VY :: Volume #14

#1326: Bumps Yuan Quan again

In the boundless sky, said that the stream of light illness/quick plunders, the rapidness of speed, brings the sound of sonic boom directly, subsequently has sound wave distant spreading. 苍茫天空上,道道流光疾掠而过,速度之快,直接是带起了音爆之声,继而有着音浪远远的传开。 Your Highness, we soon went near the core region of this stretch of war zone.” In that many flowing light front, Su Youwei charming face is staring at the remote place, the gentle sound becomes in this time dignified. 殿下,我们快要接近这片战区的核心区域了。”在那诸多流光前方,苏幼微俏脸凝视着遥远处,轻柔的声音在此时都变得凝重起来。 Zhou Yuan hearing this, gently nods, previously after occupying several ancestor soul anchor points, he also leads forces to directly soar the core region directly, because he understands, hiding is not the good choice, who wants truly occupies this stretch of war zone all, after all kills opposite party suppressing all. 周元闻言,轻轻点头,此前在占据了几处祖魂锚点后,他也直接是率领着人马直奔核心区域,因为他明白,躲藏并不是什么好的选择,谁想要真正的尽数占据这片战区,终归还是得将对方尽数的剿杀。 Previously he evaded not to fight, was because the scale and strength of opposite party team must strong them, but after previously that post-war, by having the words of team quantity, instead started is their here some advantages. 此前他避而不战,是因为对方队伍的规模与实力都要强于他们这边,可在经过此前那一战后,论起队伍数量的话,反而开始是他们这边有些优势。 Naturally Zhou Yuan understands, this so-called advantage does not have the significance, the opposite party that Law Domain third boundary, makes up for all sufficiently. 当然周元明白,这种所谓的优势毫无意义,对方那一位法域第三境,足以将一切都弥补。 Even if rules out his unstabilizing factor, Zhou Yuan even suspected, the light is that Yuan Quan one person, has the possibility to extinguish their team direct groups. 甚至如果排除他这个不稳定因素的话,周元甚至怀疑,光是那渊泉一人,都有可能将他们这支队伍直接团灭。 The Law Domain third boundary, has not imagined is so good to cope, after all in any event, this was away from a Saint Realm recent level... in that in the past, this level was to let Zhou Yuan only looks up. 法域第三境,并没有想象中的那么好对付,毕竟不论如何,这都是距离圣者境最近的一个层次...在那以往,这个层次更是让得周元唯有仰望。 Is looking at look on with deep veneration Zhou Yuan face, in the Su Youwei beautiful pupil was also passed over gently and swiftly one to worry, although Zhou Yuan when facing other team member is seeming unflustered, but she can actually feel pressure that the former sustained. 望着周元脸庞上的肃然神色,苏幼微美眸中也是掠过一丝担忧,虽说周元在面对着其他队员时显得从容不迫,但她却能够感觉到前者所承担的压力。 But is facing opponent of Yuan Quan that rank, she does not have the means to render what substantive assistance, can do only, then constrains other Saint Race's expert when the time comes, is Zhou Yuan builds one to erupt own battlefield fully. 但面对着渊泉那种级别的对手,她也没有办法给予什么实质性的帮助,唯一能做的,便是到时候拖住圣族的其他强者,为周元营造一个可以酣畅淋漓爆发自身的战场。 Resembling was feels Su Youwei's to worry, Zhou Yuan was excessive, smiles to her slightly. 似是感受到了苏幼微的担忧,周元偏过头,冲着她微微笑了笑。 „The powerful enemy who relax, these years later, I meet may, not only this... the Law Domain third boundary, although is strong, but finally how, must fight has known.” “放心吧,这些年下来,我所遇见的强敌可不只是这一个...法域第三境虽强,但结果如何,也得斗过才知道。” nodded that Su Youwei makes an effort. 苏幼微用力的点点头 Your Highness, I believe you!” 殿下,我相信你!” Zhou Yuan smiles, the speed sped up suddenly, leading the team to break through a front vast mountain range, but in the meantime, his eye pupil suddenly shrank, the speed of speeding away started to slow down, simultaneously power of Divine Soul stirred, intercepted directly all the behind people. 周元一笑,速度陡然加快,率领着队伍冲过前方的一片辽阔山脉,而就在此时,其眼瞳忽的一缩,疾驰的速度开始减缓,同时神魂之力鼓荡,直接是将身后的众人尽数的拦截下来。 What's wrong?” Zhao Mushen, Wu Yao and the others opened the mouth to ask. “怎么了?”赵牧神,武瑶等人开口问道。 