出,以一种惊人之速破碎了虚空,直指渊泉 Unexpectedly is together the seven-colored crystal sword! 竟又是一道七彩晶剑! Sudden change sudden extremely, that Yuan Quan does not have the reaction time, that seven-colored crystal sword is coercing boundlessly sharp, was chops to cut directly above golden armor beyond Yuan Quan body! 突如其来的变化太过的突然,就连那渊泉都没有反应时间,那一柄七彩晶剑便是裹挟着无边锋锐,直接是劈斩在了渊泉身躯外的金甲之上! Clang! 铛! Resonant metal against metal sound is erupting void. 嘹亮的金铁之声在虚空爆发。 The nearby was been void broken by sharp Sword Qi twisting. 附近虚空被锋锐剑气生生的绞碎。 Yuan Quan complexion gets down in this time gloomy, his fist rumbles, vast Origin Qi moves, under a fist, the horizon seems dark(ness) gets down, but that seven-colored crystal sword, was rumbled by his fist directly explodes breaks to pieces to start. 渊泉面色在此时有些阴沉下来,他一拳轰出,浩瀚源气而动,一拳之下,天际仿佛都是黑暗下来,而那七彩晶剑,直接是被他一拳轰得爆碎而开。 He is excessive, is looking void somewhere, sees only there space to fluctuate, the person's shadow appears together. 他偏过头,望着虚空某处,只见得那里空间波动,一道人影浮现出来。 precisely Zhou Yuan. 正是周元 Yuan Quan looked under the eye spike Zhou Yuan of land deep place by golden halberd, was actually saw that Zhou Yuan changes into a silver puppet. 渊泉又是看了眼下方被金戟钉入大地深处的周元,却是见到那个周元已是化为一具银色的傀儡。 Obviously, Zhou Yuan attracted his attention by this puppet, but its main body is flees, waits for an opportunity to seek for the flaw, gives him to come a sneak attack. 显然,周元以这傀儡吸引了他的注意,而其本体则是遁逃而出,伺机寻找破绽,给他来一次偷袭。 In the Yuan Quan eye has rich killing intent to ascend, because along with previously cutting of that seven-colored crystal sword, golden armor in his body started appear(ance) the fissure, the fissure in the rapid spread, is thorough finally comes shatter, changes into everywhere luminous spot, actually gorgeous. 渊泉眼中有浓郁的杀意升腾起来,因为伴随着此前那七彩晶剑的斩下,他身躯上的金甲开始出现了裂痕,裂痕在迅速的蔓延中,最终彻底破碎开来,化为漫天光点,倒是绚丽的很。 Actually can break my ten thousand scale golden armor techniques... is really underestimates you might of this mousie.” Yuan Quan is staring at the Zhou Yuan main body, said. “竟然能够破了我的万鳞金甲术...真是低估你了这小老鼠的威力。”渊泉盯着周元本体,道。 Rabbit anxious will also bite, yes?” Zhou Yuan actually and does not care about in the Yuan Quan eye appalling killing intent, smiles, said. “兔子急了也会咬人,是吧?”周元倒是并不在意渊泉眼中让人毛骨悚然的杀意,笑了笑,说道。 In his heart sinks unavoidably, the previous ambush, is wanted to give Yuan Quan to create some injuries, but he underestimated latter's method, nine Heaven Slashing Sword Light sword light simultaneously out, actually cut to break golden armor beyond Yuan Quan body merely. 只是他心中难免一沉,先前的伏击,本是想要给渊泉造成一些伤势,但他还是低估了后者的手段,九道斩天剑光剑光齐出,却仅仅只是斩破了渊泉身躯外的金甲。 Yuan Quan shakes the head, said: „After that bites the complete human, what result the rabbit is, you should also know?” 渊泉摇摇头,道:“那咬完人后,兔子是什么结果,你也应该知晓的吧?” His corners of the mouth have the happy expression, happy expression gradually becomes must be fierce. 他嘴角带着笑意,笑意渐渐的变得狰狞起来。 The Yuan Quan palm grasps, golden candelilla violently shoots returns, its one was grasped, then flies high stamps. 渊泉手掌一握,金色大戟暴射而回,被其一把握住,然后凌空一跺。 Has the terrifying Origin Qi wave to erupt , the Yuan Quan that indifferent sound, resounds suddenly: Saint candle Law Domain!” 有恐怖源气波浪爆发开来,紧接着,渊泉那漠然的声音,陡然响起:“圣烛法域!” Bang! 轰! Presents iron grey Law Domain, takes Yuan Quan in this time as the source, spreads suddenly, covered this side Heaven and Earth directly. 呈现灰白色的法域,在此时以渊泉为源点,猛然扩散,直接是笼罩了这方天地 Zhou Yuan and Tun Tun were all squeezed out from void by Law Domain, the terrifying constriction fills the air from Law Domain, making in the a man and a beast eye pupil cover entirely dignifiedly. 