EB :: Volume #1 Beastly Knight

#121: Fierce combat

Alligator hammer tail ran awakens because of the severe pain, its body was dislodged a blood hole to come out by Resilient White Rhinoceros directly, under the anger, flings the tail, the bone hammer hits hard Resilient White Rhinoceros, entire strikes to fly unexpectedly Resilient White Rhinoceros. Enough after more than 20 meters away, this falls down loudly. 鳄头锤尾蚺因为剧痛而惊醒,它的身躯被强命白犀直接撞出一个血洞出来,愤怒之下,一个甩尾,骨锤重击强命白犀,竟是将强命白犀整个都击飞出去。足足二十多米远后,这才轰然坠地。 Alligator hammer tail ran went crazy, even is the head hits to the wooden wall with the tail hammer and torso continuously. 鳄头锤尾蚺发狂了,用尾锤、躯干甚至是头颅对木墙连续撞击。 Bang bang bang...... 砰砰砰…… The wooden wall is unable to withstand the load, quick exudes the sound of moan, grow like a weed of massive crack on tree trunk, some fissures expand unceasingly, even spattered in all directions the sawdust piece. 木墙不堪重负,很快就发出呻吟之声,大量的裂纹子在一颗颗树干上迅速蔓延,有的裂痕不断扩大,甚至迸溅出了木屑片。 Makes it wreak havoc again like this, the wooden wall will crash quickly. 再让它这样肆虐下去,木墙很快就会崩塌。 Shields me!” Zong Ge shouted in a low voice, at this moment, after challenging the plan of Zhen Jin by the brain of his throwing, his dressing whole body fine steel armor, the waist is the sturdy rope, jumps down from the wooden wall peak directly. “掩护我!”鬃戈低喝一声,这一刻,挑战针金的计划被他抛之脑后,他穿戴全身精钢铠甲,腰间系着粗壮的绳索,直接从木墙顶端一跃而下。 Still in the midair, Zong Ge wields the white bones great hammer, pounds ruthlessly to alligator hammer tail ran. 还在半空中,鬃戈就挥动白骨巨锤,狠狠地砸向鳄头锤尾蚺。 Alligator hammer tail ran opens bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl fiercely, raises the nape of the neck, must see Zong Ge one to swallow. 鳄头锤尾蚺猛地张开血盆大口,扬起脖颈,就要见鬃戈一口吞掉。 Zong Ge Lord!” Tripleblade calls out in alarm. 鬃戈大人!”三刀惊呼。 The time seemed to be slow in this moment, Zong Ge and distance between alligator hammer tail ran reduces rapidly. 时间在这一刻似乎缓慢了下来,鬃戈和鳄头锤尾蚺之间的距离迅速缩短。 Zong Ge even may see alligator hammer tail ran the detail of every minute head clearly, even the shredded meat between its teeth, can look very distinctly. 鬃戈甚至可清晰地看到鳄头锤尾蚺的头颅的每一分细节,甚至就连它牙齿之间的肉丝,都能看得十分分明。 This domestic animal good quick response!” Zong Ge bites the jaw, he is in in the air, evades not to be possible to evade, without the battle energy stimulation of movement, can only wait for alligator hammer tail ran to swallow into the abdomen him, pierced the snake body difficulty-relief again. “这畜生好快的反应!”鬃戈咬住牙关,他身在空中,避无可避,没有斗气催动,只能等着鳄头锤尾蚺将他吞入腹中,再刺穿蛇躯脱困了。 But at this moment, two dally device flying arrows almost and Zong Ge brushed past, at once center two eyeballs of alligator hammer tail ran, shoot it accurate blindly. 但就在这时,两支铁头飞箭几乎和鬃戈擦肩而过,旋即精准地正中鳄头锤尾蚺的两颗眼珠,将它射瞎。 Is Zhen Jin! This support is quite prompt!” In the Zong Ge heart the great happiness, cannot bear acclaim Zhen Jin one. “是针金!这个支援相当及时!”鬃戈心中大喜,忍不住赞叹针金一声。 He does not need to turn head, knows that can project such stance arrow, in the entire camp except for other Zhen Jin people, his Zong Ge has not been no exception. 他不用回头,就知道能射出这样架势的箭矢,整个营地中除了针金没有其他人,就连他鬃戈自己也不例外。 Originally, Zhen Jin saw that Zong Ge jumps from top to bottom, strokes alligator hammer tail ran the moment, he knows that is not wonderful. 