Zhou Yuan had not replied, but the vision goes to the front, sees only after that mountain range, unexpectedly is a desert that cannot see the end, whether there is in the desert performed sweeping across of strong winds, the wind-drift sand spreads, formed giant incomparable sand dunes , from afar, just like the giant's back of the mountain line in desert. 周元没有回答,只是目光投向前方,只见得在那山脉之后,竟是一片看不见尽头的沙漠,沙漠中有无尽狂风的席卷,流沙蔓延,形成了一座座巨大无比的沙丘,远远看去,宛如巨人在沙漠之中背山而行。 But at this time, top a that highest Shashan, there is a person's shadow together to sit cross-legged. 而此时,在那最高的一座沙山顶部,有一道人影盘坐。 That person's shadow, wears golden armor, the golden candelilla inserts in the side, among Heaven and Earth the strong winds mixes with the sand to howl, the strength is astonishing, may in its whole body hundred zhang (333 m) place, actually be silent, any strong winds to here, are obediently becomes must be temperate, glides from side like the puppy quietly. 那道人影,身披金甲,金色的大戟插在身旁,天地间狂风夹杂着沙粒呼啸,力道惊人,可在其周身百丈处,却是寂静无声,任何的狂风到了这里,都是乖乖的变得温和起来,如同小狗般从旁悄悄滑走。 A pressure beyond description, fills the air from that say/way golden armor person's shadow within the body, entire desert Heaven and Earth, seemed suppressed. 一股难以形容的威压,自那道金甲人影体内弥漫出来,整个沙漠天地,仿佛都是被压制了。 Is looking at that say/way golden armor person's shadow time, Zhou Yuan behind, everyone was changed the complexion that could not bear, has sound that was full is dreading alarmed and afraid, put out from the gap between teeth in: That is... golden armor Yuan Quan!” 望着那道金甲人影的时候,周元身后,所有人都是忍不住的变了脸色,有充满着惊惧忌惮的声音,自牙缝中吐出:“那是...金甲渊泉!” Zhou Yuan's vision, sharp stared at that say/way as if to suppress the entire sandstorm golden armor person's shadow, this person, precisely had bumped Yuan Quan at the same time previously, but this person, in Saint Race was not the generation of deficiency deficiency, by having Saint Race many Law Domain expert, he can push in first ten absolutely. 周元的目光,锐利的盯着那道仿佛镇压住了整个沙漠风暴的金甲人影,这个人,正是此前碰过一面的渊泉,而此人,在圣族中也并非是乏乏之辈,论起圣族诸多法域强者,他绝对能够挤入前十。 You come to imagine me is slower.” When Zhou Yuan they across the mountain range, appear(ance) in the desert edge, that wear Yuan Quan of golden armor are also raised the head come, he has not cared about other anybody, the vision stayed on Zhou Yuan's directly. “你们来得比我想象的更慢啊。”当周元他们穿过山脉,出现于沙漠边缘时,那身披金甲的渊泉也是抬起头来,他并没有在意其他的任何人,目光直接是停留在了周元的身上。 I recalled you, all Heavens Zhou Yuan, the struggle of a few years ago Ancient Origin Heaven, you strove to turn the tide, but started a big sound in my Saint Race.” “我记起你了,诸天周元,前些年的古源天之争,你力挽狂澜,可是在我圣族中掀起了不小的动静。” In Yuan Quan vision, does not have any mighty waves, however is this tranquility, was makes people feel the intermittent chill in the air. 渊泉的目光中,没有任何的波澜,然而就是这份平静,却是让人感觉到了阵阵寒意。 Previously I looked down on you actually, thinks that is only a small role, therefore not caring extremely, this is my mistake, but I also paid a big price for this reason.” Yuan Quan sighs, he patted golden armor gently, sends out sound that the metal collided. “此前倒是我小瞧你了,以为只是一个小角色,所以并没有太过的在意,这是我的失误,而我也为此付出了不小的代价。”渊泉叹了一口气,他轻轻拍了拍身上的金甲,发出了金属碰撞的声响。 Is good because, I have the opportunity to make up.” “不过好在,我还有机会去弥补。” Yuan Quan grasped nearby golden candelilla, the body also stood slowly, when he stood up that flickered, this side desert Heaven and Earth seemed like becomes dim, meaning of the indescribable murdering erupted suddenly. 渊泉手掌握上了一旁的金色大戟,身躯也是缓缓的站了起来,当他站起的那一瞬,这方沙漠天地似乎是变得昏暗了下来,一股无法形容的杀伐之意猛然爆发。 The wreak havoc sandstorm freezes under that murdering meaning directly, thermal shock between Heaven and Earth. 肆虐的沙漠风暴直接是在那股杀伐之意下冻结,天地间的温度骤降。 The desert surface, has the cold frost to spread. 沙漠表面,更是有着寒霜在蔓延。 But in Yuan Quan behind, the yellow sand condenses, formed a sand sculpture gradually, the appearance of that sand sculpture, is completely impressively similar to Zhou Yuan. 