周元吞吞皆是被法域自虚空中挤出,恐怖的压迫感自法域中弥漫而出,让得一人一兽眼瞳中都是布满着凝重。 In Law Domain, the grayish white light ascends, is faint, in that empty space, formed a giant grayish white candle unexpectedly, above the candle, is beating the white flame, during the flame ascension, Zhou Yuan's Divine Soul gets up in this time stabbing pain, obviously induces the enormous danger. 法域中,灰白之光升腾,隐隐间,竟是在那虚空间,形成了一只巨大的灰白蜡烛,蜡烛之上,跳动着白色的火焰,火焰升腾间,周元的神魂都是在此时有些刺痛起来,显然是感应到了极大的危险。 The giant grayish white candle stands erect in Law Domain, the wax oil drops, changed into the iron grey sea instantaneously. 巨大的灰白蜡烛矗立于法域间,蜡油滴落,瞬间化为了灰白色的海洋。 Zhou Yuan look dignified is staring at that wax oil sea, in that deep place, his faint saw many shadows. 周元眼神凝重的盯着那蜡油海洋,在那深处,他隐隐的看见了许多的影子。 Roaming Spirit Realm Divine Soul, the sensation also is really somewhat keen.” Yuan Quan sees that shows a faint smile, at once his palm lifts, sees only that wax oil sea fiercely curls up ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) monstrous waves, but at this time Zhou Yuan and Tun Tun just now see, in that seabed, has person beast various shadows unexpectedly. 游神境神魂,感知还真是有些敏锐呢。”渊泉见状,微微一笑,旋即他手掌一抬,只见得那蜡油海洋猛的卷起万丈巨浪,而此时周元吞吞方才见到,在那海底,竟是有着一道道似人似兽般的各种影子。 These shadows were covered by the thick wax oil, the look is empty. 这些影子被厚厚的蜡油所覆盖,眼神空洞。 This is my Saint candle Law Domain strength, so long as by the seal in Law Domain, will then become the puppet wax figure, from now, the life and death is controlled by me.” “这是我圣烛法域的力量,只要被封印在法域中,便会成为傀儡蜡像,从此以后,生死由我掌控。” Yuan Quan is looking at these wax figures, the look is somewhat blazing: These are my so many years spoils of war, what kind of? Very beautiful?” 渊泉望着那些蜡像,眼神有些炽热:“这些都是我这么多年的战利品,怎么样?很美丽吧?” His vision shifts to Zhou Yuan, Tun Tun, the happy expression of corners of the mouth lets the person palpitation. 他的目光转向周元,吞吞,嘴角的笑意更为的让人心悸。 However after today, you will also become one in my collection... to think this is one lets the matter that the person anticipates very much?” “而今天之后,你们也将会成为我的收藏品中的一员...是不是觉得这是一件很让人期待的事情?” Zhou Yuan complexion is a little ugly, if were really made the wax figure by this fellow, that may really be a matter that makes the life might as well die. 周元面色有点难看,若是真被这家伙做成了蜡像,那可真是一件让人生不如死的事情。 Tun Tun also sends out a low roar, the beast pupil looked at Zhou Yuan one, obviously was saying, then what to do? 吞吞也是发出一声低吼,兽瞳看了周元一眼,显然是在说,接下来怎么办? Zhou Yuan deeply frowns, is facing this powerful enemy, even he felt that at this time headache especially, this fight, wants to win, perhaps is not the easy matter. 周元眉头紧锁,面对着这种强敌,连他此时都感觉到格外的头疼,这场战斗,想要取胜,恐怕不是什么容易的事情。 In a man and a beast calculates the chance that these is fighting time, that Yuan Quan is actually looks the ridicule, the sleeve robe wields. 而在一人一兽盘算着这一次战斗的胜机所在时,那渊泉却是面露讥讽,袖袍一挥。 The next quarter, in that wax oil sea, a countless wax figure moved suddenly, at once then forms a wax figure army to sweep across, coerces dreadful Origin Qi, to Zhou Yuan, the Tun Tun rush is going loudly. 下一刻,那蜡油海洋中,无数道蜡像猛然动了起来,旋即便是形成了一支蜡像大军席卷而出,裹挟滔天源气,轰然间对着周元,吞吞冲杀而去。 That, really magnificent to the extreme. 那一幕,委实壮观到了极点。 But this falls in Zhou Yuan and Tun Tun's eye, actually starts some scalp tingles. 但这落在周元吞吞的眼中,却是开始有些头皮发麻。 This Yuan Quan, what real his mother is a steel plate! 渊泉,真他娘的是个钢板啊!
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