原来,针金看到鬃戈从上往下跳跃,去击打鳄头锤尾蚺的第一刻,他就知道不妙了。 He learned the much knowledge from Cang Xu there. 他从苍须那里得知了很多知识。 The eye pupil of alligator is very special, the visual ability is very strong, particularly observes the water surface in the water. The alligator does not need to turn the head, the sole rotation eye, can observe the sound on entire water surface. 鳄鱼的眼眸很特殊,视觉能力很强,尤其是在水中观察水面。鳄鱼不用转头,单单转动眼睛,就能观察到整个水面上的动静。 The alligator depends upon such ability, discovers own prey. 鳄鱼正是依靠这样的本领,来发现自己的猎物。 Zong Ge throws from top to bottom strikes, immediately triggered the alligator hammer tail ran hunting instinct, wants not to think, makes movement that hunts, bites. 鬃戈从上往下扑击,立即触发了鳄头锤尾蚺的猎食本能,想都不想,做出猎食的动作,一口咬下。 The alligator hammer tail ran eyes were shot blindly, the severe pain makes its attack disintegrate the collapse immediately, on the ground, the unceasing surges turns to roll, raises the giant mist and dust. 鳄头锤尾蚺双眼被射瞎,剧痛立即让它的攻击瓦解崩溃,一头倒在地上,不断翻腾扭滚,掀起巨大的烟尘。 In the mist and dust, Zong Ge flies high strikes, center white bone hammer alligator hammer tail ran head. 烟尘中,鬃戈凌空一击,白色骨锤正中鳄头锤尾蚺的头颅。 A loud sound, alligator hammer tail ran seemed like by the meteor is hit, the head by greatly the impulse, was embed simply in the middle of the ground. 一声巨响,鳄头锤尾蚺像是被流星撞了一下,头颅受到巨大的冲击力,简直是嵌进了地面当中。 Alligator hammer tail ran does not move, the nostril, eye socket of alligator head started to flow out the blood. 鳄头锤尾蚺再也不动弹了,鳄头的鼻孔、眼眶等都开始流出鲜血。 Its head peak is sinks an astonishing curve. 它的头部顶端更是凹进去一个惊人的弧度。 However it also has obvious life aura. 但是它还有明显的生命气息 It has not died! 它还没有死! Zong Ge looked down an own hand, his hand was still being wrapped by the glove, but he actually knows that oneself fingers/tiger mouth has split. 鬃戈低头看了一下自己的手,他的手仍旧被手套包裹着,但他却知道自己的虎口已经裂开了。 Places the wooden handle of white bones great hammer, split a big seam. 安插白骨巨锤的木柄,也裂开了一条大缝。 Just that struck, Zong Ge caused to go all-out, was too vicious! 刚刚那一击,鬃戈使尽全力,真的太凶狠了! „Not durable thing.” Zong Ge curls the lip, later strides bravely forward, faces forward to walk. “不经用的东西。”鬃戈撇了撇嘴,随后昂首阔步,朝前走去。 That alligator hammer tail ran had lost the battle efficiency, after by the brain of Zong Ge throwing . 那头鳄头锤尾蚺已经失去了战斗力,被鬃戈抛之脑后。 Several Mokey-Tailed Brown Bear crawled the gulf, charged into Zong Ge. 数头猴尾棕熊爬出了深坑,冲向鬃戈 Comes well!” Zong Ge grasps the great hammer, does not dodge does not evade, rushes ruthlessly. “来得好!”鬃戈手持巨锤,不闪不避,狠狠地冲上去。 Then, he and Mokey-Tailed Brown Bear hit together ruthlessly, launched bloody exciting and sincere fighting to the end, lets see that this sons one's blood bubbles up to the brim. 然后,他和猴尾棕熊狠狠地撞在一起,展开了血腥刺激、拳拳到头的搏杀,让看到这一幕的男儿都不禁热血沸腾。 Zong Ge showed inhuman fierce brave, even were many by an enemy, he still defeated Mokey-Tailed Brown Bear, making these silver magic beast imposing manners drop to the valley. 鬃戈展现出了非人的悍勇,即便是以一敌多,他仍旧战败了多头猴尾棕熊,让这些白银魔兽气势降至谷底。 bloodline of this fellow is not perhaps simple!” “这家伙的血脉恐怕不简单!” His cultivation base at least is silver!” “他的修为至少是白银!” Zhen Jin gets a panoramic view the scene of Zong Ge combat, in the heart also shocks unavoidably. 针金鬃戈作战的情景尽收眼底,心中也不免震撼。 Strength that Zong Ge shows, no matter the strength, swift or the martial skill, exceeded Zhen Jin of person of shape comprehensively. 