而在渊泉身后,黄沙凝聚,渐渐的形成了一座沙雕,那沙雕的模样,赫然与周元完全相似。 Yuan Quan was talking to oneself, dense killing intent that but that sends out, lets person scalp tingles: Zhou Yuan, I had previously said that to let Chi Liu they can die safely, I will peel your skin, set in this sand sculpture.” 渊泉似是在自语,但那所散发出来的森然杀意,却是让得人头皮发麻:“周元,我先前就说过,为了让赤鎏他们能够死得安心点,我会将你的皮剥下来,套在这沙雕上。” You...” “你...” In his hand the golden candelilla, distant directional Zhou Yuan, the look is faint: Prepared to accept the sanction?” 他手中金色大戟,遥遥的指向周元,眼神淡漠:“准备好接受制裁了吗?” The golden candelilla refers to distantly, is coercing dreadful killing intent, however the Zhou Yuan look had not actually revealed that slight fear, is only to Ai Tuanzi, Su Youwei and other humanity: This team others disperse in the four directions, gave you.” 金色大戟遥遥指来,裹挟着滔天杀意,然而周元神色却是并未显露出丝毫的畏惧,只是偏头对着艾团子,苏幼微等人道:“这支队伍其他人分散于四方,交给你们了。” This person...” “这个人...” I and Tun Tun cope.” “我与吞吞去对付。” In its top of the head, Tun Tun also exuded the low and deep roar, in the beast pupil black light glittering, is critical situation obviously. 在其头顶上,吞吞也是发出了低沉吼声,兽瞳中黑光闪烁,显然如临大敌。 Be careful.” “小心。” Ai Tuanzi and the others in eye some worried looks, but urged, perhaps because of here besides Zhou Yuan and Tun Tun, really no one can pose the slight threat to that Yuan Quan . Moreover, even Zhou Yuan and Tun Tun collaborated, they are holding the pessimistic mentality. 艾团子等人眼中有些忧色,但还是叮嘱到,因为这里除了周元吞吞,恐怕还真没人能够对那渊泉造成丝毫的威胁,而且,就算是周元吞吞联手,他们都抱着一点悲观的心态。 After all tyrannical of their very clear Yuan Quan, that is not previous Chi Liu may compare. 毕竟他们都很清楚渊泉的强横,那绝非是此前的赤鎏可比。 Once even Zhou Yuan and Tun Tun are unable to shake that Yuan Quan, then today, greets their, without doubt will also be the total destruction. 而一旦连周元吞吞都无法撼动那渊泉,那么今日,迎接他们的,无疑也将会是灭顶之灾。 Zhou Yuan treads the spatial vanguard, after several, was strides in sky over the desert, appear(ance) was in the Yuan Quan front thousand zhang (3.33 m) institutes. 周元踏空前行,数步之后,便是跨入到了沙漠上空,出现在了渊泉前方千丈所在。 Roar! 吼! Tun Tun leaps, the body rapid inflation, changes into purple gold giant beast finally. 吞吞跃下,身躯迅速的膨胀,最后化为紫金巨兽 Yuan Quan is staring at a man and a beast, said lightly: Nascent Origin Realm Origin Qi, Roaming Spirit initial stage Divine Soul... this strength can they give to eat Chi Liu, really makes people feel inconceivable, no wonder in the past in Ancient Origin Heaven, my Saint Race supreme talent suppression.” 渊泉盯着一人一兽,淡淡道:“源婴境源气,游神初期神魂...这种力量能够将赤鎏他们给吃下去,真是让人感到不可思议,难怪当年古源天中,会将我圣族天骄压制。” Pitifully, the road of your legend, should finish today.” “不过可惜,你的传奇之路,今天也就该结束了。” That moment when the Yuan Quan sound drops, whether there is vast Origin Qi erupts from its within the body suddenly. 渊泉声音落下的那一刻,有无边浩瀚的源气猛然自其体内爆发而出。 The Origin Qi pressure covered this side Heaven Territory, as if entire desert shivers in this time. 源气威压笼罩了这方天域,仿佛整个沙漠都是在此时颤抖起来。 But even Zhou Yuan's complexion, cannot bear in this time slightly changes, because in his sensation, this Yuan Quan Origin Qi background, surpassed 800 billion impressively! This compared with previous Chi Liu, without doubt was powerful incessantly a scale. 而连周元的面色,也是在此时忍不住的微微一变,因为在他的感知中,这渊泉源气底蕴,赫然是超过了八千亿!这比起此前的赤鎏,无疑是强悍了不止一个档次。 This is what kind of terrifying vast background! 这是何等恐怖浩瀚的底蕴 Yuan Quan behind vast Origin Qi like the sea, in his hand the candelilla aims at Zhou Yuan, the smile of corners of the mouth starts becomes fierce, brutal. 渊泉身后浩瀚源气如海,他手中大戟指向周元,嘴角的笑容开始变得狰狞,残酷。 Zhou Yuan, I want to take a look actually, how do you want exceeding level games today I?!” 周元,我倒是想要看看,你今天想要如何越级我?!”
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