鬃戈展现出来的实力,不管是力量、敏捷还是武技,都全面地超越了人形态的针金 „The method of without the electric discharge wonderfully subduing, under I was very one-on-one difficult to win Zong Ge!” “如果没有出放电等奇制胜的手段,我单对单很难赢得下鬃戈!” In the Zhen Jin heart had the clear strength contrast. 针金心中有了清晰的战力对比。 Draws Zong Ge Lord to come up quickly!” “快拉鬃戈大人上来!” The Zong Ge fierce battle long time, by a person of strength, repels ten Silver Rank magic beast, temporarily preserved the camp front door. 鬃戈酣战良久,以一人之力,击退十多头白银级魔兽,暂时保住了营地大门。 However the short moment, he is exhausted. 但是短短片刻,他已经筋疲力尽。 Sees the hand signal that Zong Ge returns, Tripleblade orders immediately, rotates the handle with the surrounding person together, starts the winch. 看到鬃戈打回来的手势,三刀立即下令,和周围人一同转动手柄,启动绞车。 The winch rotating disk revolves unceasingly, twines the hemp rope. 绞车转轮不断旋转,将麻绳缠绕起来。 Another end of hemp rope is Zong Ge. 麻绳的另一端便是鬃戈 Zong Ge was therefore hung by the hemp rope of waist. 鬃戈因此被腰间的麻绳吊了回去。 No one feels curious or accidental/surprised, because Zong Ge the mode of operations has trained several in the presence of everyone. 没有人觉得好奇或者意外,因为鬃戈的这个作战方式已经当众演练过几遍了。 This tactical very suitable Zong Ge, others is not inappropriate. 这个战术非常适合鬃戈,其他人都不合适。 Because only then Zong Ge one set of whole body fine steel armor, even if the archery shot him, the made of iron arrow often did not have the means to penetrate the fine steel armor. 因为只有鬃戈有一套全身精钢铠甲,就算是射箭射到了他,铁制箭头也往往没办法穿透精钢铠甲。 Had this strict solid protection, Zong Ge is injured accidentally by the flying arrow, has the capital of individual action. 有了这层严密结实的防护,鬃戈就不会被飞箭误伤,有单独作战的资本。 These practices time, really is also so. 这一次实践下来,果然也是如此。 Hits a target the Zong Ge flying arrow, kept off without exception by the fine steel armor. Other iron arrows, then inserts on the body of silver magic beast. 射中鬃戈的飞箭,无一例外都被精钢铠甲挡下来。其他的铁头箭,则插在白银魔兽的身体上。 The Mu Ban bow crossbow, the iron arrow rain, both superimpose the might to be good, many silver magic beast are inserting a flying arrow, again without beforehand was fierce. 木班的弓弩,铁头箭雨,两者叠加起来威力不俗,不少白银魔兽都插着一身的飞箭,再没有之前的勇猛了。 woof Woof woof!” In the forest spreads the sound that the dog said. “汪汪汪!”森林中传出狗叫的声音。 Bat Monkey of squad flies suddenly, arrives at sky over the battlefield. 一小队的蝠猴忽然飞出来,来到战场上空。 They do not have to be close, because around the military camp lets the Bat Monkey very repugnant smog. 它们没有太接近,因为营寨周围都是让蝠猴十分讨厌的烟雾。 To also the distance, Bat Monkey saw the thing in hand to drop out on one by one 离得还有一段距离,蝠猴们就纷纷见手中的东西抛下了 Buzz humming sound...... 嗡嗡嗡…… Throws the thing of school, pounded on the ground, immediately was broken. Departs massive poisonous bees, is Fire Poison Bee! 抛进学府的东西,砸在了地上,立即碎了。从中飞出大量的毒蜂,正是火毒蜂 Fire Poison Bee plunges the bonfire directly. 火毒蜂直接扑向篝火。 The bonfire cannot extinguish, once extinguished, the human eye cannot see the thing, this fight cannot have the hope of victory. 篝火绝不能灭,一旦灭了,人眼看不到东西,这场战斗不会有胜利的希望。 Really has Fire Poison Bee!” In military camp, Zi Di cold snort/hum, actually not flustered, instead looks the color of anticipation. “果然是有火毒蜂!”营寨中,紫蒂冷哼一声,却没有慌张,反而面露期待之色。 Puts the lampblack!” The wooden wall peak, Zhen Jin ordered immediately decisively. “放油烟!”木墙顶端,针金立即果断下令。 The soldiers who protect the bonfire hear this order, immediately pulls out a small medicine bottle from the bosom. They lean collapsed to come, to fall on the drugs the bonfire. 守护篝火的战士们听到这声命令,立即从怀中掏出一个小药瓶。他们将药品倾倒下来,倒在篝火上。 Quick, the smog that in the camp covers was different! 很快,营地中笼罩的烟雾就不同了! Quickly, sees the wet arrange/cloth to deceive own nose and mouth.” Hei Juan loud reminder. “快,见湿布蒙住自己的鼻子和嘴巴。”黑卷大声提醒。 Zi Di since Zhen Jin there, knew that Foxy Blue Wolf Dog has to operate other man-made magic beast abilities, came Foxy Blue Wolf Dog to hold in the mouth bee-hive immediately initially, Fire Poison Bee attacks Exploration Team specially, its reason that actually did not attack. 紫蒂自从针金那里,得知蓝狗狐狼有操纵其他人造魔兽的能力,就立即而来当初蓝狗狐狼叼来蜂巢,火毒蜂专门袭击探索队,却不袭击的它的原因了。 Since eats a blood to owe, Zi Di then prepares early, studied lampblack potion specially, copes Fire Poison Bee. 既然吃过一次血亏,紫蒂便早作准备,专门研究出了油烟药剂,来对付火毒蜂 Fire Poison Bee flies into the middle of the smog, at first also all usual. 火毒蜂飞进烟雾当中,起先还一切如常。 But quick, the lampblack accumulation achieved the qualitative change, the greasy mist and dust stained the wing of Fire Poison Bee. 但很快,油烟积累达到了质变,油腻的烟尘沾满了火毒蜂的翅膀。 Fire Poison Bee more fans, the lampblack that attaches violently are more, the speed is slower. The situation is more serious, the wing was stucked by the lampblack. 火毒蜂越是猛烈扇动,附着的油烟就越多,速度越缓慢。情况更严重的,就连翅膀都被油烟黏住了。 Fire Poison Bee crash grounds, or on wooden wall. 火毒蜂一个个坠落地面,或者木墙上。 Waited there for some time the people to wield the butcher knife, killed cleanly this batch of Fire Poison Bee. 等候多时的众人一齐挥动屠刀,将这批火毒蜂杀得干干净净。 -! 嗷呜-! In opposite forest broadcasts the sound that the wolf howls. 对面的森林中传来狼啸的声音。 The positive/direct Foxy Blue Wolf Dog method exhausts, but also without the breakthrough camp front door, this wolf howls informs another companion. 正面的蓝狗狐狼手段用尽,还没有突破营地大门,这一声狼啸就是通知另一个同伴。 Therefore, when the wolf howl stops suddenly, side the military camp then suffered the attack immediately. 于是,当狼啸声忽然而止,营寨侧面便立即遭受到了攻击。 This Zhen Jin forewarns ahead of time, this batch of magic beast regiments very elite. 针金提前预警的一样,这批魔兽军团十分精锐。 Shoots!” Bai Ya is leading five people of squads, had waited there for some time. “射!”白芽带领着五人小队,早已等候多时。 These five people are selective, the archery is best, together with the Bai Ya altogether six people, with continually arrow shooting. 这五个人是精挑细选,射术最好的,连同白芽一共六人,都用连射弩。 even/including Shenu erupts the astonishing arrow rain, many of invading one's territory are Flying Squirrel, the crowded arrow rain makes Flying Squirrel step back, the offensive is blocked greatly. 连射弩爆发出惊人的箭雨,来犯的多是飞鼠,密集的箭雨让飞鼠却步,攻势大为受阻。 woof Woof woof!” Foxy Blue Wolf Dog issues the new order, Flying Squirrel disperses loudly, does not charge crowded. “汪汪汪!”蓝狗狐狼发出新的命令,飞鼠们轰然而散,再不密集冲锋。 Bai Ya and the others frown tightly, the pressure rises suddenly, the beforehand kill rate slides rapidly. 白芽等人紧皱眉头,压力暴涨,之前的杀伤率飞速下滑。 Bai Ya this team only then six people, even if there is an arrow shooting even, shoots one still to reinstall the arrow chest. 白芽这一队只有六人,即便有连射弩,射一阵也要重新安装箭匣。 The Flying Squirrel quantity were too many, Bai Ya and the others cannot shoot, from being thrown into confusion gradually turned into the scene to fall to the enemy. 飞鼠数量实在太多了,白芽等人根本射不过来,从手忙脚乱逐渐变成了场面沦陷。 Side is not very wonderful, I support!” Zhen Jin with the ultrasonic investigation entire battlefield. “侧面很不妙,我去支援!”针金用超声波探查整个战场。 Feels relieved.” Zong Ge nods, pants. “放心去吧。”鬃戈点头,气喘吁吁。 Zhen Jin loses the defense of front door to Zong Ge completely, immediately turned around to dash, rushed to the side. 针金将大门的防务完全丢给鬃戈,立即转身飞奔,赶到了侧面。 Flying Squirrel rushed to the wooden wall!” The Zhen Jin pupil shrinks ruthlessly. 飞鼠冲上木墙了!”针金瞳孔狠狠一缩。 Cannot block these Flying Squirrel, let alone Bai Ya and the others must sacrifice, the defense of entire military camp was made the gap, can make the enemy easily break through. 挡不住这些飞鼠,别说白芽等人要牺牲,整个营寨的防御就被打出了缺口,能让敌人轻易突破。 Oh, Emperor Holybright, my God and Lord, please give me the power to fully battle to death and fulfill your ways......” 神啊,我的主,伟大的圣明大帝,请祢赐予我力量,让我能死战不退,让我能践行祢的道……” Zhen Jin prayed intentionally loudly, but this time has not prayed, is broken by Flying Squirrel that throws. 针金故意大声祈祷,但这次还没有祈祷完,就被一只扑来的飞鼠打断。 magic beast level Flying Squirrel, once biting discharges, the normal person has not basically been saved. 魔兽飞鼠,一旦咬上放电,正常人基本上就没得救了。 Goes away to me!” Zhen Jin bellows. “给我滚开!”针金大吼。 The sound is enormous and powerful, forms translucent sound wave unexpectedly, is centered on Zhen Jin spreads, Flying Squirrel that will attack stuns at the scene. 声音浩荡滚滚,竟形成一股半透明的音浪,以针金为中心扩散开去,将来袭的飞鼠当场震晕过去。 Since Zhen Jin can the mutation body, be sent out the ultrasonic wave by oneself in secret, then imitates the sound wave attack of bat, that was easier. 针金既然能够暗中变异身体内部,让自己发出超声波,那么效仿蝙蝠的音浪攻击,那就更容易了。 Go away-!” “滚-!” Death!” “死!” Kills!!” “杀杀杀!!” Zhen Jin grasps the thin sword, shuttles back and forth on the wooden wall back and forth, as long as there is Flying Squirrel that crawls, bellows directly, basically can scold the dizzy it. Without the dizzy, that will still certainly stop. Zhen Jin uses these flaws, strangles to death the Flying Squirrel life with ease. 针金手持细剑,在木墙上来回穿梭,但凡有爬上来的飞鼠,直接大吼,基本上就能将其骂晕。即便没有晕,那也一定会停顿。针金利用这些破绽,轻松绞杀飞鼠性命。 „The pray of Lord was also effective!” 大人的祈祷又灵验了!” We have Templar Knight!” “我们有圣殿骑士!” These mice are not good, was stunned by Lord, kills quickly!” “这些老鼠不行了,都被大人震晕了,快杀!” On the wooden wall, Bai Ya and the others the morale inspires greatly. 木墙上,白芽等人士气大振。 woof Woof woof!” Foxy Blue Wolf Dog issues the order again. “汪汪汪!”蓝狗狐狼再次发出命令。 All Flying Squirrel, will attack the goal to aim at Zhen Jin. 所有的飞鼠,都将进攻目标对准了针金 Zhen Jin can only run about to deal suddenly, at this moment, Foxy Blue Wolf Dog flees suddenly from the forest, climbs up the wooden wall. 针金一时间只能疲于应对,就在这时,蓝狗狐狼忽然从林中窜出来,攀上木墙。 Also does not know how it achieves, climbs up the wooden wall to go easily and freely, the speed is fast together such as the blue electricity, after several breath, arrived at the wooden wall peak. 也不知道它怎么做到的,攀上木墙如履平地,速度快得如一道蓝电,几个呼吸之后就到了木墙顶端。 Foxy Blue Wolf Dog bares the wolf fang, plunges Zhen Jin ruthlessly. 蓝狗狐狼龇出狼牙,狠狠地扑向针金 It knows: Zhen Jin is the most essential character! So long as killed him, this fight can win. 它知道:针金是最关键的人物!只要杀了他,这场战斗就能获得胜利。
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